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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1920)
$ WEEKLY EDITION 4' , BEND BULLETIN. ' T . . IIICNW, DKH0IIUTK8 COUNTY, OREGON, TIIL'IWIAY,HKirrKMIIKK III, 1IISII No. 2. VOI. XVIII ' . r v H V nHMMB inti A .' -, A- VALUATION OF PROPERTY IN COUNTY LESS $8,217,165 IS ASSESSOR'S TOTAL AUTOS ARE REMOVED Cutovrr fanil Taken From Timber ClnnolIUnlion, mill Smaller Niiiu- her of Iilviwtnck AinoftK ' nons llrnd Valuation Grow. Taxable property In Doichulos county, not Including public utilities, linn nn assessed valuation of 8,217.- 155 thin year, ns against 18,312,100 lit 1010, totnl Just complotod by County Assessor W. T. Mullarky ahow. Tho decrease ho attributes to thrco causos, tho fact that 20,400 ticro of culoror land lion been taken from the timber land classification, Ilia removal of ntitomoblloH from tho tax roll by stntuto, and tho lessoning of the number of bond of livestock In tho county. An to the Irmt named cause, bo considers losses during tbe record cold weather of lnt winter and sales by ranchers because of tho weakening market for wool anil moat na ilm undorlylnit reason. Tho do- croaio In tho change to cut ovor land classification I $103,248. The 1019 valuation placed on automobiles, which dooa not appear on the asses sor's rolls this year, was $129,020, while n docrouso of 121 hoad of horses, seven head of mules, 060 head of cattlo, 3440 head of sheep and Cll hoad of swlno represents a loss or $53,291. City Hlio'wi Inrrrmc. A brighter sldo Is seen In tho re port on city valuations, for In Ilend. although personal proporty has fnll- un from $293,320 to $200,210, duo to tho romovul of nulos, the total for this year Is $1,C89.736, whllo In 1819 It was $1,548,976. Ilend real es tate, Improved and unimproved, has n valuation of $1,323,525. us against $1,255,066 In 1010. Included In this last Item Is $023,770 for Improve moots on city realty. For 1919, tho samo classification bonded a total ot $617,010. In Hedmond, whoro outlying plat ted proporty has revorted to tho farm land classification, " and whoro tho purchase of tho fair grounds, slto and Its conscauont romoval from tho tax rolls has cut heavily Into tho total ot nssosscd city property, a docreano In totals from $337,905 last year to $370,350 nl tho prosont tlmo It not kI. Ot this, real proporty nmountcd to $108,765 last your and personal proporty, $130,015, whllo presont valuations for tho samo respoctlvo classos nra $172,085 and $103,306. Timber Inml Hetliirctl. Tho goneral recapitulation for tho county shows 48,758 acros of cultl voted land, $882,820; uncultivated, 105,060 acres, $585,400; non-tlll, ablo. 260,813, $618,030; tlmbor, 372,747 acres, $2,727,470; Improvo montn on land, $519,805. Lastyoar tho Imurovomonts on lands wore $500,400. Tho present valuation on till personnl proporty In tho county Is $1,300,180; city lota nro estimated at $022,120, and city lot improvomonta at $700,580. Among moro dotalled classifica tions, stationary engines nnd manu facturing machinery nro ratod nt $103,005, us against $52,075 last year. Merchandlsa and stocks In trado nro listed at $600,800, or $46, 110 hlghor than In 1010, nnd fnrm machinery Is $30,550, ns compnrod with $238,006 n year ago, Under this bond nutomoblloB woro formerly classified, Ilotol and office furnl turo amounted to $32,560 In 1010, u ml nro now glvon us $31,815, Monoy, notes nnd accounts total $6005, according to tho assessor's roport, ns compnrod with $30,445 in 1010. It tho Inst year's valuation of $545,107 on public utilities In tho county Is added to Mr. Mullnrky's otborwlso comploto figures tor this year, a totnl of $8,703,202 Is reached nBJnn approximation ot tho probable ngjensed valuation of ,nlj taxable property In Deschutes county at the' prevent time, ' EQUALIZATION HOARD FACING DULL MONTH No Complaints Miitln As Yet Hy 'l'nx- iii)CIk, Report AneHor, ihhI Mltlu llmtltio. In Expected Tbnt thu county board ot oqunllza tlon, which