The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 20, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    flKNO iWthwhll, KNI, OltKOOW THUIWDAV, Al'lUfi 20, 11)23.
J, 0, Wright went In l'orlliiiul lust
iilr.lit fur ii Hlmrl bimlin-nH (rip,
Mr. mill Mm. H. It. runpluii lire
imruiitH of u liuby hum, Imi'ii lliiniliiy.
W. 0. Hull, cniililcr of llm Hunk nf
l'rliiiivlllu, nnil liln fit tn I ly Hpunl yon
terdny In lluml.
Tim Young riiiiplii'M li'iimiii (if llm
iritwiiignr of din I'minoy Hlorii nl l.or
ulii, Ohio, according to word received
liurn today, llu Inf Build Hovornl
iikiiiIIih iikii. going flint to Tliu DiiIIch.
J. H. Ilourlmui of I'lirtlmiil yoHtur
diiy purclumud a 100 iicru rmicli nuur
Itcdnuind, tlm I litti lut in KuIIh Ituulty
Co, iicIIiik h agents, Mr, llourlgnn
loft litNt night fur rortliuid, liut will
Lutheran ctmrcli will n.m.t ..t tin. rwlurn lntr H. begin farming I.Ih ...iw
cluirch ImllitliiK Hiiinliiy evening.
Tint KplHCopul khIIiI will inmit Ir 1
iluy iiflurnoiiii wltti Mm. Ditvlil Kully
nl Imr Iioiihi, 107 til. Helmut ilitcn,
MIh Aiiiiii LlndhurK wa iibnoiit
f rum liur 1 lit ln ut MminlioliiiorH'
ntoro yesterday, on iiccoiint of III-
Tim I.mlli'K A Id Hiicli'ty of tlm Lie
Ijiiiriiii cliurcli will itimit Tliiirmliiy
hvmiImk t Hi" George Krlclmoii
rmicli In tlio (IrwiK'i Hull dlnlrlcl.
Tlm lluptUt Women's union will
hold IIh mlHloniiry meeting Tmr
dny iifturnoon ut llm Iioiihi of Mm,
II. H, Noritititn, 230 Nuwiiort uvmiuo.
Wlllliini Ilotx nf Alflllfll wiin In
lliiiut yiiHtiiriliiy, leaving lu"t night
for rortliinil, to uiiiliiri:o un tuaniln
ut Ion In ciimiiictlon with his iiurvlcit
disability claim.
I'uter l'oiwndiin, olio nf JI'jiiiI'h
fuw rnlunlulliK niiiinlnTH of tlm Grand
Army of Hut Itepuhllc, liift ycntitrduy
for I, n I'orln, Minn., whuru ho will
luiiko IiIh Iiuiiio.
Mr, ICiikuihi Ackluy wiin In lliiuil
vontnnliiy from tlm iiliint of tlm Ore
gon Nltrnto Co. ut Hlieop iiioiiiilnln.
which Iiiih lii'nii cut off from tlm
world liy kiiow fur eovurut months.
Mm. John Stnlill, who M III In
I'ortlnnil followlmt u recent opera
Hon, will lin Hiifflclniitly recovered
to return to Imr Iioiihi hern within
n fuw (luyn, uccorillni: to word re
cclvi'il hnru yesterday.
II. I,. Clin k of I.u I'Iiiq In In llund
toiluy on IiiinIiiuhh,
Mm, C. Itkliiiiond of Mctolluii wiim
In lluml yuutuidiiy on u Hhopplug
II. fi. Wlul loft liiBt night for I'ort
lnnil, to upend several iluyH on bus
iness. Fred N. Wallace In reported to
ho seriously III nt thu lniporlul hotel,
(I. 0. Ilrtrtrum, who linn been In
Ilend for several days, lufl hint night
for I'ortlund.
John W. Clink of I.u 1'lno wns In
Ilend last night on liln way to rort
liinil, fur n nli'ort business trip.
