The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 26, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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What's Doing In The Country
'I llll -n-TTTT .....,,.............mmn.mtCTmmnmmn!;inmmmmmKi!n!!liilimiilii
riiEASANT RIDGE, AviR. 25.
ItnamUB l'ntorson wns oporutlng Iho
onBllnco cutter with his tractor for
0. E. Andorson to fill hla silo Mon
day. Mr. mul Mrs. O. E. Andorson, ac
companied by Mrs. O. II. Nowton nnd
Miss Frnnccl Nowton, nttondod the
movies In Hend Sunday ovonlnK.
Miss Joyco Wood nnd Brother Enrl
tlsltod at tho Hutchlns homo Sun
day evening.
xir. nnd Mrs. Oio Hanson tvna
Miiwirpn of Deschutes were callers at
hn MikknlRtm homo a short tlmo
Friday ovonliiB.
Mm. o. E. Anderson mndo n busl
noss trip to Redmond Monday morn
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Hutchlns and
'baby returned from their camping
trip Monday evening. , , 4
Glen Roberts Is doing somo irrigat
ing for A. M. Petty.
Anton Ahlstrom wns a business
visitor in Redmond. Wednesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Rlobhoff of
Redmond wero callers nt tho Hutch
lns homo Wednesday evening.
Mrs. E. B. Johnson nnd thrco
smnll chlldron arc visiting with Mrs.
A. M. Potty for a few dnys.
L. W. D. McKlol of Portland is
putting up a Simplex silo for Ras
mus Peterson.
Dr. A. M. Petty ion lor inu ui
Qua Barrio, Willis Freo nr,d Mr.
Smock explored somo of tho numer
ous enves lu tho vicinity of tho Ico
envo Sunday.
Tho rondbulldors' picnic nt tho
Ton-bar ranch Sunday wans well at
tended by Alfalfa residents.
TERREBONNE, Aug. 25. George
Whltols returned from a business
trip to La Grnudo Tuesday. Ills
daughter, Helen, who wont with him,
is visiting In Hepncr.
Tho Blllca mines nro running four
trucks now in order to fill rush or
ders. Will McEwIng, tho Lower Brldgo
mall carrier, foil and sustained bad
Injuries about tho head Saturday.
Miss 0ona Ordwny ontortnlnod
her muslep uplls on the Ralston lawn
Frldny nfternoou.
Tho second nlfnlfn cutting Is well
under way now nnd n good ylold Is
Gcorgo Whltols has recotved his
dairy license from O. A. C. nnd Is
now conducting a cream station. It
is qulto a convenience for tho farm
ers to rccelvo tho top marKoi prico
for cream nt home.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Pruyn of Hop
nor visited tho Helm family Inst
Miss Dorothy Miller Is spending a
two weeks' vacation hero with hor
Jack Cnssldy nnd Jefferson County
Deputies Cnpturo Alleged Moon
shiner nnd Iugo Plant In tho
Mountains Xonr Grnndvlow.
manufactured In Jofforson county
was first scoured utno months ago
by Sheriff S. M. Roberta of Don-
chutes county, Jofforson county mi-
thorltlcs woro notified ut tho time.
hut had boon tumble to locnto tho
TrhiXcoymon a " of G.enburn. CI.. U
SiV0WpBBCuSPCWa2b Rlvor her. to stay indefinitely with his
fiihJnv n Portland I daughter. Mrs. E. M. Miller.
H,Mhr7nndMrs0.ranE: Anderson, Mr. I f John Perry made n business trip
and M?II.T. Mlkkelscn nnd son. AH to Bend Monday.
fred, welnt to Bena .vonany ovcninK
to hoar Dr. A. Ray Potty speatc ai
tho Hippodrome.
J. A. Chaso. was n business visitor
In Redmond Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Baughman
nnd children, accompanied by Mrs.
