IIIONI) IIUM.KTIN, IIKNI), OIIKOON, THUItflDAY, OOTOHKtt 7, 1021. I'AOK a CROOK COUNTY ELEVEN WINNER I.O.VO ItUNH ItlCSI'O.VSIHI.i: I'Olt A 1,1, Of- VIHITOIIH' HOIItKH IIKMI'H IIHHT HIIOWINd ,M,IK IN HTIIAKIHT l'(M'l IIAI.I,. llefnrii it crowd which filled (ho Krundntulid iilid iiiiikhimI iiIiiiik tlm mIiIiiIIiiiin, tin) lliind IiIkIi mcIiimiI eleven, pliiylm; iiKiilnnt it liviivlur, miiro experienced Iiiiiiii, limt In Crunk enmity IiIkIi nclinnl Hiitnrday liy it 21-0 neurit. llmiMlnii, I'rliutvlllu'H Hllpimry rlKht end, with two miiiihii llniuil rtiim, nun fur 00 yitriln, cimtrl lulled twn luuclidnwiiH, mid Hinllli, iltinrtitrbnck, miidn llm in yard run In I tin flrnt quarter which wan ro hihiiihIIiIii fur I In) flrnl Mini) thn Inill wiih (dared Imhlnil Mil) linn. KiiiUIi'h t ruined (nu KUldcd thi oval between thn imntH mill over thn bar for each of thn tlircu kiiiiI klrkn. Ilend' Innn tnticbdtiwil riinio nil thn riwnlt of n rerlen nt bucka, Unit currying tlm Inill until within atrlkliiK iIIhIiiiicii when McNeely carried It nvnr. Undeterred liy thn apparent cer tainty nf defeat, Ilend rnnterit took thn fluid, Niirpi'iillnliiK umt rhcnrluK between halve, wlilln thn nrnrt Monti H-0 iiKullmt them. Tlm ninall nln of tlm I'rliinvllln rnntliiK unction pre vented n nlmllar ilniimiintriitlnii mi the part nf thn rlnltnrN, In the lint of thn official wan Included Noil Klievlln, end mi thn Yale eleven of limt year. Hlievlln, who In vlnltliiK III" brother. CroMiy. hero, helil down tlm Jnh of head 1 1 lie m an dnrliiK tlm name. Ih-iiit (liilnx Vnln I'rliinvllln iirnred townrit thn mid die of thu flrat iitnrt'r. after punt t ii K cuimlMently to llnnit. Ah thn feat uri' of thn Crook county IiIkIi Rctmnl offeimlve came n 10 yard run liy Hniltli. followed dy n Hilcci-Hnf ill pain. I, Inn linckn carried thn hull over thn line, with Ilend filvlm: wny heforu thn tearing attack of tint vUltor. H nil t ti kicked Koal. Thn latter purl nf thn quarter. Ilend nhowiil morn flr.ltt. ninl wan tnkliiK tlm offeimlve when thn will tin tilnw. At thn end of thn xecond (inarter rrlnevllle had added neven morn. Ilend had worked thn lull I to within 10 yard of thn Crook count)' final, lint Norcott uilinii'it n drop kick. Thn Knnitiitltm of thn Kami) occurred after I'rlnevllle had gullied ponKenHlon of the hull, when lloimton, rlKht mid fur thn vlnltor. plucked n forwuril pnnR out of thn air unit dodKcd hln way thrmiKli n liroken fluid, completion n R0 yard run In mnkliiK I'rltiuvllln' necoiid touchdown. Tliri'n ntleniUed tackle failed to ntnp tt I in. Smith kicked koiiI, Htinlulit 1'iMilliall Hrore lloilnloll ncored again In tlm third period when lie Kcooped up a fiiiulilu nud ran 20 yards to mifety. Hinlth klcknil koiiI. Ilend inailii Kood gain on linn ImckM hut wan uunlilo to Iiiiiik onto thn hull. Dutt and Norcott worn rniinlntiint yardage earnern. Two minute after thn limt 'jitnr ter Marled, tlm Ilend tuani Blurted tin march down thn field, abort linn linckn mill a penalty aKiilnxt Hmltli nf rrlnevllle, for Interfering- with n pimn, fentiirlliK llm nilvanco. McNenly wiih given llm nlgkln for tlm IiihI run. Claypnnl failed to kick goal Thn Tennis I'rliinvllln Pniiltloii Ilend I.. Lowelllng l.n.r. Clayponl 850 DISASTER DEATH TOLL FOB ONE YEAR HolierlM CriiHH Jacob CohIiow I 'oik ' llllllHtOII Hmlth DIhIiiiiiiii (!. Lowelllng Wright l.t.r. I.K.r. c, r.g.l. r.t.l. r.o.l. . I.li.r. r.h.l. f. lloyil KHlIck Knhlleld NelHon (I. Illakely JnliiiHiin I.. Illakely McNeoloy Dutt Norcott COMMISSION WILL AID APPLICANTS AppllnitloiiH of ox-HurvIco men for liiliicelliuieoim lienefllH which roo.ii Ire checklni: with tlm uppllcaiitH original (1IhcIiuii;ii need not liu poatponed un til tho illHclinrKo cnrllflcato Ir' re turned from tho World War Volor ti it h Htutii Aid commlHHlou offices nt Halniii, wrltnu Hocrutnry H. C. HrumlmttKh to local officers of Percy A, HtuvoiiH I'oHt, Amorlcaii Legion. Tlm coiiiiiiIhhIoii ihIvIhch, that If IU6 nppllcntloim nro Hunt to Hiilnni, tho needed Information will ho filled In