The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 02, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    iitcxn nvhhmin, bins, ormor, tiiuiwdav, ma hoi 2, 1022.
Luster Ilrynn lit reported III with
In grlppo.
11, 0. Onoil (if lliu Arnold district
In III, with In grlppo.
A. W. Kohflold In confined lo his
homo with la grlppo.
M. W. Hilton of Ituiliiionil Ih In
Hond tudny on business,
11. W. Cooko of Deschutes In In
Ihmd I (i day 011 business, , '
Mm. U. IS, Nichols In conflnuil to
hor homo with In grlppo,
J. L. (laltlmr unit li Ih dittiKlitor
KutliNiru III wUh In grlnno.
O.'Cfc llrlx,' Itodmond attorney, linn
boon In town on titmliitmit Iniliiy.
V. II. Dnggutt, Itodmond iitlornoy,
U In tho city today on business.
Dr. r ul Woornor rutiimcil thin
mornliiK from u trip to Purllund.
W. I. Vnniluvort lenvon tonlKht for
I'ortliinil whom hu will spend novernl
M. W. Knickerbocker, comity com-
mlnnloucr, In In Iloiul today from
(leorgo Haborts, who him boon
sorloiinly III' with pnoumonlu, In con
J. A. Knntes,. who wm vory III with
In Krlppo yontordny, In today reported
muck better.
Atigunt' Anderson returned from
ItPdinoml, whom ho visited ycnlor
day. at noon today.
Mr. nnd Mr. T. C. Merchnnt and
children, of tlio Arnold district, uro
all III with la Krlppo.
Tho nlno monthn old dnughter of
Mr. and Mm. Henry Van Taanel In
on tlio nick Hat today.
1). 0. McPhorson hnn recovered
from hln attack of In Krlppo, and l
nblo to tin about ngnln. .
Mm. i.V. 0. Dnvln of J'rlnovlllo
In In Iloiul vlnltlng with her eon. Lo
land Dnvln, and fnmlly.
V. II. Dnggett, C. C. Ilrlx and Max
Cunning, Itodmond attorneyn, uro
all visitors In Horn! today.
A. II, Thotnan to Lit Pino and Wil
liam Klttrcdga for Hllvor I.ako woro
thin morning's stage passengers.
Mr. and Mm. F. K. fitudubnkor
and non are reported to ha recovering
from their Illness with In grlppo.
Mm. J. Chrlstoiuen, who hnn boon
sorlously III with plaiirnl pnriimonln
In reported to bo greatly Improved.
Mr. and Mm. It. M. Wood loft hut
nlxht for Portland, to visit thero nnd
with Mm. Wood'n pnronts In Knlem,
for n week.
Mm. Kd rinnoll of Anhwood. who
vran operated on yettorday for n rup
tured appendix, In reported to ho
doliiK well.
A non weighing 7 pounds wan horn
to Mr. and Mm. A. Olson, of SO Mc
Kay avenue, taut Ho hnn boon
named No In Tliurllof Olson. I
Mrn. J, N. Mahonoy and Minn Attco
Forrest will ha tho honlenncH at tho
mooting of tho Altar nocloty tomor
row afternoon at the Knights of Col
umhtin club roomn.
John Michael, owner of tho Sphlur
hulldliiK. arrived In llend lant iiIkIU
from Bonttlo on liunlnenn In connoc
tlon with 11 lognl content over tltlo.
to Hi" property. I In wan neenmpnu
led by a. II. Itavello, attorney.
Two mimical mimhom linvo tieou
nrrnngvd for tonight's Womnn'n
Civic longuo open meeting at which
Judge T. i:. J, Duffy will npeak on
jury duty, mentioning particularly
womnn'n norvlng on Juries. Minn
Allco Stockmnn will slug n nolo and
Minn llonula Htnckwoll will play n
piano nolo. ,
dun Bchroodur of Silver I.ako In
In Hand today.
W. I'. Vnndovort of Ilnrpor In vis
ItliiK In Hond,
W. T. Hardin loft lant night for
Echo to visit hln nlntor.
Mr. nnd Mm. H. M. Swnlloy of Des
chutes nro In Hond today,
Fred N. Wnllaco of Tumnln was n
htiHlnoHH vlnltor In Hond today.
