PAGE 2 CIK.N1 Ill'LiilCliN. IIKNI), OHKOON, TIIDIWDAY, NOVEMBER 17, Wit. :s:n:KKRB::!WK::nn:::8:t:Rms::::n:m:ny::8! What's Doing In The Country :::nuR:s:ua:::Kn:::ns:s::::R:::a:::::!:::nn!::::::usii:::::::ii GRANGE ROOSTS ARE RAIDED BY THIEVES Spuds Knl-ed In District Among In trrnntlonnl lrlp Winners At lliiluth I'otnto Show. ORANGE H AM j, Nov. 16. Chicken thieves havo n new way of travel ing these days. One night last week a car stopped at two farm houses In this neighborhood anil lo cated the hon roost. They left their foot prints, cigarette stubs, and car tracks, but took the chickens. Kotxman brothers are bringing In their lambs for market from the win ter range. It. Soldo went to Dend Tuesday. Georgo Erlcksen Is hauling his winter's wood. Mrs. F. I.e May called on Mrs. Fred Ileynolds Tuesday afternoon. Esther Erlcksen has been III with a bad cold for the past week. School was closed Friday Armis tice day. Many farmers in this section sent potatoes In the collection that went to Duluth and which won the $25 prize. J. M. McLaln and Steve Pavlck motored to Bend Wednesday. Clyde Smith helped 11. Selde with his potatoes. Mr. Seth Stookey, former county commissioner Is moving his family to Redmond for tho winter from the ranch at Horse Ridge. Dick Hunsley was knocked uncon scious by a sack of potatoes 1 week, while he was loading a wagon He found himself on the ground with a sack of spuds across his chest. He does not know how long he lay un conscious as he was alone In the field. George Wallace of Bend has sold his ranch In the valley. He Is at pres ent In the valley. Julius Pedersen hauled a load of bay to town Tuesday. H. Hclgesen sold potatoes and veal In town last week. Fred Hettman helped Julius Pcd ersen butcher Thursday. Hundreds of cattle are passing through the neighborhood from the range. C. H. Wigmore Is hauling Juniper foliage for his root cellar roof. The bond election was held at the hall Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Goggans called on J. Pedersen and family Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hunsley called at the Chase home Sunday. Rolla Chase Is harvesting his cab bage. Fred Hettman was in town Tues day. Mrs. C. M. Rasmussen stayed in the neighborhood Monday night go ing home Tuesday evening. Ray Neff is confined to his bed with rheumatism. Mrs. C. L. Smith entertained the Ladies Aid at the hall Thursday There was a large attendance. Fred Hettman was pitting his seed potatoes Tuesday. Harold Pedersen visited at the Hettman home Monday and Tuesday, Air. uoy uoaruman and son are busy this week hauling their win ter s supply of wood. Otis Davis called at the Chase ranch Monday. Mrs. L. C. Young sent a supply of magazines to the school which the children report are very interesting as well as instructive. The water user s association met at the hall Thursday evening. S. A. Dutt lost a fine cow last week from bloat. The sheep of J. E. Teaters and son are en route from his Crescent range to the home ranch three miles north of Deschutes. Mrs. S. A. Dutt is staying at tho Crow ranch during the serious ill ness of-Mr. Crow. Mrs. Ella Kotzman was in Des .chutes Tuesday to have the county nurse taiK to tne ladles. air. ana airs, k. k. uutler were Bend shoppers Tuesday. In order to save her remaining cnicKens, Airs. William Iteyno Ms had to consent to having a fine tree cut down In her back yard as the chic- Kens were persistent In choosing that as tneir favorite roosting place, and the owls regularly had a midnight least oi chicken. Katherlno Helgesen, Dorothy xoung ana Herbert .Nelson spent the vacation at tneir homes in this dis trlct. Mr. Ackley and family are living out at tne nitrate mines on the high eseri. Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum have gono to tne nign desert to tran this winter. The ladies Aid society meeting will oe neia at tne hall Thursday. John Kotzman shipped sheep this weeK. Glen Gosney dined at the' Fred Reynold's homo Sunday. Mr. Jacobs went to Powell Butte Sunday, Archie Patty and Roy Boardman worked on the Swalley ditch Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Neihl and Mr. Golden called at the Fred Hettman ranch Sunday afternoon, Julius Pedersen and Master Harold nnd Phillip Pedersen went to town Thursday, Mr. Armstrong and family of Bend visited at tho Boardman home Sun day. Fred Hettman, wife nnd daughter Violet, vieltod at the William Rey nold's home Sunday evening, Rolla Chase has Just completed a fine root collar. POWELL BUTTE CLUB PLANS SILVER TEA ADVICE FOR WOMK.V WHO SUFFER "I advise every woman who suf fers with kldnoy troublo to try Foley Kldroy nils." writes Mrs. Bessie Browner, 2522 Scovlllo Ave., Cleve land, O. "I could not do my house work, but since taking Foley Kidney Plllu I feel llko a now womnn and am hle fo do my work," Thoy'U help you too. Sold everywhere. Aifr. POWELL BUTTE, Nov. 16. Powell Butte Sororls club met Inst week with Mrs. S. 1), Mustard. It wos decided nt this time that tho club would glvo a silver tea nt Community Hall three weeks from that date to raise money to pay tho club's appor tionment of the student loan fund. Fred McCaffrey spent Armistice day In Prlnevlllo. Mr. and Mrs. Orn C. Foster and Mrs. Uoy Oliver nnd children visited grandma Brown at tho George Sho bert much near Prlnevlllo Inst Satur day. About 300 head of cattle nre being fed on tho big Wurzweller ranch hero at the buttes. Hugh Lister and sons of Paulina aro feeding on tho Herman Meyers ranch. Rev. Brown preached a good ser mon nt Community hall on Sunday A fine congregation gathered to hear. Mrs. Brown accompanied her husband. The salo at tho J. S. Wells ranch on Monday drew a large crowd from the three counties; Crook, Jefferson nnd Deschutes. Everything sold well, but tho cows and hogs brought good big prices. Mr. nnd Mrs. Valpoy of Upper Ochoco. have leased tho J. S. Wells ranch for threo years. Mr. and Mrs. Wells go to California for Mrs. Wells' health. At the election held for tho pur pose of voting on tho bond Issue for the irrigation district, there was a good attendance of voters, Miss Knox's pupils will give an en tertainment Friday evening at Com munity Hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Riggs nnd In fant daughter Alys Elizabeth and Mrs. Cleveland Bunn are in Portlnnd. The ladles will shop and visit whilo Mr. Riggs will buy dairy cows. S. D. Mustard left last Wednesday for Portland to attend the Land show nnd to go on to Seattle to attend to business while nway. Mrs. Ila Charlton Foster has been called to nurse J. F. Rice, who Is seriously ill at his home here nt Pow ell Butte. There will bo a community Thanksgiving dinner nt Community Hall. A social time In the evening will complete the day. Tho entire community is Invited. Mr. and Mrs. Iko Mills of Paulina visited with their daughter Mrs. Arthur Wurzweller and family over last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Crist of Red mond wero guests at the Arthur Wurzweller ranch on Monday. Peter Pauls and sons, wero load ing a car with balled hay the first of the week. Mr. W. M. Cook arrived homo from Fort Rock the first of the week. John Cronin has brought his sheep In from the desert range to tho home pasture. Mr. and Mrs. George Beck man of Bend former residents of Powell Butte, came down Monday to vote at the bond election. They were dinner guests at the George C. Truesdalo home. BIG CREW WORKING ON SISTERS ROAD Pt.AINVIEW. Nov. 16, A InrRO crew of men aro