The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 20, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAOR 4
SEND nCLiiimN, ttRNt. OniCCHtN, THURSDAY, AI'IUIj S0, iO'23.
The Bend Bulletin
PsWUhfd bj Th. nnd nollctln (InrorprlnI)
KiLMUhrd 1101
An Indtjwndfnt Ncwtppr, ttanJIn for
th qur ltl, clmn buntnru, clean jwlltin
and Ui bl miimu 01 wmi ana wmnu
America tho ono hundred and forty
By tho president:
Charles EHues, '
Secretary of State
8nbcrlDtlon lLt
On Year tS.00
8U Month. .11.00
Thn Monthi S0.S0
Tomorrow is Easter. It Is alio tho
opening dato of Forest Protection
jVeek. This Is of especial slgnltl
canco In the Central Oregon country
.whero a largo part of tho natural re
.sources aro found In tho forests of
.'yellow pine, and whero another great
division of wealth, found in tho live
stock industry, depends to n consld-
trablo extent on tho National Forest
, range.
Forest Protection week will be ob-
-.pervea in i.onirni uirjuu us cihikicu
piously as It has been in past years,
and tho emphasis placed on Its im
portance will meau careful coopera
tion with the National Forest eer
- vice In protecting theso natural re
sources through the year.
Official announcement of the week
and its meaning Is made in the fol
lowing presidential proclamation:
' Whereas, the protection and per
petuation of our forests aro vital
. to our continued Industrial welfare
and national strength and to our
Individual health, comfort and pros
perity, and
Whereas, a period of 50 years has
passed since in April 1S72 there was
instituted in tins state of Nebraska
bbservance of a day especially set
apart and consecrated for tree plant
ing and known as Arbor day, and
Whereas, both through widespread
annual celebration of Arbor day and
through the Increasing observance of
Forest Protection Week public atten
tion has been commendably directed
lo the value of trees, tho unneces
sary wasto of our diminishing for
ests through preventable fires, the
deplorable effects of forest devas
tation and 'the need for remedial
measures against depletion of an es
sential natural, resource,
Therefore, I, Warren G. Harding,
President of the United States, do
urge upon the governors of the var
lous states to designate and set apart
tho week of April 16-22, 1922. as
Forest Protection Week and the last
day of that week. April 22. as the
golden anniversary of Arbor day, and
to request officers of public instruc
tion of counties, cities and towns ami
of civic and commercial organiza
tions to nnite in thought and action
for the preservation of our common
heritage by planning such education
al and instructive exercises as shall
bring before the people the disas
trous effects of the present waste by
forest fires and the need of Individ
ual and collective effort to conserve
the forests and increase our tree
growth for ornament and use.
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my band and caused the
seal of the United States of America
to be affixed.
"Done in the District of Columbia,
this 31st day of March, In tho year
of our Lord on thousand nine hun
dred and twenty-two and of the In
dependence of the United States of
Fifteen Years Ago
(From the columns of Tho llul
letin of April 19, 1907.)
Miss Emily Johnson, a domesjlo
who had been employed In the homo
of Dr. and Mrs. Nlchol, drank some
wood alcohol Tuesday orontng beforo
supper, nnd died from tho result
She did not know it was poison, only
rcallilng that It was alcohol.
James Sawhlll and wlfo of Ohio
havo come to Bond to mnko their
Charles L. Gist has comploted nr
rangoments tor tho opening of tho
Gist postofflco.
The Oregon Eastern surveying
crow Is now locating on a line several
miles south of Rostand nnd south
of Wngontlro mountain.
Sylvester nnd Prince Stnats ro
turned Saturday from Portland,
whero they hnvo been attending bus
Iness college
A. C. Lucas Is putting additional
Improvements on tho llttlo lawn
south and west of tho Pilot Dutto
Seeding is well under way In tho
Powell Butte section.
What's Doing in
the Country.
PLAINVIEW. April 20. At the
bucking contest at Redmond Sunday
Jim Pulliam attempted to ride
"Whiskers," the horso throwing his
rider the second jump, after run
ning quite n distance, his first Jump
measured IS 14 feet, his second 15
feet. Jim undoubtedly displayed
great nervo in mounting tho horse,
knowing his reputation, and after
some of the champion riders refused.
Rex Sonners. also a Plalnvlew man
made a good ride.
A large crowd of friends nnd
neighbors gathered at the A. W.
Armstrong homo Saturday night, in
honor of Miss Wllma's 14 th birth
day. The evening was very pleasant
ly spent In dancing and games and
a splendid lunch was served at mid
night. Mrs. Louise Chalfan and Warren
Chalfan wero business callers in
Dend Monday.
Mrs. Smith resumed her duties as
teacher Monday after Jin absence of
four weeks.
Prentiss Van Tassel was shopping
in Bend Thursday.
Mrs. II. A. Scnggln visited In Rend
Friday night and Saturday.
