4'. BBND BULLKIIN, BBlfD, OIUKKIN. TltUIWDAV, NKITKMIiKIl t, ll)9t. CHINESE ROOSTERS AREVSHIPPED HERE Blx l)or ItlnU Supplied 1W Ies clinics County Hy Commission i Well In Klnmnlli. Six doxcuGhlnoso pheasant roost ers hnvo boon shipped by tho game commission In H. J. Ovcrturf, nnd turned loosu In Deschutes county. About '75 'lions were turned loose hero two weeks ago. Fawer roosters nro supplied for tho reason that they nro moro Imrdy, according to mem bers of the commission. Outside of those shipped In, there nro tow pheasants In Deschutes coun ty. Klnmhth county has done so well with pheasants received In the past few years that the people there pl.ni to nsk an on,i!n season next year. CONCATENATION TO BE HELD ON SEPT. 17 VOWS ARE RENEWED AT GOLDEN WEDDING ltou-lloo Il.ivr Candidate For Mem bership To Meet 1-Uch Month ProMmt Cup To McCann. Fifty years nftcr their niarrlago In Michigan In 1871. Mr. and Mrs. S M. Davis, of this city, celebrated tholr Kolden wedding here Saturday inlrlif ronmvlriir their vnwi before ! ltev. F. K. Harrlmnn, pastor of the llond Christian church. Mr. and Mrs. Davis canto to Hond from The Dalles four years ngo. and have been residents of this city ever since. Of their six children, live nro now living. It. C. Davis nnd C. K. Davis of Bend. W. D. Davis of Ked moud. Mrs. Hattlo Dennis of llend. and Mrs. Nello Morris of Tho Dalles. Tho death of a brother at Tho Dalles called Mr. Davis from llend yesterday. A Hoo-Itoo concatenation, the sec ond to be held in Bend this year, will bo staged on Soptembor 17, it was decided Monday night at the meeting Inst night at the Pilot Butte Inn. A number of candidates have announc ed their intention of joining the lum bermen's order. Tho local Hoo-Hoo will hold monthly meetings in the future. It was decided. No definite date was set. T. A. McCann was presented with a handsomo "loving cup. MAN HAS ANTHRAX, SOURCE UNKNOWN Disease, nclievrd To Have Iteen Communicated By Sheep, Hut Xo Cases Reported, Says Jamison. George Aldrldge, Powell Butte sheepherdcr, is being successfully treated In Bend for anthrax, a high ly Infectious disease of cattle and sheep. Only two other cases among human beings have occurred here within the last two years. Aldridgo Is believed to have con tracted the discaso from his sheep, but there has been no roport of an thrax, or malignant pustule ns It Is also known, from that section, states County Agent D. L. Jamison. Unof ficial reports of anthrax In the Fort Rock country were received some time ago, but were never confirmed. What's Doing in the Country. APPRAISERS VISIT AT PLEASANT RIDGE PLEASANT niDGK. Sept. 1. Tho appraisers for tho federal farm loan were in this neighborhood last Wednesday looking over several farms. Mrs. Alfred Pedersen has gone to Deschutes to work for Mrs. Ited fleld. O. E. Anderson went over to the Spatigh place west of Tumalo after some of his cattle. H. T. Mlkkclsen and son, Alfred, Mrs. W. H. Gray and Mrs. O. K. Anderson were recent shoppers In Bend. MUs Nellie Griffln nnd Wnde Short, of Deschutes, called nt tho L I B E RXY Sunday and Monday and Sunday Maiinee JtSSELLASKy DOSCOE (FATTY) ArbucKle Tcters eMn'ions With JEAN ACKER and BETTY ROSS CLARK Ever wonder how you'd spend a million? Well, Brewster got his. And had to squan jderjjt, every cent, in a year! But when everything he touched made , . money you'll howl with glee at the stunts he' did. to grow poor! A comedy king in a picture lavish with I laughs. From the Novel by George Barr McGutcheon and Play by Wirichell Smith the :x: Boys' School Clothes MOTHERS, INVESTIGATE! We only offer you dependable merchandise at LOWEST PRICES. We believe the best is none too good for you. Our policy of buying in immense quantities and selling at a small profit is your direct gain. Colors : Brown Gray Green Heather Tbe Styles are Norfolk with yolk box pleats. Inverted pleats all-around belts, flap pockets. Blue Sizes 6 to 18 years. $6.90 Two Pairs Knickers full lined $6.90 Armor-Clad Suits Double Service Clothes for Boys, double seat, double knees, double stitch, honestly tailored, rein forced at every wearing point; in fine wool cassimeres at..