mot Monday nftornooii for ItH flmt nonnlon In 1820, will have llttlo or no business tq transact, win tho belief uxprossod by County Assessor W. T. Mullarky. Ho for, no complaint hnvo coino In asking for a chatiKo In valuation, and tho board, which U compood of the rouiity judge, tho clork and the as sessor, face a dull tlino of It during tho next 30 days, at tho and of which tliuo thoro will bo no moro possibility ot change, . LARGE GAIN IS SHOWN BY MAIL Ilocauso tho number of dally can cellations nt tho llond postofflco has Increased approximately 1000 In tho Inst yoar, nn Improvement In sorvlco, through tho Introduction of u cancel ling machine, Is being asked for by Postmaster II. Hudson. This would menu a gain of at least nn hour In distribution, ho states. Tho nversKn dally number of cancella tions hns grown from 2500 n year ago, to 3600 today, Mr. Hudson ro porls. Every Indication Is for con tinued growth, tho postmaster says. Auothor ovldnuco ot Increasing population Is scon In thu city deliv ery routes. Ono of these, routo No. 2, Including tho south end ot tho city and tho ontlro west side, nnd cover ing somo 12 miles, cannot now bo handled by ono carrlor, and two hours additional from a substltuto nro necessary .lu completing tho dis tribution. Itouto 1, comprising ino bBlnnco of tho city, keeps ono man bo busy that any additions would mean extra hours ot work. An tho result ot a recant ruling of tho Interstate commorco commission, tho railroads entering Bond will soon stop transferring mall matter to and from tho dopot, this duty devolving on tho postofflco. Hlds for messon- Kor sorvlca will bo received for fivo days, after which tho contract will bo lot ns quickly ns possible. Hitherto, tho local postottlco has had no mall transferring to tako enro of, ns Hood's tormlnni position placod this work upon tho railroads. MIGRATORY BIRD SEASON EARLIER Opening Dnto Is Changed In Hfato Ho As to Coincide Willi Hint Fixed Hy Federal Hilling. In ordor that state nnd fodornt opon seasons for migratory birds may coincide tho stnto fish nnd gamo commission has decided that tho stnto season In district No. 2 shall begin on Boptombor 10, instead ot October 1, as has hltborto been tho case, District Oamo Warden II. Mc Donald stated on Friday. MICKIE SAYSt s; mis trnvvw AVU&M TOlAAVOOf VfCCtcSl PfcTUOUVZ tVf VAJtttCHNvJrt ,OWOl 6.CAICCOSCS, va UC AMT APUAto -3 -TCU.-TVJ VOORJJO NUUKT Vive PVUCC9 RS VOYW, A. ocau ctoooua PRCrrcGR. , .oaf mo vjoua ogc wt pott- (UdrtN -tUM4 A fcOCiflUstt. una FCW A. &TCUY44 OP 9JGV&fcUS; cajiue. oonocc to " Sfli MV1TI I k xTIMi M! REDMOND ASKS COUNTY SEAT MAY OFFER $50,000 TO GAIN HONOR Committee Headed Uy Guy K. l)ob- Min NaiiKMl To Circulate Petition nnd Ilwlse Money To Help Court IIoiiho HullMlng. A strong likelihood oxlsts that llond Is to bavo competition for tho lltlo of pormnnonl county sent at tho fall oloctlons, for business men of Redmond nro taking steps to place tho name of tholr town on tho ballot ns a contestant for tho honor, says ilm liiulinond Spokesman ot Inst wook. "Hedmond may entor tho fight this fall for tho locution of tho county sent of Deschutes county, with nn of fer ot $60,000, to bo subscribed by Hedmond pooplo nnd given to buy n Bite and old In tho building of a court house In Hedmond," says tho Hpokes mnn. "It was tho decision of tho Com mercial club at its Tuesday noon luncheon that this step should bo tukon by Hedmond, nnd n committee Ony E. Dobson, cbnlnnau, C. II. Irvln and Dr. J. F. Hosch woro named to prepare petitions to place Hedmond on tho ballot this fnll In competition with Ilend, which place In to attempt to obtain tho permanent court house locution this fall. "Tho snmo committee will nlso bavo chargo of tho raising of $50,- 000 to bo given tho county should tho county sont bo voted to Hedmond nt tho oloctlon on November 2. "Action was taken following dis cussion ot news from llond tbnt petitions were to. be .passed thoro to place tho question on tho ballot this fall. Speakers pointed out tbnt In former campaigns Bond had prom ised a freo court house slto and frco ront to tho county should it bo glvon tho county seat, but, slnco tho tomporary location had been mado thoro, had failed to provldo a court houso slto and had forced tho county to pay rental fees for bpbco In tho building which Is now occupied by tho county offices. " 'Hedmond can afford It and will ralso at least $60,000,' Dobson do- clarcd, following his appointment by N. A, liurdlck, president ot tho Com mercial club. 