The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 20, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAOK a
What's Doing In The Country
CURRANT YIELD IN flyig MP o Tuosdny nftor
nrmroT v TTTnvrr rtrT s?"1.0 nBV I'01"'8 for Rasmus Peterson
luiruuu uunii uuv(,or Pleasant Rldgo.
. Atr. nml Mrs. John Myers of Turn-
... . i ....,1...... i.. ti t
iinWLM f niTTTE 1..1.. in ""-iw uuaiutM vuiiviD 111 iwuiiiuuu
, &.wu. uiuj iiiiB. Mondav
George Kissler reports n fine yield-of .
v Aiwi UU8HCO, onu uua uuiu - nnhllA ttiar fnttimn.t f
the red and the white varieties.
Mr. Dement of Prlncvlllc, who rep
resents the Bend Oarage, was a vis-
ltor at the J. J. Chapman homo re-1
cenlly. Ho is an old-time, friend of
the Chapmans.
nna Mrs. K, N. Hall and son. . u ii.i..- m
S'Tiy RtCAn0n1;.Mt w,i,.rn I J Mr- blng of Deschutes was n
flJ.V Si. ?v SSii?l2iSS business caller In Dend on Tuesday.
vft luh "rJEiLr?Iifl f,uS5dl Harola 000,10 n,,d w C' Von
p v.n, ' isr Cleave were business callers In Rend
Portland and Vancouver, She was on jjomjoy
vlnMt xilss "nrsucrlte Deblng returned
nhn J S1, Tha C2? h.J1 Q.end Sunday evening, after spend
Sonle1. M,sTuh.-SeUThreecelved aVe'- S"' "8 ho'
ffij'In'S.hfJfnr 1 AlnonB thoso trnntactlni: business
oPPlylnE tor, and she left to. , eml Saturilay from Tumalo woro
aeCOpt It. Prod V. Wnltniv,. Mr f! P llonknr
A -!..... 11'....H.hlT a a!.., .1 11 - - ... ............. ...... - - - -
aiiuui ui.nuuci ic..nni nuiu
last week of the serious illness of his
mother, Mrs. Will Wurtweller. In
Portland, but has since been notified
that she Is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Nichols, who'uria..
wcro helping on the Wunweller
rnncn during naying. navo returned a vrp tfATOAf XJrIC
to their home at Prlnevllle. the flrstiKAXNliJtlj r AKA1 HUM 11.
cutting of Alfalfa being all put up on
the Dig ranch.
E. C. Charlton has gone to Paulina
where he will bo employed at the
Mills ranch.
Verna Edwards has scarlet fever.
Her brother Ernest has Just recov
ered from that disease,
Mrs. Ila Foster bas gone to Dend,
wnere sne win nurse,
Mrs. Edward Luthy and son have
returned from a pleasant visit with
relatives in Salem. Mrs. Luthy was
accompanied on her trip home by her
brother. Mr. Kissllng, and family, of
Salem, who remained a few days for
a visit at the Luthy ranch, then de
parted for a trip to Crater lake and
other points of interest.
- C. M. Charlton and E. N. Hall went
to Bend Monday, where they attended
to business, returning the same day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Cnllahan are
back home at Powell Butte from the
Paisley ranch of O Callahan brothers,
and have commenced haying. Bush
nell brothers have a part of the
O'Callahan place rented and the hay
on it is already In the stack.
J. Arthur Mllner has gone to the
Willamette valley, where he will
work during the summer. Mrs. Mll
ner will run the ranch while he Is
Little Ceorgia Truesdale has been
quite ill of cholera Infantum, but is.
now much improved.
inrcsnmrntnirctatsKimnmumum I tho rond camp Ul HUtllO IUK0 Satur
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wlnklo and fam
ily loft last Wednesday for Elk' lake,
whore they will camp tho rest of tho
summer, Mr. Wlnklo will act im
packer and guide for tourists this
Mrs. A. Cllbsou has been quite III
tho past week, but is sumo butter
Prank Lolthausor was a business
visitor In Clovordalo last Saturday,
Miss Loranor Kirk Is visiting her
lather, ucorso Kirk.
