The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 10, 1921, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Oh Mm wholu thu lumber market
In Kiiiiiuwlmt nioro spotted, says Mid
American Lumberman's weekly re
view. In Mio East, In Mm Ho u t It , In
Mm Southwest mill In Miu West Mm
viiliiinn nf orders mid f tifj iilrlc-K holds
up woll. Inn in territory irlliniiiry to
Chlengo MllTII llllM hcoll it MlllCklllK
III Mil) Vlllllllll) (if hot ll Inuiiliy mill
orders, 'I'll ll Lumberman r-inil In lien
"Homo grinlos i'iiiiMiiiiii in in yiiry
short supply mnl Miu ilummiil In run.
m'iiii)iiMy forcing prices uiiwiinl;
Micro In (ivlilmii, liiiwiivnr. it decided
Diintliiiiiiil In Mid lumber iiiunufuctiir-
Imk 1ml iiMti to linlil prices In it rcii-
hiiiiiiIiIu IiiviiI. WhIUi, of course, man
lifurliirers run no innm combine to
liolil 1'rlcfn ilown thitn lo rulse them,
Milii sentiment nin not help lint Imvu
it beneficial effect.
"On Mid Pacific count Mm demand
for Mm lownr grades of lumber In hot
lur mnl IIiIh In particularly welcome
iin tlii-rii Iiiih limm ii mirpluii of iiimiy
common grades. In Mm Hoiith timber
mo In better ilimimii holli for ox-
port mnl for Mm oil fields.
"Ho fur u cuti bo UKciirliilm-il. ii...
cuIIIiik off of tj iitiini,,,! Htrlkii Jiml
iimo effect upon Mm lumlior market
JilMt ii h Mm prospect of Mm strike liml
lltllu effect. Seemingly, therefore,
um iiiniiiiir Industry never wnn hit l
onsly concerned ovur Mm prospect of
u nmidi mnl from nil reports, IiuhI
noss generally wnn not nliirmod.
'Since Mid Nuttlmiimit.
iimrn Iiiih been slightly niorn Immlry
for rullrouil nniliirliil mnl Micro urn
liiillcallonii Mint Mio rnllrouilH will
press repairs even morn vl;oroiiHly
limn ilnrliiK recent weeks uiul ililn.
of ruurmi. will mi. n n Mm purchnsii of
n lot or railroad lumber. On tlm other
tin ml, mi fur no cur slioituirn Imn .1...
vi'lopml t li If year mid therefore tlm
rnllrouilH tiro not iiiohsIiik Mm run
Ktrnctlon of now cars ns Mmy would
ir Mm country worn suffering from
Mm im ii ii I full cur shortage."
UK ll. A. A. C. PLAY
Amateurs Will Mho l'iiinoii C.iineily
In Near rmiirr Cunt To lie
AiiiiuiiihciI '1i Week.
"Officer ." Mio well known
cnnmdy sucrens written by August
Mnrllugh. will ho Mm second offer
lug of tlm II. A. A. C players on
Mm American Legion building singe,
I'arts urn now IkiIiik typed and Mm
runt will Im picked Mi In week, utiirt
liiK iictunl pructlcn next week.
Thin piny, like Itn predecessor, "lie
llnva .Mo, Xnntlppn," which iiminied
local audiences over u mouth ngo. la
a llrondway succciis of minimal rep
utntlon. It linn the advantage for nm-
nteur production of being enucled In
one setting throughout tlie three
nets, making Ioiik walls unni'ccmiury
Tho dale on which "Officer CCO'
will tie given Iiiih not been selected,
It will piny only one nlKlit.
Doctor Maxwell Cxpreecei Opinion
Trouble la Due to Development
of Oacterlal Qrowtha.