V,Y. Plckolt of Torrolmnno la a
btis'lnonn visitor In Hond today.
Ooorgo Elision nnd 8. W, Kills of
rrlnovlllo woro In Hand yontordny.
Mm. I. II. Chiirloi was n pnsson
Bor mi tho bIoko for Silver I.ako to
day. ,
Tho Hnptlst Womnu'B union will
hold Its nil day mooting at tho homo
Swift & Company
Fourth Street Market
Portland, Oregon
will pay you the Top
Market Price for your
Dressed Hogs and Calves
Prompt Remittances
of Mm. 0, II, Mot, 104 Columhlu
on Thurmloy.
II, I,, To no of Hlstors wan In Hond
yonterdny, lonvlng Innl nli;lit for
Mr. and Mm. (Jnorgo D. Albright
nro tho pnrontn of n Imhy hoy, bom
County Anwonnor A. A,. Andornon
wont to Itmliiioud limt night to vlnlt
with hln family.
I.. 8, Logan of Portland In vlnltlm;
with hln non, H, O. Lognn, nnd fain
lly. Ho spent today at Itodmond.
Mm, II, O, Drown and daughter
Mildred loft Innt night for tholr homo
In Seattle. They have been In llend
for nix montliH.
John II. Scott, dlntrlct engineer
for tlio nfutn hlithwny coiiimlnnlou,
wnn In Hond over night, rotiirului!
to Tho Dalian thin morning.
F. :, Htudebnker, trnvollng freight
ami piinnougor ngont for I bo O.-W,,
In III with In grippe at hln homo hero
Hln wlfn nnd non uro nlno III.
Hart l.ootons, Ilrnokn-Hcanlon om
ployo who recently nuntutued an In
jury to ono of hln nyen, wont to Port-
hind hint night for treatment.
Tho Infant non of Mr. and Mm
J. W. Wllllumn, who died Sunday
of cerebral hemorrhnge, wan burled
at 2:30 o'clock thin afternoon.
Deputy Sheriff Oenrgo Btokoo ban
returned to llend from Siilam. Tho
trip wan mndu to take I.;o Stovonn,
Juvenllo dellmiuent, to tho statu
training nchool.
Mr. mid Mrn. W. Shaffer aro In
llend from their homo In Casper,
Wyoming. Thuy nro tho parents of
Mm, (I. I.. Heldon. Tbcy may docldo
to locate In Hond, Mr, Shaffer bo
lug tho owner of the Shaffer apart
montn In Kenwood.
Oacar Carlnon, Louis Andcrnon
nnd Sam Trouton woro In llend to
day on tholr way to Sllvor I.ako,
whom they will bo oni'ployeJ by tho
Otto llnimon company, engaged In
building tho Hllvor Luke nnd Sum
mer I.ako Irrigation systems.
Tho five year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harney Conway wan brought to
llend from Htnnflold yontordny by hln
parents, to bo trout ed for recurrent
attackri of appendicitis. Hu was In
critical condition on hln arrival horn,
but won better today, Dr. K. It. Nor
rln reportn. Tho fnmlly, Including
four other children, drove to Hond,
Mr. nnd Mrn. Julius Pederson, who
aro In llend today from tho Ornngo
hall, report that Innt night wan ono
of tho coldent of tho winter In Unit
vicinity. Mrn. Pederson was a prize
winner In Innt week's poultry show
Tlio monthly buHliionn meeting of
tho PrcnbyJorlnn Ladles' build, which
wan to hnvo been hold at tho homo
of Mm, S. A. Hlnkulcy Wednesday,
hun boon postponed until tho follow
ing Wediiendiiy, March, S, owing to
lllnenn In tho Illnkeloy family.
Edward Fuller wan a passenger to
Harper on tho stngo today.
Ooorgo Downn, who has been In
Portland on business, returned thin
J. A.sEantcs roturnod to llend thin
morning from u hunliionn trip to
Minn Harriot Umbnugh, high
school principal, In seriously 111 with
In grlppo.
C. A. Illoom In about ngnln todny
nftor being confined to his homo for
no mo tlmo with lu grlppo.
F. W. Stnry hnn roturnod to his
work at Mnnnholmor'H nftor sovornl
days' lllnonn with In grlppo.
