- tvwit nm.f.imw nnvn nnMmiiu rriiiTiticii.AW MAiirli 11. 1113. Boys' Army Shoes $2.69-$2.89 Have tbu Stopt of the needless financial sacrifices you make when you do not "tnko tho timo" or nro dlslnclinod to look around n littlo before you mako your necessary purchases of personal and household things? It Is not alono a qucstiou of saving money but one of securing quality and service that is involved. Comparo our values with thoso clsowhcro. Hats for Men . ."Bayridge" v- style leader of our faipous Marathon line. Offinest fur felt silk lined. A smart hat nt $4.98 Cloth Hats For Men A popular driving and Sport Hat. Mnilo of all wool suiting cassluieres, finely stitched and satin lined. Browns and gray are the favorite colors. $1.98 Dress Pants For Young Men Smartly tailored fine Cassimeres and Unfin ished "Wo r s t e d s brown, gray and green mixtures; brown, green and blue flannels in plain and neat pin stripe designs, llade full thru hips and seat; fitted waist; belt loops and cuff bottoms. $3.98 $4.98 $5.90 Tor Men many desira ble patterns and fabrics ilso at above prices. METHODISTS TO CALL FOR BIDS An immediate call for bids for completion of the Interior of tho now Methodist church was decided upon nt Tuesduy'8 meeting of the build ing committee. This Is the largest unfinished unit of work remaining. Tho specifications will call for all the insldo work, In the auditorium, except the windows and furnishings. The bids aro called for March 28, and if a satisfactory hid Is submitted, the contract will bo let immediately thereafter. Plans and specifications aro being ,propared in the office of Lee A, Thomas. "Tills contract is made possible by the splendid rosults of the bond sell ing campaign, last week," said J. Ed gar Purdy, the pastor. "Wo have, sold J9.000 worth of bonds, only two five hundrod dollar bonds remain in our possession, and .we ha'ye..vory fine prospects for the Mi w oa a lb Think Smart Spring Suits For Men and Young Men WITH the first flush of Spring wo arc ready as usual with a most unusual collection of truly re markable styles and values in Men's and Young lien's Spring and Summer Suits. Our low prices assure you sub stantial savings. $19.75 $24.75 $29.75 Smart Suits for Young Men single anil double breasted styles and Sport models. All wool tweeds, casslmeres and unfinished worsteds. Newest, nobbiest patterns and colors. Men's Suits of all-wool worsted cloths In gray and brown mixed patterns and all-wool serges in gray and bntton coat styles. Men's Fine 100 Leather See Them! Three styles, a3 illustrated. AH Mahogany Lo tus L e a t h o r, welt soles, half rubber heels. $3.98 J. C. Penney Co. Shoes are built for service. Buying for our 312 stores enables us to add service wearing values that the smaller merchant cannot obtain. disposal of these two large bonds within the next few months. "Meantime, the Income from the bonds sold, and from the church ex tension donation, will enable us to proceed with the completion of tho Job. We expect to let the contract for tho windows and for the interior furnishings in the near future, for delivery about the first of August. Work on the exterior veneer will he started some time in June. We ought to he ready to dedicate by the first of September." WILL MAKE SURVEY OF WORK OF CLUBS Inspection of the work being done by boys' and girls' clubs in Deschutes county is scheduled for March 27 when J. E. Calavan from the office of the state superintendent of edu cation, will arrlvo In Bend to con duct a survey of club work. lie will bo accompanied on his tour by Coun ty School Superintendent J. Alton Thompson. Five clubs aro now fully organized, and others will be at work shortly, Thompson states. KUft 312 DEPARTMENT STORES Quality Economy Stylo Dress Shoes For 854 of Men Comparo Them! Tho greatest valuo in Men's All - Leather Dress Shoos ever offered our customers. NEW MEAT MARKET OPENS DOORS TODAY Occupies lloom in .Miner Building