The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 23, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    nwrn iiuLLHTm, muni), oreoon, tiiuiwday, aKprennansa, 1020
!may revoke license,
mayor's threat
Report '"' I'linni"'" Ordered
. For Nit Council Meeting
Health Ortlllrntes lr Food
Handler An) Required.
( Virtually wide-open gambling In
almost certainly roIiik on I" ono or
nitiro of lliu pool mill cnnl rooniM of
Bund, nnil nt lonsl " ' lu I,ro'
.prlutors who wim kWiiii warning an
'numil mi unmlstnkably iluflani at
titude, Coiincllmmi I), O, Mcl'hurson,
nliitlriiiitii of tlio pollco coimnlttuu, ro
jiorti'U 011 Friday nt thu regular moot
Iiir of tlio city council. IIIh Infor
nintlon on tlio subject wnH obtained
from Chief of I'ollco NUon. Mr. Mc
Phorsnu declared thnt It might bo
extremely illtflctilt to secure ovldonco
sufficient to obtain n conviction, but
Mayor Enston declared thnt lio la
ready to tnko n nhort cut mid revoke
tlm licenses of curdrooiu proprietors
I who nro not wIIIIiik to comply with
term of tho law. Anothur remedy
which was suggested, although no
action wnw tnkon, wan an ordinance
forbidding tho hso of curds In any
putillc gathering plnru of tho kind
now under mmplclon.
When tho next sosslon of tho conn
P ell In called tho chlof Initio to coino
up for (IIhcuhhIoii will ho thu bIxo of
tho 1021 budget. Tho budget elec
tion will ho hold nt tho miuio tlino nil
tlm general election, It wim Informal
ly agreed hy tho council, mid n state
Tiiuiit of-xponsos of tho city govern
nient todnto. which tho wuyn mid
menus committee, win Instructed to
pronunt at tho flmt October mooting,
will ho Hindu tho basis for tho 19S1
costs enlliiiato which wilt ho placed
before tho voters In Novomlwr.
A public honlth safeguard In thn
form of tho ordinance Introduced two
" weeks nKo, providing thnt person
hired for tho handling of foodstuffs,
or to care for children, mum furnish
certificate of honlth, wim paused with
little dutinto. Tho ordinance li cop
ied from tho stnto law mid It aimed
to prevent tho iiprend of nodal dls
onses, It wan explained that tho (Iran
tic lawn In effect In I'ortlnud liavu
driven tunny per noon ho Infected to
Ilend to reek einployineiit. Health
certificates Issued under tho now law
wlll ho Rood for three mouths.
II. E. Nordoon, chnlrmnn of tho
I' ' " "
Central Oregon Garage
Exclusive Agents for Northwest Auto Co. for I
Deschutes, crooK anu .leiierson counties
Marmon-Cole, Reo and Dort
Cars Bethlehem, Indiana and
Duplex Trucks
-UMtl(H 0PrEHTH WIMM IKl)' (! () () OMH' 0
Business and Professional Cards
Ilooma 13-10 Klrnt National
Hank Illdff. Tol. 611
(Dr. Co' l'ormor Offlc,)
II. It. DtArmonil CliM. W. Krkln
DcArmond & Erskinc
Ii a w Y Ji it H
O'Knno IlulldliiK, llcnd, Oronon
II. 0. M L L I 8
United SUtofl CoiiinilNHlonor
First National Hunk IlulldliiK
Bond Proes Dlde.
Phonos: Offlco Rod 41; Ros.'ias
school board, nppimroil for tlio sac
olid tlmo before tlio council td nslc
for action 011 the coiiiitrucllon of n
sldownllc on Newport avoniio, con
pooling with tho Kenwood hrIiooI,
Tlio council will tulio definite stops
toward construction at mi adjourned
Monday session,
Mr. Nordiinii iilno complained that
triiiiHfonuorH beltuc liuitiillod hy tho
llnnil Water, Light & Power Co. In
tho alloy from (Jreonwood to Oregon,
hntweoii Wall mid Iloud, nro being
placod too low for niifoty, Tho mat
tar wnn toforrod to tho pollco com
mittee. Thu riKjUUHt of tho llend Moose
lodge for pertnlHHlon to hold lln an
nual carnival on Novomhiir 8 wiih ro
furred to tho license committee,
Mixture of Laundry Soap, Water,
Crude Petroleum and Naphtha.
lln la flecornmended.
