33 .f. ...... . JJl.,.ALa. jLfli. lJ . .1 i , inn h i m i tinii ritJIiMii "i ii ii i i ir'lnr i i t 17, tiia tr 1 y, ' ig . . i '" ... 1't.mmw 'i " , u IS. . FUD, PROBLEM Wood Found Uneconomical In Operating Irriga tion Pumps Fuel oil will solve tho problem ot turnlshltip motive power for the pumps drawlug, artesian water to the tmrfaco 'btitfift Fort Hock galley o irrigate hltherlorrnrld lands, was the declaration Monday 6t II. M. Parks, head u.MHjJifato bureau ot mines, in Bend from.V'ort Rock, .where prep, arntfons.are'belng mado for the sink ing of ra thljd test well with state funds. The well is to bo located on the ranch .nt-IIarry Crampton. Test Irrigation which has beeii car ried on this summer on tho ranch of John Ernst, .where the first well was put down last summer, has shown that wood cannot be depended on as uneconomical fuel, duo chiefly to the ions uaui necessary. Fuel oil, "says Parks, can be used at a cost of 'fc6)ri 2G cents to 30 cents an "hour, and the wells which have been sunk Jn the Fort Rock valley have a sufficient flow to allow for the use of pumps having a capacity at up to 909 cations a minute. The duty of water -In tho valley it not definitely established, .but Jt. isjenown to be high, duo to the loose charcter of the highly mineral soli. Because ot the poverty ot many farmers in the valley who still re main after a 12-year fight to conquer the desert, little reclamation can bo expected without outside aid, und with this In view Parka Is endeavor ing to Interest a' development com pany in .the plan of sinking wells, placing water on' the land, and colon- JACK THE 'GRABBER DESCRIPTION ASKED Portland Pollen Tlilnk Asylum Fugl-i live May lie Annoynr Women and Girls. of In the belief that the man who has been annoying ''Women' and girls lu Portland may - be Robert Stevens, "Jack the Grabber." who escaped from the -asylum In Pendleton this spring' after pelte committed from Bend, Portland authorities bare writ ten to Sheriff' S. K.'Roberts. asking for a description" of Stevens. The requested Information Is being furnished. Sheriff Roberts states, morning. He'liR3 no idea, however, that the Portland offender and Stev ens are the same, men. basing this on the descriptions given by Portland women, and' on the different methods used by Steven's and by the Portland lieud. IRRIGATION OUTLOOK PLEASES ENGINEER Wtuutlon Most"' Promising It Ha Been .For.-10 Yearn, State Kuipfojo Declares. Central prccon'p Irrigation situa tion Is more -promising than It has been at any tlme'durlng the 10 years that ho has' .been with the state engi neer's offico,-.was the statement of Charles B.' Strieklln, assistant state engineer, here yesterday after a visit to the CraiiePralrie reservoir site and the Tunialo project. He will visit the Crescent lake dam site and the Oclioco dlstrlot .before returning to Salem. Strlcklin is' a, native of Central Oregon, being born near John Day. He was employed on the railroad construction ' lip 'tlie Deschutes lu 190ff. 1NSPECTSSFIELDS FORJCERTIFICATION enaction for ciu'tificatlon of potatoes and grain will -be' made today umlj Saturday b-Clt. Hyslo'p, farm crops expert at pv,A. C, Threo hundred acres ot potatoes and several fields ot Trebl barley und Dlcklow wheat liaye been registered for certification lor seed. Fleli day for4Cr0ok qouuty was held yesterday, u' tour of tho fields being' made and methods discussed. A: luncheon, was. hold at tho John' Dobry ranch, Ilyslop addressing those present pn-'riecommpded Varieties of- Potatoes iii'd Fqrm Crops,'' F. V. Ballard bf'tlio Oi A, C, extension service, spoke, on "Farm Management and Future kvospects." JHLI STAiriS OPKItATlOXH PRraBVlWiK. 