The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 19, 1921, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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fiR&n Mi i.Ktix, nniw. unwHin, tiii'iwimt, jht iit, iron
. . . . ...... . . . . . .... .
What's Doing In The Country
lies trip to Hettmond Atotnlnr morn
Mr. nnd Mm. W. It. dray oritur
mi Wfip i. fnv tVnr. talned the following guests nt their
way's Independence day was eele-homo on ttednesday evening: Mr.
brated by llio Son of Norway nl tho ,nd Mr. Alfred Pcderson am son Os
Oeorgo Erlekson ranch Sunday. In-1 wald. Mr. and Mrs. It. T.
stead of May 17. A big table wnnd son Alfred, Mr. and Mr. O. h.
set outside on the lawn, everybody Anderson, Mis llllma Nelson nnd
bringing their own dinners. After Antono Ahlstrom.
dinner Iter. S. A. Stenseth delivered . .M.r- nd Mrs. J V. Peterson and
nn iwlrtrM. on Norwnv. Thn rest of cntlcuen IHIC(I at ino nomc 01 wie
tho afternoon wag spent In playing, Hanson near Deschutes Sunday.
trim. nn,1 rnnnlnir rnrm. Tho bneh. I Mr. Dokken wag a IJcnd Visitor
clors furnished the Ico cream nnd Saturday,
soda tion. I
Mr. nnd Mrs. Butler and Mablo , Write Ills Tlimik From Washington
Dalilo visited tho Ochoco rroject j only men nnd women who havo
Sunday. suffered from kidney troublo can re-
somo or me scnooi cnuurcn neiu nllro how grnteiui one reels
lWI,M fflWI A t'AUVil AT Prank Kluslcf little ir-fnl rt teal flh
...... M s a " MM) inn nrrii ni'imin
Mm Walsnti anil nan Unix fddlffi
'id front Ohnliall, Wash., wlmrn Hie
UKflClfl'TKH, May t Mtlln An ' worn l i "dhli ill mm,
tons Oelilng of Prschntea Is seriously watson mniiier, .Mrs. urn, sun i
III IM. l,,,,,.Mf niiniininnN Sf r OtlSly III.
W. C. Cooley of Tumalo was rery I " Mnrllm Koster Is Tlslllng Iter
III with brnnchlnl pneumonia lust'""" Melyln ami ramlly nt I'rlnovlllo
Anlono Ahlstrom was a business! jjr'gi (i Nelson of Deschutes! Henry Whllsott and family wero
dtor In Hedmond Wednesday. tlslted Mrs. K. M. Bwnlloy Thursday awn guests
afternoon lno "eorgo wiiiiscu nomn ni row
Mrs, Charles I.owo of Orange Hull. ell Ilutt".
was a Tlsltor nt the homo of her sis ', V?"0" .florJ!l" .hft .nnl ,3
,,.i. i m. w t ,. ii.i. lo tho near east relief fund.
chute Prlitnv ' I Oeorgo Klssler has sold his brown
. - - I 1, . 1 . . ....II . .. .!. .. . . I .1
Miss Ilcrnlco Elder wont to Hcd-Inwl m""
a picnic Friday,
Fred Hcttman visited tho Ilobert
Culver homo Sunday.
Itobort Culver Is busy doing as
sessment work in this vicinity,
lief from suffering Is nchleved. Na
than Hnrned. 621 N St.. N. V..
Washington, D. C, writes: "I was
troubled with my kidneys for years.
but got no relief until I took Foley
Tho Ladles' Aid society met In tho Kidney Pills." Sold everywhere.
hall nnd demonstrated dress form j -
making Thursday afternoon. I
Rev. S. A. Stenseth had dinner at (JLU VUjKL)AL,fci L.HUULi
tho Heigeson homo saiuruay.
Church services will bo held In the
Richardson school house next Sun
day at 2: 15 p. m.
A Sunday school has been organ
ized In Grango hall with 17 students.
Rer. S. A. Stenseth conducts tho
Mrs. McComb of O. A. C. spoke nt
the Grango hall on "The Dress Form"
Tuesday and also Introduced the new
H. Helgeson nnd daughter Kathar
ine and Mablo Dahl called at the
Slack home Friday.