'And, to nsBuro tho voters of tho county that tho money will bo forthcoming, nnd tho county bo given n squnro denl on Redmond's promise, tho monoy will bo raised In a way that will glvo tho voters con fidents flint they can depend upon tho signers to do for tho county what they promlso will bo done' ''Hut a short tlmo romalus for tho circulating of petitions which will mnko posiblo tho voting on Hed mond as n county sont slto this fall in competition with llond, nnd this will bo tho first stop tnkon by tho committee When tho mensuro Is on tho ballot tho money will bo raised and tho matter presonted to voters at onco, according to tho com mittee." SKYLINE HIGHWAY SURVEY NEAR END Greatest DWlculty Kxperlcnceil Locator On West Sldo Of Tho Thrco Sisters. By PORTLAND, t Sopt. 15. Within two weeks tho general location sur vey for tho proposed Cascada Skyllno highway will bo completed, F, II. Oloator, In chargo ot tho location party, has notified tb,o district forest offlco hero. Tho routo hn8 now boon surveyed ub far north ns tho McKenzto rond on n location not excocdlng n 5 por cent grndo, Tho grontost difficulty was oxporloncod on tho west sldo ot tho Slstors, Oloator has boon post ing signs along tho survey routo urn! has boon taking n great numbor ot bcoiiIo pictures, Whllo tho crow will dlsbnud whou it roaches Mount Jet torsoit and coma out by Dotrolt, Cloator oxpocts to continue along tho Cascade' summit to tho Mount Hood loop, taking pictures on routo, so as to have a comploto sot ot forest sorv lco rocroatlon pictures ot tho route ot tho Skyllno road, WOULDPREVENT CATTLE LOSSES EXECUTIVE BOARD 'OF STOCKMEN MEETS Means of Preventing Petty Stealing One of flrrnK-Nt Problems Con fronting li Handlers Wild Home Encroach on Hnngc How to stop tho -petty cattlo steal Ing going on In Central Oregon was the quostlon featuring tho discussion Saturday night at thu meeting held hero by members of the executive committee of tho Stuto Cattlo and Horso Raisers' asnoclatlon, In ses sion with Central Oregon stock rais ers. J. K. Know of Dayvlllo, Wil liam Duby nnd 8, O. Corroli of Raker and George Russell of Prlnevlllc wore tho mombcrn of tho executivo commlllco in tho party, arriving In Bond lata in tho afternoon after a two weeks' nuto tour of tho Btock- ralslng conters of tho state. They loft yosterday morning for Prlne vlllc. ' At Saturday night's session tho workings of tho brand inspection ays-1 mm wire cxulalned by Mr. Correll nnd MrJ. Snow, Mr. Russell speaking on tho (recovery of stolen or strayed Btock altor it reaches tho markets as tho result of tho activities ot tho stockmen's association, which now has u membership of moro than COO. JOnllimuco Inoperative. K. P. Mnhttffcy of tho Central Oro gon bank brought of tho mntter of tho cattle rustling which Is going on, particularly on the Tumalo and Sand Spring ranges. Practically all of tho animals so stolen are Immediate ly converted Into beet and sold in amnllilots In nnd near Bond, It was pointed oui. BiocKincu w uiiwuuuui.1. wore "all ot tho opinion that u closer following ot tho stnto law, which provides that, tho hldo of an animal must bo presented with tho carcass, would almost cllmlnato rustling. John Marsh ot Tumalo montlonod Hint nn ordlnanco calling for n meat Inspector Is now on tho city books, and D. L. Jamison, county ngrlcul- turlsf, told tho history of tho ordl- nnnco, explaining that tho expense borno equally by tho city and tho Btockmon of Central