WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin. VOI. XX IIUND, DKHUJIUTKH COUNTY, OHEOON, Tlll'ltHDA V, MARCH 1SJ, lOllil. NO REASON FOR CERTIFICATION REFUSE SEEN Lone Pine District Loses Development Chance CONTRACT CANCELLED Agreement Between Nurlli ('mini Co. .inl DlMrlrt Cinimt lie Curried Oul lliii' Tit DcM-rl l.iiiiil IIimiiiI'n Action. No reason for tliu rafunnl of tlm nliilii wit l or liimril to certify bonds of tlm I.oiin I'liui district, roillil be glvun hy Oswald Wont, secretary of tliu North Canal Co,, on li In urrlvnl In Ilend Saturday. I lo uxpluluud Unit tliu North Canal Co. In Interested In tliu district only tin u roiitrnctor. ninl (hut It will now Iki iinnlilu to carry nut tliu ugruuiuonl with tliu oil! 0. O. I. company ninl tliu C. (). I. district, to cnliirgn tlm I'llot lluttu riilinl ninl nttily tliu l.onu I'lnu ilia- t i let with wutur. Kfforta of tliu rum. puny will bu continued on thu othur feature of ltd program In (.'mitral Oregon. Thu Limn I'lnu district wait organ ized two years hko. unit entered Into it contract with thu C. 0. I. company for tliu ilullvtiry of water to 1.750 ncri north of Crooked river. Tho Desert In nit board approved thin con tract, with a provlHlun tluil thu 0. O. I. Interests ruti'iiMi wnler from thlr own segregation for nupplylug tliBi land. Work Alrniily Hlinl.il Whuil thu North Cnntit Co. tool; ovr tlm North cnnnl kcgrrKntlnn, It win nt tho wish of thu C. 0. I. coin pany that they took nvur cuintriic tlon of tho tonn I'lnu tiyHtuni. after taurine Into it it nitrooini'iit with the C (). I. district fur tliu enlargement of tlm raiinl. Honiu niiKlncorliiK unit other prr llmlnary work toward thin unil linn nlrendy been do tin, iimlnr tin nrrnngo- , ini'iit whereby tho illHtrlct wan to pay for coimtructlon with Hh bonds, which wuru to hu rorllflod. It will now ho iiitpontttilo for tlm l.onu I'lnu illHtrin to get watur until Kit lintitl t uro rerllfled. anil n rem-trni-ior In foiiml willing to tnnku a similar uireumeiit to that entered li u liy tliu North Canal Co. WILL CONTEST LAKE CLOS Hod and Gun Club To Oh ject To Stale Order For 101k Lake. That tlm Ilond lloil & (inn cluh will contest thu Ntntu coiiiiiilHslnn'a rulliiK mnklng n perpotual closed HeiiHtin for thu north anil of Nik Inka which Include tliu hpiiwiiIiik Kroiind, Ih tho Htntuiiuint iiiailo liy I). II, Peoples, president of tliu cluh. A incotltiK to taku up thin quoatlnn will ho culled In tho nuiir future, Pooploa .mild, A ruling of thu kind, tho head of tho Ilond sportsmen's orRnulzutlon bollovea, would favor law violators whllo making fishing difficult for thnno respecting tho law, Klk lnko nt present furnishes tho oir lrn brook trout apnwn for hatch IttJr iilTumulo crook, Indlroctly stock ing virtually nil tliu eiiHtern brook trout lakoa of Contral Oregon, Lost Lake Still Lost; U. S. Geographic Board Pleads Usage In Denial Unwlllliigneaii on thu part of thu U. H. Geographic hoard to chni)i;o thu miinu of I.imt luku to I.nko Huud iik was rociimmuuded hy tliu lloml Commercial club, wiih niadu known to tliu club hint woult In a lottor roculvod by Sec retary I. .Anlloii from 0. S, Bloanu, Hecrutnry of tho board. "After caruful enimlilurutlon thu board declined to iniilsu any cluingo nil tlm niimo of 'I.ohI l!nko' Ih ho well oHtnlillahod In local umiKu," Sloiino wrote. Tho nctloit was takon at tho March mooting of tho hoard, Jobless Man Wants To Spray National Forest; Only 1,300,000 Acres "I understand that you'ro go Ini: lo spiny Urn Irons In thu Doh chiitun Natloiiul fluent thlH yuar. I want tho Job." Thu applicant for thu tank of tl outing 1,300,000 ncroH of gov ornmont limber, presumably for tlm oradlcatloii of thu pine lieu tin, presented himself at Na tional forest headquarters horn bint week, and oxpritsHod Kruat (IIhii p(ol ii I iiil'ii t when told hy Supervisor II, I,. I'luiub that there wiih no vacancy for thu po rtion. Tho forest sorvlco Iiiih no plaim whntuver for apriiylug, I'luiub mild IIiIh morning, ox pruKHltiK bin biillef