The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 26, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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VOI;. .Will
No. 28.
Ctinmbrrlnlti l'ltdKi AIM In Herui-
Ing Federal Reclamation AhnUI-
nwe - Limn of KronoiiilcM
Mimt Holve. Many Nauru.
Declaring that tlio tlmo In not for
distant whon onu or tho railroads
now terminating nt lluiul will liu ex
tended to connect with Lnkovlnw and
Klamath Falls, making those cltlco
trltitiliiry to Orogon Instead of to
California, Hotiutur aoorgo K. Cham
holnlu spoke ut tho weekly
ioon luncheon of thu Hand Commor-
clnl club to unu of tho lurgost gath
erings which has attended tho club
thin year.
Honntor Chamberlain arrlvud hnro
Inst night In tho course of an nuto
tour of tho slato, In which hn in on
doavorlng to famlllarlxo himself with
tho condition ami iioocIh of tho vn
rloussoctlons, nftor his protrnctod
absence, necessitated by hln dutlos In
tho tintlonnl capital. Ho loaves In
tho morning, continuing hln Journoy
to tho north.
Sonalar i'hamliorlaln expressed
hln surprise nt tho growth of Iloiid
hlnco IiIh Innt vlnlt flvo years ago, nt
n tlmo before tho IiIk pHio mills had
boon established huro. "Ilond has
riuvolopod from pioneer community
to tin enterprising city, with tho op.
portunlty of becoming ono of tho
firm cities In tho Nofthwont, duo to
tho enterprise of hor citizens mid tho
unturnl resources of tho country," ho
MnNit for Federal Aid.
j,; Tho speaker outllnod IiIb rccollec
tlomt of Control Oregon, beginning
42 yen r n ago, who it ho rodo on homo
Imck over what In now Doschtitos
county. Ho wnii horo ngaln In 1D02,
whon interest In IrrlKntlon develop-
tuout wnii beginning to tnko doflnlto
form. "As Rovornnr nnd an senator,
I havo wntchod tho growth of thin
miction with tho koonost Intorost,"
m ho daclnrcd.
Aftar giving It ns hln opinion that,
had govornmuut reclamation boon
linmudlatoly undortnkon nt tho tlmo
of tho passage of tho Camy net, diffi
culties now existing would novor
havo como Into being, tho nonntor
painted out that It 1 tho duty of tho
business man of Ilond to nld Bottlers
nnd Irrigation project ownorH In com
promising tliolr differences.
In regard to tho Ilonham fnllH
project, ho montlonod tho favorablo
roporl of Professor W. O. Crosby nnd
Htntod that tho govornmout may yot
bo luducod to tnko ovor tho contom-
(Contlnuod on luHt pago.)
anw NEVNapoo,eur them's
no excuse per sock stunt6
. .wt'
- - '
iMicmei jog "
vou'rawiNO I
ro woqh Ne I
FQH A fiAISe?)
Carrier Pigeon
Brings Currency
For Elks1 Home
A now uho for tho carrier
fr nli'non has boon hroiiKht to
light In tho arrival of ono of
tho DuHRlititDM National foroHl
wlngod niomionRorH with n do)-
Inr bill liiBorlnd III tho nluniln-
tint tubo nltiichud to tho blrd'n
log. Tho bill, which lit not
4- only tho flrnt to hnvo cromiod
tho CancndoN by plguon, but In
iiIho tho flmt dollar Htibncrlbod -
nt tho WiiHliliiKtou Blkn' con-
vontlou In Vancouver for tho
( MotolltiH homo, wan Honl by K.
J- 1'. Mahnffoy, oxnltod rulor of 4-
(ho Ilond II. I. O. K, lodgo, nnd
N. a, Jncobson, who left curlier
In tho wnok for Vnncoitvor, tnk-
Ing with thorn two of tho horn-
Ing plgeonn trnltiod by W. J.
Hpront. Tho bird, with IIh bur-
doit of currency , rouchod tho loft
at tho Htirout homo Innt night.
A poncllod lintcrlptlon told
tho purpono for which tho mou-
f oy was given.
now in camp
at lost lake
LOST IjAKB, Aug. 21. (Special
corrvHpondouco) With fir boughs
for n bod and tho Marry iiklcs for a
canopy, 24 Ilond boy hcoiiU aro rent
ing In camp tonight on tho shore of
Loit lako. All day, under tho load
onhlp of Scoutmnitor J. Bdgar Pur
ely, and with tho onorgetlc nnnUtanco
of Mayor J. A Banted, thoy havo
worked llko boavom, building their
camp homo, and bedtlmo tonight hai
como iiono too noon.
