The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 27, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    ..PAGE 8
i IT
I'rod N. Wit I Urn (if Ttintnlit In In
IIvihI tmliiy on IhihIiichh.
Mm, A. Mowmy lofi lnnt night for
WooiIIiiiiii, Id iiiulti! Iivr Ikiiiiu,
0, 0. Hhnw of J'oi tin rut U vlnlllng
wild II, A. Cowli'H inn) L, i:, Keolcy.
, Mm. 0. Ai McAndrow loft hint
lilltlit fur Albany to mnkit her Ikiiiiu
Fred Wlmierku left hint nUlil for
Hpoknno, where, liu will lin employed,
It. M. Wood, miiiiUKor of tlui I'llot
Iluttu Inn, .returned lo Ilend thin
imirnliiK Hftur n vUlt In I'nrtliind.
Dnnnld (Irnlmm, Fred lloulnchi-r,
Perry Mcl), Kullor nnd Fred McCnn
of rrlii'ivlllo In Hmid pouter
clay. ' '
J. T. llurdy, traveling freight nnd
piillsoni;ur iiKcnt for tliu H. I', U H
arrived In Ilend hint night cm tun I
It. 11, McCluro of tliu Dodge iir.ency
hero Infl taut night for Tim Wnllnn,
to niturii with now rnm for tint
Lynn It. Coovorl nml Frnnk It
I'rlncn drove tu Tliu Dulles yesterday
to attend tint Atncrleiiii Legion con-
Ml I'imrl Ilnrrrlt linn nittiriiril lo
hor Ikiiiiu In I'ort In ml after vlnltlng
fur some tlmo with Mm. Kniinn V.
Mm, Michael O'Hhon, who hun been
vlnltlng with her daughter, Minn Mur-
garni O'HIiuii, left 'ycHtitrdiiy to ruttirn
tu her homo In I'ortland.
C, C. Miller has taken u piinlilon on
burlier nt tint Wuldorf. He, enmo hero
from Independence, hut liU homo hns
been In Cuiindn until rccoiiily.
Minn' l'Vrn llnhlis, liiinltteKM seen-
lary for Hit North Cnuiil Co., arrived
In Rend thin morning from I'ortUnd,
where, Klin lino been for n week.
.Minn I vii llnrrU, who hns been vl
KIiik with her nliitor. Mm. John V,
Htoldl for mtvnral dnys, returns to
Ikt Iiouhi nt I'rluiivlllu tonight.
I), Porter Dunliip, examiner for the
National I'nrin lmii iinnocliitlon, In
In Hond on liunlnenn with the. local
agency, which U In charge of II. C.
W. f). Ilitrm'K, formerly DenchuioH
rounty Judge, hns returned to Hum!
for a vUlt from hU new homo nt
IMiouiiU, -Orn..- liu vlvllcul In ltud
mond today.
Mr. mid Mm. (). A. Murgruf luft
luHt night for Kiiattlu. Mr. Mnrgrnf,
who U proprietor of tliu Working
mon'ii utorit, will nttuiid tliu Keitltlo
Iltiyem' week.
J. II. Mcl.ellnnd. J. C. Wright.
I.. M. Ilngeu, M. Connolly n ltd Wudu
Hhort loft lnnt nlKlit for Tliu Dalle,
to muku iirriuiFuiiicntH for tliu 10 el 8
Initiation today.
Air. and .Mm. A. W. Kohllold ore
IiiirenU of a Imhy hoy, horn Hunday,
M. I. llcllcilnp and Norrls Illxhy
of rrlnavlllu vlnltl'd In Itund yestcr
Mm, J, I., Vun Ilufrol left lnnt
night for Portland mid Hcnltln for
Hhort visit,
A. II. Larrnboti Inft today for Tli
Dulles, whero liu wilt attund tliu Le
glon convention,
I'uul C. Garrison and family and
Fred (lllmnn of l'rlnovlllo visited In
Ili'iid yesterday.
Mr. and Mm. II. O, Kills and Mr
and Mm. Norman Chapman left Oil
luorilliiK to miiko tlm Century drive,
John Wilson hud IiIn IoiinIU n
moved at tlm Lumberman's honpllnl
on Huturdny,
Mr. mid Mm. Hoy IlaiiKinaun aro
parents of a Tj pound buoy hoy,
horn lnnt nli;hl.
