AKNtt IIUU.HtlH, HUH It, UHHtMH.rttVMItAY, tUiVkSIIMtl m, urn fAOH nimmiMtiniiiitiiiriiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiirili!iiiiMi1iiiiriiiiii?iiniMiiii(iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiHimMiimiMiimiitMimi)tiifittiNiiiiii BEND HAPPENINGS FROM DAY TO DAY immmmiiMiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiHiiHiMiiriiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiniiiimiiMiHiiHiiimtirHmmriiiMiifiii Wcdni'Hdny riiiftttiK Jinrf. his rohUnct lor pnttnt f . Tim liiillc of tho Iliipllst churrli will hold llmlr missionary mnelliiK (omorrnw afternoon nt llin homo of Mm, T. II. Foley, 12 Louisiana nro linn. Mr. nml Mm. J. II. I.iitm of HIIvit I.iiKii urn spending Urn iliiy l Hi'iiil. Mr. l.nnii In ui f Hi" proinliiiHiiit stock minim (if tliu Hllvcr l.iiku country, A. J. Tucker hits Installed ii new oriiii for evenly heating spring In need of repair. Tliu iipnrat u In tlm first of ltd kind In Central Oregon, a Mr. Tucker slates. Tlio Motlioilliil l.ttdlcn' 41(1 society will Imi onliirlnlned liy Mrs. C. I'. NIs wonger itt u social to Ii" glvun nt tlio Nlswonger linino on U Irving tumor row nf toriKioti. liny Canterbury, forinnrly of Ilcnil, vlcii president of tliu liiturniitloniil Tlmborworkurs' union, nrrlvoil In tliu city UilH morning nfter completing n tour of tlio centers of tlio tlmbor In dustry In Wisconsin, MIcIiIkiui nml Minnesota. Mr. Cnntorliury will spend snvurnl iluyn In nml nenr Dend conferring wllli tliu iiicjinliorn of tliu local organisation. Hullo riinclmr, who was brought to (own on Thursday, suffering from mi iiciito attack of appendicitis, died lint n K Ii t following ni operation, II o win n bachelor unit llm only known relatives nro cousins, living In Ilia Knit. Tuesday T. J. Wehli In n business visitor In Dnml from his liomn In l.akevlitw. (). M. WhltlliiKton In In Portland visiting lili wlfu nml (ImiKliti'r, who or i) niMtiiilltiK tlio winter In Hint city. William CointiN of HIsters In In Hi" city to iittmiil tlm trlii I of A. J. Won ton, In which hit will appear nn n wltnunri, Miss Eunice Callow, iluiiRlttnr of Mr. nml .Mm. 12. J. Cntlow, has re turned from it visit with friends In Caldwell, Idaho, William Wilson, who has been vis ItliiK lu'llond for several months, loft lint nlKlit for l'ortlmiil, whom hn will iMitur business college. Monday II. H. Itnycii In on n business trip to rnrtlniul, t W. II. Ilnrrlninii nml family have returned to lloml from it vucntlon trip. Joihhi Ilnrter of Tiimnlo In In Port land exhibiting stock nt tliu I'nclflc liitiirmitloiiut exposition. James O'.S'i'll In suffering from n sovoro attack of pneumonia nt IiIn homo on Colorado avenue. N. (1. Wnlhicn of I'rlnavllln came In yesterday to lw In nttomlnnro nt III" term of circuit court HiIn week. 4 Mr. nml Mm. W. II. Mauls r turni'il to Ilaml lint nlKht from Pnrt In ml , where they lutvo been spending several days, Dr. nml Mm, II. C. DoiIiIn, formerly of Dufur, In Wasco county, are mov I HIT Into tho homo on Went Third Ntreet which they purchased recently from Mr. nml Mm, C. A. O'llrlen. AtiKtiNt Anderson, chief deputy In the officii of Hhorlff S. E. Itoborts. Inn returned to work after liolnt: kept nt home for sovernl days liy mi 4 attack of erysipelas. Miss MitrKurnt Kclirndcr of thin city it ii il I) n v I tl