The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 16, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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What's Doing
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. T. Mlkkelsen enter
tained several guests nt illuncr Sun
day at tholr homo In honor of Mr.
nnd Mr?. W. II. Gray's 50th .wed
ding anniversary. Those present
wore: Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Gray,
Mrs. Cathcrlno Johunson nnd Rns
mua Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson were
dinner guests ot Mr. nnd Mrs. T. S.
Stanley nt the hotel nt Deschutes
on Sunday.
P. 11. Gilo of Pond was sawing
wood for Kd Swalley nnd V. H.
Grny the last of tho week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Rlebhotf, Mrs.
George Kobcrta nnd son Glen were
Sunday visitors nt tho Ilutchlns
"Pinkie" Rcnnolds of Redmond
was in this neighborhood buying
hides tho last of tho week.
Alfred Pedersen has been on tho
sick list this week.
Rasmus Peterson, and Mrs. Cath
erine Johansen went to Bend on
Thursday. They were accompanied
by Paul Cooke.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. Anderson wore
shopping In fiend on Saturday after
noon. H. T. Mlkkelsen and son Alfred
were Bend, visitors on Saturday.
Mrs. F. S. Stanley of Doschutes
visited Mrs. O. E. Anderson' Monday
afternoon and evening.
II. T. Mlkkelsen, O. E. Anderson,
A. Teeter, Rasmus Peterson, J. A.
Chase and Antone Ahlstrom attended
tho irrigation hearing in Bend on
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson were
in Redmond 'on business Tuesday
Willie Peterson has been In Bend
several days this week looking over
a milk route which he contemplates
Antone Ahlstrom was a business
visitor in Redmond on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Ilutchlns had
tho following persons as their guests
at a "candy pull at their home on
Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Gray, Harold Cooke, Mrs. George
Roberts and Glen Roberts.
W. J. Shannon spent the week end
In Bend on business.
GRANGE HALL, Feb. 15. Many
farmers are having' much trouble
In getting water as the canals aro
full of snow and ice. Many have
been hauling water for some time.
This Is an unusual occurrence in
this vicinity.
R. M. Chase hauled water for do
mestlc use from the Otis Davis place
last week.
Mrs. Fred .Reynolds left for La
Grande Sunday where she will spend
a month wltb her parents.
Georgo Finley went to Lakevlew
with Georgo Carrol Friday where the
latter purchased 28 hogs and 17 head
of cattle. They returned home Mon
day with the stock.
Mrs. II. Helgesen and daughter
Katharine, called at tho George Erlck-
sen home Sunday,
Roy Boardmrtn and M. A. Board
man butchered a beef Saturday.
Julius Pedersen and son Harold
were In town Thursday.
R. M. Chase Is attending the Far
mers' week program in Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kotzman. Mr.
and Mrs. R. Shafer and Mrs. Kotz
man's sister who is visiting her from
Portland spent Thursday evening at
the 11. Selde home.
Mr. Charles Carroll called at tho
Carter homo on business Thursday
The grippe seems to have taken
a real grip in this neighborhood this
week: Mr. and Mrs. H. Selde are
both bed-fast and Mrs. George Erick-
sen is very ill with a touch of pneu
monia. Mrs. C. Carroll has been
bed-fast for a week. Mrs. J. M. Mc
Claln, Mrs. Fred Hettman and Mrs.
Dahle are better now.
Ed Young took Dorothy Young
and Fay Smith Into town Sunday
night where the girls are attending
high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. J.
Bedlcnt called at the Selde home
Mrs, M. Chase spent Sunday night
at the home of her son R. M. Chase.
George Splndler Is loading a car of
spuds for R. E. Grimes.
Mrs. Adolph Kotzman and mother
called on Mrs. Roy Boardman Wed
nesday afternoon.
II. Helgesen was shopping In town
Joe Peschka Is selling hny to Fred
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Dahle nnd
daughter, Gladys called at the
George Erlcksen homo Sunday after
noon. Julius Pedersen and son, Harold,
called at the II. Helgesen ranch Sun
day. R. E. Grimes and sons, Ralph and
David were at the Carter homo on
Fred Hettman called at tho Chaso
ranch Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E, Dickey wero
Bend shoppers on Suturdny.