Mr. Brown, tho real estate man
visited at the Morfitt ranch Thurs
day. Mrs. George Downs arrived Mon
day from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Downs purchased the
E. B. Anderson ranch Home tlmo ago
and Mr. Downs has been here some
weeks improving tho property.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Llvesay and
Corby Llvesay spent Easter with Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Scoggln.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Morfitt.
Floyd. Stqokey was very painfully
hurt Friday while wrestling. Injur
ing the muscles of his leg to such an
extent as to necessitate using
crutches for some time.
About tliroo Inches of snow
again Thursday night.
Mrs. Hnm Uurgoss nnd chlldron
spent Saturday visiting In Rend.
Quito n number of people, visited
the bucking contest nt uoilmoml
Mrs. Louise Chnlfan and son War
rrn Chalfan wero callers lu Redmond
Mr. William Morfitt rccolvcd tho
Bad news of Ills brother In law'
death at Mnlhuur, Sunday morning.
but on account of poor train connec
tions was unablo to attend tho fun
eral. Earl nnd John Chalfan spent Sat
urday with Kenneth Hallowell.
TERREnONNE. April 20. Arbor
day was observed In this school Fri
day by having n good program. A
niicket of ten Kinds or nowors was
awarded to ench room for their I
knowledgo of wild flowers. Instead i
nf i.tnt.tltii- Imnd i.tirll fllinll will llP '
given a rose busli to plain.
A party was glvon at tno wimp
homo Sunday. Those present wero
Albert and Marvin Hlbhard, Edna
Freeman. Jack' Moore, Nowell Van
Tassel, Arleen Johnson, nnd lomo
and Gladys Wlnp. A very enjoy
able tlmo Is reported.
Harney ilodesldo lias boon very III
for tho past week, but Is now recov
Mr. Hilton of tno Federal I.nnd
hank of Spokano is In this vicinity
appraising land.
S. 11. (irant Is installing a pumpliiK
plant on his Cozy Nook ranch.
Vern Dauglitery Is naming nun
ber to Lower Bridge to build a house
for his mother nnd himself.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Omar Cyrus and
Wtllard Cyrus went to Culver Fri
day evening to attend an entertain
ment given by the womaiis cum ana
also a community Easter dinner
given on Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Van Tassel nnu
daughter Gladys spent Sundny In
Plnlnviow visiting relatives.
II. Wndo and family of Redmond
huvo taken rooms In tho gymnasium
apartments. Mr. Wade is assisting
Mr. II. Mnlklson In tho garngo.
Easter services woro conducted
hero Sunday by Rev. Hlllls. A. good
Easter nroKrnm was nlso glvon. Tho
church was beautifully decorated In
ferns and daffodils.
Mrs. B. E. Nicholas of Redmond
camo down on tho train bunuay
morning to nttend tho Easter program.
Mr. and Mrs. ll. Jcrgonson leu ior
Portland tho latter part of last wcok.
Oarlock has taken possession of tho
Mrs. J. Wman anil son itooen
spent Easter Sunday with Mr. J. Wy-
man at cuivor wncro no is puning
his crop In.
Mr. nnd Mrs. carl jergonsen nave
We extend to the Ladies of Bend a cordial invitation to call
and see our late arrivals in-
Wearing Apparel
for Spring
When you see these garments, each an expression of tho
linn nf immiLv iii color and desmn, not
easily imagined but readily realized when the garment is beforo
you, you will thank us for urging you to call hero beforo you
make a selection.
Mannish Coats or wrappy Capes
in new mixtures and popular
shades of Reindeer, Sorento, Mo
hawk, Navy, etc., at
$13.50 to $47.50
Of Navy Blue Trieotine and
Poriet Twill for dressy wear, or
Tweeds and Mixtures for sports or
business wear, at
$15.00 to $47.50
Krone Eponge, TalTeta and Can
ton Grope are the popular ma
terials, m a splendid variety of
colors, at
$15.00 to $35.00
Tailored Waists and Novelty.
Blouses of lustrous silk and cotton
voiles, at
$2.98 to $12.50
moved onto Barney Rodesldo's upper
Large County Indebtedness
Seen In Scmi-Annual
The Central Oregon Bank
D. E. HUNTER, President
OAKLKTON B. SWIFT, Vice President
E. P. MAHAFFEY, Vice Pres. and Manager
s H. M. STKPHKN8, Cashier
Timber will be an
imported luxury
Forest Fires Continue
- - )f
few Uj.f
Do your part to prevent them.
'The Central Oregon Bank
I). E. riUNTEH,
h President
Vice President
With tho exception of the amend
ment of the U. M. Kclsay Indictment
charging larceny by bailee, no crim
inal matters wore Investlgateu uy
the Deschutes county granu jury
which concluded Its sessions Thurs
day afternoon, tho report submitted
to Circuit Judge T. E. J. Duffy
khowa. That tho outstanding In
debtedness of tho county amounts to
$1H,000 Is among tho findings of
tho grand Jury In tho semi-annual
survey of county affairs. Tho report
n full Is an follows:
To tho Honorable T. E. J. Duffy,
Judge of tho circuit court of tho
State of Oregon, for the county
of Deschutes:
We, tho undersigned, grand Jurors,
li..vlnif linon nm nnnnlleil and sworn.
itf! constituting tho grand Jury of this
county for the April, isizz term oi
the said circuit court, desire to re
port as follows:
Poor Well Carol For
Wo 'have completud our Investiga
tions 'of all criminal matters com
ing to our attention, or which have
been brought beforo us by the dis
trict attorney' for this county.
