9 iiKffn yvhhiipfiii.Mymi, omcooy, THunaAV, ocromqt 7. jwai. rAOE n uniuiimiMiimiiiiimiuitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiim BEND HAPPENINGS FROM DAY TO DAY iiuunuiiimiuiuiiHtiuMUHilMUumimiuiaiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiimiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniimuiiiuimiiitiitiutiuiiiit Wednesday V. (I. AiiHtlti of DuHcluitoa wait In llund yesterday on IiiihIiiuh, Dr. John IIuhhom Iiiih bi'oii suffer I UK for several ilnyH with u liml :nlil. II. HrOWII WIIH II pllHIU'llKI'r till iniirilliiK nil tlx singe In Kurt Hock. MIhn (llnilyrt Heiiloy of Portland In In llund visiting Willi liur fiillmr, ('. II. Hmiley. I), Hunter loft hint 11 1 k ti t for I.oh Angelns, whoro liu will spend tlio winter. MInh Wanda Ifeyt returned hint nlKlit from a visit In Portland of ruvvnil dnyit. Mr, and Mrs. I'. I., Forbes of Htnuf fir luft this morning for Harmony, Til., for ii visit. It. W. Hnwyer left limt night for I'ortliinil. to attend Hi" slate high way ('oiiiiiiIhuIoii meeting. J. V. llorHhbcrger of Klamath I'ii i In. who lino been In llmnl for sev eral day. I"ft lunl night for Port In ml. Jnck llowinitn, W. I). llowi, Frank Sutherland, iinil J. II. Ilitner urn on tlmlr way to tho Kliuiuitli country for n door limit. Dr. J. C. Vaitdovort. Crosby Bhi-v-Hit mill Ned Kliuvlln urn i-xpecteil to return tonight from Silver l.ukf, where tlioy luivti been on it hunting trip. F. A. Fussier, former editor of the l'rlnnvlltii "Call," In recovrrlug from mi it 1 1 it c k of nervous prostration, ac cording to nn Hum In Ori'Knti Kv rlianni'ii. Minn MnrKuri't Bergen, who linn boon visiting lioru for two montliii with her ulster, Mm. E. I). I.o llliiur. left limt nlKlit on the return trip to her hum" lit lieinhljl, Minn. William llrown, mayor of Prlughi Falls, wits In llmnl yottordity to meitt hi wife, who wnn returning from n v I h It In Hut I'ltnl. They visited with Dr. nnil Mr. John Benson hint night. Elder 0. M. Thorp. pastor of tho Hi-veiith Diiy Ait vlntlnt church, will leave Sunday, accompanied hy IiIh wife, on n drive to Spokane. I lu will hu absent from the city for the next two weeks. Minn tleorgln Parker, secretary of tho Oregon .Sunday Hchool nnsorln tliiu. will (peak tonight nt tho Pros hytnrlmi church, In n rommiinlly In liTThiireh rally. Officer of nil locnl Sunday schools niul till others Inter en led In thin work are expected to attend. Tuesday Joseph Vnrro of Ittothcr In visit ing In Head today. W. A. I.eel went to I'ortliinil last night for n short visit. 0. M. Charlton and Levi Ernst of Powell llutto are In llend today on business, II. Peterson, who him been work ing nt Silver Lake, wont to I'ortland hint nlRht. O. Ilrnudlkson wnn In Hend hint nlcht on IiIh way from Silver Lake to I'ortliinil. J. C. Wright hnn purchased a new Ilulck four cylinder car, onu of tho first to ho brought hero. Mr. ami .Mm. S. Stowoll to Silver Lake, I.. Casey to tho Vandovort ranch, wero thin morning's stage pas senger. I), H, Hunter, president of tho Central Oregon hunk, leaven lonlKht for l,on Angeles, whoro ho will spend tho winter. K, I,. Mead, rancher of near Terre bonne, wan In llentl yentenlay selling tipples. Ho rallied 1,200 boxes of tip- plon on IiIh ranch thin year. Mm. 11, J. Flssol ami children havo rotiirned from rortland, whnrii they hud planned to spoilt! tho winter. Thoy havo not decided whether to novo to rortland. Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Lu theran church will hold Itn Hontl-aii-iiunl Imziinr on Wednesday uvoiiIiir ut tho church, Many heautlful hand mado artlclcH will ho Hold. Tho Elks' bocIiiI and Ininnuot, Hchnduled for tonlKlit, han heon poHt ponod Indefinitely on account of tho death of V. C. lllrdtmll, former innn iiKor of tho I'llot llutto Inn, A photoKraph cut of tho American I.oclon hulldliiK In llund nppearH In tho Iuhiio of tho American LukIoii weekly for Octohor 28, aniont! a croup of I.cclon cluhhouneH, In com pnrlHon with which tho llond liulld lui; do'en not nuffor. H, M, (Iriint, formerly IiIkIi flchonl principal horo, now Bocrolary for tho OroKoti Social HyKoIno society, wiih In Uoiul yoHtorday, hnvliiB kept llr. I'nul Woomof company on IiIb drlvo from Portland Sunday. Orant rotum ed to rortland luHt nlcht. Monday , Ohnrlos li. dint, SUtors hotol pro prietor, Id In llond todity, QoorBO Mnddotn wiib a passongor tlh-mornlnB to.fltlvqr.litiko,, II. N. NoIhoii of HiiriiH vnn In Hem! hint nlttht on hln way to rortland. Wllmm MeorKO went to Kt'duioiid hint iiIkIU, retiirnliiK today with ti car. I,. M. Konn went lo I'ortland hint nli;ht. lie expected to return Thorn day. Dr. II. C. Doihln went to The Dal ten hint nlnht on a nhott hiinlncnii ttlp. Doniild (iriiliam of I'rlnevlllo npent tho week end hoiu, returnluK hint lilttht. ('Iinrlen llowoll of I'M wall, Wanh., In vxpecled her! touli;ht to vlnlt with rclntlven. II. I'. Itoyco loft hint nlnht for I'ortland lo return with earn for tho I'loiiecr iirai;e. A. Whlntiaut left town on hint iiIkIiI'k train. lie Muled that ho wan Kolnii In I'ortland. K, l I'ayuu loft hint nliilit on a trip to Seattle, lie will return with i,evei al Nunh cam for tho Denchuten CiiruKH. .Minn I. aura ZIoRlcr left hint nlttht for I'orllaml, wheru nho han taken a ponltlou with tho (lelman-Iluker DniK Co. J. It. Jouen, formerly nteward of the Kmhlem cluh, In now proprietor with J. V. Stephenn of the Dixie Kit chen, lu Antorla. A. (lehhnrt, who han the contrnct for curryliiK mull between llend and Silver Lake, wan lu llend today mak ItiK plant for the winter. (.'Imrli't I'eutiy mid hln father re turned yenterduy from a dtter hunt In the vicinity (if Croncent. GacIi nuc ceeded lu killing a htick, they report. Mini Mary A. Kwlut;, principal of the Crook County IiIkIi nchool, wan In llend over tho week end, vlnltluR with Mr. and Mm. V. I. Myern and family. The Sunnhliio cluh will meet with Mm. It. A. Smith at her home, 10E Delaware uveuue all day Wednesday, an tho cluh In prepurliiK to hold a hiiziiar noinetlnio In the near future. Dr. John Mention wan elected vice prcnhleiit of tho Homeopathic medi cal noclety of Ori'Kou, at lln meet Ini: lu rortlmiil hint week. Durlut; the ennlon ho presented n paper hu fore tho noclety. Mr. mid Mm. II. J. Overturf and Mr. and Mm. I'uul C. KIiik npent j'H terday duck huntliiK at tho Watnoii ranch at the head of Crooked river. Mm. Kim: ihot her flrnt duck, while tho men killed tho lenal limit. I,. Antlen declares (hat Keeno are morn plentiful at Summer lake than he han neeu them anywhere lu hln tntveln, hut that they are apparently nnfo from hln aliotRiin. Of durkn, however, he and D. I,. Jamlnon and tvo other men from Itedmond killed a Hiitinfactory nuniher during their vlnlt there .Sunday.' Saturday Minn Wanda Keyt ent to I'ortland hint night to spend the week end. ' MUn Nellie Tlffl left last night for Itedmond, to npend tho week end. Mm. Vernon Manny went to rort land last night to vlnlt with her sis ter. Charles Howard wan n passenger on tho stage to Silver Lake this morning. Mrs. Velma Coleman and son left hint night for CorvalllH, lo visit with relatives. County Commissioner M. V. Knic kerbocker In In tho city today from his homo In Clovordalo. A illumine hall will bo held next Saturday evening, October 29, ut Sltuvlln-Hlxou Camp No. 2. Tho llond boxing commission will meet Monday afternoon nt 5 o'clock In tho office of It. S. Hamilton. W. Swannoii, who lias heon doing repair work In the local railroad yards, loft last night on IiIh wny to l'ulton. William