The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 09, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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D. St, Orr, living on Greenwood
botweon Wall nnd Uond, swallowed
two ounccit ot lysol nml was found
on tho porch, unconscious, by his sis
ter, Mrs. Anna llarrott. on her return
to tho houso at 8 o'clock. Medical
nld wns summoned at once, tho stom
ach pump was used and St. Orr. la
rapidly recovering from tho effects of
tho poison.
Her brother suffers from .violent
porlodlc headaches, Mrs. Barrett stat
ed, nnd during her absenco, went to
tho medicine cabinet to procure somo
thing to oaso tho pain. lie remem
bers taking a doso ot asptrin, but has
no recollection of any other occur
rences until ho regained conscious
ness shortly after the poison had
been pumped from his stomach.
Five Yew Iicjwo Taken on Koom in
New Downing Ilullding on Uond
My Chain Store Concern.
W. P. Downing, whoso now two
story concroto business block on
Bond street is practically completed,
has announced that ho has leased
ono of the two storerooms on tho
ground floor to tho C. J. Brolcr Co.,
operators of a chain of stores in the
Northwest, tho lease being for a term
of firo years. Tho location will bo
ready for occupancy on September
The other room In the building
will bo used by tho Downing cafe.
(Continued from Last Week.)
Gloss & Prudhomme, statlon-
Itobt. W. Sawyer, exp. state
highway mooting ............
M. P. Cabhman, clothing for
Indigent ..........-...........
E. M. Herrington, work on
roads ....... ...............
J. H. Israel, work on roads-..
O. H. Doming, work on roads
C. A. Johnson, work on roads
O. J. Harter, work on roads...
J. A. Marsh, work on roads
G. M. Couch, work on roads
It. G. Slrnonds, work on roads
J. L. Couch, work on roads
Oscar Diarmot, work on
run us
Clyde Stokoo, work on roads
Emanuel Gomez, work on
r oil us -
L. C. Roberts, work on roads
W.- H. Stemlck, work on
M. J. Powell, work ou roads
It. II. Bayloy, work on roads
R. I). Gould; work on roads
R. B. Gould, work on roads
"W. B. Crawford, cinders
Geo. W. Stokoo, car hire
M. A. Lynch, road work........
R. G. Blackwoll, auto
Lynch & Roberts, shovel
snow from warehouse........
Bend Iron Work, repair parts
J-iunz Hardware, hardware...
Ores. State Highway Coin.,
road machiuory ................
Bend Iron Works, repairs....
11. J. Overturf, rent for stato
"W. H. Lavlgne.. stove for
bunk house
Wentworth & Irvln, repairs
Oreg. State Highway Com.,
freight on trucks
W. II. May, road master..-..
W. W. Grlnstead, truck
urivor .--
W. II. James, truck driver....
Kewt Church, engineer
Grant Doan, work on roads
M, H. James, -work ou roads
Fred Terrlll, work on roads
John Hohnstoln, Sr., work on
Wm. Feeny, work on roads..
John Hohnstoln, Jr., work on
Jack Aguew, work on roads
J. A. Botz, work ou roads....
C. W. Hoech, road work
W. B. Irvine, work on roads
O. A. Dorothy, work on
Glenn Cox, registrar
Cent-Oro Motor Co., sorvlco
Miss Brutuns
Miller Lmbr. Co., wood for
Indlgont ..............
Bend Uullotin, stu. dist. atty.
Bend Bulletin, pub. tax sum
mons Bond Bulletin, election sup
plies Bend Bulletin, sta. for As
sessor Bond Bulletin, uta. for supt.
