The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 02, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    a,imi!ainwi assise,
ThV Bend Bulletin
MHiM f Tht nnd nnll.tln (Inrarpanttd)
Aa Indpndnt Nwippr, lUndtnir for
th Mir dsl, tlrn bmlnn. clean polltlrt
an! Um bwt InteraU of Bnd and Ctntral
fiatucrlntlon RaIm
Om Tr , M.00
IMx Month ..11.00
Tftrra MonUu 10.10
Charles Hall, of Mnrshfleld, 'rub
for many months said to bo consid
ering announcing lilniBclt as n enn-
dldsto tor tho republican nomination
for governor but made no detlnlto
statement ot his candidacy until n
few days ago, following his endorse'
nent In Portland by tho "federation
ot patriotic societies." Readers ot
tho Portland newspapers have seen
frequent montlon ot this organlza
tlon in connection with discussion ot
posslblo candidates for tho governor
ship and they observed that Mr
Hall's announcement camo closely af
ter his endorsement by the federa
tion. It seems to be a fair Inference
Jlhat Mr. Hall's decision was largely
influenced by tho federation action.
," Whether or not tho Inference Is cor
rect it is propor to make Inquiry as
to just what .Is this "Federation of
Patriotic Societies" that is taking so
prominent a place in tho political
discussion of tho day.
One may make inquiry but ho will
shortly find that that is about alt ho
can do. Ho gets nowhere so far as
definite Information Is concerned. A
correspondent asked the Oregonlan
what the federation was and got this
answer, t
"The Federation of Patriotic So
cieties Is an organization of' between
SO and GO delegates chosen .by cer
tain secret societies which are con
fined to Protestant membership. The
federation itself is in a sense secret.
In that the names of neither dele
gates nor participating bodies havo
so tar been disclosed to the public.
Knowledge ot identity in either case
is largely a matter of deduction, but,
generally speaking, the federation is
composed ot those bodies (with per
haps additions) which waged a suc
cessful campaign in the last school
-election in Portland."
A good many crimes ore com
mitted in the name of patriotism and
this seems to 'be one ot them. Pos
sibly the gentlemen of the federation
are worthy men with high aims, or
at any Tate, with aims they think
are high. They are going at it the
wrong way, however, to try to secure
their alms through a secret political
organization with religious and ra
cial limitations. There's nothing
American about any such procedure.
It is tho Know-Nothing business all
over again.
Until all the candidates are in the
field The Bulletin will make no se
lection of its favorite for the repub
lican nomination. It Charles Hall
secures the nomination, however, we
are against him unless he can prove
that he Is not allied with this bunch
of FOPS. I
In La Grande $3,000 is being I
in Dond nb'olit tho samo amount vas
raised which suggests that tho relief
problems ot tho two towns nro not
"fair fin'jCncino
In common with other newspnpors
ot tho state Tho Uullottn has ro
coivod from Uio managing commit
tee ot the 1925 exposition a request
"for n frank nnd unbiased expres
sion on tho best posslblo method ot
financing tho exposition." Further
on in ths letter tho request Is tor
an "opinion on what financial policy
would bo the most nccoptablo to the
peoplo of your community." Tho ro
quest assumes that an exposition of
somo kind will bo hold which scorns
to bo tho general Portland attitude.
Indeed, n friend has told us that
Portland will havo somo kind, ot
show evon though it is only a street
carnival. ,
Accopttng this assumption our
tlrst answer to tho request Is nega
tive Tlint is, wo bollevo that thoro
should bo no attompt to finance tho
affair by compulsion. In other
words thcro should bo f.o funds
raised by taxation. It taxation is not
used there remain only such volun
tary methods ns salo ot stock or
bonds or outright contribution.
