4 I1MNI) IIUMiTTHN, HKND, OltKOON, THU1WDAY, HKPTEMIircil 2fl, 1020 TAGK 0 Ms iimmiiiiain iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiii miimiimiiiiimtiiiiitiiiiiiwtiuiiHiiiiiimiiiiimwmm: BEND HAPPENINGS FROM DAY TO DAY umuimtimmmmimtmmwmmmmimmtimHMimiumfmmimwimnmHmMMmmMimmmmiMitmimimmurmil , Wednesday Illinium llultu anil Mlllitnl KIIiIiih, liotli of I'rliiuvlllo, worn In llond to day. Ituln wliloh foil ImhI lllgllt roHiilloil ' In it (dtul prticlpltiillou of .18 of tin lnoli, Aiimiimor W. T. Mullnrky Iium Iiuuii confined lo his Iioiiim for llio past two daya by IIIikihh. II, MoDmuild loft litHl night for rq nttjj, wjmro ho will ultuiHlVUia JJ"': vornlly of Washington. Million 0. Ilurdlck, proinliiont HihIiiioihI attorney, wan In tint oily t thin afternoon for n few lioiirn. Mrs. J. A. Huston Imivi'H Saturday ovnnlng for u two inontlitt' visit with friends In Portland mid Aberdeen. Mr. and and ,Mrn, N, A. CUrlstitn ' 'mm of l.akovluw worn In llond thlH inornliii: on thnlr way to 121k lake. Mr. and Mih. Fred A. Woalflon arn leaving tonight for Mndora, Oil., wlmro they will malm llittlr hoiini. P. H. Stanley of tho Contral Oro Kim Irrigation Company wiih n luml hum visitor In llond today from Don chutes. Hoy iloutliworth of tho Hnutliwortli Brothers gnrugn reports tlm salo of an eight-cylinder Oldxmnbllo to J. II. Morton and a six-cylinder Oldstno- , lillo roadster to A. L. Ilagloy. Tuesday T. J, I)aliy of Lnkuvlow In In tho city. , Fred Altnian arrived In llond laid night from lilfi homo In Burn. Khorlff K. 1'. Itoborts has returned to llond from u nhurt trip Into tho mntintnliui. Kyolf CorindliiMion liNivim tonight for Kuguno to nttond thu University of Oregon. Father Ilntlur, hond of tho Catho lic oliuroh at IlormlHlon, In making n lirlof visit In llond. .Ml ah Juiiloco KlmpRun linn returned to llond from a throo-day visit nt Portland And Corral I In. Mr. and Mrs. Iloraco Emmons of thin city nro tho parents of nn 8 Im pound hoy. horn thin morning. It. A. Wnrd Iihh returned from n trip to Foley Spring. Mrn. Ward will remain ut tho springs for suvornl dayi. It. I). Morton arrived In llond thin mnrnliiK from Dtifur to nrcopt n no nltlon nn phnrmncUt In tho Owl drui; ntnru. Preparations nro bolng mndn for it Catholic haranr, to ho hold In llond Ootohor 7, 8 and 9. Carl A. John inn I ohnlrmuti at tho hond of arrangement. Clnrunco lloyd mid Minn floiiovlero Ourrlnh, liotli of thin city, wuro nmr rlod yuNturday evening at tho Moth odlnl parsonage; llov, J, IMgar Pur dy, pntor of thu church, officiating II. .McDonald, for Hovoral months pant dlntrlct Kama warden for Cen tral Oregon, In leaving tonight for Kcattln, whuro ho will begin hln Proshmnn year at tho Unlvornlty of Washington. Under tho minplooH of tho I)os chiiton county llhrary hoard a Hal lowe'en masquerade dauco will ho given at thu gymnasium on tho eve nliiK of Octohur .10, It whh announcud today. Further diitulln will ho madu pithllc latur. Ilcdlfer urn now on nn auto honey moon trip to Kniioburg hy way of Crator lakn, Saturday Minn Janluco Simpson In spending tho day In Portland. Paul Irvluo, lioml of tho Ilodmond nchooln, wan a vlnltnr In Hond today. 