The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 20, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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What's Doing In The" Country
ORANGE HALL, April 20. Tho
school commonccmcnt will bo Iicld
Sunday, April S3, at 2:30 p. m. at
tho hall.
Thoso attending tho Lutheran ser
vices In town Sunday p. m. wero Mr,
nnd Mrs. L. C. Young, Mr. und Mrs,
C. M. Hnsmusseti, Mr. and Mrs. II
HelKcson and dauchtor. Knthcrlno
Qcorgo Erlckson nnd family, O. P.
Dnlilo and family, P. J. Young and
family and Julius Pcderscn.
Joe Pcschka and M. M. Carter
wore helping with tho wood saw at
Hratt s on Tuesday.
Mrs. C. L. Smith spent tho day
Tuesday with Mrs. Fred Itcynolds
Bennett and Edward Young
bought two young kids from tho
Ream ranch, Tuesday.
II. Hclgcsen brought his daughter.
Jvatherine, from town Saturday ore'
nlng to spend tho week end at her
Mrs. Fred Hettman and daughter
violet visited at the Julius Pedersen
home Friday evening.
Roy Wornstnff of the Richardson
district attended the box social nt tho
Hocch school Saturday evening.
Roy Doardman and family wero
dinner guests at tho O. Armstrong
homo in Dend Sunday.
Joe Pcschka spent Sunday at tho
Fred Hettman home.
A water meeting was held at the
hall Friday evening.
Mrs. George Ericksen will enter
tain the Lutheran Aid from town
Thursday evening. April 20.
Mr. Coyner called on M. Carter
Sunday afternoon.
S. A. Dutt has purchased a cow
from K. Crow of Alfalfa.
Helene Selde accompanied Ethel
Slaughter to the community dinner
at Deschutes on Easter Sunday.
George Ericksen and family and
Fred Reynolds and family attended
the program and box social at the
Hoech school Saturday night.
Rev. S. A. Stenseth of Bend has
announced that he will organize ser
vices at tho community hall three
miles north of Deschutes next Sun
day afternoon, April 23, at 2:30
Gladys Dahle was a visitor at the
O. Lawson home in Bend Saturday
Mr. Golden and wife moved on the
Charlie Lowe place last week.
The annual school picnic will be
held Friday, April 21, at the Horse
Miss Ruth Sontum, from Portland
is visiting her cousin, Miss Esther
Ericksen, near Grange hall.
Steve Pavlck hauled hay from the
C. M. Rasmussen ranch Thursday.
C. E. Dickey bought a wagon from
C. L. Smith Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Young and AI-
vln Carter accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
C. M. Rasmussen to church in town
Sunday afternoon.
K. A. Nelson sold a load of pota
toes to J. A. Melvln last week.
Mrs. Charles Williamson called on
Mrs. David Staer Monday.
Mrs. Pattle and Miss Tress A
Wells were shopping In Bend Satur
Mrs. John Crandall and daughter
arc recovering from the automobile
accident which happened on tho road
to Bend last Tuesday. Mrs. Cran
dall and daughter are visiting Mrs.
Crandall's brother, Bob Crandall of
this vicinity.
Edward Carroll's cousin Is visiting
him this week.
JulIU3 Pedersen and family were
dinner guests at the Moan home Sun
day. K. A. Nelson was in town on bus
iness Friday.
P. J. Young Is trying orchard
heaters In his orchard this spring.
William Mead spent Sunday with
his family in this neighborhood.
W. H. Gray and W. B. Hutchlns
have, been helping Cooke Bros., sov
oral days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Myers of Bend
wero cnllors nt tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. O. E. Anderson Monday after
Rasmus Pctorson went after lum
ber to tho Mlckles mill near Plain-
view on Friday.
Ray Miller mado a business trip
up to Shcvllu-Hlxon camp on Wed
Miss Edna Paulson and sister Pnu
Una of Madras enmo down Friday
evening to visit for a few days at
mo uasmus rcterson homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swnllov attended
mo sctioot program and community
dinner at Tumnlo on Friday.
airs. u. w. Kelson and son wur
rcn, Mrs. Walter Lowo and children,
Mrs. Ed Swalley, Mrs. Lavlna Jones,
Mrs. McMnmon nnd Mrs. W. H. Gray
wero callers nt the Anderson home
on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. W. B. Hutchlns taught tho
ricasant Iddge school Monday and
Tuesday of this week during tho ab
sence or tho teacher, Mrs. Marie
Mrs. H. T. Mlkkelscn entertained
a number of ladles at her homo on
Friday afternoon, in honor of her
birthday. Those present were Mrs.
w. H. urny, Mrs. John Gray, Mrs.
