PAGK 0 BBND OCIilJmN, BEND, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVKMRKR 17, llai. RECOVERY IN LUMBER SEEN DEMAND CONTINUING STRONG Itctnll Buying Slowing V' Slightly, Hut Imlnstritil Shows Improvement Little Change In Prices Noted. Tho demand for lumber continues strong. Tho lumber Industry, broad Jy speaking, has made a very sub stantlal recorcry from thu depression of tho early part of tho yoar. As II lustratlng this tact tho American Lumberman In Its weekly review points out that production for Sep tomber was practically equal to the average production for that month for tho last ten years. Lumber ship wonts, however, woro approximately seven per cent greater during this month tor tho average of the ten years' whilo orders booked for September, 1921, were materially In excess of orders booked for Septem ber, 1920, and almost 20 per cont greater than for tho average for the 10-year period. R.illrosds Buying "Retail buying," say3 tho Lumber man, "Is Blowing up to some extent but tho Industrial business shows Improvement. Crating stock, for ex ample, is In very much better de mand, Indicating that manufacturers generally are finding a readier mar ket for their product and consequent' ly are in need of boxes and crates , in which to ship. Railroad buying Is also on tho increase and tho railroads seem to bo willing to pay much bet ter prices than earlier in the year. Some of tho material is for repair work, but much of it is for new con struction. For example, tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad has placed an order for 2,500 box cars of the composite type, having steel un derframing and Douglas fir decking and siding. Railroad material is scarce and therefore the railroads aro forced to compcto for the mater ial they neod. "Prices generally have shown lit tle change this week. They contln ue firm, with here and there an ad vance, tho on the. whole the tone of the market Indicates that the price situation is more stable than It has been for several weeks." SCIENCE PROFESSOR DIES IN HOSPITAL lliother Nicholas Harrington I'.nth Three Year Illnev, Was Brother of Father Gabriel Harrington. Brother Nicholas Harrington, a member of the Christian Brothers order and a brother of Father Ga briel Harrington of Bend, died Mon day of pulmonary tuberculosis after an IIIncs3 of three years, at the St. Charles hospital, where he was brought In June from Victoria, D. C, where previous to his illness he was a professor of science in St. Louis college for several years. Brother Harrington was born in Cork, Ireland, in August 1895. At the early age of 14 years and six months he entered the training college of the Irish Christian Drothers. After finishing his course of study and no vitiate he was sent as professor of science to Dublin. In 1915 he consented to go to Nova Scotia where for two years he taught in St. Johns collece, The body was shipped to Seattle Monday evening. Solemn requiem mass was offered and the funeral cervices held yesterday morning. Short services were held Monday evening at C o'clock In the Catholic church. EXAMS WILL SELECT MEN FOR TRAINING Senator Stanfleld will make his 1922 appointments to the Naval Aca demy at Annapolis and the military academy at West Point by means of a competitive examination. This ex amination will be held for Senator Stanfleld by tho U. S. Civil Service Commission on December 31, 1921, in Corvallls, Rugene, Hood River, McMlnnville, Portland and Salem. HUSBAND AND W'lVK WKITK Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Carson, Co lumbus, N. M sign a letter saying, "Wo shall nevor bo without Foley Cathurtls Tablets for wo believe them to bo essential to good health." They keop tho stomach sweet, llvor active and bowels regular. Banish constipation, Indigestion, biliousness, sick headache Sold everywhere. Adv, Advertise .u Tho Bulletin. It gets results. rr- tm. OP mm mm AUTHOR OP COPYmOHT. EY CHAPTER VI. The Deserted Automobile. I wni Impatient for him to continue, but he sat there chuckling to himself, Rnd toying with n fresh -cigar. "Well, what dhl you dor' "I'layed it safe and Mire. I'm too old n bird to be caught napplne. I put In moot of that night holding wot cloths to Humor's hoad, ntul thinking out some plan of action. Before morn ing ho thought I wni tho het fellow he over know, and I had tho guy whon I wnntod him. For ono of hi brood, ho was rnthor a friendly ens. ThN was how I mapped It out. That letter of credit had to be turned Into currency before It could do mo any good, and tho only way that might ho done was through this guy Alva. I must got to him somehow In n way that would put mo next hl scheme, so I'd know when ho had tho cash. Onco I got these details attended to In little old Now York, tho swag was as good ns my