iI HtJIXKTW, WCJU), UHROUN. TIH'IWDAV, HKITKMIIKH no, IWO NIGHT SCHOOL TO START SOON PREVENTION OF FIRES IS AIM OCTOBER 11 DATE SET ("r ANNot Ncr.n von local FOR OPENING MIm Mnry O. Perrnult Nnmrd A Principal larger Attendance Even Than Uit Year 1 H rMVloil by Superintendent. OltSltltVANtM: HOAD SITrA- tiox explained to rn'it ' NEW I'HYSH'Ali DIHIICTOH. Wlth'MIss Mnry C. Porrault ns prlnolpal, tho Uond night school will open for Iho 1920-21 term on tho evening ot Octobor It, City Super intendent S. W. Mooro announces. Last year a total enrollment ot 135 was reached In the evening coursos. and from Inquiries which havo al ready come Ir. to him, tho number In nttondanco this year will bo much greater. Tho courses offered fullyj SHU317 IUU l IUI for individuals still within tho school nge. and In this respect havo been recommended by the state superin tendent of education. Night school will be In session at tho high school building three nights n week Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7 to 9, o'clock, con tinuing through a period of five months. Pupils who havo completed tho eighth grade may enroll In high school subjects tor credit, and pupils who do not desire high school credits may select any subjects they wish. As last year, a registration fee of $3 will bo charged, with a monthly tui tion ot 1. Classes will not be organized for less than 10 pupils. Mr. Mooro an nounces, and If the average attend ance for four consecutive days for any class falls below six, tho class will bo discontinued. Miss Perrault. in addition to her duties as principal, will Instruct In typewriting, and Instructors In other branches will be as follows: Miss Trcssa Churchman, shorthand and bookkeeping: Miss Virginia Stewart, Spanish, French and' commercial English; Miss Jessie Kennle, elemen tary and citizenship classes; Miss Clara Luther, elementary. DANCE AT TUMALO SET FOR TOMORROW Announcement Is mado of a dan cing party Jo be given at Tumalo to morrow night by the West Side Agri cultural Fair association. Sproat's orchestra has been retained for the evening, and toward midnight dinner will be served. A. J. Harter, Fred W. Wilson and Crover Gerking are the members ot the committee in charge. Sell your poultry through Bulletin classified iuM. Announcement ot October 9 as Fire Prevention day was mado Tues day at tho weekly luncheon of the Bend Commercial club at tho Pilot Butle.lr.a by Mayor J. A. Eastes. Tho purposo ot tho observation of tho day as planned for business men, house holders and school children, was ex plained by Flro Chief Tom Carlon ns aiming toward the elimination, as far ns is possible, ot nil tiro hazards. County Judgo It. W. Sawyer, in tho courso of a roport on tho meeting of the state highway commission yes terday in Portland, mentioned that considerable damage Is bolng dono to tho roads of Deschutes county by powerful, overloaded auto trucks. Ho suggested that tho matter Is ono to which tho club would do well to givo Its attention. Work In grav eling Tho Dalles-California highway north of Bend, ho said, had been de layed by lnnblllty to sccuro gravel. Work on tho far end of tho road is now going ahead rapidly, ho re ported. E. H. Brandenburg, tho now phy sical director for the Y. M. C. A., spoko to the club members, urging thorn to take advantage ot the gym nasium privileges offered at tho "Y," and suggesting the formation of a business men's class. Later, Mr. Brandenburg asked that all mon and boys Interested In taking gymnasium work, report to him In the afternoon or evening. HUNTER IS LOST MILE FROM CAMP Companion Spend Mnny Hours Lo cating Lynn StnfTonl, LVIng Ammunition Intended For Hoar. When within a mile of the camp at Sand Flat. In the Warm Springs country, Lynn Stafford of Bend lost his way Sunday and was found by his companions only after a search which lasted from 9 o'clock In the morning until -4 o'clock In tho after noon. A bear hunt was tho purpose of the expedition, but the hunters used up practically all of their am munition in locating the missing man. Leo and Joseph Stevens, Jack Tan- sey and Henry Linster were tho other members of the party. They re turned to Bend last