that tliu ap plicant for work must havu been thu victim of a hoax. KLAN PROGRAM INTERRUPTED Priest Challenges Charges Made Against Catholics By Speaker In Theater. The unusual spectacle of a Cath olic prluat, standing on n platform banked with knights of tho Ku Klux Klan, clialleni;lnK charges mtidu hy tbolr spokesman, It. II. Hnwycr, wiih wltnemiMl by thu uudlunco last Wednesday's nt tlm Liberty theater, rather I.uku Shuuhtiu, In rcsponso to Sawyer' offer to prove any italo ment hu made, walked to tho Htnco and challmiKcd two charKPH made by Knwycr nKalimt the Catholic church. Two of tho klaniimcu nlllliiK at thu hack of thu HtnKu ndvuticcd In a man ner tliientcnltiK forcibly to eject tlm prlent, but thu Hpoaker rcntralnod Ilium. IIu allowed Tathor Sbcolmii to Hpenk for a few minuted, then lu HlHtfd thai hu retire. Tho chaw objected to by Kalhor Klieehan were to thu uffucl that thu Catholic church iittcinptit to Htippre.i.i thu Illblo, uiid that tlm I'opo la tho political lender of Calhollm In Amer ica, Ilotb of these charKOx bo don led, dfclarliiK Hint tho I'opo baa no dominance over li Ih followers except In 11 Mplrlttial way. Sawyer made no further reforonco to the Htippreaalon of thu Illblo, but did rend aeveral atatomenta which be Kit Id were made by Catholic of ficial and printed In Catholic mngit- Zllll'H. MANY IIOMESEEKEUS LOOKING FOR BEND From 16 to 20 letters a weok from pooplo coiiteiiiplatlm; uiovIiik to Ilond aro buiiiK received at Ilend Coinmor rlal club buadquartora, Haya U. Ant Ich, Hecrutnry. Aimwera aro belnR promptly Hout out ndvlHlm; tboao niaklui: Inquiry that Ilond now has no unemployment problem, but that an Influx of people Booking work would result In one, I.ottera from tho club offlco om phnHlzu that with prcaout Industrial condltloiiH tho club la chiefly desir ous of aocurliiR settlors for Deschutes county farm lands. GAME LAW CHARGES NET $150 IN FINES Charged with having deer meat In bin possoHHlou, John limns of the Motollua country was fined $50 In Justice court In Minima Monday, iicrnrdlng to word brought to Ilond Monday by Kudo nil (lanio Wardun Cloorgo Tonkin. Harry Helalng was asiici-"d $100 for possessing boavor nklr.ii. Han HuIsIiik father of tho Inst named defendant Is being charg ed with having venison In bla pon- HUll.llull, GOT NO DEER. BUT HUNTED, PAYS s25 Chavgod on Information gathered by District Utuno Wnrdun V. A, Adiima with hunting dcor lit Kelnu ary, Joo Howard, Jr., nppenred bo fora Juatlcu Ilydo In I'rlnovllle Tuon day, pleaded guilty, and paid n flno of $25, Adams roportB. Howard got no vnnlsou, but was after It, ho admlttod. GRAND JUROR TO BE CALLED AT EARLY BATE Cases Listed For Probe For April Term Few WESTON TRIAL IS SET Itcbi iiilng of Murder Oik',. To Com mence April 17, (ilien Si'.w Hliint liy llepoilcil ConfcKHloii of Alleged Aci iimplb e. To consider criminal mattora now pending, Circuit Judgo T. K. J. Duffy will recall thu November grand Jury either this week or next, bo ntatoa Thla will depend on tlm con dition of ruin member of thu Jury, lieorgu Itoborta, who la now 111. In preparation fur tho spring term of court, which will begin on April 10, Judgo Duffy dualrea to buvo disposed of nil cases bound over for Investi gation. A nuw grand Jury will bo drawn na court convenes to take caro of nuw mutter!, and tliu routine re view of county affairs. Tlm chief criminal caso which will hu board thla term la that of A, J. Weston, charged with tho second de cree murder of Hubert II. Krug, ngod hermit rancher of Sisters, In tho spring of 1919. Weston will be tried l bo Hccoud time through 11 supremu court ruling reversing hla conviction at tlm 1920 fall term. Thla caso Judge Duffy Mated, ho has tentative ly sot for April 17. What could othcrwlso bo looked forward to na n rehash of previous testimony, Is given a now slant by tho arrest of Ucorgo Stlllwell, chief witness for tho stnto nt thu last trial, on a chrrgc of complicity In causing Krug'a death. Stlllwell Is held to tho grand Jury, and Sheriff