The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 30, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    .hni tttn.MrriN, hknv, oiIkoon, tiiiiwijavihkiti:miii:k;i, uvm
(Viilnil Oregon Hnlillfi- Heei .Mother
In AiMrln After l.nfi nf .Many
Vrnm Ki'liitiiH On Ti iinipiiil
lliitilng l. H. Warrior Until.
Participation in ninny engagements
irti nix western fronts during tho
Wnrlit war nnd niirvleo with tint In
telligence department almost from
Urn moimiiit of hln nrrlviil In Franco,
nearly ihreo yearn ago, until Augunt
25 of tliu present yniir, when lm left
Antwerp, for tho firm part of IiIk ro
turn trip to Amtirlcn, represent, In
brief, tlm experience of Sergeant A.
DliniuliiKiir, -wlio arrived In H"'iiil
Friday with hln wife, formerly Krnii
loin Margaret Noldhofor, whom lm
married In Coblttnr, Oormnny, In
J n nn, 1919, Mr. anil Mm. Dlmuiln
ger left on Hnliifdity with Jason
Monro to make thi'lr homo In I'alo
ley. I lo win ono of tlm Inst Anierl-
can noldlern, with tlio exception of
regular iirmy int'ti, to luuvo Europe.
Hnrgt. DlininliiKiir'H Htory Included
romlnliencen of tint Bed uprising In
(lormitny, trlpn In .Austria, Hungary.
Belgium nml Ciecho-Klovnklii, incut
of which. beritunit nf tho secret rin
t ii rat of I ho service hu wits ougugnd
III, roil lil only lm hinted lit.
t'nliiirt In Comlwil.
A rancher ami cniitrnctnr In the
Ktimmi'r Lake country, Mr. Dlmmln
ger itnnworcd thn call to units In De
cember, 1917. unit noon after Joining
thn nilom, wont overnenn, where ho
wnn assigned to tho second division.
Twi'iily yearn before, nit it lad of 15
yt'iirii. ho hint left his birthplace In
(liirmany, working hln pussngo to
America nit it sailor nn u trann-At
Imitlc ntenmer. I In hnil been natur
nllied nn quickly iih tho law wouhl
permit, coming to On I nil Oregon tin
a laborer when comttriictlon on tho
Henchmen Valley rnllronil m
1 (lit knowledge of tho German
language canned him to bo assigned
to tho Intelligence service ntul, after
experiencing first-hand tho hnrrnm
of war, luckily panning through It
all without a ncrntch, ho nccompnn
liwl thn army of occupation to Ger
many. -Donning civilian clothes, hi
nominally heramti a cltlum nf (Icr
mmiy, registering an niich, un-
nunpecletl by tlm people with whom
Central Oregon Garage
Exclusive AK-'"ts for Northwest Auto Co. for
Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson Counties
Marmon-Cole, Reo and Dort
Cars Bethlehem, Indiana and
Duplex Trucks
Business and Professional Cards
Rooms 13-10 First National
Dank DldB. Tol'. Cll
(Dr. &' Formtr Ofllrt.)
II. II. D.Armcml CIim. W. Kriklnn
DcArmontl & Erskine
IjA wyuiih
O'Knno nullillug, Dcnd, OroKon
United Htntcn OoninilHNloner
First National Dnnk Dulldluc
Ilond Prosa Dldtr.
dend, onicaoN
Phonos: Office Rod 41; Ren. 123
tin dully emtio In cmilnct, It wnaj
(liirlni: thin irloili whllo slittlnried '
In I'olileii, t hit t ho unit Friiulolti
Neldhnfer, a girl of Luxembourg
inri'iilnK, whom lm marrli'il ait noon
an ho con lil cut tlm Immense quail
Illy of ri'il I iitm In Iho regulation
governing Inloriiatlouitl miirrlogen,
liefnrn entering Germany ho had
.pout two moiithn In Belgium.
Koldler Di'inl Omni llouir.