Oregon. Fail ure of tho cattlo owners to produco their .halt had rendered tho law In operative, ho said. Mr. Mahaffey suggested that small subscriptions bo nsked from each of tho various cat tlomon's organizations in Deschutes county, and it was tho goneral opin ion that this should bo done. Ot interest to stockmen in tho low er part of tho stnto was tho question Introduced by J. II. Lano ot Lako county, who doclarod that wild rango horsos, practically valueless, are en croaching on tho cattlo ranges, tak ing food needed by tho beet stock. In nn attompt to mnko tho wild hors es of somo uso, tho Cattle and Horso Raisers' association has already en couraged tho establishment of horso meat markets, but wnth only limited success. ENGINEER ACCEPTS POWER PLANT PLANS Plana for tho firat unit of tbe now B. W. L. & P. powor plant on tho Tumalo havo boon approved by tho stato englnoor, T. II. Foloy, goneral manager, roported today, and tho construction camp is being estab lished near tho Columbia Southorn ditch. Work on tho Intake nt the ditch la starting nt onco, Mr. Foloy states, and with tho completion of this part of tho Improvement, prob ably about tho middlo ot November, tho work will bo stopped for tho re mainder ot tho wlntor. REED PREPARES TO PAVE BEND STREETS In preparation for tho hard sur facing ot tho downtown city Btroets of Bond, O. S. Rood of tho Western Wtlllto Paving Co. Is purchasing ma chinery and oxtenslvo Biippllos to uro horo, on an authorization recent ly sont by Mayor Eastos, n lettor re colvod by Mr, Eastos from tho Wlll lto president states. Operations are to bo started horo as quickly as pobi alblo, Mr. Rood mentions in his letter. DELEGATES NAMED TO IRRIGATION MEETING County Court DcMgnntcH Twelve to Attend Development CongrctH In Seattle This Month, To attend tho sessions of the Northwest Irrigation nnd Develop ment congress, to be hold in Seattle September 10 and 17, delegates rep resenting Deschutes county havo boon designated by tho county court nnd a notice of tho appointment mailed to Seattle. Tho following are named to attend tho congress: Fred N. Wallace. Tumalo; Lou Heed, Redmond; Fred 8. Stanley, Deschutes; M. W. Knick erbocker, Sisters; K. Uulck, Rend; A. 8. Holmes, Lower Brldgo; E. L. Clark, La Pino; M. W. Wilson, Red mond; C. O, Cornelius, Redmond; R. A. Wnrd, II. J. Overturf and T. II. Foley, Rend. PETITION FOR BEND IS READY County Initiative petitions, asking that a measure having as its object tho designation of Bend an tho per manent county scat ot Deschutes county, bo placed on the ballot at tho coming fall elections, are now ready to bo circulated, President D. O. McPherson, president ot tho Bend Commercial club, announced a t tho weekly luncheon ot that organi zation at tho Pilot Butte Inn. The old commltteo In chargo ot placing tbe measure on tho ballot was dis charged for falluro to function and Mr. McPherson promised to appoint another committee at onco to have chargo ot tho Immedlato circulation ot tho petitions. In response to a letter from R. E.l 8mlth, president of tho Titlo & Trust Co. of Portland, tho weekly club luncheon for next week will bo hold Tuesday noon, It was decided, In or der that speakers may appear before tho Bend business men, explaining tho weakness of tho proposed interest-limiting measuro which will bo voted on in Oregon this fall. ( q THOLIC CHURCH IS NEARLY READY Arrival of Glass Awaited For Com pletion of BuildiiiK Sculptor Finishes Setting of Altar. With tho exception of special glass, ordored early last month, but which has not yet arrived, tho now Catholic church Is virtually complete, Leo A. Thomas, architect in chargo of con struction, announced on Friday. Sldowalks are now being built and, with tho Installation ot tho windows, tho structuro will bo ready for dedi cation. Tho setting ot tho altar has been under tho dlroctlon of H. D. Accetta, nortland sculptor and designer, and this part ot tho port will bo complet ed tomorrow. Mr. Accetta will go from hero