Mrs. (), 0. Claypool left limt iiIkIU
for Portland, to Npuud tlm mini mo
thcro nnd In California.
C. (.'. Ilrowu loft limt nlKlit for
I'ortliind. to return with n now Jnwiitt
car whUli ho Iiuk purchaNvd,
.11 m. k, ii. iiriiden or Culver wiih
opernted on Hundiiy uvuiiIiik nt tho
ht. ChurleM hoHpllal
Mr. nnd Mm. J. M. DuIIiin and thol
two daiiKlitem left hint nlKlit fo
Portland for ii Hhort vncutloii.
William Nye, n renldent of Ilcnd
Hevnrol yearn into, returned this
moriiliiK to upend Rome tlmo hero
I)r, CharloN A. Kowlur will bo con
lined to hit homo for Heveral duyn iih
the run ii It of an Injury lo IiIn kneo
Mm. Claude Ktdloy, who linn been
vlnltlnK In Ilend for novum I duyn, left
lint nltht for her homo In Itcdmond
A. A. HymoiiN left IiinI nbt for
Cniihmoro. WonIi., to return -ylth hi
family, who have, been VIMtlni: thcro,
W. II, RtnntH and family returned
IIiIn inoriiliii: from u trip to I'ortliind
and tlm beach, havliiK been uway for
Hovcrnl woolen.
John McOllvrny of iilianlko, who
nan ueeii m ma jt. i;nurlfii lionplln I
following nu operation lant week, left
fur hU Iiouhi today.
Hurry Nowlon of Denver In vIkKIiik
bin parontH, Mr. and Mm, W. 0. Now
ton. lie will bo hero for Ilia lomaln
dcr of ihu week.
MInn (leiiuvn Miller, who linn been
vUltlni: with Mr. and Mm. J. II
HpnrkR for Noveral wenkH, loft lunt
nUht for her homo In Portland.
Mm. I), It. Prather, who Iiun been
nporiilliiK tliu dlnliiK room at Ilrooks
Kcanlon Camp N'o. I, left hint ulcht
for IlullliiKbnm, Wash., for n vUlt
Ctmrlfit McI'lieeterH of Iturim
paHned throiiKlt Ilend lant ulRht on IiIn
way. I'ortland to Imvo hU eyv
trcatrdl Ilo wqb acconipmuled on tho
Mm. K. I.. Miller of Patnlnv. Mm.
M, I). Mom of Lakovlow and Mm. 1 ltly " nur''0' M'?f VJolaAddlns
OoorRo Detwller of Bummer Lake.10"1'
woro vliltom In Ilend yvitordity, on
their way tij Vrlnnd.
Mm. Joseph H, I n nun left thU
moriiliiK for a three montlm" trip to
Now York City, PlttntiurKli. lliiHulo
and Chautauqua, wliere nho wljl at
tend n ruiinlon of hor family. ' '
J. P. llnuuoHNy, mnnnr.ur of Tho
Blievlln-Illxon Company plant hern,
loft lint nlfiht for Pnrtlmid, to attend
tho Homl-itiinunl ' nipniriiK of fh'o
NorthwoM' PI no' atilioclattoii.
Mr. and Mm. I,, K, Reeley nnd
Mm. Fen H, Wnlto returned lant
iilnlit to her homo In Portland, after
vlnltlnR for two weuk with hor par
ontH, Mr. and Mm. I,. I.. Fox. Mrs.
Wulta wan formerly .Mlnj Mario Fox
or iieiiu. ,
Mr. and Mm. II. Iluxton Price aro
on their way tu lloltlmoro, Maryland,
to mako their homo. Thuy aro trnv-
oIIiik by nuto. Mr. Hrlco had been
employed lioro for rovirnl years by
Tlm Hlinvlln-IIIxon Company.