'Aug. 11.'-Sawlng was lcomWhced today at tho Des chutes Lumber Mill Co, mill four miles below town. All machinery has been Installed and the working force organized, Harry Ward )s head sawyer. McMURRAY HELPING GET BEND ON MAP Union. I'nclflo ARont At Portland TnttiN Vp Matter 'URHCsteil Through, Commercial Club William McMurruy, general passen ger agent for (he llilon Pncltlc Bys tern tit Portland, has Interested him self In tho matter' of correcting the wall mnp in the Pennsylvania system's Ilrotul street station, Phila delphia, and has written to K. U. Feiiklns, general agent for tho Union Pacific, ut Philadelphia, urging that he use his lnfluehco In securing recognition of Iletid and other Ore gon towns not named. McMurray'a attention was called to the matter by the' Uend Commercial club, which acted upon a suggestion contained in a Uullutin editorial. "The tendency to Ignore such less frequented areas as Central Oregon. Southern Idaho, pretty much all of Nevada and other western .regions Is so general among map makers that tt is getting on tho nerves ot the towns and Inhabitants ot the terri tory concerned. I am greatly plcasod at the uprising against It," says Mc Murray In his letter. IDENTIFY LIQUID AS PRESCRIPTION Suspected I.iqunr Pi-oparetl For Uree'den Hy Dr. Lemert. Sny l'lil('l.in' Rclatie. Liquid which was the only cvl - dence In municipal court agalust Hert Breeden. tried this afternoon on a charge of having liquor in his pos- session, was Identified as medicine prepared by Dr. Herbert Lemert. for-; raer Pendleton physician, recently killed in an accident, by Mrs. Lemert anu. ner oaugnter. .Margaret wmert. Breedcn. said the mixture, containing 20 per cent alcohol, was prescribed for kidney trouble. Dreeden was fnttnrf nnt cilllv "It Isn't poison; taste It," Breeden 8altl City Attorney C. S. Benson. i nave no curiosity, me aiiorney replied. Both Mrs. Lemert and her daugh ter hd seen the container at their home, had seen it arrive, with tho dry herbs, by parcel post, from tho Koep- pen pharmacy at Pendleton, and had seen -Dr. Lemert leave to deliver tho medicine to Breeden. Miss Lemert said one of the Ingredients was Pe ruvian bark.. Breeden was represented by At torney E. O. Stndter. Members of tho jury were J. Charles Smith, P. B. Johnson, A. A. Symons, J. M. Chit dera, J. B. Heyburn and F. O. Minor. G. J. HAUCK PASSES IN EARLY MORNING Complication Of DIm'um'h CHUM", Death; Was Hojilrnt Klncr 1011. Hen- ,A complication ot diseases caused the death at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday morning ot G. J. Hauck, resident of Bend since 1911, one ot the oldest employes In The Shevlin-Hixou Com pany box factor)'. He had been ill for the past six months. Funeral services were held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon from tho Nlswonger chapel with burial In Pilot Butte cemetery, George J. Hauck was born in Punx sutawney, Jefferson county, Pennsyl vania, March 2, 1859. Atter tho death of his wife, he moved west with the rest ot his family, locating in Bend 11 years ago. He had been with The Shevlin-Hlxon Company since tho opening of the company's plant here In 1916. He is survived by three brothers, Henry, Joseph and Phillip, all living in the east, and by six sons and daughters, Ralph, Clyde, Clair. 