Mr. Gorgon returned to his home
Lu'lioro last Thursday, uttor spending
two months in Washington, visiting
wan his sou and daughtont.
Mr. and Mrs. (Icorgo McCallstor
hnvo moved to tha McKlnluy sawmill,
where McCallstor will help John Den
ills log, and Mrs. McCallstor will
havo chargo or tho cook house.
Miss Hose Spoo la spending n few
nays visiting wun Airs. Aicuaiister.
Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Hunt woro In
town Monday from their camp on
tho Motollus.
Mr. and Mrs. urogan and son,
uowoy, woro in Sisters Monday.
Miss Iluby South Is helping Miss
Tncimn zumwnit this week.
Newell Van Tassel. .of Terrebonne
was In Sisters Sunday.
Mrs. John Dlnklo loft last Tuosday
for Portland, whore she will spond a
low weoxs.
Mr. and Mrs. Moody nrrlveil last
week. Mr. Moody will bo the high
school teacher for tho, Sisters high
this coming torm. Thf will llvo In
the Honcli house, s
Arnold Brady, wJio has been help
ing u. j. KKeiioudook slcK Mondnv
nnu nan to do ojangnt hornet
Pine, where they brought soino mllch
Mrs. Q. M. Holten of Deschutes was
a visitor at tho O. D. Stanton homo
Merwln Lee of Deschutes was a
and daughter. Elmerlne: Mr. and
Mrs. D. Mayfleld and Miriam Trlpplet.
Mrs. Q. W. Holten and Mr. and
Mrs. McNight and dnughtcr, Thclma,
of Descliutes, wore Bend callers Sat-
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Butler
was totally destroyed by fire about
4:30 o'clock Monday afternoon. Noth
ing was saved except two suits of
clothing which Butler's hired man re
moved, being unable to save anything
else on account of the intense heat
which was already felt through tho
wholt house. No one was hurt, but
Jin, uuticr was in a critical condl
tlon from shock, but Is recovering,
The origin of the tire Is a mystery,
Mrs. B. E. Butler Is being cared
for at the home of her sister, Mrs,
O. P. Dahle.
C. Lowe s mother and sister are
both very ill,
Henry Prlchard hus purchased the
old Joe wornslair place in this vlcln
uy. no is an ex-service man.
Summer coughs and colds ore us
winy persisioni anu aostinate. All
tho more reason for using a rellablo
remedy. Mrs. Margaret Smale, Bish
op, Calif., writes: "Foley's llonoy and
Tar is a good remedy. Suffered from
n cold last week, used It, and it acted
llko a charm." Sold everywhere.
TEUREBONNE, July 19. A num
ber of DeoDlo surnrised Mrs. William
Hall Sunday afternoon. Ice cream
was served and a pleasant time spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Forrest and
Mavis Knnrr left for tho vallov in.
Caroll returned to her home NT" where "oy will stay for a while.
through lioro on business Wednesday.
Mm. O. 0. Clnypool and daughter
Doris ot Bond spout Sunday with her
slslnr, Mrs. 0. V, Cyrus,
W . J, Harrison lost a good mllch
raw from bloat last week.
Mrs. Illnck Is on tliu sick list thin
Mrs, 11, It. Kllgoro and children
woro Sunday visitors at L. UoiighorR.
Hoy. IIIIIIs (if Torrcbonnu held ser
vices liuro Sunday at 3 p. in, In tho
school house,
It. M, Duly M'uiit Sunday at his
much horo.
MessiR. Hwlnglu and Harjier from
Tumalo aro putting up hay on tha
Foley ranch this week. f)
Mrs. Lnurn Wnymlro nml Vons, of
Itedmnml, nro visiting at the O, F.
Cyrus home.
Mr. and Mrs. Turliott of losobiirg
and Mr. Arnold ot Bend werq Hun
day visitors at a. Kolllngs,
Thdmas Arnold was u business vis
itor In Bond Wednesday.
S. C. Kline was In Redmond Wed
nesday, having dental work done.