Hlncn hln flrnt departure from Hit
vii rlu lm liiul always hml a keen de
nlro In return In visit hln family,
Sergeant l)liiitiiliii;nr wild, and the
opportunity wan presented during hln
work nn an Intolllgiinco offlcnr. Morn
mil tupn hml to do siivtired, hut ho
finally til it ti n i:tt to cromt tho border
Into A unt tin, whom lm fouml hln
mothur, now hln only llvl'ii: blood
I'lnally tlm woril ciunn that ho wnn
to lm rnturiiiiil to Amorlcit, nml ho
millvil from Antwurp Id Ht. Nimirro,
IiiiivIiik from thorn for lloliokon nn
honrit thn army tratinport Bhnrmi'.u,
which rarrlail (hi) hoillnn of 800
Ami'Hdiu nolillurn IiuIiik tiiknn to tlm
Unltoil Htntcn for hurlitl. Ono otlii'r
Ori'Knn Nolillnr.nmnn from Ht. Jolinn,
whono iiiimo KorKoiint DlmmltiKiir illil
not recall, wiih on lioitnl with him
On arrival ul Now York Hur
Kraut ami Mm, Dlmmluttnr ami tlinlr
comiiaulou worn liitorvliiwixl at
ImiKlh nml photoKritphfil for thu met
ropnlltitu pnpum, finally uinklnK
their oncitpo anil kIiik In Kurt Hlo-
ciiiii, w hur n Hi-rnmint DIuimltiKer ro
clvi'il hln illnchnrKo from tho army
They look tho next train for lleml.
At tho ouil of a throo inonthn' nuto
lour throiiKli tlm .N'ortu went, l'uto
ami II. Ileatillnti of thin city have
returned to lleml, accompanied tijr
their famlllen, They fouml tlm nuow
unuaiiiilly deep In tho tnountalnn for
thin tluio of year durliiK tho hint lap
of their trip, IhrotiKh tho Crencent
Origin cf Johr.r, Canuck.
The word "t'anui'l m. niiilleil to
('niinillim. In of .S'nrtli Aiuennin III
ti In it iirltln. frnoi tin' word Cn-uurk-er
or Kniiniick. With lh wnn Canuck
In nntnetliiiet noorlrti ii thu wnrd
"Jollliuy." li 'Jellliliy Cei.tHk, prole
nl'ly tiernuie Cuuudlniik L'o ou of
John Hull.
Wntte of 8ul
Ttie kiilihtir-illoxli1e fiimen imp
ing from the dump of wnnte round
nlcliel mlnt-n In the .Hiidhury rt-Klnn
of Onlnrlo are nald to niiiount to 1,000
toim n ilny. No nnllnfuctory method
of nitvlni; thin milphur han yet hern
Mnrble Cheaper Thin Pin.
The United Slnten commercial at-
tnrho In Itoine report! thnt Imported
pitch (line now riintw more tlinn na
tive ttiillitn wnlntlt, and Hint builder
nnve iiiniiey by uiitklni: itulrwiiyn of
mnrlile ItiMeiul of yellow pluc.
Phone BUck 1181
2-4 O'Kano Dulldlni
O. P. NISWONOBR, Head, Ore.
IJccnned Kmhnlnier, Funeral
Phone Red 421. Lady Asst.
NnprnpntJilo l'liynlrlnn
Oror Logan Furniture Go.
Wall Btroot Hours to I
Phono Hod 48a
Read the Bulletin
Classified Ads
Wilier Ailiiiltn ('omini'iit of I'onne
CKy llltnr On Kiiclitl Cliiiinclrr.
inlli'o, lleiilex lltiiiiormiH Htory
of .Man Miinlereil Ity Wife.
JlldtlliiK farewell to lleml, for till
yuur at leant, Irvln H. Cobb, famotin
nhort story writer and humurlnt, who
linn heou htintlni: and flnlilm; In Ceil
trnl Ort-Kon for more than 2
dayn pitHt, left hint week by auto
for tho WatHtin ranch at thu head o
Crooked river. I In wan accompanied
by Dr. Dudley Roberts of New York
N. (1. Jncobnon mid A, Whlnnant, o
thin city and by mavlo men, who nra
recording; hi udvuntura In Cent
Oregon. From Crooked river, Mr
Cobb drove Into Harney county,
coutlntiliiK hln nuto Journey until bo
ntrlken tho Orei;on .Short Mnc. Ho
lutundn to stop at the Yellowstono
National park for nouin time before
cotitlnuliiR on hln way to tho Atlan
tic count.
"I hitto to lcavo Ilond," Mr. Cobb
mild an ho ntepped Into tho wultlnR
car. "Tho people have been more
than kind, utid 1'va had u Korceoun
time. Tho huntlriK and flahlliR was
wonderful." '
Old .MciunrlfN Itnvltetl.
