kv BRNO BUIiMCTIN, I1KNI. OIUCGON, THURSDAY, eRPTRMnflU SB, 1020 PACK 8 v) fmatmKuwaiimmwBw'tnwnmmmwnnvRjmmtajaH!mtitRttwumuaiauii!titt!iiti: What's Doing In The Country tirawtma!mitnnitmKnnn!a:iiai;iii:i!i!itmnnmiiRiini:ttmicgg!Kiii::iiiahmi:in:n:i:ttm::i:t HAYING PROGRESSING AT PLEASANT RIDGE PLEASANT niDQE. Sopt. 22. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. 11. Hutchlns nnd baby, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Itoborts nnd Bon, alcn, wero Ucdiuond vis Itors Saturday evening. Alfred Mikkolson nnd Oswald Pedorscn wont to Redmond Satur day. Wnldemar Potorson of Bond Is helping O. E. Anderson during hay ing. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Rcbhoff of Redmond wero callers nt tho Hutch Ins homo Friday evening. J. W. Caboen of Redmond enmo down Friday morning to spond a day or two on bis ranch horo. Calvin Winnlnghnm Is working for Antono Ahlstrom during hay ing. "W. B. Hutchtns Is bavlng n houso built on bis place. Gcorgo Roberts, Mr. Hutchlns' father-in-law. Is doing tho work. Mrs. O. E. Anderson returned Friday morning from n trip to Portland nnd up Into Western Washington, whero sho went to visit her mother. J. E. Williams of Prlnovllle, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Perma Marken, wcro callers in this vicin ity Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanson of Tumalo visited Mrs. Hanson's sis ter, Mrs. J. W. Peterson, Sunday. Boyd Berry of Bend is working for Rasmus Peterson. W. B. Hutchlns and Glen Roberts nro helping Earl Wood put up his hay. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson were shopping In Bend Saturday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Holton of Deschutes were callers In this neigh borhood Thursday. DESERT SCHOOLS TO HAVE TEACHERS SOON Instructors Retained For Milllcnu nntl Hempstead Vnllejs- llrothers Pupil Must Go To Crook. SPENT 7 MONTHS IN BED, HE SAYS I Believe Tmilao Himtl .My Life," Kind's GcorKO Hiwtlnjrs. Two moro of Deschutes county's vacant scboolu wero provided with teachers Mondny, when Miss Pearl Dutt roported for duty In tho Mll llcan district and Mrs. Clara McKln- ley opened tho Hompsted Valley school. At Brothers, whero the student body numbers one, no teacher has been secured, nnd It Is probablo that tho sanio policy will bo followed as that adopted last year, when tho ono boy was sent to tho district adjoining In Crook county, his home district paying his board and allowing his parents a fixed sum for transporting tho youngster to nnd from Crook county, tho entlro expense amount ing to more than is required to send tho averago young man through college. EAST LAKE TROUT TASTE OF SULPHUR Flh Fettling Too Close To Hot Mineral Spring Become Unlit For Food, Anglers Report. . HUNTERS FAIL TO GET BIGGEST BEAR Dogs Unable To Hold Brain, Cobb Reports General Purposes nunt Will Start On Thursday. The biggest bear of the wholo Paulina mountain ursine tribe proved too much for the dogs to handle Mon day and Irvln S. Cobb, Dr. Dudley Roberts and the Bend friends who are helping Mr. Cobb In his quest for quiet came in Monday without the fourth pelt, Mr. Cobb explained on Tuesday. The party remained In Bend through Wednesday and on Thursday started for the head of the Metolius, where they will stay for 3C hours. Another brief visit to Bend and they will go to the Watson ranch at the headwaters of Crooked river, and from there toward Burns, intend ing to bo gono for approximately 10 days. "It will be a general purposes hunt," Mr. Cobb declared this morn ing. "There will be nothing too largo or too small for us to shoot, but wo will make a specialty of jack rabbit slaughter.'! LA PINE-EAST LAKE ROAD IS COMPLETED Trout, with meat strongly Impreg nated with sulphur, nro nn oddity which anglers at East lake have been occasionally finding recently. The sulphur hot springs nt ono end of tho lako are the reason. Trout, feeding among tho weeds soaked with tho sulphur water, develop so strong a taste as to bo virtually unfit for food. Only a small percentage of fish caught havo been In this con dition, those feeding In tho other end of the lako being without odor. A. L. DODD NAMED FOR AGENT'S POSITION Tho new 20-mile road, providing a straight route from La Pine to East lake, is completed nnd tho crew of roadbullders was laid off Friday Forest Supervisor Plumb thnt wornlnc on his return from a F. E. Studebaker, freight and pas senger agent in Bend for both tho O.