V. C. Drowning Is Manager -Pendleton Firm IntereHtcil. Tho Oregon Meat Mnrkat opened its doors for business this morning, occupying the second room from tho south on the ground floor of the .Min er building, V. C, Drowning Is man ager. The market will bo operated under the direction of the Pendlotou Packing and Provision Co. Tho room contains umplo spaco for cold storage. An lea plant wilt be Installed at onco, Drowning stated today. The materials are all hero, and a man to install It is on ills way. STILL AND MASH BRING $100 FINE Lester L. Wallace, arrested in Bond recently for having a still and mash in his possession, was fined $100 In 'federal court In Portland minus i ijjj 3 S Boys' Elk Shoes Men's Caps New Spring Styles Pleated and quar tered models, non broaknblu visors nnil pemiinu leather sweat bands. Newest Spring patterns and colors. 49c Wash Suits For Littlo Boyi Now, smart patterns aro plentiful in the se lection of wash suits wo have for small boys. Tho populnr styles are Utis.sinn, M i d d y and Oliver Twist ; in a vari ety of serviceable mate rials and desirable color combinations. These little suits laun dcr beautifully and give moro than tho ordinary amount of .service. You'll appreciate tho wonderful values at 93c $1.98 Others from 60c to $2.08 "Man Is Judged By tho Company Ho Keeps." The moral of Aesop's fablo is to be careful about one's associates. This ap plies with equal emphasis to ono'i shopping place When we decide upon a store as being worthy our patronage, wo want to know that tho company behind It Is trustworthy; that Its merchandise In always as represented and of dependable quality; that Its snlcsiieoplo are men and women of Intelli gence and ability who will bo helpful and courteous. When you an' familiar with our unfailing co operation and service and tho money-wiving advan tages afforded you by tba combined operation of our 312 stores, you, we feel sure, will want to bo known as a patron of our Company. Tucsduy, according to word ro colved hero today. Wullace told tho court- that ho had boon tempted by an advertisement for a still uppoor lug in n magazine of national circula tion, had ordorod tho equipment, but had not had timo to start In the man ufacture of liquor whon ho was ar rested. AUXILIARY PARTY NOT TO BE HELD Tho "birthday party" of tho Amur lean Legion auxiliary, which was planned for this month, tho first an niversary of tho organization In Ilond, will not ho hold, on nccount of tho Illness of a number of momljors, It Is announced, MONTANA PEOPLE TO LOCATE HERE That a number of tho residents of Flat, Montana will como to Ilond to locato this summer Is tho state ment contalnod In a latter received at tho office of Secretary L. Amies of tho limn! Commercial rluli Information rognrdlug government land In this fiectlon ion to entry l'n linked, CHOOSE OPERETTA FOR GLEE CLUBS "WIiiiIiiiIIIn of Uollum!" Will lie Puwnteil lly High School Of gnultiilloiis April Sit, Sitt. "Windmills nt llolliind" lift Ihhmi rioloctiHl its tho opmuttii which the hoys' iiml girls' glee clubs (if Urn Bond high school will kIvii In their mi mi ii I iippcuruucu April 21-22. Thuy will hu couched by Miss l.iiura Itiniil. school music Instructor. Mouthers of tho clubs expressed thomnulvcs today as well pleased with the lT ottn. Tim rust will ho unniiunced mixt week, Tim two gleo clubs practiced to guliiur Tuesday night for tin) first time this year. LAMB YIELD LARGE AT POWELL BUTTE POWKLI. llt'TTIJ. Miirrh 9 J. A. Itlggs who sometime ago bought tho II. Mnncenu sheep teports a wonderful crop of luinbs so far. From IT, owes thut hiivn liimhed hu got 3 1 Ininlin. The first three owes to lit lit li giivti triplets. or rotirsi) owing to tho soverii weather he could not snvo nil, hut his losses have heuu relatively small. J. A Itlggs Iiuh hilled mid shipped to Mr. Mc.Mlcklo of Itedmoiid over 78 tons of liny. (Icorgo O. Triiosdnlu ' will hind throo curs this week with hilled liny that goes