WW tjKOT'gp- WEEKLY EDITION MK.fn it r ul I viMi.j The bend bulletin. ' 'r,W VOI. XVIII IIHNR, DICHUIIVTISH CO lNT V, OREGON, Till 1WRA V, HEITKMRKlt 0, 1020. No. 38. !i . T ,- i .? 4 I REGISTRATION IS WELL AHEAD OF LAST YEAR 1129 PUPILS IN BEND SCHOOLS TODAY STEADY GAIN SHOWN ,' prvnnw NoIimI Over NuiiiImt In At- trinlanro At End of Flrt Month Iut War Nm Room Ami 'IYiuhrr Found Svernnnry, Registration figures compiled Jar Wednesday In tin) Ilcucl schools showed n total of 1129 pupils In tliu graden mill In (liu high schools, who Imvn already start (d work for ttio (nil lorin, nil 8,5 j jiur cunt over 1011. tlio nutnlior In iittaudnuco nt tlio uml or llio first month Inst year, City Superintendent K, W. Monro reported thin morning. An thoro In tionnnlly n ntendy growth In registration from ilny to ilny dur ing tho opening month or nchool, un enrollment bordering on 1200 U ox- peeled when Octohor nrrlvcn. Figures available toilny gave tho greatest growth In tlio high nchool, Including Junior uml nonlor depart inontn, whoro tho registration wnn 310, nn cnmpnrcd to 208, tho mi in tier III nchool on October 3, 1910. Tim pro-out number In tho grades, flrnt to sixth, Incltulvo, In 783, nn ngaluct 713 nt tho ond of tho first montii hint your. Segregated according to nchooln, tho enrollment ntntlntlcn collected to day for tho gradon nro: Hold, 3H; Cantrul, 204; Kenwood, 10S; cninpi. r 60; Carroll Acren, 20. "It mennn Just ono thing," Super Intendnjit Moora declared, "and Hint In tho Immodlnto hiring or un addi tional (anchor uml tho cnnntrtictlon or another room for tho Central nchool. Whether our present plant with theno nddlllonn wll bo ublo to nbnorlt continued Increases In tho ntimbor of puplln thin yenr, I nm un nblo to nny." FUNDS SECURED TO CONTINUE DRILLING W. K. MiCormlrk Oiuirnntrr Ex- pennon For 200 Foot .Moroi-Will Opon Mitt Ii Now Range Iutnil. W. K. McCormlck, Donchuton county stockman, linn entered Into nn . iiRrooineut with tho forest norvlco to riunuco tho drlllliiK of tho urtunlnu well near Quartz Ilutto, already sunk CC0 foot) (or 200 foot moro. J. M." Terry, who han tho drilling contract, ntnton that, according to present In dlcntloiin, wnter may bo reached nt n depth or COO foot. Oporutlonn woro stopped roconlly when tho govern inont npproprliillon (or tho work wan oxhnuHtod, Tho woll wlll,opon up enough now rnnga (or at lount two bands of sheep, It 1 ontlmntod. MICKIESAYS i OUMh. NtmNvf. PVXWIEN USMNN 1 "DCMI.NCXt- VJHM t0 NOO OCMtRKUM SNWUL VWKN tA lARflfcf OttfcNMS OUQ. VCV).Cft LwiMetO' dC VKU.,TV&9 eWiS WAKE fAM 1 ,OOC 'N V UV.e AU.XOU fO.V.5 n tr Ema ovr nou -vawhieo f ' DO AU.THW& THWiOS m 'WV AV.VJNMS TM.VCr4,kOU--;.OVV-AOH 1UM SNv.e vwovft NtvitP, cawvc o?v I I GRAVEL FOUND FOR ROAD WORK i'hacticama' ini:xiiai'htiji!ji: HutM'i.v riAoi:o at dim-dhal OP COUNTV HV a. O. I. I-'OH 1'lVi: OIJNTH A YAlll). Work on RrnvelliiK Tho Datlon Cnlirornla highway, which han boon delayed (or nonin tlmo owing to In ublllty to necura HurfncliiK mntorlnl, commoncod Tuesday, II. Y. Wlcknor, contractor, announced on Tucnduy, followInK tho discovery of n doposlt of Rravol, practically unlimited, on holdings of tho Central Oregon Irri gation Co,, about 10 in 1 1 on from Ilond. Following tho location of 'tho do poslt, County Commissioner C. II. Miller waited on V. 8. Htiiuloy, presi dent of tho Irrigation company mid wan told that tho county could havo all tho gravel It desired to tako at C cents a yard. At leant 13,000 yards will bo