$12.75 Extra Knickerbocker Pants Variety of patterns,..98c to $2,9S Boys' Shirts Fancy stripes and plain colors; priced at 73c to i)8c Boys' MackinaWs Don't miss the opportunity to get your boy one of these fine wool mackinnws; sizes 3 to 10 years at..$3,98, $4.50, $1.98, $5.90 Fine Blue Serge Suits at.. $9.90 Boys' Blouses Fine assortment to choose from; priced at 79c and 89c Boys' Underwear Cotton Fleeced Union Suits, now priced at 69c to 1.10 Cotton Ribbed Union Suits, now priced at (59c to $1.39 Wool Union Suits....$1.19 to $1.79 A Special Suit Made in fine cassimerc mixtures, with two 'full lined Knicker bocker pants; priced $6.90 A fine selection of Boys' Suits to choose from, at .. $5.90 to $12.75 Boys' Caps Fine cassimeres and worsteds; priced at 59c to 98c Boys' Hose A good Hose at 23c Pacemaker Hose at 35c Boy Scout Hose at -15c BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES NONE BETTER Shoes that will glvo satisfaction haH always lieen a problem. Wo believe wo havo solved It. Huylug only tho boat of leather and having them specially ni.ulo Insures satisfaction. Hoys' Calf lllucher, patent back stay; metal hoel plate, (inodycar welt nolo, solid leather; Youth's slzos, 12 to 2; Priced at 8I..KI Boys' sizes, 214 to C; Triced at 9I.IW Little (louts' lllack nnd llrnwn School mid Dross Shorn; solid leather: Hires S to 11 14: Priced at . . yi.wi 10 na.tm Hoys' School Shop, niado of heavy black ralfs!cln: honvy welt Holes, metal hwl pinto and with n chrome solo leather tip that Is guaranteed In glvo NiitUfactlon; Youth's sizes, 12 to 2; Priced nt. ..!.. "Ml Hoys' sizes. 214 to C; Priced nt .. tsi.UH Hoys' Tan C'ulfskln Army Shoes; flood yoar wult solo, rubber lion I, solid leather: Youth's sizes. 12 to 2; Priced nt . ijil.lli Hoys' sizes. 2 14 to G; Priced at JfU.liH I!"'.-.' Hrriwn and lllack Calf School nnd Lrevi Mlinim; ulld liitlhui': You'll' sljei. 12 In 2: Priced si PL'. Ill to 11:1. 1(1 Hoys' slins, 214-fi; Priced MJ.H8 lo Hit.liH Scuffcr Shoes , Shoe Thai (Jlvi' SalNfm'tlon Hl C to 8; Priced at HI.HH Hlzon x V4 to 11, Priced. ?'.'.:ii to i?'J.ii,h Sir on 12 to 2; Priced nt ..82.711 to tit. Ill "i Investigate and Save . i I irlll wwm t-i' '"" tlncorpomttd 5 312 DEPARTMENT STORES Make Your Dollars Count Anderson and Pedersen homes last Thursday. Mrs. O. i:. Anderson, uccompanlod by Alfred .Mlkkolxen, mado a busi ness trip to Hedmond Monday. W. J. Shannon vlslstcd In Hond the first of the week. Antouo Ahlstrom, accompanied by Mrs. W. II. dray and .Mrs. John Oray, wero In Hcnd on business re cently. Mrs. John Oray returned to her homo at tho Khevlln-Hlxon camp after visiting several dayH here at tho homo, of Mr. und Mrs. W. II. Oray. Dr. A. M. Petty luft Monday nlfiht on a hurried business' trip to Port land. Alfred Pedersen purchased a flno heifer cnlf from Tom Lawrence. Mr. und Mrs. O. 10. Anderson, ac companied by Dr. und Mrs, A. M. Potty, loft by auto on Friday morn ing for Portland by way of tho Me Ki.'irlo puss. Thu Pettys will ro muln In Portland for tho winter, whllo Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, aftor upending a fow days thoro, will re turn homo over tho Columblu river highway. RANCHER INJURED IN FALL FROM HAY OUANOK IIAI.Ii, Sept. 1 Itouben Kolson wus hurt when Julius Pedor- sen's horses run away, throwing him off tho hay rack ho was riding In. Tho rack passefl over his body, In juring him sovcrely. Tho Olrls' club meet at tho home of Katherlno Helgeson Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. 