Mrs. K. A. Nelson Is recovering
from a severe cold.
Many moro farmers aro receiving
mall service slnco the mall route has
been changed.
fitonpctl Her Slotlicr's ltarknchc
Men and women past middle age
find Foley Kidney Pills a great boon
Miss Lola Leone Francis, Troy, Tex.
writes: "My mother took Foley
Kidney Pills for backache, and they
stopped the aching." They banish
rheumatic pains, lame back, swollen
muscles and Joints, tired, languid
feeling. Sold everywhere. Adv.
HAMPTON, May 18. Ben Garske.
who has been working for W. W.
Brown, returned to his home Sun
The rains havo been a great bene
fit to the rye and grass.
Charles Cochran is home again
after working for Mr. Lane at Sun
tex for a month.
H. W. Martin and George Davis of
Bend passed through here on their
Tray to their nitrate mine near Sheep
Mrs. J. O. Perry nnd John Carroz
called at the McFadyen home last
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Logan are tho
proud parents of a baby boy.
John Pouch of Buck Creek was a
visitor in this vicinity Wednesday.
Miss Lela McFadden is spending
several weeks at the Logan home.
Earl McFadden of Terrebonne
passed through hero last week en
route homo from Burns, where he
visited with bis brother Harold sev
eral days.
Cut Tills Out It Is Worth Money
Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c
to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.,
Chicago, HI., writing your name and
address clearly. You will receive in
return a trial package containing
Foley's. Honey and Tar Compound,
for coughs, colds and croup, Foley
Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic
Tablets. Sold everywhere. Adv.
S. Lawrence has been laying the
foundation for the new community
ball this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Teeters and chil
dren were shopping In Bend on Fri
day. C. P. Becker, tho assesor, was call
ing in this neighborhood this week.
Mrs. R. L. Thurston and slster-tn-law,
Mrs. Carroll of Deschutes, were
fishing on the river In this neighbor
hood Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little and chil
dren spent Saturday night and Sun
day with Mrs. Little's parents near
J. A. Chase and Mr. Teeters were
Redmond visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson at
tended the show in Bend Sunday eve
ning. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Gray were
the guests of' Edgar Miller and son
Paul at Camp Sherman on tho Mo
tollus Sunday.
O. E. Anderson took his herd of
, registered Shorthorn cattlo over to
pasturo for the summer on the
Spaugh place west of Tumalo on
Mrs. Chris Nelson nnd daughter
Eunlco and son Warren of Tumalo
spent tho dny visiting Mrs. O. E. An
deVson on Thursday.
W. H. Gray accompanied Mrs. O.
E. Andorson to Redmond on business
Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mahaffoy nnd
H. M. Stephens of Bond wero callurs
at tho Andort:on ranch Sunday after
noon. Mr. and Mra. W. B. Hutchlna and
baby were Redmond visitors Satur
day. Thoy were guests at dlnuer of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Caboon.
Mrs. O. E. An4er3on maJa a bnsl-j
dalo school will close Friday with n
picnic on Squaw creek. On Saturday
evening the children will gtvo their
closing exercises In tho school house
at S p. m. Tho program will consist
of dialogues, readings, recitations,
songs, etc. Everybody Is cordially
invited to attend.
Mr. Helling nnd children spent
Sunday evening at tho homo of
Thomas Arnold.
Mr. Harrison and family and Black
brothers went fishing nt Camp Polk
one day last week.
Edmond Healy of Culver spent a
few days at the homo of his undo,
Thomas Arnold last week.
Thomas Arnold purchased 65
chicks from Miss Winnlfrcd Aldrlch
last Wednesday.
This community enjoyed splendid
showers Sunday and Monday nights.
Quite a number from hero attend
ed the track meet at Redmond Sat
urday. Arllne Isham of Montana spent a
few days at the homo of his sister.
Mrs. George C. Cyrus. last ween.
George F. Cyrus and family nnd A
Isham spent Saturday at Alder
springs, fishing. Mrs. Cyrus suc
ceeded In landing the largest fish,
measuring 17 inches In length.
S. L. Andrus of Prlncvllle was a
visitor at the home of his brother,
R. O. Andrus, last week.
mond Krldny evening by train,
Tho declamatory contests nt Red
mond Friday worn well attended. A
largo number of pcoplo from hero
wero present.