unod from tho one gravol pit, Mr, Wlcknor ntnton. HUGE MAPLE LEAF SEEN BY FLYERS l,nwt I'lnwN Trnrn Pattern To North Of Kilter Ijiko Vt Timber Ittourrc Aro Itewiilod. Peculiarities In tho nurfneo forma tion of parts of Contrnl Oregon woro brought In tho air trip from Ilond to Lnkovlow, Manager Ueorgo Lovo or tho Ilond Aircraft Corporation re ported yesterday utter returning from tho long flight. "I do not think Hint thin could bo neon nt nil from tho ground, Mr. I.ovo raid, "but from an olovntlon of 12, 000 foot, n huge inn pi u loaf, traced out In lava flown, In neon about 2C miles north of Silver I.nko. Tho blggenl rovelntlon to mo wan In tho amount of tlmbor In Central Oregon. You cun talk of tho hundreds of squnra miles of It, but tho enormous area covered by forests was novcr brought homo to mo until tho ship bognn to climb and I could soo noth ing but tho blnck carpet formed by tho tops of plno trees." On tho return trip to Ilond tho piano mndo two miles n mlnuto for tho first 2C minutes. Commorclal flying In Lnkovlow during tho Itoundup wnn tho purposo of tho flight. Pilot UochjBtolnor and Mech anician Haudnll woro the other mom born of tho party. " DELEGATES NAMED TO IRRIGATION MEETING County Court DcdKnittrM Tueho to Attend Development Cmigiv.Hi In Seattle This Month. To nttond tho hosbIoiih or the Northwest Irrigation nnd Dovolop inont cougrosn, to bo hold In Sonttlo Soptombor 10 and 17, dologutcs rep resenting Deschutes county havo boon doslgnntod by tho county court and n notlco or tho nppoltitmout mailed to Seattle. Tho following aro nnmed to nttond tho congress: Fred N. Wullaco, Tiimulo; I.ou Hood, Kodmoml; Fred H. Htanloy, DoBchutos; M. W. Knick erbocker, Slalom; K. llulck, Ilond; A, S, IIolmeH, I.owor Ilrldgo; V, L. Clnrlt, I.u Pino: M. W. Wilson, llod iiioiMl; C, O, CoruolliiH, Itodmond; It. A. Ward, IT, J. Overturf nnd T. II. Foloy, nond. "GUILTY" IS PLEA OF ROSCOE LANE) leflViNou County Mini Admits Mnnii fuctiiio of Whiskey and Is Fined JjlilOO lly Federal JiiiIku. PORTLAND, Sopt. 8. Roscoo Land nt Grnudvlow was fined $300 by Fe'dorul Judgo Roan hero yester day after' confessing to operating a CO-gallon still In tho mountains 23 inllos from arandvlow, Lnuo had nlrondy paid 400 In Madras for hav ing liquor In hie poBs'oaslou." I MANY IN AM LAKES STOCKED FOREST MEN TO NAME NEW WATERS Ciiscade Kk)llnc Location Pmly I)l- trlhuli (10,000 Tiinit Work To llo Completed lly October 1, In Jhpcrtntlon. No less than 10 unnnmod lakes along tbo lino of tho Cascade Skyllno highway betweon Diamond lako and Obsidian cliffs havo boon Blocked with trout for tho first tlmti during tho past two months, Frank I), Lcn- zlo, ono of tho forest officials, who In working on gonornl routo location thin sonson, reported Saturday on ar rival In Rend. With 25,000 eastern brook troyit and rainbow fry which ho took out for distribution that uftornoon, a total of 00,000 fish will havo boon planted In tlio hitherto troullcBO lakes, Tho location party In also undortaklug tho naming of these bodies of water, each of which will run from eight to 90 ucres In area, Mr. Leuzlo states. In addition to tho taken In which trout havo boon placed, many other new bodlen of wnter havo been found, but havo not boon used on account of lack of feed. Mr. Lejizlo plans to recotnmond tho planting or bans In tho watern of Mud lako, but also suggests that n subterranean outlet nt tho lower end of tho lako bo screoncd. Ho bollovns that this outlet is rcsponslblo for tho fact