Tho ndvanco of tho Mcutit party,
connUtlng of Itobort Koye, Arthur
BrlckKon nnd Arnold Johnson, camo
up with tho foroiit eorvlco truck,
bringing camp supplies nnd equip
inont, Monday afternoon. Joined In
tho onrly ovonlng by tho scout mas
ter, a camp situ was selected on tho
northwost sldn of tho lake, near Its
upper end, where n spring brook
promised puro drinking water, nnd
a slightly elevated beach land of
fered dry sloeplng grounds.
8tind Muko Camp.
Barly this morning this Hiuno party
freighted tho supplies up to tho lako
from tho main rond, and by tho tlmo
tho next squad arrived, with Super
intendent 8. W. Mnoro, had mndo
good hondwny on tho construction of
raft to carry everything to tho
camp slto, fnrthor up tho lako. With
tho arrival of Mayor Bastes, things
really began to hum. Hardly had
tho motor of his car coused to throb
from tho stuop climb up to tho Inko
boforo Head's chief executive In his
onthUBliism and interest, ns young
ns tho youngest scout present, was
nut mi thu partly built raft, driving
spikes, laying decking nnd working
generally to nssuro it seaworthy
cruft. Later Mr, Bnstos saw to tho
loading of tho raft nnd acted ns pilot
on Kb two trips up tho lako. Ho
turning in tho afternoon to hls'car-
poutry work, tho mayor busied him
solf with hiiw and hammer in con
structing dining tnblos.nnd Boats mid
doing othor Jobs that proved that al
though thero may not havo bcon any
boy scout organization back In his
Kentucky boyhood, "Jim" Bastes Is
today n scout with tho host of thorn.
Whllo tho mayor wan unloosing his
onthiiHlnsm for tho job, squads woro
busy nt tho many othor duties that,
together, go toward "making camp."
Tho various BquudH, with their cup
tnlnx, mombera and duties, woro as
Duties AsnIkiumI.
Plros David Oroon, captain; Har
old Durllnt;, Lloyd Lamping, Arnold
Sanitation John Caldwell, enp
tnln: Unbort Koyos, Siunuo! Onrnor,
Illchnrd Connarn.
Tahlo-mnklng Barl Corhott, cap
tain; Charles Corhott, aiou Sholl, El
lis Moyoru,
Cupbonrd-mukliiR Frank Casoy,
captain; Charles Livingstone, Archie
Nordoon, Dosmond Woods.
Sleeping accommodations Hilly
Foley, captain; Wlllard Houston,
Wnyinnd Losslug, Oron Cook,
Tho on) squad not montlonod in
(Contlnuod on Pago 4.)
Kiirfncu of OcoloKlnilly Itcct'iit Flow
Changed by Qiicmhlng In ltlvcr,
Theory Het 1'orlh In
Crortby Itcport.
Tho tendency to underestlmuto tho
ago of Lava' buttu nnd Its lava, and
of tho lavas genornlly of nil this
region, is duo, chlotly, to a falluro
to npproclato tho Inertness of tfio
climate, duo especially to Its dryness.
If Lava butto Is, ns wo must believe,
tho Inst word up to tho present tlmo
In tho volcanic history of tho upper
Deschutes volley, wo may woll feel
reassured ns to tho stability of tho
geologic conditions. For, if thou
sands of years havo elapsed slnco the
last cataclysm, tho next ono, although
that much nearer, can hardly bo re
garded ns Imminent.
Ilrlikbnt" Lnvn.