Bend Uullotin, sta. for coun
ty court
Bend Bulletin, pub. proceed
ings Bend Water, Light & Pow-
11. CO
. 8.00
7.50 1
or Co., water and lights.... 68,35
C. II. Miller, per dlom nnd
mllengo 229.20
O. H. Miller, work on roads 10.00
J. Alton Thompson, records
for supt. schools 14.23
Q. P. Putnam & Sons, books
for supt. 4.40
J. II. Hanoi', county clonk,
cash advanced juvenile
court 00.00
J. It. Hanor, county clerk,
cash ndvnnced for C. O. D. 59. IG
Kllham Sta. Co., stationery
dlst ntty 12.10
Klihnm Sta. Co., sta. sheriff 5.82
Kllham Sta. Co., stationery
dlst. ntty 6. 16
Kllham Sta. Co., Btn. for
nssessor 4,91
Kllham Sta. Co., stationery
for supt. schools 22.96
Kllham Sta. Co., stationery
for sheriff 106
Kllham Sta. Co.. stationery
for co. treasurer 22.69
Kllham Sta. Co., stationery
dlst. ntty 14.35
Kllham Sta. Co., stationery
sheriff 20.00
B. S. Doyle, work on roads.... 20.00
C. P. Becker and It. II. Bay
ley, contract, 11-14-1919 15S5.00
Clarke-Kendall Co., attorney
fees 500.00
J. Arnold, juror In district
court - -.. 30.00
P. A. Erlckson, juror In clr. 6.00
L. P. Downing, juror in clr.
court 30.00
K. C. Laughlln, Juror in clr.
court .. 30,00
Van M. Morse. Juror In clr-
court 30.00
Wm. Abernathy, Juror In clr-
court 30.00
N. P. Smith, juror In circuit
court 10.40
G. II. Ehlors, juror In circuit
court 34.40
R. M. Smith, Juror In circuit
court - 30.00
O. C. Hcnklc, juror in circuit
court 30.00
W. E. Van Allen, Juror in
circuit court 32.00
J. F. Boguo, Juror In circuit
court 10.40
Dennis McCole, Juror In clr.
court 30.00
R. J. McCann, juror in clr.
court : 30.00
O. K. Olson, juror In circuit
court 3 1.40
Louis Doonar, juror in cir-
court 30.00
E. A. Snther, Juror in circuit
court . 30.00
R. II. Loop, Juror In circuit
court -. 30.00
J. D. Davidson, juror in cir.
court 30.00
J. W. Usher, Juror in circuit
court 30.00
T. J. Wllkey, Juror In circuit
court .................................. 30.00
James Ryan, Juror In circuit
court ........ 30.00
A. L. Saye, Juror in circuit
court 6.00
W. C. Leavltt, Juror In cir
cuit court ........... ........... 34.40
T. J. Murphy, Juror In clr.
court .... o.uq
L. B. Balrd, juror In circuit
court .............................. 6,00
E. A. Smith, juror in circuit
court .................................. 30.00
Julius Jarett, juror in cir.
court .............. G.00
G. W. Boles, Juror In circuit
court i "
Andrew R. Steere, Juror In
circuit court - 30.00
Jesso W. Day, Juror In clr.
court 12.00
John Steldl, Juror In circuit
court 12.00
Ashley Forrest, Juror In clr.
court ... ..... 12. 0C
John Farrell, Juror In clr.
court iv"
E. D. GUson, Juror in circuit
court 12.00
L. L. Fox, Juror in circuit
coun i"t"v
J. N. Roberts, juror in circuit
W. B. Baker, Juror in circuit
court 12.00
Jay Salzman, Juror in cir.
court 3.00
Joseph S. Innes, juror In clr.
court - 12.00
William B. Hunt, settlement
personal Injury $ 55.00
Oroweiler & McCauloy, lmbr.
