k If Antm nuiiMonw, brpob, okhoon. Thursday, fiEPTrcitnim r, 1020. FAGK A t r CITY REQUIRES OPEN BIDDING FOR PAVEMENT LOWER FIGURE MAY HE SECURED -DAMAGE SUIT FEARED Agreement Willi !. H. Heed Mny Mnko City Liable In Cano-LoMcr lllil From Itlviil In Anepled lhigliirer Urges Hoik llano. Although n virtual ngroomonl linn boon onlored Into by tliu city of Ilond with 0. '8. Hood of tlio Western Wllllto I'uvIiik Co. for tlio uso of Wllllto on tlio flrMt linrcl surfacing John to ho undertaken lioro, rosolu tloiiH of intention adopted ut tlio roR ulnr council meeting Friday call for "Wllllto, or tiny other pnvomont of oqunl strength, durability nntl ro nlstnnco to wrni r, two Inchon In lick iipss." Tlio Insertion of tlio words allowing competition win tlio roHtilt of n vlrtll paid tlio city onrllor In tlio week by A, J. Wolton of tlio United Constructing Co. During his visit liuro Mr. Walton declared thnt tlio nl it to law in uk en compotlliVo bld A dltiR Imperative, nnd In quoted assay Inn thnt ho could Iny Wllllto nt 80 cuntH a yard and atlll innko a profit. Just what (ho law ncluiilly pro vldos Ih a question which wan not definitely cleared up nt Frldny'i session, although much of tlio din t elusion centered about thU point. Whllo tlio Htntuto iloon provldo for competitive hlddliiKt City Attorney C. H. Ilcnsoti did not holluvo that thin could modify tlio Ilond charter, wlilch provide that whnu Gl por cent of tlio property holders on a Riven iitroot petition for a cortaln typo of paTomunt, tholr request iihall ho Krantod. A letter authorizing Mr. Itord to purchnso necessary machinery and supplies for laying Wllllto lioro wm nont off several dayii ago by Mayor J, A. Hastes. Imxx Hnlt Possibility. Tho possibility of tlio city lining in ii do defendant In olthor a breach of contract null or Injunction proceed- InRs wax brouKht out by Councilman I), 0. McPhonion In tho dlicuinlon of Ilond'fl present paving situation which followed tho reading or tho roBolutlomi of Intention covering tho hard surfaclnR of tho downtown bus Incus dUtrlct and of tho Nowport avo- nuo brldKo and Itn approaches. Mr. v'llonson admitted that Mr. Heed might hnvo cnuso to nuo for damages If Dome other company In given tho con tract, but believed tho clty'n promlno Hhnuld ho lived up to, ovon If a lower bid la Riibmltted by n rival company. "HoRardloM of petitions, tho coun cil In responsible If It disregards a lower bid for n pavement of qunllty equal to Wllllto," Mr. Mel'horaon do- clarod. "Do you bollovo that audi n pavo i iiienl ran bo laid for 80 cunts a yard?" Mayor Konton ankod. "I don't know, but It'n up to ua to find out," wua tho nnnwor. "Mr. Hoed In llkoly to toll ua all whoro to ro, nnd lenvo ua nt tho morcy of tho Warren Conntructlon Co.," hanortod tho mayor. Councilman Rhodes atatod om- phntlcnlly that tho council nhould do nothliiR In tho mnttor which would lay It open to JtiHt criticism. Hock Ilnxo Urged. Tho old quoatlon of whether or not "Wllllto, laid on specified lioro, will 'HtnTid up under local traffic con ill tloiiH, wan rooponod by City Hnglnoor Hobert II. Ooulil, who doclnrod that tho city la mnkliiR a aerloua mlatako It It (Ioch not roqulro n throo-quartor Inch cruHhod rock huso. "Tho only fuvoralilo roportn wo havo hud on wllllto como from Kingston nnd Niagara Falls, N, Y whoro tho sur facing was laid on nn old mnendnm road, or n concroto Ixiho," ho aald. "Tho una of cruahed rook would brliiR ' tho Wllllto coat up to $2.15 n yard, which would ntlll rIvo Wllllto nn ad- vnntnRo of 15 conts over bltullthlc." "Thou you turn down ovorythliiR but Wnrronlto.?" Mayor EiiBtos cnua- tlcally Inquired. ' "That'H unfair, Mr, Mayor," broko In Coupcllnmn MoPhorson. "I bo llovo that Mr, Gould's plnn la tho only Konalblo ono, but thoro Isn't u chnuco thnt tho council will nccopt It, nnd Mr. Could know It whou ho mndo tlio rocommeudntlon," Coat lU-portH Given, Tho city oiiKlnoor's report on costs of tho two districts up for Immodluto Kiivo $2770.33 for tliQ Nowport nvo mio brldgo