The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 23, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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The Bend Bulletin
(Weekly KdMon)
Published Br
Established 11)02.
An Independent nowspnper standing
for tho Btjunro donl, clenn business,
elonn politics nnd tho best Interests
of Bond nnd Central Oregon.
Ono yenr - 12.00
Six months - 1.00
Threo months .50
.Instances of n. inlsundcrstnndlnK of
tho results to bo expected from tho
paBsngo of tho four nnd five per cent
Interest rnto bill brought out by Mr.
Gollohur nt tho Commercial club
meeting yesterday bIiow whnt wide
spread Ignornnco exists on tho sub
ject. To tho person who Is not ac
quainted with business affairs, tho
Idea of such law appeals nt onco.
Being told that Interest rates nro to
bo fixed by law nt four nnd flvo per
cent, ho says, 'Thnt Is good. It will
bo much better If Intorest rates nro
lowered," but In saying this ho ns
numos that money will continue to
bo loaned as before, tho only differ
ence bolng in tho Intorest rnto. Here,
of course, ho is mistaken. If tho
measure should pass, loans inn do
thereafter would have to bo at tho
rates fixed. Tho point Is that loans
would not hare to be made, nnd, with
InTestmont opportunities of every
kind in other states whero no such
limit is placed on Interest rntot.
the'ro would bo no loans in Oregon at
From tho newspaper viewpoint
special Interest attaches to ono por
tion of Mr. Gollehur's remarks. Af
ter saying that the nowspapers of the
Btnto had already taken up the tight
against tho interest measure, ho
pointed out that it was not fair to
expect them to wage the battlo alone,
and this will appeal to all ns abso
lutely correct. Tho newspaper is ex
pected to tako tho lead in matters
pertaining to tho public welfare, but,
at tho samo time. It has n right to ex
pect that it will be supported and up
held In Its work.
Fortunately, the newspapers of
Bend havo always received hearty
support, nnd they will undoubtedly
c ntlnuo to reccivo it.
they romnln to tell another story to u
different rnco.
Of tho flvo different spots whoro
tho plcturo writing Is found, tho
most ncccsslhlo to Bond is just oft
tho Tumnlo road and near tho town
of Tumnlo. Hero n sluglo rock
shows pictures apparently intondod
to represent n man, tho sun nnd a
horse. On tho rock slldo that bord
ers tho newly opened road botwoon
Sparks ami Dovil's lakes thoro nro as
many as sovon different sots of pic
turds, nnd on tho trail from Tumnlo
creek to Tumnlo lake thoro Is a
stono with two characters on It.
Moro extonstvo and elnhornto
drawings than nny of theso are
found, wo nro told, mi a largo rock
on tho old Prlnovillo road from tho
'Mllllonn valley, nnd on rocks In n
canyon on the east slda of Tumnlo
creek, threo or four miles from town.
Possibly thoro nro others of which
somcotio will now tell us and possib
ly thoro Is still someouo hero who
enn say what tho Blgns mean. Wo
trust this may bo so.
Whether or not wo loam what tho
signs moan, sentiment for their pres
ervation should bo dovoloned. Van
dals havo marked over them in some
places and there Is always a possi
bility that they will bo destroyed,
which would bo moit unfortunate
for whatever Is of Interest In our out
of door country should bo zealously
A nows Item from Corvallls says
that at least 12 of tho school of for
estry graduates In tho last three
years are now pulling down salaries
ranging from $2500 to $4000 In tho
logging industry. Hero is' pretty
good evidenco of tho valuo of an ed
ucation. If nny high school grad
uate, or others qunliflcd, are hesitat
ing between college and a job, here
is a littlo fact thnt should help them
to reach a decision.
may bo relied upon to produce a correct figure and afford ease
and comfort at all times.
There is much to be known about
the choosing of a Corset
in order that it might give the greatest satisfaction. Tho R. &
G. Corsets is made in many dilVerent models, ono for every figure.
That Is Why They Give Satisfaction
It Is always a groat ploiiHiirtv to us to alii you In rhuoslriK ft corset millphlo
to your tlguro It. (1 OirnotH nro mndo of lovoly wuhIiiiIiIo mutoilali, plain or
brocaded in white mid plulc, at
$1.75 to $6.00
I Fifteen Years .Ago L
r i
Here are Coats with a decided air and smartness, models
which will appeal to women who appreciate ultra-stylish
apparel at moderate prices.
Coats of Wool Materials, $15.00 to $65.00
Plush Coats at $22.00 to $125.00
a BCND.ooecoN
Facts recently brought t,o tho nt
tentlon of the public concerning the
condition of the lumber Industry of
the Northwest as a result of the re
cent Increase In freight rates servo
to bring Into clear relief Bend's good
fortuno in tho lumber companies op
erating here. They suggest, also,
tho Importance of giving any aid pos-
slblo looking toward a change in
theso rates.
Not only In Bend, but all over the
Northwest, lumber operations are be
ing curtailed because of the slacken
ing in orders noticeable since the new
freight rates went Into effect. For
tho week ending September 11, the
West Coast Lumbermen's association
reports only 782 cars of new busi
ness for rail delivery, a flguro 1500
cars below normal and 1000 cars
short of tho average for weekly new
business Immediately prior to the ef
fective date of -the emergency freight
rate increase. As a result mills ate
'down." At La Grande, wo under
stand, tho mills cutting tho samo tim
ber as in Bend, are shut down. Hero
wo have seen ono shift at n local mill
discontinued. Nevertheless, and in
Bpite of slack business, there is no
suggestion of n shutdown here, and
undoubtedly there will be none, un
less so little lumber Is moved that
yard capacity is exhausted.