12. E. Uutler has been suffer ing from a felon on uor finger. She has had it lanced throo times. Helen Cowglll, assistant club lender, was In tho Orango Hall dis trict demonstrating tho canning of fruits and voRotables and looking at tho Olrls' club sawing. Tho club met ut tho homo of Mrs. (icorgo Krlnkson. Mrs. Oeorgo Kricksou Is going to havn tho Lutheran church Ladles' Aid from town meet at her homo on Sept. lf. Mrs. Fred Ilnttmun and daughter, Vlolot, accompnnled Oeorgo Wnllacn, Mrs. Ilettmuu's brother, to tho Ico cuva Hundny. A uumlinr of pcoplo from hero at tended tho Lutheran church Ladles' Aid at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnnrud, three miles south of Hond, Thursday evening. Mrs. Oluronco Smith's aunt, Mrs. Snntoford, Is visiting the Smith fam ily. Sho enjoyed a fishing trip last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Young called at tho Hocch and J. Podorsen homes Sunday. Mrs. Fred Itoynnlds will havo tho Ladles' Aid ut her homo Sept. jj, Tho Orango Hull Hlblo class will bo changed from Wednesdays to Saturdays after school buglus, Church sorvlcos will bo held In tho Iooch school hoiiso Sunday, llenuott und Edward Young callod on Howard and Krllug Holgcson Sunday. PLAINVIEW SCHOOL BOARD IN SESSION PLAINVIKW, Sept. 1 The school board hold n moating at tho school house Thursday evening. Miss Jo Uurguss spent tho wook und at tho A, W. Armstrong ranch. Alex Levitrenz went to llimd Tues day and Saturday with strawberries. Mrs, J. A. Scogglus spent Friday with Mrs. Sum Hurgi'SH. Mr. and Mrs. A. (I. Morllll, Mrs. Junius KlkhiH, Paul Sultlur and Nnyno De.lmivers left Sunday morn ing for tho huckluborry patch. Tho MIhhch Jo Hiirgess and Ida IIohh were rallurs ut tho Currle ranch Wednesday. Ilesultfl of tho Plalnvlow baseball cushion contest worn announced last wook and Fred Wallace wus award ed tho prize. Tho cushion wu mucin nnd domited by Mrs. William Mor-lltt- Mr and Mrs. Vem Llvesay, Mr and Mrs. Howard Hartley, Mrs. II. A, Scoggln, Miss Jo Hiirgiiss, Paul Scoggln, .1. A. Scoggln, F. (1, pow ers, Mrs, F. H. lloss, Ida Hoss, Wll ma Hemintt nnd A. V. Armstrong woru nond visitors Tuesday. .votici: Those who huvo not yet recolvod tholr order slips which woro awarded ut the llend Flower Show, Aug. 211, aro urged to sucuro tho sumo ut Un commercial club room, Saturday Sopt. :i, liotwcim 10 a.m. und (1 p.m. FLOWHU SHOW COMMITTEE, 27c CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS KOIl Hvi,n. KOU SALE A snnp; lot 10. block 22, Park addition In Horn, for only $800.00 cash; this Is one of tho Hand Company's $1500,00 lots, Kato Hrummoll, Helena Hotol, Og don, Utah, 10-20-, 13c FOIt SALE Threo old cows, rhenp. Phono 18-F-21. H&-2S-2Gp roit HKNT FOIt HIKE Packhorsos ut Sisters, Oregon. Telephone or wrlto Sin ters Commercial store, Sisters, Ore K". H3.24-27P WANTIill. WANTED To hear from owner having farm for sain; give par tlculnrs and lowest price, ' Address John J, lllack, Oregon st., Chippewa WANTEIl Fresh cow; must give at least 40 pounds pur day, nut un der a 14 por cunt butter fat ti'Ht. WANTED- Fresh cow; must glvo at least 40 pounds pur day, nut un der .114 Iter cunt Imttor fat lent Wrlto llox 4 03, Huml, Ore, 3fi-27i Ortion't Higher Initliuilon ol TECHNOLOGY Eight Schools; Seventy Tpntmentt FALL TERM OPKNS SECT, 19, 1921 For Inlwmillti willf It Hit RiiUlftf t. Oregon Agricultural College f!mtUAf i i 4