1 liuve lielti'ved for ieuie jear thnt
rnmmiiii tiiidn nre due prlinurlly to
thu detelopiiiciil of hnrtcrlnl growths
In the nrre-ssiiry nasal Iiiiis-m mnl I hut
thin iteteliipment In inlled liy the nil
Mrurtlou of the ilrulnagii of thcc
slnuxcs hy the swelling nf the iiimnl
liilironi, write Dr. i. M. .Miuuell nf
Kmiuoke, Vn. HnellliiK of the mueokii
In due In turn to Irrltntlnu from Home
fnreljni Milnliiiu-e, mrh an duft. hue
terln and Hillen. The Imeterlu nr
thonii nrdlniirlly foiind In the nnnnl
entity mnl rnue tmulite enlv when
the free ncrvon of nlr Into the Meld Id
prevented hy Mie Nwolleu miieoni. Thin
opinion linn lieen NtreiiKihened hy tin
urt thut riiiitllimiUk treiitiuent or
hliruylnir wllh n mild uiuilrrltiint ov
trliiK'ent will In the majority nf ca-en
iirrent mi ucnle mid. When it cold
holdn en fur iin much H ll Week I hnv.t
ueiirly nhwiyn found rloudltienn In one
or morn or (lie Miiiim-h, mid uet Inline-
dlulo relief hv wiioIiIiil' mil iliese hI
mmn with u mild nllaillne solution.
IliiHlni'in Men .Meet At fitllll O'clock
I'or Woik I'nder Illredor A. I.
TmiHiher Ktnrt Volley Hall.
One of Mm moat popular of Mm
Kymtiimlum clunen which Director A.
I. Tiitmchor of Mm II. A. A (.' In Rut
Mm; under way la thu liiinlnenn meii'n
clunn nt S:3U o'clock .Monday mid
Thumduy vvuiiIiikd. Attiiiidmicn lina
heun Hood nt eucll mcutlnc of tills
Volley hull wnn atnrtcd Mgndny
na part of the procrnm of thin clann,
In addition to tlm mnrcliliiK, runnliiK.
ciillnthenlca mid iippurntua work
which Mm clava had heen iIoIiik pro-
viomly. Ihmkethull will he plnyud fur
u part of the period lifter Mm mon
Kol III hetter condition. KwlmmliiK
may he Indulged In after tlm period
la over.
Truck Makes Flying Leap From Bridge
Lands On All Four Wheels, Driver Is
Uninjured Except For a Slashed Thumb
Tho Cold South.
Prom thu nlinerviitloiiH ninde with'
In recent yearn liy Anturetle explorer
Micro Iiiih heeu reciileiilnled the ni r-
nee tciiipernlure of Mm Huilhcrn
IlemlNphere iin coiupared with tho
northern, mid the rcnultn dirfer, In
mmm reiipectH, from tlinso heretofore
iicrepted. It In found that the mean
temperutiiru hoiiiIi nf the riintor, fur
the entire yeur, In aliout two mid
tliree.(inirter ilecnvH low it thiin
north of the eiimtor. Hut the en
mini variation of temperature In tho
northern hemlHphere la twice us
luritv na In the xnuthcrn, our sum
mer temperntiire heliiK iniicli IiIkIut
mnl our winter temperature perceptl
My lower Mian thone of the corre-
HindliiK aenaona In tho noiithern linlf
of thu itlohe.
8plea Evcrywhore.
"How In the pntlent iiroitrcHnlnRr'
"DoIiib iin well iih could he cxpeetpd."
"Aide to rerelvo vlnltorn yet?"
"Come urniind In nhoiit three dnj'"."
"Thnnka, I certiilnly will."
Overhenrlnit tliln convorsatlon ynu
would naturally suppose thut Homehody
wnn recovering from a NerliiiiH com
plnlnt. An a mntter of face, cltlnetiR
who otiKiiue In homo brewing enn't be
too cnreful about dlacuasliiB It on n
iitrrct corner. mrmliiKlmm AuoHer-nld.
Dentflti of Dark Food,
A party of plekiilekerH, after a long,
dimly walk reached the parklui; pliut
where they uprend out thulr luncheon.
Ah tliey were anttlng thu table, one
young woman exclaimed:
"Ain't I glad I brought n ehocoliiti)
cnUo. It doehn't allow dlrt,'Jtlll
wmikcc Journal.
Dentltt Carefully Intertt Two Now
Teeth and Few Rodt In immento
London Timepiece.