We have also Investigated and ex
amined Into the condition of all conn
... . ... ...
(3f ly omces ana county properiy, m-.
Bk eluding tho manner In which the
poor of this county aro being cared
for. We find that the poor aro ap
parently woll cared for, but would
rocommend that a showing bo made
by those indigents receiving finan
cial assistance from tho county sim
ilar to that mado by those receiving
widows" pensions.
We further fjnd that tho proper
harmony does not exist between the
county court and tho offlco of the
county' clerk.
Inventory Asked
Wp furthor find that thuro aro no
proper records whirouy a taxpayer
ran detormlno whero and for what
purpose county road monuy has boon
expended. Whllo such records may
not bo' specifically required by law,
wo do believe by closer co-oporntlon
botwoen tho county fiou'rt and , tho
county clerk, a system of records
could bo maintained whorcby this
Information would bo nvallablo to
any taxpayer who might bo Inter
ested. We fall to find any Inventory of
county equipment, nm! would recom
mend that such an Inventory bo made
forthwith, and filed In tho offlco of
tho county clerk, and that nil county
equipment bo immediately marked
with some Identifying murk showing
it to be tho property of tho county.
Wo hnve examined the county Jail,
nnd find that for tho impruvumut
of tho lighting, as well as for sani
tary reasoiiH, tho Interior should bo
glvon a coat of white ml nt.
Incli'litcxliios l,aruc
Wo havo made an exhaustive ex
amination Into tho present flnnuclal
condition of tho county, and find
that there Is nt tho present time out
standing and unpaid In excess of
$02,000.00 general fund warrants,
and in oxccsh of JG2.000.00 general
road fund warrants. It appearx that
the principal caitso for this excessive
Indebtedness In tho general fund has
been caused by Impropor transfers
being made from this fund to re
tire road fund warrants. Wo do not
bellevo that the proper attention linn1
been given by tho county court, and
particularly by tho county Judgo, who
Is continually In direct touch with
county affairs, to tho manner in
which the county money Is expended,
or this condition would not exist ut
the present time. Wo do bellevo
that sonio of tho expenditures in
cluded In this Indebtedness wero Jus
tified, but wo aro unable to sco when
tho county court was warranted! til
exceeding tho constitutional limita
tion of Indebtedness to tho oxtent
that they have. Wo aro unablo to
see any method by which tho county
can bo placed on a cash basis short'
of two or tliroo years, but would rec
ommend that tho county court take
Immcdlnto stops to bring this condi
tion to pass at tho earliest poHslblo
Wo havo Investigated tho offices
of tho county clork, tho sheriff, tho
assessor, tho treasurer, nnd tho
school superintendent, uml find them
conducted in an efficient and econ
omical manner, nnd wo deslro espec
ially to commoud tho sheriff for tho
efficient manner lu which ho has en
forced tho prohibition law,
Ituspoctfully submitted,
i ' 'CMlh H. WISE,
Mrs, Margaret llozorth has re
turned to hur work nfter a brief Ill
ness. E. E. Chapman nt Klfo was In llond
yesterday, leaving lust night for
I.n Vcrun Whltmore, who has boon
111 with grlppo for tuveral days, Is
Mm. 0. A. Clarskn ami daughter
Trcrsa left last night for Koattln,
to visit for a short time.
A. Itnper and family left last night
for Eugene, for n short visit. Their
homo Is at Hhovlln-Illxou
No. 2.
nnd pusnungcr neurit fur thn Pacific
Steamship Co,, was In llond yester
day on busltiesn.
Mrs. E. E. UurgnsM of Iti'dmnad
was In IliUid yesterday to visit tuT
husband, who Is nt u local hospital
rvcuvorlng from a recent operation.
II. Miller, traveling freight nml
pasiiniiger agent for thn llurllngtoii
Itnuto railways, was In I In nil yesler
dny from Portland, on bunlnouft wllh
local railroad men and othom.
Charles Haines wont to Portland
last ii kill on buslnrsN In eoiiiiecllni
with tho sain of n ranoh In tho Turn
nlo suction to (' (I. Shaw, who re-
Camp contly came here from Vninhlll. Shaw
accompanied Ilniue.i on thn trip to
C. O. Hlrschherg, traveling freight i Portland last night
Mr. Repair Man-
Why Send Away for
When you can buy the
(Bend Iron Works Brnnil)
For Less--At Home?
B-I-W" comes suited to your needs
with assurance of satisfaction.
Bend Iron Works
Orand Jurors,