Old memories of hln work as a re
porter on Now York papers were re
called when Mr. Cobb, just before hln
departure, wan nbown an extract
from tho recently published book
"Charles K. Chopin's Story," on nu
tobloKraphy of .tho famous editor
of the Now York World, now serving
it life term In King Sing for killing hi
wt during a period of nervous do
prensliui. Of Mr. Cobb, tho World
city editor wrote:
"Irvtn Cobb won another of ou
stars. Ha wiih n small-salaried re
porter on tho Kvcnlng Sun when my
ittlontltin wan first called to his work
I linked him to como and see me, and
wan so favorably Impressed that ho
got n Job on tho Kvculng World at
double the salary ho was then get
ting, and I doubled It again beforo tho
Saturday Evening Post grabbed him
mid sent him to Gcrmuny when tho
war began.
Cobb Is tho homeliest man and
ono of tho cleverest I ever know. As
an all-around newspuper man ho
worth his weight In gold, and ho
weighs Eomelhlng tinder n ton. Ho
wna u cruck reporter In addition to
being nu accomplished writer.
Court Work Iteuiarkiilde.
"My only quarrel with Cobb was
that he Intdnted on posing as n
humorist. His Idea was to turn even
tho most serious and tragic happen
lug Into n laugh. One of tho wittiest
stories ho over wrota wns about n
woman splitting her husband's skull
with nn axe. I wns the only ono who
wns permitted to enjoy Its humor,
for It wont Into tho wasteb.isket. Ono
nf his brightest witticisms wns nt my
oxponso. It slipped out unpromedl
tatedly ono tiny when word wns sent
to tho office that I wouldn't bo down
bocnuso of Illness.
" 'Dear, mo; lot us hopo It is noth
ing trivial,' said tho sympathetic
Cobb, without looking up from his
"Ono of Cobb's greatest nclilovo
mollis us n rcporlor was during tho
trlnl of Harry Thaw. I think ho nv-
ornged more tlinn 12,000 words a
tiny, Inking nil tho testimony In long
hand and writing n running Recount
n h tho trlnl progressed. What ho
wroto was telegraphed direct from
tho courtroom to tho office, taken by
n rnpld typist, nml passed to compos
itors, not more than ftvo mlnutos In
tervening beforo what was spoken
In court whb In typo In tho Evening
world. Thoro was no Btory of that
famous trial thnt touched him for nc
curacy nml literary stylo."
Humor Seen In Suicide.
Mr. Cobb admitted, In tho main,
tho accuracy of tho commonts mndo
by his former chief, "It's probably
nil true, particularly In regard to my
facial characteristics," ha said, "hut I
don't romembor tho lady who split
hor luislmiHl's ulnill, Clmpln must
hnvo Imagined that.
Infection on Tableware.
Experiments by Dr. J. O. Cummins
prove that Infectious diseases of the
throat and lungs nro transmitted easily
by wishing forks nml spoons that have
boon used by the sick In the same
water ns tnblownro for tho rest of the
Not Neeeitary to Have Hens of Extra
Good Standard Quality for Cgg
For the bnck)nril Hock, kept lo pro
duce trgn only. It In not necessary to
liiivn bens of extrn good maudlin!
quality. What bretdiTn of ntnndord
poultry call ebolie utility hens are an
good nn imy fur egg production, mid
cost but little inure tlinn ordinary
mongrels, Hen of thin grade In tlm
iimmIIiiiii-hIzimI breeds are usually n
.little under ntiiiidiird weight, nml
have niiperflchil faults tin uiinouinl
lien of color, or Irregularity of mark
lugs or of the ohnpe of tho comb
which In no wny nlTect their laying
en imclly, but iiinke them unlit fur ex
hibition nnd linilenlriible for breeding
When buying heim In person, par
ticular ntt n t Ion should be given to
& ..'.''Wiar
r. 'i. . it.
Good for Producing Eggs.
the general condition whether the
bird neemn vigorous and lively nnd
to the appearance nf thu comb ond
the condition of the feet. Healthy
heim have bright red combs and bright
eyes, assert jxiultry specialists of the
United Stales department nf agricul
ture. A slight paleness of the comb
Is Klmply nu Indication that the hen
In not laying at the time; but a bird
whose comb bos either n yellowish
or n bluish cast should be rejected,
for (bene ore nyuiptorns of internal
'disorders. The skin and scales of
legs olid toe should be smooth, and
the soles of the feet soft nnd free
from corns.
Best Results Cannot Be Expected If
Hens Are Permitted to Become
Overrun With Vermin.
If the best results nre to bo expect
ed from the Hock, the hens must not
be allowed to become overrun with
lice or the house with mites. Usually,
thert' will be u place In the yard where
thu hens can dust themselves in the
dry dirt. In the absence of such a
place, n box nbout - feet square nnd
containing ordinary rood dust or fine
dirt should be placed In the house.