S. K. Itoborta hna Mated (bat ho holds tho man's cigned confession. Oilier cojos which tho grand Jury has listed for consideration nto those of Ilobert Sti'vonH, "Jack tho grab ber," whoso signed confession of at tacka on Ilend women last fall is also In tho hands of tho sheriff. II. M. Kclsay la charged with lnrcony by baiiue. AMPUTATION OF FOOT MAY BE NECESSARY Mrs. G. W. Modell was taken to Portland Monday for treatment by a specialist for 11 aorlous caso of gangrene of tho foot. It Is probable that amputntlon will bo necessary LIST OF 0 Announcement of tho officials and rules under which tho Centrnl Ore gon school day will bo conducted this year was recolved huro thla week. Tho moot, which will bo held nt Prlnovlllu on May t, will bo under thu genoral supervision of Paul Ir vlno, Redmond superintendent of schools, who la presldont of tho asso ciation nnd officer of tho day. Tho most important chango in rules is that limiting each contest ant In tho truck meet to fivo ovents, not moro than three on tho track ov threo on tho field. Kour year high; schools may hnvo uno entrant In each ; ovuut, and two In tho mllo and HO t yard runs. Kach county may havo ono on t rant from high Rchools bav-' lug less than four years of work. Judges who Imvo bean definitely! cIiohoii for tbo track moot nro: Su porlutondont J, Alton Thompson, tlmekeopers, Itlloy Cook of Madras, L. M. liechtoll of Prlnovillo, D. 11. l'ooples of Ilond; record koopors, Ralph Curtis of Demi, McKlnleyj Kami of Prlnovlllo, Josso Oavrt of j Madras! HttirtorH, Dr, J. K. Hosch of Itedmoml, it. P. Nowhind of Madras,) Arthur Mlchol of Prlnovlllo: high j school fluid Judgos, llordou Deck of Ratlmond, C, K, Ovorhulso of Metal Inn, It, It, Dnvla of Prlnovlllo; Rindo field JlidgeH, John Tuok of Redmond, J. Illiikoloy of MotolhiH, S. W. llnb cock, Prlnovlllo, Track Judgos will bo chosen from outsldo of Contral Oregon, K, H. Rvans, superintendent of tho Crook county high school, la presl dont of tho high school declamatory FACIALS AND RULES FOR SCHOOL RTANCE OF ATCHERY SIZED 7 Million Trout Hatched In Two Years, Shown WORK IS DESCRIBED Intention Ih To I'rcM-rvo Central Oiokoii'h Itepiitiitlon Ah Ono of (Jrenli'it Outdoor OitintrlcH, Kn Superintendent I.yne.t. Something of an Idea of tho mag nitude of tbo work which la being done at tho Tumtilo fish hatchery, In restocking the lakes and streams of Central Oregon with trout, wan gleaned by members of the Ilend Commercial club who beard the brief talk of I'earl I.yncs, superintendent of tbo hatchery, nt yesterday's forum meeting. One fourth of nil tbo trout hatched artificially within tho stnto of Ore gon last year wcro hatched hero, and placed In Central Oregon wators, oald I.yncs. Seven million havo been planted in tho past two years, this being 75 per cent of the entire num ber that has been planted here. Over SO lnkes In Central Oregon have been stocked, and It la tho In tention of tho game commission to stock every body of water In this region which Is fit for fish. Outdoor I'arullso Aim The local hatchery force Is work ing to mako Central Oregon a "sportsman's paradise," snld Lyncs, and is succeeding in maintaining It as one of thp greatest outdoor coun-j tries In tho world. D. H. Peoples urged that fisher-j men bo content with less than thu legal limit catch, In order that tho tdf.cks of game fish In Central Ore gon bo not depleted. The work of tho hatchery la now being felt, ho I stated, as last season was tho beat ( fishing season In sovornl years. I Preservation of the game supply J Is a personal matter with each sports man, H. N. Duchwalter stated. Ho I urged local sportsmen to get In I closer cooperation with tho gamo I commission, since the preservation of ! gamo Is of vital Interest to every I citizen, whether n fishormnn or hunt or himself, or merely a property ownor. I Criticize Game Iuvs i Duchwalter criticized tho tendency for politics to enter Into tho appolnt- (Continued from Pago 1.) IPO nSHH S El PA DAY IS ANNOUNCED division, and Miss