L. Vrlhoon was n pnnsongcr yes
terday on tho stngo for Summer
l.nko. A. Hutchinson loft for Sil
ver I.uko.
Tho baby son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
W. WllllnniH, throo days old, died
yostorday. Funeral arrangements
hud not boon complotad today.
Mlku Sullivan, Shovlin-Hlxon em
ploye, In 111 with n Bovoro cold,
Mrs. II. i:. Allan wont to Portland
last night lo visit for n wool:,
Minn Winifred Howard loft last
night for Parkland, to spond tho woolt
Miss Kvn Comogyn want to Port
land hint nluht to upend tho wool;
Paul C. King roturnod thla morn
ing nftor spondlng n wook lu Port
land. Q. I,. Mclliilu la visiting from
Portland with his son, Donald Mc
Iliiln. C, II, Knowlos hnn purchased n
now NiihIi cur from tho Dcschutas
Mr. nnd Mrs; J. W. Williams nro
pnrouta of n hnhy boy, born yostorday
Mrs. I,. C. HpnrdorB of Tho Dallas
Ih viHltlng with hor blstar, Mrs. Don
nld MoDnln.
Charles Haines roturnod last night
from Portland whero ho has boon
for sovornl dnyn on huslncnn.
Mrs. Uordoii Mongher, nnd throo
no mi Ted, Harris and Frances nro
confined to tholr homes with grlppo,
Ouy Foster, M. Crimen, Karl Hlntt
hud I'onrl Frcomnn woro paaoongors
today for Sllvor Lnko on tho stngo,
Mlos Harriett Umbnugh, high
nchool principal, was absent from
her post yesterday afternoon on nc
count of Illness,
"Slgnor Peciin," a musical com
oily, wan given lant night at Prlno
Tllln under tho nusplcos of tho Amor'
lean Legion post.
Itohort Keyns left Innt night for
Portland. Ha will visit over tho
wook end with Harold Darling, Hond
boy who In attending Columbia uni
W. H, Skinner of Portland In vis
iting with bin non, Dr. flrant Skin
nor, mid a daughter, Mrs. J. M. Orlf-
fln of Tumulo, Ho expects to spend
two weeks lu Contra! Oregon.
J. A. Knstcn left Innt night for
Portland, to attend n baiuiuol to
night In honor of tho president of
tho U, S. Fidelity & Guarantee Co.,
who Is visiting from tho cant.
Minn Hollo Soxton left yostorday
for Portland, to enter St. Helen's
hall to study mimic, Shu In a rlntor
of Mrs, (leorgo Chllds, und has been
attending the hhli school hero.
Mrs. A. D. Abbott nnd two (laugh
tern arrived In llend this morning
to Join Mr. Abbott, who Is tho now
manager of tho Stnndnrd Oil dlntrl
billing station bore, Thuy uro mov
lug todny Into a houso In llend Park
D. O. McPhorson Is on tho sick
list today.
F. W. Stary Is confined to his
homo by Illness.
Edwin Flnh Is confined to hln
homo with la grippe.
Kenneth II. Minor Is confined to
bis homo with la grlppo.
Miss Noll Markell 'returned to hor
duties todny after bolng 111 yesterday,
Mr. and Mrs. isfti J lodges aro par
ents of a 9 poundglrl, born yester
J. C. Wright, local ntutlon ngont,
Is confined to his homo with 1a
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. W. Fleming nro
recovering from an attack of la
II. J. Power was able to be about
ngaln today after being 111 with la
grlppo for sovornl days.
Mrs. W. F. Hnrdln wont to Kon
nowlck, Wnnh., lant night, called by
the Illness of hor father.
Mrs. C. A. Illoom In reported III
with la grlppo today. Her husband
In just recovering from a similar at
The Tomulnn of J, W. Hunter,
who died Wednesday morning, were
shipped lant night to Yakima, Wash.,
for burial.
A. F. I.arnon returned yontordny
from n trip to Portland. Hln wlfo.
who hnn been visiting there, re
turned with him.
Thoniun J, Ilyan, of tho chief spe
cial ngont'n offlco of tho S. P. & S.
was In Hond yestordny on business,
returning Inst night to Portland.