that there nro practically no fish to bo found, In nplto of tho fact that Qulnu creek, which empties Into tho lako, is ono of tho finest natural trout streams In tho state .Tho location party is now working north toward tho Bisters nnd Is ex poctcd to comploto lu work by Oc tobor 1. E. C BRICK RESIGNS, AS BOXING PROMOTER Crouds Too Kmall To I'ny KxptMisc For First Class Curds, De clares Matchmaker. That ho will no longer sorvo ns promoter of boxing bouts lu Rond wus tho statement mndo last night by E. C. Rrlck, designated us match makor by tho boxing commission shortly nftor tho appointment of that body Inst year. Lack of support on tho part of tho pcoplo of Rond Is tho reason glvon by Mr. Rrlck, who, with tho oxcoptlon of ono or two Btuokcrs on which a slight profit was roallzod, has found oxpouses to, bo consistently In excess of receipts. "I npproclato tho patronage of thoso who havo turnod out to these bouts," Mr. Rrlck sold, "but thero havo not been enough of thorn. To put on n first-class card means spending real mouoy, nnd tho crowds havo boon too small to furnish tho uocossnry funds, I am not willing to put on a chonp, Inferior card." AS SENATORIAL COMMITTEE INVESTIGATES KBWniMl1nwliHWByWBPF IHBBnV 9L Mfcta. HAVS WHITE Jg JgfKMKM . ... . . .. .. ,,, uoom 030, Foaorai ouuaing, uuicugu, Aiuenw d ui tv.wi. -.. - w.w .------ torlal Investigating commltteo Bka questions of campaign chairmen and managers about 'slush funds or campaign donations, none of tho big partios bolng Immune. Both Chairman Will Hays of tho Republican national committee, and Goorgo II. Wblto, Democratic national committee, have been on tho stand. Theso aro new pictures of the chairmen and of the commltte la aewlon. Reading, left to rtgbt, they are, Edge and Speacor; Kenyon, featrmani Pomereno and Reed. COUNTY SEAT TO BE ASKED PERMANENT LOCATION WILL BE ISSUE Tlmo Lapses For Filing Htnto Inltln the, Hut New Law Cited lly Dis trict Attorney Ohes Item! Clinnco To Oct .Menstiro on Ilullot. Dcsplto fears that Insufficient tlmo remained to plnco on tho ballot for tho fall elections an Initiative moanuro to declaro Rend tho perron' nanot county neat of Deschutes county, n county Initiative will bo started following tho citation by Dis trict Attorney A. J. Moore of a ntato law passed In 1919. Tho stato In Itintlvo would tako a longer tlmo and, consequently, cannot bo used, but a county petition, according to tho sta tute produced by Mr. Mooro, will bo Just as effective In vlow of thin opinion, President D. O. McPhorson of tho Rend Commercial club, Is having tho necessary petitions pre pared for linmcdiato circulation. Tho matter wan brought up in tho club last spring and a committee ap pointed to sea that tho measure defi nitely fixing tho status of Rend as tho center of county government should appear on tho ballot, but ac tion was delayed until tho tlmo was too short to allow for a stato Initia tive measure. At tho tlmo of the organization of Deschutes county, nearly four years ngo, Dond was designated as tho tem porary county neat. BEND MAN OWNS RARE NEWSPAPER W. If. Docrlnc Has Copy of I.a.t Wnllpnpor Ihmio of Vlckbnrtc Citi zen Wns PrlntiMl'Ry Soldiers. Ono of tho rare newspapers, print ed In tho Civil wnr period on wall papor, Is a prized possession or W. II. Doorlng or this city, who values tho slnglo sheet nil tho moro highly from tho fact that It was printed by his father and uncle, both soldiers In tho Union army. Immediately after tho capturo of Vlcksburg