1)1 air, Mrs. C. C. Dick and Mrs. Gus Ferguson, all ot Bend. Parts Are Stolen From Three Autos In One Night; Someone Is Building Composite Car, Theory Of Officers Somewhere someone Is building a Ford car. Just where construc tion Is going on, city and county officers are unable to say, but they are confident that when the car Is foUnd, it will bo a composite of three, parts of which were stolen Sunday night. Whether It will he possible to identify these parts is another question. So far no clue has been secured as to the Identity ot the thieves. All parts stolen were taken ou Sunday night after 10 o'clock, us far as can ho determined, .and ,in all cases only cars which hud been left standing- in the-street" wero looted, The greatest loss, running ap proximately $200, was suffered by Robert B, Gould, Thlqves pushed his -car up Drake road until a safe K.' . 4 IUt --J Ufur it mnuvcnr nnr u it tii iwrm i ii ijulu t a rxiaw.H jmus ARE (J1VTN AII Wat Finance Corporation Divides Ten Millions . Among 5 States. Uhr UnltoJ l'ir toTh Ucnit llullclln.) WASHINGTON, Aug, 10, - Tho wnr tlnnuco corporation today wont to the aid of the western wheat grow era' associations needing funds to ns slst In marketing this year's crops. The corporation announced Its ton tntlve approval of tho following cash advances: Washington Wheat (5 row ers' association, $3,000,000; Mali Wheat Growers' association. J1.G00 000; Montana wheat growers, $1 .'00,000: North Dakota. $5,000,000 TliC!e four associations had a ready arranged for advances, from the banks of their respective states, ASSISTANT MANAGER OF MILL IS MARRIED Robert II. llnotr Anil Ml- Kv Roche fulled In Purtlnnil Weil illng l.envo For Alickn. Robert I). Moore, assistant genora manager of The Shevlln-lllxnn Com pany, ami Miss Kvn Roche, formerly an Kngllsh instructor in tho Bend high school, wero married In Port ; iIimj ast weok. according to word re j celved here today. They havo startod f0r Alaska on their honeymoon, to be KOno for a month before returnlug to jicmi lo im,ke their homo. Moore oas been associated with tho mill company hero since Its opcratlqus wcro begun, being employment man iwr until promoted to his present position last summer. TEACHER HOUSING PROBLEM SERIOUS Fnmlllci Who Can Accommodate Instructor' Askist To Notify SiiiK-rlnteudent Ager. The problem of housing Bond's teaching force, always a scrlous(onel wilt bo greater than usual this all on account of the great demand for rooms und apartments which already exists, according to Superintendent O. W, Ager. who Is collecting Infor mation regarding desirable places for teachers to hoard ami room. Any who can accommodate teach ers In their homes nro asked to com inunicate with, (lie superintendent. PLANTS AND SHRUBS STOLEN FROM GRAVE Flowering plants atid shrubs which Christ II. Berg hud planted beside his wife's grave and tended for several, months wero missing when Ucrg made his latest trip to the cemetery to water them. It was reported this week. Someone had dug them up and carried them nway. Mrs. Berg died over a year ugo of cancer. This Kprlug Berg went to Portland and brought. back tho shrubs to bo planted In thn cemetery. What's Doing in the Country. CLOVERDALE FRUIT SEASON FAVORABLE CLOVKRDALK. Aug. 17. Mr. and Mrs. B. C, Kline and Miss Evelyn wero callers at the Corus humu Bun day evening. Frank Arnold took severul crates distance from the house, than run the machine to the city dump ami proceeded to strip It at their leis ure. Hood, radiator, wheels, tires, timer, and tho rear cushion wore among the parts taken. What was left of the cur when It was found yesterday, showed