night. There's a Reason Why The United States Government, in every department where storage batteries are used; all Railroads in the United States; all Telephone Companies, and Western Union Telegraph, USE EXCLUSIVELY EXIDE STORAGE BATTERIES THE REASON IS Tho government and these, largo corporation use thousands of storage batteries; they want tho best; they havo tried many makes and have proven to their own satisfaction THAT THE EXIDE IS SECOND TO. NONE It gives better service all the time, Is moro reliable, does not havo to be charged so often, and therefore is by far tho most ECONOMICAL BATTERY on thd market. Every high priced car on tho market Is equipped with an Exldu Storage Battery. This is signtflcent ot the fact that automobile man ufacturers who have spent a life time In building a car that will give servlco and sat isfaction In every detail, stand universally for the superiority of tho Exldo Battery. EXIDE BATTEDIES FOR SALE OR RENT It tho battery you aro using does not give you tho rosults you should obtain, let me fix ltfor you. BATTERY REPAIR WORK DONE ON ALL MAKES OF STORAGE BATTERIES H. R. RILEY . -' GREENWOOD AVENUE WORK ON GRAVELING PROGRESSES RAPIDLY PLEASANT UIIK1K. Sent. 30 Work mi (lie graveling of tho high wny Is progressing rapidly It Is hoped (lint It "III bo ready tor truffle by I tin first of tho year Mr and Mm. O. E Anderson no rnmpanlod by Mr. mid Mrs II T Mlkkelsen, were caller In the Tum alo section Sunday afternoon, linns Hanson of Deschutes visited Alfred Mlkkelsen Sunday. Oln Hanson of Deschutes Is help ing It. T. Mlkkelsen put up his hay Oeorgo Huberts left for Boise. Mil tin Tuesday morning utter visiting at the homo' of his daughter, Mrs, W 11. llutchlns. Antone Ahlstrom was n business visitor in Hedmomt Thursday, Mrs. Olo Hanson of Deschutes vis ited Mrs. II. T, Mlkkelsen Thursday afternoon. Mrs. O. H. Anderson mndo a busi ness trip to Itedinond Monday utter noon. Waldenmr Peterson Is working for H. T. Mlkkelsen mid Alfred Podor son during haying, W. II. llutchlns and family moved Into their now houso Friday. O. K. Anderson attended tho meet ing of tho Deschutes Valley Short horn Breeders association, held at Tumalo Friday afternoon. llasmus Peterson Is painting his silo. Waldemnr Peterson returned to Bend Saturday night, having finished his work In this neighborhood. Oswald Pedcrsou and Alfred Mlk kelsen were Hedmond visitors Satur day. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. Anderson were shopping In Bend Saturday night. Mrs. Joe Burchtold of tho road camp visited Miss Hilma Nelson Sunday. DESCHUTES FARMERS ARE MARKETING HAY DESCHUTES. Sept. 30. Tho Swalley children, who havo the whooping cough, aro Improving nicely. A bunch of McCall's cows were making their way back to tho Crook ed river ranch when one of the Tum alo riders drovo them back to tho range. Miss Leona Matthews of Deschutes had her tonsils tnkon out Tuesday and sho Is Improving nicely. A. B. Matthews hns finished his second cutting of alfalfa. C. W. Nelson of Deschutes took a load of hay to Bend Saturday. S. Deblng took n load ot alfalfa to Bend Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swnlley and chil dren of Deschutes wero visitors at the Wlnnlnghnm home Sunday eveuing, Mrs. Oeorgo Holten and Mrs. Parks wero In Bend on business Sat urday. Mrs. Jones or Tumalo left Sunday morning from Deschutes for Hood Blver. Mr. nnd Mrs. Boy Hamblln left Wednesday evening for Salem, where Mr. Hamblln will tako medical treat ment. Tho Wlnnlnghnm family will move on the old Jnck Berry ranch, one and a half miles north of Deschutes. Mrs. S. Deblng nnd Mrs. A. C. Ham made a business trip to Bend Satur day. C. W. Nelson Is having bad luck with his milch cows. A number havo died of bloat. Jerry Schooling of Deschutes was a caller at tho Deblng home Sunday. E. J. Conley of Deschutes mado a business trip to Tho Dalles Sunday morning by auto. Mrs. Cross who has been keeping houso for E. J. Conley of Deschutes, has gone to Seaside, where she will open a confectionery store. Everett Johnson tooK a load ot nay to Bend Monday. Clarence Elder Is helping A. B. Matthews with his hay. Mrs. Mctcalf Is hero from Portland, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Stnnky. Mrs. O. E. Anderson mado a busi ness trip to Bend Monday. REDMOND Potato Show and County Fair EXHIBITS Classes for Everything. No Entry Fees. Feed Free. $3000 Premiums AMUSEMENTS Races Every Day. Wild Horses, Cow Boys and Indians. Dances Every Night. OCT. 14-15-16 C. B. HARDY, Manager, Redmond, Ore. CIHHII'IKI AHVKKTI8KMHNTS FOB HALT:. FOB SALE Good hand-picked ap ples; 7Sc per box by express; cash with order. Albert Harper. Froowa ter, Oregon. 