The following mixture Ih very effec
tive In keeping Hies orf live stock and
Itn cent Is very ninnll:
One pound of common laundry nonp,
four KitlloriM if warm water, one gal
lon of crude petroleum nnd four ounce
of powdered nnphthitlln.
Kluivo (hi nonp In wry thin Mice
Into wnriu water nnd ntlr It until
thoroughly dissolved. Put thu nnph
thalln In the crude petroleum and atlr
until dissolved. Pour the Koup and
wntcr Into the petroleum nnd thor
oughly mix them tOK'etber.
Many Farmers Hesitate to Start With
Pure-Dred AnlmaU Decauee of
Lack of Knowledge.
Many farmers would like to nil no
registered cattle, hut heciiiiNu of their
luck of knowledge of pedigrees or Indl-
(duality, or both, hesltnto to start
with pure-bred nnlinaln. A safe way to
ntnrt la to buy n few bred cows nr
heifer and grow In experience nil thu
herd Increases In number.
The niuotint of concentrates fil ran
be greatly reduced If tho sms have
nccess to Kod pnntiiru such an blue
grass, clover, alfalfa or niu.
(iimhI pasture and coiiNldernblu range
for exercise not only lower thu cost
of iiiiilutetiuuce, but iiIkii series to
keep sows In healthy condition.
An old hut correct Muleiiieiit thnt
-the bull I half thu herd" neiiln to
! heiihtl more thiiii ever, owlm; to
thu lilch prlcen nf'cniln, labor nnd
oxeihuiid exiN-nnu cuuuui'tud with pro
duction. Policewomen In Europ.
The SwinII1i dtle.i of .Stockholm
nnd ClotlienhiirK wcro nmoaic tho flmt
In Turopo to hnve women police.
" " " " " ,"
Phono Dlaok 1S91
liKB) A. THOMAS, A. A. LA.
2-4 O'Knno Dulldlus
0. P. N18WONOBR, Bond, Ore,
Iilconnod KinliAlincr, Funeral
Phono Rod 421. Lady Aiat.
Naprnpntlilc Phyalclna
Ovor Logan Furnlturo Co,
Wull Stroat Iloura 9 to 8
Plioae Hod 483
Read the Bulletin
Classified Ads
It, II, Ilojei ICIcctnl (Jeneral Hcrro
tary, ami Allilellc Director In
CIkincii To Mxpmil Work
of Hem AnNoclntlon.
Moinborn of tho board of Kovor
norn of tho Ilond Ipduntrlul Y. M. C.
A., In miHHlon Thumdny, nccoptcd tho
runlKiiatloti of General Bccrotnry L.
W, Trlckoy, nuthorlrod U. H. Duncan,
field ropruiiontntlvo for tho Y. M, C.
A., to retain tho nervlcen of It. H.
HoyoH of WlnnlpoK, to fill Mr. Trlck
eiy'n plnco, nnd prupnrod for IncronRod
actlvltlcB In athlotlcH by voting for a
phynlcnl director. E. II. Urnndon
ImrK of Tncama wnu choaun for this
ponltlon mid wires wero sunt this
morning to him nnd to Mr. Iloycs,
notlfyliiK them of tholr eloctlon.
As thu rirst sucrutnry of tho Hand
Y. M. 0. A., Mr. Trlckoy has greatly
Increaned tho membership of tho as
sociation, nnd had entabllnhed tho In
stitution as a succoHsful one In Hand's
civic Ufa, when n condition of nb
normally high blood pressure, nggra
vntud by tho nltltudo hero, forced him
to tundur his roslgnntlon. From
Hond, ho will go to East Liverpool,
Ohio, ns gunornl socrntnry of tho as
socliitlou In that city, after romnlnlng
hero long unough to acquaint his suc
cessor with his duties. lo expects
to ntnrt for tho Enst by October 15.
Mr. Trlckoy's succesBor was In tho
textllo Industries In Kcotland ns n
boy, had unlvorslty training, was en
gaged In association war work and
slnco tho termination of hostilities,
tins been n field ruprcscntntlvo for
tho nsMoclatlon In tho logging camps
tributary to Winnipeg.