by General Grant. . When tho city was taken on July 4, 1803, tho ortico of tho Vlcksburit Dally Cltlzon wus entered, and tho typo found In tho forms, ready for tho press. With ono slight addition, noting tho enpturo of tho city, and announcing that no moro kltton frlcnssoo or inula meat need bo oaten by tho starving inhabitants, tho sol dlor printers put out tho lnsrwnll paper edition in Vlcksburg. . Mr, Doorlng's copy is ono of threo known to bo In oxistonco In tho stato of Oregon and Is said to bo tho most porfectly preserved of all. Ho has had numerous opportunities to sell nt a largo prico, but declares that tho bit of wull papor Is not on tho mar ket. ..., A- lu,M mam.a.1 nnlltUal NOTED WRITE IS BEND GUEST To mako an extended tour of the mountains and lakes of Central Ore gon which will sorvo tho doublo pur poso of providing art enjoyable out ing during tho hunting season and of nffording movfo men the oppor tunity to film him In particularly thrilling moments, Irvln S. Cob, fam ous short story wrltor and humorist, loft Rend by auto last Thursday with his friond, Dr. Dudley Roberta of Now York. Mr. Cobb nnd Dr. Rob erts wero accompanied on their trip by N. O, Jacobson, former supervisor of tho Deschutes National forest; A. Whlsnant and representatives of a coast moving picture company. They stopped Thursday night in tho vicin ity of Davis lako and transferred their camp equipment to a pack train in tho morning. Dinner Honors Guests. With Mr. Jacobson and Mr. Whls nan, Mr. Cobb and Dr. Roberts ar rived in Rend Wednesday evening from Tho Dalles, traveling by auto, night they woro tendered a dinner at tho Pilot Dutto Inn by W. C. Dlrd nall, manngor, tho affair being at tended by directors of tho old Rend Amateur club, the organization which firnt induced Mr. Cobb to visit thin city. Included In tho guest list wero H. A. Miller, II. E. Allen, J. A. Eastos, C. S. Hudson, A. Whlsnant, R. W. Sawyer, D. G. McPherson, E. P. Maharroy, l. K. Rrooks, H. J. Overturf, Carl A. Johnson and II. McDonald. A fcaturo of tho tabic decorations was an elk's head, facing tho chlcLu - ntrr"""Sf?7 Col est of honor. After dln- Cobb entertained the party with humorous stories and anecdotes. Mr. Cobb spent tbo night in a-room specially prepared for him at tho Inn, heads and skins of animals, borrowed frjjm tho stato game commission, bo- Ing effectively used In decorations "Just llko waking up In a zoo," Mr. Rlrdsall's guest remarked when ho camo down for breakfast. During his trip Mr. Cobb plans to obtain material for a series of three articles on Central Oregon for pub lication in tho Saturday Evening Post. SISTERS DISTRICT PETITION GRANTED County Court Sets October O A Dnto For Organization Election Will IVo Squnw Cret-k. Tho Deschutes county court, In session last week, allowed tho petition of tho settlers In tho vicinity of Sis ters for tho organization of an Irri gation district and set October 9 as tho dato for tho organization elec tion. Tho district will procure Its wnter supply from Squaw creek. The petitioners wero represented by II. C. Ellis aud Paul C. King. CURFEW LS CHANGED With the coming of autumn, tho curfow hour was changed last night to 8 o'clock, ono hour earlier than hns prevailed during the summer months. CAMPAIGN FUNDS Mn Y 111 fttlAa tflftt Ktanft.. PHONE SERVICE TO BE BETTER CLUB COMMITTEE GETS RESULTS All Applications To Ro Taken Carfl Of Hani Surfacing to Ro Urged To fctnto Officials Duo In Rend This Evening. Increased facilities