99-31-35p FOB SALE Twenty stands of bees. Addross Mrs. T. L. Collier, Tuma lo, Oregon. 07-3 1 p FOB SALE Winter feed, hay and straw, alfalfa, clover and stubble j pasture; bunch grass grazing, ruu- nlng spring water; will fwed. P A.i Devurs & Son, Tumulo, Ore I8-31UC FOB HALE Team of 2-year-old mules, weight 2 10D pounds; three heifers and onu steur. L. O, Hoed, Bund, Oregon. Box 115. l-2S-32p WANTED TO Hl'Y One to CO tons of alfalfa liny, second culling, de livered Write nnd give your prim; 3 miles east of Bend on llniid-lluriis and Bear Creek ronil. Otto Olson, II. 1, Box II-c, lleud. 79-3lp Want to buy liny, ut Bulletin clnji Iflnl nd. FOB SALE Four good milch cows nod ono good Holstelh bull, cheap If tnken nt onco. J. E. Honllnck, Bond, Oregon. Phono I0F1G. , G-3l-32p COWS FOB SALE Flvo Jersoy milch own, two Just fresh: nil heavy milkers: also two Jersey heif ers; will be sold nt u bargain; out bo seen at Henry Strlxner's" ranch. Pleas nnt Valley, or Inquire of Mrs. W. M. Wilson, Hedmond, Oregon. Gfl-31c FOIl SALE 100 ncres of land at Powell Butto; u good rnncli for growing spuds. Address H. H. 1, Box 28, Bond, Oregon. G2-31-32p WANTED TO BOHBOW I want to hnrrriw i?00 fill II1V rlflHIl 111 llOtliel the lot alone Is worth tho money; In flue nolglinorliooii: win pay a pur cent. Call at 1412 Hill street, after 5:30 p. m. or on Sunday, or at Tho Bulletin offlcu between hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p. in. 31-tfc AN EGG A DAY Then your hen is a profitable fowl. But when she lays only every other day you are losing 50, or the egg that makes the profit. Hens properly cared for will lay regularly every day. But they must have a warm, clean house, a dry yard, plenty of sunshine and above all, good substantial food. Crumbs from the table mixed with bran and good Poultry Food Dr. Hess' Poultry PaivA-Ce-A makes a healthy, happy, profitable hen. We recommend it to produce more eggs and better hens. Magill (j Erskine Your Druggists WANTED. ANYONE, looking for employment on farms, sen Miss Market of tho Bend Commercial club, at the elty rest rooms. 32-l7lte TO THADi: TO THADE for real estate, new Es sex touring ear, fully equipped. Cen tral Oregon Healty Co. 1-30-3 1c STI CAVED WANTED Pasture for 12 head of stock. T. Goliitf, Bond, Oregon, C3-27-30p ANYONE, looking for help, Inquire of Miss Market of tho Bend Com mercial club, at tho city rust room si-litre CAME to my place, one black steer, branded double II, connected, on right hip, two dewlaps, both ours cropped. Ownor rail for same anil pay charges. II. H. Hmuad, -I l-2U-30c STHAYED Ono gray maro, branded "F" on right stifle, weight about 1000 pounds, shod nil around; also hay yearling colt with four white feet Finder notify F, J Hlolnhnser. 132 (Ireeley live U-27-29p THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Model T One Ton Truck with its manganese bronze worm-drive is really a necessity for the farmer because it solves his problem of economic transportation from the farm to the city. And in farm work nlonc, it will be found a great money saver as well as a big labor saver. I las nil the merits of the Ford car multiplied by greater capacity with greater strength. N6 extra cost in operation. We'd like to talk it over with every farmer. Bring your Ford car to us for necessary repairs and thus get the genuine Ford parts and reliable Ford workmanship. iti:itu;i:i piuei:, .tin.oo i 1 O. II. Detroit ' CENT - ORE MOTOR CO BOND H'l'., BEND, OHIXiON -On rM, -25 .iu::::s:::i:::t::i:i:s::3::s::s:its:::ii:s:s::::ii::sii::::tis::it::t;:iti:)isiiii:i!:if iitiiittitit:at:tsi:tiiitti;iiiiiitiiifiit;itii:iitiiniii:tii:i;t.