own. I know n dozen gtiys that would bump Horner off for a hundred If It come to that so the price wnsn't high. A million! Oh, man; and It had dropped right Into my lap. Rut to do this It was necos. sary that I should bo Horner. That was as plain ns the nco on my face; as Horner, coming with credentials, and n letter of credit, Alva would be bound to receive me with open arms see! After that I figured It would be easy enough. But how was I to be come Horner?" "You couldn't dlwy with him?" "I should say not: he was a square guy. It didn't take me live days to find that out. So there wasn't hut ono way out of It I had to put Horner out of commission, and cop his holt. It wns either that, or lose a million." I looked nt him. with n sickening feeling of horror I found hnrd to sup press, but he went on Indifferently In the same cool, calm voice. There's no use going Into detail". Daly. We landed good friend, and Horner was In a strange land. You know New York pretty well, and I lost him the tlrst afternoon down on the East side. I never did know just what became of the fellow, but the next morning I was alone In a back room In Greenwich, nnd had his belt with me." He chuckled grimly. 'There wasn't much In It, except the letter of credit and n notntlon as to where and when Krnntz could be seen pri vately. It was the next night Harris was to call on the banker up In I.e Compte street." "Le Compte? What number?" "24" I.e Compte. Do you know any body there?" "No; only I.e Compte Is an old stamping ground of mine. Go on ; you went there, of course." "Sure. Krnntz didn't know me from Adam, not even ray name. I was Just 10S' to him, but he was mighty nerv ous. Just the same, and anxious to get away. I could see that. I don't think It was his house either; Just an ordinary-looking shack, brick, three stories and a basement. 'That banker was business nil right, and he put me through the whole bundle of tricks before he'd even let me sit down. I had to lie some, but mostly I was posted well enough so as to give him what he was looking for. Anyhow, I passed, and after that he wns rather decent. Took me Into room nnd gave me a drink, besides asking me .about nffalrs In Kurope. n I, I didn't know only what I'd seen In the papers but I gave him an earful, and on the strength of his name I cussed England for all 1 was worth which at that time wns about a million bucks. Then I handed over the letter of credit, and he Jammed It Into his pocket like It was a scrap of paper. I don't remember that he even looked at It. After that he was for getting rid of me, the soon er the better. But I needed to know where Alva was, so I hung on, telling the old guy I had a private message that I had to deliver personally- straight from them financiers In Lon don. So, after skirmishing a while, ho Jotted down an address on a bit of paper, nnd the next thing I knew I wps. out In' the street, with that gripped In my mitt." 'And then, of courfic, you hunted up Alva?" "The next morning, before any bank opened. I thought over It all night and got up a peach of u story. I needed It, too, for this Alva wns a smooth guy. It took some nervo to gut him, hut I know, through Horner's memorandum, some things about him he never supposed was known up In this country; so when I sprung them, natural-like, he quit being offish, and gave me the glad hand." "Who Is he? A crank?" "Not by a d d sight. He's a cap tain In tho Chilean nrmy, military at tache to the embassy at Washington, Thc A A THE jfy.fAlf - - ' ' ' I ss Dagger il&NMIXBllRISH THE iSTISANGB OLSB CAVENDISH If . flf,Attl C- IUUUO I If Ml Ivn J RANDALL PAWII5H "He Jotted Down an Addrets on a Dlt of Paper." Intrusted Willi certain wort, TiuHii7 really working to overthrow the pres ent Chilean government gottln' up a revolution down there. I lied until I wns black In the fare, hut I must have kept within bounds, for he got to liking me real well. Ho was n high-roller, and I put him onto some things In New York he had never been steered against before. That made a hit with him. There wum't nothing said about cashing up all day long, and early the next morning we breezed Into a downtown hotel, and went to boil." "What hotel?" "Search me. We'd boon tanking up on champagne and were drunker In the morning than when wc turned In. That's the honest truth. All either of us wanted for breakfast was a cup of coffee. We got that at a little dump on some side street, so as to brace up n little." He pniiM-d to laugh at the recollection, helping himself to u third clgnr. "And you actually retain no knowl edge of where you spent the night?" "Not the falnlest glimmer. Can you beat It? Alvu lost part of n letter somewhere, and a curious sort of box he had picked up In Chinatown. He put them both In his pocket, so he says, but that was the last he ever saw of cither. Queer looking box that was; nothing I cared nliout, hut It cost the guy a hundred bucks, and ho was daffy over It. Anyhow, that night put me solid with Alva." "But the money? He's never drawn It?" "Not a dinky red. He claims the time hasn't come yet, and that It's safer with Krautz. But I've stuck to lilm like a brother and he's took me In with his gnng, so now I know every more that's going on. I'm on the In side, till right, and now It's beginning to get hot." 