for bridge 750.00
W. P. Slmer, work on Tuma-
lo bridgo 10.00
E.f F. Hilsobcck, work on
Tumalo bridgo 6.50
C. D. McElroy, work on Tum
alo bridgo 7.20
A. M. Clemeus, work on
Tumalo Bridgo 1.73
Win. Batos, truck 5.00
M. J. Danlelson, build Tum
alo bridgo 15.00
M. J. Danlelson, car hire 6.50
V. H. May, road foreman.... 33.35
W. H. May, road forcmnn.... 113,31
W. II. James, road work 193.12
Newt Church, road work.. 156.00
Grant Dean, road work -..... 166.00
M. II. James, road work...... 28.00
C. W. Hoech, road work 140.00
R. C. Colver, road work 128.00
Wm. Black, road work 30.00
Jack Agnow, road work 103.00
E. 8. Doyle, road work 20.00
Molvln Seaborgor, road work 12.00
John Hohnsteln, road work 45.00
Wm. Free, road work 39.00
J. S. Detlor, road work 65,00
J. W. Henderson, road work 30.00
A. G. EHff, road work 75.00
Henry Glzan, road work 30,00
Frank Machlnskl, road work 15.00
Lester Winkle, road work.... 10.00
Fred Terrlll, road work 264,00
F. B. Case, road work 13.75
F. II. DIerkor, road work.... 9.00
Horrlngton & Allen road wk 162.00
M. C. Knotts, road work 10.75
T. O. Grlnstoad, road work.... 72.00
Wm. Ferry, road work 29.00
Goo. L. Roberts, road work 87,75
A. J. Harter, road work 40.00
R. F. Simmons, road work.... 40.00
Anderson Bros., road work 10.50
E. M. Herrington, road work 8.00
C. L. Smith, road work 32.00
J. N. Masten, road work...... 16,00
R. C, Walker, road work.... 10.00
Bon Daskin, road work 10,00
George Eaton, road work 10.00
Earl Hlatt, road work 10.00
E. H. Haney, road work 10,00
John Sutlolf, road work 10.00
Miller Lmbr. Co., wood for
road machinery 14,55
J, F. Arnold, rout fur statu
engineer 8.00
Cont. Ore. Ir. Co,, road work 07. 50
Deschutes Gnrngo Co., re
pairs ou trucks 81.99
W. G. Kamsowor, repairs on
trucks 30.10
Griffin & Co., powdor nnd
fuso - 20.15
Wentworth A Irwin, repair
parts 9.45
11. Crawford, cinders 110.95
R. II. Bayloy, appraiser's foes 20.00
Concroto Plpo Co., concroto
pipe 15.75
Flnuegnu Bros., repairs 2.75
Bond Iron Works, welding
lubricator 2.00
W. J. Davis, bridgo signs G.00
Bond Iron Works, ropnlrs ou
trucks 3 25
Stnndnrd Oil Co., In v. 22G47 27.20
R. B. Gould, road ouglnoor 133.75
11. T. Turner, chnlnmnn 35.00
G, Smith, chnlnmnn 61.75
C. Lowts, chnlumau 9.00
W. Wilson, chalnmnu 31, GO
Clydo Stokoo, chnlnmnn 2G3.90
W. P. Hardesty. engineer's
fees 42.3G
Ctms. G. Wilson, draftsmnu 28.84
Robt. Wain, engineer's fees 200.00
John Ruugo, lorel man 34.65
M. J. Powell, chnlnmnn 8G.50
W. W. Grlnstead, road work 38 45
W. W. Grinstcnd, road work 13S.75
J. P. Bowman, rond work.... 23.75
J. J Bowman, road work 22,50
M, O. Martin, road work 21.25
Standard OH C0...T-22777 4-
21-20 36.25
C. H. Mlllor road work 119 00
C. II. Miller, road work S3. 60
Tum-n-Lum Lmbr. Co., lmbr. 47.55
Standard Oil Co., Inv. T-
209S9. 4-16-20 29.00
Standard Oil Co., inv. P-30-
617 3.68
A. L. Snyo, auto hire for en
gineers 1G.90
Maurlco Gates, road work.... 4.00
Marlon Beobe, rond work.... 3.00
l. A. Partln, road work.... 95.62
McKlnloy-Hnmpton Lmbr.