Witlson weru mar rlcit Runday morning nt the homo of Mr. nml Mm. Clyde M. McKay, Ituv J. Edgur Purily of tho Methodist church readliiK tho murrlago servlco Mm, McKay nttended tlio hrlilo nml Ward Coblo wun KrooniNinmi, A w'eiltllnK hronkfiiBt wnn nerved follow InK tho ceromony. Friday Mr. nml Mm, I'rank I'erclrnll nro In today froiiLtlielr Mllllcnti ranch. Carol IIdmIph nml Itolicrt Terrace worn In Ileml ycRteritity from Madras Mr. nml Mm. I'liul C. CarrUoii are In town today from their homo In rrlnerllle, ClutrleN Iloyil, proprietor of tho I'lilacii market. Inn returned from it 10 ilny' trip to Heattlo. H. J. Vlckor, repritNontntlvn of tho MoKitn I'roilucliiK & Iteflnlmc Co. of lloiiNtou, TcxitN, In In Hem! on buM n em. Harold MnnwnrlnK of tho M, & C. Niirvlcu Ntntloii lenveN tonlRht for I'ortlnml, where ho will ipend tlio winter. AtiRUHt A. Amlomon, deputy lior Iff In chitrRo of tnx collectlonii, l tinck In IiIn office nfter nn lllncai of ovnrul ilnyn tlurntlon, H, U. Htownrt mid W. M. AUuIr, tale hunk iixnmlnvm, nro hero today on their cuiioimiry examination of the Central OrcRon hank. Henry N. Kowlor, amioclato editor of Tho llillletln, left lat nlRht for KiiRenu to attend tliu annual homo cotnliiK celebration nt the unlvemlty. C. H, Itccd, preldent of the West ern Wllllla I'nvliiR Co., left Inat nlRht on liln return to IiIn home In I.os An RelcN, ufter concludliiR iirrMiRt-montN TliiirMtlfly W A. floodrnnn, nmU tit Hnrnpy coimly, In hero front lluriN on offl- Cll llllNlflMN. (Iforr.it ti, Ar.net, promlnnnt Wlillo Hiilrnou fruit Rrowor, wan hero lodny on ImhIiipiin, Allan It. Joy of 1'orllnnd nrthf.ii In tlm city ypnterdny. Mr Joy l ' noclntcd with K, O, Htadler mid N, (I, Wallace In Hi" defeima of A. J. Wen ton, churned with tho murder of Itob urt II. KniR of HlnterN. The Itv. I)r, Van Water of tho KpUcopnl church will arrive In liend to hold Norvlcex In Hatlier'n hail at 8 o'clock Kumlay mornliiK. "Hclenco and Involution" will ho tho nuhject of Dr. Van Wntom' lecture. ThomiiK McCann, Jr., noii of Mr. nml Mm. T. A. McCann of thin city, who In III with near lot fever, In re ported to ho Krently Improved today. If In condition ycNterdny wan coimld cred critical. Mr. and Mm. 0. A. O'llrlon nro leavliiK tomorrow nlRht for I.on An ReleN. They will stop for a while In the California city with their Hon and will ro on from there to Tucnon, Ariz., for the remainder of tho win ter. They nro undecided in to whother or not they will return to Ilond. Dr. y. ThornldNon It hero for tho Four Ih mid In showing a series of Rovernmcnt educational films aimed to nlmtu the so-called "red plnRtio." Tho films nro hcliiR screened nt tho IorrIhr camps during tho remalnliiK uvuiiIiirn of the week and will bo shown nt tho Liberty theater nt noon Hundny. They nro to bo seen by men only. Ilond members of tho-Chrlstlan Kn- deavor society havo returned from tho annual tri-county convention of Colon No. I, held Sunday nt Madras. Mrs. L. Drown f IJend Is tho newly elected secretnry treasurer. Ton (tnUtitlm fttitn linrf. twn (mm find mtintt, Ui Itnm CtiUft. imti ttom 'fntffiUunnn nml flrn twin I'ttnuMIn wirn In Hernia nro Th lind I'mbyfirfflN tlniffli hn ni ptMint llin (nfRCNl MirlNtlnn Kmlnror so rloty, and Urn only Junior Kmloaror,' In flnsrlilllni. C.ti.nV iifid .Inf fr,n 1 1 