working on tho Bund Sinters highway through thin com munity. Mrs. C. F. Chalfan spent the week visiting In Redmond and Bend, re turning homo Saturday, Mr. nnd Mrs. Snm Burgess spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A. Scog gin, A largo number from l'lulnvlow witnessed the riding nt Sisters Sun day, Paul Scugglu riding Whiskers, it living the first time he has been successfully ridden, Frank Scott al so tundo it good ride and several bad horses wero topped. Mr. Fred Wilson. Mrs, Mlntn Ho ward and Ed Axtol wero guests nt dinner nt tho I loss ranch. Hubert Kcoggln, Mr. and Mrs. War ren Chalfan, Mr. A. tl. Morfltt and Mrs. William .Morfltt were shopping In Uedninnd Saturday, Mrs. Howard Hartley and little daughter return homo Saturday from Bend. Mr. William Morfltt purchased four milch cows from M. W. Knick erbocker Tuesday. Wnrrnii Pliiilfiiii. Uov HiMirtl. Mrs. F. E. Hoss. Al Glpsou nnd Mr. Blnko sly wero shopping in Bond Wednesday, Most all of Plnlnvlow spout Armis tice Day at Sisters, enjoying the rid ing and basket dinner. Modem Inventions Come Rapidly. The telephone was n toy In 1.S70; the typewriter n crude urniugetneiit in 1S7S; the electric Industry n Imby lu li7l, when Edison Invented the In candescent light; the phonograph was a curiosity In 1SIH), and tinning pic tures n lllckerlng experiment In JMW. DANCE ENJOYED AT DESCHUTES HOME SHE KNOWS A FT Kit i:o VEAItS Mrs. Milton Walto. Box 32. Aznlla, Mich., writes: "I havo used Foley's Honey nnd Tar for the past 20 years and And there Is no other rough or croup remedy llko It," It gets right nt tho seat of troublo and covers In fected surfaces with n coating that eases and heals, Children like it. Sold everywhere. Adv. DESCHUTES, Nov. 10, A divneo was given at mo tscou rimcii hi uos chutes Saturday. A very largo crowd was present. The ladles nerved sand wiches, cake nnd coffee, All had a very enjoyable time. Mrs. O. M. Itedfleld of Bond canin down to Deschutes Saturday to vote on the C. O. I. district bonds. P. II. Gilo of Bond got a load of hay from E. M. Hwnlloy Friday. Uobort Moore of Deschutes was a vlultur ill Tuiualo Wednesday. Mrs. G. M. Ilitlton of Do.ichutoH was III 'I'll ma lo on business Wednes day. Mrs. S. Dehlug of Deschuloii wuh on tho sick list (his week but has Improved. Mr. and Mrs. S. Polling wont to rut down some boo trees Sunday, but they were stung, mid nh.iudiiuod the task. Harold and Paul Cuoko of Des chutes have finished digging their potatoes. They spout Saturday lu Bend. Mi. It. L. Thurston visited Mrs. Don Slaughter of Deschutes Friday, Mrs. C. W. Nelson who has boon on tho sick list Is now able lo be out again. Mrs, E. M. Hwalley. Mrs. 0. M. Holton nnd Mrs. ('. V. Nelson attend ed tho ladles Aid society lu Tuiualo Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Iliitrhlus and baby Bobbin of Plcntmiit Itldgo wore visit ors at (lie Deblug homo Monday. Mrs, W. C. Conley of Tuiualo wuh a visitor at Mrs. Dchlng'n Monday Mr, C. W. Nelson had a runaway Monday. Mr. Nelson tied his horses to a tree while ho wont after the pitchfork, tho horses became fright ened and run away. They broke tho wagon; Mr. Nelson escaped without accident. The people In this community wish to expresn their most sincere sym pathy to Mr. McCnuley. Mrs. C. E. Parks of Dcschutos was in Bend on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Molten nnd children wero lu Bend on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Anderson of PloilHHIlf Itliltf.l W11H In Itnml mi lilla. Iness Saturday ' The Indie of Deschutes bud n sow. Ing bee In Deschutes till" week for tho Berry children. Dack to the Picture Language. A newspaper for English tourMs abroad Iiiin ii very Ingenious scheme for showing exuclly what attractions