IlOn BULLETIN, BKND, ORHGON, THUItHDAY, JUIiY UO, t2H NEW PROJECTS PLAN PROGRAM Irrigation Dcmohstrations Are Announced'. In Lake County. (HlKtl.l to The HulMln.) LAKBVIMW, July 19. Two nil day field demonstration racotlngs will 'be held oii July 28 and 39 In tho Fort Hock and Silver Lake valleys In , northern Lake county, for tho pur- poso of demonstrating what lrrlgn tlon Is doing for theso sections, and for the purpose ot studying possibili ties (or Increased Income on the now ly developed Irrigated land's. For tho first time In history. Irri gation water is being pumped nnd di verted onto the sago brush bench lands for tho production of crops In both theso valleys and there Is little doubt that they are on the cvo of great development. On the John Ernst ranch, five and one-halt miles southeast of Fort Rock, Irrigation " water Is being pumped from n well to irrigate a number ot tho crop varieties best adapted to thfs 'section, which were planted under the direc tion of tho Lake county agricultural agent. Tho deep well on tho Ernst ranch, which supplies two second feet (or 900 gallons) ot water por minute, Is one ot the two wells drilled in this valley by the state, under tho provisions ot a recont enactment ot the legislature. To Aid Bend Business., It is on this ranch that an all-day field meeting will conveno'at 10 a. tn.. July 28, when three specialists from Oregon Agricultural college will be' present to discuss crop varieties, Ir rlgatior. methods and farm .manage ment. A similar meeting will he held at Silver Lake, and a tour ot inspec tion will be ma do ot the newly Irri gated lands adjoining the town, on July 29. mere is little doubt that a ' number of Deschutes county people - will be interested in these meetings, as the agricultural conditions pre vailing in these sections are' similar - to those in Deschutes. In. addition ' to thls.-tho development ot these two valleys will mean an enormous in' crease In Ue volume ot buslness'done in Deschutes county, as Bend is the shipping point and center of. .trade for practically all ot the people in these sections. ot the Squaw Creek Irrigation district vs. II. Mamcro, being heard In circuit court hero today. Justice ut the Pence E. D. Ollson performed tho marriage ceremony this nttcrnoon tit tho wedding of Os car Slnrud nnd Miss Rtitli Wicks, at the mayor's oftlco In the O'Knno building. Mr, nnd Mrs. Slnnul will make their homo at one ot tho Sliov-lln-Ulxou logging ramps. BEND HAPPENINGS (Continued from Page 5.') Friday John Gaffnoy, who has been at a local hospital for several weks, on -ac count of a broken leg, left yesterday for his home. Roy Southworth left this morning for Klamath Falls, to bo employed in the garage belonging to H. S. Royce, formerly ot Bond. A. P. Tauscher, formerly director of athletics at the American Legion building here, is now director at a Portland municipal playground. Mrs. E. T. Gerrlsh and daughter, . Dorothy, Mrs. Jack Coleman and Miss Beulah Maxim left this week for At bany and 'Newport, where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston and party, ot'Dufur, were in Band yester day, Mr. Johnston coming to this sec tlon ona business trip. While here. they were guests ot Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Dodds. Mrs. 'Frank R. Prince and children left last night for Cannon Beach, where they will be during the remain. der of the summer. Mrs. F. S. Stev ens,, Mrs. Prince's mother, will Join thera there. W. 8. Moore, assistant attorney ; general, is in Bend today from Sa lem, representing the state In the suit CLASSIFIED ADS Oft i fled advertising charge per Iajuo 2tf 'cent for zo worm or lew One cent rr . .It .mm tn All .l..-IA1 ..,'.. -4 1. tn at - 1 v . fuh ! arluan FOR SALE. FOR SALS Choice registered Jersey bull calves, sired by best St. Mawes hulls; reasonable prices; U, S. gov-' eminent accredited herd, R. H. Wlso carvei1, Roiile 1, McMlnnvllle, Ore.' - 21-211 FOR BALK OR TRADE Grain hinder, now drapurti; $75. F P. Swisher, TumUo, Ore. 3-20-2 lp FOR RALE Ten yearling heifers. Pbllie 18K-31 Noise Andersqn.. . l?-32p WANTEII. BIDS FOR PAI.VTINO WAXTKI) . School DlBtrlct No. 21, located 7 .miles northeast of neud, wants bids . far tho painting of tho school house. For further information aud snecMU cations address E, E, Buttler, Routq .No. 1, Box in, Bend, Oro., or phono .yst-3. ,uan win no accepted up to and including August 5, 1922. 