V. II. Hutchlns. Mrs. George Rob.
erts, Mrs. Alfred Pederseu, Mrs. O.
E. Anderson. .Miss Hllma Nelson.
Mrs. Catherine Johanscn, Mrs. J. W.
rcterson nnd Mrs. A. Tenter. A de
licious supper was served by tho hos
Antono Ahlstrom mado a business
trip to Redmond on Saturday.
Tho Paulson family of Madras
wero Sunday visitors at tho home of
Rasmus Peterson.
"I had an awful cold that left mo
with a dreadful cough," says Mrs. M.
E. Smith, Benton. La. "Bought
Foley's Honey and Tar of our drug
gist nnd It cured me completely."
This grand remedy should bo In
every household at this time, when
influenza, grip, coughs and colds are
so prevalent. Sold Everywhere.
A social gathering was held at the
community hall on Saturday evening
Dancing' and cards were enjoyed by
those present after which a lunch
consisting of sandwiches, cake und
coffee was served by the ladies.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hutchlns, Mrs.
George Roberts, Glen Roberts and
Mrs. John Gray were shopping In
Redmond on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanson of Turn
alo were callers at the J. W. Peter
son home on Sunday.
A large number from this neigh
borhood attended the EaHter program
and community dinner at tho school
bouse at Deschutes on Sunday,
Mrs. F. S. Stanley of Deschutes ac
companied Mrs. O. E. Anderson to
Redmond on Monday afternoon.
Antono Ahlstrom, Andrew Nelson
and Mrs. W. H. Gray were business
visitors In Bend on Monday.
Those attending the C. E. Parks
sale near Deschutes on Tuesday from
this neighborhood wero Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Brandenburg, Mrs. O. E. An
derson, W. J. Shannon, Alfred Ped
crson, Watt Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Swalley and Mrs. Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gray and
daughter Margaret und Bert Mooro
of tho Klievlln-Illxon camn wero call
ers at the W. H. Qray home Wednes
day evening.
Mrs. B. 8. McKay Is 111 with flu.
Mrs. Henderson Is taking care of her.
Nels Nelson camo up from Port
land this week on business connected
with his ranch hero, He was tho
guest of Rasmus Peterson during his
stay liero.
Alfred Mikkelsen returned homo
Friday after spending the week nt
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cox
of Deschutes.
Mrs, John Gray and baby of flhov-lin-HIxon
camp nro visiting for a
couplo of weeks nt tho homo of Mr.
und Mrs. W. H. Gray.
Mr. Lewis of Deschutes was a call
er In this neighborhood on Friday.
Mrs. L. A. Brandenburg spent
Thursday nnd Friday visiting friends
and relatives in Redmond.
LOWER BRIDGE, April 18. Mr.
Maddron sustained a bad Injury to
his eye caused by a chip flying from
n block of wood he was chopping. Ho
Is slowly Improving.
Floyd Stanton and Darvln Walters
are now working at the Dlatomlto
Company plant.
W. Jack has turned his property
over to the Squaw Creek Irrigation
district and expects to move soon.
Mr. Delany was badly Injured
when a horse stepped on his foot. He
went to Grandview for medical treat
ment. Mrs. Churchman's mother and bro
ther from Portland are visiting her.
Jake Book made a shipment of
pork to Portland.
Charles Hicock and Kusscl Chap
man and wife motored to Redmond
Tho Lower Bridge school held a
declamatory contest Sunday. The
contest was In preparation for the
Central Oregon school day. The stu
dents who won out In tho contest
are. Dorothy Holmes and Friday
Holmes. They will represent the
Lower Bridge school In the county
Lower Bridge served Its monthly I
community dinner Sunday. There
was a large crowd and an excellent
Mr. and Mrs. F. Mackey nnd chll
dren from Terrebonne were guests
at Lower Bridge community dinner,
Mr. and Mrs. W. WIlllamB and
family and Bill McCuIng from Tcrre
bonne were guests at the Lower
Bridge community dinner.