certain hotels have In offer. If there In an elevator In the hotel a picture of a small boy In uniform Is shown ugiilnit (he name of that hotel. A garage Is Indicated by n picture of u motor enr, lawn tenuis courts by n racquet, nnd so on. Tho scbenio Is Hillto a useful one, for It enables the tourist to see tit a glance exactly which hotel would suit him boot, ami thus saves lilm nailing through a whole hit of advertising matter. Fruit From Cnetl, The now cm iirhlowini'nt of Bur bank, the plant wlaard, Is the produc tion of nictl that hem- fruits lxiiutf fill to tho eye nnd with llnvor resembling those of penclie. muskiiieloim, plnenp. pics, etc.. ot sultlclclilly Ulllll.0 to ren tier tbein appetizing novelties. They nro very sweet, containing from I'.' to Id per cent of sugar. Tboo fruits iiiny bo eaten fresh or put up ns sweetmeats. They are of vnrloiiH colors, and their Juices, par tlcnlarlj of tho roil ouo (which nro of brilliant biles), are utlllrahlo for coloring lees, Jellies mid randies. Tightwads. Some men hang onto n dollar ns though II wero the Inst ono they're ever going to see. Martial Bwlng of Famoua Hymn. Many hymns In the sour books of modem churches, Including some of the most popular nnd IntplriuK, are of martini svvlnjj nnd tempo. "Onward. Chrlstlnti Soldiers" I the most popu. Inr of this cIiihi of religions songs. The Itev. Snhll.ii liming Gould, English pitstor, author mid mug writer, com posed (hi! words of "Onward, I'hils thin Soldiers- In SbiiO. It was to bo sung by children, and was written for .1 special occasion for which the pus tor could think of no suitable march' lug song o w rote It In one Wi-tii The tlamlwleh Appetizer. The long-established European cus tom of (lilting mi appetizer before din ner, In tlm form of it wafer-llko sand wich and a light bovornge, hits many points In Its favor. The "sldehnnrd," us it Is culled, can be most tastefully served on a daintily appointed tray. When a meal beglni with u but soup or ii chilled fruit, the gathering for the "slilebonrd" Is the most satisfac tory way for the housewife In be surn that all the family ate renily to lakn Ihelr places at the table. The snnd wlehes nro Hindu of very thin slices of buttered blend. Serve these with a glass of Iced grape Juice, Flower Oermon, Flower sermon hud it orglti lu St. Catherine Creo, England. On Wlill Monday each or the congregation ear i led n hunch of turners, and n larger hunch wiit laid on the pulpit cushion. The custom has spread, but It hu soineuhat changed. Now In many churches tin. (lower sermon Is prenelieil on Sunday nnd the church is dec-united with Mowers, tho members of tho roll giegntlon also bring llners with tbein to tho service. The time of holding this sen lee varies lu different churches. ,ut II Is usually held In the spilng or early summer when there N an iibliliiliuico of garden Honor. Power 7t Character, Nothing discloses real cbiirnrter like tho iiso of power. It I" easy for the Weak to bo gentle, Most people rati bear adversity. But If you wish to know wluit n man really la, give him power. Tbl l the supreme test. It Is the glory of Lincoln Unit, having ntuiost nbsoliite power, be timer ".bused II, except mi the side of merry. He mke not to Inllullle, not to ll. brnlil. but to convince. Me wns the rillhodlliiclll of Ibo setr-detibll. the roonige, the hope, the nubility of th nation. Hubert Green lugi-rsoll, Sometbleg Wrong Somewhere. If silence Is golden mid money talk, bow can we say thai our money u on a gold busts? Huston Transcript IT HELPED HER HUSBAND "My husband had a bad back," writes Mrs. J. McCuIlough, 23C Sny der St., Easton, Pa.; "when he sat down he could hardly get up and would be drawn all over to one side. He took Foley Kidney Pills and is now well." If you have stiff Joints, rheumatic pains, sore muscle3, try Foley Kidney Pills. Sold every where. Adv. PLEASANT RIDGE WOMAN RUN OVER :.