The clink Mint hung eight fivt mer
the Jutictlnii of the .Strand und I'leut
ntlret, I,iidim, from the ennt lower of
the law coiirtn, lina Juat rerovenil from
mi uttiick of toothache. London 'Hi
llltn Ktuten.
The Im-IN nnd the Intricate mechiin
hin iKt-upy three Morle-i at the (op of
the tower, and coijwtuiit service year
In mid inr out hua cauned tho tnm
When the dynamo which wlndn up
the weight win put Into gear recently
there wan a Hipieuk from the winding
uppiirnliin, and n couple of teeth were
wrenched from nnv of the essential
A clock denllal wnn Immeillntely
railed III, nnd after cnreful treatment
Involving two freali teeth and the ru
new nl of ii iiiiiiiImt of Mcel renin, the
clock once more atrlkea the hour with
unerring punctuality and him entirely
recovered from the weakness devel
oimmI during recent yeura.
The rod which have now been re
newed hud not been touched since
lK.s;t, when the clock whh tlrM put up.
Few people In London, probably,
know that In thin clock at the courts
they have a mechanliui unique In the
inmory of clock-maklug.
Invented by a carpenter on an en
tlrely novel principle, It la the only one
or its kind In existence, an attempt to
mane a duplicate for St. Jamea pulacc
Having proved a fiillure.
It la so nccurute thut It diun not
lo4 iih much as one minute In three
The weight controlling thu (striking
mechiiiilain weighs li tons, and bungs
on n wire 85 feet long from tho top
or me tower into tho foundations.
Too Dad.
An ardent angler took a friend flnh-
Ing. Hu knew nothing about thu gen
He art. hut was set tin with nil tho
lioceHsiiry tackle nnd u nice, comfortn-
bio sent on thu hank.
Thu experienced bund stnrted nahtnr
a few yurds higher up the stream.
Presently thu nnvlco mild: "How'
much do those red things cost?"
"I suppose you mean tho limit?" said
tlm angler, "That only comIh about
"Well, I owo you twopence." said the
novice. "The one you lent mo bus
mink," London Tit-Illte.
Sifting Out tho Fleas.
It Is known that plague Is curried
from one person to another by (leas
nnd that these Ileus imrmully live on
ruts, but Miijor l W. Crugg of the
Central Research Institute, , Kiisaull,
India, asserts Mint only certain spneles
of ileus are to Maine, and hu Is now
making a special study of nil the varie
ties of ileus In India In tin endeavor
to Und which Is reully the guilty out-
A shoor leap from tho oast ap
proach of tlm Newport bridge to
thu ground, lfi feet below, In n
truck, Mm steering Rear of which
hud been broken, Hiinday result
ed In no creator Injury to Her
bert Welborn, tho drlvor, than u
cut thumb, Tho cab of tho truck
was torn off, but it landed on nil
four wIicoIh, mid was not seriously
Welborn had crossed tho brldga
mid wus sturtlng up Mm Incline
on Mm oust side, when Mm truck
suddenly veurcd fo tho left, crash
ed through Mm railing and shot
out Into space, landing right sldo
up, Welborn kopt his scat until
the truck hit Mio ground, cutting
his thumb on Mm brake bundle. Ho
walked up town to a doctor's office
for treatment. The cut was deep
but narrow,
Tho truck Jumped about 1C feet
out from Mm wall, burying its
wheels in Mm dirt. The cab fell be
hind Mm truck.
A word to the wise Is miiilclc-nt;
provldod It Is a long word I Cartoons
Alatka's Fine Scenes.
Wllh the exception of a few ureas In
ihe Cook Inlet region, the topography
of Chtiguch foreat III Alimku In ex
ceedingly rugged, the mountnlns often
lining nbrilptly from the sen. On
Iteniirrectlon hay the towering (H'liks
rein to reach Into heaven, The timber
line Is uniuillv nt mi elevation i.f iitmnt
2,'KK) fiet; iihove this rise barren, gin-
niited iienks ranging from 11.000 to
H.WX) feet In elevation.
Chlneie Condemns Drlbe.