Lower Bridge baseball association
wants games with outside tennis.
Tom Maddron manager is putting In
to shape a fast nine.
looking nttor business Interests.
Esther Cyrus was tillable to nttond
school lust week on account of sick
ness. Mrs. G. F, Cyrus spout tho week
end in Rodmund with her sister, Mrs,
Luurn Wnymlro who has boon qulto
sick with grlppo for Bovornl days.
Georgo H. llrowstor and (1. F. Cy
rus went to Lower Bridge Inst Thurs
day on business in connection with
the Squaw Crook Irrigation district.
Vern Skelton was In Redmond
Tuesday for repairs for his fathers
car which ho is overhauling.
Stcrllo Fryrenr, G. McAndrow and
Rolllo Clark wont to llend Tuesday
E. M. Peck and Mr, Lewis of
Drain. Oregon, wero business visitors
at tho ranch of II. scoggius in l'laiu
vlow Wednesday.
Ed Spoo hauled n load of oats
from II. Kiigoros ranch Saturday
evening for Max Wurxwolloi' to his
much on tho slough.
Mrs. Lund received word from her
son Claud who is in tho Portland
eye and car hospital, that bright
hopes nro entertained for tho com-
ploto recovery of his eyo which was
so badly Injured lost week by n fly
lug stnplo.
Severnl of tho farmers hnvo been
hauling sulphur ami laud plaster
from Redmond tho past week.
Sterile Fryrenr and Rolllo Clark at
tended tho round up In Redmond
J. Black was In Bend several days
last week having dentin work done,
W. F. Fryrear was n Bend visitor
Mrs. H. C. Miller, who has been
visiting hor daughters In Bend nnd
Redmond returned hero Friday.
Byron Peck, who has been quite
sick the past week Is reported to
bd Improving.
Quito a number from hero attend
ed tho auction sale in 1'lalnvlew
Monday at tho ranch of L, Fox.
hi: had THE GRIP
David Thompson, 135 Morris Ct
Scrnnton, Pa., writes: "I had tho
grip. I took Foley's Honey nnd Tnr
Compound and It mndo mo well."
Druggists sales reports snow more
bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar
sold than of any cough medicine,
Children llko it. Quickly relieves
colds, coughs, croup. Sold Every
where. Adv.
Mlddlo-agcd men and women who
have symptoms of kidney trouble will
find Foley Kidney Pills a splendid
help, for they relieve kidney ail
ments and bladder weakness. "I have
tried Foley Kidney Pills and find
they are very good," writes Mrs. A.
Lechner, 1129 Main Ave., Clifton,
New York. Sold Everywhere. Adv.
CLOVERDALE, April 20. Thom
as Arnold went to Redmond Monday
evening to attend a meeting of tho
stockholders of tho Farmers' Ware
house Co.
Lois Kllgore who has been very
sick with tonsllltfs Is much better
the last few days.
A fair sized crowd attended tho
opening of the Sunday school hero
Easter Sunday. Special Easter
music was sung and a solo by Mrs.
Corns which was very much enjoyed.
Superintendent C. Coruu would like
to havo a larger crowd next Sunduy
as Rev. Hlllls will preach nt 3 p. m.
Sunday schpol will be at 2 p. m.
Ray Armstrong and P. A. Scogcln
of Plalnvlew were business visitors
In our community Thursday.
Thomas Harrison was a dinner
guest at tho home of Albion Peck
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. H. Foley and party
irom uenu wero .Saturday afternoon
callers at E. M. Peck's.
Vernon Partln treated a number
of his boy friends to an egg hunt ut
his homo Sunday.
Mr. Richardson from Bend was
a Sunday visitor at G, Rolling's
S. E. Kllno was a Redmond viBltor
Mr, Lowls of Drain, Oregon, tho
now proprietor of the Lylo ranch
spent several days hero last week
DESCHUTES, April 20. - The Far
mers' association of Tumnlo Is ship
ping a car load of potatoes this wock
to laklnia. Wash.
Walter Lowo was a business vis
Itor at the J. R. Lowo ranch In Des
chutes Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Myers of Tumnlo
purchased n now Willys-Knight car
of tho Deschutes garage at Redmond
Mrs. W. Lowo and chlldron wore
isltors at the Alfred Moore home
n Deschutes Friday.