F. II. Drundnne, In clinrRo of roads
Qoorno I), (lovo loft today to drlvo tatr ,liu uwl 8,"tt'8 forcst
ncroHH the Military roud to Jonuplilnu
county, (love will npond hU two
wookn' vacation In tho Willnmotta
lien Alntip left lnnt IiIkIU for Tliu
DalloH, to ini'ut with tho anKlnoum for
tho Htutu hlRhwny commission, on
business In connection with work liu
has boon ongaRcd lo do on tho Htutu
0. Illmbny HUHtnlued u badly
nnshod hand when It was cntiRlit In
tho live rollers at the llroolH-Hcnnlon
mill yestorday. Amputation, of nno
,'ilnRor wiih noccsHary at tho Kumbor-
jnnn'a hospltnl, ,
" Mr. nnd Mm. Halo McCo.wnn Sr.
and Mr. and Mm. Halo McCownn Jr.
nnd their dnuRhtor, Miss FnincoB Me-
Cowon, of Uklnh, Cnl vlsltod In
riond yuutordiiy with tliu oldor Halo's
nuphow, II. M. Ilorton, who ruturiiod
with thorn from Hums, accompanied
by Mm. Ilorton. Mr. Holu 8r, wan
for 30 yours county clerk ot Manila
clno county, California, HIh son Is
now district iittorney, and tho party
wun forcod to continue without mak
ing n Ioiir visit hero, bocauso ho must
rotum to tuko chnrRo of nu Impnrtnnt
cnHO. Thoy hnvo visited Yollowstoiio
park on tho prosont tour.
William Peterson of Pnwnll llutto
lu HpondliiR Bovornl rtnyp In Iloiul.
Dr. John IlQison loft. Intit nlRlit for
Portlnnd'on it uhort biiHluesa trip.
Itov. H. A. atonsotli left lnnt nlnht
for ICnuinclaw, Wnh for n visit.
Mrs. Karl I'owors wns oporntod on
Buturdny nt n local hospital.
A. J. Hnrtor ot Tnu'tilo U Bpond
hiK llio day In llond,
olllcu ut Portland, was In Hond yes
terdny on li lo way homo from Fro
mont. Ho will return to bend noon
to inspoct roads In tliu Deschutes
Mr, nnd Mrs. (loorRo W. Conwell
wero tu Hond yesterday on nn auto
tour of Oregon. Mr. Conwell Is prcol
dout of tho Coswoll Coffeo' Co. of San
Tho Ladles' Aid society ot tho
Christian church will moot on Wed
nosdny nttornoon with' Mm. Normnn
Holland on Wont Fourth street, All
members aro roquestod to bo prosont
Mr. and Mm. I). Reynolds and
daiiRhtor left Saturday night for So
atllo, to bo gono for two weeks,
Mr. nnd Mm. O. H. I.ylo lott Inst
ulRht for llolllngliuni, Wush., to visit
with Mm. I.ylo's motlior.
L. M. Hnften nnd J. II. McLolland
spent Sunday nt Crater Inko.
0, M. nodflold nnd family nro
upending tho wook nt Suttlo lnko.
QoorRo Mnyfleld nud William Foss
ot I.n Pino woro In Dond Saturday.
Miss Qlndys Scaloy of Portlnnd Is
vlaltliiKjn Iloiul with hor father, C.
II. Sooloy.
Mr. nnd Mrs, 1. F, 'Rlcdol nro par
ents ot an olght-potind baby blrl,
born Saturday.
P, II. Johnson lui,d family hnvo ro
turnod to Ilor.d nftor sovornl weeks
Hpilllt ut tlu bcnolios,
Mrs, John flusuc nnd hor bnby
daiiRhtor left last night for Portland,
to visit for two months with rolti-
lOurl I), Houston has roturnod from
Pnlurlo, whoro ho wont soyoml woeks
iiKO 1", bis capacity an slute traffic
Mrs. It, II. Klilnornlllor, who linn
been vIhIIIiik bur diifiKbtor, Mm, I'uul
llainpHon, loft Inst nlRhi for her homo
In Portland,
William Iliinlny ot Ilurim, presi
dent of tho Bliito Chnmbor of Com
merce, panned through Hond lust
nlfiht uiuhls way to Portland.
Albert McKlnley, son of A. M.
Klnloy of tho McKlnley-IIiimpHoii
Lumber Co., loft lnnt night for Ta
cotiiu, to visit with relatives.
Dr. Hlattvrlof), a prominent physi
cian of Pendleton, passed through
Ilend today on his way to Crano Prnl
rlo, to Hpcud n wer-k on a fishing trip.
r a.
W. 1). DagKott of Redmond Is In
Ilend today on business.
Mr. and Mm. A. O. Chollck of La
Pino wero In Ilend yesterday.
