The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 17, 1921, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    mmi HVM.tmtl, HHftth OMHM, 'fltCfiHllAY, MAUt'tt 11, Urit,
t'AOV, It,
Wednesday I
Fred N. Wnllnco of Tiimalo In In
thn city today.
Joseph Vnrro of llfollur In spend-
liiK tint day I" N"l.
Dr. Albert l.essliig' sun Wiiytunrt
Id suffering wllh enr trouble, I
Mm. II. W. lleiidershott Ik rccov
iUiK I turn n mivnrn cold.
"Ll' t. M'flMtimill wiilil Id Unwell
lllllln mmiy u purciiiue ciiuiit.
(leofgu K, Allkon of Sisters Is- In
tli city on juntnfnn this morning.
A. Wnlliteo mid 0. Orcutt loft Inst
night for Itnliiltir, Oro for u short
Mimon Henderson of Itrdiiiond was
In llend yesterday visiting friend
Tli n 711 cIiim of Ilia junior IiIkIi
jjbool will enjoy ii party t tho Con
trnl school ImlldliiK ftatiirdiiy night.
O. Olson, sheriff of Crook county,
la In Ilmtd toilny, visiting county of.
flclul hero.
A few cases of measles nro report
ml nt KliDVllii-lllxou ciuiip No. I.
Nolio l serious.
Charles Kndderly. Imrdwuro nl
innn for n rnrtlimd house, arrived In
'llllllll IllBt OVUIllllR.
A Bt. Patrick's soclul will bo glv
iu nt tlio lininii of Mm. J, Edgar
I'urdy tomorrow ufiiiruoou.
I). W. Johnson luft thin liiornluK
for Cnnciuto Locks, where lin has a
contract making railroad tlva.
W. 0. Illrdsall loft for Portland
Innt night to attend n meeting of tlm
OnTon tourist Information bureuu,
Alexander Morr.lnon, n plpn fittings
salesman, representative of tho Wal
worth company of Portland, In In the-city.
II, I. Itlco, innrclinnt of Fort Hock,,
In In llend today on business, ill
small ion nccampanlud It 1 tit on tlm
rtt. ........ I. nt ll... Iitlttrinr I
Ktilld will meet with Mr. II. K.
Brooks at 2:30 o'clock Krlday after
noon. Mm. K, It. Cliapol, who lin lived
In lloiul for tho pant two yearn, lull
thin iiiorultiK for her formVr homo at
Princeton, Idaho.
Attorney W. P. Myers loft for 8a
loin taut night to appear boforu tho
supremo court In a civil cano for It.
B. Katon or l.a l'lno.
M. Dunn of thin city In expecting
tho arrival of hln non, K. II. Dunn,
who han hcou away since ho entered
tho army at Parson, Kan,
It. J. Kord of Portland han been
visiting llend for novaral clays and
may dvcldo to localo horn Ho re
turned to Portland thin morning.
William l(. Hhull, mlllwrlRht of day,
Tho Hhovlln-lllxnn Company, wont to R
lledniond thin morning Ui assist In In-
Alnlllng fiinrlilimry In thn Juniper
mill llmrn,
Mm. .1. W. (luliNor, Mm . K, It.
Photon nnd dnugliler, nil former
resident of Kort Itock, panned
throiiKh llend today lo vlnlt their
former homes,
II. H. Iloycu of thn Pioneer gnragn
In delivering a now Essex lo lion, Jny
II. Upton In Prlnevllle. Senator Up
ton In tho author of the "Invisible
linnd" plinine,
(It. Patrick' tiny will be nbnerved
louiorrow wllh mann at 8 o'clock In
the inornltiK at tho Catholic churclf.
and wllh appropriate services and do
votlotiM In Iho evening.
E. II. Allen, riohl representative
of the Portland OrcKonlnu circulation
department, left hint night for Walla
Walla after npendlliK two wvukn
chocking up Iho work of tho agency
Fred N, Wllllauin, who ban been
visiting bin brother, Ira (). Wllliimn
of llend, ntarted' lital nlnlil on Ilia
return trip lo hln home In Nevada,
llo lived horfl before enlerlug ' tho
army In 1918.
Dr. Paul U'ocrnor returned from
Portland thin morning. 1 1 In wife,
whoso III health lit tliu cat! no of tlm
family localliiK In lleutl, will come an
noon an Dr. Woeruer can find n
limine, ho nayn.