thuro and tlm application relumed, PROMISES POTATO DISPLAY PUBLICITY Cam that tlm Cunt ml Oregon iIIh play at tlm Uulutli Intoriuttlotial Po tato allow Hhould rocolvo all pohhIIiIii publicity wan iiroinlsoil by K. 1'. (Up Hon, liiamiRor of tho hIiow, In a lot tnr received liy tlm lloml Commorclal club, Tho dlBPlay wua Bout Friday, Rod Cross Gives $1,871,000 Ro llof When 65,000 Families Arc Ma do Homolcss. Forty. three dliiittrn, ri-nultlnic In tho death In tint United Ht lit erf of b.V) liomuiH nud llm Injury of '-VVXJ cnllud for ituiitrKency rnllnf ineiimiri'H ninl tlm expenditure nf $1,87 1, IKK) hy (lie American Itud Crux ilurliiK tlm final year ejidlnit Jiinn .'10, 1PJI, ay an nnuniinenuicnt Inmed upon the forth rouilUK unntiiil reirt of tlm lied Croni, lliem) dUiiNlerH i'iiiihciI prniierty dam K I'Htlmiitril ut .",0,(KX),(MX), iinViled ultly-Hitveu eomiinililllea mid rendered (,( fmullleH homeliwi. Tliii yenr'H illMintern with of vary' tnic Ijim'i, liicluillni; Hevural which prn vloiody had never heell tllollKllt of an fallliik' wltldu that elmnillli'ii tlou, Thn Ited Cro fiirnUlied relief In feenteeu llrei of lunsiiltudi1 llvit Dondit, meii tornailden or cy-clnni-H, una devimtntlnK Btorm, three iploliinn, Ineludlnk' thn one In Willi Htret't ; mm bulhllin; arrldent, twj typhoid epidemic, thu moit m-rlnilH lit' Init that nt Hnlem, Ohio, which af fected l( per cent nf llm popiilritlon ; one Hiiuillpox i-phleinlc, In tlm republic of Haiti ;one train wreck, the raio riot nt Tuliu, Okln. ; thu famine In China, rmiwncy relief In famine iiiiioiik t lit? Indian of Alnnkii, thu KniHihopper plnuim In North Dakota mid an earth qmiku la Itnly. Puiblo Moit Sirloui liy fnr tint inot severe nf thn tll- nitnri In thn I'nlted Hiatal dnrlne th perlml covered by the Itud I'lnm re Iirt wan tint I'liebln ftnuil early In June, ltrjl, Tlm reliatillltatlon prob lem confrnntliiK thu Ited Cronx In I'iimIiIii wiih one nf tint limit dlfllcull In recent yearn, When the flmt new-i of tho horror nn llnaheil tbrniiKboiit the ciiniitry, the American Ited Cr-in Nntlonnl lleadipinrterx rexponded with a L-raiil of l(k',(MN) fur relief work. governor Shoup of ColorHdn, appro rliitlii): the lout; nnd Hticremiful nxperl emit of thn Itrd Cm In ori.-uiilr.lni: dlaimliT relief work, placed the en tlru rrHpoiiNlhlllty for the aduilnlntrn lion of relief In Iti hand". In reipoime to iippeiiln from l'ret dent Hardin, (icivernor Kboup anil other Kovernorn of western stnten anil throuuh local chnptrrH of the Ited Crom nnd other couitnunlly ork'nntzn tlntiH, putitlc-iplrlted dtlienx hroiiKht the total contributed for PiicIjIo'a re hnbllltallon to more than f.Ti'.(MM). Tho terrible havoc wrought by the flonil wutern U n matter nf record. Morn than ",:UX) hoim-H were tiffitcte,l and 7,X"1 permnn were left homelenn. KHtluuiteH of J.VXl.ni'H) nn nn otiKiilutit minimum for rehnlillltntlon were inadn by Had Croni otllchiU In cburuu of th? relief work. Fid Work In Wall 8trt The Wall utrect explimlon vn nntn bin In that relief worker of the Ited CroiH went on tho ncene twenty mill utci lifter the dhuiMer occurred, Tbtf race riot at Tulin nlo wu unique In dltniter relief nnnaln In that outilde of u Hill nl I eiiieraency relief fund con tributed by the Ited ('roi', the only relief ineaiure. oiitHtde ttui city con Hinted nf tho Kcrvlcn of nodal work er.i, nurxi-H nnd a trained executive whoKe object wan tn nUt lonil forces In illreetlnK their own effortH. In decided contrast with the pro iIouh year, only one tornado nKinmed the proportions nf n mnjor dNniter. Thh occurred on April 15, In tho bor der section of Teai and Arkaimal with the city of Texarkana a the center, Tho Hbtulflcnnt feature of thl dliiiHter relief work wai the fact that It covered n much ruriil territory n to iniiko necenmiry a Inrno number of relief worker. The famine In Chlnn, iieccnltntlliK relief expenilllures totalllni; more than SLtHUMKM) hy the Auierlciin Ited Croi-i wan hy fur tint most serlou of the foreign ill.iNlerH In which the Ited Cross