Mrs. A. McCollum of Tlm Dulles,
who Iiiih been visiting nt tlm Convert
rmicli nt Alfulfii, liift liiHt night to
visit for n Nhorl tlmu nt Madras,
II. 0, Kniinolt liift Innt ulKht for
Fresno, Cul,, for IiIn Imnlth. Mm.
Kmmutt plans to soil thulr hoinu hero
mid leave lalur for Fresno, Thu fum
My formerly lived there.
M. (). Wllklim nml I.. N Frost of
thn llond Motor Service Co, left IuhI
night for Portland, to return with
Palgu cum. Ono of Hi n in In Bold to
Dr. Harold Clark of Mad rim.
J. 0. Hiimnnr left Innt lilRht for
Tlm Dulles, to rolurii with liln daugh-
II. 0. llund, formurly employed In i tor, Helen, who wnti recently oper-
thu J. C. Penney store here, In now nted on for nppeiiillcltlN, mid who
will ho ru'loiiHcil from the hospital
thuro todny,
drover C, Multhy, who hn boon
nlclit operator ut tlio llond Water,
MkIiI & I'owor Co. power ilunl for
Hiivnriil yearn, Joft Innt ulr.lit for
I'orlland, whoro ho will ho employed
In n similar capacity,
1'. II. Johnson luft litNt night on n
Hliort liiulncmi trip to Tlm Dnllo. Mr.
JohiiHOii, who Iiiih roenntly Hold IiIh
fruit ntoro to George I.u Ion, pi iiiih to
take liln family on un nutomohlla
tour of thu Houthorn slates this sum
mer. On nccount of tho conflict with
tlm perforinuncu of "Windmill of
Ilollund," IiIkIi school operetta, the
danco which tho American Legion
pout announced for Saturday ulKlit
will ho held on Thursday night In
Htond. W. Ii. O'Donncll hn purcliaHcd n
Hport model Paige car from tho llond
Motor Service Co,, nml Harold Illcli
ardnoii of IlrookH-Kcnnlon Camp No.
1 Iiun piircliuncd an OtdHinnhllo 4 cy
linder cur. The llond Hauling Co,
Iiun purchased an Oldsmoullo truck
from tho name firm.
GeorKu I), fiovu wont to Portland
on lniBlncsn Innt night.
13. A. Krlhrrg, locnl contractor,
went tp Portland Innt night, to wpond
Hcvcrnl doyB.
Mrn. II. '. Hoyco mid llttlo ion
lufl loHt night for Seattle, to visit
for n month.
Mr. mid Mm. Alfred Kordon nro
pnriuU of an S'i pound baby boy,
horn tliln morning.
Mm. 11. K. Ilrookn went to I'ort
lund Innt night, to upend tome time
under a pliyilclnn'R euro.
Mr. mid Mm. C. II. .Mot tin nro par
ent of a ten mid ono half pound
bnby girl, born lu(o Saturday.
Mr. and Mm. Anton Ilyo of flhov-tln-lllxou
camp nre parent! of a four
pound buhy girl, born Snturduy
Mr. and Mm. Dalo Simpson, of
104 Ht. Iloleus place, nro parents
of n nine mid one half pound baby
boy, born Kiinduy.
Klder U. M. Thorp of tho Advent-
lit church returned last night from
Tho Dulles, where ho hns been con
ducting n sorlcs of meetings.
Dr. and Mrs. L, W. Outcliull loft
Inst night for Lebanon, whero Mrs.
fJatcliell vlll spond novcrnl months
for her hcnlth. Hho Is recovering
slowly from un uttnek of pnoumonla,
Mr. mid Mrs. C. K. I'arks loft last
night for their now homo ut Corvnl
lis. They havo Jimt sold thulr ranch
nt Deschutes, Thoy sponl yesterday
visiting with Mr. and Mm. A. W.
Cook In Demi.
MIks Mary danger went to Port
land Inst night to spend sfivcral days.
Miss danger has ft very wldo ac
quaintance In Dend, as sho spends
almost every vvonlng In the box of
fice ut ono or other of thu local the
aters, Don I., Jacobs and Miss Iva Col
lier were married this morning at
0:30 o'clock by Mayor K, I), dllson
In bis office. They will make their
hoinu In Ilend. Witnesses were Dr.