Georgu Trtiendnla of Powell Ilutlu
wnn broiiKht to tho Ht. Chnrlon lion
pltal. thin inornltiK. norlnuiily III. It
wnn thought ut first that an opera
lion would bo necnniiury, but he In
now Improving rapidly.
Work han boon rcnumed on tho
north half of tlto'KIIItt bulldliiK on
llond itreet, yttilch ban been leaned
by the county library. It will bo
ready for occupancy by April vl If
condition!) uro favorable.
Mr. and Mm. W. II. Stnats ro
turned thin momliiK from their win
tor auto trip through California,
They mopped In Portland on tho
way home,' Prlnco Hlnnts driving In
last Saturday. Mr. and Mrn. J. N
Hunter, who nccompunlod tho Stantn
family on tint trip, will return to
llend Krlday.
A. M. Prlncln will Icavo far a nhort
trip to Portland IoiiIrIiI.
Joe Joanelle went to Portland lant
ulRht for medical treatment.
Minn Hello HoberlHou of llend left
thin moruliiR for Wolner, Idaho,
W. II. Howard and Jeff Howard
of Hllver I.ako arrived In llond Mon
C Kordnoy, n Portland travel-
Here's a Saving of $40
Come in toduy and make sure of it.
Pathe Model No. 7 $125
Your own selection of new records
at 25
Campaign Outfit $150
On the Kanlont Kind of Easy Terras
Pathe is the best phonograph plays all makes 'of
records No needles to cnange Produces the
most perfect tone Always ready to play.
Yet 7. Cost. No More Than The
the Ordinary PHONOGRAPH
1 !:
A full line of Easter Novelties, Post Cards,
Folders, Place Cards, Napkins, Natural Chicks,
Ducks, Cotton Rabbits, Candy Boxes, Easter
Candy Eggs and every need' tomako Easter a
joyous time for all.
ihf, ffiwri KttHtil n iliml M7)ftfny'
it Jtf Mwhnln tit thn f:nfml (it
ton hniik we nt In I'otUmuf 11 hlthl
fat Uutl Irlp.
0. Ofo, wli lim Icon omplfryed
In fiend for nir ml fnontfin, left Mon
day nlRht for Porllaiid.
f V. II. flliorl, fflprcnenliillro of
Hie Joodynr Kubber Cn Atom Ui
l,ii I'lnn yenlnrdny afternoon.
Hlierlff V.. K. Woodcock, . Vrnon
and W. J. JliirrltiKlori, nil of l-nke-
view, nrrlreil In Iho city yesterday,
(I It, Hmltli In reprenenllnR Iho lo
cal camp of Iho Kour IS nt tho dln
trlct convention In Portland today.
Cnlvln Bmlth, Mnrlon Coyner and
William Wllllnrnn nro expected homo
from O, A, C. Krldny for the nprlnit
T, A. McCann, mnnnRcr of tho
Bhevlln-Hlxon mill, wont to Portland
last IiIkIiI. Ho expects to return
Mm, Hnrnh Planter of thin city left
for Hhanlko thin momliiK lo spend
tho summer on Iho Klsbnr ranch In
that vicinity,
Tho llond nnrnno han Installed an
automatic switch which roRulates tho
nlr presnure, keopliiK It ut tho maxi
mum at all times.
Tho ladles of Iho Altar nocloty will
meet nt Iho homo of Mm. P. Ileau
lieu, 21G Delaware nvouuo, ut 2:30
o'clock tomorrow ufternoon.
A. Hnviird.of Tacoma loft thin
morultiK for Silver I.ako, where ho
expects to locate on a homestead. Ho
will return to llend later In tho weok.
Mr. nnd Mm. K. N. Krvln, who
have been vlaltlnK relatives at Fort
Hock, passed through llend yesterday
on their way to their homo In Port
The operation performed yesterday
In Prlncvlllc an tliu flvo-year-old son
of Mm. 11. L. Whltsett wan success
ful, nccordlui; to word received hero
this mornliiK.
IrviiR II. Horner, llend man, who
In uttetidinR Itonson Polytechnic In
nlllutu In Portland, returned to hln
studies last nlnlil aftor spending a
short vacation here.
Dr. 0. h. Cousincaii has roiio to
Madras to assist Dr. Homer II. Halle
In his practice. Dr. Hallo Is In poor
health and unable to care for his
practice without assistance.