Lillian Watts of Madras, for tho grades. Tho board In chargo of stenogra phy and typing consists of Miss Mar garet Whealilon, Prlnovlllo; Miss Trcs8n Churchman, Bend; Miss Mary II. Stewart, Madras; and Miss Daisy Leonard, Redmond. Tho oxocutlvo commlttco recom mended that the tlmo of typing nnd stonogrnphy contests be shortened. First and second year contests will ba hold In both. V. C. Shlppeo was named mnn ncor of tennis, and will arrange tho high school diminution matches, which aro to bo held prior to May 5. Tho county superintendents of schoolB will nrrango elimination matches In tho grades. Tho high hcIiooI tennis contests will consist of boys' singles nnd doubles' r'td glrla' singles nnd doubles. In tho grade, thoro will bo boys' singles tuul doubles. Public spoaklng Judgos will ;bo chosen from tho heads of tho public speaking departments at I', of 0., O, A, C. mid Heed college. Tho dec lamation contest for tho high schools la divided into threo departments; humorous, oratorical nnd dramatic. Elections given must not exceed 1, 250 worda. Tho grudo declamatory contest Is divided according to scholastic grndo, Into four divisions, ouch comprising two grndoa, Humorous soloctions aro allowed only Jn tho two lower di visions, Soloctions In Divisions I and II nro limited to COO words, In Division III, 800 words, and in Di vision IV, aOOQ worda. Woman Rides 3 Days With Fractured Hip; Rough Roads Torture Tbo torture of n broken hip which would not stay set, accen tuated by thrco days travel by sleigh and hy auto over almost Impassable roods, was endured by Mrs. Lloyd Heeler of Silver Lake, who wns brought here Monday by her husband, to go on to Portland for treatment. Tho trip from Summit station was mndu In tho Silver Lako auto stago. MEMORY SHORT ON DUCK DATES Violations Are Noted On The Crooked River Bend Will Get Baby Swans. Some of tho ranchers on Crooked river have apparently forgotten that there Is any end to the open season on ducks, la the Impression which Kodcral Gamo Warden George Ton kin has gained following Investiga tions of gamo law violations In Cen tral Oregon. At any rate there Is going to bo at least one federal case from that section. Tonkin says One rancher admitted to Tonkin that he had failed to keep any track of closing dates, and that the ducks had suffered in consequence. There have been other violations of a like na ture. Tonkin believes. That the Hungarian partridge would bo the best gamo bird to uso in stocking Central Oregon to relievo tho sago hen from threatened exter mination was Tonkin's advice when asked on this point. Lack of water In tho winter and the attacks of hawks make it difficult for tho Chin ese pheasant to survive In this coun try, ho said. Tho Hungarian part ridge Is one of the most hardy gamo birds known, with tho exception of the sago hen. Tonkin's observations have taught him. Another movement started by local sportsmen for tho creation of sago hen preserves Tonkin considered might bo of uncertain merit. The government has had but little success with its game bird preserves, ho said. IJaby swan are to be brought to Ilend this spring on authorization of State Game Commissioner M. A. Lynch, and will learn to regard the quiet stretch of tho Deschutes above tho Bend Water, Light & Power Co. dam as their home, the federal game warden predicts. They will bo taken at Summer lake. Tonkin met Tuesday with a num ber of Bend sportsmen for a discus sion of game conservation questions. CHANGE ASKED IN RAIL RATE Complaint To Public Service Commission Charges Discrimination. In an effort to securo freight rates ns favorublo as those enjoyed in Washington, a complaint In which the Oregon Cooperative Hay Growers association and tho Bend and Red mond Commercial clubs appear against tho O.