for hotter tele phono service for Dend and the sur rounding country aro to bo had as tho renult of the activities of the npeclal Commercial club committee appointed last week, It developed yesterday, when H. J. Overturf, head of tho committee, reported the ar rival of a large switchboard and a carload of poles. Mr. Overturf was not certain that theso could bo In stalled on account of tho small size of tho present oxchango rooms, and indicated that the commlttco would request action of tho Portland super intendent and, rallingln that direc tion, would tako up the matter vrlth tho stato public service commission In order to have the local office la sufflclenly largo quartors. J. L. Galther, Rend manager, stat ed that a temporary switchboard In stallation Is now being mado which will enable tho company to tale caro of all applications now on file. Ho said that this Improvement Is en tirely due to tho work of the Com mercial club commltte. As chairman pf the special com mittee on financing and reorganiza tion, E. L. Vlnal stated that there was no report as tho committee and tho club directors had had no meet ing since tho last session of the club. Hard Surfacing Wanted. Vice President J. A. Eastes, who presided In tho absenco of President D. G. McPherson. mentioned that Stato Highway Commissioner Kid dle and Highway Engineer Nunn are due in Dend, and on tho mo tion of W. C. Rirdsall a committee headed by Mr. Overturf, and having as Its othor members Dr. J. C. Van devort and II. E. Allen, was appoint ed to urgo on tho state officials the desirability of early action In hard surfacing Tho Dalles - California highway. Mr. Dirdsall quoted a member of the California Auto club ns saying that Rend could havo 2000 visitors a day during tho tourist sea son If tho highway woro hard sur faced. Clyde M. McKay told of his recent auto trip to the Yellowstone Nation al park and advised a permanent camping ground In Rond for motor tourists. Mr. Eastes declared that this is a question which tho city should tako up within tho year. Gen eral road discussion followed. In the course of which Hugh O'Kane, oa learning that $110,000 had been spent on roads In tho county In the last two years, stated that ho con sidered tho road system to be $110, 000 worse than It had been two years ago. COUNTY TEACHERS LISTED FOR YEAR Assignments of teachers to tho county schools outsido of Rend have been announced by Superintendent J. Alton Thompson. With ono or two exceptions, all positions In the county nro now filled. Tho list of tenchors given Is as follows: Redmond, Paul Irvine, principal, Daisy E. Leonard, Rordea F. Reck, Hiram C. Smith, Lcola Eu bank, Grace E. Sherwood, Ellen O. Anderson nnd Dorothy Anderson; Redmond grade school, John Tuck, Mnrgnrot A. Kelly, Adollno Dietrich, Eunice- Wilson and Josslo Hill; Tum nlo, Mrs. J. M. Griffin, Miss Noola Chapman and Mrs. Harriott Ward; La Pino, W. C. Painter, principal, Nolllo Ilastlo and Roso Hunnell; Torrobouno, Mrs. Gertrudo Whitels, principal, Ozena Ordwny and Joyce Hnzolton; Slstors, William Kolty, principal, F, A. Everett, Mrs. Alice Scott; District No. 7, Miss Margaret Rodosldos; No. 8, Miss Florence Roy al; No. 9, Miss Eunice Catlow; No. 10, Miss Maybollo Jarrett; No. 14, Mrs. J. L. Cody; No, 18, Miss Anna Doty; No, 20, Miss Mary Llnstor; No, 21, Mrs. C, M, Rnsmussn( No. 22, MrsiEvtTSlnck; No. 23,'Mayp-. TrlpleufLNtK,' 28, Mrs. Ethel "lOber nnUepweV " RrldgiTps.rA. Jaeger; Deschutes, Mrs. Glen Cor. 7 - 'u l f, ' i