Sinco The Bulletin makes no claim
of knowing it nil it has no Intention
of telling tho 1925 committee that
its opinion is that ot tho whola com
munlty, however, and it invites let
ters from Its readers gtvlng their
opinions on tho subject ot fair fi
nancing. In order that tho discus
sion may be all on tho samo basis
wo suggest that writers first Indi
cate their opinions on tho desirabil
ity of the fair and then stato tholr
bollors-es to now it suouia bo fi
nanced. Every letter must bear the
name ot the author but tho name
will bo withheld from publication It
desired. A summary ot tho answers
will bo sent to the fair committee
as answering in some degree tho
questions .asked.
Tho article 'appearing Monday
under the "1925'' head, which should
have, been credited to tho Portland
Spectator presents much tho samo
Idea as that expressed in this column
a few weeks ago when the announce
ment was first niado ot tho world
tour to bo mada by Julius Meier on
behalf ot the exposition. At that
tlm6 wo said, that Mr. Mclor was
making tho, trip, on his own respon
sibility and that it could not be nr
gned on his return that because ot
the invitations ho might have given
that the state was committed to hold
ing the fair.
The Spectator seems to think
otherwise so far as the possibility of
committing tho state Is concerned.
In effect It says that either "we"
must let these foreign governments
know that Meier has no authority
and that there may be no fair or wo
must provide the fair in order that
those who rely on his representa
tions may not suffer. The difficul
ty with this Is that thcro is no or
ganization to give this notice. Tho
Spectator's "we" means almost nny-
As ono way ot Rotting tho Idea tlon. Far nctunl reductions tit (
over, however, wo suggest- thht tho pondlturo wo suggest that tho IohIs
Spectator sohd copies ot lUt editorial lnturo lio looked to foW ti begin
to tho foreign embassies In Washing- nlng. t
ton. That ought to put thorn on
tholr notice'. . '
i 1 . ..
A fow days ago tho tax Investiga
tion comiultteo unnouncod that it
had discovered that tho causo ot tho
high stato tiiTwns' tho action of
tho peoplo in voting mlllaKO tuxs
for various purposos, chlelly educa
tional. Slnco that tlmo thoro Iioh
boon comment ot various "sorts, somo
papers urging thnt this was nit In
dictment ot tho 'Oregon Hystont of
government by the peoplo and others
assorting that tho legislature was ut
lonst blamahlo in part hecnttso It
had submitted to tho peoplo tho tax
measures that had boon adopted by
It seems to Tho Bulletin thnt this
sort ot argttmont proceeds moro
from a desire to llnd fault with tho
Oregon system or with tho legisla
ture than front n wish to consider
tho whole subjoct impartially and
dccldo. In tho .first place, whothor
thoro Is blame to bo glvon for levy
ing any particular tax, and in tho
second place, If thoro Is, whoro thnt
blnmo lies.
As wo soo It tho truth of tho mnt-
This week committees' from tht'
Mothhdlst church will otter for snln
tho $10,0,00 bond Issue' which the
church Is Issuing to securo fttndn
with which to complete its Jjulldlug
on Bond street. Tho Bulletin be
spoaks for tho soiling committees n
rondy rosponsa to tholr requests for
It wilt bo noted In tho tlrst place
thnt what Is being sought J a loan
rather than n donation. Bonds nro
being ottered bearing a rate ot In
terest higher than can bo had In any
savings bnuk. Tho security seems
nmplu. To thoso who have $50 or
$100 which they wish to Invest tho
opportunity Is u good ono.
Another wny of looking nt tho
matter Is that tho completion ot tho
church building, which Is tho aim
at tho bond selling rnmpnlgu, will
bo a real community benefit. Klnco
tho building It tin reached Its present
stngo of completion It has been used
for many community affairs. The
hall, In tho husomont, Is opon for
general use. To mnko n loan Is a
small thing to do to show appreci
ation. '
fl.r. ...n..L. ..r M... I.rtt..! ..Alii... .......