Miss Frances Thompson left for a
short visit to' Portland this morning.
With her went Mrn. Wendell Thomp
son, who will Join her husband In
Portland, where ho In now employed.
James Maync, recently of Port
land, arrived In Dend last night with
bis wife, and baby with the Intention
of locating hero permanently. They
nro vIsllliiR Mrs. Hattlo M. Mnyno of
this city
Attorneys Hons Fnrnham and H.
.H. Hamilton left for Halcm last night
to appear before tho supremo court
an tho opposing lawyers In tho Ncel-nuds-DuRan
slander suit, which has
been appealed to that court.
Andrew Morrow, Madras sheep
man, wns In llend today to confer
with Forest Supervisor II. L. Plumb
regarding grazing permits on tho
Santlam forest which aro handled
through tho Deschutes forest offlco.
Mrs. Sowyor of Cheycnue, Wyom
ing, arrived In Dend last night with
her llttto son. Mrs. Sawyer Is seek
ing n location for a dressmaking shop
and came to llend because of tho
favorable stories she bad heard of
this city.
The auto stages which run from
llend to Sliver Lake and other points
to tho south, will soon bo caulppod
with fhe U. & J. carburetor, newly
Introduced hero, which Is guaran
teed to savo SO per cent on gas con
James Urown of Terrobonno was In
llond yesterday arranging with an at
torney for tho settlement of his claim
nt hntnt fhi titHun 'ttnnk milwwy
tot lb Ui tit 19 Mf tit nititk
whirl hn wttti nmolfiffcd to
dnnlli In n hiit mr tin ttmt tttnn
Mmiplfi Ui 1fMlionnti.
f, J, Wllklnnon, fanner tut n nam
Iwt tit ftmrn llifoo illn nnt nt llend.
In mtiilnf, in nt llegis, Monf , wlmroj
bin nun lfy In loenlod, Tlm elder i
Mr Wilkinson linn been vmllinR nl
M, HrfjH nnd nt Kplrlt f.nko, wberoi
nnolber son liven, nnd returned Innt!
week lo move hln effects to Ht Ifegin
tny Wilkinson's family bun been liv
ing hero, but will also go lo Montana,
Tho oppression classes nt (ho high
school nre holding n serlen of de
bates. One wan held on Iho ques
tion of government ownership of
railroads, I lie participants being
Lawrenco Frailer, Arllne Hannerud,
Ituth Qarnke, Marjorlo Fulton, Fran
ces Iledlent and Marjorle Mallory.
Other questions used In the series
have been the open shop, Increasing
tho nuvy and protective tariff.
(J, II. llryant spent Sunday with
relatives at Prinevllle.
Attorney Harrison Allen returned
to Portland Hunduy night.
New linoleum has been laid at the
Mnglll & Krsklne drug store.
Mrs. 8. W. Welln went to Madras
Saturday to visit over tho week-end
Tho balcony of tho Mannhclmer
storo In being remodeled and re
Dr. Paul Wocrncr left for Port
land Saturday night to spend tho
A. Prnter went to Portland Sunday
night for treatment at the govern
ment hospital.
Dorcas1 McMunn Jcf t Saturday
night to spend Sunday with her cou
sin at Terrebonne.
K. D. Lalondo of llend left Satur
day night for Seattlo to spend two
weeks on business.
Miss Dcllo Hobertson of Silver
Lake passed through llend Sunday on
her way to Wclsor, Idaho.
Harry Vandcrwerkcr left Saturday
night for his homo In Portland after
spending tho winter In Dend.
Miss Lily Chrlstenscn left for her
homo at Wasco this morning after
visiting. MJss Emily Miller for several
days. ' ,
Frank Slattcry and E, J. Conlcy
spent Saturday In Dend, returning
that evening to their home at Des
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. L. Coble left Sat
urday night to spend Sunday with
Mrs. Ccfole's parents, Mr. and Mm. J.
11. 6'Noltl.
Paul Krause, a former resident
hero, left 'Saturday night for his
homo in WInlock, Wash., after
short visit In llend. "
Mrs. Henry Whltsett and children
left Sunday evening for a short visit
with Mrs. Whitsctt's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Kotchum.
Oscar Harrison, a rancher of near
llend, left for Spokano Saturday
night to visit with friends. He will
bo away for a months.