Miss CoiiiiIu Knickerbocker will
leave this evening to spend Sunday
Mr. and Mrs, II. II. Do Armond
plan to spend tho week end at Kant
Irvln McNeill nnd (Hen Uurch have
returned from u trip to Pomcroy,
Miss Uladys fieuley of Portland Is
In lleud, vIhIIIiik her father, C. II.
Allan Willcoxon ot tho Klk lako
summer resort Is In Ilend today fur
Harney Mailnon Is in Ilcnd toduy
from his much at the head of tho
Mr. and Mm. A. M. Rao wont to
Portlnnd last night to spend one day
on business.
Minn Murlon Rabcr bus taken a po
sition In the Chlldcm & Armstrong
confectionery store.
Mrs. L, S. Fields arrived from
Lnkovlaw yesterday morning, leaving
In tho cvoiiln for Prlnevlllc.
Mm. K. K. Sawyer and children
have returned from I'ortland, wliere
they have been for several weeks. i
Larry Ilngen and Malcolm Con
nolly will lenvo tonight to drlvo to
Crater lake, expecting to return Sun
day evening.
Mm.. 8. K. KldrldRo of Portland
was In Ilend yestorduy on her wa
homo from Hums, where she lias
been visiting.
Mm. Vlaln (Irnnntone, who has
been employed recently nt tho Clill
dors & Armstrong confectionery
slorn, in seriously 111.
Matt Ruber, who was a witness in
the trial of IC. L. Clark In tliu federal
court ut Pol Hand this weok, returned
to Ilend on this morning's train.
Thomas Qiilnn, Crook county agent
for tho Oregon Llfo Insurance Co., Is
In Ilcnd today on business with Ash
ley Forrest, local ngent for the same
Howard Young, who has returned
to Ilend from attending tho Univer
sity of Oregon, will bo employed by
tho Deschutes national forcst during
the .(imiimer.,
F.Jk-f Hownrd, formerly associated
with K. J. Catlow In the Owl phar
macy, Is In Dond from his homo In
Pendleton. He is visiting at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Jrant.
Mm. R. S. Uartlctt and children
left last night for Liberty Dond,
Wash., whero thoy will mako their
borne. Mr. Dartlett is thoro as a
sawyer In a largo mill. They have
lived In Ilend since last December.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Donnott, ac
companied by Mr. Dennett's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. 8. L,T)ennott, who are
visiting hero, and Mr. Dennett's cou
sin, L. a. Drndley of the Portland
Orcgonlan, who, Is , In Ilqnd on busl-J
nenn, ion huh aiienioon ,io mano mo
Century drlvo.
Z. 8. Sinltll left last night for
Miss Mnrjorlo Monoy loft Inst night
for I'ortland,
V. K, Ouniett returned this morn
Iiir from a trip to Portland.
Hugh O'Kano has returned from a
trip to Portland nnd Scasldo.
Mm. 0. J. Addlnk has as a guost
her brother, Klrby Lott of Tulare,
D. L. Klock, who has been visiting
here, loft last night for his home In
Ralph Cooper went to Portland
last night on business with the Vet
erans' bureau.
Mrs. C. 8. Hudson and daughter
returned this morning from a short
trip to Portland.
Miss Ivu Harris of Prlnevllle was
in Ilend yesterday, visiting ber sister,
Mrs. John V. Steldl.
J. T. Hardy, traveling freight and
passenger ngont for the S. P. & S., ar
rived In Dcnd tblt morning from
W. C. Holllnshcad of La Pino re
turned this morning from Portland,
where ho attended tho trial of E. L.
Clark In federal court.
W. R. Riley returned this morning
from Portland, wliere he was called
as a witness In the federal court trial
of V.. L. Clark of La Pino.
Howard Dlanchnrd sustained a
cracked rib Thursday while working
In the Slievlln-Hlxon picket mill. He
Is at tho Lumberman's hospital.
Nets Johnson, Portland man who
has been In Dend for some time for
hU health, left last night for Salem,
to enter the tuberculosis sanitarium.
Mrs. Cyril Stutfleld nnd her chil
dren left last night for Seattle .after
visiting for several weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Mm. diaries Hayes.