otilnrROd district and $80,720 for tho business district. Tlio roport wns adopted, resolutions of Intention nccoptod and tho council voted to sand copies of resolutions and of tho ntato law governing blda to Mr. Ituud, Two new potltloun for paving, ono for Tumalo avoiniii from Congress to Idaho, and llioadway from Ht, Hel ens (o Idaho, tho other for Hill, liar rlmiiii, living and Hawthoruo, wuro piuHonted ami referred to tho streets committee. Tho toport of Flro Chief Tom Cur tail nhowed five muall fit en In tho city hint month, mid a population Increase of nix durliiR tint muni! period wan Riven In tho loport of Dr. C, A. Fow ler, city physician, There wore 13 hlrthn and woven deaths durliiR the month. The council appropriated $200 to defray tho expenses of Mr. Cnrlou when ho atlo'ids tho Flro Chlefn' con veutlou In Los AuRelen. Wvd Ithldaiico Anked. The need of cleaiiltiR tho river of weedy Rrowthn wan broiiRht up by the flro chlof uud hla plea wan sec onded by tho city pliynlcluu. City Knglueor (lould Mated that the weeds could probably bo killed by tho nuo of chldrlno and tho matter wan referred to tho health commit tee, tlio fire chief and tluv eiiRluocr, Chairman Ilhodon of the ntrcetn committee reported on tho nlmont Impassable condition of Wall street mid was authorized to mnko tempor ary repaint, AppenrlnR for tho Ilond school board, II, 12, Nordcon nnkod for side walks on Nowport between Sixth and Klghth to connect with tho Kenwood bulldliiR. IIIh request wan reforred to tho MroolH commltteo with a rec ommendation for Immediate action. An ordinance requlrliiR certifi cates of health for all pornons on RiiRod In tho hnudlliiR of food for public consumption was read for tho flrat tlnio It wan drafted nt tho Instance of Mrs K. Htockwoll and the city physician and In Intended to con stitute n safoRiiard against tho spread of tuberculosis and social diseases. IIIIIm Ordered I'alil. Tho follnwlnn hills wore audited and ordered paid: M. 12, Coleman $ 51,00 Dexchutes (JnrnRO 389.00 Tom Murphy 4.00 li. A. W. Nixon .....n.. . 181.50 II. M. Nelson 0,75 A, I). Oertsou ... 1.50 W. II. Carpontor H0.00 J. II. Duckholtz ............ 1.00 C. J. Nicholson 130.00 FlunoRan llros. .............. 5.25 Hand llullelln :..... 7.00 Crawford llros. 0.35 Commercial club 10.00 T. W. Carlon w... 105.00 Maria Hoover -.. 160.00 i:. Is. Btovons 1C0.O0 Fred A. Woefflon ... 76.60 F. F. Hubbard .:... 15.00 C-eorRO flchrani ........M...... 10.00 Lewis Main ...................... C.G0 Hod Cross homo service.... 15.00 Mrs. K. Htockwoll 135.00 11. N. Iluchwalter .50 Toe. States Tel Co....; 4.20 Or. C, A. Fowlor 50.00 Ilond HnullnR Co. ............ 54.50 Western Union 27.17 C. S. Ilonion .......: 41.00 Mill Mnrkol . 36.50 II. W. h. & V 527.41 N, McFaddon 27.50 It. n. fJould - 9.00 Miller Lumber Co 88.25 C. O. Wilson 90.40 W. I Ilnrdesty 110.88 John A. ItutiRO 4.03 J. II, Aloxandor 3. 86 J. II. Aloxandor 10,10 John A. IttuiRo 98.90 M. J. I'owoll 48.30 It. J. McCnnn 5.00 M, A. I'nlnior .................... 12.45 A. O. I.oiir 028.93 It. II. Could 170.71 A. J. CoRRtins 87.50 Morrhf llros 2G.750.00 W. B. Irvlno 21.52 City Library 3.85 HIKERS ADVERTISE SEE AMERICA FIRST RcnttlcltCN Hjiend Day In H'end In Course of I'ubllclty Trip Around tlio United Kioto. Frod IC, Ilolllstor and Wayne L. Youiir, both of Soattlo, loft lioro on Tuesday aftor a day's stay, rosumlng their hike around tho United Stutos on n "Soo America First" locturlnR and publicity campaign. On lonvlug Ilond, thoy woro hendod for Crntor luko. Thoy woiq tho guosts of "V. C. lllrdsnll during tholr stny In Uond. Ilolllstor, who Is nn ox-mnrluo, has tho hiking record urrosH tho conti nent, having mndo 3728 miles lit 92 days. On tho prosout trip, which will Includn all tho stntcs on tho Po clfto nnd Atlnntjo Hqabonrds, nnd on tho soutliorn and northern boundar ies, It In expected that 18 months will bo used, Doth Ilollsltor nnd Young declurod Ilond to bo ono of tho ronlly llvo nnd, progressiva towna thoy had stopped lu during tholr