that tho work had been done by expert auto Me chanics, All easily detachable parts woro removed from the unto ot J. Ai Mobley, lu Kenwood, and Clay Miller, proprietor ot tho Miller grocery, reported tho loss of the cushion from llio scat of hli. deliv ery" ear., leff standing lit front of irfs"place,,of business. ' TheVoVa's' lljilcrtfupHcatJou In any of the parts stolen, leading to tho theory that all depredations wcro committed by tho same hand of thieves. Taslc jftf Changing River's Course Tj(, rats- t! Doesn't Daunt Contractor's Crew; Construct Coffer Dam in Deschutes Changing tho eon rue. of u river Is a tusk ott centuries when nature has it In charge, hut that fact does not worry M7J, Dunlclson niiil his United Contracting Co, crow, who are building thn coffer dam which will throw tho current of tho Deschutes Into a narrow chanual at tho right sldo of Its hod Just bolow tho steel bridge, Tho rock crbs which form the base ot tho , dam wore practically completed to- ' day, while the walling up of tho dam against tho current was well tinder way. of strawberries to Bond last week, "Fruit of all kinds has done well hero this year, practically all of the orch ards being loaded with fruit ot vm. ous kinds. . F. Cyrus. R. J.'Sketton und It. Viinlandiiyt went lo Redmond Satur day after tho hay baler they pur chased recently. Cyrus und iiulamltiyt expect to halo hay Just us quickly as possible iiftor the fecund cutting of alfalfu Is (aken rare of. They both have hay contracted to L. L. Noouchester for fall delivery in Redmond. Skiilion will balo his iiiuLstoro lu Ills hum. t .Jess niark, II. II. Kllgore and Har old llllleury wero fishing and enjoy ing an oullug Friday. Kd Spoo brought a load of hogs from (Ira ml view in his truck for W, T. Harrison Tuesday. Harrison purchased 17 hugs last week while on his trip to the. Cove. . Mrs. McDonald, who has been stuy- Ing her with her sister. Mrs. Rougher und nsslstlng with tho cooking for tho huy balers, returned to her home In Redmond Snturdny. Public school will open hero Sen- tomher 18 with Jess Black art.leucher. Burr Illark, W. T. HurHrnuKnml son. Tliomu. went to (Ye. Cove orchard for fruit last Friday, return ing Sunday evening with a good sup, ply of apricots', peaches and cherries. Mr. ami Mrs. It. M. Doty wero down from their camp on the Mc- Kcnzio Sunday for a supply of gro- cries and vegetables. Sir, and Mrs. S. r;. Cray mid son. Wendell, ot Madras, motored to (1, F. Cyrus's Sunday, dray and his son re turning to Madras In tint evening, whllo Mrs. Oruy 'will visit hem with her sisters, Mrs. Cyrus anil Mrs. Way- mi re of Redmond, who Is it guest ut the Cyrus home. C. N. Sorcnson ot Sisters was In this community during the week. gatherltiK crap reports. J. O. .Mclvhniey ot Hood River was u hiisluiixs visitor at the It. O. An drus home this week. P. R. Davis, former Slslors mer- The Annual Merchants' Wednesday August 23d At Todd Lake All placesjof business in Bend will be ' ' ci&sed all ay. The public is invited. BssesssssssB8as8sssBssaaB8Bas88aas8s First tho tllmsy cribs arc built, neither disturbing tho roursq ot tho water nor hnlug dlsturbud by It; next they nro llltml with ronk, uiiohorlng them securely: then tho upper side Is planked and the Cracks between tho planks bat tened;; nml llunlly sncks of sand nm banked ngulnst tho bottom of tho ilum. When this Is completed, tho western halt of thn river1 will bo til moat dry, making tho laying ot coucroto for tho porinnnent dam, which will ho ftnrlcd soon, u sim ple mutter. chant, was