Tho llttlo daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrn. J. B. Smith, born Fobrunry
has boon unmod Donn Mnrlo. Tho
young lady wolghed pounds on
her nrrlval In Hond. ,
Mrs. August A. Anderson returned
to hor homo at Itodmond Innt night
attar nursing hor hunband, who In
111 with la grlppo hero, for several
days. Andornon In reported much
Mrn. L. W. Gatchcll Is 111 with la
W. A. Pickett of Tcrrobonno was
In Hand yestordny on business.
II. A. Miller wont to Portland last
night to spend today on business.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson loft
last night on a trip to Portland.
J. J. Wilt of Ststors Is spending
todny In Bond on buslnoss.
Airs. II, C. Kills Is recovering from
hor reconl attack of In grlppo.
Dr, Charles F. Illoom Is about
ngnln after all attack of pnoumonln.
Miss Dora a tills wont to Portland
this morning to spond a week's vaca
tion. Miss Mnrlo O'Hrlou want to Port
land this morning on a week's vaca
Mrs. Kiuinn Ilroderlck Is confined
to hor homo with an nttnclc of la
Mrs. R. A, Parsons Is reported to
bo recovering from hor attack of
la grlppo.
Albert Scliultz nnd Charles John
son of Alfalfa nro In Hond today on
buslnoss. ,
Mrs. O. h. Kregness has roturncd
from Portlnnd, where gho vtsltod for
Bovornl wooks,
Cha'rlos T. McPhorson, insurance
ngont, nrrlvod in Hond this morning
from Portland, .
Max Cunning'' nnd Quy Dohson ot
Itodmond woro buslnoss visitors In
Hond yostorday, ' ,
Miss Faith Israel will leavo to
night for Sonttlo, to visit, with bor
New Coats and Capes
for the Little Ones
Spring is a fascinating time in this department. Both
mothers and the little girls will enjoy seeing the new things
and the little folks, of course, must be "dressed up."
Polo Cloth Coats Swagger little coats in the belted style
vith large round collar andtwo pockets.
Coats and Capes in Velours, Herringbone, Tweed and Broad
cloth, tailored like the "grown up's" coats.
Prices from $4.95 to $12.50
brother, Samuel Israel.
Mlts Nell Markell, stenographer
for the Commorclal club, Is confined
to her home with la grippe.
J. I., aalthor, local manager of
tho Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
Co., want to Madras today on busi
Mm. Madgo Uaskln, who has been
nursing In Hond for sovornl works,
loft yesterday for her homo at Fort
Miss Emma llrnck has returned to
her duties as a teacher In tho Junior
high school, after being 111 for sev
eral days.
Mrs. William F. Fulton went to
Prlnbvlllo last night to vlnlt with
her daughter, who In attending high
nchool there.
Lynn II. Coovcrt of Alfalfa was in
llend lant night, attending the Wash
ington's birthday ball at tho Ameri
can Legion building.
Tho dinner danco which was to bo
given at tho Pilot Dutta Inn tonight
has been postponed on account of
tho fact that thero Is so much Illness
In tho city.
Mrn. Donald McIInln returned this
morhlug from Tho Dalles, where sho
has been visiting. Sho was accom
panied by her sister, who will visit
with her here.
Mrs. William F. Trombleo nnd son
roturncd to Wycth todny after vlslt
Ihg for several weeks with Mm.
Tromblco's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Gcorgo F. Hoover, and family.
T. J. Qulgloy, Kedmond Insurance
man nnd literary light, was in Iloiul
yeRterdny on business. Qulglcy con
ducts a column of miscellaneous
rhymo and proso In tho Spokesman.
S. P. linker, who nrrlvod In Bend
several days ago from San Diego,
loft yestorduy for Fremont, whero
ha will visit with friends. Ha leer was
formerly a trapper in Lako county.
Then a Kick Develops.
Rnmn tt.tmilu' im. III... a.i..h n
",.... ..... ,..- v Ull-t 3Hn i
en ouch until It Is tlnut
Boston Transcript.
Sale of Children's
' All styles und kinds. Sizes from n small
4 to a big 2.
Several Pairs Are For Boys.
Fifty Pairs in the
Pair $
V1 in
It Always Pays to Stop and Shop at
In Office .Manager of McCloui! Lum
ber Company Hnn IWi-n Auditor
for The Shcvlln-IIlxou Company,
Elmer It. Ityan, until recently au
ditor for Tho Shevlin-Hlxon Com
pany, has accepted the position of
office manager for the McCloud river
Lumber Company at McCloud, Cal.