Tho surface of tho Lava butto flow,
nnd tho same Is truo of all tho lator
eruptions, Is specially characterized
by its oxtramoly ragged ruggedness
nnd roughnoss. Bqually distinctive
Is tho extreme baso of tho flow,
whero It invaded tho channel of tho
river. Tho sudden quonchlng and
cooling of t!o lava prevents tho ex
pansion of thu occluded steam and
tho lava Is loft in a detiso, hard,
shining stato, and broken Into close
fitting cuboldal blocks, resembling
brick-bats in slzo and shape. For
want of n better namo, wo fell Into
tho habit of calling this typo of
basnlt tho "brick-bat" lava, tho prod
uct of tho sudden cooling which
makes It donso nnd hard, and tho sud
den quonchlng nnd crackling which
gives it tho characteristic form. Un
der different conditions tho block
may vary greatly In slzo, though ro-
tnlnlng tho cuboldal form. Thus tho
body of lava threo miles long, ono to
two nnd a half miles wldo and 200
to over 300 foot high, with latoral
slopes of -10 to 45 degrees, to which
Davis lako is duo, Is brokon Into rec
tangular and cuboldal blocks, with
out ndmtxturo of scorla.dust, lapllll
or othor forms of lava. This scorns
to bo tho normal reaction, under cer
tain conditions, of lava and water,
tho eruption or extrusion of lava to
which Davis lako Is duo having como
up in tho bed of Davis creek.
The Great Fault FNhiire.
Bxtonding southeasterly from tho
northeastern baso of Lnva butto for
two nnd a half miles, and possibly
farther, is n very pronounced nnd un
mlstakablo fault flssuro, breaking tho
great basalt of tho eastern slopo of
tho Deschutes vnlloy. Tho down
throw Is to tho southwest or toward
tho vulloy and ranges from 10 foot or
less to possibly 40 feet. Tho flssuro
Is, in part, n truo chasm 20 to 40
foot wldo, Into which tho huga col
umnar blocks of basalt hnvo fallen
promiscuously, nnd which tho von
turosomu explorer may penotrnto to
a depth of CO foot or more'.
Tho flssuro passes under tho road
nnd can bo followod to tho very edgo
of Lnva butto nnd, If continued In
this lino, must pnss under tho north-
castorn half of tho butto. Hut wo
searched In vain for It on tho far sldo
of tho butto nnd in tho county bo-
yond, toward Oroon hill. Apparent
ly It onds bononth tho butto, but nil
nltornntlvo vlo'w is opon to us, for,
in tho forest oast of tho road, tho
fault Is soon, nt ono or moro points,
to ond nnd thon bogln again n little
to ono sldo, and boyoud tho point
whore It sooius finally to ond In. por-
Imps, merely n moro docldod offsot.
Howovor thnt may bo, an offsot to
tho southwest bouonth Lava butto Is
not spoclnlly Improbable and that
might woll bring tho flssuro Into co
lucldonco with tho crater, a highly
prohnblo and normal association. In
othor words, tho crntor must origi
nate In n profound flssuro, and only
fault flsqtiroa aro cortnluly doop
enough to tap tho groat Bubterrauonn
rcsorvolr of nioHon basalt, Tho off
sot may woll oxplnlu, too, tho nb
sonco of lava from tho part of tha
flssuro now opon to oxamlnntlon, al
though It npponrs not unllkoly that
tho Irrogulnr pntohos oj rather fr'osh
looklng lava on tho Bouth sldo of tho
fault flssuro 'half n mllo from whoro
it crossos tliQ rond camo from n
branch or branches of tho main fls-
(Contlnuo on Pago 3.)
(lencrul Miinagcr of Itrooks-Kcnnlon
Operation In Iteml Honored
Ily Company Which He IIus
Kcrveil For Many Venn.
That J, V. ICoyos, goncrnl manager
of tho plant of tho Hrooks-Scanlon
Lumber Co, In Mend, has been eloct
od to tho position of vlca president
of tho company was learned yoster
of tho company wan loarned Mon-
Mr. Koyos bun been In tho lumber
business for tho greater part of his
llfo. Twenty years of this tlmo was
spent with tho Hrooks-Scanlon Lum
bor Co. and tho preceding decado In
tho employ of lumber industries
which later beenmo tho company of
which ho Is now vico president.
From 1300 to 1910 Mr. Koycs oc
cuplcd a managerial position at tho
plant at Scanlon, Minn.; from 1910
until 1912 he was in charge of con
struction of tho Hrltlsh Columbia
plant at Powoll Hlvcr, and afterward
was sont to Head to assumo tho dl
roctlon of tho Bend company mill.
Lator, with tho development of tho
creator lumber Industry la Bend, ho
was in ado general manager In charge
of Hrooks-Scanlon milling and log
ging operations here.