Mrs. A. J. Woolsoy left last night
for Toppanlih, Wash., called by the
Illness of her daughter, who is spend
ing the summer with Mm. Woolsey's
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maler and son,
Raymond, left last night for their
homo In Livingston, Mont., after vis
iting with Mrs. G. J. Addlnk, Mrs.
Malcr's sister.
Supervisor II. L. Plumb ot the
Deschutes national forest returned
this morning from Portland, where
he attended the trial of E. L. Clark In
Mdcral court.
'K. M. Dergen. auditor for the
Portland Flouring Mills Co., was In
tho city today on n combined busi
ness and pleasure trip. Ho will leave
tomorrow for Crater lake. Dergen
Is a son-in-law ot Captain R. M. Per
j 1 1 1 1 ; j 1 1 ; f f i ; i ; i ; i -, m ' i ? t ; j n ; i ; i ; i ; i , i : i t r ; i -. 1 1 1 ; i ; i ; f ; r ; i r r ? i t 1 7 1 t r? i r i ; i ; r7 1 ; r n i; i ' i t n
Frank Young ot Paisley Is a visitor
lu Dcnd today.
Dyron Gllson has returned from a
trip to Portland.
Miss Anna Llndbcrg has gone to
California on her vacation.
Max A. Cunning of Redmond vis
ited In Dend yesterday.
J. M. Perry ot Terrebonne was In
Dend today on business.
Levi Ernst ot Powell Dutte Is
spending the day In Dend.
M. W. Sklpworth of Prlnevllle was
In Dond yesterday on business.
C. J. Dugan has returned from a
business trip to Klamath Falls.
Charles H. Graffenburger ot Milli
on u Is In Dend today on business.
Sheriff S. E. Roberts has returned
from a vacation spent at East lake.
Items of Interest From Our
Baby Goods Section
IUby HonnetN at ,nOc, 70c, 08c, SIA'i
Dflby Dresses at i'fi .........08v, 91.411, 91.1)8, $2JiO
llootceM nt ' U."5c, ic, 8()e, 75e.
ItlnnketM, Cotton ut. .'..'.V1.J.1; Wool ut, fitlH, &1.0H
Hllk yiilltn, bcflutlcM nt,
OutliiK KlmonuA, satin trim, nt 51,11)
OutliiK Flnnnel NlRlit downs nt fSDc
Wool Flannel IVttlrontH nt .i..$l.ll
White Corduroy lloben nt 51.08
llllm, n IiIk Hue, prk-od nt ,lt5e, 20c, IHc
Rubber l'nntu, Tlildy-Dlddy, nt BOe
Kid Morrnslns, white, with trim, nt .., 75c
Wool Stocking, white, nt , 15c, 55c
Hllk nml Wool or All Silk StocklnRS nt 7flc, 70e
Phoenix Silk Stockings
Olio of the lifgRCftt M'llInK
purn silk Hlocklngi we luue.
J'n 1 1 fnoliloneil nemii up t tin
linck of Mocking, top nml
fret of Kuril silky llnlo (lint
they look nlmmt like n puro
kilk Hlorklnc from too to
lop. Thin HtockliiK In Mack,
white nnd colorx.
Others 'nt
$1.20 $1.55
$2 .'5 5 $2.85
Phoenix white silk hose with black clocks$ 1.25
Good Big All Feather Bed Pillows
Covrnnl with roo1 grndo nntcen tlrlt. A pillow sold reg
ularly fo.- $.10 and Is wild ax high fli $il.75 in mimii fur
niture More. While n limited quantity lasts, per pair
$2.95 Pair
New Tobias Caps for Men
Novelty fabric; now shape r
$2.00 $2.25 $2.50
Others from $1.00 up.
New Black Kid Strap Pumps
From Queen Quality, arrived this morning. ' Priced, pair
Alwayi Payt to Stop and Shop ct
OutliiK Flannel nt,
.18c, SOc, Si2c, ffllc, 80c
Wool Flnunel nt 40c, 75c, II.Sc
Dliiper Cloth, n full rniiKe of widths ?1.:10 up to 5'J.;I5
If It's for the Baby, Shop at
Miss Florence Walsh was n passen
ger to Silver Lake on the stage this
Vincent Grino, operated on at a
local hospital on Tuesday, is still, In
critical condition.
Walter Cummlngs of Corvallls is in
Dend on his vacation. He Is visiting
with Louis Dennett.