- W. R. & N. and the Oregon Trunk, who resigned recently to accept' a po sition as traveling freight and pas senger agent for tho O.-W. for Cen tral Oregon, succeeding S. L. Wig gins, has been relieved at his local work by A. L. Dodd, who comes td Bend from Lyle, WaBh. Mr. Stude baker will report at O.-W. headquar ters In Portland for instructions. R. C. Little and George Burl, au ditors, respectively, for the S. P. & S. and U. P. systems, were In Bond Tuesday checking over the retiring agent's accounts before turning his books over to Mr. Dodd. METHODIST CHURCH LETS NEW CONTRACT The contract for tho construction reporte'djof the basement wall of tho new Methodist church has been let to a. tour of inspection of the various dis-jE. Freiburg and work will start at trlcts of the forest. Fourteen miles of the new road was built by the people of La Pine, tho rest being constructed by the forest service. once, It was stated Friday by Rev J. Edgard Purdy, nastor of the church. At the present rate of con struction, Itev. Purdy hopes that the roof can be started by Christmas. & EVERYTHING THAT IS BIG HAS HAD ITS SMALL BEGINNING At Bomo time the largo fortuuo wuh small, but it grow. Your fortune may bo now In Its Infancy; you may not have moro than n dollar that doesn't need to be spent at once for soma necessity. But put that dollar uway, in a safe place; let it draw Interest; by and by put another dollar with it, and then another nnd anothor. Like a child your fortuno will grow steadily, surely. In time, what you havo put aside, udded to what jour savings huvo ourncd, will amount to enough to inako a good Investment. You huvo mado tho beginning of your fortune. H bend CENTRAL OREGON BANK OREGON "If I hnd only ono dollar loft In tho world, I would spond It for n bottlo of Tnnlar," said George 0. Hastings, who resides nt 86 Doll streot, Soattlo, Wash. Mr. HastliiKn has resided In Soattlo 38 yearn. Con tinuing, ho said: "Along nbout tho first of tho year I begnn to suffer from n dreadful stomach trouble, I would havo such pains I could bo heard hollorlng a city block. I had n vory poor appo tlto, nnd what llttlo I did manage to force down would sour nnd ferment and I would bloat somothlng awful, nnd I also bad pains In my chest nnd logs. I could not retain n thing I nto nnd Just the sight of food would cnuso mo to becomo terribly nauseat ed. I becntuo to weak and dltzy I could not stnud without stnggorlng. nnd If I tried to walk a few steps I would fall down. I finally had to glvo up and go to bod nnd was down for seven months. I was very nerv ous nnd would not sloop a wink for night nftor night. I wns in such misery and I lost wolght until I was nothing but akin and bones. Everybody thought I was going to dlo nnd I wns told I could not live very long, nnd I thought so, too. I tried all sorts of treatments nnd medicines, but nono of them did mo a particle of good. "My friends, several of whom woro G. A. It. veterans, said: 'George, try Tanlac, because it has helped so many of us.' nnd as I had also rend so much In tho nowapapors nbout tho good It wns doing others, I decided to take their advice. I got my son tnj bring mo n bottlo. well, sir. talk nbout a life-saver! As soon as I be gan taking Tanlac I could see n chango for the better In my condi tion, nnd nftcr I hnd finished my sec ond bottlo I got out of bod and have been up over since, and tho 'pains havo all completely left me. I have a flno nppotito now nnd can eat any thing I want without suffering nny bad nftor effects. I begnn to pick up nnd regnln my lost weight nnd feel liko a now man. I never havo a diz zy spoil and I wnlk all n round town ns well as I ever did. I firmly bo llevo Tanlac saved my life, nnd will always pralso It, and nnyono wishing to find out nny moro nbout what It did for mo can either wrlto or cnll on me, and I will bo only too glad to tell thorn." Tanlac Is sold In Bend by the Owl Drug Co., In Slstors by George F. Altken, and In Bend by tho Horton Drug Co. BASS WILL BE PLANTED SOON EAHTKRX FISH HUNT TO UHN1I AM) WIMi UK PLAUICI) IN MU IjAki: wiiKiu: no