Wndo Short nnd Mrs, Nelllo Griffin
and Frederick Stanley of Deschutes
wero In Ilcnd on business Sumlny.
Miss Anion Wnllaco, who has been
llromlilitl Tmiibln Ctiuxil Antlcty
Try Foley's Honey nnd Tar for
toughs, colds mid croup. John 0
llpkklng, l& Burgess iiiuco, I'nssalc,
N. J., writes: "I was suffering from
nn ncuto enso of bronchial trouble
confined at hor homo with tonsllllls. which gnvo mo considerable anxiety
Is Improving. Foley's Honey nnd Tar deserves nil
L. H. Dalgler of Tumalo wns In tho credit for my being woll now.'
Demi on business .Mommy. Sold uverywheru. Adr
Hal cooko was n nusinoss caller in
Deschutes Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Frlshoy nnd
children of Bond woro visitors at the
Wnlkor I.owo homo In Deschutes
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Doblng wero In
Deschutes on business Saturday.
Mrs. C. W. Nelson of Deschutes
wns n visitor nt tho Doblng homo
Lcs Wilson nnd Lea McNeer of
Bend wero looking for their saddle
horse, which ran nway Inst week.
Miriam Trlplctt of Tumalo spent
Thursday night with Myrtlo Johnson
of Deschutes,
Gerald Cowley of Tumalo spent
Thursday night with Kunneth John
son of Deschutes.
Cut Till Out It Ih Worth Money
Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c
to Foloy & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave..
Chicago, III,, writing your nnmo and
address clearly. You will rocolvo In
return n trial packago containing
Foloy's Honey nnd Tar Compound,
for coughs, colds and croup, Foley
Kidney Pills nnd Foloy Cathartic
Tablets. For salo everywhere. Adv.
Life and Death.
Jnst because you think life Is not
worth living is no sign that dqatb wtll
be worth dying.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Comer, Shen
andoah, Va., wero ill. Ho writes:
"My wife had rheumatism In her
arms so she could not use them. Sho
has no trouble since taking Foley
Kidney pills. I don't have to got up
at night so much since' taking Foley
Kidney Pills, nor have I a weak
back." Act quickly; tonic In effect.
Sold everywhere. Adv.
Up the Flowery Mountain.
Every year thousands of Chinese
pilgrims risk their lives In climbing
up the side of Hwa-Shnn, the Flow
cry mountain, which sacred to tho
Taolttt religion. Any one reaching the
temple far above is supposed to have
any request granted as n reward for
valor and endurance. The Hwn-Shan
mountain Is over C.000 feet high, nnd
the ascent In many places must he
made along a narrow ledge of branches
laid on posts driven horizontally Into
the face of the precipice. There are
no handrails, but n chain hold on a
rock face ofTers some security to the
ascending or descending pilgrim.
Entrance Must Have Made "Hit."
One Sunday morning a crowd wns
standing on the depot platform, a
short distance from our home, waiting
for an excursion train. The night be
fore we had hung curtains around the
broad front porch, and were sleeping
out there on our steel-winged cot, as
It wns very warm. I was sleeping
close to the edge and when my wife
got up rather suddenly over went tho
cot and I rolled out onto the lawn,
clad only In my nightshirt, In plain
view of the waiting crowd.
I didn't go with my wife to meet tho
returning excursion that evening. Exchange.
Two Methods.
"Now that you are earning a bigger
salary," said the wife with social am
bitious, "surely wo can afford a big
ger flat?"
But the husband was a man of sim
ple tastes.
"We're very comfortable here," be
Willi. "But If you like we'll nxl the
landlord to ruUe the rent." Tit-Bits.
Aztec Wedding Ceremonies,
The wedding ceremony of the early
Aztecs was un operation which con
sumed four days. A great number
of persons took part In It. Including
old women, who watched tho couple
during the ceremonial ngonles.
Sure Indication.
Marker "I think tho gilt Is off tho
glngerbroud as far as tho marriage of
the Nowlyweds Is conccrmsl." Quia
nor -Why do you say thatr Marker-
"Mrs. Newlywed has started eat
ing onions again." Answers. London.
ell Butte Sorosls club observed Moth
ers' day at Its last regular meeting,
which was hold at Community hnll.