Grunt Skinner and Miss Ilcsslu
It. M. Smith will leave tonight on
a short business trip to Portland.
MIhh Jcsslo Kenny left last night
for I'ortlund, to spend tho week end.
Mr. mid Mrs. Krnnk Perclvall of
Ilrotliers wero In Ilend yesterday on
John Harrison of Fort Itock was
In Ilend yesterday, leaving last night
for Portland.
Miss Naomi Honking went to Red
mond last night to spend the week
ond with her family.
Dan Collins and William Lako
wero pnssengcrs to Sliver Lako on
tho stage thin morning,
Mrs. Cat Curtis of Redmond, who
has been In Ilend since Monday, left
last night for her homo.
C, P. Nlswongcr went to Redmond
today to attend tho opening of tho
now DcschuteB Garago there,
W. C. Harnett of Wasco, who has
boon visiting In Ilend for several
days, left last night for his home.
E. K. nillnger, Portland Insurance
adjuster, left last night for that city
ism., lIAfe. mm
.tHKU.Hn 11 y All H lviT A SM0Mmm vi.i m I
Silks-Woolen Dress Goods-Wash Goods
An opportunity to acquire now those beautiful materials for the making
of your Summer Frocks.
Silks of Beauty, Charm and Value
Bend's Silk Store Ready to Serve You
Crepe do Chine The color you want in our best
grade; 40 inches wide; per yard $1.95
Canton Crepe This wanted silk in a 40 inch
width; now priced, per yard $3.50
Printed Radium 40 inches wide; yard.,..,v.$2.50
Paisley Georgettes Wonderful designs, ,ati-..$2.98
Checked Taffetas 36' inch width; yard .,....$1.98
Brocade Crepe de Chine Tho beauty cloth....$2.75
Jiaronet Satin 40 inches wide; black only....$2.95
"Broadcloth Shirting 32 inches wide; a perfect
tub silk; per yard $1.69
New Woolens for Coats, Capes, Skirts, Dresses
Velour Checks An all wool 56 inch cloth....$3.50
Tweeds Fashion says tweeds; here they are;
lots of them, at $2.25 and, $2.45
Homespuns A 54 inch all wool cloth ; now a very
much wanted fabric; per yard $2.45
Novelty Check Suitings Pretty color combina
tions; per yard 9c, 89c, 98c and $1.35
Wash Fabrics That Will Stand
TubingColors That Are Fast
Imported Tissuds An English cloth of real beau
ty; per yard 85c
English Ginghams Especially recommended for
its fineness yet durability and fast colors ; yd...75c
Tissues Best American made tissues in designs
that are real beauties; per yard 75c
Merlian Tissues An excellent selection in this
popular fabric ; per yard 55c
i Princeton Zephyrs A 32 inch fine grade of ging
ham ; priced at, .per yard 33c
Utility Ginghams 32 inches wide; yard 25c
Amoskeag Ginghams 27 inches wide, and always
good; per yard 19c
Seaside Suiting The popular checks; 36 inches
wide; priced, per yard., , 69c
Oxford Suitings Colors, blue, rose; yard 65c
Printed Batiste 40 inches wide; in nwny pretty
patterns; priced, per yard .'. 45c
Printed Flaxons Beautiful new patterns in this
summer fabric; priced, per yard '. 35c
1 . ". rr sra.
1 . 1 p:
Improve the Figure
for the New Gowir
Summertime Silks
in the web of fashion
All lnplra(lon In llirnrnelvesl Tlm unusual bratity of tfj
lure, llm appeal of color luirnionlM, tlm originality rt drslgHH
nml tlio rlclineKH of jiuilltlpi In combination tliry j?le fnll
rrlTi to create costumm of art with that nlr of rollntmwit- nml
Mmpllrlly which tlio well dressed American womaw; always
demand. .