Mr. Hrnndonburg, choson ns tho
now physical director, was formerly
nn nsslstmit director at Pennsylvania
Statu collcga, nnd nt tho Minnesota
Agricultural college. In Minneapo
lis, boforo coming to Tacoma, ho
worked with Director Ilonklo. ono of
tho bust known Y. M. C. A. athletic
mentors In tho Mlddlo West.
Live Stock
During Pait Decade Qreat Progreti
Has Deen Made In Eradication
of Ailment
Common senb wns formerly the
greatest drawback to thu sheep Indus
try of thu United States, but during
thu punt decade grunt progress has
been Hindu In Its eradication, Thu
system of grazing sheep on the open
niuguH of thu western part of the
United States was such Unit the Hock
musters had great dllllculty In keeping
the Hock free from thu scab. Thu slurp
wero ury frequently cxpooed to thu
illM'iihe by Infectious ranges nnd trails,
"picking up strajs""" from Infected
Hocks, nnd In many other whjh. It
became duslrablu for tho department
of ufrlculture to extend aid to thn
An Advanced Caio of Scab, Showing
Area Denuded of Wool.
Industry by controlling tho lntentnte
movement of sheep to prevent -thu
cnrrj'lng of tlio Infection from ono
stnto to nnother.
Scab Is exceedingly coutnglous nnd
Is tninsmltted by direct contact with
animals or objects that nro cnrrlers
of tho mites. Although unable fa prop
ugnto except on sheep, tho mites may
ho hnrborud temporarily by anlmnls
other thiiii bheep mid may live on
goats for u long period,
A Hock of scabby sheep will In
fect thu roads, trulls, sheds, yards
bed groutrds, pastures, ranges, nnd
tho ground around the wittering place
It Is therefom Important that the Hock
receive proper treatment us soon nr
tho disease nppenrs, lieforu tho In
fection becomes scattered over the
Supply Food In Right Proportions to
Meet Requirements Without Waeto
of Nutrients.
To supply food In tho right propor
tlon to meet tho various requirements
of tho nnlinnl, without n wnsto of food
UEtrifiJltk constitutes RCenlfl f fodhuj.
It li hy cnrefully studying tho compo
sition of feeding stuffs, thn proportion
In which they nro digested by differ
ent animals nnd under different condi
tions, nnd tho requirement of ani
mals for tho various food nutrients
when nt rest, nt work, giving milk, pro
ducing wool, mutton, beef, pork, etc.,
that tho principles of feeding have
been worked out. In applying these
principles In practice the cost and spe
cial ndaptntlons of different feeding
stuffs must, of course, bo taken Into
"Detter Slree Detter 8tock" Cam-
palgn Indorsed by Breeders and
Fanciers' Association.
The Nntfonnl Breeders nnd Fanciers'
Association of America tins Indorsed
tho "Better Hires Better Ktock"
movement. Through Its secretary, the
nssoclntfou has notified the United
States department of agriculture of
Its nlrn, through better sires, to Im
prove the quality of fur-bearing nnl
mills raised In confinement.
In addition to raising anlmnls kept
primarily for fur, members of tlio as
sociation nlso breed such creatures
us rabbits, cuvles, nnd mice used for
IH'ts nnd scientific purjKme. The rnl
uo of pure-bred sires Is especlnlly
great for classes of animals like those,
mentioned because of their prolificacy.
Decreato of 9.9 Per Cent Is Noted by
Bureau of Estimates States
Breeding sows declined OS) per cent
during thu jenr ending April 1, 1020,
nccordlng to Investigations of the bu
reau of crop estimate. Tho snme
number of thec animals for both
yenrs Is reported for South Carolina
nnd Oeorglu, nnd Increases for Flor
ida, Texas, and New Mexico. The
henvlest declines were found In Massa
chusetts, Indlnnn, Illinois, Missouri,
North Dakota, Nebraska, Kniims, Ken
tucky, Tennessee, Montnnn, Wyoming,
Colorado, AriEonn, Utah, nnd Idaho.
Boost better live stock In youi
Advertise Judiciously.
Exhibit nt the county, state
nnd other larger live stock
Remember thnt a sntlnfled
purchaser Is your best advertise
ment. So be prompt In register
lug nnd transferring nnlmnls nnd
make good nil guaranties.