Harold Kline took a veal to Ilend
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter ) rail a in and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles (list
wero Sunday visitors nt W. F, Arn
old's. Miss Mary Fry rear of Bend spent
Sunday nt her homo hero.
after a two weeks' visit with her sis-1 Peggy McCulla of Lower Brldgo
ter-ln-law In Bend. spent tne week ond with Mrs. W. Wll
Mrs. R. K flr-lmpf. nnlprlnlnnil thnlllams.
Girls' club at her home Wednesday J,r vestal was sago hen hunting
afternoon. Evervnnn snont n vnrv n. I near l.n I'lno. lie wont Saturday and
lovable afternoon Hnnrinir. nftur which came U3CK HUlldav.
the hostess served a lunch of Ice .-Mrs. nay una cniiarcn arc visiting
cream and cake. Several older uicm- r 'l "''V s parents, sir, and Mrs.
.bers visited thn rlnh Thn nnxt Jim Drown.
Ing will be held at the home ot Miss J- c- Wyman and son made a bus!
Katharine Helgeson. cm trip to culver Sunday,
PLAINVIEW. July 10 Mr. Downs
ana Ross wero Redmond visitors on
Monday. ' .
A largo wind cave has been dis
covered on James Dawson's ranch.
Some months ago, Perry Dawson,
while trapping rabbits, round a small
hola from which a cold wind was
blowing. Upon further Investigation
It was round somo days tho wind was
blowing out. on others It was drawn
In. Upon enlarging tho entrance-
passage SO or 90 feet long was round
leading Into what .appoarcd to be a
large envo but which so far has not
been explored.
Mr. and Mrs. Vcrn Llvcsav were
shopping In Bond Wednesday.
Holllo Swingle and Paul Scoesln
attondod tho Fourth of July celcbra-
tion at silver l.n Ice.
(1. F, Powers wns In Bond Baltlf
day. ,
Bam Burgess was n Redmond vis
itor Thursday,
Tho strawberries aro ripening f!t,
Mrs, Alox I.ovtuluft li marketing
about 20 cralt'H per week.
Mrs, II. A. HctigRlns. Ml Jom'nb
Ino Perry, MIhh Josoi'lilno HuiKm
and Mary llonuclt were ruosIh of
Mrs. Vcrn Llvosuy I'rlday. , ,
Miss Downs of Portland, who Im
boon vIsllliiR her parent. Mr, mid
Mrs, (Icorgo Downs, linn returned to
her home, accompanied by her broth,
er and sitter. Mr. and Mrs. John
Downs. Mr. Downs will finish his
study of uptcmolry.
Mr, nml Mrs. Vm l.lvesay and
Mr. and Mr. Floyd Scott intended
the Hlstors picnic July Fourth.
Mr. and Mr. Charles Mltcholl wero
shopping In Rendmond Wednesday.
Mr and Mr. Hubert Hcoggln,
Minion Josenhlno Perry and Mary
llnnnnU spout the Fourth nt lluttlo
In 1(0.
P. Vnn Tassel I suiting slriiwlir.
rlen ul Sister.
No while pliin blister rust exist lt
Central Oregon n far as W, 10, I.uwr
enco nt llio United Hlulim bureau nt
plant Industry linn boon nblo to nscvr
tain tit Investigations covering moi
tlinu it week, llo ha, however
round many wild currnlit mill goo,,
berry plants, tho alternate hosts of
thn fun gun causing tho disunite, lm.
eating that the timber nren of Central
Oregon would not provo n barrier tu
tho spread of tho illsonio,
Successful Graduates
Are tbe Best Recommendation of
O. A. C.
ThU Institution offer n thorough, pntrllrnl, nml ktandanl m!ii.
ration nt n t within rerfcli of thn hlgti xrliool graduate.
It offers trulnlng for collegiate degree In:
Agriculture Mines
Commerce Pharmacy
Engineering and Mechanic Art Vocational Ed ileal I on
Forestry Chemical Knglnwerlug
Homo Economics Military Science and Tactics
It offers training also In: Tho School of Music, Physical
Education, Industrial Journalism.