Ho loft Monday night to take over
his new duties. Ityan spent the early
part of the winter at McCloud, au
diting tho company's books.
The McCloud Hirer Company Is
controlled by tho Shcvlln-Clarke-Carpenter
interests of Minneapolis,
which nro also in charge of the ad
ministration ot The Shovlin-IIIxon
Ryan's family will remain in Hend
until lato In the spring or early In
the summer.
Only Scvt'n Clear Days Itccordetl For
Month Precipitation IIcaTj
Three Below In Minimum.
With 14 cloudy days and seven
partly cloudy, February will prob
ably stand through 1922 as the
cloudiest month of tho year. The
ratio of clear and cloudy or partly
cloudy days In Central Oregon Is
ordinarily Just reversed. The month
was an unusually wet ono, official
records show. Fifteen Inches ot
snow fell, and this with some which
melted as It fell, or which was
procipltatod in tho form ot rain,
brought tho water equivalent for
tho 28 days to 2.54 Inches.
The coldest weather ot tho month
was that recorded In the early morn
ing of February 2S, when the
last -
Choice while
1 .79
mercury dropped to three below
zero. On the same date the great
est dally range ot temperature, 41
degrees, was noted. Fifty-seven de
grees above zero was tho warmest
day, coming on February 6.
Date Max. Mln. of Day
Feb. 1 36 0 PL CIdy
Feb. 2 38 3 Pt. CIdy
Feb. 3 42 21 Cloudy
Feb. 4. 45 23 Clear
Feb. 6 46 30 Clear
Feb. 6 57 2D Clear
Feb. .7 49 32 PL CIdy
Feb. 8 41 24 Cloudy
Feb. 9 41 25 Cloudy
Feb. 10 34 21 PL CIdy
Feb. 11 35 20 Pt. CIdy
Feb. 12 34 22 PL CIdy
Feb. 13 40 14 Clear
Feb. 14 48 17 PL CIdy
Feb. IB 39 20 Cloudy
Feb. 16 47 28 Pt. CIdy
Feb. 17 43 30 PL CIdy
Feb. 18 44 27 PL CIdy
Feb. 19 42 2 Cloudy
Feb. 20 35 23 PL CIdy
Feb. 21. 46 21 Clear
Feb. 22 40 7 PL CIdy
Feb. 23 34 11 PL CIdy
Feb. 24 23 10 Cloudy
Feb. 25 36 11 PL CIdy
Feb. 26 33 14 Cloudy
Feb. 27 34 14 Clear
Feb. 28 38 3 Clear
925 Pine Levied Against Taxidermist
For Offering Mounted Ilrant For
Sole In Suspended.
E. N. Mallery, local taxidermist,
must read the Oregon game laws
through twice as tho penalty for vio
lation ot the section which forbids
the ottering for sale ot the plumago
or carcass of a protected bird. This
was the rullng'ot County Judge Saw
yer Monday when Mallery, ap
prehended by District Game Warden,
C. A. Adams, appeared for trial nnd.
entered a plea of guilty. Mallery's
fine was $25, but this was sua1
U. N. Duchwalter, with whom tho
defendant had placed a mounted
white brant for sale, . was also In
structed to read twice through tho
game laws.
Necessity tor tho payment of 1922
grazing fees by stockmen 30 days
before the opening of the season no
longer exists. The secrotary ot ag
riculture, according to word received
Monday morning by Supervisor H. L.
Plumb ot the Deschutes National
forest, will allow payment In two in
stallments, the first to bo made on
or before the date that stock enter
the forest, the second to be made on
or beforo December 1 ot tho present
year. No lnterost will bo chargod
on dctorrcd payments.
The ruling Is tho rosult of a move
ment which has been backed by tho
national livestock associations.
Disposal ot $25,000 vforth 0j ila
bonds la sought by the, Squaw Crottlc
Irrigation district whloh- haa called
tor bids which will bo oponed by
the 'dtroctdru at . Sisters, Tuesday
afternoon, April 4, -Funds derived,
from tho bond sale will po used In
tho gonoral development' of tho cys
torn. 1 i
Bulletin Want Ads bring result's!'
try them., ,