to Spoknno and will re turn hero later to have chargo ot in terior work on Bond street. GIANT ELK FOUND BY BEND HUNTERS Among the bands ot oik still rang ing in tho country whoro tho south fork ot tho McKouzio has its begin ning aro giant mules, leaving a track as big ns any domestic bull, declares R. S. Hamilton on his return from a protracted hunting trip with Lloyd Douthlt nnd Dr. W. Q. Manning. Fresh elk tracks woro seen in consid erable numbers, although tho oik thomsolvc3 kopt strictly out ot sight. Tho hunters brought back two buck doer and a boar, tbe last named animal shot by Mr. Douthlt. ' FOX BUTTE PHONE LINE IS STARTED Under tho direction ot Rnngor Roy Mitchell, work hnB started putting In a phono lino botweon tho Cabin lako rnngor station and tho Fox butto tire lookout. Do'puty Suporvlsor W. O. Hnrrlman reportod this morning, Tho new Hue will be about 18 miles in length and is expected to be com pleted this tall. PINE DEMAND WEAKENING IN TIME OF NEED ADVANCE IN FREIGHT RATES BLAMED "TEST OF STRENGTH" Wish That Railroads Will Agree To Readjustment, Expressed Uy 3. P. If eyes Building Need May Ho Stimulus, Hopes 1. A. McCanH Although the need for plno lum ber has never been greater than at tho present time, a marked diminu tion In orders received at Tho Shov-lin-IIixon Company and tho Broolts Scanlon Co. plants Is reported by T. A. McCann and J. P. Koyes, their re spective general managers. Similar conditions ot a lessening domand aro prevailing in tho other pine-producing sections of the Northwest and. In general, the falling off In orders Is attributed to tho recent advances in freight rates. "It's a test ot strength botwoen tho railroads and tho shippers," Mr. Keycs said in mentioning the local situation. "We aro receiving practically no orders at tho presont tlmo and, by the end of- tho week, it will be necessary to lay off our third shift at the mill. The men havp already been notified ot thus' Now Employment Offered Because ot the track system which is to bo installed in tho yards for lumber distribution, It will be pos sible to offer employment to most of tho men who aro to be laid off at tha I mill, Mr. Kcyes said. "Wo hope," he added, "that tho railroads wilt be willing to consider a rata readjustment within sir months or lets." T. A. McCann, Shevlln-IIlxon gen eral manager, frankly admitted that ho had no definite idea as to how long tho present situation will en dure, or how far-reaching Its eco nomic effects may bo. Orders have practically ceased coming in, ho said, and thoro remains a week's work in the box factory, with a run of similar length left at tho planer. Tho mill can be kept going for two months. "I hopo for an early chango," he said. "The country Is five years be hind in its building and tho demand should keep production at a high point." SCHOOLS HAVE NEED OF TWO MORE ROOMS Additional Space Must Bo Heated To Take Care of Heavy Enroll ment, Says Superintendent. With 1154 pupils in attendance at tho Bend city schools, Super intendent S. W. Moore declares that two more rooms will bo an absolate necessity for this term, and that con ditions will bo even worse la the spring semester. As a temporary solution ot the problem, he suggests the renting of tho Murphy building on Qreenwood and of tho Catholic church on Wall, when the now brick structuro on Franklin Is completed. THUMB PRINT USED INSTEAD OF NAME A slgnaturo which cannot be forged is that which J, II, Lano, big Silver Lage cattlo operator, who was in Bend over the week ond, affixes to his chocks. Ills thumb print takes tho place of his namo. Total blindness caused Mr. Lano to adopt tho novol, but effective method ot slguaturo, CROWDED SCHOOL CONDITION FOUND Practically all congestion in the Bond schools Is now In the Central buildings, was the report ot City Su perintendent S. W, Mooro oh Mon day. The first primary class Is en tirely too large for the accommoda tions provided, and conditions almost as bad are found in tbe fifth grade room.