Baughman's father nnd her niece,
who nro visiting hero.wero Bend vis
itors Monday.
rr nnd Mm. A. Rav Petty nnd Dr.
and Mrs. F. Petty left for Portlnnd,
CLOVERDALE, Aug. 25. Quito n
number from hero went to- tho moun
tains for huckleberries, but, owing
to n henvy frost up thero last week,
which softened tho berries, they hnd
Tuesday 'mo'rnlng after having visit- to return homo with only n smnll
cd at tho homo or tneir miner, ur. inciting ui "
A M Petty, for several dnys. They Miss Vesta Partln Is spending tho
will go by way of the Columbia River week In Redmond with relatives.
hlEhway to Portland, where they will Misses Alothea nnd Juanltn Hod
remain a few days.nfter which they son and Loulso Andrus woro vlsltorj
wilt start on tho return trip to Los nt II. Kline's homo Monday aftcr
Angclcs noon.
Mrs 0. B. Nowton and daughter,' J. Black was a business visitor In
Miss Francel Nowton. of Onkvllle, Bend Inst week.
Wash, arrived Saturday night to, W. F. Arnold, wife nnd daughter,
visit at tho homo of Mrs. Newton's accompanied by C. L. Gist of Sis
brother, O. E. Anderson. I ters. left Tuesday morning for a 10
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. Anderson on- days'auto trip through Washington,
tcrtalncrt the following guests Mon- They expect to spend somo tlmo with
day afternoon: Dr. nnd Mrs. A. Ray, Mrs. Arnold's brother, Vcrn GIs'..
Petty, Dr. and Mrs. F. Petty nnd Mrs. near Seattle. ',,.,
A. M. Petty. Ice cream, wafers and Tho Rev. Schnabel of Redmond
lemonade wero served by the hostess. preached hero Sunday. Owing to
Hans Hanson of Deschutes visited car difficulties ho was unablo to get
Alfred Mlkkelseu Sunday and Mon-jhero tho preceding Sunday, although
dy quite a number had gathered to hear
Mr. and airs. w. u. miicnwo u.nim
baby and Glen Roberts wero trading
In Redmond Saturuny evening.
S. R. Kline was a Redmond visitor
Irwin Parberry and wife woro vis
itors In Plnlnvlow Sunday evening.
Mrs. Lund wns calling on Mrs. Hil
ton rv Mondnv afternoon.
J. B. Hodson mado a flying trip
I ilnu-n tn R. Kind's Monday.
I Misses Opal and Rena Kollcy of
ALFALFA Aug. 25. Mrs. Jaynoa Bend, accompanied by their grand-
nnd daughter, Frances, returned to mother and undo from Forost Orovo.
Portland early Inst week. t spent Monday visiting at tho
,, nnd Skolton homes. Miss Rent will
Archlo Free nnd family, accompan- romnln ovcr n weok n8 guc8t 0f Mrs.
led by Elder Thorpe nnd wife of skeiton
Bend, visited Lost lake recently. i
Mclvin Crow wrenched his knee
while Irrigating last Wednesday. Tho NEW MANAGER HERE
X-ray was a dislocation wns QTAP
feared, but only a Tad sprain was bUll liik JLKl-OlAJi
found. ' I
Mr. Hohnstcln's mother has ar
rived from Portland for a visit
A. C
Succeeding E. L. Payno as man-
Barber and family went to nger of the TrI-State storo in Bend.
Lee Anderson of Corvallls, has ar-
tho ice cave Sunday.
Mrs. Coovert nnd mother. Mrs. rived In Bend to tnko tho posl
Bakor, Miss Lova Crow and Lynn ton from whlch Mr. Payno resigned.
Coovert motored Jo Bend Monday Mr Andoon wnfl formerly manager
c,". :", I::.." WVI ' ,.. , of tho Prlnevme branch, but for tho
Bond Monday. Pa8t eaT hns been fn",nB ln njn
Mr. Sholts and family. Lova Crow. t county.
Money Still Talks
Tho dollar may bo 'sninll chango" now, but It will "coino
back" btrong homo lny. Tho dollar you Have now will
ho worth tulce ns much later on.
Resist tho prevailing tendency toward extravagance. "Salt
Ti away" your surplus earnings. Thero novor will be a bettor
opportunity than now to accumulato money. When "Hinall
chango" becomes a regular, old-fashioned dollar again, you
will be glad to know you havo a goodly collection of them
ln your savings account.
91 or moro opciifi n i per cent inteieM-bearing account.