South Dakota Farmer Asks Enroll
ment In "Better Sires Better
Stock" Movement.
Declaring thnt not only nil Ids sires
hut likewise nil his female breeding
nnlmnls were purebred, Clinrles P.
Hnmm, n South Dakota farmer, applied
for enrollment In the "Better Sires
Better Stock" cnmpnlgn conducted by
tbi United States department of agri
culture In co-opemtlon with state
agencies. Ho Is n breeder of Short
horn cattle, Perchernn horses, Dtiroc
Jciey hogs. Rhode Island Red chick
ens, nnd Bourbon Red turkeys.
The better-sires movement Is aimed
particularly nt the use of superior
purebred sires, hut thu majority of
those enrolled nlso keep some female
stock. Mr. Hnmm, however, Is the
flrst Hrson otllclnlly listed ns keeping
live clnses of live stock lif which nil
thu niiluiuls both male uud female
are purebred.
Every good dnlrymnn knows thu
value of n purebred slru of good rec
ord. If you have surplus stock to Fell It
will pay you to use a good purebred
dairy bull.
Give thu sheep some attention dur
ing the summer nnd Increase Uiu prof
its from the Hock.
When sheep nro on pnsturo they
will not require much attention, but
ono must see. that the pnsturo Is not
overstocked nnd that they hnvo plenty
of frcbh water uud salt.
Brooks- Scanlon Lumber
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Building Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring nnd nil kinds of Finish
COMPLETE STOCK ol Standird Su.
Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO,
First Consideration of Buyer and
Breeder Should Be Soundness Ex
amine Thoroughly.
Thu soundness of n horse Is one of
tho flrst considerations of the buyer
ii nd should be of the breeder, accord
ing to the United States department of
ngrlculture. If thu animal Is not suffi
ciently sound to withstand the use for
which he Is Intended, the logical time
to learn of this Is before thu purchase.
Selection must be based primarily
on n thorough, systematic examina
tion ; the examination should be baocd
on n clear knowledge of desirable and
undesirable qualities.
Not only the presence of unsound
ness, but also the condition or serious
ness of thu unsoundness should be
Temporary unfitness should be dis
tinguished from permnnent unsound
ness. A hurried examination Is likely to
prove a disappointment.
Observe blemishes, vice, faulty con
formation, unsoundness and general
Common blemishes arc senrs from
old wounds, poll evil, scratches, sho
bolls, nnd small ruptures.
Common vices nre halter pulling,
cribbing, kicking, stall walking, weuv
leg, and biting.
Common faults of conformation nre
straight shoulders, crooked, weak, or
Improperly set legs, ewe neck, long,
weak back, and drooping croup.
Common unsoundnesses arc splint
thoroughpln. spavin, curb, extreme fls-
Carnegie, a Well-Conformed Type
tulu, ringbone, side bones, extreme
atrophy of muscles, contracted ten
dons, nnd broken wind.
General characteristics Include flesh
ing, temperameut, quality, color, and
Iu final selection, look for the good
qualities nnd weigh them against the
New Title Applied by Wisconsin Farm
er to the Reactionaries of
Dovlne Society.
From n farmer In Wisconsin comes
a new word for use In the "Better
Sires Better Stock" campaign now
being carried on by tho United States
department of ngrlculture In co-operation
with statu nnd local ngencles. He
npplles n new title to the reactionaries
of bovlno society, nnd cites the In
dtiblliible fact thnt scrub bulls nre the
enemies of good production ; that they
levy upon the milk, cream and butter
cheeks mid compel the farmer to keep
cows, where thu cows should keep Hie
With these charges In mind nnd
with his eyes on the International
situation, this farmer suggests that
the scrub bulls be known hereafter ns
the bulshelks.
Casus Belli.
In nn Irish case of n domestic riot
Involving much Injury to person nnd
property, n witness In tho course of n
vivid nnrrative sworo as follows: "ne
says to me, 'Is thnt your fnthcr?" Aud
I says to him, 'It Is mo father.' And
ho snys, 'It Is well you told me, tor I
thought ho wns nn ould gorilly,' nnd
then the fight began, mo lord." From
tho Argonaut.