Kail Term Ojx-ns Neptrmber IM
For circulars of Information and Illustrated booklet write to
The IteglMrar, Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvnlllo, Orrgiin
Mr. Whalen has nurchased the Mc-
Lclldnd place In this district
Erllng and Howard Helgeson vis
ited at the Grimes homo Sunday afternoon.
Reuben Nelson is working for tho
national forest for the summer. He
is at Elk lake,
Ross Daniels of Culvor.was a vis-
ltor at tho Waltenburg home Sunday.
O. F. Wnllenbure and son went ta
Grizzly 'Monddy.
Several persons In the community
have sent to Maryhill, Wash., for 16
boxes of apricots'.
Mm O R Atl,lf.rnn vrn. n hil.fnfi.a
vlftffnr In Tlprimnnr. mi Rntnrlnv nrt.lflne,
prnnnn Mr. and Mrs. Clauson spent
Antone Ablstrom. Miss Hllraa Ncl- wceK ena visiting wun .Mrs. uiauson's
n and Mrs. Alfred Pedersen wero Parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Dahle.
The Willamette valley Is suffering
II ml At n nrnl rn rtaA A mum bam m
In spite or tho shortage of water T" ' VT" 7, .
in the spring this year, there in sold cordln ,0 Councilman N. H. Gilbert,
to be a larger crop of alfalfa than
last year. The potatoes are unusually
who with his family returned Sun
day from a visit to Portland, Seaside
and Pacific City. They had been gono
six weeks.
Bend shoppers on Tuesday,
Arthur Stewart of Bend was a
caller at the Anderson home on
Thursday afternoon.
Glen Roberts attended the dance In
Redmond Saturday night.
Dr. A. M. Petty left. Saturday eve
ning to attend the Idaho Baptist
summer assembly, where he will
make several speeches. He will also
attend the Oregon Baptist summer
assembly, to be held at Columbia
City, before returning here about
August 1.
Walter Lowe has been .cultivating
potatoes for Harold Cooke on tbe An
derson ranch this week. - I
Some of the people of this neigh
borhood, accompanied by several
from Redmond and Prineville June-
Tickling throat, bronchial coughs
uuu uEuiijiauc Biiusms urea one s n nvpimji p ti to
rest .mil u-Piiknn thn vtm nnrt . T. ERDALE, July 19. Haying
lous alekiiMH was result FnnV If nl l PrPKreS8,n Tamer Slowly on de
hor? f ind . i?...i i,.h n .i count of thc difficulty In securing hoy
uta i uuu, jiiu., writes, i uuu a 1 nlrllftrB Tha hn ITAnlhlll, lit l,.(nn.
vere cold and coughed continually at
pitchers. The hot weather Is brine
ing tho second crop on very lost and
nlcht Could harcltr sluon FoIpv'h I V u croi " vry lasi ana
HUiv .Ulrl?"JSJSee "hows promise or duplicating tho uu-
Honey and Tar stopped ray cough
Sold everywhere. Adv.
usually heavy first cuttincr.
Vern Skelton soent Sundav at Rut.
tie lake.
E. M. Peck. Redmond realtor, was
The Sign of Authority!
Every authorized Ford Agency displays the Blue and White
Sign of the Ford Motor Co. All others bidding for Ford busi
ness are imitators. And every time you turn your Ford car
over to other than a Ford shop, you are simply gambling your
property against the skill of the mechanics in that shop.
Ford men are specialists and are trained for that work in
a superior Way not possible yfKbn men work on all makes
of cars.
Do not just trust to luck in your' Ford repair work
Go to an authorized agency if you desire the genuine articles
designed for the Ford car.
Labor charges and parts sold at the Ford Motor Co. prices
are no more in Bend than elsewhere.
Terms on repair work if the order is $25.00 or more.
Central Oregon Motor Co.
Ford Sales
and Service
J.L.Van HuiTcl
A G.Clark
SISTERS, July 19. The rock
crusher which has been established
tlon, composed a picnic party on the one mile east of Sisters on the lied-1
Deschutes river near the Becker mond-Slsters highway, Is now lu op-
brldge on Wednesdoy evening.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson spent
Sunday on Tumalo creek, near the
fish hatchery.