a cnllor at Thomas Aru old's lust week. R. J, .Skolton ami wife Slaters Tuesday with some were in fnbbage and un ous for the stores then Josh Rliick, W. T. and Thomas Hur- rlson and R. O, Andrus wero business visitors In Uend Monday. W. F. Fryrenr Is binding ryo for Tuomns Arnold this week, Miss Loul.'u Andrus and Misses Alustha und Juiiiillii UoiIkoii and .Master Raymond Andrus spent Mini- dsy afternoon at the Helling homo. Miss Noma Lanls nnd Krinii and Catherine Rolling wero visitors ut Tinnitus Arnold's Sunday. Vurn Skelton Is driving ono of Kd Hjipo's trucks and hnullui; Aldrlrh's liny to Redmond and bringing back supplies lo thn rock crusher on tho Mclviiuzlo and Redmond-Sinters high ways, Mltfans Jiiunlta and Atoatlia llodsoti spent tho afternoon with Ml Louise Andrus Fililuy Miss Krnin LewTs spout Vf'ednesiliiy iiftermivn with Miss Calherlue Hell Inc. Wiiyne and Alvlu Cyrus and Lester Iloushuros enjoyed an outing at Silt tlo lake Thursday. ; (JrandimrKryritur of SUlurs Is vis lllug her son, F. F Frvreur of Desort Swift & Company fourth Street Market Portland, Oregon Ship us your Dressed Hogs and Calves W.WM Remit Dc.t M.Tkct Pricei Date of Receipt Picnic WILL BE HELP I, t-1 . i Id. i 1 i 1 iiMMft. 11. 11 Kllgorc iliid tilth reu KimiHfTiiendny with Mr, ami itlVV It. ()' AnnYiiH, ; J Letter IJoiiHliurer, who, lifts brum oniploved cut ho Corns riulvh till hiiiii niitr, left for his homo it t Top peiilshi WiiHhluitliiii, last Friday. W, F. l-'i i iii r mid wife expected to leave, for tho liiiiiililnliiH to pick hiiclilobvirli'H this ;weel(. Iluporls me nmil'i that liurldobeirli's inn very plentiful this jeiir, 1 . " . - - jer-r-stUE1 CLASSIFIED ADS ""cuMrnVf iiMi.finr7irfiiwrlMu1'I5 trnla for M wnnl ,ir lr,i, On. rml ,)wr wnr.l fnr nil orr 20. All rlaiallWil n.lrrrtU- ..... -Jt. von hm.k. IO It HALM -Tun good milk rows, havo been fresh iihoitt tlvu weeks; one leiim, weight aboiil IK00. Will sell cheap, I'lione I0F.1I, Ufp -FOR HALKSlx cows, U, II. Iluller, Phono Ore. one or lilt, IH IM, llnUd, 3ip OFR KALI: Two heavy Vork hursts, Inquire Miller Luinhur Co,, Uend. run m.w.i; in goon miicn cows. Henry Sleiiikuuip, llrothers, Ore,'. rJl' FtlR ,VLK OR TRADK binder, new drapers; $7 Kwlshur, Tumalo, Ore, 20-21 p Sl-Ulp Ft) I t"rl A L K -Choire i egTst e reiTjerwy bull rnlvi's. sired hy best St. MaWin bulls; reasoiiuhln prices; I'. K. gov ernmeiit accredited herd. R. II, WJs'o carver, Route t, McMlniivllln, Orrtv FOR sTlThf -Tcn yei'rlliighi7rt7r7 l'liliie ISl'.'.'l. Nelnii Anderson.. 19.I3P WANTKD. VANTi:i Cook, small family ho teli.tiu short orders, ti'rntrnl OrV gou IrrlKiitlnu Co., Dcsrtintus, Ore?.' ' 2f.p WANTIID Competent woman for gcnerul housework. I'lione ISF32. 2Dp TuTlp WANTBD Vonr chance", lo sell reliable trees and plsiits put out hy a dependable llrm, Semi for rontrnrt and further particulars early hefore all good territory lias tiKen assigned. Salem Nursery Co., 188 Oregon llldg.. Salem, Oregon. 2I-38P WANTKD To buy a good all around farm horse, or will take good rro of one for light driving this fall arid winter Prefer n horso weighing from 1200 to IS00. Write, giving full de scription and price Jon S. McKnlght, Deschutes. Oregon. 21e RUN FOR PAIXTIXf! WAXTKD School District No. 21, located 7 miles northeast of Rend, wants bids for the painting of tho school house: For further Information nnd specifi cation address K, K Ritltler, Route No. 1, Ilox 15, Rend, Ore., or phonn 1.1F-3, Rids will bo accepted up to and lucliiitlng August C, 1022 21c 1 ,M4 A ON ' if