.. , mlttces should bo inndo ns oasy as
tho peoplo nro responsible for tho ... '
l,l, ,, ,., M'l, ,!... I,UM,LJ11-'
ititiii omiu itiAvn. ii nviiivi uoj,im
stbiltty shall bo changed to hlama
Fifteen Years Ago
depends on whothor tho expenditures
for which tho tuxes aro levied
should bo niado. To us, nt least,
it seems qulto clear that tho levies
voted by tho peoplo wcro jnstlllcd
and should bo continued. They have
provided, for tho most part, for
noeded Increases In salaries and fa
cilities In our educational institu
tions and for tho soldlor bonus
funds. Any one who wishes to pro
test agntnst any particular ono of
theso objects Is at do so
and It is also his duty to do so
rather than to argue in n vaguo and
general way against high taxes.
Wo aro not so suro but that for
tho legislature tho word should ho
blarao rather than 'responsibility uud
here Is our reason. The taxes which
tho peoplo voted made unnecessary
lugisiuuAu npprupriuuuus iiir mu
samo purposes which had formerly
been made. Instead of taking In
the slack so provided, however, tho
legislature found .other placos in
which to spend tho money and ntado
appropriations up to tho full amount
permitted under tho six per cent
limitation amendment. i.
Just how much now appropriation
was used in this way wo do not
know but wo recall thnt In Decem
ber, when tho effort was being made
to flnanco tho 19,25 fair. Secretary
ot State Kozcr suggested cutting off
and down existing appropriations to
tho total of about $2,000,000 nnd
taking that monoy. This never got
much beyond ?lho suggestion stagol
but a lot ot peoplo are thinking that
If Mr. Kozer was right tlion tho
legislature arranged to spend a lot
of money that need not havo been
It Is very llkoly that tho tax in-
body and almost anybody Is not go-1
Ing to sit down to write, the story IvcstlRntlon commission will succeed
raised ns the Home Charity fund of jot this affair to' the governments of in finding a means of spreading out
the local Red Cross chapter. Here foreign nations. I more equally tho burden of tnxn-
K. K. K. & F. O. P. S.
Tho Bulletin agrees heartily with
tho opinion ot tho Ku Kltix Klan
expressed by Its morning contempor
ary. This organization has no more
placo in tho nation than has tho fed
eration or patriotic societies In tho
stato. Both aro un-American but
of tho two tho K. K-. K. Is tho worso
becnuso it scoks to gain Its ends
through terrorism and by taking tho
lnw into Its own hands. Tho FOPS,
at least so far as is yet Indicated, is
not an organization of law broakers.
Its. activity Is apparently only In tho
political field.
When tho tlmo comos for this na
tion to he run by forco and secret
political organizations it had better
hang up tho "For Salo" sign aud go
out ot business.
John D. has not accepted tho Swiss
riding master who Is ongaged to his
granddaughter. Probably opposed to
him bocauso ho docs not uio gas.
Wo read In (ho headlines thnt tho
modern girl has nothing on her for
bears. And not much on herself.
Ono reason why tho 1925 fair
business has novor progressed very
fast is because It was Malcrcd from
tho start.
1 (Front tho columns ot Tho Bond
Bulletin ot March 1, 1907.)
Tho announcement miule sovernl
wookit ago by Tho Bulletin that grnd
lug would ho started In tho spring
on tho Hnrrlmnii lines In Central
Oregon Is now verified by reports
appearing In tho Portland and other
Oregon papers.
Ed Brock, who Is with n crew of
Hiirrlnmn surveyors working south
west ot Burns, writes to Bond rela
tives that tho Orngon Eastern lu n
"suro go" and that they nro already
blasting lit cuts on tho Malheur
It is now said that tho Oregon
Trunk lino will soon reimmo con
struction work up tho Deschutes. It
will bo remembered that right of way
was denied this road bocansu or thoi
Intention of tho reclamation service
to build largo daunt In tho river for
power purposes, j
Five sacks chuck full of mull
reached Bond last oveiilng, tho first .
ot nny consequent since January 30.