13. L. Clark, I. H. cotumlalHonor at Ln Pino, wan ItItnud thin morning. Fuim.f liul'HInlohnri Ih In Tipton, Ind., on business connected with tho completion of tho now Catholic lion Pltal. It. 0. Iloylan, dlntrlct attnrnoy of Jefferson county, accompanied hy hln family, In In tho city today from hln homo In Mndrnn. Miss Adollni) Dlolrlch, Minn Dor othy OUh and MIhu Ellon 0, Andor- Hou, Imitriictorn In thu Jlcdmoml schools, niont tho day Ju Ilcnd. Cyolf CurnolltiiMuii, imnlHlunt noc rotnry at tho V. M. 0. A., will lotivo llond Tiii'udiiy iilcht for Kiikouo, whom ho will nttond (ho Unlvornlty of Orocoii, J. Alton Thompnon, iiccompanlod hy hln daiiKhtor, Mary, loft thin morn Iiik hy auto for Corvallln, whuro MIhh TliompHon will untor tho OruKon A: rlciillural coIIoko. William Ardory or Connull Ilron. Co., Importurn and uxportorn, leaven toulKht for Koattlo nftnr lunpoctliifc dowii from Ahordoon Innt wook and nro vImIIIiik Mrn. Kolcutim'rt Hlntorn, Mrn, tloiio Ackloy mid Dora IJIIIott, of thl i city, Mrn. JCotchiim wan Minn Wlnlfrud Klllott hoforo hor innrrlaco In July. Mho vlnllod horo hint win tor mid linn a ntimhor of frloiidn In Hand. Thursday Minn Carol lloyd will nttond O. A. (J. thlH fall, Walknr llunwoll of Portland In vIh Itlm: In llond today. Mra, 11. K. Hrookn mid hor mother, Mrn. Do wiih, wero panHcini;orfl ou tho morulni: train for Portland, A ciiohI thin wuok at tho homp of Mrn. Maurlcu Murphy of thin city In Mrn, Hllva of Hoatllu, Mm, Murphy'n mvjhor. MIhh JuiiiiIu Korcou nnd MIhh Corn Dick will luavo for CorvalllH tomor row iilcht, whom thoy will attend tho Ori'itou AKrlculttiral coIIoko. Mm. OoorKU Htaploton, who han hoon vlnlllni; hor pamtitn, Mr. nnd Mrn, J. A. KiihIi'H, loavon tomorrow nlKht for hor homo In Douvor. K, II, Challucu, formerly of Hond, linn ruluriiud to thin city nftor n yoar'n nbnencc. Ho will ho employed hy tho JJrookn-Bcanloii Lumhor Co. Work In proKruHHlnt; rapidly In fin IhIiIiik tho Inturlor of tho now Down ing bulldlw; mid thu Downing enfo will movu In within hovcii dayn more, Its owner expoctn, William Williams, Calvin fimlth, Lo Itoy Coynor nnd Italph Hmick will lnavo tonight for Corvallln, whuro they will enter tho Htnto agri cultural coIIoko. II. K. Duncan, flold rcprcnontntlvo of tho Iudiintrlnl Y. M. C. A., arrived In llond thin morning and will at- tlwt ..n.il.tfi.iv,. (I...1...M 1...I.II..H. I.. .I...I .,",. . ; ',. . ',u,u",h" " l" lm! n meothiK of the dlrcclorn of 1.11111 ut jiuuu, mr. yiruory ux procnod hlmaolf nn particularly Im prcBHod with tho dovolopmout innilo hy llond nlnco 101C, whoij ho made hln IiihI vIhIi hero. Friday A. W. Lewi of Silver Lako nrrlvod In Iloud hint night nnd In remaining over today. JnmuN W. Flnhor. prominent Shnn Iko nlockmnn, In a huiluona vlnltor In tho city today. W. H. lIornlhrookTodltor nnd ptih llnhor of the loading dully In Vnn couvor, Wnnh.. In npundliiK n fow dnyn' vacation In Iloud. W. C Illrdnull ruluriiud thin morn ing from n trip to Vancouver, II. C, whom ho vlaltcd P. It. Ilrookn, own er of the Pilot Ilutto Inn, Mr and Mm. J. A. Kctchum drove tho iiHKoclatlon thin evening. Memhorn of thu Ladlen' guild of tho Kplncopnl church mid their frlondn are Invited to meet with Mrn. A. F, LnrHon, 321 Drake road, from 2 to C o'clock Friday nfternoon. Chrln Rclinahol of Antorln, chnlr mnn of tho commercial fish branch of tho ntnto flah mid gamo commln Mlon, accompanied by hln non, Paul, nnd Carl D. Hhoemakor, nocrotary of the branch and Jumen McCool of tlui Portland Nown, arrived In Ilcnd Innt night from Klamath Falls and loft thin morning for Portland. fitato or Ohio, City of Toledo, Lu cm County m. Frank J. Cheney mnken oath that ho In no n I or