Co.. road work 46,56
C. II. Miller, frolght charges 330.77
Shovlln-Hlxon Co., wlro cnblo 56.69
T. Russel Grader Mfg. Co.,
ono Mogul grader 1113.00
J. F. Arnold, rent stato ong. 8.00
A. W. Bontrngor. repair Ford
truck 3.50
Clydo M. McKay, oxp. county
treasurer 37.60
Edna Poludextcr, supplies for
sheriff .
Pilot Butte Inn. board of
jurors ...... ....... .......... is v
Soth Stookey. com. fees 33.60
J. Alton Thompson, oxp. supt.
schools 71 18
Newt Church, road work 89.12
J. A. Botz, road foreman...... 156.00
Bond Bulletin, stationery nnd
election supplies 73.90
Wm. P. Downing, meals for
Jurors 31.85
W. P. Downing, board of
prisoners 20.00
Mlllor Lmbr. Co., wood ror
Indlgont ... 12.00
St. Charles hospital, caro of
Serena Brown - 150.00
Glass Prudhommo, election
supplies , 15.45
Glass Prudhomme, election
supplies .................... H7.3U
Glass Prudhommo, election
supplies .. 53.70
Glass & Prudhommo, record
books 570.95
Glass & Prudhomme, oloctlon
supplies j... . , 2.56
Glass Prudhomme. supplies
circuit court 4.06
L. A. W. Nixon, Juvenllo of
ficer .....-.. ..... 14.50
Bertha P. Dawson, stenog
rapher county court 53.50
Mrs. R. B. Churchill, clerk
for shorlff 14.40
Edna Polndoxter, stationery 1.00
Ednn Polndexter, stationery 1.00
Edna Polndexter, stationery .70
J. II. Hnner, extra clerk hiro 60.00
Max A. Cunning, nsst. dlBt.
attorney - 50.00
R. B. Gould, water master.... 75.00
West. Union Tel., sorvlco...... 4.70
Pac. Tel. Co., sorvlco 11.95
S. E. Roberts, sheriff's exp. 189.44
J. H. Hanor, county clerk,
exp. for express, postage.... 85.60
J. Alton Thompson, expense
for April 75.00
C. P. Nlswongor, rent for
Fultz family 20.00
Rochclfo A. Rudolph, clerk
for assessor 21.00
J. Alton Thompson, exponses
for March 75.00
Mrs. E. F. Stockwoll, quar
antine girls 18.00
S. E. Roberts, sheriff, books 12.00
Mrs. E.JT. Stockwoll, 8 dln-
nears at 50c 4.00
Floyd Dement, Juror circuit
colirt - 33.00
Bend Water, light and Pow
er Co., sorvlco for April.... 30.40
Kllham Sta. Co., stationery.... 1.50
Geo. M. Erlckson, registrar
of election 2.20
Burroughs Adding Machine
Co,, supplies 4.02
Hanson Map & Blue Print
Co., blue prints 18.50
West. Union Tol. Co,, serv
ices for March 7,03
F. II. May, doputy assessor.... 100.00
Leslie W. Gatcholl, glasses
for W. Mlntor 11.50
Matilda Nolson, caro Mrs. El-
linger 20.00
Douglas Mullarky, statlonory 4.75
R. C. Walkor, grand Jury wit
ness 12 00
B. C. Scott, grand Jury wit- '
ness 15.00
W. O. Fordhum, grand Jury
witness 10.40
A. It. Donohuo, grand Jury
witness 12.00
George M. Mayflold, grand
Jury witness 10,40
Dunning & McEntee, fu
neral oxponso J. E. Brown 77.00
Good Samaritan hospital,
caro of J. E, Brown 37.75
Bond Dairy Store, milk for
Indlgont 27.00
J. Alton Thompson, books.. 8,18
Douglas Mullarky, adver
tising 2.30
Kllham Statlonory Co., sta
tionery 7.99
McCargor, Batos & Lively,
prem, on Insurance 13,25
Pacific College care of Har-
rlett Penney 10,85