Journoy. Want to buy hay, use liullctln clas lifted ndn. LABOR DAY IS ENJOYED HERE CELEBRATION STARTS WITH PARADE KpecihcN, I'lnilo Dinner, Hand Con cert and Program of Hpoits nnd Ilni'M At Park Complete Ihi Icrtltliiliicnt OtTenI. Moro than 200 momhors of Ilond labor unions marched lu tho purndo which Monday morning officially opened tho celebration of Labor Day hero. The fuel that tho number of marchers wan by no means no largo nn In 1919 or 1918 was oxplalned by tho nbsonco of C. II. linker, chairman of tho commltteo on arrangements, who was called to Vnlo on tho cvo of tho celebration, Tho fact that a number or tho unions carried no banners led to tho belief among tho npectntorn that those organizations wero not reprcsontod, but ovory un ion had mombors lu tho lino of march, ulthough for some organiza tions only a row appoarcd, Tho pa rado wan led by an auto In which rodo Flro Chief Tom Carlon, with other office or tho department; tho riro truck followed, with tho bricklayers, carpenters, painters, cul inary alliance, electricians, typo graphical union, hod carters, laun dry workers, tlmborworkern, print- era, bnrbcrn and machinists forming tho remainder of tho procession. Tho marchers halted nt tho City pork, whoro addresses woro Riven by Itov. K. II. Johnson of tho Daptlst church, Fred IC. Ilolllstor or Scattlo, "Keo America First" booster, and C. K. Stead. A picnic dlnnar was on- Joyed by hundreds nnd In tho after noon, with tho crowd constantly growing, nn Instrumental concort by tho Shevllu-Hlxon band was enjoyed Tho band mombors nppcarcd In smart green uniforms nnd tho music was In keepliiR with tho nppearanco or tho organization. A program or athletic sports and feature races vied with tho concert for popular fuvor. Organized entertainment camo to nn ond shortly beforo 5 o'clock. FIRES ARE LEFT BY CARELESS CAMPERS I-'ormt Hiipcrihor Plumb Find Six Near Knit Lake Hccnlc Ilcatity of Wood Menaced. Desplto warnings or flro danger, six campers nt East lako loft as many enmpfiros burning on Monday when thoy drove nway, Forest 8u porvlsor Plumb reported this morn log on his return to Ilond. Most or tho campers woro from this city, Mr Plumb aald. "Tho tlmbor surrounding East lako la of no commercial value," Mr. Plumb declared, "but It la or great scenic vnluo, nnd ovary effort should bo mndo by tho peoplo of Ilond to Insuro Its presorvntton. Tho wind had nlrondy spread tho fires when I reached tho lako. nnd a gonornl blazo could onslly havo followed." MANY QUALIFY AT "Y" AS SWIMMERS ltelny Hares, Polo Camo nnd Diving inhibition Other Features or Aquatic Program. Examinations In swimming woro contlnuod at tho M. C. A. plungo on Friday with tho result thnt Wnr ron IllrdBull, 11. Eporson, Mlko Mn honoy, Albn Ilhoados, Lomnn Todd, Josso Hoxborg, C. Hoss and D. Colo man qunllflod for swimmers' bndgca, whllo VS B. Ooldon, Frank Toomoy, II. A. Looton, E. Tnylor nnd A,. N. Sproat entered tho bogluuora' class. A rolay roco was won by Todd and Hoxborg, nnd Ooldon and Hoss Cap tained tho two polo tonms which played In n gnmo resulting lu n tlo of five goals each. Diving and wntor comody conclud ed tho urogram. PHONE COMPANY. GETS A NEW SWITCHBOARD A now switchboard, weighing ovor threa tons, togothor with n cnrload of poloB, wuh rocolvod on Tuesday by "Wlro Chlor Slllory of tho local tolophono company, Tho now equip ment will allow ror 200 moro con- noctloiiB than nro now posslblo, Mr. Slllory oBtlmntos. Tho now switch board, howovor, cannot bo put Into uso until tho company Is nbla to pro euro a larger room for Ua oxohuugo. WPtf' 2' Pmvi $$: 4 ' Ono hundred and fifteen' form boys, who havo recently won a competitive examination In ngrlt cultural aubjocts, woro rowardod with a 4000-mllo tour through tho principal farming regions of thd country. Tho trip took thorn through Now York, Chicago, Dotrolt, Clovoland and Washington ondlnfi at Collogo Station, Tox. Tho tour was financed by Hio business men of Texas. Its purposo was to broaaon tho viewpoint of tbo futuro