Arbor day was celebrated In Turn
alo Friday, tho children cleaning up
the school yard. A community dinner
was given after a program as fol
ows: Song by Paulino Lundborg:
Arbor day play: duet by Elma Clarke
and Henry Lundborg. Severnl other
plays and recitations were given and
several Bangs by the school.
Murry M. McRac of Deschutes
made a business trip to Bend Tucs
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Debiug of Des
chutes were Bend business callers
Mrs. O. E. Anderson entertained
ho following ladles Thursday after
noon Mrs. E. M. Swnlley, Mrs. W
owo and children, Mrs. Gray and
Mrs. McMnnnon.
Mrs. G. M. Ilolten and little dnugli
ter of Deschutes mndo a busluc s
trip to Bend Friday.
Mrs. W. C. Cooloy and Mrs. C W
Tweet were visitors at Mrs. Martin's
homo In Tumnlo Monday.
u. w. Jones or Deschutes was a
Tumnlo visitor Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Swalley anil
Mrs. M. E. Rogers of Tumnlo wero
Bend visitors Tuesday.
Robert Mooro of Deschutes Is
working for Alfred Wright of Bend
Mr. and Mrs. C. Harvey and chil
dren of Bond wero visitors nt tho
Swalley homo In Deschute.i Sunday
Miss Marguerite Deblng was n bus.
Iness visitor In Deschutes Monday,
Mrs. O. E. Anderson of Pleasant
Rldgo was a Deschutes visitor Mon
Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Jackson and
Mr. Shannon of Bend were visitors
at the Deblng home Sunday.
Mrs. Minnie Lowe of Deschutes
visited Mrs. W. Lowo Monday.
Bill Bergstrome and Carl Llvcsly
of Deschutes attonded tho auction
sale at Gist Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Parks of Des
chutes left Sunday night for their
new home in Monroo, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stone, Mr. nnd
Mrs. E. M. Swalley and Mr. and Mrs.
W. Lowe and chlldron wero dinner
guests at tho Alfred Mooro home In
Deschutes Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Swalley und
Mr, and Mrs. W. Lowo and children
wero visitors at tho G. M. Ilolten
home Sunday evening.
Misses Edith nnd Lois Swalley of
Deschutes spent Saturday nnd Hun
day with Miss Thelma Harvey of
A large crowd attended tho ser
vices and community dinner at Des
chutes Sunday.
Miss Gonovlove Nelson of Des
chutes spent Monday night with .Miss
Elda Jones of Tunialo.
A. Scobey oT Tunialo was u vlullnr
In Bond Saturday.
P. II. Gilo of tho Deschutes vnod
camp Is confined to his homo in Bend
with nn nttaek of grippe.
Fred Stephenson, who has boon
suffering with blood poison In his
leg, is improving.
Mrs. C. W. Nelson of Deschutes
was n Bond visitor Wednesday.
D. D. Stanton of Tumnlo was a
business caller at' tho Deblng ranch
L. A. Brandonborg of Deschutes Is
going to movo a house In Redmond
this wock. Joo Bucholtz of Bond
Is moving L. A. Brandenberg's housn
moving outfit to Redmond Sunday,
Harry Mcuuire ana u. v. Toy or
of Tumnlo woro business visitors In
Bond Saturday,
SISTERS, April 20.' H. C. Ilnr
trum, statu agent for tho Idaho Llfu
Insurance Co,, Btopped over .Sunday
with Norman Jncolisou and family,
Tho high school play, "Polly Low,"
will bo hold on tho evening of April
2!l, at 8:00 p. in. ill the school build
ing. A progroHslvo card party was held
Pal unlay evening by tho American
Legion, Ten tables wore played
and light refreshments served. Unw
ind Hartley received tho first prlzu.
and the consolation prlzo was
awarded to Mrs. 11, IC. Allen,
A dancing party will lie lie Id In
tho Allen hall on Saturday evening,
April 22 by WhltlolBiiy post, Amer
ican 1. ok Ion,
Earl Bobbins went to Crooked
river last week whoro ho has a po
sition for tho summer.
Mrs. Ed Spoo spent tho week end
In town from their homestead on
lowor Squaw crook.