'They are ready to net?" "Sure; that's what the meeting was about tonight." "What iiru they after ships?" "Well, they've got to have some, but mostly nnns; then there Is n guy down there who's got to he croaked. I don't enre what It Is; when the time comes they won't Mud a handful of change to act with. I'm some patriot, I am, and I'll put a bigger crimp n their sails than the whole United States government secret service," "But Bee here, Harris," soberly, "how do you know you nre going to get this? Of course, I see the game the way you've mapped It out, but suppose Krnntz pays In check, or draft. That spikes your gun." "II 1, yes; but ho won't. I've sized up this man Krantx. He's In tho game ,for money. He don't cure who wins tho d n revolution, for ho gets his share out of the pot right nway, He's playing the game secretly on his own account. Get that? He expects It may bo a year, or perhaps two, before he can cash In on the deal, but when It does come his share of profit will he likely u hundred thousand. That beats bank Interest, nnd the old bird la willing to lakii tho chance." "Quite likely that's true; ho bunk would finance such ir project." "Of courso not tho directors would throw n lit. Well, now, that kind of guy, in on a raw deal like this, It going to pluy safe, Isn't he? He Isn't going to leave any evidence lying around to hung himself with uny drufts, or checks to pass through Uie clearing liouse? Not on your life; he Is too wily a fox for that. Kruntz knew this was coming, and he's been cashing In for six months or mora to be ready for It. And now he's got lA P the euiTonoy stored twvay, TuilioTly knows whore but himself, When Alva comes for II, It will he handed out se cretly, and thai old bird will crumple up tho receipt In his pocket nnd wait till ho ran cash In through those guys In London, So now It's up to us to locate tho dough; we've got to sepa rate It from either Krauts, or Alvu I'm for Alvu." "Why?" "ltooiiuso tho Job looks easier. He's human and no money grubber. He's Just as liable as not to carry tho whole wad around with him; d n It, I think that's Just what he will do, for ho won't dure deposit such a sum anywhere-. That's why I have laid buck so long, without attempting to strike I'm hanking on I ho nrmy rap lain to orter me n soft thing. What do you say?" t had the whole story now In a nut shell mid It was olio to think over. That Harris had plujed his curds well was sulllelently evident. Now I must bo fully ns cautious in playing mttic. I felt the follow bad glon mo his full coiillilonce; actually believing mo to1 bo Daly, and on the sumo trail with him; desiring to use me In what was probably the biggest Job of his life, ho had been led Into the Indiscretion of coiilldlug to me the full truth of Ids scheme. If 1 kept my head and nerve, I bad It III my swer to block everything and thus bring tho whole gang to swift Justice, I rcalltod the danger of such an attempt, the Imme diate M-rll of endeavoring to accom plish this alone, yet at the moment perceived no other way. I must re main Daly and appear eager to obtain my share of the spoils, "A slick piece of work, Harris," I admitted admiringly, "and so far ns 1 can Judge you have figured out the chances about right. They look good. I'm with you, old man shake 1" Our hands clasiod. "That Is what I thought you would say, Harry." nuiro familiarly. "Come on now and drink with me." I put the stuff down, rnthor fooling the need of It, nnd desiring to estab lish our Intimacy more closely. 'Then that's settled, Goorg, yes, I'll hae another clgnr. By the way," as I lit up. "there was another thing I wiinted to ask you alsilit. You snld there was a woman here from Wash ington. What's the Idea?" "I n If I know, hut I guess It's nil right. Still I don't quite cotton to the dame. This Is how 1 get It frtm Alva. Those Junta fellowsthe big ones, you know think this New York bunch Is pretty slow; they want some action for their money. So Senor Monde, who seems to be engineering the deal, decides to send somebody over here to stir up tho crlmlunls. But he's watched every minute; secret service men nre as thick us files, and If one of his underlings was to leave for New York, he'd never get.ton feet without being spotted. Menilez Is wise to