to Miiupln where It will he fed to sheep Unit urn being win tered there. Mrs. Wnllacn ICnutt and rhlldrnn visited at tho (loorgo ('. Truwduln luiliie Suiidii). Mrs. Knott lives mi thu McCull ranch down Crooked rlvor. Shu Is nil old time friend of the Truusdales and thuy enjoyed thu visit grually. Many Powoll lluttn penplo nre In cluded In thu prevailing epidemic of colds and grippe. A few have been soriously III, others only troubled with tin) symplon. Among ihuno who Imvn been seriously III nro Peter Pnuls, C. M Charlton, little Ornu Charlton Foster, Mrs. (Ilbsun, Mr. und Airs, Ituy Huberts, and itniighlur Inn. All of these uru uuw nearly well. Mrs. C. M. Chnrllnn, 12. Carl Charl ton and Harold M. Charlton were dinner guests at thu homo nf Mr. and Mrs. K. A. illinsutl lust Wednesday ovonlng. Miss iliizel llayn who has been In training as a nurse In a Sun Fran cisco hospital Is at home to upend several months renting. Miss llayn's health has not been good for mime timo and she thought that Central Oregon's bracing nlr and homo rook ing might have a beneficial effect. A Inrgo attendance of dry laud farmers anil olhors Interested turned out for a meutlng nt Ciiiiimuiilly hall Inst Friday night for tho purpono of discussing tho proposed Irrigation ditch to be put In by the North Canal Co. Tho meeting adjourned for an other session lust night. Mrs. Mury V. Charlton and sou Charles spoilt tho week nt tho ranch. Charles wan suffering from a severe attack nf grippe ntid was obliged to lose an ontlro week of school. Hu Is n student at Crook county high school. Harold M Charlton went to Port land Saturday night on n special business trip. He will return In n fuw duys Mrs. Cleveland lliinn was hostess this Wednesday to the Powell Untie Horosls club. Mr. and Mis. H. I). Milliard went to Prlnevlllu Sunday uvenliig to m tho Four llursuiiiun nf tho Apo calypse. Jack Meyer has returned from a dullghtful visit with his parents at Tacomn, Tom Cronln who has been passing a few days in Portland returned Sat urday. Frank McCaffrey thu Powell Butte farmer, real estate mini tins returned from several weeks spent In Port land. While thorn Mr. McCaffrey suc ceeded in breaking Into print In two of tho Portland papers. Assistant Statu Knglnoor McAllis ter attended tho water meeting at Community hall Friday night Hap pening to ho In this vicinity al that timo ho cama at tho invitation of Guy Dobson of Iledmonil. A Mm. Tho in as has taken over thu leaso of the Long ranch formerly bold by J. Arthur M liner. Mr. and Mrs. Mllner will move onto their own ranch this week. 0()M)NI.ATI(N HTAItTH HOO.V, WliST HTATI'M (Continued from I'ago 1.) the library board, n "clean up" cam paign, and getting tho voters to vote, wore all asked, Improving relations with .the far mers, elimination of thu hud check uulsanco, u campaign to reduce tho cost of living, somu road building dona personally by thu citizens, a "gut acquainted with your town" campaign, wore inantionod, with uoino pni'fional auswurs, after tho question, "what can thu Commurclal club do to help my himlnesH?" "Kill KiiocIu'im" HiikkcsIinI To tho question, "What can tho Commercial cluh do to most effici ently promote the wolfuro of Bond, and make It u hotter pluco In which to live," the most prevalent reply was "Kill the knockers, got together, and boost," Humiliation of unsight ly advertising signs was mentioned, ' Miss Laura Ititnd, who has been given tlin (risk of proYlilInK muslo for thu forum luuntlnus, sang "Out where the West Begin," nceum putiliMl by Miss Alice lltoclcmoit lit the piano, She nnnuiinced tlmt tho fllnh members would bo ex pected to slug (ho na in u song next Wednesday noon. Hrmttiiinstor .1. lMgnr Purdy asked for volunteer fathom for (hu Hoy Scouts' hiiniiuut Friday night. On walit West hinted thut the North Oiiniil fiinipuiiy would father any liuyii not otherwise cared for, und Hint John Diihuls, mutineer for thu company, would chaperon litem. Ills