&$$ 1181 II SHO
Seizure of moro than CO gallons ot
corn nnd ryo whiskey, a CC-gallon
still, which Is said to bo on tho big
gest over taken ln Oregon, nnd quan
tities of mash, together with tho nr
rcst ot Ro8coo Lnno, alleged manu
facturer of tho whlto moonshine
which has boon flooding Bond for
months past, nro, In brief, the results
ot Investigations conducted In tho
vicinity ot Grnndvlow during tho
past weok by Stnto Special Agent
Cnssldy. Tho authorities are search
ing now for moro wot goods, bo
llovcd to havo been cached near tho
head of Fly creek, 23 mllos west of
Grandviow, whero tho still was
found. Lnno, who led stnto nnd
county officers to tho still nftor his
arrest lu Grandviow, Is Bald to havo
mado a complete confosslon, Involv
ing operations oxtondlng over tho
past nine months, nnd to havo taken
entire responsibility. Tho roport on
tho investigation and Its results was
given by Mr. Cassldy on his arrival
ln Bond Into Sunday night.
As a sequel to tho affair, Lnno
pleaded guilty In Madras to tho
chargo ot having liquor In his pos
csslon and wns fined $400 and given
a 10-day jail sontenco. A few hours
afterward Lnno nnd Mrs. Jnno Saw
yer of Bond wero mnrrlcd In tho of
fice ot Sheriff Ira Holcomb, tho cere
mony bolng performed by Rev. Walk
er ot tho Madras Presbyterian church
whlto brldo and groom stood bcsldu
tho recently captured still.
Resist Arrest.
Accompanied by Wilbur Nanco,
ranchor near Grnndvlow, Lnno drovo
Into Grandviow, whero thoy wero mot
by tho special ngont, Shorlff Holcomb
and Doputy Jackson. Both suspects
wero armed, nnd whllo Cassldy wres
tled with Lane for tho possession of
tho Inttcrs' rovolvcr, Nanco drew his
weapon, but felt tho muzzlo of Jack
son's gun against his head, and took
no further part in tho conflict. Gil
bert Nnnco appeared on tho scone,'
armed with a shotgun, nnd was
about to fire -on Lauo to satisfy a
personnl grudgo, Mr. Cassldy reports,
when tho special ngont, who had dis
armed and handcuffed his mail, I
forced him to lowor his weapon. j
After considerable nrgumont, Cns
sldy persuaded Lnno to guldo tho I
authorities to tun still, which wns
dismantled nnd taken Into Madras.
Ho states that Lano informed him
that tho whiskey-making outfit hnd
cost him $700, nnd thnt ho had
15000 worth ot high proof liquor
cached away. Thlrtcon CO-gallon
barrels of mash woro found near tho
still, with two quarts of slngle-dls-tilled
liquor. Ice-cold spring water?
used to cool tho "worm," was piped
from a mountain stream.
Liquor Is Found. ,
Search at tho Nanco placo revealed
flvq quarts hlddon In a small pllo ot
hay and later GO gallons ot doublo
"dlstllled whiskey was found on tho
ranch. Tho Nanccn professed ontlro
Ignoranco ot tho location of tho
In tho confession which Lano is
said to havo mado to tho authorities,
Wilbur Nanco Is mentioned as work
ing for wages for the ulleguu moon
shiner. Lano is said to havo been offered
JG00 by a moving picture company
for tho prlvilego of filming tho still j
In operation. Ho refused tho offer,
fearing that tho risk of exposuro
might bo too great.
Tho special agent ascertained in
his preliminary Investigations that
corn in ono-half ton lots had boon
coming to Lano. A fed oral chargo
will be preforred agalnsttho prison
er, ho says. Ho also says that Lano
served six years and eight months
of n 10-year sontenco at tho fed oral
prison at Atlanta, Georgia, for shoot
ing a doputy sheriff and a I'lilted
States doputy marshal who had been
Investigating his alleged mooushlu
lug activities In-North Carolina.
Lano appeared In tho Bond pollco
court, through his attorney a few
weoks ago, whon ho pleaded guilty
to having liquor lu his possession,
in ordor to regain possession of a
llquor-ladon automobllo which had
been seized by. tho authorities throo
weeks boforo.
Information that liquor was being
Spuds'In County
Helped By Frost
Declare Farmers
Potatoes In DcschutcH county
suffered In nppearuuco rather
than lu reality from tho frost of 4
Tuesday night, It dovolopod Frl-
day from Information received
from a uumbor ot roprosontu-
ranchers In tho county. Whllo
tho tops woro cut down on many
ncros of potntoes, this served
tho purpose, It wns pointed out,
ot stopping tho growth of that
4- part ot tho plant nbovo ground,
actually stimulating tho dovel-
opmout of tho tuber.
Harm dono to tho hardy vn- 1
rlotlcs ot alfalfa grown In this
Boctlou was negligible, and tho 4
"Try It Out Yourself"
says the Good Judge
And you will find how
much moro mUiofnction a
little of (his Real Tobucco
gives you than you ever
got from a big chew of Iho1
ordinary kind.
Tho good, rich, real to-,
bacco tasto lasts ho 'long
you don't need n f refill
chew nearly as often. So
it costs you less.
Any man who uses tho
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put up in two styles 1
W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
'"""Ax r I ""'
only lasting damage, dono by
tho sudden drop In tompornture,
as far as can bo learned, wns to 4
tho moro tender kinds of gar-
den truck.
,t' 'l,
After drilling G50 fcot, John M.
Perry, contractor on tho government
well Job nt Quarts Butte, has sus
pended operations, with wntor ap
parently only 30 or 0 foot nway.
Tho appropriation for tho work has
been exhausted, and nn effort will
now bo mndo to socuro sufficient
funds to reach wnter.
Easy to Oct Rid of Enemy.
Long before bullets wero ever
thought of ns nn Ideal mofcxciiKcr of
death, the Men of working evil on nn
enemy was extensively practiced by
tho OJIInvn Indlnu. He would make n
mimll wooden Image of the one whno
destruction he sought, nnd then pierce
Its bond or heart with n needle. Hu
wns positive In his belief thnt the ol
Ject of his hnte would be similarly
affected. However, to mako certain,
he would burn the puppet to the ac
companiment of magical words.
Continuing his search fur Illicitly
manufactured liquor, Stnto Hpeclnl
Officer Jack Cassldy Monday after
noon located 40 gallons ot whlto
moonshine on Iho Nnnco placo near
Grnndvlow. Thin Is In addition to
nonrly 100 gallons of tho corn nnd
ryo whlskoy, tho approximate loca
tion of which was gtvou to tho au
thorities nftor tho arrest of Rroscoo
Lano Inst week. Thero Is oven moro
of tho product of tho lnno still
cached In tho country about Grand
view, it is bollovcd.
Tho revolver which wns taken from
Lnno nt tho tlmo of his arrest has
savou notches carved on tho hnudlo,
It wns roportod Tuesday.
Hell your poultry through Bulletin
rtnaalflrd ntl.
Four now teachers for tho gradn
schools In llond woro unanimously
elected Inst weok nt tho rngulnr
meeting of tho board of directors,
following tho report of Mrs. R. M.
Thompson, chairman of tho commit
tee" on Instructors, recommending
this ntclon. With tho election prac
tically all vacancies nro filled, unless
somo 11th hour resignations comn In,
Tho Instructors whoso application
woro accepted nro: Gonovlevo Hlrk
ctt, Luvorno, Minn.; Clnrn Million;
Woodland, Wash.; Josslo Konney, Ho
nttlo; Hilda Kootmnn, Madura, Cal.
Optimistic Thouoht
It Ik silly to hettnw too much labor
on trifle.
High-Class Dairy Cows
and Calves
ON TUESDAY, AUG. 31,1 920
Beginning at 1 :00 o'clock p. m., at my ranch two miles
east of Bend Postoffice, on the Bend-Burns road, I will
offer at public sale my entire herd of High-Class Dairy
Cows, together with a dozen or more Calves ranging in
age from five days to six months.
This is, undoubtedly, the best producing bunch of cows in Deschutes
County, among them being cows now paying better than .$40 per month, and
'they are sold only because I find it almost impossible to secure competent
help and I am physically unable to handle them alone.
Terms of Sale: Six months time on approved bankable paper bear
ing 10 per cent on sums of $20 and over, or 5 per cent olT for cash. Under
$20, net; cash.
Included in the sale will be horses, brood sow and other property. See
small bills for description of each cow to be sold.
Col. B. I Retinoids
M. W. PETT1GREW, Owner