Lake, who Iiiih been look ing over tho country round llond for Bovcrnl dayn, left last night for Seattle. Ilia homo hi In Iowa, O. Ii. Italin of Hahim, who has been visiting with IiIh brother, W, A. Ituhn, nt Mllllcnu, for three weeks, wiih In llund last night on IiIh way home, Mrs. L. L. Kox haa returned from Klamnth Kalis, where her daughter, Miss, Marie Fox, haa taken n position with tho Flmt Stnto & Savings hnnlc. Itnv. Joseph Anion, of rortland, will preach In tho Prosbyterlnu church Sunday morning nnd evening. Louis llunnott will bo hoard In u vocal nolo, Word was rocolvod horo todny ot tho tlenth of T, II, Jolly, formerly editor of tho Crescent Nowu and nt one tlmo connected with tho Prlno vlllo, Hovlow, ut Jackson, Cnl., Octoh or 10. Mullotln Want Ada Prlntr results try thorn, Friday Oj 1), DlKKott of Fremont i lu llund today, t CltrirlcNt I'lteher of Silver Lnko l lu the city today, W. A, I'lckcjtt of Torrohonno wan it hiinlniiHH visitor In llend today. Dr. II. ('. Hartrnnfl will preach nt the Adventlst church Sunday cvoulng at 7:',10 o'clock, derail) McL'ann, who linn hcen In the hospital for bo mo flute, went homo hint nlcht. Charles I'enny In expected to re turn tomorrow from a hunting trip lu tho vicinity of Croncent. Mr. and Mm. K. V. Mnhaffoy went lo I'm timid hint night, where Mr. Mahiihffey will transact hunlnenn. Thomas Terkovlclt of llutto, Mont., who han hcen In llend for several days, left last night for I'ortland. Minn Claia Itedman left hint night for Spokauii, called hy the Illness of her father. Shu had heon visiting in llend. Clark Rhodes and Clyde M. Mc Kay left today on a hunting trip In the mountains, the tenth annual hunt they have taken. Mr. ami Mm. Itoy lialdwln of Kit gene, who havo hcen visiting lu llund for three weeks, left hint night for their home In Kilgene. Mm. Harvey KmmotiH returned hint night to her home at I.ougmlre, Colo. She han hcen visiting with her father, N. i:. Cllhert, and family. S. Splnkullch, who came hero sev eral dayn ago on hln way to Silver l.ako, returned hero lust night, leav ing for hln homo at Spokane. J. II. Albert, government Inspector of National hanks, left llend lant night after spending several dayn at the Klrnt National hank here, John II. Scott, division engineer for the state highway commlcslon, arriv ed lu llend lant night from Tho Dal les, leaving thla morning for I'rlnc villi. A hard times dance wan given lant night at Masonic hall, attended hy uiemhem of tho Ditto lodge nnd other .Mason. i no party wan declared a i nurcenn. Thursday Mm, S. Waddcll hnn entered a local hospital to he operated on. Dr. John Ilcnnon returned thin morning from hln trip to I'ortland. K. Itemlvez of near Ilitrnn wan In llend lant night on hln wny to rort land. Mr. nnd Mm. Louis Dlchl are par ents of a nine pound boy, born yen tenlay. Mrn. G. W. Moore and Miss Mooro wero passengers to Silver Lake this morning. Charlen II. Crlm nnd Minn Klla Cooper wero married yentcrday after noon by Mayor Ollson. George Jackson of Portland, who han been In llend since Monday, left In Bt night for Itedmond. J. M. Ilrlckley, who has been vlnlt Ing In llend for some time, left last night for Portland. Ills homo Is at Hubbard. WARNER'S WARM BEDDING FOR COLD NIGHTS BLANKETS OF ALL KINDS Cotton Double Bed Blankets $1.98, $2.19, $2.69 Wool Finish Blankets Plain Colors or Fancy Plaid $3.98 Wool Blankets Plain or Fancy PlaiJ $7.50, $8.50, $9.90 $11.50 NEW GOODS Harry Withers of nenr Hums was In llend last night on his way to Springfield, His small son accom panied him. II, K, I'lcrco of Now Ilcdford, Mass., arrived In llend yesterday to take it position with the Central Oro gon Associates, C. A, King am! wife, of Waldo, Mont., arrived in llend today hy rftito with a