Each member was expected to Invito
somo mother, tho cntlro club mem
bership acting ns hostesses, and, as
the roll was called, each ono respond
ed with some specially prepared
"stunt" as her contribution to the
program. A light luncheon was
served. Tho guests wero: Mesdames
Skcen, Miller, Klssler, Charlton,
Rold. Flint and Williams.
Ed L. Guerin of Calgary. Alberta,
Canada, will arrive the last of the
week to visit his mother, "Ornndma"
Spray, who Is growing very fcoblo.
Mr. Guerin was foroman on tho big
Hay creek sheep ranch nt ono time,
but left this section about 30 years
ago and made his homo In Canada
Ho will find many changes.
Mrs. Miller of Oakland, Ca vis
ited her nophows, Frank and George
Klssler, and their families last week.
Powell Butto Sorosls will take up
the study of tho referendum meas
ures at its next meeting, which will
bo at tho homo of Miss Mablo Allen.
Mr. and .Mrs. Georgo Gibson of
Tho Dalles visited at the homo of
their daughter, Mrs. Charles Parrlsh,
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Collins Elklns of
Prlnevlllo visited Powell Butto
frlonds Sunday.
Tho children of George Klssler are
suffering from measles.
Melvln Foster nnd family and Mrs.
Georgo Shobert visited "Grandma"
mown last weex.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gibson left last
week for points in Washington and
Idaho, whero they will visit relatives.
Later they plan to take of moro ex
tended, trip, as far east ns Indiana.
A number of Powell Butto peoplo
were fishing on tho Deschutes Sun
day. They were: Mr. and Mrs, Roy
Roberts and daughter Ina, Mr. and
Mra. Ed Ageo and children, Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Stewart and little Oran
Foster. "Dad" Jackson and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Arthur Mllner. All report
fair luck.
To Put It Mildly, Longfellow was Not
Always Accurate In His De
scrlptlve Poems.
The poet Longfellow lint set nn ex
ample nf Inaccuracy In dealing with
our Pilgrim ancestors which Iiiim lieen
widely followed. Ills charming poem
"Tho Courtship of Mjies .StnndWi."
has been rend by iiiIIIkiiih of hi coun
trymen and dotihtlosM accepted by
great uiimtieni us goipel truth. Vet
It has no hlstnrli-nl hnK siiys a writ
cr In tho Boston Tnin-tcrlpt. There
Is not n scintilla of evhlencv that tho
fearless cnptatti, who wns small of
stature and red-hnlred, but every Inch
a soldier had nny deslro to win the
affections of Prlscllla Mulling. Ilo
was n very busy man during the tlrst
years nt Plymouth. And. but for his
wisdom, skill and heroic actions, theru
Is little doubt but what they would
havo all been murdered by ultil sav
ages, who wero not wholly restrained
by Mnssasolt. It seems too bad that
so brave and unselfish n man nn Stan-
dish was should now be paraded bo-
foro his descendants ns n rejected
suitor, llu and they deerva a better
Tho poet Is no moro accurate In
dealing with htm .than ho Is In de
scribing tho mnrrlngu of John Alden
and Prlscllla. What a pretty bit of
fiction It was to place Prlscllla ou n
"mllk-whlto steer," when there wai
not n cow, uor a steer. In nil New
England I
Woman's Emulation of the "Cinderella
Act" Probably Averted Olro
Domestic Tragedy.
Mrs. O. started for thn shoo repair
shop thu other day with n Mlppcr that
needed mending. Once In tlio street
sho remembered nn Importune tnvs
sago and stopped to telephone In it
little olllce on tho ground door of tho
building In which she lives. Thu pro
prietor showed her thu Instrument In
the rear.
Just then tho proprietor's nlfo en.
tered thu olllce, and first of all she
Haw Mrs. G.'s slipper lying on n table.
"So you even have her shoes hero I"
she cried nnd began to weep. Her
tears quickly turned to linger, nnd
In n moment sho began to upbraid her
Then Mrs. O. Interfered.
"That's mine," she said, appearing
from behind tho screen.
Tho ongry wife looked at her dur
ing a pnuso In her heated language.