Companies that can, and will, con
tinue to operate under such adverso
conditions are a big asgoj to a com
munity, and that is why we say Bend
Is fortunate. Most of our eggs are in
one bnBket, however, and if tho busi
ness interests of the town can do
anything to help keep them safe it
ehould bo dono.
(From the columns of Tho Bulletin
of September 22, 1905.)
J. H. O'Nell has alfalfa In' his
garden In Bend that stand 55 Inch
es tall upon a root that does not
penetrate moro than six inches into
tho ground.
W. P. Vandevert and family loft
Bend Wednesday morning to drlvo
across tho mountains to Salem,
whero tho two elder children will
attend Willamette university.
Yesterday morning W. A. Hunt,
A. J. Hartcr, Georgo Long, J. C.
Thorpe. Fred Wallace, F. E. Dayton
and others rodo out to tho gulch at
tho foot of Broken Top, their trip
prompted by a report that gold In
paying quantities had been found
by prospectorii.
S. C. Caldwell has roturned from
Albany, bringing hIS wife and four
E. A. Sathor of tho Pino Tree
store is building a storehouse at tho
rear of his establishment.
State Engineer Lewis Is making
an examination of tho Irrigation
works of tho Deschutes valley,
more particularly. the works of tho
D.. & I. P. Co... upon which tho
company bases its application for a
W. H .Staats and family are ex
pected back from the Wlllametto
valley about the first of next month.
C. B. Allen and family will soon
movo Into town from tho Meadows.
Ono of tho curious and Interesting
things of this Central Oregon coun
try of which, wo believe, no men
tion has over boon made is the sign,
or plcturo, writing to bo fouud on
rock faces In various sections. Rel
ics of a distant past, what they all
mean or under what circumstances
they wero drawn on tho rocks is a
mystery. To those, however, whoso
minds travel back over tho years
when tho country was Inhabited only
by Indians, they aro sources of nover
oiidlng speculation and wonder.
Equally mystifying aro tho meth
ods used by tho Indians in making
those drawings and tho material em
ployed. As seen today they aro of a
dull red color, faded somowhat, but
in most cases othqrwlso unaffected
by tho action of tho weather. The
mawftffc tbpy wero intended tp tell
have "long efnco been delivered," but
Wyomlnn Teacher Aaks for Pictures
of Different Breeds and Types
of Animals.
Times have changed. Tho sequel
of the Incident. Mary hud a tittle
lurnb, which wyj turned out of school,
etc.. ifj the ilchlre of 'it Wyoming school,
toucher to display In tho Nchoolliouxa
fntmed pictures of uell-hred nuluinls,
fn a rcfipst to the United States de
partment of agriculture a tciieher In
Fremont 'county. Wyo has nsked for
and will receive at the cost of the
prints iipprotcd photographs of the
different breeds nnd types of horses,
cattle, lingH, fcheep, and poultry.
The display of such pictures on
schoolroom walls will do much, It Is
believed, to encourage the keeping nnd
breeding of well-bred htock In the
Animals With Bad Udders or Broken
Mouths Should Be Discarded Be-
fore Breeding Season.
Ewes that havo had uddors or brok
en mouths, or ewes that Imvo pre
viously fnlled to breed, will make no
money nnd have no pluro In tho breed
ing (lock. It is a sign of poor man
agement where they are not marked
that they may lie Identified and thrown
out beforo tho Irvedlng season. Bouio
times tho end of u tent Is clipped off
in cheating, the shearer neglects to
mention If, and unless n cloio Inspec
tion Is made before breeding the own
er known nothing about It until lamb
ing time. Such details do not escape
the successful shepherd.
As in everything else Henry Ford leads the
Nation in the breaking of prohibitive prices.
The telegram appearing in this advertisement is a repro
duction of the wire received by us from Ford Motor Sales
Dept. at Detroit, announcing the greatest reduction in the
price of Ford Cars since before the war. This is the only
product of any consequence that has had a substantial re
duction in price.
mi tr utoi miiho
orttfmm IM uixxttU
OrORfll W, ATKINt,riTV-atlOT
Twu uir
Cod cli. folio la t nwii, ubct to llu ttrm
a back butof, Ulcb ui htnbj t i W
16po k 188 N L
Portland, Or., Sept. 21, 1920
Cent-Ore Motor Co., Bend, Ore.
Telegram from Detroit gives following pricoa F. 0. B.'
Detroit which become effective Vednesday, September twenty
second: Touring Car with starter five hundred ten dollars, .
Runabout with starter four hundred sixty-five dollars, Chassis,
three hundred forty-five dollars, Sedan with starter and de
mountable rims, seven hundred ninety-five dollars, Truck with
pneumatic tires, five hundred forty-five dollars, Tractor
seven hundred ninety dollars. All Ford cars in transit or in
hands of dealers at this date will take same ratio.
Motor Sales Sept. Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich.
i .
W i
Cent-Ore Motor Co.
Bend, Oregon
hi ' ' i ir