roiindiN. ' . ! Riiniiinnuiiiniimmi.'iimmmmmaui!Hi:isttiRiir What's Doing in the Country. '.ii!iliin:tiimi!iiiua:u:i:8:::::ii:i::i::iuR::i:suiu::i:2 PEINY SOCIAL IS HELD AT SISTERS The Slogan of the Day IS QUALITY FOR I'OSSIRLE THE LOWEST PRICE Decisive Reductions have been made in every Department. Do your shopping here and profit thereby. BIBTKHH, N'ov. 18. A penny so cial win Riven at the Hlstem clnirrji Knturdny evening under tho auspices of the Christian Kndeavor. A larRO crowd attended and tho evening was enjoyed by all. The evening was spont In playing games and telling fortunes. Dinner was served by tha ladles of the church, who charged from 1 to I cents for each Item on the menu, which consisted of sand wlcbes, enko, salad, pickles, coffee and candy. Tho proceeds aro to go to tho Endeavor fund. Work on tlio school house Is pro cresslng rapidly. Thcro aro six car pentcrs now at work. The labora tory room has been completed and all tho necessary fixtures Installed. A pleasant surprise party was Riven nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Wilt In their honor last Satur day evening. The Misses Itny and Constaneo Knickerbocker spent Sunday with their parents, who reside near Sis ters. C. S. Woods purchased a fine bunch of stock cattle this last week. Mrs. F. A. Everett accompanied Mr. Everett to Ilend while tho teach ers' Institute was In session. Mrs. Scott, the primary teacher, was confined to her home by Illness Monday. Miss Lola Evcretti of tho high school substituted during her absence. Every Ladies' Coat in the house reduced 20 to 25 Every Ladies' Skirt reduced 20 Every Ladies' Dress reduced 15 to 25 Four chairs ai your servico at the Mntrnnnlltan No watting. Adr. has Saturday A, II. Moyom of Fort Hock, been n Urnd visitor HiIh week. a. A. Chiilstranil wnn In town yes toriloy from I.nkovlow. Hobort Wlloy of I'rlnovlllo wits horo on buslnosn yoBterday. Tho Episcopal Sutidny achool will moot In Sathur'H hall Hundny morn ing nt 10 o'clock. Nolso Ilyborg loft Inst night for MIhhouIii, Mont., to visit Ills father for n fow tlnys. John I.. Cnldwoll, nssossor of llarnoy county, wan n pnHsoiiger on tho inornliiK trnln, Mr. Cnldwoll went tin to IluriiH by Htngo, County AKscssor W. T, Mullnrlcy returned thin morning from Halem whoro ho attainted tlio mooting of tlio Htnta tax commlHRlon Hitting H it honrd of o(tinllzntlou to ilotormlno tho county ratloH for tho coming yenr. Mr. nml Mrs. Iloscoo Ilownrd, formerly of DoHchtitoH, but now resi dents of Ornnts Pass, arrlvod In Ilond IiiHt ovonlng by nuto from tho Boiith, Thoy loft on tholr wuy to Portland thin nftornoon. Tho ronl ostnto ofneo of Stoldl & Sllvls liaH boon movod n fow doors tip Oregon stroot to now nuartors In tho room occuploil during tho numraor by tho Lovon Btoro, Honry Hanson, proinlnont Towoll I REDUCING THE COST OF LIVING I . $5.00 ! SHOE SALE! A SHOE SENSATION--A cl ean-up of short lines at a l price worth while. Some of the shoes included sold for as much as $ 1 1 .45. Look over the list. Come and get your pair f Every Ladies' Outing Flannel Gown reduced Every Children's Wash Dress reduced Phoenix Silk Hosiery Ladies' $1.80 Silk Hose, now...... $1.35 Ladies' .$2.10 Silk Hose, now $1.65 Ladies' $2.60 Silk Hose, now $2.35 Ladies' $3.50 Silk Hose, now $2.80 Ladies' $3.90 Silk Hose, now. $2,95 SPECIAL $3.25 All Wool Navy Storm Serge now yd...