The Owl Pharmacy
Record of Transfers
A L Hnradar to Edwin Hnrndnr, 3
Bt of NW4, sec M-H-12; fl.
H Grimes to Mary II Irrln, lot 8,
blk 7, Redmond; $10.
N W Townslto Co to D C Smith, lot
11, blk 3, N W Townslto Co's 1st add
to Bend; $1.
Tho Shovlln-HIxon Company to
Homer Mnyrand, lot 7, blk 9, Statts
add; 12300,
II Nystcon to Pctor ?flller, lots 1,
2, blk 7, Kenwood; 10.
D E Hunter to Charles Carroll nnd
Joseph Inncs, lots 1 to 8, both inc,
lots 11 to 14, both Inc.. lots 19 and
20, all In subdlv lot 2, blk 12, oBnd;
William Pattlson to 8 O Watklns,
lot 11, blk 18, Dcschutos; f 10.
E A Sathor to A J Welch, lots 1, 8,
blk 9, Boulovard add; $10.
U S to Charles Nelson Milter, BV
sec H-21-18; patent.
Solomon's Tempi.
It Is believed todny by many s.
rants that the Old Testament descrip
tion of Solomon's temple was written
by the Jews after their return from
the cuptltlty, with the memory of tho
real splendors of Babylon fresh in
their minds. It Is possible that tho
actual temple was a simple placo of
worship. If It had been otherwise, It
Is hardly posslblo that no remains of
It would ho visible today, seeing that
the temples of Egypt, which aro so
much older, remain. In some cases, al
most It, toto. Anstruthcr Mackay In
Atlantic Monthly.
Put it In Tlio Bulletin.
(Not Coal Land.)
Department of tho Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Lakevlcw, Oregon,
September 13, 1920.
Notice Is hereby given thnt Harry
R. Hanklns, of Bend, Oregon, who,
on April 17. 191C, made Homestead
Entry No. 08588, for W, Section
27, Township 21 S., Range 18 E.,
Willamette. Meridian, hns filed notice
, of intention to mako final three-
year proof, to establish claim to tho
land abovo described, before II. C.
Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend,
Oregon, on tho 29th day of October,
Claimant names ns witnesses:
Charles H. Haines, Otis C. Ilenklo.
Augustus Gaulko, Frauds X. Wll
kowskl, all of Bend, Oregon.
30-3 c Register.
Notice Is hereby given that tho
Board of Directors of the Tumnlo
Irrigation District in Deschutes coun,
ty. Oregon, will meet at its offlco at
Tumnlo, Oregon, on tho Eth day of
October, 1920, tho same being tho
first Tuesday of October, acting as n
board of equalization fpr the purpose,
of reviewing and correcting its as
sessment and apportionment of taxes,
as provided by law, which said as
sessment nnd apportionment was
made by said board on tho first
Tuesday of September, 1920, as re
quired by law, and that tho assess
ment list nnd record prepared by
said board is in tho office of tho sec
retary of tho board for tho inspection
of all persons Interested.
Dated September 7, 1920.
Secretary of the Board of Directors
of tho Tumalo Irrigation Dis
trict, Tumalo, Oro. 28-3 lo
In tho County Court of the Stnto
of Oregon tor tho County of Des
chutes. In tho mattor of tho Estato of
Sarah L. E. Fanton, deceased.
Notice is horcby given by tho un
dorsigncd, Administrator of tho
Estato of Sarah L. E. Fanton, de
ceased, that ho has mado and fllod
with tho Clork of Deschutes County,
Oregon, tho final accounting of hla
administration of said Eslato nnd
that tho County Court has set Fri
day, tho fifteenth day of October,
1920, at tho hour of 2 30 o'clock
p. m. of said day nt tho County
Court Room in Bond, Oregon, ax
tho tlmo and placo for hearing and
sottling said final account and for
tho dischargo of tho undersigned as
such Administrator, at which tlmo
and placo any persons Interested in
said Estato may appear and object
Administrator of tho Estato of Sarah
L. E. Fanton, Deccauod.
Published for tho flrst tlmo Sep
tember 9, 1920. 2S-32o
Brand Directory
HG Brnnd
John Helfrich,
8-4p , Brothers, Ore.
Right side; right oar crop
ped; wattle right bind Its,
B. L. TONE, BWtertf, Ore.