kuvo aid. Dulldi Up Iti Machinery In connnctloii with tho administra tion of dlaser relief measures, an In erenliiK effectiveness on tho part of the Ited Cross to ileal with omerKon eles wns manifested durlnK the past jenr. In !t'JS Chapter of tlm Ameri can Ited Cross thero have been formed special committees to survey the re. sources of tholr respective communl Ilex am) to bo prepared In case of disaster. In others of the 3,-llK! actlva Chapters, a network of communication ha been formed throuKb which Install' tanenuH relief may lie dispatched to nny part of the United States. That Its work In this Held may be continued with ever greater effective liess, tho American lied "Cross Is ap pealing for widespread renewal of membership ilurliiK Its Annual Itoll Cull, to bo conducted thin year from November 11 to lit. LIFE SAVING CORPS ENROLLMENT 10,000 Orowtb of Ited Cross I,f( Saving Corps throimhout tlm country con tinued imubiited ilurliiK tho lust llscnl year, a suinumry of tho year'a achievements by that Hod Cross Sen". Ico hIiiiwh. Tliero ure now 1(10 Corps with a total membership of more than 10,000 members, of which l.'J'l) are sulllclently skilled In tho work to act as examiners. Aiuoiik tho outstanding achievements nf tho Ited Cross In tills Meld durlnK the Inst year was the or Riiiilzatlon nt tlm Unltcd'MtntcH Naval Academy, Annapolis, of what Is per haps hit largest llfo buvlni; corps tn tho world. MATTER OF DEATH IN DOUBT Authorities Puzzled m to Whothir Min'i l)lnu Pronounced Dead Makoa Him Legally Oo, Al K. WIIIIiiiiih, Unites Htutei ill' Irkt attorney for Kiiiihiih, received a letter a short time iiko nskliik' Ids oplli (on iih to tho status of u person upon whom a death peritonei! lias been exe cuted, who lias been legally pro-nimnci-d dead, but afterwards regains consclousne and recovers. Th- case cited wan thnt of five ban illti who wero convicted of highway robbery In llm province of Ciuayou, I'lilllppliio Islamls, and M-nti-iiced to die by the old HininUli method of hlrmiKiilalloii, After tho execution the live bandit were placed on the floor of o church to await funeral rites In tho moriiliitf, In tho nlKlit three ro Uiilneil coiiHiloumiess. Two of the three died "iikiiIo" In a couple of days, but one recovered, although left In a deformed condition, Tho iiieslloUH nskeil are whether the bandit who lived could bo HtrallKled iiis'iilli, or, If bo could not, would the fact that ho wn legally prouoiiucisl deud prevent bin being tried In the courts If he committed another crime. Mr. Williams wrote mi opinion to the lii'iulrfnx person, ili-cltirluir that ho be lieved that uu order could be obtained from the court sottlni; aside the tlrst execution as IiiivIiik nctcr been per formed and another one oiderud. Ills opinion was that If the bandit were not killed, llmilly, be could be held nmenulito for other crimes, u. tboiiKh b-k'nlly be was not in existence. "Of courHe," Jlr. Williams said, "you will probably Itud as many lawyer and Judk-i-H iIIsiikp-cIiiu with lay opin ion oh coiieurrlnc" FLED FROM CHEESE BARRAGE REPRESENTATIVE OF HUREAU COMES SOON Ii. I), .Mount To Visit Commercial Cliib In November To Iteniler Services Control led I'or. I, I). Mowat of tlm Ainorlcan City buroau, will bo In Ilend from Novem ber II to l'J, to visit tho Ilend Com mercial club, render tho ncrvlco which tho bureau contracted for lant year, and dotermlnu whether tho club has functioned accordliiK to the platm then laid down. Tho club directors express a hopo that Mowat will find tho financial condition of tho club niich that hi labor will bo liiclit during his visit hero. Ilullotln "Want AiU" bring ro sultH. Try them. Boy Embarks On Circus Career, Gets as Far as Maupin Brought Back, He Eludes Father and Officers at Depot Blowing awny In a car of the Anderson-Srndcr hIiow train which left Ilend early Sunday morning, Howard Nonnclioster, H year old son of Mr. and Mr. U. L. Noon cheater, embarked on what ho con ceived a a clrcu career. Ho got an far a Maupin, where he was