Throughout tho Deschutes valley
potato country tho crop will bo unus
ually heavy this year, It was report
ed yesterday by Traveling Frolght
and Pnssongor Agent J. T. Hardy of
tho Orogon Trunk, on his arrival in
Ilond. Tho grain crop In tho coun
try to tho north will bo unusually
largo nnd will run from 12 to 20
bushels to tho aero In tho vicinity of
Littlo grain Is bolng moved, how
ever, as most farmors aro holding for
hlghor prices. Tho car situation is
improving, Mr. Hardy reports.
SALEM, Ore, Aug. 25. Miss S. D.
Wolfo of tho Madras country rodo
Into tho city of Hond, nttlred In rid
Ing breeches. Sho was Instructed by
officials of tho Central Oregon town
that sho would not bo permitted
within tho city limits when appear
ing In such garb, according to a com
plaint which sho has registered with
Govomor Olcott. A rovolvor which,
sho stntos, sho carried for protection
against wild animals, was confis
cated by tho authorities, sho said.
Miss Wolf assorts sho Is not over
particular about thrusting her pros
onco upon tho peoplo of Hond, oxcopt
Hint tho noud bridgo, across tho Des
chutes, Is convenient, but sho would
llko to hnvo tho gun back, and ap
peals to tho govornor tor advlco as to
how to proceed,
"I am riding on tho desert and In
tho mountains most of tho tlmo,"
said Miss Wolfo In hor lottor to tho
oxccutlvo. "Tho othor day, Just bo
causo I rodo into Ilond, drossod in
riding pants, Mr. N'Uon told mo I
had to stay out of town. Why should
ho bar mo whon girls, dressed in
similar gannonta nro riding about tho
town In nutomobllo9? Tho chtot
took my rovolvor, notwithstanding
that I nood It for protoctlon."
A 00-ncro flro which started Mon
day In tho yollow plno In tho vicin
ity of Fox butto Is now undor con
trol, Forost Supervisor Plumb ro
povtod today. Continued hot woath
or, with thunder storniB in tho moun
tains, is predicted- and mny compli
cate tho lnttor part of tho flro Boa-
son, It Is feared.
Meteor" Only
Dynamite Kept
- West of Yards
What was generally believed
(o havo been tha explosion of a
falling motoor was definitely as-
certnlncd today to havo been
Vdynamlto stored in. a small
' building' soino 860 yard to tho
west of tho cxtrcmo limit of
tho Hhovlln-Hixon lumber yards.
r Approximately CO pounds of tho
t oxplosivo was sot off oarly.,
Monday morning, presumably
fr by tho gnawing of a rodent, nt-
tractcd by tho glycerine-soaked
fr papor wrappings of tho dyna-
mlto sticks.
fr Humors of tho truo causa of -fr
fr tho detonation wero current -fr
4 this morning and wero Invest!- fr
fr gated by Firo Chief Tom Car-
fr Ion, who quickly corroborated -fr
fr tho report on visiting tho scene
of tho explosion.
A conservative estimate on tho
population of Hend and Its environs,
mado public Friday, whon R. L. Polk
directory representatives completed
tholr enumeration of tho population
of this city, gives a total of 6500,
contrasted with tho 5415 reported in
tho government census, mado early
in tho year. In tho later enumera
tion, a few residences Just boyond tho
city limits nro included, and also
woods workers In tho logging camps
of Tho Shovlin-Hixon Company and
tho Drooks-Scanlon Lumber Co.,
but, eliminating theso, tho actual
population of Dend would run ap
proximately G000. Polk figures aro
often taken In preference to United
States statistics when accuracy Is de
sired. Enumerators declared that Bend Is
undoubtedly tho fastest-growing
town they havo over worked In, and
found It necessary to go over tho
samo districts soveral times, as peo
plo woro moving Into Bend at the
rato of two or three families a day.
They found few who wero leaving.
Tho unusually largo number of stnglo
mon living hero was commented on,
tho dlroctory mon declaring that If
ovory ono of th: bachelors they had
counted had nn avorago sized family,
tho population of Bend would bo in
creased from 4000 to 5000. An es
pecially large proprtlon of unmar
ried men was found In the ranks of
tho harbors.
Number Furnihcl.
W. E. Genack, under whoso direc
tion tho enumeration was made, re
ported that, as a pari of tho directory
work, 100 houses In Bend had been
provided with numbers. That moro
woro not similarly equipped was duo
to. tho fact that many housoholdors
woro unwilling to purchase tho metal
numerals until later.