There Is r, famous oriental saying
condemning bribery. It Is said that
nn nmlebt Chlnrni. sngo who lived
III the Second century wns offered n
bribe. Ills sllenro being Accepted as
hesitation, ha was assured that ho was
oerfectly safe, ns no one knew It, He
replied: "Hen ten knows It. Knrth
knowr It. You know It. I know It.
How can you say that no one knows
II r
tho order of tho Hon. II. W. Bawyor,
Judge of tho aboTo named Court,
nindo and ontercd tho 22nd day ot
October, 1921, Mm (Into of tho first
publication being October 27, 1021.
Witness, Tho Hon. II. W. Bawyor,
Judge of tho County Court ot tho
Stnro of Oregon for the County ot
Deschutes with tho seal of said
Court affixed, this 22nd day of Octo
ber, A. I). 1921,
Heal of tho Attest;
County Court J, II. HAMEU,
30-39c ciork.
Drpurfnicnt of thn Interior
i.v thi: coi'ntv coi'ht ok thi:
KTATi: OI-" OltKMO.V, FOP. Till!
coc'xtv or di:.schl'ti.
In tho Matter of tho Kstato of Chas,
L. Alverson, Citation.
To Allies Corning Alverson and Hello
Corning Alverson, Orcctlng:
In Mm Namu of tho State of Oregon,
Vnn or. I,,..l. l,.l ..l..l
. " v: , L n . v. a. land oppich t The Daiic.
Mm State of Oregon, for tho County P'SifTThv' ii9.!! ,h ,
of Deschutes, at tho Court room LA0S ' byn,'!'vc" ,hhat n'
thereof, at Hend, In tho County of I hVf 0f. q,0,"' i n.0,,1
Deschutes, on tho 7th day of Decern- onybcW 019356 7o, mpu BPfi
her, 1921. ot 2 o'clock in tho after-1 '7' N2; E.Y6r.I S
""Z owni,h.pnn."8 S.
w5 a"7 J", i y n? or: rongo 13 east, Wlllametto meridian,
,? .!? !il,hU.M .. ,,e,,ftn,errl w "led notice of Intention to mako
Iri Mm ahovo matter directing the thre vcar ., . K.nhii,i. eI,m
salo of Mio real property belonging
to tho above estate situated in Des
chutes County and particularly de
scribed as tho HW'4 of tho NW',4
nnd Mm V of tho BW'A of Sec
tion 15, tho N of the NE4 and
tho SB 'A of tho NEU of Section 23.
all in Township 17 South of Itange
10, Kast or tho Willamette Meridian,
Tho citation Is served upon you
by publication thereof pursuant to
to the land above described, boforo
11. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at
IJend, Oregon, on the 15th day of
December, 1921.
Claimant names aa witnesses:
Oscar Malmstrom, Francis H. St.
Clair, William H. Stennick, Hugh B.
Caldwell, all or llend, Oregon.
At the Ed Halvorson farm, one and one-half miles southeast of Bend,
near O'Donnell slaughter house. Sale begins at 10 A. M. sharp.
1 Red Durham Milk Cow, giving six gallons when fresh.
1 Jersey Cow, giving six gallons when fresh.
1 Roan Durham Cow, milks five gallons when fresh.
1 Durham Cow, now giving three gallons.
6 Holstein Heifers. Will freshen soon.
2 Work Horses, 10 years old, weight 900.
1 Set Double Work Harness.
2 Sets Single Harness.
1 Saddle.
1 Top Buggy.
1 Mowing Machine, nearly new.
1 Sickle Grinder.
1 14-Inch Walking Plow.
1 Bone Grinder.
1 00 Laying Hens.
1 8 Turkeys.
1 Steel Range.
1 Scalding Pan.
1 Crosscut Saw.
Milk Cans and Buckets, Alfalfa and Rye Hay, Household Goods and other
articles too numerous to mention. Free lunch at noon. Bring cups.
TERMS: Purchases of $ 1 0 and under, cash. Over that amount, a credit
of one year will be given on bankable paper bearing 1 0 per cent interest.
Five per cent discount for cash.
Auctioneer, "Pinkie" Rennolds
John Allen, Clerk.
E. L. GROFF, Owner.