Mrs. and Mr. C. M, Rnsmussen
wore In Bond Friday after school.
Mrs. Gertrude Nlckcrsen accom
panied her mother Mrs. William Rey
nolds to town Saturday.
Mrs. Stovo Pavlck called on Mrs.
J, M, McClatn Inst week.
Steve Pavlck purchased two pigs
from A. A. Anderson last weol:
Frank and Herbert Nelson called
on Bennett and Edward Young Sun
day. Mnble nnd Lawrence Boardman
callod on Helena Seldo Sunday,
Many fanners from this neighbor
hood aro attending Farmers' week
In Bend.
Erllng and Howard Helgesen
Mllod on Frank Nelson Sunday. I
In The Country
Martin Pavlck spout Sunday in
Fred Carter spent Saturday nt tho
Clinrlcs Carroll homo.
Kd Young wns In Bond on business
Mrs. Roy fionrdmnn was In town
DESCHUTES. Fob. 15. Tho Dos
chutes school childruu gave ti taffy
pull nt tho Deschutes school house
Friday aventng. Tho school children
woro present and (tuito n number of
tho neighbors. Everyone 'had an
enjoyable ovoning.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Scobey mid sou
Kenneth nnd Dudley Maytield ot
Tumalo were business callers in Bond
G. M. Holtcn of Deschutes mndo
n business trip to Bond Sunday,
Miss Edith Swalloy of Deschutes
visited in Tumalo Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Deblng were Bend
visitors Saturday.
Mrs. G. M. Holten of Doschutes
was n Bond visitor Friday.
Mrs. W. Lowe of Deschutes gavo
a birthday party Sunday honoring
her little son's first birthday. Those
who attended wero Mr. and Mrs. E.
M. Swalloy and Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W.
Nelson. Ice cream and cake was
Harold nnd Paul Cooke. Roy Ham-
blin nnd G. W. Jones of Deschutes
were business cullers in Redmond
Mr. Dahlo of Redmond wns a vis
itor in this neighborhood Friday.
Dee Lowe of the Deschutes vicin
ity was n visitor at the Walter Lowe
home Friday.
Ernial Gllos who spent Saturday
night in Bend returned to tho E. M.
Swalley home Sunday evening.
Charles Lowe and mother Mrs.
Minnie Lowe of Grange Hall woro
visitors at the Lowe homo Sunday.
G. W. Jones, ex-mall driver of
Deschutes left for Bear creek, Prlnc
vllle and Grizzly returning to Red
mond visiting frlonds and relatives
on his wny home.
P. B. Gile or Bend is sawing wood
at the E. M. Swalley ranch.
G. W. Holten ot Doschutes took
a load of alfalfa bay to Bond Thurs
day. Mrs. E. M. Swalley nnd Mrs. C. W.
Nelson were visitors at tho Lowo
home Wednesday.
Mrs. C. W. Nelson of Deschutes
made a business trip to Bend Wed
nesday. .Miss Eunice Nelson spent Tuesday
night with Marvel Cooley.
G. M. Holten ot Deschutes took
a load of cord wood to Bend Mon
Clarence Elder was a business
caller in Tumalo Tuesday.
Mrs. Van Huffel of Bend visited
Mrs. F. S. Stanley of Deschutes
Miss Eunice and Genevieve Nel
son visited Elzctta Deblng Wcdncs
day evening.
Mrs. R. L. Thurston of Deschutes
was a visitor In Bend Monday.
Mrs. G. M. Holten andMrs. C. W,
Nelson were visitors at the E. M,
Swalley home Tuesday.
R. S. Sumner ot Bend left for
Tacoma on a business trip. Mr. Sum
ner visited in Deschutes Thursday,
Rev. Hillls of Tumalo was a vis
itor in Deschutes Sunday.
TERREBONNE. Feb. 15. The
Warm Spring, Indians who have been
working at Echo ranch finished their
work there and are moving on to
the Japanese owned land where they
they have a contract to clear seventy
acres of land.
Miss Comegys made another viBlt
to the school and gave a very Inter
estlng talk to tho Girls' Athletic ns
soclatlon as well ns to tho under
Wester and Ralston have bought
18 tons of hay from tho Lendsays for
tno reeding or sheep.
The small daughter or Mrs. Bor
orth has been very sick for the past
Gladys Van Tassel was sick with
a severe cold last week.
A surprise party was given for
Mrs. Robert Knorr at tho homo of
Mrs. Artny. Those present woro
Madams Wallenburg, Wymore, Mar
tin, Freeman, Jergenson. senior, and
C. Jergenson and children, Pard,
Knorr and Doris Knorr. Ice cream
and cake was served and a very
enjoyable time was reported.
Mr. and Mrs. Cadonau and family
left here for Estacadu TuoBday. Thoy
made the trip by car around by 'Tho
Mrs. O. F. Wallenburg and small
daughter have been sick with tho
grippe for the last week.
Paul Williams came after the
Warm Spring Indians Sunday.
ilr. wester and Cliff RulHton nro
getting lumber from tho Wallenburg
ranch for sheep corrals In prepara
tory lor spring lambing.
Tho Girls' Athletic association
which entertained the Boys' Athlotic
association Saturday evening nt n
Valentine party had a very nicely
planned party. Tho gymnasium was
decorated In hearts und heart tarts
and punch was served ns refresh
ments. Tho game committee kept
them all busy with games nnd Just
oh tho refreshments wnro being
served Professor Irvlno and the de
bating team surprised all by Joining
the party. Evoryono. hnd a very en
joyable tlmo.
A number of Torrcbonno people
attondod (lie basketball game at Red
mond Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, B. Crant nnd Mrs.
Gordon, Mr and Mrs. Oardnor, Mr.
and Mrs. Vyman nnd son Robert
were Sunday evoiilng guests ut tho
Wallenburg homo.
Although the Terrebonno basket
ball team was again defeated by the
Redmond tvatu by a largo score thoy
tooK tno uorout in n sportsmtinllko
Wal Plckott is shipping n cnrlond
or wooii.
A dniico was given by Mrs. Win
field In her apartments Saturday ovu
ltoburt and Charles Wymon ittt
tended tho dnncu nnd basket ball
gumo Friday evening at Redmond
Tho Paront-Toachors' social glvon
last Wednesday ovoning turned out
a groat success. A flno program
was glvon as follows! Ylo
lln solo, Lehmd Numbers: violin
solo, Grnco McClay; recitation, Nlol
Davidson; u rending, Miss lltizultnn;
Virginia reel, mils Athiotlo nssuiia
tlnn; violin mid mandolin selection,
Francos and Iriun Giilhralth. After
thu program, tho mon plnyvd u bas
ketball gnmu.
Having bought tho J.,0. Ilngon
grocery uud moat market, 'jrU juw
port iivenuo wo ' want your hoof,
pork, veal nnd poultry, highest mat
kct prlco paid. Wo nro also In tho
market for hides mid polls, Phono
21fiV., M. A. Boardman & Son.
Coast Rontl S) strut Propositi
MoiiHiiro Include Tlio Dulles
California Highway.
Copies of tho Raker bill Intro
duccd In tho houso of representa
tives, ombodying provisions for road
construction in tho coast states of n
typo to withstand truck transporta
tion of hoaTy loads, have been re
ceived by tho Bond Commercial club.
Tho bill provides for airplane land
ings along main highways,' and has
ns Its chlof purposo tho attainment
ot facilities tor spoedy mobilization
at u moment's notice, of mnsses of
men, equipment, suppllos, nnd nil
varieties ot ordnance to the point
which might bo monacod by Invading
Tho Dalles-California highway Is
given official notlco In the bill, being
considered as a part of EI Cumlno
Sierra (tho Mountain highway)
which extends from Orovlllo, Wash
ington, to Los Angolcs.
Single Shrots Containing Stories
And Pictures ot Potato Prize
Winners or Ce rural Oregon.
Ten thousand copies ot tho cover
ot a recent issuo ot "Oregon Far
mor," which contains a plcturo ot
tho collection of Deschutes Gem po
tatoes which won prlzos at tho In
ternational potato show nt Duluth,
and an article describing tho reputa
tion gained by Central Oregon po
tatoes at the Northwest potato show
at Spokane, have, been received by
tho Bend Commercial club from
Oswald West, to bo used as litera
ture to answer inquiries and In other
On the rcverso side is an article
on reclamation development, which
also gives great promlncnco to devel
opments in Central Oregon, It' orig
inally appeared on the third pago of
tho magazine.
Tho article on tho cover states:
"Central Oregon was the leading up
holder of the state's reputation, and
tho principal demonstrator of the
state's possibilities In potato produc
tion. Eleven prizes went to potatoes
from this section. Including tho first,
second, fourth nnd fifth prizes In
tho commercial class of Netted
A descriptive nrtlcio on Lava Road
cave and other caves of tho Bond
Country, Is now In process of prep
aration by Ira A. Williams, state ge
ologist, who last summer visited
Central Oregon and explored tho
caves of which ho Is now writing.
Pictures of Java formations Jfrom
Lava River cave are bolng forwarded
to Williams by Secretary L. Antics
of tho Bend Commercial club, to ho
used In illustrating tho article.
Rules for an essay contest for
which H0 In prizes Is bolng ottered
1jy tho stnto board or dental examin
ers, aro bolng sent nut now from
tho offlco or County School Super
intendent J. Alton Thompson. Es
says will bo to show tlio relation of
health and good tooth.
That "awful tired feeling." lame
hack, soro muscles, Htlff Joints, or
rheumatic pains often Indicate kid
ney trouble, Mrs. Roberta Lilly,
70S Alton St., Alton. III., writes.
"I bad n tired, worn-out feeling. I
bogan to improo on tho second dolo
of Foley Kidney Pills and today I
fool like now." Bold Kvorywhoro.f
riioujands of fanners located in
Middle western states arc twice
laily receiving market report by
relets telephone. There it no
ito.lhc tcrvicc, onr.e the ittcx
ntive receiving tet has been ta
llied, and which can be purchated
y wherejC ,T h e Wcttinghousc
Jctnc Co,A from its great free
oadcaiting nation at Newark.
J, not only tends out market
ort atM2 o'clock noon and 6
M. dally, but alto furnithe offi
I weather forecasts and other en
laimmjljand - educational pro
Jms. Jit has been cttimated that
ore thanja half million amateurs
lottly-fri. rural dittricti and on
rmOputen in" every day. Pie
ret show the operator tending out
arket report! from. Newark; and
iap shows Uiitancet the menace
rcrceejiedv - -
.ul niviNi: named president
Prlnevillo was solcctcd as tho
place, and May 13 tlio time for the
annual Control Oregon Intoractiolns
thu schools of Doschutes, Crook nnd
Jefferson counties met In Prlnovlllo
on Saturday. It hnd previously been
considered that Madras would lmvii
tho meet this year, hut Prlnovlllo,
having yielded In favor of Redmond
last year, put In a claim which could
not .bis overlooked.
Officers of tho Central Oregon
School Day association won) elected,
Paul Irvlno of Redmond being chosen
as president, with Goorgo Gabriel
of Madras as vlco president, and J,
E. .Meyers of Prliievllle, as secre
tary. They will have charge of the
greater part ot tho detail work ot
tho meet.
For the tlrst tlmo slnco tho Cen
tral Oregon contests began, the con
tests aro to bo hold on it Friday In
stead ot on u Saturday, Another
Innovation lies In tho decision to
havo n protoiisloiial elocutionist
among tho judges ot tho declama
tion contest, making possible tho
giving of constructive criticism.
In no uncontested suit for divorce
brought by Mrs. Paul C. King of this
city, a decreo wns given this morn
ing hy Circuit Jtidgo T. E. J. Duf
fy. Tho complaint was drawn under
tho statutory provision making cruol
nnd inhuman treatment a cniiso fori
legul Loparatlou, According to tlio
terms of tho dlvoico, Mrs. King Is
allowed to rcsiiino hur former mar
ried numo or MrH, C. Edgar Tltzol;
No question of property entered Into
tho casu.
Henry E. Cnmpboll, II. F. I), No,
3, Adrian, Mich., writes: "1 hud a I
hud cough for thrio yoars, Tried
tiHverul cough romedlos. Got llttlci
rcllof, I tr ml Kotoy's Honey und
Tar, It wont to Iho spot, Thoro
Is no bottor remedy oti the market,1
Good for cmiKliB, colds, croup and
whooping cough, Children Ilka It,
Sold Everywhere. Adv,
Put It In Tho Bulletin.
Thirty thousand dollars for ninils
In thu Deschutes National forest this
year, with n llko iimoiitit prohuhln
us thu appropriation tor noxl year
will maku posslhlo an oUoimlvo pro
gram tor triad building and Improve
ment during thn coining bleiinlum.
Ab n feature nt tho development
planned, Supervisor II. L, Plumb do
hires to connect Lost Inku with the
Tumuli) canyon roud this year, und
continue on thu following year tying
In with thu McKouzIo highway, thus
supplying the must Important link
In u road to travertin thu entire
lougth of thu forest.
Widening of tho road Is counted
on to glvo earlier access to Lost lake,
mid It Is planned to construct n now
roud around tho west sldu of ("rami
I'ralrlo, Much of thu work under
contemplation cousliits of straighten
ing bad curves and In construction
or now grades to snvo distance.
Is Becoming More Popular
Every Day
Every Now Owner Adds Another
Member to the Great Army of
Chevrolet Boosters
W'm lrUev' Iho Che relet U giving tin' grrntrnl
value In un niitomolille the public hit ever lieen uokotl
to Invent their money In. And "lib It gmn tlio re
Hniilllllty of inniiiifnctiirer nml dealer, n ntnnilnnl
niitomolille, n rnr built on lout; experience, with the
grciitiKt meclintilcnl fnrlor by mnnufnrturrr nml denier
ntul demanded by tint ptilille
The Chevrolet orTerx low Hint co.t: $(ln.OO de
livered In llenil. The fuel roiiMiinpllnii nml upkeep
root It ejceplloniilly low. Its performance In iiio(
ftutUfurtory nml It renderM mi uninterrupted ervlce
over mi uniixiially long period of time.
Lunt, but not leant, thn Chevrolet linx
re-nle value. SEE THE NEW .MODEL nt (tin
Dodge Brothers
A Substantial Reduction in the
Prices of their Cars
F. O, B. Btnd
Now Prlco Reduction
Sedan $1,GG5 $365
Coupe .$1,490 $315
Touring $1,075 $110
Roadster $1,025 $ 90
Panel $1,1(55 $1G0
Screen $1,040 ' $100
Dodgo Druthers rosoro tho right to
muko chungoH or Improvement!) at
any tlmo without Incurring (iuy obli
gations .to Install sumu on curs
pruvloiisly sold,
Greenwood and
Hales of Cattle Will Lenwi Two.
thli ils of That Heel Inn or Range
Vacant, llolletex Plumb,
Two-thirds of thn HIstora-MeloUus
ruiiKu tuny hit used tills yinr for
slionp liiHlead of entile, according In
II, L. Plumb, Mipnrvlitor of Iho lies
chuton National forest, Ho many
cattlemen aro milling off tholr stuck
(hut penult for only 800 or 1000
head will bo neeileil this year, ho ox
Minutes, Last your thoro wnro 3 loo
head of cattle on this section of I lie
Applications for permits put In hy
sheep moil tun plentiful, mid thu un
used part of thu Hlnters-Motollnn
ratiKu could takii euro of 0000 uues
with lambs, ,
Tho Mstors-Motolltis rnngn wns
used several yours ago for sheep un
til continued applications on I ho
part of ruttluiuetl reunited In the
eviction of Iho wool growers.
Foley ('nt hurt ic Tablets oluniisii
thu bowels; nweutou the stomach; in
vlgorntu tho liver; bullish lioud ache,
lilllollHllfRi). blunting. Kan. bad breath
coated toiiKUu and oilier result of
ludlgtmlltiu. Just try thorn. Hold
Every where, Adv.
Kearney Sli,