offer was accented. NOTK'i: OF HAM'i OF UKAU PltOPF.UTV IN Till COl'NTY COIMIT OF Till STATU OF OHICOON. FOit DIIHCIIDTFS COl'NTY In Hid Matter of the (luurdliiiishlp of the persuu und estate of MAIl (1AUIJT SCIIMITT. it minor. Notice Is hereby given, Hint thu uiidoislgimd, Fredeilck Kchniltt, Hie duly appointed, iiuullfleil und acting guardian nf the person nnil estate of Mnrgurut Helimltt, a minor, will mi or after the 1 2th day of April, 1922. sell ut private sale, the foU lowing described teal property bT longliu: to thu above named mlno. to-wlt: An undivided oue-liulf Inter est In ami to the Northwest quarter of tho Southwest quar ter (NW.i HWV uf section twenty-four (24). township sev enteen (17) south, of rniigu fourteen (H) east, Willamette Meridian, In Dcichutes county, Oiegon; for tho sum of fifteen hundred nml no hundredths dollars (IIGOU.OOi In rnsli, This nntUr Is given and such sale will ho held under and by virtue of a license to sell such real estate, made and entered In tho uhiivu en titled mutter on the 4th day uf Mnrrh. 1922, by llonoriiblu It. W Sawyer, county Judgu. All pursou Interested in said into or ha vlni; any objections to tlm snlu thereof, nro hereby notified to appear In the nliovo entitled court and cause on or before the 12th iluy of April, 1922, mid show calino, If uny. why such sulo shall not ho made Dated Ibis ltd day of March, 1922 FHKDKIUCK SCIIMITT. (iiinrdtau nf the person and estate of Margaret Schmltt, a minor. 23c cam, Foil iti:;isTi:iu:i ito.xn l-TNl) WA II HANTS. Notice Is hereby given that regis tered warrants Num. 1X20 to 1 87!. 'inclusive, drawn on tho road fund, jure culled for payment on March Is 11922, and are paynhlo ut thu County TriHisurer's otneo, llcml. Oregon Intermit on these warrants slops on and after that date. CI.YDH M. MclCAV, tc County Treasurer. INCUBATORS Send for your froo copy of cata logue describing the Standard F.lcC trie Incubators and Brooders. Kit tlrely different. Combined Incuba tor nud brooder nothing like It After hatching chicks, comvert Into a broodur no additional expense. All sizes. In unu at Agricultural Collegns and largest commercial hatcheries. Wrlto today for cata logue. HT.WIIAItll INCCItATOIl Ml'd. CO. TJIfc Meilfortl, Oregon. CLASSIFIED ADS CUulAr.1 fcUtrflUIn rhiuir ir luu ZO rrnl for SO word or Im. lint mtl ir wnl fur sll rr 20. All cUmIAI clrtrtU liui ttrktly rh In lhej. I'Oit H.M.n. FOIl SAI.13 10 sacks early White Suowfluko potato seed. Free of disease, 3c per lb., while they Inst il, it. Oelder, it F I), Bend, Oregon. Cl-2p FOIl SAI.i: -I'lirebred While Itock eggs for setting, from good laying strnlu, also Taucred strain of White Leghorn eggs. Itosn Hutch, Tiimalo, Oregon. C3-2-7P FOIl SAI.i: lliihy chicks; White Leghorns (Tuncreds), (lolden Buff, Drown Leghorns, Ancnnas, Black Mlnurcas, Buff Orpingtons, 11. 1. Ileds, Barred and White Hocks, every week. Knoch Crows, Sen bright, Cul. -t FOB BVLH -Pure bred Brown Leg horn eggs from heavy layers; prices within roach of all; cor respondence Invited. Proprietor Oak Knoll Farm, It. 1, Newberg, Ore gon, 40-2p FOIl HALIO Itoson sood ryo, f 25 per Ion, O. W. Bales, Tuwvn, Ore. G3VBIS FOIl BALK 10 acres NH quarter, SI' quarter, range 12 K,, soctlon 23, township 17 S, fenced, luvel, very cheap, deferred payments nt 0 per cunt. Make offer. W. 1), Bunuon, noil, in NH, Seattle, Wash. 8-1-flp FOIt HALU lOverbearlni; strawber ry and uvurhoarlng rusphurry plants, Acclimated plnntH do host. Wrlto for price list. O. P. Bocker, Tiimalo, Oregon, 19-C1-9C WANTHII. BUSINU8S OI'POHTIJNITY Are you looking for a luminous loca tion, Have a good proposition for couple or woman alono. Wrltu Box 241, Bund, Oregon. 08-na-3c WANTIOD To hunr from ownor of good ranch for salo, Stato cash prlcu, full particulars, I). F. lluuli, Minneapolis, Minn. C2-7p WANTKI) To hoar from ownor buying farm or unimproved land for salo., John J, Black, Chlppowu Fails,' Wisconsin, 25-l-3p V l