pnrtnor of tho firm of i F. J. Chouoy & Co, doing bunlnciut In tho City of Toledo, county nnd ntnto nforennld, and that Raid firm will pay the ntim of ONK HCNDUKD Monday Mr. mid Mrn. Ilomor Thnmnn of Mllllcnn nro spondliig tho day In llond. Alien Wllroxou whh In tlm city thin morning from the foront irrvlro rond camp beyond Kile lako ' Kov, and Mm. Carl C, Walker of MndriiH woro In llond today ou tholr way homo after npendluir mi outing at CroHcent lako. CharloH W. Kmkluo will Iimvo to night iih delegate to tho national American I.eglou convention nt Cleveland, A marriage llconno, iHstied from tho offlco of tho county clork thin morning, nanioH Qeorgo W. O'.N'oll mid Nelllo Jonoa, both of thin city. Clnronco A. lloyd nnd MIhh Ooiio vlovo florrlnh nro tho prluclpnln named In a mnrrlngo llconno IkhuoiI from tho comity clerk'H offlco today, ' Mr. nnd Mrn. a. lfl. Vonchum havo roturnod to llond 'from Bonttlo, whoro thoy nttondod tho funornl of tholr llt tlo QrandBon, Clifton Y. McCulHton, Hon of Mr. mid Mrn. W. C. McCuIh ton, Sorvlcos woro hold Friday nt fho homo of Mm, McCulnton'H sinter, Mrn. 0. W. Moyom, J, ChOHloy Hodlfor nnd Miss Maliol O, Doty, both of Hodmond, woro niar rlpd Saturday availing nt tho Math odlHt pnrfloniigo hy Ilov. J, Edgar Purdy lit tho proBonco of tho parontn of both tho brldo mid tho groom. Mrs. Hodlfor was formerly oniplnyod nn cashier In Tho Ilulletln offlco and hr husband Is ongngod In tho truck busing la,llQdxuond.Mr..and Mrs. l55 Br "!3 TO 1 V A -Mr i DianKets 1 Comforters Bed Spreads Pillows Sheets Cases A full line 'of Bedding for your se lection. Let us supply your needs. 7,AMTnr.T.C;Wnnl. fnnov iilmMa finrl li, M colors $9.90, $11.45, $12.95, $M.75 Fresh New Assortments of Fine All Wool Blankets, Woolnap Blankets, Cotton Blankets and Comforters This is the opportune time to chooHc bedding needs for the colder weather that is coming, while our assortments arc complete. All wool Blankets to be had in blue, pink, tan or Grey Plaids, nicely finished, priced from $15.75 to $23.50 Wool mixed Plaid Blankets in large block and plaid patterns, sizes GGx78 to 70x80 inches, priced from $9.75 to $13.75 Comforters here you will find assortments larger and prices lower by comparison of similar qualities. Silk Covered Com forters, special at $12.50 Others at $-1.35 to $7.95 Wool Fabrics That Are Much in Demand. That they are here at attractive prices will inter est every woman planning fall apparel. The New 56 inch Wool Plaids in colors which lend themselves especially to pleating at, yard $6.95 Men's Wear Serge, 56 inches wide, in navy blue, at, per yard $6.50 and $7.25 Tricotine, a firm exquisite weare, in navy color, at, per yard .$6.50 Navy Blue Storm Serge, good quality, yd $3.25 In Our Ready-to-Wear Section.' Each express brings us new Dresses, Suits and Coats from New York's leading makers. We in vite inspection of our offerings whether you purchase here or not. Suits from , $37.50 to $62.50 Coats from '. $18.75 to $67.50 Dresses from $19.75 to $77.50 Always Something New at w li 1 P5SSSSTO s DOLI.AHS for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho uso of HALL'S 'CATA 1UUI MKDICINK. FIIAXK J. CHENEY. Sworn' to and nubxcrlbod In my prenonco. this Cth day of December, A. I). 