"I don't believe It." sho snapped.
"I'll show you," said Mrs. G and,
llko Cinderella, though the prince was
missing, sho tried on tho slipper.
New York Sun.
Somewhat Late.
Portrait Painter (to lady customer,
curing ul her critically) Ab, If you'd
only come lu twenty years ago I Now
York Sun.
Downing's Cafe and Rooms
W. P. Downing;, Prop.
Bend, Oregon
Brooks-Scanton Lumber
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Building Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish
sasTTand doors
COMPLETE STOCK of Sl.nd.rd Size..
Local Sales Ajfont, MILtiKR MJMBKtt CO,
"Just Between You and Me"
y the Good Judge
'""""X Nerc'ri genuine cUowlnu
.1 I .t. .. f. I
raiiisinciioii iot you, ihiok
cd up wild real economy.
A ttiniill chew of C la In cIiirm
of tobacco litfltfl much Inn,;
cr than hitf chew of (ho
onlinury kind ifiat's he
cntisc lhc full, rich, real
tobacco taste lasts so lontf.
Any man who uhcb tho (
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put up In two stylts
W-H CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
Queer Creatures Responsible for Odd
Oellef TliAt Has Lono Deen Held
In Auitralla.
Then- n i soinu strniiKO lenvci In
Australia ulilcli tlio t'itit until to
till nk ciniM walk nlono, Wlx-iu-wr
tlllTU CltlllO 11 KUSl Of Wlllll tllCMl iin-vr
li'iiU'S Mim' tiff In u pvrft'ct limvcr.
An leaves Ri'iiunilly do, tliey tnrniil
over mill out, iiml rented upon tlio
crounil. Then tliey wniM seem to
cmwl touiiril I lie trunk of tlio tnit
from wlilcli tliey fell. Hlneti Unit time
It Iiiik lieen founil lluit tlieo leaves,
ss tliey were tlintiulit to lie, were real
(meets ami lived upon tlioxt tcry
trees. Tlielr luxlle urn tlilu itinl Hat
ami tlielr wliict velneil, Just llku n
leaf. If tliey nre illnlurliotl tlielr lei;,
wlilcli nro foldeil nny under tlielr
boillcN, leavu tlielr uliolo stiiiK ex
actly like (lie lenf of n tre', with stem
tnd nil. llrlclit green lii tlio mi miner,
IIu-m sliiKiilur little ItiM'i'ls, rliniiie-
leon like, slowly iIiiiukh llielr color to
illucy lirowii, Jut llku n leaf Hint
lias been fruited. It Is slriiiih'e Hint,
with wliiu", they do tint lly, hut rut ti
er walk or cruwl iilniic tho urimnd.
Aits .mav i'i:.virritATi: to mo
Queen Liked Her Ale Strono.
The City of Loudon llrewery com-
itny, wliomi iireiiile urn offered for
Mile, rliilm to be the only brewery In
the city of London exlMlni: from tlio
lime of Queen Lllrnlietli. nnd It Is
quite wmlhl thnt the queen oeomlon
li lly Mimpliil , their brew. IMUnbetli
wiin n speclnllM In nle. Klin liked It
ironi:. in wltnet the lttltithe note
her hoHt, the enrl of Leicester, sent to
nnl IlurlelKli: "There Is not one
drop of k'ood drink for her here. Wo
were fit I f I to send lo London nnd
Kenllworlh nnd diver other place
where nlo was; her own beer wn so
troiic that there wax no man nbte to
drink It."
Testing Material In Cloth.
Mixtures of cotton nod wool mny
tin tested by mvelllik' n hit of cloth
ml hurnlui; two of the thread, one
running with the i-elviiite, the other
crowlu to It. The cutton threnil
burns nulckly with a llumo and smells
like wood; wool chars slowly without
llnino and smell llko huruliiK hair.
Klioddy, or remiinufncturvd wool, I
often tiked with wool. This enn bo
detected by ravelins out n bit of the
materlnl, when short broken liber
may be seen. In k'enernl, n woolen
material which ha cotton In It will
become moru wrinkled when wet thnn
all-wool coot!.
Ancient Zoological Oardens.