trout will UK HUIMKCT TO ATTACKS. RAPID PROGRESS IS SHOWN BY SWIMMERS Wntcr Carnival at V. M. C. A. Mado OcchnIoii For Hnrigo l'rcHurilnflon Life Saving Is Drmonstrnteil. Tho first bass over planted In Con trnl Oregon waters will bosunt out within tho next two or three days, Pearl Lyuos, Rttpurlntumlent of tho Tumalo hatchery, has announced, following tho receipt or 10,000 fish of assorted sizes from tho western part of tho stnto Tuesday. Tho bass nro of tho "big mouth" variety nnd wero brought to Head by T. J. Crnlg, for many years In tho umploy of tho stnto fish and gnmo commis sion. According to prosout plans the fish lll bo taken to Mud lake, somo 34 miles from Bond, whoru conditions nro declared by exports to bo Idonl for tho bass. Anothor feature being considered is thnt tho lake Is land locked nnd tho rapacity of tho east ern fish makes It Imperative that they should havo no opportunity to mako wnr on trout fry. In nddltlon to tho bass, Mr. Lynes now has approximately z.uuo.uuu trout loft nt tho hntchory to bo dis tributed in lakes and streams throughout Central Oregon. "Just Between You and Me" says the Good Judge Hero's genuine chewing stitidf notion for you, hook ed up with renl economy. A small chew of this cliiss of tobneco lasts much long er than u big chew of tho ordinnry kind that's be cause the) full, rich, renl tobneco taste lasts so long. Any num who uses the Renl Tobneco Chew will tell you thnt. Put ufi in two styles W-B CUT is n long fine-cut tobneco RIGHT CUT is n short-cut tobneco wswixsmm should be provided and nmsls above them, lids makes it winy to rvmmo the dropidntr cadi morning and helps greatly to keep tho hnusv fn-v from objectionable odors, A little sand sprinkled on the dropping boards af ter onch cleaning will mako tho clean ing ensler. HOMEMADE HOPPER IS HANDY r POULTRY . FLOCKS FOOD PRODUCTS FROM FOWLS Dofore a largo crowd, Y. M. C A. swimmers put on tholr long-heralded wntcr carnival-nt tho plungo Friday night and tho presentation of swim mers' and beginners' badges was mado by Key. J. Edgar Purdy. Ho commented especially on the rapid progress mado by tho boys during tho shord period in which the club has been organized. Ono of the most Interesting events, of tho entire program was the duck hunt, four boys at a time being per mitted In the tank, whero tho duck swam, dived nnd half flow over tho water. Thirty endeavored to cap turo tho bird boforo Ralph Haner was finally successful, receiving tho duck Us tho prize. A comedy cos tume event was another enjoyable featuro of tho evening. Tho program of contests was as follows, with entrants placing in the order named: Twonty-yard handi cap, E. Taylor; diving competition, Todd, McKay, Ralph Haner; CO-yard handicap, M. Meaghor, Todd nnd Dlrdsall; egg-rnco, Duncan McKay; under-water swim, Todd (90 foot), Homer Eporson (CO foot); relay, Cot tlngham and Meaghor; water polo, won by Qolden's team. An Interesting life-saving demon stration was put on by It. llloom, Todd, Cottlngham, Rhoadcs and Hex berg. They demonstrated tho flvo best methods of roscue, and the five methods of releaso, giving the exhi bition both on land nnd wator. On Average Farm Poultry Furnlth About 10 Per Cent of Meat for Famhy Uie. A I a rice proportion of the poultry product of this country nre produced on general farms. Nearly every farm has Its poultry Hock. The average American fanner reserves about three dozen eves a week for family use and nbout CO fowls ure consumed by tho family during tho year. These food products can bo secured nbiolutely fresh, which considerably enhances the value of this contribution from tho farm, says the United State depart ment of ngrleulture. Of the meat fur nished by the farm to the operator and his family, poultry constitutes about 10 per cent. A small Hock of poultry can bo kept on the farm nt llttlo cost. Tho fowls And sniftered grain nbout the farm stead nnd on the ndjolnlng grnln fields after harvest, (inrden rofUMo anil kitchen wusto are uunlly available for them. They nlso feed on Insect nnd worm. In ninny cnties tho farm er's wife nnd children Hnd pleusuru In curing for the Hock. mimmi KWA B3Safi Outlier the eggs twice dally, ' Market the eggs ut least twice a week. Keep tho una In a cool, dry room or cellar. As food