188C. (Seal) A. W, Oleason, Notary Pub lic. HALL'S GATARim MEDICINE Is taken Internally and acts through i tho blood on the mucous surfaces of tho system. Druggists, 7Gc. Testimonials freo. P. J. Choney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Adv. SPARKS LAKE FOREST ROAD ENDED TODAY (Continued from page 1.) COTTON BLANKETS $3.75, $3.98, $L75. Plain colors $2.98, WOOL-FINISH BLANKETS $6.45, $6.95 m COMFORTSAn excellent assortment 3.98, 7M $4.98, $5.95, $7.50, $8.95, $11.50. BED SPREADS Fine, clean, white goods, ready for use; large sizes $2.75, $3.50, $5.00, $6.90, $7.50. explosive, employed in removing stumps and liugo bowldors of bas alt from tho earth. Tho Sparks lako road, beginning nt Hond, reaches Lost lako not to bo confusod with tho similarly named body of water near Mt. Hood at tho end of u 2S-mllo climb, borders Sparks lako throo miles farther on, and touches Devil's lako after another mllo. From hero a flvo-mllo Jaunt brings the tourist to Elk lako, famed ns tho Mecca ot all anglers who visit Central Ore gon. From Elk lake, it tho time is short, tho motorist drives on, tak ing the left-hand forks ot tho road to connect with Tho Dalloa-Callfor-nla highway at Harper, 20 miles south of Hond. Joins Longer Loup. For thoso who havo opportunity rejoins Tho Dalles-California high way at Paulina Prairla, 25 miles south of Bend. Tho cntlro doublo loop trip approximates 1C0 miles and can bo made In ono day, but tho vacationist would do well to sched ule his Journoy In months instead. lAttty IVnks Near Jtoarf. imong notoworthy scenic fea- for a longer trip, however, the road i turoa to bo taken Into consideration below Elk lako connects with a still In the first part of tho trip is Soda largor loop. Crano Prairie, a vast platoau meadow .throaded by tho Deschutes, Is 14 mllos from tho lako, and two other bodlos ot water, Dig and Llttlo Lava lakes, are passed on tho way. Doth havo boon in good roputo among anglers during tho past season. This is tho starting point ot tho second loop, which Includes Twin lakes. Davis lake, with a side trip to Dig and Llttlo Cultus lakes, Odell lako and Crescent lake. From Odell, tho tourist may go on to Diamond and Crator lakes, or ho may start on his return trip, motoring through tho town of Croscont, and then to La Pino. From horo another new ly completed forest road leads to East and Paulina lakes in tho Nowberry crator, 20 miles distant, and another road from tho crater springs, a fountain ot natural soda. a milo and a half from Lost lako, while mountaineers who roako tho tour will find tho scaling of Bach olor, Tumalo, Broken Top and tho South Sister of interest. Tho re spective Heights of tho four peaks aro 9040. S050, 9000 and 10,254 feot, and tho great North glaclor, on the last named mountain Is ono ot the largest bodies of Ico in tho Cascades. Green lakes nt tho foot of the Sister, offers a chance for skating in mid-July and Is consid ered tho most beautiful group of glacial lakes on the eastern sido ot tho Cascades. On tho reeky cliffs bordering Devil's lake, an excellent ly preserved specimen of Indian plc turo writing la to bo seen. Put it In Tho Ilulletln. PILLOWS Feather qualities Pillows in guaranteed $1.75, $2.45, $3.45 SHEETS Best grades, 81x90 $2.75 CASES Wearwell quality 65c, 69c For Bedding, It's Economy to Shop at WARNER'S 3GKeLXIS(' ffl THE HUB BEND'S NEW STORE WILL OPEN Friday Morning, Sept. 24 ,Ve will curry Ladies' nnd Children's Shoes, Men's Dress - .' and Work Shoes, Men's Furnishings and Work Clothes. , We Save You Money A WORKINGMAN'S PLACE TO BUY THE HUB 1039 Bond St.