IteconN show that KIiik Neznhual-
coyotl hud zoological sranlen n t-j
cuco, Mexico, In the middle of the Fif
teenth century, nnd In the next ten-
ury Cortex found nvlarle and fish
ponds nt Iztii!ilapaii. Montezuma II,
inperor of Mexico In thu lieijlnnliiu of
he sixteenth century, hud In rue col-
ectlon of animal In tho Kiirden of
hi capital.
Almost nil of tho modern zoological
irarden ditto from comparatively re
cent year, and contain Innjn collec
tion of fine nulrnnl, moro suitably
oused than at nny time In thu IiIh-
tory of tint world.
Oreat Help.
"A new clerk In u police court Is
irreatly helped by ono think'."
"What Is thatr
"Tlio way prisoners understand pro-
cedurn and routine." LouUvlllu Cour.
Put It In Tho nulletln.
Know In the Deschutes national
forest la rocedlne rapidly toward tho
summits, forest offlclnl report. On
thn Kpnrk l.ako road, now under
construction, It Is possible to drlvo
beyond IIIk spring, although thorn
nro' still a few patches of snow.
Any of tlio road loading to Twin
lakes may now be used. Kant Inkn
Is still Inaccessible, hut It Is reported
that It I possible lo get within tlireo
miles ou tho rust side. Tho report
Is not confirmed. K$
It will ho possllilo to reach Odrll
lake within two weeks, according to
William llrock, proprietor of tlio re
sort there, who, with hi wife, Is In
town todny. Two miles this side or
tho Inku there I a north slope with
still enough snow lo slop a car.
Record of Transfers
It II Kord and 0 C llvnklo to Floyd
Owuu, lot 8, hlk I, Kenwood Oar
dens : $10.
Hugh II Davie to J II Minor, lot
3, hlk 10, Horn); $100.
I) K Hunter to J II Miner, south
westerly i lot 2, hlk 10, Ilolld; $10.
W V Itlhorii to Mra Nora M Hen
born, lot 1, hlk 43, Imperial; $1.
W I' Itlhorn to Mr Nora M Ben
born, lot 1, 2, hlk 7, Imperial; $10.
Ward II Cohln lo A K Anderson,
lot 3, blk 4, I'ark add; $1.
I'lnelyn Park Co to Ooorgo V
Hoover, lot II, blk 7, Plnolyn Park;
Jessie A Hayes to Ocorgo M liar
ton nnd Kloyd M Ilartou, NW'i of
8VVi, 21; NKK of HEU. 20-16-13;
Ilond Co to II Klenltz, lot G, blk 20.
Iloulnvanl add; $10,
C P Nlswongcr to Thomas Plunk-
ett; 8WV4, NWU of HEV4. 4-18-12;
Ooorgo lllack to flurnh Hamilton,
lot 2, hlk 1, Iloulovnrd add; $2C0 "
8 K Ilobert to Wnlthor-Wllllam
Co., 8WVJ of HK'A, 32-10; Iota 3, .
NH nf 8V H , G-1C-11; $1117.10.
Kren N Vnn Mntro to I) A Iloyds
ton, H In In W 17 ft lot 9, blk 22.
Ilond; $10.
Pasqualo I.nnclono to Moso Vlati,
lot 7, blk 0, Htaats odd; $100.
Oeorgo ilorrowmon to A J Oog-
gans, KM lot 9, hlk 4, Kenwood Oar
dons; $10. '
Plnolyn Park Co to Mary Bawyer.
lot 1 and Wli lot 2, blk 2, Plnolyn
Park; $10.
O II Miller to August Droyor, lot
3, blk 33, Hedmond; $10,
Mntthow 8 Jones to John Mourn"
Ilolstoad, lot 3, blk 14, Park add;
Henry I.lnstor lo Mary H Morris,
Int 13, hlk 11, Awhroy Heights; $10
THE POTATO MAGAZINE will assist you to Ret moro money for
your potatoes. It will tell you how to combat diseases ami pcits, and
how to secure more bushels ot quality potatoes per acre, It will help solve
yur market problems and is chuck.full of valuable Information from
cover to cover.
On all 36 months subscriptions, money will bo returned nt the cnil of six
months If you don't feci that tho 36 copies of Tub Potato Maoazinb
arc worth 2.