Frodertck Post Co,, aupplloa
for surveyors 4,07
Mrs, S, J. Upton, Juvenllo
officer 32.00
Deschutes Onrngo Co,, re-
pnlr truck 00,94
J, L. Couch, work ou roads 14,00
E, J, Rogers, pit for ImIIoh-
Cat. Highway gradu G0.00
11. A. Kumtntl, hnrdwnro
and repair parts 81,40
U, s. Dopt, Apr., Bureau of
roads, (or itcct. McKoiulo
Highway 1212.G0
Mlllor Lunibr. Co,, lumber
for roads :. 10.00
A. E. Holmes, Judges
and clorkH of election 8.40
Kutherluo Hester, Judges
and clorks ot oloctlon 0,00
Joslo Gumpurt, judges nnd
clerks ot election 0,00
Mliinto A. Ilnrtley, Judges
and clerks ot election 6.00
Mnudu L. Grldor, Judges
and clerks ot election 6.00
J. M. Lawrence, Judges and
clorks of election 0,00
Mary H." Coleman, judges
and clerks ot election 6.00
Ashloy Forrost, Judges and
clorks ot election 6,00
J. F. Arnold, Judges nnd
clorks of oloctlon 6,00
John T. Gngon, judges and
clerks of oloctlon 0,00
F, N. Van Mntro, Judges
nnd clorks ot election 0.00
S. It. Hogln, Judges nnd
clorks of election 0,00
Harriott L. Murphy, Judges
nnd clerks of election ... 6,00
Arvllla Murphy, Judges nnd
clorks ot election 0.00
Blaucho Brady, Judgos and
clerks of election 6.00
Montolln Harvoy, Judges
and clorks of oloctlon .... 6,00
Corn A. Brostorhous, Judg
es and clorks of election 6,00
II. E. Baker, Judgos nnd
clerks of election 6.00
F. C. Fish, Judgos nnd
clerks of election ,... 6.00
P. H. Corfoy, Judges and
clorks of election 6.00
IT,. G. Fnrrls, Judges and
clerks of election 6,00
O, C. Ilouklo, Judges and
clerks of election 6.00
Olive E. McKuy, Judges nnd
clorks of oloctlon 6.00
Louise M. Hanor, judgos
nnd clorks of oloctlon 6.00
Fnnnlo O. Fnrrls, judges
and clerks of election 6.00
Charles Slpchon, Judges nnd
clorks of election 0.00
II. A. Gosnoy, Judges nnd
clorks ot election. 6.00
Claude A. Johnson, Judges
nnd clorks of election. .. 6,00
John Tuyn, Judges nnd
clorks or election 6,00
George L. Mooro, Judges
and clerks ot oloctlon 6.00
W. G. Fordhnm, Judges nnd
clorks of oloctlon 6,00
E. A. Hlatt, Judges and,
clerks of oloctlon............ 6,00
W. E. Bocsloy, Judgos and
clorks of election 6.00
Mnttlo A. Clnrk, judgos nnd
clorks of election........... 6.00
Goorga M. Mayflold, judges
and clorks of oloctlon...... 12.40
W. P. Vnndorvert, Judges
nnd clorks of oloctlon 3.00
Clnudo C. Vandcvort, Judgos
and clorks of oloctlon 7.00
Fred A. Shonquost, Judgos
and clorks ot election...... 3.00
Annie M. Shonquest, Judgos
and clorks of oloctlon - 3.00
John Atkinson, Judgos and
clorks of election 3.00
Ed Sharer, judges and
clerks of election .... 5.00
Mrs. It. A. Redmond, Judges
nnd clorks of election 3.00
L. L. Koof, Judgos and
clorks of election.- 3.00
Mrs. Doll Davis, Judges nnd
clorks oT oloctlon 3.00
Mrs. Lulu Kcof, Judgos and
clorks of election... 3,00
It. G. Sammons, Judges and
clorks of election 6,00
C. P. Becker. Judges and
clerks of oloctlon 7.40
O. H. Hatch, Judgos and
clorks of oloctlon 6,00