$1.98 36 in. All Wool Serge, reg. $1.89, now yd.....'$1.19 36 in. Half Wool Storm Serge, sold regularly at $1.39; now, yard 95c Our Entire Stock of Coatings Reduced $5.50 Coatings, 10 patterns, reduced to, yd..$3.98 $10.95 Coatings, reduced to, yard $7.85 It 'Pays to Stop and Shop at HOLD SERVICES FOR MRS. H. PEOPLES 'months. Mlved In 73 PAIRS LADIES' SHOES Black Kid, French heel, lace; Patent, French heel, lace; Black Kid, military heel, lace; Brown Kid, military heel, lace; Black Kid, low heel, lace; Brown Kid, low heel, lace; Your Choice $5.00 69 PAIRS GIRLS' SHOES Sizes 111' to 2. Every one made with Goodyear welt soles. Every one a high grade shoe. Black Calf, lace; Black Kid, button; Patent leather, lace ; Patent leather, button ; Your Choice......$5.00 Funeral services for the fate Mrs. Don II. Peoples wero held Satur day at' the Methodist church, with many friends In attendance. Rev. J. Edgar Purdy directed tho services, while tho Order of tho Eastern Star, to which Mrs. People belonged, bad charge of the music and of the cere monies at the cemetery. Tho pall bearers, all intimate friends of Mr. Peoples, were: W. R. Speck, L. M. Foss, Worth Evans, J. L. Galtber, R. S. Hamilton and D. G. McPherson. Mrs. Peoples, who was 33 years old In October, was the daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. II. C. Yaw of Iowa Falls, Iowa, and, besides her parents, leaves Eovernt brothers now living in Iowa. She was married December 29, 1913, fnt Alexander, Iowa, and two children havo been born of the union, Arllne, aged 6 years and Betty, aged 14 62 PAIRS BOYS' SHOES Hoys' high grndo Shoes, mado with heavy welt soles nnd calf uppors. Fifteen pairs of Kducntor Shoos included. Illack Calf, English last, lace; lllnck Calf, wldo too Inst, bluchor; Drown Calf, English Inst, lacu; Drown Cnlf, nrmy Inst, bluchor. Your Choice $5.00 36 PAIRS MEN'S SHOES Kvory ono with Ooodyonr wolt solos. You should buy two or three pairs nt this price. Mon's Dlack Calf, English lust; Men's Drown Cnlf, English laBt; Mon's Drown Calf, full too, bluchor; Mon's Drown Cnlf, nrmy Inst, work Shoe, double solo, slies 8V4 to 12 only. Your Cltoluv 93.00 EXPERT FITTING-BEST SERVICE. It's Real Economy to Shop at WARNER'S W0 Mr. and Mrs. Peoples had Bend for tho past three years, coming hero from PrinevIHe, where Mr. Peoples was engaged In tho abstract business. She was a member of the Order of the: Eastern Star and bad a wide'clrclcot friends. Mr. Peoples' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Peoples, nrrlvejl from their home in Nevada to bo with their son last evening. Easily Tested. It Is snld that the perfume of flow ers disappears as soon as the starch In the petals Is exhausted. It may. It Is said, be restored by placing tho flower In a solution of sugar, when tho fonnatlon of starch and the emission of fragrance will be nt once resumed. Big Crop of the Wcodlot. Voodlot8 yield to the farmers some thing like $105,000,000 In a Nlngle year, says the American Forestry Magazine, but they might, with syMteinatle innn ngement and cure, produce scventl times that much. Your Chance to Buy the Best Tire and Tube on the Market GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES REDUCED PRICES ALL SIZES BEND GARAGE WALL STREET BEND, OREGON