21,q Bulletin Want Ads brltg results-' try (hem Thursday J. J. Powers loft last night for New York City, called by serious Illness In tho family. Miss Pearl Barrett of Portland, Is visiting In Bend at the homo ot Mrs, Emma U. Brodcrick. Sam Merrill was In Bend on busi ness yesterday from his ranch on the high desort near Brothers. Miss Beatrice Howard was a pas- tengor on tho Silver Lake stngo this morning, going to La Pino. I Supervisor II. U Plumb ot tho Des chutes National forest Is on n trip to Fall Ulver, Crescent and Fort Rock, Mrs. E. 1). llelyea nt Everett, Washington, will arrive tu Bond Sat in day night to visit her daughter, Viola. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore St, Thomas ot Redmond, nro(tho parents of a six and one-half pound baby girl, horn In Bend Wednesday, j Grating Examiner Jack Morion has! returned from a trip to Portland, where he conferred with officials at the district forester's oftlco. Mr. and Mrs, II, Buxton Prlco havo sold their homo on Congress street to Gcorgo Parkins, and will lenvo soon for Baltimore. They plan to llvo In tho oast. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. B. Parsons have arrived tn Bond from Roswoll, Now Mexico, nnd will inako thalr homo hero. Mr. Parsons will bo associated with Attorney W. P. Myors. Oswald West, former governor ot Oregon, who spoko betoro tho Bond Commercial club yestonlny noon, loft Inst night tor Portland, expecting tn return to Bend bofora tha end of tho week. P. 0, Burgess, n mouther ot tho surveying party which Is securing dutn to ho usud In future map mak ing, was In Bend today for supplies, leaving Inter In tho dny for tho camp at Cnscadla, Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Bowon and Mrs, A. Springer paused through Bond yestordny on their way to Crat er lake from their homo In Portland. Mrs. Springer Is a sister of John C, Todd ot this city, and Mrs. Dowuu Is his niece. Mrs. Ethel Obcrnolto, Instructor last year at tho Hooch school, was lit Bond yoltorday on business nt tho oftlco ot tho county superintendent. Mrs. Obcrnolto has just returned from Minnesota whero sho has been visiting with relatives. HUMMONH BY PUBLICATION' In the Circuit Court ot tho Hlnttl tit Oregon for Deschutes county, Harry Edward Wade, plaintiff, vs. Martha Wndo, defendant. To Mnrlhn Wilde, defendant. IN Till! NAME OK THE STATE OF OlIUCIONf Ynu lire luiiehy roinilreil to njtponr and answer tho complaint tiled anal nut you In tlio above untitled milt within six weeks from tho dalo of tho Hint publication of this sitmimniH. to wit! Within six weokH from the 20llt! day of July, 1933, or on or heforn tho 1st day nt September, 1932, and If you fall o to answer, tho plaintiff, will, for lack thereof, apply tn tho, court for Judgment against you ns demanded In his complaint, to wit; For a decree of the uhovo entitled court of nliaotutti divorce from tho defendant and for such other relief as tho court may deem Just and proper. This summons la sorveil upon ynu by publication thereof In tho Bond Bulletin, weekly edition, for a porlod ot six consecutive and sue resMlva weeks. In accordance with an order thnreror made by the Honor able T. E. J. Duffy. Judge ot Ihn Clr- cull Court fur said Judicial dlntrldl Said urdur rttttlnii publication this niiiiimniiH for six .I'oiuooutlv. nnd Hiicrnsslvu wcuKh ami that ib, first publication shall ho on TIiiich day, Hid aotlt day of July, t i W. P. MYKUH, Attorney for Plnlntiff PoHlofllco addles! Ilentl, Oroimu 31.37. Swift & Company Fourth Street Market Portland, Oregon Ship us your Dressed Hogs and Calves W. Wilt't Dot Mirkt Prion Dl of Rtccipt imni : -II L T r &JI JJK&fi II .5 1 II MAa. - -a. -mmwimi m v . ; B mm . ni I Waev HAa2 -J Wi (xl L I I O rl 1 IDS -ii o m vsErr-ifcV u i 4 Mm nc i ii v i n1 irmgrnw Tr 3 hi .? i II m fH IHmiB m IB I ra ..i ii -xs ft a. mwty m .jawvg ,n i . w w ii Mav lt wi m ssnsfcv fs; mriJ i cm m ii r- a i t r m csa ur i? i in rr u II tv m M Jr r ii mwrnm- iaaw M) m m Am rr mZt m ii ij vm )Ntfc i .? i-f wax mm i -mm' ve - m i wjm mm k lz. 'II NidkA M I mm hmm mT ll II V . J ZH rtCmimmJl AmM ' LU I ii -t t s? mmmmm. ii iB o-smx i. hmm xmrMmm m. j ii zirx ssjfflzasssmMi miiiHimuiimii ) Tsizmmmm en i ii ! mw 'Atenrnnmniirf xmmmm i ii MWMMifflfr -.xtkmmmm m ii mmnmnm""" .naaiaaB i