Fred N. Wallace, Judgos and
clorks of oloctlon 5.00
Harry M. McGuiro, Judges
and clorks of oloctlon 6.00
W. F. Fryroar, Judges and
clorks of election 0,00
W. F. Arnold, judges and
clorks of election 0,00
G. E. Llvesley, Judges and
clorks of oloctlon 6,00
H. A. Scoggln, Judgos and -
clorks of oloctlon 10.00
Horinnn Mamoro, judgos
nnd clorks of oloctlon .... 6,00
E. M. Harrington, Judgos
and clorks of oloctlon 6.00
Charles L, Gist, Judges and
clorks ot ejection 11,40
E. If. Edglngton, Judgos
and clorks ot oloctlon 6,00
Mrs. Fred McKlnnoy, Judges
and clorks of oloctlon 6.00
Mike Klof, judgos and
clerks of oloctlon 6,00
A, S. Holmes, Judgos and
clorks of oloctlon 13.00
Tom Voddor, Judgos and
clorks ot olectlon 6,00
R. S. Towno, Judges nnd
clorks of oloctlon............ 6.00
T. J. Qulgloy, Judges and
clorks of oloctlon 0,00
Jorry Groskrugor, Judges
and clorks of oloctlo n 0,00
Goo. If, MacOrcgor, judgos
nnd clorks of election...... 0,00
Evorott Parr, JudgoH and
clorks of oloctlon 12.20
Eunice Oatos, Judges and
.clerks of oloctlon ....,...... 0.00
Eunice Oatos, Judgos and
clorks of oloctlon 6,00
Alma M, McClay, Judgos and
clerks of oloctlon 0.00
Murgnrot Wlnflold, Judgos
and clorks ot oloctlon G.00'
Frod A. Rico, JudgoH and
clorks of oloctlon 10.40
F. G. Stovouu, Judgos nnd '
clorks of oloctlon 0,00
Grace B. Morwo, judges and
clorks of olectlon 6,00
Carrlo I), Rico, Judges and
clorks of oloctlon C;00
Ray Archer, Judges and
clorks of election 6.00
Oeo. O. Sedgwick, Judgos
and clerks of oloctlon 10.40
W. O. Leavltt, ' Judgos and
clorks ot election 6,00
W. I, Smith, Judgos nnd
clorks ot olectlon 0,00
John W, Allen, judgos nnd
clerks ot oloctlon 0,00
Jnrod W. Moore, Judges ami
clorks of olectlon 6.00
J. W, Wright, Judges ami
clerks ot oloctlon 7,00
Lou A. Reed, Judges ami
clerks of election 3,00
F. N. Ahhe, Judges ami
clerks ot oloctlon 3,00
Robert Ltulbettur, judges
and clerks of election 3,00
W. E. VauAllou, judges
and clerks of election 3,00
Olaf Amlursou, Judges nml
clerks of oloctlon 3,00
W, L. Ilagstrom, Judges and
clerks ot .election... 3,00
M. M. Whltmoru, judges and
clerks ot uloutlon 3,00
W. P. Gift, Judges and
clorks of olectlon G.00
Albert L. Shults, Judges
nnd clurks ot election 0,60
Victoria Shults, Judges and
clerks of election 3.00
Howard Burrlght, Judgos
ntul clorkH of election 3.00
Grant Dean, Judges mid
clerks of olectlon 3.00
W. 11. Pointer, Judges and
clerks ot election 3.00
P. J. i'edersou, Judgos and
clerks of olectlon 7.20
C. W. Hooch, Judgos and
clorks ot election..... 6,00
L, J. Sceborger, Judges ami
clorks ot election 0.00
Fred lloltman, Judges and
After Supper-
Most ot your tlmo Is mortgngod to work, meals, and sloop. But
tho hours utter mippor uro yours, and your whole future dopends
ou how you Hpeud them. You can fritter them away ou profitless
pleasure, or you can make thesu hours bring you position, money,
power, renl success in life.