Mrs. Ed Swalley and baby daugh
ter returned from Bend on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Armstrong and
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Armstrong were In
Redmond on Saturday evening.
Graveling the roads began Monday
on ino iienii-Histers highway.
Charles Orwe'ller has recently pur-
ciiaHeu a new uverland car.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Elkln and
children wero business visitors In Sis
ters Friday uvening.
John DennfH, Mrs. Lester Gist and I
Harold Cooke and Mrs. Catherine . Mrs. B. Markell spent Friday in Red-
jonnnsen were in ucumonu baiuruay . mouu, tmuiiiiuig.
evening to do some trading.
Fred Stephens spent Sunday at the
Deblng home near Deschutes.
Mrs. O. E. Anderson was a Des
chutes visitor Thursday morning.
Earl Rohblim accompanied Ed Snoo
to JtedmoiM Sunday.
IF. .. .1 it., ni.i nt.i.t .
...I uuu .ills. unuriCB IIUUU1I1H uuu In
daughter Inez were business visitors Ql
at tne ii. j. HKeiton home Sunday.
Miss Ccclle Robbing returned to
her home here Sunday, after spend
ing several days with Mrs. James
Elklns In Plalnvfew.
vern Skelton of Cloverdale wag In
M. T. Davis, leading merchant at
Bearavllle. W. Virginia, writes: "A
few nights ago one of my natrons had
small child tken with croun about , town Sunday afternoon.
midnight. CameUo my store and got Georgo Kirk wag In town Friday
Foieys llonoy and Tar. Before morn- evening.
Ing the child entirely recovered. Be J. P. Duckett was in Sisters on
sure to get Foley b Honey and Tar. , business Friday evening.
Sold everywhere'. Adv.
DESCHUTES, July 19. G. M.
Holten ot Deschutes helped S. Deblng
rake hay Tuesday.
Misses Edith Swalley nnd Thelma
Harvoy were visitors at the S. Deblng
home Tuesday.
Mrs. w. Lowe nnd children were
visitors at the E. M. Swalley homo
It. White of Bond spent Tuesday
nigui wun waiter lowo.
Wade Short and Billy and Harrv
Wall of Deschutes wero Bond busi
ness cullers Saturday.
Mrs. C, W. Nelson nnd children vis
ited Mrs. W. Lowe Friday.
Miss Marguerite Deblng visited
Mrs. W. Lowe ot Deschutes Friday
Fred Stophenson ot Deschutes Is
lielplilg A, Mlkkelsen put up his hay.
Mrs, G, M. Holten of Deschutes
mado a business trip to Bend Monday,
Hal Cooke of Deschutes mado a
Jasper Robbing has been hclnlne
jonn jjcnms wun nis haying.
Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. Jacobson and
little daughter, Barbar. left Wednes-
any evening ror tne east to spend a I
few weeks.
Ed Spoo has ben hauling lumber
rrom the Urweiier sawmill to Red
mond tho past week.
Dorsoy Holding or Plalnvlew was a
business visitor at tho 0.. N, Robblns
home Wednesday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Graham and
children were visitors In Sisters from
Is greatly relieved by constitutional treat'
l a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal
Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed con
dltlon of the mucous lining of the Kusta
chlan Tube. When this tube Is inflamed
you lu-ve a rumbllntr sound or Imperfect
hearing, and when It Is entirely doted,
Deafnees Is tbe result. Unless tho In-'
lamination can be reduced, your hearing
I??ii!..?...,e,ro,!,, 'orover. HALL'S
CATARRH MEDICINE acts through tha
blood on tho mucous surfaces of the eys
tern, thus reducing the Inflammation and
assisting Nature In reitorlnc normal con
ditions. circulars free. All Druggists.
7. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, ObtO,
Your Home with Acme Quality New Era
House Paint
Kalsomine Your Walls With Acme Quality Tints
- Varnish Your Floors With Varnotile
Bend Hardware Co
Jobbers Acme Quality Finishes
A. J. GOGGANS' PAINT STORE, Oregon St., Local Dealer