A dint bnth ulds the hens In keep
ing lice In check nnd therefore adds to
their comfort. If they arc not able to
keep them In check by dusting them
selves, other measures can be taken.
United States Department of Agricul
ture. Live Stock
Animals Should Be Fed In Manner
Different From Way They Aro
Prepared for Market.
Karly fnll Is the time of yenr when
hog growers should select from the
spring crop of pigs thu sows to be
usetl n next year's dams. From now
on until the breeding season these
sows should bo fed In a manner differ
ent from the wny they were to bo
fattened for market purposes. Good
fomgo crops nro practically u neces
sity. A self-feeder containing a good
quality of thrashed onts makes good
feed for these sown. In addition, they
may be fed a small amount of corn
and some shorts or middlings, and fish
meal or tankage.
Careful nttentlon should be given to
the selection of sows for breeding pur-
Brooks-Scanlon Lumber
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Building Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish
COMPLETE STOCK ol Standud Suet.
Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO.
poses. I Irst, they should be selected i"f lho e0"1" ' this suit, nnd tho
from n good sized litter nnd from n remainder to tho satisfaction of tho
litter whom, dam him good suckling ?Inlm, of.,ho P1""111" ""fin. nnrao
in i. ,u ti... i. i . ... .i ..i. . ? I Iy. the sum of ono hundred eleven
qualities. The brood sow sboiilil be
Profitable Type of Sow and Litter.
of n good rangy type, with n good,
strong arched bnck, deep sides, rather
thin neck, nnd not too broad In the
face. Ity all means she should be a
"tood-fntited' iipltnnl with Sodi strong
legs nnd pasterns nnd rather upstand
ing from the ground.
Thu sow thnt tnkes plenty of exer
else freely Is the one that most like
ly to make a desirable brood tow. Do
not select a sow from n litter whose
dam Is cross and Irritable. The sow
should be gentle and easily handled.
Attention should also be paid to the
eyes. A blind sow Is likely to Ktep on
nnd Injure her pig. Careful attention
to these details nt this time will have
n tendency to ndd to the number of
pigs that may be brought to maturity.
While Fowls Are Uting One, a Crop
of Oats or Rye Is Planted
In the Other.
The double yard system Is the best
for yarded fowls Unit Is, each pen
has the run of n front nnd back yard,
and while they nre using one a crop
of onts or rye Is planted in the other.
Ah soon as the green blades are up
three Inches the fowls are turned Into
It nnd the other yurd dug up and
plant i-d.
Thou;ht for the y.
A man It .elleved npd say jvhen ht
has put his heart Into c'.s work and
done his best; what be had done oth
erwise shall give him oo pc&ce." '
Bids will be received by the
County Court of Deschutes County
on or before 2 p. m. Friday, October
15, for tho following lumber de
livered at the county warehouse In
Bend. Tbo right Is reserved to re
ject any and nil bids.
734 PCS. 4X12X16 4U.040
ZZ pes.
6 pes.
2 pes.
4 pes.
4X12X1S 1,584 J
4X GX1S 21b
2x 6x1 S 36
2x 4x18 48
4x 4x16 45
16 lies. 4x10x16 S51
20 pes. 4x 6x16 640
20 DCS. 2x 6x16 320
20 pes. 2x 4x16 214
19 pes. 4x 4x16 405
Total - 50,399
!9-33c Deschutes County.
I will pay school district No.
warrants Nos. 40. 44, 45, 46, 4
4S. 50. 51 on Oct. 5. Warrants
named cease to draw Interest after
this date.
30c Clerk School DIst. No. G
By virtue of an execution nnd nn
order of sale duly issued out ot
the Circuit Court of the State of
Orocron. for Deschutes County, on
tho 22nd day of September, 1920
to mo directed In a cortaln suit in
said court, wherein Paul Mertsch
Inc. as nlalntltf. recovered Judg
mont ncalnst J. C. Hopkins ami D.
A. Hntfiold. ordering and decreeing
that tho northeast quarter ot tno
southwest nunrtor ot Section 13, in
Townshln 17. south of Range 14
cost of Wlllnmotto .Meridian, in
Deschutes County. Oregon, be sold
hv tho sheriff of said county anil
stnto In tho manner prescribed by
law, and thnt tho proceeds ot sucn
sale ho applied to thC satisfaction
The Owl Pharmacy
and ninety ono-hundredths dollars,
with interest thnrcon nt tho roto
of six per cent pur annum from tho
11th dny of September, 1919, anil
tho further sum of fifty dollars at
torney's fees, anil the further sum
of twnnty-flvo dollars, tho costs
anil disbursements of this suit, anil
that thn nbovo named defendants,
and each of them, and all persons
claiming by, through or under thorn,
or either of thorn, bo fornver barred
arid foreclosed of all right or equity
of redemption In or to Bald premises,
except as provided by statute.