view to locating hero. He Is a brother of L. M. King ot tho llend Unttery station, Thomas Going,' former llond high school student mid at (ho beginning of thin year editor of the high school weekly paper, left Inst night for Ku gone, whero ho will enter school. (lion Howard and Douglas Johnson of the forest scrvlco arc In llond to day. They nro working on tho tclu pholio line between llend and La I'lne, several miles of which Is In bad condition for tho reason that tho trccB on which It was built were In jured In slashings fires, und arc rot ting off. Gilbert D. llrown, supervisor of tho Fremont National forest, and William La Sitter were In llend over night, leaving this morning for Port laud, where they will testify In a suit which the government is bringing land for trespass of sheep upon land In tho Fremont forent without per mit. The alleged trespass occurred against Mike Anglund mid Pat Ang lo 1019. CATLOW LEAVES FOR LEGION CONVENTION Only One llend Man, So 1'nr An Is Known, Milking Trlji Statr Of-fliei-H I,eavlnK Tomorrow. C. J. Callow Is, so far as known, tho only llend man making tho trip to Kansas City for the American Le gion convention. Catlow left Tuesday morning. , Word from Oregon officers of the Legion Is to the effect that they would leave I'ortland Tuesday and that most of the Oregon delegation would leave the day following. The convention opens on the morning of Mondny, October 31. Ah Best Material for Bats. In making baseball bats no substi tute for wood has been found, says the American Fopfstry Magazine. Ash lias won the lending place. Sexural qualities muM be considered In se lecting wood fur bats, but the most essential are u eight und strength. The shock and Ftniln tire rcverv at the moment of Impact when the well alined blow meets the Hying hull in midair and almost Instantly stops It and sends It In the opposite direction. If the wood Is not excellent the blow shatters It. One Good Thing About Movies. Jut! Tonkins says he llke.i motion pictures because the girls can talk about them without getting Into argu ments about whether to say "driihina" or "drnwmn." 72x84 Silkalene Cover $2.98, $3.98, $4.59 72x84 Satteen Cover $5.90 72x84 French Taffeta Cover $7.50 at NEW PRICES Our Tenth Anniversary Sale! Starts October 29th and Continues Until November 5th For ten years this store has been serv ing, to their best ability, the merchandising requirements of the people of Bend. Next Saturday marks the opening of our Tenth Anniversary Sale, and we are making it an occasion of unusual interest to every house wife by offering hundreds of items at sub stantially reduced prices during the term of this sale. We hope ithat this event will aid in binding us more closely to the many old and true customers who have favored us with their continuous, patronage and serve as an invitation to those others who have not yet made this establishment their department store home. Always Pays lo Stop and Shop at MANNHEIMERS The Qualify Store of Bend STIRRED HER TO INDIGNATION Mother Simply Could Not Stand for Repetition of Odious Word by Her Small Boy. She was apparently a lady of refinement;- She had all tho hall-marks of the elect. Iter clothing was fault lens and then- was u look of keen In tellectuality In her face. With her, says the Xwr York Mali, was a beau tiful little boy not exactly u Little Lord Fauntleroy, but a little chnp with bit; eyes and a wealth of tous e!ed hair. I noticed them, the lady for her dig nified bonrlnK and the boy for his hrlcht face, as I sat down just In front of them on the suburban train. I'retty soon I heard the little boy say, evidently referring to tne: "Ain't that a funny hat thnt man Imx got mil Ain't It an old hat. ttiomV" No reply. "Ain't he a funny looking