Misses Rose and Ruth Spoo spent
Saturday evening with Mrs. tlrogan
nt her homo on the lower desert.
Mr, A. Dryden arrived In Sisters
Inst week to will work on the high
way this summer.
Misses Volnut (Irahnm mid Addle
and Mubel Montgomery spout Sun
day afternoon with Miss Ruby South.
(i. II. llrowstor, superintendent of
the Squaw Creek Irrigation district
went to Huleui on business Inst weok
M. W. Knickerbocker win n bus
iness visitor In Bend Saturday. ;
Messcrs, Kdgliigton and Harring
ton nro working on the llond-Slsteis
highway this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. It. King expect to
leave Thursday for Kuguno. ,
Vern Hkoltnn Is driving tho mall
stugo this weok as Eil Spoo Is In '
uenu as n witness.
J. J. Wilt who Is n Bend ns a
Juryman this weok took n load of
witnesses In with him Monday morn
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Arnold nnd
Miss Tholmn Oiler of Cluverdnlo at
tended tho card party given by the
Legion Saturday evening,
In these days of "flu." coukIis.
colds, croup, It Is well to know that
every year thoro nro inoro bottles
of Foley's Honey nnd Tnr mod than
of any other cough medicine. Mrs.
S. L. Hunt, 615 W. 6th St.. Clncln
natl. Ohio, writes: "Foley'H Honey
nnd Tnr relieved mo of n hncklnr
cough." Sold Everywhere. Adv.
Itimil Til Houtli Heroine Piisxnhle
Winter Continues In Other
Parts of The Ntnto.
Tlio first automobile to iniikn tho
trip to llend from Lukuvlnw was that
of M. L. frnther, who nrrlved hero
Inst week on his way In I'm tlatul,
iiccompiinlod by his wife, Thuy hnd
Intended lo drive to Portland, but
(ho car had to bo led hero fur re
pairs, Prathcr says that winter continues
Just as steadily at Lnknvlow ns ut
Bond, Roads north from Lakovlew
nro barely passable, lie stated.
Terrific batting on Ihn part of tho
Hold school hnsubnll team resulted
last Wednesday In a 37 to 3
victory over tho Kenwood team, R,
Brown scored two houiii runs and
Rollins ono. Batteries worn! For
Hold, R. llrown nnd James, E.
Brown i for Kenwood, Whitehead and
Although (hi) car In which l hoy
worn riding was badly lialloroil, none
of it parly of five returning from it
(our east of tho city, wan hurl whim
thu machine, driven by L, A, W, Nlx
ou, struck a ruck at it point about 1 1
miles from here, With Nixon were
It. P. Kiioneclio, Jack Cnssldy, Frank
R, Prince, and Jack Herbert, Tlio
cur was brought Into llnud under
Its own power.
Put It In Tho Bulletin.
This Month Only
From now until Feb
ruary 1, 192JJ
Send Subscriptions to
R. D. Lehnherr,
Box M7, Bend, Ore.
Expert Tire Repairing
Cord Tire repairing our specialty. We repair
cords the factory way.
For Satisfaction
Batteries and Vulcanizing
Thc Good
The High Grade Motor Car
With a Low Price
.n mailer ulial jour niiilur ear
need may be, Hie Good .Mimicll
Hue will till them iniiM sall.fiulor-II).
The Five Passenger Sedan affords every desired comfort and convenience.
The New Maxwell line offers these
four models from which to choose.
Every model Is finely llnlshcil nnd
completely equipped, rendering ier
forinaiMo that vtill win Hie favor or
nil who know them.
We have a Coupe here which we invite you to sec and go for a ride
The morn yiui Investigate HiU
little ear (ho hotter joii will like it.
It will ktimil up to every lent yon
enn glvo It. (.'mini mid try It mil
then joii will know for yourself. j
The accessive motor power renders it pleasing to drive and lengthens it's life.
You will lluil Hie Good .Maxwell
I Ik; logical light cur for Central Ore
Ku. Heo ouo today. Touring mill
Coupe, models nro hero for demons,
trillion. Ho convinced Hint the .Max
well Is the motor cur value,
on the market.
835 Bond Street
Phone 93J R. D. SULLIVAN, Asst. Mgr.