Mm. II. H. James and children left
Saturday night for Hcdmond to spend
tho following day with Mrs. James
mother, Mrs. J. D. Elliott.
Miss Jcsslo Turncy returned this
morning to her homo In Hood River,
Sho has spent the past seven weeks
visiting with Mm. W. F. Mngill.
Harrison Halo left this morning
for Pendleton after spending the past
two months In Bend visiting his
daughter, Mm. L. L. Noonchester.
C. E. Atkinson of Portland, Ind
who has been spending tho past few
days In this vicinity looking at ranch
cs with a view to locating, left for
Hcdmond Saturday evening.
Tho Bend Hardware Co. is having
now shelving built In the store The
old shelving will bo moved to tho
Easter Comes on March
the Twenty -Seventh
Own iiiinf Iim1 rt Jfew Mprln Hull or l-'ttick nml lnin
flrriU nre Uftf In ilimi-f front, 'fUf Mull for Hprlna; Imta
oVt'-rriilnnf Hint pvery wornnn nlinll Unit- nn opportunity lo
hn rliirrnlnu In njipcrtrino'.
At H7.r,0 there In an Interesting assortment of f'ttlls In
Kergn, Trleotlno and Jersey. The materials nre all wool.
Dozenn of pleasing styles nnd colors,
At Ktlft.OO Individual Hulls nrn shown In Trleotlno nnd
Porlet Twill. Tbeso Hulls aro mostly in tho favored navy
blue. In exceptionally attractive styles.
Twr-l-0-WiKil Hull In conservative and Tuxedo modeln.
Specially priced at n'lTSM.
Special effort has been mado to assemble the finest
stock of Ladies' Footwear obtainable. Every new stylo Is
here, In every popular color for this summer's wear. We
know you will like our styles and bo pleased with our prices
which range from J 12.75 down as low as $4.95.
Women's Pumps Extra fine quality in patent
kid and gunmetal hand turned soles, at $9.00
Easter Shoes for the Young Lady Great as
sortment of many different styles of Novelty
Shoes for the Misses for Spring wear; priced
at $7.50 and down as low as $4.50
Special Lot of Boys' Shoes for dress and school
wear, in velour calf stock; extra good quality;
priced at $3.95 to $5.25
Special Children's Kid Scuffer Shoes, sizes 5
to 8 at : $2.40; 8V1 to liy2 at $2.85
Men's Work Shoes Best of leather, in black
or brown, welt sewed; at $4-25, $4.95, $5.50
It Payi to Slop and Shop at
mar of the building and several ad
ditional glass showcases are to be Installed.
Will Hayes of Ashwalke, Minn.,
Buffering from tuberculosis, was
brought to Be'nd by his brother this
morning. They are on their way to
La Pine, where the invalid will make
an effort to regain his health on the
farm of Ed Logan, a relative.
J. H. Haner Is In Madras today on
"Ralph Curtis of Bend Is a now
member of the reportorial stalf of
The Bulletin.
A baby boy, weighing 9 pounds
was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs.
Henry M. Seeley of this city.
Robert A. Haney has recovered
sufficiently from his attack of pneu
monia to resume his violin instruc
tion. A carload of Oldmobilo fours is ex
pected to arrivejn Bend about April
1, according to Southworth Bros., tho
local agents.
William B. Baker is now employed
at the Bend garage, commencing
work today. He was formerly at tho
Pioneer garage.
(Continued from Page 1.)
Other Items of Expenditure
Team hire '
Stationery and supplies .
Transportation ................--.--
Structural Iron and steel..-
Lumber .....,................-........ -.
Explosives ..........-....-.
General stores .........
Proportion detached offices
You can wear a smile
when you ride on
: and ride in comfort, safety, and forget your i
grief and worry. :
Deschutes Garage Co.
Grand total
Unit Conts For
Kind of work
Excavation, tock ...
i?i..-ir-..nt 200.000 cubic yards
Concrete, reinforced 1.000 cubic yards
.... 68,000 cubic yards
Unit cost
$2. DO
SO 00
Dodge Brothers
It attracts those who are thoughtful
about the quality of the things they
use, but who also keep a careful eye
on their spending and saving.
Will accept used Dodge Brothers
cars in trade.
Walther-Williams Co-
132 Greenwood Phone Black 1681
R. S. McCLURE, Salesman