man, mom J Ain't he?" No reply. "Ain't It funny when n man has pot a boll on the back of his neck, mom? Ain't It?" (We hnppened to hare one that morning.) No reply. "Ain't there nothing to do about bolls on the back of the neck, mom, nln't there?'1 "Shut tip 1" came the voice of the lady. "If you use thnt word 'nln't' again, I ttm going ta soak you on the hugle, now take It from tne. How often lime I tot to tell you not to use that word 'nln't'?" HAVE APPRECIATION OF LIGHT Citizens of Colorado Town Realize What It Means to Secure the Needed Power. You who live In cities where the electricity is a thing to be taken for granted, requiring only the pressing of n button, would appreciate It more If you could see what has to be dono In Green .Mountain Fulls, Colo., before we have tiny light. In the llrst phuv, we don't have tiny electric light at nil until 0 or 0:30 o'clock In the evening. And the only reason thatve have that. Is because the men who manage the power plant, which Is situated almost ut the very top of it mountain, start their long and far-froin-eusy climb every night about 5:30 and turn on the lights for us. It may sound very simple und all thnt, but If you could see the -speck thnt Is the power house, way, way up there against the side of an exceeding ly steep nnd rocky mountain, you would cliango your mind nbottt It. They say the climb Is about it mile. And sometimes In the midst of a se vere thunder storm, when the rain Is hurling Itself down the mountain, und tho falls are roaring In stentorian tones, nnd the trees are straining and moaning In the wind, you wonder thnt the men ever reach the top nt all, uud uro more than thankful when the lights finally go on. For thnt Is our only way of knowing that the men hnve reached there safely. Kansas City Stnr. Bulletin "Want Ada" bring re sults. Try thorn. CLUB COMPOSED OF MODEST MEN ASKED TO TKLIj WHAT THEY HAVE DONE KOlt COMMEKCIAIj HODY, MKMUKIt.S AUK DUMH VISITOrtS ONLV SI'KAK. Bend's Commercial club went on record Wednesday as an organization of modest men and women. At the regular luncheon. President Hamilton, called on each person present to tell what he or she had done for the club during the past year. Tho only per sons who did not "pass the buck." were .the visitors, and they merely complimented the club on being a live organization and Bend on being a live town. Many ot the members stated that all they bad done was to pay dues. This was characterized by the presi dent as a very important work. H. E. Pierce of New Bedford,, Mass., and Frank Percirall of Mllllcati were tho visitors from out of town who spoke. Attendance of club members at "Bend day" at the Frejnont-Wastlna community club was urged. TO START DRILLING FOR NEW WELL SOON E. It. Walker To Have Charge of Operations In Slnklcg Second Hole la Fort Hock Viilley. To take over drilling operations in the Fort Rock valley where an ap parently Inexhaustible supply ot ar tesian water was tapped by John M. Perry on the Ernst ranch, E. U. Walker arrived in Bond from Pa. o, Friday and expected h s rig to bo hero tho following day, , Because of tne time necessary for transporta tion, it is expected that drilling can hardly be started short of two week3: The slto of tho noxt-wcll to bo put down through tho uso ot state fu-uls will probably bo on tho Crumi . ranch, about threo miles north ot tut) town of Fort Rock. NIGHT SCHOOL IS NEARING CAPACITY Any who aro still planning 16 en" tor night school should do so before It becomes nocossary to limit enroll ment, announces Superintendent Mooro. About 40 tiro enrolled now. Night school moots at tho high scl?not budding on Monday, Wednesday and, Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock. Advertise' .u The Bulletin, it i its result, I