New Paisley Pointed Crepe de Chine, yd...:..j$3.50
Plain Crepe de Chine, all shades, at $1.741;t8
Chiffon Taffeta, all needed shades $1.98, $2.25
Canton Crepes, in wanted shades, yard.....,....$3.75
Roshanara Crepes, per yai'd -..$5.00
Wash Satins, in flesh, orchid, white, and' maize,
priced at, per yard $1.98
Brocaded Canton Crepes, per yard ..-.$4:50
Crepe Knit, per yard .....$3.50
Phoenix Silk Hosiery in Matching
Hue of Spring Shoes
To bo worn with the colors of the new spring f,lov we
luivo M-lrcted a lot of pure thread silk lioe in women's SUctt.
Tlipy aro of rxccllent quality sllic and liavo the extra, high
HI!red heel, double ftolcn and toe and !lk lisle top.
Colom, Cordovan, Kuudan Calf, Nude, Beige andClray, at
$1.20, $1.55, $7.10 a pair
Ijce Clocked Full 1'ashloncd Hose, per pair $4,50
New Roman Striped Fibre Silk Scarfs, all plain
and checked effects-just in-priced $3.50-$3.95
The New
Gossard Corsets
When you think of Corfcts
think of "Govsard." It Is tho
only front laco cowt thnt glvei
perfect corset comfort. It hax
(pcolnl features not embodied In
any other corset and hundreds of
customer tell us they would not
wear any other cornet rcftmdless
of pr!"c, and yet It does not rout
any more than the ordinary. Ask
our corsetlere, who wears and
recommends Gossard front laco
$2.25 to $8.50 pair
It Always Pays to Stop and Shop at
after spendlni; several dnys here on
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Condon of Van
couver aro visiting with Mr. Con
don's father,,.!. K. Condon, at his
home In tho "Grange hall district.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Horton are
parents of an 8 pound boy baby, born
early this morning.
Mrs. Hoy Moore to Dlack Hock and
II. Zimmerman to Harper, wero pas
sengers on today's SiWer Lake stage.
A. H. Middletou is very III with
nnoumonla. resulting In part from
an lujury recently sustnlned, at his
home on St. Helens place.
Tho Pocahontas lodgo will hold n
special business meeting at Sather's
hall Saturday evening at tho usual
hour. All members aro requested
to attend.
Mrs. h. W. Gatclioll, who has boon
ill for several weoks, will leave Boon
for tho Willametto valloy for hor
honlth, probably spending several
months there,
Tlio Ilend Motor Service Co. ro-
colvod today a carload of Oldsmobllo
machines, Including two 4 cylinder
roadstors, two 4 .cyllndor touring
cars and a truck.
"Nothing Rut Tho Truth," chosen
ns the annual class play of tho Junior
class at tho Redmoijd high school,
will be presented the Kcumonu
gymnasium tonight.
A danco under the npfpjces of
Percy A. Stevons Post wiH:fce neld at
the Apierican Legion building Sat
urday night. The BaaoJi; orches
tra will furnish music.
Mrs. Jennie Christenson of Ash
land, and Miss Myra llclui ot Port
land, slaters of Mrs. A. 'J. eston,
will bo in Bend during the-trial ot
their brother-in-law on Ihe chargo
of second degree murdebfr'R. ir.
Krug of Sisters. ' "' '
R. H. Dcyarmond, former Bend
garage proprietor, Is serlousTy. ill at
his home near Salem, according to
a latter received by friends herefrom
his daughtor, Miss Fayv Dcyarmond,
who ent to his bedside EoveJrHOdnya
ago. His recovery Is doubtful.
A serious Injury to his hand was
sustained yesterday by Nell. Tucker,
17 year old boy of La PlneTwhon tlio
handle of an axo he was iwlug caught
In his sweater, the splitting
tho hand for several Inches. He was
brought by hla parents, Mr. aiid Mrs.
C. A. Tucker, to a locnl hospital for
"On which side of ilio' fence Is
your wlfo?" la the quor'y 'displayed
In the window of tho Bend Water.
Light & Power Co., referring to con
trasting oxhtbita ot tho modern' elec
tric washing machlno ot .today, and,
the washboard and tub of darker
days. A keroseno lamp Is alto
aeon on tho,. "l'Sfio"" ,slrf, 'oCy
tho fence.