discovered by railroad men, und after inquiries had been made, ho was ntarted home on the afternoon train, Howard apparently enjoyed tho return trip as much a lie had the runaway. He told tho conductor ho would bo glad to get homo. Tho train Htopped at tho dopot and Howard arose with tho other pa xenger and ntarted toward tho door, outside which hi father and two policemen awaited. Hut Howard never got off to greet them. A thorough search of tho car was made. Howard was not thero. When tho elder Noon Chester hail paid his son's fare from Maupin to Ilond and gono home, ho found his son thero be fore him, quite contented with the outcomo of his adventuro. Or Ourn the Brldgei. lit sure you are right, then go nhend, but don't destroy your return ticket. Wayside Talei. The Originals. Adam and Kve were the first people) to pnt too much confidence In their family tree. Commander of Brazilian Warship Thouflht Some New Kind of Domb Wa Being Used. Probably the iitninKest anil most curious use to which cheese was ever put occurred In a naval lialtle hi-tween llriull and Uruguay In tlm tuld-Nlne-teeiith century, records the lutein (cover. The C nii; ii ay ship, commanded hy Captain (', In thu midst of the bat tle became exhausted of shot. A lieu tenant reported the farts to Coe. "Powder all gnno?" asked Coe. "No, sir; lots of thnt yet." "We had a darned bard Cheese round Dutch one for desert at dinner toduy; do you remember Iti" nald Coe. "I ought to; I liroke the curving knife In trying to cut It, sir." "Are there any more aboard?" "About two do7.cn. We took them from a drawer." "Will they go In the 18 siundersr "Hy thunder, cnuuuodnre, but that's the Ideal I'll try 'em." And In a few- minute tho bombard ing from Coe' ship rsiH-neil, nud tho enemy found morn shot flying over their heads. At last one Mint struck the mainmast, scattering the bit of cheese fnr nnd wide. Then another mine. Then four or live more hlnpt-vd , iignlust tho sails. The enemy com-1 imindrr, tumble to decide what wax happening, and thinking that n new , kind of hnmh was helng used on him, became terrorized and ordered bis boat ' tn bnck away. I.lttle did he know that he wiih retreating from a bnrragu of Dutch cheese, Where Men Carry Fans. The folding fan came originally from Japan. In the Cast fans were carried by both sexes and were much used ut Important ceremonies. The Japa nese had wnr fans, colored bright red, mid there are some fans which have a small polmiril concealed In the handle. The folding fan wns Introduced to Knghiiiil In Henry VIIl's time, coming from Italy, tn which It had been In troduced by Catlerlno do Medici. The Much Talked of Buick Four IS HERE ! With its automatically lubricated Valve-In-Head Motor and perfectly co-ordinated parts, gives a remarkable measure of serviceability combined with simplicity and ease of operation. Its mechanical excellency, which has grown out of twenty years spent in developing Buick cars, is supplemented by in numerable 'refinements, each of which contributes its share to convenience and performance. Expert engineering and the best of materials have pro duced in this model a full power, economical and well balanced light touring car. While it is moderate in price, it is a big car and very similar in appearance to the other Buick open models. The price delivered in Bend is identical with that every where on the Pacific Coast. $1180.00 Call and let us demonstrate to you the real value in the "Buick Four." THE BEND GARAGE Wall Street -jtiu: We are giving you a table of comparisons on Four Cylinder Cars that is interesting, when you take what we give you for the money into consideration. Roadster Touring Coupe Sedan BUICK $1130 00 1180 00 1 730-00 192500 3 1x4 Cord Tires DODGE $ 1 1 20-00 1 1 90-00 2030-00 32x4 Cord Tires NASH $1245-00 126500 1895-00 211500 33x4 Cord Tires Mr. H. E. Allen, with his choice of a Four Cylinder Car, decided upon a Nash. Ask him why. DESCHUTES GARAGE COMPANY NASH CARS FEDERAL TIRES "n::mKu:mmmm:im::::::m:;::i::::::u::::i:im:::::w