-W. R. & N., S. P. & S., Northern Pacific, and Southern Pacific railroads, is before tho Ore gon PubKc Sorvica commission. A copy of the complaint was received at tho offices of L, Antles, secre tary of tho Bend Commercial club, Monday, Tho complaint asks readjustments of rates on hay to equnlb-o tho mar keting facilities of haygrowers as compared with thoso of growers in Washington, and also to reduco tho cost of Central and Eastern Oregon alfalfa to Western Oregon dairymen. REGISTRATIONS TO CLOSE ON APRIL 18 Loss than n month remains for registration of voters for tho May primary olectlons. Registration hooks will closo on April 18 and tho primaries aro scheduled for May 19. All Deschutes county registrations nro being mado nt tho office of the county clork this year, PRICE RATIO'S EQUALIZATION USINESS AID Portland Financier Notes Prosperity Return BUYING POWER GAINS Iti-nil I'nvori'd In Lumber Industry, Declare Itobrrt K. Smith Live- , stock Market Must Strengthen, lie Hays In Interview. As the most encouraging foaturo In connection with tho gradual bet terment of business conditions In state and nation, Robert E. Smith, president of tbo Lumbermen's Trust Company of Portland, In Rend Friday to address a meeting of Masonic or ders of Central Oregon, comment ed In an interview on the equaliza tion which is going on between prices of farm and manufactured products. The purchasing power of the farmer, Smith stated, has been badly crippled by tho fact that while virtually pre-war crop prices havo prevailed during the past year, man ufactured products Jiave averaged ICS per cent in comparison with that standard. Now, however, farm prod ucts prices are strengthening, and manufactured goods aro steadily coming down, and Just as steadily In creasing the farmers' purchasing power and in consequence Increasing the demand for more production. Kquntlon In ViUuch Shown In this connection, Smith quoted statistics covering a period of 20 years given him by an eastern econ omist, showing that the valuo of farm nnd manufactured products Is equal. Based on this, he explained, greater valuo of crops will necessar ily mean a larger Industrial output. Bend will be especially favored in j the Increasing prosperity. Smith pre , dieted, because of the nature of the city's basic Industry. "Lumber la Improving," ho said, "and with a prospect for good crops and greater relative values thero Is bound to be considerable building in anticipa tion." The return of prosperity, he said, will be definitely seen with ths liquidation of tho 1922 crop. Allied Debt feature- The livestock industry of Central Oregon In keeping with that of tho country as a whdlu, will becomo stronger through increased demand Incident to the heavy marketing of young stock during tho past fall and winter, caused by the spur of neces sity, ho said. Mentioning the International ex change situation, Smith predicted that In two years thero would bo a strong sentiment In America In fa vor of the cancellation of tho allied debt to the United States. At pres ent, he emphasized, this dobt Is tsx tremely useful In insuring tho na tion's strong diplomatic position. MAKE CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING WORK A contract for doing engineering work preparatory to constructing tho North Canal-Powell Butte irrigation system was entered Into between the directors of tho Powell Butte district and the North Canal Co. at a meet ing at Prlnovlllo Saturday night, John Dubuls, engineer for the com pany, reported this week. Os wald West represented the coinpany. Graduate of Bend High Is Chosen By Honorary Society At University Recognized as ono of tho 19 most prominent women in tho freshman class at the Univer sity of Oregon, Miss Marjorto Baird, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Baird of this city has beon pledged to Kwnmn, sophoinoro women's honorary secret soci ety. News of tho honor con ferred on Miss Baird wus re ceived by friends hero. Pledges for Kwnma aro chos en from the women in tho fresh man class who aro consldorcd as most reproscntatlvo, and as most vorsatllo In campus activit ies. Pledges enter Into actlvo membership In tho society in tholr second yonr In college Miss Baird In a gradunto of the Bond high school.