farmer boy and to enable him to meet agriculture problems with moro Intelligence SMOKER CARD IS 13 ROUNDS TAYLOR WINS FIIOM CHICAGO LAI) WHO FORFEITS AFTER SIXTH IHEi:iC GEOHGi: AM) K.VOHH Gin' DECISIONS. Fast, clean fighting characterized tho boxing smoker hold Monday at tho gymnasium as tho evening fca turo of tho Labor Day celebration and, nn n result of that same speed and hard hitting, each Central Ore gon mnn on the card walked off with tho decision. Kid Tnylor, weighing in at 120 pounds, fought tho boat battlo of hla cureor whon ho was pitted against Franklo Howard of Chicago, a 124 poundor, In tho main event. From tho outset It was Taylor's fight, and whllo his cntlro stylo of combat was easier nnd moro effective tho most marked Improvement noticed was In tho uso of hla left. Outboxcd and outpunched, tho Chi cago lad could havo stayed tho 10 rounds without serious troublo, but In the sixth ho lett his chair with tho ovldcnt determination to end tho fight then and thoro. For perhaps half a mlnuto ho rushod tho local boxor, and thon was forced to take tho defonslvo. Taylor hit him ut will nnd aftor tho sounding of tho gong Howard was so badly used up, In addition to suffering from a homorrhago rrom a smashed cauli flower ear, that ho gavo up tho fight. Greko Ocorgo, wolghlng In at m irmmSlssaP iZ VtC 8 FARM BOYS ON 4000-MILE TOUR FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD JERSEY RECORD BRjEAKEK m S'' HraMflaft. MflHaflaBBiBnnnnriVvf Soohlo 19th of Hood farm, Jorscy cow, at the ago of 15 years and 9 months, haa broken her ninth oDclal world's record and baa como Into her own again as thi world's champion batter producing cow; In her nlno yearly records be has given 110,918 pounds or milk and 6353 pounds or butter rat; ker average Is 12,324 pounds or milk end 706 pounds or batter. The carries lire Insurance and accident policies aggregating x&o.ooo. 125 A pounds, and Nippor Davis or Portland, righting at 129 pounds, went their full six rounds In the main preliminary. Georgo got tho decision for, though outboxcd, he had a good edge on his opponent in tho matter or general results. Duffy Knorr of Terrebonne and Dobby Lowla of Portland fought at 125 V4 and 129 pounds, respectively, and Knorr won Just beforo tho end of tho first round when his oppon ent was unwilling to go on with tho mill. Duffy bored In from tho start, and with such good, results that Lew- Is presently Informed Referee Hous ton that ho wished quit. A few sec onds after tho docislon had been awarded Lewis changed his mind, too late. Let's settle f-fbis vsorl-if No man ever smoked a better cigarette than Camel! You'll find Camels unequalled by any cigarette in the world at any price because Camels combine every feature that can make a cigarette supreme Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos puts Camels in a class by themselves. Their smoothness will appeal to you. and permit you to smoke liberally without tir ing your taste! ' Camels leave no unpleasant ciga "retty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor ! YouMI prefer Camels blend to either kind uf tobacco smoked straight 1 CVne jrr M vrrt wJi-ri , f,rntific stir mJik? lUfljJdl Of ?il nJ4f(d ! ?il fa ma ... -fc itrr I.W ciifrrtfcr1 in a jinr-rip rvrrf rtrlcn We ilvniUi rwommrpi fin rarwn tot the houie ot ethtc tuppty ot vrhtn jou ttartl R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Winston-Salem, N. C. L-?i IKi-1 Lowell. Mass. A former champion RECRUITING OFFICER CRACK RIFLE SHOT To relieve Sergeant John B. Uar rlos, who has been In charge of tho United States marine corps rocrultlng otrico here, Sergeant C. J. Lambert has arrived In Dend rrom San Fran cisco. Sergoant Barrios will leave ror Portland on September 10. Tho new recruiting officer has been a member of tho marines since 1917 and during his servlco has trav eled no less than 36,000 miles. He Is a membor or tho marino corps rifle team and holds the record ot 652 out or 700, the highest scoro made west of tho Misslalppl. nriTAr? L