thorn Is nothing hotter to supply protein and mineral matter thnn Cfc'Br. ' Trees with good-sized lops nnd out In Uie open fco that air may circulate freely about them, ure u tired linn's Iden of paradise. Fix up somo open sheds if you cannot have trees. Fut it In. The Bulletin. STEW OR SELL ALL ROOSTERS Male Olrd Does Not Aid In Produc tion of Eggs and Should De Dis posed Of In Summer. Fnnnrrs loo many million of dol lars annually from hnd method of producing and handling eggs. Much of this Ions, Is preventable, because It Is duo to the partial hutching of fer tile eggs, which have been nllnwed to becomo wnrm enough to begin to Incubnte. You can help save tho loss duo to blood rings by keeping the male bird from your Hock ufter tho hntchlug season. Is over. The ronwter does not help tho hens to Iny. He merely fertilizes tho germ of the egg. Tho fertile germ In hot wenther quickly becomes u blood ring, which spoils tho egg for food nnd market. Hummer heat has the same I BE?!SH Hens Not Running With Rootter Pro. duce Best Eggo for Market and Preservation. effect on fertile eugs us tho hen or. Incubator, After tho hntrhliig season Is over, cook, sell, or pun your rooster. Your hens not running with n male bird will produce Infertile eggs quality eggs that keep host and market best.- United States Department of Agrlcul CLEAN CONDITION OF FLOCK Boards Under Roosts Mako It Easy to Remove Droppings Dally Little Sand Helps. To keep the flock In n clean nnd sanitary, condition dropping, boards Joint of Stovepipe and Wooden Box Make Convenient Device for Feeding Dry Maih. An easy wny to make n hopper for feeding dry mnsh to poultry Is with Joint of stovepipe nnd a wooden box, 10x1(1x1 Inches. Set the box on tho Door ami hang the tnveplx fnuu tho roof so that it In nbout U Inch from the bottom of the box. Fill the plpo with the dry mash. It will feed down Into the box ns the chickens cat It out. Good Servant, Poor Matter. It Is well to hnve n hobby, says tfcn New York Medical Journal. It la wi to have n hobby which enn lm used as n fnlthful servant It Is well to hnre a hobby ns long ns you enn rldo It, but when It begins to rldo you It is better to look nbout for another stood. Peril In Iodine Fumes, Fume of todlne t.nrn recently been urged ns'ti method of ndmlnlstorlntf thnt ilme prrfcmhlo to Uie usual tinc ture It tins been shown by expert, tncnts that fumes nre absorbed through tho skin nnd whon Inhaled are absorbed by the lungs, but It Is shown nlso that Initiation la very dnugernus even In small quantities, espcclnlly when there la nny discos of tho respiratory pnssngrs. Determining Height of Mountain. Tho height of mountain Is ascer tained by bnrmnotrlc observation, bowing the pressure of ntmosphero at tho lower nnd higher lords. An limtnimenl cnllrd tho mountain barom rter Is grndiil mpeclnlly fur this pur pose. It can also tie done with a lev. rllne lumruiuent nnd theodolite, but either wuy requires trchulcnl knowledge And the Audience Smiled. A well-known statistician wna giving nine statements about a certain Indus, try nt n public, dinner. 'Theio am not my figure. Indie and gentlemen." ho nld. They nre the Hgure of a man who know want ho Is talking about." Synchronelty Married llfo will novcr be n com plete succeas until the baby nnd Its parent get sleepy ut tho miiio tlm. Uoton Transcript. Appropriate, In Krypt yellow-brown, the hue of the dead leaf, is worn a the emblem of mourning. four ebatra at your service at the Metropolitan. No walt!n Adv. aauiuua uuawaanmaianuiawnmi MmuuiwiTgnneiiiuumumiB BUTTER FAT! Snme price for Butter Fut f. o. b. IJcntl ns is paid f. o. b. Portland. Central Oregon Farmers Creamery kunminimmssgKmmioiMiunrnninnnn HHttnittiutniniictHnnKiH THE CONCRETE S-I-L-0 PERMANENT AS PYRAMIDS When you erect n Silo, you want n Silo that will stand the test of wind, rain, snow, frost nnd sun. In the Hollow Concrete Silo Block you obtain this feature, nnd besides u concrete block is absolutely (ire-proof. Will not warp when empty. No guy lines necessary. Eventually Concrete Why Not Now? For specifications, write to Concrete Pipe Co. BEND, OREGON Makers. of Culvert Pipe, Water Pipe, Irrigation Pipe, Building Blocks, Hollow Silo Blocks Well Curbing. jjjannisraratraJffiHFnnnnramtmmammiimimm J