Tho population of Bond is growing
bo rapidly that, although It is tho
custom of R. L. Polk & Co. to put
out a directory only onco In two
yoars in a city of this class, Bend will
probably bo ready for another publi
cation of tho kind within another
twelve-month, Mr. Gonack stated. In
connection with this year's directory,
a street guldo will probably bo is
sued. Enumeration of tho county outside,
of Bend will bo started In tho very
near future and tho book should bo
rondy for distribution nt tho end of
two moro months, it was Indicated
by Mr. Gcunclr.
Klectlou Follows Resignation of K.
11'ayne, Former Manager of
llio Trl-Stnto Store.
On tho resignation Monday of E
L. Payno as president of the Mer
chants' association of Bond, C. A.
Wurnor of tho Wurnor store was
elected to head tho organization. Mr.
Payno recontly resigned as mnnagot
of tho Trl-Stato store and his with
drawal from morcantllo activity was
followed by his resignation as an of
ficer of tho association.
"Htccpcd In Wnrrenlte," Hnys Mayor
of AfHcrso Communication
HuslncsV Section, CoiiRrwi,
and Delaware Como First
' In'tho face of a report by City En
gineer Robert B. Gould advising
against tho use of Wlllito for paving
tho streets of Bend, tho city council.
In adjourned session Monday, vot
ed to accept tho petitions of property
owners in tho business section, oa
Congress street and on Dolawaro, all
of which call for Wlllito. "Tho peo
plo want It; let's give it to thorn,"
was tho way Councilman, Mageo out
lined tho situation, and tho council
In general took this vlow of tho mat
tor. Minor changes In tho descrip
tions of tho areas to bo paved may
be made later, It was stipulated la
tho motions of Councilman Payne
which covered tho contemplated Im
provements. Mr. Gould's report Included tho
opinions of prominent paving ebor
and laid emphasis on the chemists'
analyses of Wlllito. Theso stated
that tho copper sulphate used with
tho asphalt docs not enter Into chem
ical combination, and henco gives the
pavement no claims for superiority.
Some of the opinions were favorable,
but a majority advised against so
thin a surfacing without a suitable
Report Ignored.
"Steeped In Warronlte," was May
or Eastes' comment on the mass of
telegrams and letters which consti
tuted tho documentary evidence on
which tho city" engineer's report was
Mr. Gould stated that Willlta
might give "pretty good service" for
flvo years, but considered that the
city's immediate need Is tho only real
reason why this type of paving should
bo adopted. Cinders, he said, might
mftko a fair foundation, but rocks
would bo infinitely better.
"It's our only solution," Mayor
Eastes emphasized, "and, personally,
I consider these telegrams and let
tors criticizing Wlllito to bo preju
diced. Sometimes common sense Is
hotter than science"
When the question was finally
put, Councilman McPhorson ex
plained hlaffirmatlvo voto: "I am
not convinced that this two-Inch sur
facing Is what wo want," ho said,
"but tho only way Is to experiment
for ourselves. I consider that the
business sqction, Congress and Dola
waro aro as far as wo are Justified la
going with this typo of pavement."
Following adjournment, Council
man Rhodes expressed hlmsolf as be
ing of tho samo opinion.
City Manager Advised.
Tho advisability of employing a
city manager, whoso duties will In
clude those of tho present recorder,
was discussed toward tho close of
tho sossion and will bo brought up
again at tho first meotlng n Sep
tember. It was pointed out by Mr.
McPherson and by the present re
corder that tho employment of such
a manager, to glvo his entlro tlmo to
city affairs, would easily savo Bond
moro than enough to pay his salary,
"The handllug of city affairs Is a
business, and It must bo run as
such,',' Mr. McPhorson declared.
Rosults of tho last competition
held by tho swimming club af the
Y. M. C. A. woro announced
for tho 80-yard handicap and tho 20
yard squadron, ns follows, contest
ants plnclug in tho order named:
Elshty-yard handicap, Cottlughani,
Rhoades and Ross; squadron 20-yard
raco, Cottlughani, .. Earl Taylor,
Sproat, Ross end AltertiTaylor.
Regular mootlngs of tho club will
bo held horoatter at 7; 30 o'clock each
Frld'ay' evening. At the next meet
ing, examinations will be given for
the awarding of badges.
- . ".: