The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 05, 1922, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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PAnE a
What's Doing In The Country
mub Peterson was busy lnittluB up
Ice on Wednesday. Several of the
neighbors helped him.
W. J. Shannon spent n couplo of
days tho first of tho week In Bend
on business.
Antono Ahlstrom and Miss Hllma
Nelson visited at the George Holton
homo near Deschutes on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Mlkkclsen. Al
fred Mlkkolsen, Uasmus Peterson
and Mrs. Catherine Johansen were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Olc Hanson
near Deschutes Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gray spent
Saturday and Sunday nt the homo
of their son John W. Gray at tho
ShevIIn-Hixou camp south of llend.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dcbtng near
Tunialo Sunday evening.
Antono Ahlstrom made a business
trip to llend on Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Re J field and
son Francis and daughters Kathcrino
nnd Charlotte of Hcnd were caller
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
Anderson on Tuesday evening.
Rasmus Peterson, Mrs. Catherine
Johansen and II. T. Mlkkelsen were
Bend visitors Tuesduy.
Dr. A. M. Petty arrived from Port
land Monday morning to spend a cou
ple of days on business connected
with his ranch here.
Paul Cooke was a business visitor
in Bend on Tuesday.
Ole Hanson and son Hans of Des
chutes called at the Mlkkelsen home
Monday nfternoon.
Kasmus Peterson, Mrs. Catherine
Johansen, Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Mlk
kclsen and son Alfred attended the
show In Redmond on Thursday eve
Alfred Pedersen butchered a fat
hog on Thursday, Antono Ahlstrom
helped him.
Mrs. P. S. Stanley of Deschutes vis
ited Mrs. O. E. Anderson on Sun
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson were
business visitors in Bend on Wednes
Dr. A. M. Petty accompanied W.
B. Hutchlns to Redmond Wednesday
where ho took the train for his home
in Portland that evening.
Rasmus Peterson and Mrs. Cather
ine Johansen entertained the follow
ing guests at their home on New
Year's eve. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Han
son and children and W. P. Gift of
Deschutes and Mr. and Mrs. II. T.
Mlkkelsen and son Alfred.
Watt Jones, Edith and Lois Swal
Iey, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson at
tended the dance at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Lowe near Tumalo
Saturday night.
You can't have bright eyes, clear
skin, and alert brain when your di
gestion U Impaired and a mass of
fermenting, delaying food clogs the
intestines. Foley Cathartic Tablets
set you right. A. B. Parratt, 3533
W. 58th St.. Cleveland, O., writes:
"Foley Cathartic Tablets are the
best I ever used." Sold everywhere.
Edgar lleartt was a visitor in Sis
tors Monday.
Mrs. Holllo Swingle and daughter
Mollis aro spondlug tho holidays on
tho ranch.
Miss Josephlno nurgess of Bond
nnd R. W. Hcartt woro dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Anderson Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Chnlfan woro
shopping In Redmond Wednesday.
A largo number of parents and
friends attended tho Christmas tree
progrnm held nt tho school houso
Friday, December 25. Tho tree was
loaded with presents, each child re
ceiving a gift, they having previous
ly drnwu names. A treat of candy
mid oranges was furnished by their
teacher, Mrs. Elma Smith.
A playotto entitled "Santa Clans
at School" by tho school, was tho
principal number, songs nud recita
tions also making up tho program,
which was pronounced splendid by
all visitors.
"In tho hour of need wo seek
our best friends." writes C. S. W.
de Wet, 957 "3rd Ave., Oakland.
Cal "our little boy and girl had
sovere, rasping coughs without
phlegm that choked and Hushed
their faces. Foley's Honey and Tar
was a wonderful emergency rem
edy. Sold everywhere. Adv.
PLAINVIEW, Jan. 4. Roy lleartt
had tho misfortune to receive a very
badly sprained wrist while cranking
a Ford car New Year's eve.
Miss Connio Knickerbocker was
very pleasantly surprised last Tues
day evening, when 18 friends arrived
In n bob sled, with sleigh bells and
lots of music. They were Jlr. and
Mrs. Louis Bennett and Mary Ben
nett, Josephine Burgess and Mary
Fryrear of Bend, Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Scoggln, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mor
fltt, Jlr. and Mrs. Leroy Fox and
son. Wllma Bennett, Ida Hoss. Mrs.
F. E. Hoss, Ray Armstrong, R. W.
lleartt, Edgar Heartt, Paul Scoggln
and Paul Snltter. A very enjoyable
evening was spent In games and
dancing and a delightful lunch was
served at midnight.
The ladles of the O. D. O. club
held their Christmas tree celebration
at the home of Mrs. Frances Hoss
Thursday evening, about 75 guests
being present. The tree was loaded
with presents, as the ladies had pre
viously drawn names of members.
Everyone was treated to candy, cake
and coffee. The program was fur
nished by the school children and
others, Mrs. Louis Bennett of Bend
favoring the club with a recitation,
Mr. Fred Wilson, Mrs. MInta Howard
Miss Jo Burgess nnd Miss Mary Fry
rear and Ed Axtcl were guests at
dinner at tho Hoss ranch New Year's.
Mrs. William Morfitt nnd Mrs. A.
G. Morfitt spent Friday afternoon
with Mm. E. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burgess nnd
children spent New Year's with Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Scoggln.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Vern Llvesay and
Corby Llvesay wero shopping Jn
Bend Wednesday.
A large crowd gathered at the A.
W. Armstrong homo Saturday eve
ning for a watch party. Tho evening
was very pleasantly spent in games
and dancing. A delightful luch was
served nt midnight.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Morfitt and
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Morfitt woro
guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Chal
fan Now Year's.
The McCalllster District Improve
ment Company held Kb regular meet
ing at tho homo of Mrs. F. E. Hoss
Saturday evening.
Mr, nnd Mrs. James Dawson and
children and Ray Armstrong wero
guest nt tho Knlckcibocker homo In
SIsterH Now Yenr's day,
Mrs. Louis Bennett and children
in Bend are spending tho holidays
with friends and relatives.
Mr. nnd Sirs. Hubert Scoggln, Sir,
nnd Mrs. Vern Llvesay and Kenneth
Hollowell woro guests of Mr, and Mrs.
II. A. Hnrtly Now Years diy.
Mr. end Mrs. John McKlr. ,cy and
daughter Claudia of tho high desert
aro visiting at the Swlnglo homo.
DESCHUTES, Jan. . E. J. Con
ley of Deschutes has sold his ranch
to Mr. Lewis, the ranch was sold for
Hal Cooke of Deschutes was n vis
itor In Tumalo Wednesday.
Walter Lowe and Jim Lowe of Des
chutes were business visitors in Red
mond Thursday.
G. M. Holten, Jack Brula and Carl
Corbett of Deschutes were In Bend
on business Tuesday.
Mrs. G. M. Holton and children of
Deschutes wero visitors at the Deb
ing home Monday.
C. W. Nelson of Deschutes took a
load of alfalfa hay to Bend Mon
day. Paul Cooke of Deschutes was a
flsttor In Bend Tuesday.
Tumalo has a new placo for amuse
ment, a pool hall opened up by Roy
Walter Lowe of Deschutes was a
business caller in Tumalo Wednes
day. Miss Margaret and Elzetta Deblng
spent Wednesday afternoon with
Edith and Lois Swalley of Deschutes
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Nelson and
children spent Wednesday evening at
tho Swalley home.
Mr. Collier of Tunialo was a bus
iness caller in Bend Thursday.
Mr. Swalley and Edith Swalley of
Deschutes were visitors in Bend
G. M. Holton of Deschutes took a
load of alfalfa hay to Bend Thurs
day. Robert and Alfred Moore are haul
ing 1 Inch wood from Robert
Moore's ranch to Deschutes.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson were
dinner guests at the Deblng home
Sunday evening.
A dance was given at the W. Lowe
home in Deschutes Saturday evening
a large crowd was present. The lad
ies served lunch consisting of sand
wiches, cake and coffee.
Jlrs. C. E. Parks of Deschutes was
a visitor In Bend Tuesday.
Mrs. F. S. Stanley of Deschutes
spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. O.
E. Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Gray, and Hal and
Paul Cooke of Deschutes were visit
ors in Bend Friday, returning homo
POWELL BUTTE. Jan, 4. A car
load of flno beef cattle was shipped
Inst week from tho Wurswoller ranch,
somo of thorn tipped tho beam nt
1320 pounds.
Mrs. Arthur Wuriwollcr and Mrs.
Iln M. Foster, Maxlno Wuriwoller
nnd Ornn Foster visited In Prlno
vlllo Monday afternoon, Mrs. Wuri
woller was saying goodbyo to her
sister Miss Violet Mills of Paulina
who was returning to school In Port
land and Mrs. Fostur visited with
her mother, Mrs. M. V. Charlton.
Tho community diinco hold at com
munity hall Thursday night was high
ly successful. Mr. ana Mrs. otto
Pauls nnd Mr. Miller furnished tho
Tho watch night mooting was well
attended and everybody enjoyed It I
A good program was given ami games
played. Interspersed with music on
tho piano and violin, Mrs. Cook was
chairman of tho committee on arrangements.!
Mrs, J. A. llfgga was hostess Wed
ncsday to the Powell Hutto Sorosls
club. Her beautiful now homo was
appropriately decorated in holiday
colors, red bolls nnd tho green was
Oregon grape sent by her mother.
Mrs. Robert Whlto of Brownsville,
for the occasion.
After tho business mooting, re
freshments woro sorvod by tho hos
tess assisted by Mrs, Cleveland Dunn
nnd Mrs. J. Arthur Mllner. Special
guests for tho afternoon woro Mrs.
Matt Carllno and Mis. John Drlscoll
r Redmond.
Mrs. Alma Hall of Portland, ami
her granddaughter who Is a holiday
guests of tho E. N Hall and the:
iiiuveiaim muni, vhiiui kucihs wero
Mrs. Mary V. Charlton. Mrs. Miller,
and Mrs. George Ilobbs.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Wurtwollor
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Crist of Redmond nt dinner New
Year's day.
Quito a number of Powell Butte
mombers of Crook County Irrigators
attended tho supper and dance nt
Prlnevllle, Now Year's eve. Among
them wero Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Agec. Herman
Allen and Misses Mablo nud Minnie
Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Wellpott.
C. M. Charlton. Powell Butte's vet
eran justice of tho peace, spent Mon
day and Tuesday of this weok In
Prlnevlllo visiting with Mrs. Chnrl
tou and Chnrles Jr., In their bache
lor quarters.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Mllner and
Harold M. Charlton went to llend
Thursday on business, They wero
accompanied on their return by Mrs.
Mllncrs grandfather Frnncls Baync,
who win visit for a whllo ut the A.
W. Bayno home.
Miss Fay Bussett returned to Port
land this week after a delightful vis
It with the home folks and other
friends. Miss Bussett is employed In
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberts nnd
daughter Inn wero dinner guests at
tho C. M. Charlton homo Saturday,
January 31. Others present weru
Mrs. Ila M. Foster and small son
Oran Charlton, Mr. Harold M. Charl
ton of Portland and Mr. nnd .Mrs,
C. 31. Charlton and son Charles Jr.
U0V QOT Wl IT 13 fK
dollar pop- J ijj ' JUST
who Is a student at Crook County
Mr. and Mrs, J Arthur Mllner en
tertained on Now Yenr'H day. the
guests wero .Mr. anil Mrs, J. A. Itlggs
and daughter. AIvh Elltnboth, Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Ilayn and Mrs, Sin
ner's grandparents. .Mr. and Sirs.
Francis Ilayn of Bond.
Sltss Neva Welgnnd of Lnmnula, a
student at O. A. O. visited with her
friend .Miss Fay llussctt a portion of
tho holiday.
Sllss Fay Elliott, tho new tenchor
at Shepard school, Is temporarily es
tablished at tho E. A. Ilussett home,
until she finds n permnuunt boarding
fllll.D Sri'l'Eltni) TWELVE
Slany children who are healthy
nnd strong otherwise suiter from
distressing kidney trouble or blad
der weakness. Sirs, II. Ktegiill, Theo
dore, Ala., writes: "Sly child suf
fered 12 years with weak bladder.
I tried several doctors and remedies
without result. Foley Kidney Pills
gnvo her relief." Sold everywhere.
Flrit Version of English Dlble.
The first complete erMon of the
English Illtilo win that of .Miles Cover
date. It iippenred In I'M and win
bused on the Swiss Cennaii ti-ixlim
published nt Zurich In I.YJI-'.U In
IflKI there hnd iippenred n tendon nt
trllilited to WjellnV. hut tho gtxpel"
alone can lie lilentllleil nt the work
of Wycllff"! hlmvlf. Tho translation
of the Old Testa men I nud the Apoc
rypha Is the work of Nicholas dn
Hereford. The trans!-, lion of tho
New Testament by William Tjndalo
appeared nt Worms In ifii"; Inter edition-
in I.vti-M
American Otmocrney.
Vlwoor In Amerlea desires to bet
tor Ids feline, nun must net by In-llui-iii-lim
their Intellect. If ho wishes
to net no Idle map and no poor man
In tho land, ho must lake eare Unit
Homy slnill bo no Itinerant num. Ignor
ance Ih the mother f suporMltlon
mill mlM-ry. .Men ant ltter In pro
portion ivh they are mImt. In what
vwr direction we look wo see Hit Im
provvuiotit. The physical mini Is noire
powerful, tho Intellectual iiiiin In more
I ii' r feet, Ho- moral man morn pure,
Tho morality of n nation Is the ag
gregate of the morality of the Indi
viduals. A lury man Is iiecosfciirlly ii bad
man; an Idle Is neo'ssnrlly ii ileinor
ulUod population. -John William
Mice Had Uied Sltevei.
About li year nKi I was bavin,;
funry drewi made. When tho sleeves
wero finished, they mystoilously ills
appeared. I looked for them for dujs,
but could not llnd lliem. Unit week I
look tin back off tho organ to clean
It, and IiiiiikIuo my, nurprl to find
my sleoM's uiiido Into a iiioiim! nest
In the bottom of tho orpin. Chicago
The Annual Block Holders' meet
ing of Urn Pino Forest Irrigation
Company will bo held nt the Arnold
School llouro nt 2:00 p, in. Satur
day, January 7, 1922.
Pino Forest Irrigation Company,
By W. B. Smith, presldont.
Punle In Profit.
At i retell) exiiinliinllon tho follow
lug ijiieotloii was united: A woman
bought m orniigos at llie rate of live
for two cents. She told tlu'lil nt thn
rule of live for two cents, nud ole
tallied a ptotll. How did she do 117
I'ew could mmvi-r. Tho solution wn:
She sold 11(1 uriuiiic nt the rat" t
tlimi for one cent, rend v log ID cents
for I ln-in. Kbit then sold Hip remain
ing HO orange lit the rule of two for
mitt cent, reiflvliig IA ceiiis for them,
Kho therefore disbursed !M cents nnd
recovered her 21 nil Is, plus one cent
One's Duty to Oe Plesiant.
Heine pleasant Is not n matter of
mood; I! Is n duly. The controlled
rolco. the kind word, the glnnre of
anderstaiidlOL- uiid sympathy may seem
like very little things mold n rush of
more lnixrtant inntlers. but llipy oil
tho machinery of the world, nud mitkn
ill tho heels turn more sinoolbly
for oum-tres nud others.
Almost a Cinch,
"Tnln' no use of leialndln' u friend
'if Ids faults." said Uncle Ebon. "Do
bnnccs nre ilut Ids relations has done
old 'tin all about 'cm."
The Annual Stockholders' mooting
of thn Arnold Irrigation Company
will he hold nt Bund, Oregon, at 2
p. in. January H, l'J22.
Arnold Irrigation Company,
By W II. Smith, vlco-prooldnnt
There aro various symptom i of
kidney trouble rheumatic pnlns,
backache, sore muscles, stiff joints,
and "always tired" feeling. Sirs.
Geo. .Morgan. E. Fairfield. Vt
writes: "Sly head ached and my
whole body ached so I could not
sleep. Foley Kidney Pills gavo me
relief." Sold everywhere. Adv.
TL'.MALO, Jan. 4. Sllss Adelald
Wilson, Tumalo principal and her
sister Sllss Katherine, returned Sat
urday from Portland, where they
have been spending tho holidays with
their parents.
Sllss Ethel Jones, spent Saturday
and Sunday with .Miss Rozelia
Sirs. C. Tweed took dinner with tho
Slisses Wilson on Slonday.
J. R. Benham took dinner at tho
Ed Swulley homo Sunday.
The old fashioned dance given at
tho hall New Year's eve, wbh well
attended and a good timo was en
Joyed by nil.
Sllss Lois Clark, spent her vaca
tion with her sister, Sirs. Freda Sic
Daniels, west of Tumalo.
Sirs. Ocorgo Holton was a caller
on Sirs. Ed Swalley Slonday uftor-noon.
A neighborhood danco was clvon
at tho Sundel home. Refreshments
wero served by tho ladles, consisting
or sandwiches, cako nud coffee.
Sllss Alma Jaegor, and sister Freda
vlBlted sc'iool on Slonday.
Sirs. Fred N. Wallace, son Hobert,
Froddlu, and dmii'hU.-r Allno, re
turned to Redmond where tho chil
dren aro atleii'JIni; school, nftor
spending tho holidays at their homo
In Tumalo.
January h a bad month for In
fluenza, la grippe and bronchial
troubles. It in unwlrio to norleet
tho slightest cough or cold. .Mrs
F. A. Gibson, 1C47 Collego Ave., Ra
cluo, Wis., writes: 'Foley's Hom.y
nnd Tar has novor failed in giving
Immedtato relief and I am never
without it." Children like It. Sold
ovorywhoro. Adv.
January ushers in a new scale of prices, making some startling reductions. A few
comparisons of prices one year ago and new figures in effect on January 1st indicate
that the Ford Company are back to a pre-war basis. People used to buy for fun
today they buy for VALUE, tf GENUINE FORD PARTS wear from 30 to 75 per
cent longer than BOGUS PARTS and the genuine are now so low in price no one
can afford to take a chance. Look over the figures, old and new. : : :
Rear Axle Housing $12.00
Axle Shaft 3.00
Front Axle 14.00
Front Radius Rod 3.00
Front Hub 3.50
Rear Hub 2.50
Cylinder Block 35.00
Cylinder Head 8.00
Pistons 2.80
Connecting Rods 2.00
$ 9.00
Crank Shaft $15.00
Cam Shaft COO
Seat Cushion 10.00
Front Spring 4.00
Rear Spring 12.00
Radiator 28.00
Fender, Front 7.00
Fonder, Rear 6.00
Timer and Roller 1.30
Coil Unit 2.50
The FORD AGENTS are the only source for Genuine Ford Parts. Make your pur
chases direct from them and play safe and SAVE MONEY BESIDES, Now is
the time to make a date with us for repairs to your Ford car. flWe do no work
on other makes and our men and machinery are especially adapted to the FORD.
Men should be kept at work and you can help to keep the payroll dollars moving in
Bend. Arrange for your repair work during the season when you have less need
of your car. :::::::::::::::
Central Oregon Motor Co.
J. L. Van Huflel
A. G. Chirk