Thoro Is a report from Hhnnlko thut
n train will bo In there either to- j
night or tomorrow night. Until the
train does arrive, mall will bo car
ried nut 0t Hhnnlko twice u week
C. P. Becker of Laid law was h
Bond visitor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John fiteldl mid W
P. Vninlovort wora vlsltors-nt- tlitf,
school lost Thursday. ,
Mr. niul Mr. Fred Slionqtiflift wora
down from tholr Big MohiIowh ranch '
last evening.
II. T. Mlkkolson sold his liny to J,
W. Peterson who has recently pur
chased it milk route In Bond.
W. II. Gray and W. II. Hutchlns
attended the Collier salo near Turn
alo on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Htanloy, of
Deschutes, railed on Mr. and Mrs.
O, E. Anderson on Sunday after
noon, . .
Mr. and Mrs. O, E. Anderson
havo both hewn sick with nil attack,
of lit grippe.
Antone AhUtrum made it business
trip to Redmond on ,Hnttirluyy -
Mr, and Mrs. II. Ti MlkkelHj'I'rT.l
son, Alfred, worn kuosIh of lUflhus
Peterson nnd Mrs. Ciithorlno Jiihiiti
sen on Hundny.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ilutchlnn and
baby have nil been eotillnud to their
homo by sloktiimt this week. Mrs.
Itoborts, who ennm out from ltd
mond to euro for them, nlso took
sick. All nro Improving according
to latest reports. 1
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. IJ. Anders
were buslmtH visitors In Bend mi
Ttiesdiiy afternoon.
ItiisuniH Petorsou Is haling hay
for V. P. (lift and Olo lliiimoii near
Deschutes thin week.
Mrs. W. II. 'Irny was sink in bed
severul daya this wiiek Willi a -wire
Mr, and .Mrs. O, E, Anderson woro
Redmond visitors on Wednesday
S g
t$ The Central Oregon Bank f
I). K. HUNTER. lrrldont
CAIILOTO.V II. rlWIFT, Vlco President
E. P. MAIIAFFKV. Vice Prr.. ml Msusgrr
II. M. HTHP1IKNH, Outlier
Because of insufficient evldenco
the charges ngalnst O. Cato and
Oliver Erlckson, alleging gambling,
woro dismissed by Recorder Ross
Farnhnm nttcr Gate's appearance In
city court Tuesday afternoon. The
men wcro arrested Saturday night.
Bulletin Want Ads bring results-
try them.
The disposition to save is the
sure mark of determination to
succeed. Whatever your busi
ness, and whatever your pres
ent prospects may be, you can
not afford not to save.
One Dollar will start a Savings
Account With this Bank.
The Central Oregon Bank
K. P. SIAHAI'Pin'.
Vlco President
'The Four Horsemen
Of The
(WED t1 AHA HAH An was expended in transferring this fumed work of fiction
Uf l tpl,UUU,UUV.UU to the screen. The World's Greatest Motion Picture.
Before seeing this .
production read the
last chapter of the
New Testament
M-a M. M-J JL-i J. V M. M.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
1 '-
In an effort to convey to the mind of the public an idea of an un
usual picture's impressiveness, producers of photoplays often have re
sorted to a listing of statistics; a mention of the nioney spent on it, tho
gross weight of steel and stone used in structural work, the mileage of.
me mm exposeu, anu me iikc. ,
As well guage the greatness ofa master's painting by the number
of tubes of paint used, as to argue that' "The Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse" is the supreme picture play in the screen's history merely
because it required over a million to make, a year to photograph, and
six months to prepare for the camera.
And so, despite the interest of these ofT-thc-screen facts, we ask
you to forget them. Tho picture can achieve its aim only when you
respond in the measure intended to its drama; when you share tho joy
and the dejection of its people to the fullest; when you thrill as thoy
thrill to the big moments in life; when you, watching their images on
the silver screen, veritably live their experiences.
When you see this side of this master picture you will admit it is
in a class by itself.