'Thorn's a big Job waiting for you In your present work, or nny
lino you choose. Got ready for ill You enn do It without losing n
mlnuto from work, or n wink of sloop, without hurrying a single
meal, nnd with plenty of tlmo left for recreation, You can do it
In ono hour utter suppor each night, right nt homo, through tlio
International Correspondence Schools
Hundreds of thousands havo proved It. Tho designer of tho
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For 28 years men In offices, stores, shops, factories, mines, rail
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Whon ovorytfilng has boon mado easy for you when ono hour a
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prlcoloss hour of spnro tlmo
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tart right now! This Is nil
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out obligating yourself in
provo how wo can holp you.
nny way, put It up to uso to
Just mark nnd mall this
101 Hronilwny, I'orllnnd, Orr).
Dress Shoes
A LL other styles were forgotten when we designed our
"brogue" No. 440, but reputation wasn't. There is a
JL . quality beneath the fancy stitching, the ornate per
forating, tho winged tips, the brass eyelets, the swagger
mahogany calf, that Is worthy of our whole sixty years of
fine shoe-making.' And our trade-marked solfd sole supports
die shoe's claim to ruggedness.
Tell ut ivhcn your dealer doesn 't show them
1 and lie ivill endeavor to have you supplied.
clerks of oloctlon 0,00
Geo, M. ErlckHon, Judgos
ami clorkH of election 0,00
Eli Hponcer, Judges ami
clorlin of election 3,00
Augusta L. Evnns, judges
ami clorks of oloctlon 3,00
Emm McAllister, Judges
ami clorkH of election 3.00
Floyd Van Cluvo, Judges
nml clorks of election 3.00
J, M. Smith, judgen nml
clerks of election 3.00
Elmer L, King, Judges ami
clerks of election 3.00
W, II. Johnson, Judges 11 nil
clerks of election 3,00
S. E, I.nchrlo, judges nml
clerks ot election 12,40
S. W. Morrill, Judges nml
clerks ot election 3.00
John llolfrlch, Judgus nnd
clerks ot election 3.00
C. II. Hurmaii, Judges and
clerks ot oloctlon 3,00
David Cody, Judges and
clerks of oleectlon 3,00
M, E. Hurmati, Judgus and
clerks of olectlon 15,40
Lloyd L. Portnr, Judges
and clerks of election 30,0
Dan McArthur, Judges nnd
clorks of election 3,00
C, J. Luverett, Judges and
clerks of oloctlon 0,00
II. 0. Ilartrauft, Judges
nnd clorks ot oloctlon 0,00
Nellie I'attlsou, Judges nnd
clerks ot election 6.00
( Tout limed" ml uoek.)
What ?
... 1 -.. .1M tXT Mll-...-....."...-
Iatcnutioul CerfcsperifEce ftkeels
Box 1010, Bcranton, Pa.
KipUln. without tllmtln ro. ko I (an
qutllfr far th poKUn, or In th ubjrt.
Ufnr whUh I mark X.
riMlrktl KnallB (AtlVKRTISINO
- . .. WliU TrlHBtr
KIMIIK LlfSlint-M KJ.,a,rMi Tf,B-,B
tUlin Walk
!? r.nmni
Mitnl(l KnflnMf
dUncf. nj TjrpUl
MnUnlral DrifUain 'r. AffwaUM
Skip nralL-in. .TKAWC MANAUKR
f.M l.nila. Oprallt c,mwt,ltl U.
JUrrtrlnt-and Mpiln CIVIL UKKVIC8
Mlna rartatin or Kmr. fuilwajr Hill CUrk
HUtUixrr Ealntr Aitamakll 0(ralln
AKCIIITKCT 1-a.llrr KaUlBt
tanlrilarrll.IU.r A.U K.palrlnf
ArtMlwtarat ),(! n M4lhtBIk,
I'liMhlna'and lltttlnc ui,,u,u
! Nam ,
an J No.,,,. . ... ,...,....,,,.., ,, .,.,,,
Duckhhci IT Fine Short
art ptktd f&jo to (14
lli urlj fftiu