this, so hu gathers In privately a skirt he believes Is all right, and sends her. It's not n decent Job for a woman, ami that's what makes It safe, lie made a good guess, (ihj; that female Is ns smart as n steel trap. Shu guvo me the cold shivers." "You don't think she suspects you?" "No, I don't ; there ain't no reason why she should; but she gave me the once oxer, all right, and I am perfect ly willing to know she Is on her wny back to Washington. I never did play In any luck with a woman In tho game iicrlinps that's what makes me afraid of 'em." "What's her name?" "Gessler. so Alva said Marie fiess ler; South American, I suppose; any how, she talked that language like n native. I steered clear of ber most of the time. Somehow she got my goat. However, that's nothing to worry over." He glanced at his watch. "The dame's safely off by this lime. Whnt l do you say let's go home." I r tltllfll.1 till' M'lllltlLf II'NN. As we passed out together through thu nnrrow passage, extinguishing the lights behind us, the one overpowering desire In my mind wns to be once more alone, so as to think over, and piece together as best I might this fabric of vlllulny with which I was confronted. Tho situation was fairly clear, yet there were strange lights and shadows In It I found hard to reconcile. Moreover, what should 1 do? How could I servo best by Im mediately telling my story to thu of. Ilcers of the law, and thus washing my hands clean7 or by continuing to en act the rolu of Harry Daly, and In this wny entrapping theso fellows red handed? I hnd had fully enough of Harris for the present. His boastful ness and pride of crime disgusted me. I had no desire to bo nssoclalisl with the fellow, or pretend, even for n worthy purpose, to bo his companion. Yet, all this hnd happened so sudden ly and unoxprSModly I could not de termine the best course to pursue. I remained dazed nnd confused, the only clear decision being an eagerness to bring liltn, und these others also, to Justice. We were the Inst to leavo the plnce, and emerged from tho building Into tho deserted yard, leaving all In si lence and darkness behind us. The door closed tightly, secured by n night latch, und wo stood motionless In the drizzle. By that time I was realy with n suggestion, but by good fortune, ho took the Initiative. "We better slip out of hero alone, 1' reckon," ho whispered. "I'll go tip this way, und then you tuku a siieuk through the luiimer yard. Likely we'll catch thu sumo car going down. If we don't, look mo up ut Costlgau's place you know where thut Is?" "Sixth avenue, Isn't It?" "Sure, Ask for Parker, mid It will lie all right. If I ain't In, leavo u note where I can hunt you up. I got to DUNN LOSES TO LOCAL FIGHTER U.M'.U.M,i:i,KI i:HIIIITIII.V OF (JAMK.NHSS Pl'T 1'P IIV VISITOR KNOt'KIlD DOWN II TIMIN HOWARDS IIMHTH 1111,1,. Torrltlo fighting nil tho part (if both Speck Woodii and Jno Dunn and an exhibition of grit uiiparullnlcd In it Iloud ring on tho part of tho vis itor, ended .Monday us (ho end of the seventh round of tholr scheduled 10 round go whuu, after being floor ed hovcii times In that round and four times previously, and each tlmo coming up fighting, Dunn found him self unable In continue. Ills miiuagor. "Three Star" llouiivssey, thiew u towel In tho ring. Tho smoker, the second which Matchmaker Carroll has staged under tho auspices of the American Legion, was poorly attended, but the fans who were there were treated to an evening of real entertainment, Karly In thu fight It developed that Dunn's wind, probably on ac count of tho altitude, was tint good, and thu kidney blows which Woods continually administered nouii r en dured him nearly helpless. First Hound Tome Tho first two rounds were tamo affairs, little damage bolug done by either fighter. Woods had a narrow rush, .Malinger Dol.ashmiltt having evidently Informed his protege Hint his only chance was In forcing thu buttle. Speck planted a number of tolling lufts to the face and nack. Referee Houston warned Dunn that ho was hitting low. Continuation of the samu fast pace through the fourth round had Dunn practically helpless before the gong sounded, although earlier ho had held tho advantago for tho only time dur ing thu bout. The fifth wus about the same, with Dunn perceptibly weaker and Woods pushing tils advantage Near the end of the round Dunn went down for the count of nine. Three times during the sixth round Woods forced Ills opponent to tho floor for the count of nine, and each time Dunn came up fighting, for the moment as hard us ever, only to lose his wind again. In tho seventh, the same program wus carried out, ex cept thut Dunn arose several times without Inking the full count The bell sounded while he wus on his knees, awaiting thu count of nine to gel up