Mrs. L. Laugblln ot Paulina, who
has spent several days In Bend, left
last night for Portland.
George Pearce, editor ot the Mad
ras Pioneer, Is In Dend today on
American Legion business.
H. C. Ellis and J. A. Eastes, local
Insurnnco men, returned this morn
ing from a business trip to Portland.
Mrs. Susie Fennell Pipes, Portland
violinist who gave a concert here last
winter, arrived In Bend today tor a
Mrs. James D. Reavls of Seattle
arrived in Dend this morning to visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Franklin
Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul D. Loree and
A. J. Morse, Mrs. Loree's father, have
gone to Crater lake for a two weeks'
Edward Dotz ot Alfalfa was op-
crated on this morning at the St
Charles hospital for an Infection of
tho hand
Air. nnd Mrs. Elmer A. Swaicy and
Miss Ella Swnzey ot Paisley were in
Dend yesterday, returning to their
homes today.
Mrs. Georgoi Johnson was In Bend
last night on her way homo, to Port
land from Paisley, whero. Bhe has
boon visiting. '
Robert W. Sawyer left last night
for Corvallls to attend the meeting
ot the st'ato editorial association to
bo hold there this week.
Twelve men for tinylng on tho, Al
len ranch arrived in Rend this moriit
Ing from Portland. Thoy woro mot
hero by R. D. Savago, foreman for tho
Pacific Livestock Co.
Wflllam A. Palmer was struck over
thq oye by a piece, of wood In loading
n car nt tho rnllrond yards yostorday.
Several stitches wero required In clos
ing tho resulting cut.
Mrs. H, G. Einmott will lenvo Sat
urday for Frosno, Cal., whoro hor
lmslmnd wont rocoutly tor his hoalth.
Mr, and Mrs. Emmctt hnvo lived in
P. em for six years, coming here from
Mr. and Mrs. Stull of fftjwbarg nnd
Mr, nnd Mrs. George D. Ross of Vnn-
couver, WnBh., are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. 11. E. Nordeen. Mrs. Stull
and Mrs. Ross are sisters of Mrs.
G. I. Stebbins, formerly of Bend
but now in charge of market road
construction In the vicinity ot Kla
math Falls, was critically III with
pneumonia last week. He Is now be
Ilevcd out ot danger. , ,
Mr. and, Mrs. J. L. J6hu?vho have
been visiting with' Mr. Jobbo' sister.
Miss Helen Johns, cbunty librarian,
left today for their home at Pendle
ton. Johns is an abstractor in the
.Umatilla county sedt.i . ,u
Allan Willcoxon, proprietor of the
Elk lake summer resort, aln Bend
today- for supplies, x He reported that
campers are catching plenty ot fish
for their own we;-, 'although limit
catches are rare at,Jpcipnt.
Claude McCauley was in today
from the North Canal company roa
ervolr construction caiup at Crane
Pralrie. He reports that" the work
Is still somewhat delayed -by the fail
ure of materials; to arrive.'"
Claude Graham, ot Paisley was in
Bend today, to get a load of freight
for the Chewaucah Mercantile Co. He
reported that fishing In. the Chewau
can river Is good this year,' and that
deer are plentiful, hut sage hens are
H. E. Nordeen, who has. been con
fined to his homo by an Injury to his
leg, sustained while he wan working
on tho Methodist church last .week, la
ahlo to get about on crutcljes. His
left foot is still partly paralyzed as a
result of the nerve being Injured by
a batcbot.
R. P. Nowland. district highway
engineer, was In Bend yesterday on
his way south to make a aufyy pre
paratory to reporting to the state
highway commission on the gravel
ing of tho graded portion oyjie Dal-les-qalifornia
highway f roni, ,'aullua
prnlrlo to, the Klamath l!r(e.
James A. Harris, who has been vla
ttlng with his parents, Mr, nnd Mrs.
R, M. .Hnrrls, and lil brother, Wil
liam A. Harris, returned last night
to Hivtttlo, where ho ,1s attondlnK
school. Anothor brother,, John H.
Harris, started yestorday tp drive to
his homo at Oakland, Cal,, accompa
nied by his wife and' ber two ulsters,
Mrs. Lydla Adoraddlo (od Miss
Fraiicc Fnrrell, njl of whom have
been visiting here.