-:n::::nr..-n:n:::::: snKaanatumnmnnroimitiroHnmsmintinniranra PLEASANT RIDGE, Nov. 10. Friends of Mrs. A. M. Petty will bo grieved to learn that she was run over by an automobile in Portland re cently. Fortunately no bones were broken but sho is suffering from uruiscs aim sprains, u is io uo nopeu mat sue may completely recover soon. Mrs. Catherine Johansen and Mrs. II. T. MIkkelsen visited at the Han son home near Deschutes Thursday aiternoon. MrB. W, H. Gray and Mrs. O. E Andersn wero Bend shoppers on Sat urday. Alfred MIkkelsen was In Redmond on Saturday. Fred Seeling of Bend was a visitor at tho W. H. Gray homo on Sunday, J. w. Peterson butchered a sma II beef this week which ho sold In tho neighborhood. Edgar Miller camo down from But ties lake Thursday to visit a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gray after wnicn he will go on to Moro where he will remain during tho winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swalley and Watt Jones wero Bend visitors on Satur day. Harold and Paul Cooko were In Bend on business Saturday. Antone Ahlslrom went to Bend on Sunday to see about soma work be ing dono on the swalley ditch of which ho Is a director. A largo number attended tho dance given at tho Scott ranch on Satur day night. All report a fine time. Alfred Pedersen went un to tho J. F, Young ranch near Bend to get some llttlo pigs on Saturday for him self and II. T. MIkkelsen. Alfred Pedersen and H. T. Mlkkoi- sen are helping W. J. Shannon haul rocks. Antono Ahistrom and MIhs Hllnin Nolson wero Bond visitors Thursday. Mrs. Ed swalley uttended tho Lad les Aid at Tumalo ou Thursday. itasmus Peterson. O. E. Anderson. and 11. T. MIkkelsen went to Des chutes to sorvu on tho election board Saturday, Edgar Miller wont In to Redmond Saturday to attend to soma business. Antone Ahistrom has boon doing some work on tho school house- this THE FARM PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTING CO. OPENS IN NEW LOCATION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 In the Two South Rooms of the MINOR BUILDING J,,v . ffeWMfl on Wall Street An nrchway lias been cut, connecting tlie two rooms, and no expense lias been spared in supplying fixtures to make litis THE FINEST Grocery Store and Meat Market FLOUR and FEED in Central Oregon Our plan of bundling farm produce, illicit from the producer to (lie coiiniiiiii-i', will lie our pulley. Wo will sell tho very highest gradcM of Hlnplo nnd Fancy (j'loccrloH ut tint very lowest possible prices. Our meat shop will bo equipped with tin- latest machinery lo assure perfect sanitation nnd n cooling; plant Is now liihtulled. Our slaughter bouse is equipped equally as well. When J on buy incut from un you may bo Hiiro that both (lie; quality nnd condition In of the best. Wn ill-go (ho fanners of (.'cut nil Oregon Id niiiki' tills their headquarters when In Bond. Wo will buy your produce nnd pay jou un much or morn for It, anil wo wilt sell you anything J on may ikmiI In our lino nt 11 small or smaller prices than you run buy the vnuio grndcH lu any other town la Central Oregon. Wo feel that wo nro creating u market In Bond for nil of Central Oregon. Wo believe our plan will prove nioxt henellcliil to every farmer Mho will tnko ad vantage of It. To the cltlriiH of Bend, wo extend u most cordial Invitation to try our plan of marketing. Wo find oh- Hired that mini you do, you will rcallo that wo ran Mivu J on money. The Farm Products Distributing Co. Two Big Stores in One The Minor Building Wall Street ::t:!:::::!:i::::::":i:!:.:::::::r,;:i:!K:::a:::::!:.u