und go on. Woods to Meet Itlsitison Matirlro Hill, Portland boxing pro moter who acted a iiuiiiiuncor. suited before the final bout that Muff llrou sou would meet tho winner here Thanksgiving afternoon. Kid Taylor and Abe Gordon will fight again, eight rounds, und Duffy Knorr will meet Jim Harris, Kid Taylor, substituting for "Krenchlo" LcClalr, who was III, treated the funs to one of the fastest boxing exhibitions ever seen here In keep my eye oTi TUvii loinorrow, 6 lie don't get away with the stun." "You expect him to draw?" "Not before night; bin, Just the same, I want to know for sure. Ynil wait her, flvo tiilmil ih. for I've trot III, longest trip to make. You'll show up i nil right?" "You can't lose me; It looks too good." He chuckled and patted me on the shoulder In an excess of friendliness, ' evidently feeling to some extent the whisky he had been Imbibing so freely, 'That's the talk, Daly. Well, so long." He slipped nut through the gale Into the dark of the alley, leaving It slight ly njur for me to follow, I si. iterod myself behind the high hoard fence nnd listened to the soft slush of his feet In the mud. The sound vanished, und nil about wus silence nnd dark ness. I waited only long enough to he sure he was safely out of the wny, and then followed, eager to he off. One thing wns cerluln, I would mnlco no effort to Join him on tho car; I would use the remnlnder of the night to de cide the future, working out the prob lem ulone. (To Be Continued.) Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Liith, Shingles, Uuildiiifr Mivlerinl, Kiln Dried Flooring nnd all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMI'LETE STOCK ol Sim. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Locul Sulos Ajfctil, MILLKU LUMI1KU CO, the six round no decision limit which lie staged with Genu Hose, Kadi Kiutid was a whirlwind, with Itimti, who Is clever hut no match for Tay lor, vainly linking the empty air. Comedy was not lucking. lit llui first round, lleferen Houston look a tight to tho face, almost (he only blow landed; In the second Taylor wont to floor und Rose nearly rue ceoded la counting him out; In the third Rose discovered that Ills only successful manner of attack must bo from the rear. In the fourth Tay lor singed his best ducking exhibi tion, while In the fifth and sixth he lauded a few real punches, showing that he could do so alinont at will. Cloo Howards pounded K. J, Hill In helplessness In the third round of tho curtain raiser, after Hill twice hint thu more expvtiunced man at Mi mercy hut wns unable to finish him. Until fighters began landing hiud blows from the opening of tho flist round, mid each wus a mass of blood before the bout ended. Hill went to tho floor In the first round, und In the second both seemed leu wenk to go on. Hard hitting with no attempt at guarding charartorUed tho bout. Why It l Colled Writ Street. Wall stie.'i. New Yorlt. derives Its inline from the old wall ihat extended along It In the old Duliii days, and marked the northern boundary of (he low li of New Amsterdam. CtT THIS OPT IT IS WORTH MONIIV Cut out this slip, enclose with So to I'oley ft Co.. 2s3H Hhemidd Ave , Chicago, III., writing your inline and nddress clearly. Yon will receive In return u trial package containing i-'oley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds anil crimp, I'oley Kidney Pills and I'oley Cathartic Tublets Hold everywhere - -Adv. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS I Kreitly rall'Vfd t,y mnitttutlonol treat, rntnt. IIAI.I.'H CATAIlllll MKIHCtM! Is ronntltutlontl rniodf. CaUrrhal Peafnen Is cul tiy mi lnrUmmt con. tlllon nt ths mtiraus llnlnk nf lli KiiiU chtan Til tin. Whn this tuba Is IlilUmn.l you huvo n rumtillne sound ur Imported nvarlnc. ami when It Is mllrly rlOMil, PoArnota Is tho mutt. Unlets tlio In. lUmmsllon rsn t rlur, your (marine may ! ittatrnyeil rnrovrr. IIAI.I.'H CATARRH Mi:tICINi: arts through tho Mood on the mucous aiirrnrra of tha avi um, thus reducing (na Inflammation and sulitlnc Nature In restoring normal con dition!. Circulars free. All Dnirittita. y. J, Cheney A Co., Totodo, Ohio. Brand Directory A Right ilda; right car crop pod; wattlo right hind log, II. I,. TONIC, Hl.tcra, Ore. adr.iOlla Rt'SINIiSS AND I'HOI'IISSIO.VAI, AKTHUR I-:. SMITH CUSTOM TANNKK All Work Gnnianleisl West Itnlliimil mid He burn Nt. It. S. HAMILTON Attorney At liw Rooms 1 3-1 C I-'Irst Nntlounl Rank llldg. Tel Si (Dr. &!' I'ortnfr OftW) H . C . ELLIS Attorney At Jmx t'nltcil Slates Commissioner First National Bank Building Bend, Oregon I'hoiio Ct-W Lee A. Thomas, A. A. IA. An Illici t Bnlrd Building Bond, Oregon C. I N1SWONGER Cndci taker, Licensed I'mhnlincr, I'lineriil Director Lady Assistant I'hiino CD-J Bend, Oro. Read the Bulletin Classified Ads