The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 17, 1921, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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ilBSli 1 MArrfALtr" . i MAM
The nmn looked hark it llie clrl
mulling Into liirr eyes. I'inifii t u y u
tr asleep, dm lines of M (lurk tnn
curiously pronounced. Ami the girl
hecnoaii dim was of (ho tniiuntiilu
body nml nl, answered Dun's smile
Then ilifjr knew that nil of them knew
(lio truth. Not even un liiuxcrleiici'il
crir cimiIcI Imvn nnjr delusions nlimtl
lliu pnck sung now. was that old
cl nf wilderness songs, the hunting'
cry Hint frcnxlrd mini; of blood-lust
Itml thu wolf pack utter" when It l
running on llie troll of game. It had
fnmiil the track of living (loll at Inst.
"There's tin use stopping, or lain
to cllmti n tree." !)nn tnlil them lm
ply. "In Ilia tint place, Lennox 'can't
oo It. In tho second, we've cot to take
n chanto for colli ami hunger, ran gel
up n tree where tun wnir (nick can t.
Ilu spoke wholly without emotion,
Otiro more liu lightened the traces of
tli lcd.
"I've tironl that sometime llie pnek
will chase a man for dnys wltliout at
lacking." Lennox told tliein. "It ill
depends on how long thcy'vo gone
without food. Kwp on and try to for
"Msybo Wo Can Keep Them Oluffed."
get Vm. Maybe wo can keep Vm
Hut it tlio hours passed, It became
Increasingly itllllcult to forgot the wolf
pack. It wait only n matter or turning
tlio hvnil anil peering for an ItiKtnut
Into the ktiuilnwn to catch a glliupe
of ono of tlio creature. Their uaunl
fenr of men, nlwnys their first emo
tion, hinl given way wholly to n hunt
ing cunning; an elTort to pmcuro their
gotno wltliout too great rink of their
own liven. In the desperation of their
hunger lliey could not rememher such
thing ni tha fear nf men. They
spread out farther, nml nt Inst Dan
looked up to tlml one nf tint grny
boasts waiting, llko n shadow himself.
In tlio shadow of n tree not one hum
drod feet from tho sled. Snowbird
whipped out her pistol.
"Don't darol" Dan's voice crocked
out to her. lie didn't Kenk loudly; yet
tha word came to Hhnrp nml com
manding, no llko pistol tiro ItRelf, that
they penetrated Into her consciousness
and choked hack the nervoiiH rcllcxes
that In nn Instant might hnvu lost
them ono of their three precious shell.
Hho caught herself with n hoIi. Dan
tihouled at tho wolf, and It melted Into
tho shadows.
' "You won't do It ngnln, Snowblrdl"
ho naked her Very hiimhly. Hut his
incnnlng was clear. II o wns not a
skilled with n pistol as alio; hut If her
nerves were hrenklng, tho gun iiiual
tio tnken from her bunds. Tho three
(.holU niiiHt ho saved to tlio moment of
utmost need.
"No," nIio told him, looking atrnlglil
Into Ida eyes. "I won't do It ugnln."
Ho liclloveil her. Ilu knew (lint ahe
spoko tho truth. Un met her eyes with
(i half audio. Then, wholly without
warning, I'ulo played Ilu Inst trump.
Again Ihn wilderness reminded them
of lis might, nml their lirnvu spirits
wcro nlniost hroken hy tlio utter n
morHelcssiics of the hlow, Tho girl
went on her fnco with n crack of wood.
Her snow shou had heen cracked hy
her full of tho day hoforo, when run
nlng to tho llro, nml whether she
Btruck Bomo other obstruction In the
enow, or whether tho cracked wood
had simply given way under her
weight, mattered not oven enough for
them to Investigate, As In oil grenl
disasters, only tho result remained
The result In this caso was that her
nowshpe, without which alio could not
wnlk nt nil In tlio anow, was Irrcpanr
My broken.
"Kate has stacked the cards again!
us," U'finot told them, nffer tlio first
moment's horror from thu hroken
now shoe.
Hut tin one answered tit in. The girl,
while-fared, kept her wide eye on
Dan. lie seemed to he peering Into tlio
shadows beside the trail, as If he were
watching for thn gray fonns Hint now
snd then glided from tree to tree. In
reality, h was not looking for wolves,
lie was gntlng down Into his own soul,
measuring his own spirit for tho trial
that lay he, fore hi in.
Tho girl, unable lo step with the
hroken snnwshoo, rested her weight on
one foot and hobhled like a bird with
broken wings ncmss to him. No sight
of all this terrible Journey had been
more dreadful In her fotl.i'r's eyes
thitn this. It seemed to split open
tho strong henrt of the man. Slis
touched her hand to his arm.
"I'm sorry, Dan," she told him. "Ton
tried so hard "
Just ono little sound broke from his
throat it atrxngo, deep gnap that
could not be suppresaed. Then he
caught her hand In tils and klaaed It
again and ngnln. "Do you thluk I care
ubottt Hint? ho naked her. "I only
wish I could hove done morc-nml
"hut I tin vu done doesn't count. Juat
ns In my light with Cranston, nothing
counts becnttsu I didn't win. It's Just
fate, Hnowhlrd. It's no one's fault, but
ma) be. In this world, nothing Is ever
anyone's fault." For In tho twilight of
I bono winter wools, In thu shadow of
denlh Itself, perhnps ho was catching
glimmerings of cleninl truths (lint ore
hidden from all but tho most far-see
ing eyes.
"And this Is tho end? sho asked
hi in. Shu spoku very bravely.
"Not" Ills bnml tightened on hers.
"No, so long as an ounce of strength
remnlnn. To tight never to give up
may Ood glvo mo spirit for It till 1
And this was no Idlo prayer. Ills
ryes rolled to tho starry sky ns ho
"Hot, son," Lennox asked him rath
er quietly, "what can you do? Tlio
wolves aren't going to wnlt a grcnt
deal longer, nnd wc enn't go on."
"There's ono thing mon. onu more
(rial to tnnke," Dan unswercd. "I
thought nliout It nt first, but It was too
long n chnnco to try If there was any
other wny. And I suppose, you thought
of It too."
"Overtaking 'Crniisronl"
"Of course. And It Bounds like a
crosy dream. Hut listen, both of you.
If wo hnvu got to die, 'up here In the
anow nnd It looks llko wc had what
Ib thu thing you want dono worst ho
foro wo got"
Lennox's hands clasped, nnd he
leaned forward on tho sled, "l'uy
Crnustonr ho said,
"Yew I" Dan's voice rang. "Crans
ton's never going to be paid unless wo
do It. Thuro will ho no signs of In
cendiarism lit the house, and no
proofs. They'll flnd our bodies In tho
anow, nnd wo'll Just bo n mystery,
with no ono made to pay. The evi
dence In my pocket will be taken by
Cmiistnu, some tlmo this winter. If I
don't make him pny, ho never will pay.
And Hint's ono reason why I'm going
to try to carry out this plan I've got.
"The second reason Is Hint It's tho
ono hnpo wo bnvc left. I tnku It Hint
none of us lire deceived on that point.
Ami nn man can die tamely If he Is
a mnn whllo there's n chance. I menu
a young man, llko me not one who Is
old nnd tired. It sounds perfectly silly
to tnlk about Uniting Cninftton's win
ter quarters, nnd then, with my dure
hands, conquering him, taking his fond
and his blankets nml bis snow-shoes
nml his rllle, to light nwny these
wolves, nnd bringing 'out bncli here."
"You wouldn't bo harehnnded," the
girl reminded him. "You could have
the pistol,"
lie didn't even seem to hear her.
"I've been thinking about It. It's n
long, long chnneu much worse tliui
tho chnnco wo bnd of getting nut hy
straight u Hiking. I think wu could
hnve mndc It, If tho uohes hud kept
off nml the snowbhoe hadn't broken.
It would have nearly killed us, but I
believe wo could have got out. That's
why I didn't try this other way tlrst.
A mini with Ids bnru hiindH Imsn't
much of n chnneu agnliist another with
n rllle, mid 1 don't want you to he too
hopeful. And of course, tho hardest
problem Is llndlng his emnp.
"Hut I do feel sui'o of ohc thing:
Hint ho Is buck to his old trapping lino
on tho North Korlc soinewhoro south
of hero ami his camp Is eomcwhero
on tho river, I think hu would luivo
gone there ho Hint ho could cut off any
nttempi 1 might mnko to get through
with thoso letters. My plnn Is to start
hack nt an angle that will carry me
between tho North Fork und our old
"Keep the Fire Ournlno."
house. 8omcuhcra In there I'll find
Ills tracks, the tracks he made when
he first came over to bum up the
house. I suppose he was careful to
mix 'em up nfter once he arrived
here, but the drat part of the wny he
likely wntked straight toward the
house from bis ramp. Somewhere, If I
go that wny, I'll cross bis trail with
in 10 miles nt tenst. Then I'll back
truck tliu to bis camp."
"And never come bnckP Uio girl
"ilit) ho not. Hut at least every
thing that can be donu will he done.
Nothing will be left. No regrets. We
will have made the last trial. I'm not
going to waste any time. Snowbird.
Tho sooner we get your Ore built the
"Fiither and I oro to stay hero V
"Vhot clue enn you do?" lie went
buck to bis traces and drew the sled
100 yards farther, lie didn't seem to
sec thu gaunt wolf Hint backed off
Into (ho shadows ns bo approached.
He refused to notlco that tho pack
seemed to be steadily growing bolder.
Human hunters usually hnd guns thnt
could blnst nnd destroy from n dis
tance; but even un aulinnl Intelli
gence could perceive Hint these three
seemed to bo without this means of
Inflicting death.
A wolf Is ever bo much more Intelli
gent than n crow yet n crow shows
little fear of an unarmed man and Is
wholly unappronchnblo by a boy with
n gun. The ugly truth wns simply thnt
In their Increasing madness nnd ex
citement and hunger, they were becom
ing less nnd less fearful of these three
strange humans with tho sled.
It wns not n good plnco for a camp.
They worked n long time before they
cleared n little patch of ground of Its
snow mantle. Dnn cut a number of
saplings laboriously with bis ox and
built n Are with tho comparatively
dry core of n dead tree. True, It was
feeble nnd dickering, but ns good as
could bo hoped for, considering Hie
dllllcultles under which ho worked.
Tlio dead logs under the suow wcro
soaked with water from the rnlns and
thaws. The green wood that ho cut
smoked without blnzlng.
"No more time to bo lost," Dan told
Snowbird. "It lies In your hnnds to
keep the flru burning. And don't leave
the circle of the llro light without
thnt pistol In your bund."
"You don't mean," she naked, untie.
Moving, "Hint you nro going to go out
there to fight Cranston unnrmcd?"
"Of coiitw. Snowbird. You must
keep tho pistol."
"Hut II means death; Hint's nil It
menus. Whnt chnnco would you havo
against a man with a rllle? And as
soon as you get away from this fire,
tho wolves will tear you to pieces."
"And what would you nnd your fa
ther do, If I took It? You enn't get
him Into n tree. You enn't build n
big enough llro to frighten them.
I'lcnto don't even tnlk about this mut
ter, .Snowbird. My mind's mado up. I
thluk the pnek will stay here. They
usually Ood knows how know who
Is helpless nnd who Isn't. Maybe with
the gun, you will be nblo to save your
"Whnt's the chnnco of thnt?"
"You might with ono cartridge
kill ono of the devils; und tbe others
but you know how they devour their
own dead. That might break their
famine enough so Hint they'd hold olT
until I can get back. That's tha prlro
I'm playing for."
"And what If you don't get bark?"
lie look her hand In ono of bis, and
with the other bo caressed, for n sin
gle moment, tho lovely llesh of her
throat, Tho lovo ho bad for her spoko
from his eyes such speech as no hu
mnn vision could possibly mistake.
Until of them were tingling nnd breath
less with n great, sweet wonder.
"Nexer let those faints tear thnt
softness, whllo you live." ho told hero
gently. "Never let Hint hrnvo old umn
on the sled go to his death with the
pnek tearing nt him. Cheat 'em,
Snowbird I Heat 'em Iho last minute,
If no other way remains I Show 'em
who's boss, nfler nil of all this for
You mean?" Her eyes widened.
'I menu thnt you must only spend
one of thoso thrcu shells In lighting
off Iho wolves. Suvo that till the mo-
Wfif fnti fwM If TM Mltfif
frtr tmwf Itn m-1f)t mmiMtit
li fwMmf, imffattfti if7 inffiftf
wifMri m fmt nt m am,
I Till tfftwtfr, fWftl" fi ffifif IWfrf.
, A ti1 . ifllrlMifl Hf IW rtfTrW, "TfW
llilfig I rd-ifMf tint m tttn fiWsfoV
dorxi t liobl iifiy miitf."
, II I own sffiw WirffrtM her. Iml U
( tnmlo i" rffof I In rtsHft brf HfW. f.fl-
iimi .!!(' hxl lhro qwtwry: ftt (frt
moru"i nt nM ftti firfifmdlfw
In IfKih swnr. t)mi shook Mn fiemf lo
, hft I'p'f "ling fjw. "Il fnrrf Jusf a
I kiss, 'hiring." he fnM her soberly. "It
I' goei ilerprr than thai. It's n syrnlcil.
If wn your word, too, and mine; snd
wonts rnri'l be broken, things being ns
they nre. Can't I make you under
afstidr Hho nodded, Ills ryi-a burned. Per
haps she didn't understand, as far ns
acliinl functioning of tbe brnlri was
concrrtird, Hut be reached up to
him, as women knowing life In the
concrete rather I tin ri the abstract
have always reached up lo men; nnd
she dimly rnugbt the glrnm of some
eternal principle and right behind his
words. This strong man of tbe moun
tains bad given his word, bad been
witness to her own promise lo him
and lo herself, nnd a law that goes
down lo llie root of life prevented
film from claiming Hie kiss.
Many times, since the world wns
new, comfort happiness life Itself
have been contingent on the breaking
of u law. Yet In spite of what sremed
common sense, writ though no punish
ment would fortheomc If It were
hroken. tbe law bus heen kept. Il was
this way now. It wouldn't have been
Juat a kiss such as boys and girls have
always bad In Hie moonlight. It meant
the symbolic renunciation of the debt
that Dan owed Cranston n debt that
In his mind might possibly go unpaid,
which no weight nf clrcuuiMnnce could
inuke bltu renounce.
(To bo continued.)
Notice Is hereby given that W. D.
Dames of Iiend has been appointed
administrator, with tho will an
nexed, of tho estate of May L. Peter
son, formerly May L. White. All
persons knowing themselves Indebted
to tho cstato aro requested to make
"payment and all persons having
claims against said cstato arc hereby
'required to present them with proper
vouchers within six months from the
data of this notlco to said administra
tor at the offlco of II. C. Kills. First
National Dank building, Dead, Ore
gon. W. D. BARNES,
Administrator with the will
March 10, 1921. 2-Gc
In the Justice Court for tho Dis
trict of Dcnd, Deschutes County,
State or Oregon.
Christian Tinner, plaintiff, vs. Au
gust Hallbcrg and Jnno Doo Hall-
berg, his wlfo, defendants.
To August Hallbcrg and Jane Doo
Hallbcrg, tho. nbovo named defend
In tho namo of tho state of Ore
gon, you aro hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint In the
nbovo entitled action on or before
April 15, 1921, that dato being six
wcoks from the first publication of
this summons, or for want thereof
the plaintiff will take Judgment
against you for J CO with Inte-est at
six per cent per annum from Novem
ber 22, 1917. and tho costs and dls
bursoments of this action, nnd apply
tho money gnrnlsheed In said notion
In this county toward tho satisfaction
of said Judgment.
l-7o Justlco of the I'eaco.
Notlco Is horeby given that Georco
E. Altkcn of Sisters, Oregon, has
been appointed administrator of tho
estate of Samuel WIchl. deceased. All
persons knowing themselves In
debted to tho cstato nro requested to
niuko payment and all persons having
claims against said cstato nro hereby
required to present them, with proper
vouchers, within six months' from tho
data of this notlco to said adminis
trator nt tho offlco of II. C. Ellis,
First National Dank building. Dond.
B2-4c Administrator.
(Not eonl bind.)
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Offlco at Lakaviow, Oregon,
February i, 1921.
Notlco la hereby nlvon that Lewis
A. Edgar, for tho holrs of Herbert H.
Edgar, deceased, of Tillamook, Ore
gon, who, on Oct. 2, 1914, mado
llomostend Entry No. 08128. for
NWVi, SW. Sec. 22; SH SEU.
Section 21, Township 21 S Itango
IS E Wlllnmotto Morldlnn, has
filed notlco of Intention to mnko
final throo-year proof, to establish
claim to tho land nbovo described, ho
foro II, C. Ellis, U. S. Commlslsonor,
nt Hand. Oregon, on tho 19th day of
Mnrch, 1921.
Claimant names ns witnesses: rat
rick H. Coffey and Eliitaboth E. Cof
fey, of Hond, Oregon; Josopn Ston
knmp, of Drothors, Oregon; Oscar
Larson, of Hond Oregon.
Notlco will ho published In Tho
Hond Hullotlu for five consecutive
B0-B4o Itoglstor.
In the County Court ot tho State of
Oregon, for Doschutes County.
In tho matter ot the guardianship
of tho estates ot'Chnrles Arthur Mar
shall and Robert Orey Marshall,
Now at this time comes on this
"You'll Always Find'
ny the Good Judge
fl bhj chew of (ho
ordinary kJnd And (he full, rich real
tobacco tasto gives a long lasting chewing
Anv man who uses the Keul Tobacco Chew
will tell you (ha(.
Put up in two styles
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut (obacco
' RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
matter to bo heard on tbe petition of
tho Merchants' Loan & Trust Com
pany, guardian of Uie persons and es
tates of Charles Arthur Marshall and
Robert Gray Marshall, minors, for
an order authorizing tho said guard
Ian to sell tbe undivided one-eighth
Interest of each of Its said wards In
the following described real estate,
The west half of the southeast
quarter, the east half of the south
west quarter, lots two, three and
four, tho southeast quarter of the
northwest quarter, the southeast
quarter of the southeast quarter, the
southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter, the northeast quarter of the
southeast quarter, and the east half
of the northeast quarter, all In Sec
tion one, Township twenty-one South,
Range thirteen East; the northeast
quarter of the northwest quarter, the
north half of tho northeast quarter,
tho southeast quarter of the north
west quarter, the northeast quarter
of tbo southeast quarter, and the
south halt of tho northeast quarter.
all In Section twelve, Township twen-
ty-ono South, Range thirteen East;
tho southwest quarter of the north-
cast quarter, the northeast quarter
of tbo southwest quarter, and the
west half of the southeast quarter.
all In Section eighteen, Township
twenty-one South, Range fourteen
Brooks-Scanlon Lumber
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Building Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish
COMPLETE STOCK ol Suodird Sua.
Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO.
After Supper-
Most ot your time Is mortgaged to work, meals, and sleep. Dut
tho hours after supper aro yours, and your whole future depends
on how you spend them. You can fritter them away on proQtlesa
pleasuro, or you can make theso hours bring you position, money,
power, real success in life.
Thcro'8 a big Job waiting for you In your present work, or any
line you choose. Get ready for It! You can do it without losing a
minute from work, or a wink ot sleep, without hurrying a Blngle
meal, and with plenty ot time left tor recreation. You can do it
In one hour after supper each night, right at homo, through toe
International. Correspondence Schools
Hundreds ot thousands have proved it. The designer ot tbe
Packard "Twin-Six" and hundreds ot other Engineers climbed to
success through 1. C. S. help. Tho builder of the great Equitable
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way to the top through I. C. S. sparo-tlmo study. Many ot this
country's foremost Advertising and Sales Managers prepared for
their present positions in spare hours under I. C. S. Instruction.
For 2S years men In offices, stores, shops, factories, mines, rail
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mercial work have been winning promotion nnd increased
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Your Chance Is Here
No matter where you live, the I. C. S. will come to you. No
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Make Your Start Now!
wiion ovnrvthlnc has been mado easy for you when one hour a
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you n Digger success, muru
comforts, more pleasures, all
that success means can you
afford to let unothor single
prlcoless hour ot sparo tlmo
go to waste! Mnke your
start right nowl This Is nil
wo ask: Without cost, with
out obligating yoursolf in
prove how wo cau help you.
any way, put it up to uso to
Just mark and mall this
101 Broadway, Vorltnnd, Ore.
that yau fat mora
gcmJna nnlhtnctlon
nt less cast when
you line (Ill's class of
A small clicw last.
so much lom'LT ilitm
And It appearing to the court from
the petition above named, now oa
file In this court, that It would be
beneficial to the said wards that tho
real estate above described be sold.
Wherefore It Is ordered, adjudged
and decreed by the court that tha
said minors, Charles Arthur Marshall
and Robert Gray Marshall, tho wards
above named, that R. C. McDonald,
tbe next of kin of each of said wards
and all persons Interested In tbe es
tate, appear before this court at tha
County Courtroom In Dend, Oregon,
on Friday, the 18th day of March,
1921, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon
and show cause. If any there be, why
the said guardian shall not be author
Ized to sell the Interest of the said
wards In the land above described at
private sale.
That this order shall be served
upon the said Charles Arthur Mar
shall and Robert Orey Marshall, and
upon R. C. McDonald, tbe next ot
kin of said wards, by publication la
The Dend Bulletin, a weekly news
paper printed and published In Dend,
Deschutes County, Oregon, for three
consecutive weeks, beginning on the
24th day of February, 1321, and
ending on tho 17th day ot March,
Dated this 19th day of February,
52-3e Judge.
-What ?
quiet of your own homo will bring
International Corrtspcr.der.ce Schools
Dox 1G1B, Scranton, Pa.
Explain, without obligating me, how I can
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before which I mark X.
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Railroad Trainman
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Telegraph Engineer
Telephone Work
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Mechanical DrafUmail
Ship Draftaman
t.aa Engine Operating
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Contractor or Uuttder
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Concrete llullder
1'lurablng and Heating
dlrnor. and Trptal
Hallway ArceunUnt
Commercial Law
Railway Malt Clerk
Automobile Operating
Poultry Ralilrc
Auto Itepalrlna
Name . . ,
anJ No.,.,