Therefore, notice is hereby given
that I will, on Saturday, the 23rd
day of October, 1920, nt thn hour
of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of
nald day, sell at public sale to tho
highest bidder for cash the abovo
described premises, to satisfy said
Judgment nf plaintiff, Including at
torney's fees, costs nnd disburse
mentn of sale, said sale to be bold
at the south door of tho courthouso
In Bend, Deschutes County, Ore
gon. Dated this 22nd day of Septem
ber. 1920.
30-34c S. E. ROBERTS,
Sheriff of Deschutes County, Oregon.
(Not Coal Land.)
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Offlco at Lakcvlcw, Oregon,
Sept. 9, 1920.
Notice Is hereby- given that Hans
Zimmerman, of Crescent. Oregon,
who, on November 15, 1913, made
Homestead Entry No. 07010, for SB
U. Lot 1 (10 acres): 8 NE, Lot
1 (5 acres); V SEU NE4, NE'4,
SWU NEtf , SEtf NW4, Sec. 1, T.
24 S., R. 6 E.; SWU lot 5 (11.70
acres); SSb NW Lot 5 (5.85
acres); NWU Lot 6 (12 acres): N
SWU Lot 6 (6 acres). Sec. 6. T. 24
S., R. 7 E.. Will. Meridian, has filed
notice of- intention to make final
three-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
E. L. Clark, U. S. Commissioner, at
Laplne, Oregon, on tbo 29th day of
October, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses: J.
L. Ringo, of Portland, Oregon; H. A.
Cale, of Laplne, Oregon; Joe Rock,
of Bend. Oregon; Ed. Sentry and W.
II. Brock, both of Crescent, Oregon.
29-33c Register.
(Not Coal Land.)
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at .Lakevicw, Oregon,
September 13, 1920.
Notice Is hereby given that Harry
R. Hanklns, ot Bend, Oregon, who.
on April 17, 1915, made Homestead
Entry No. 08588, for W, Section
27, Township 21 S., Range 18 E..
Willamette Meridian, has filed notico
of intention to make final three-
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before II. C.
Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend,
Oregon, on tho 29th day ot October,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Charles H. Haines, Otis C. Henkle,
Augustus Gaulke, Francis X. Wil
kowskl, nil of Bend, Oregon.
3 0-3 4 c Register.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Board of Directors of the Tumalo
Irrigation District In Deschutes coun,
ty, Oregon, will meet at its office at
Tumalo, Oregon, on the 5th day of
October, 1920, the same being tho
first Tuesday of October, acting as a
board of equalization for the purpose
of reviewing and correcting Its as
sessment and apportionment ot taxes,
ns provided by law, which said as
sessment nnd apportionment was
made by said board on tho first
Tuesday of September, 1920, as re
quired by law. and that tho assess
ment list and record prepared by
said board Is In the office ot tho sec
retary of tho board for the inspection
of all persons Interested.
Dated September 7, 1920.
Secretary of the Board of Directors
of tho Tumalo Irrigation Dis
trict, Tumalo, Ore. 28-3 lc
In tho County Court of the Stato
ot Oregon for the County of Des
In the mattor of tho Estate ot
Sarah L. E. Fanton, deceased.
Notico Is hereby given by the un
dersigned, Administrator of thn
Estate of Sarah L. E. Fnnton, de
censed, that he has mndo nnd filed
with the Clork ot Deschutes County,
Oregon, the flnnl accounting of his
administration ot said Estate and
that tho County Court has sot Fri
day, the fifteenth day ot Octobor,
1920, at tho hour of 2:30 o'clock
p. m, of said day at tlio county
Court Room In Bond, Oregon, aa
tho time, and plnco for hearing nnd
settling said final account and for
tho discharge ot tlio undarslgncd as
such Administrator, at which tlmo
and plnco any persons lntorostod In
said Estate may appear nnd object
Administrator of tho Estate ot Sarah
L. E. Fanton, Doceased.
Published for tho first tlmo Sep
tember 9, 1920. 28-320
Brand Directory
Rlght aide; right ear crop
ped; wattlo right bind lei.
11. L. TONK, Sister. Oro.