The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 19, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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TAm 7
(Contlmioil from pngo 0.)
rlvnr channel mitl (liu ronorvolr
(iron. It In iluln, thoroforo, (lint,
In vlow of tlio prolinbln loiikngii of
Hut tiiiuuil roof, unil IIm jmnHlliln
lorul collnpno, u lionvy ronpotiHlblllty
roiilii upon tlilu cnrpot of nllt.
A I ho In vlow of tlio fact Unit tho
discovery of tlio tiinnol lit duo to u
liuiro iiccldoiil, it cliitnco fall of tlio
roof. It lit it natural thought Unit
thorn may tin olhcirn, for hoyoud tlio
llmltM of tlio collupiiod portion wo
look In vain for any mirfaco Indica
tion of tlm tunnel. AtinoHt our only
nluo In nffordod by tlio thought that
tlio tunnolH tnnd to follow tlio do
lironnloiw or valloyH of tlio original
or pro-lava nurfnco; and hero wo
oiicoiinlur tlio dllllculty Unit tlio pro
Ittvu depressions aro llltuly to bo
Afncoil by tlio flow, In fact tlilu np
ponrn to bo tlio ciiho with tlio tun
nel uudor dlnciiNiiloii. It Ih not
now connplGiioiinly inarkod by a mir
faco dopronnhui. It docn appear
ri'iMonahlo, howovor, that tlio lava
timnnlN will not bo cloudy npnrcd,
In other wnrdn, that tlio occurrence
of a tunnel Iminuulzon a connldor
nblo bnmdlli of lava on either Hldo.
Bouillon tlio unnatnml tiinnol al
ready doncrlbnd, I liavo kunwlmlgn,
derived from tlio Donchuten National
Forcnl map, of only two tiinnnlH on
tlio eastern nlopo of tlio Donchuten
vnlloy. Thoito aro ' tlio Arnold lco
Cnvo, a iloxoii in I Ion notiltxinHt of
Bend nod troiidlm: In that direc
tion, and Mnrno Cuvn, about thrco
mlloN onnt of Bond, but sharing,
nluo tlio norlhwontnrly trend. Horso
Cavo In Irregularly branching; and
thitro aro liidlcatlnnit that tlio Arnold
lco Cavo may also bo branched. Hut
whether tlio branches aro trlbti
tarloH or dlntrlbiitnrlon (converging
or diverging) In not very clear.
Tho Arnold lco Cavo also belongs,
nil tho iinmo Implies, to tho claim
in which tho drlftml nnow of wlntnr
exceeds tho summer molting. Hucli
examples might bo called natural
lco hoimoH. Although wo con not
nuppoHo that tho lco oxtmidn far
from tho opening It mny account
lato to nuch on oxtunt an to mako
oxploratlou dimcult or Impossible.
Tho Edison lco Cavo. nomo 17 miles
In a direct lino nniithwosl of llond,
and eight in IIm went of tho rciicr
voir, In a ciiho In point. It In at nit
olovotlon of about fl.000 foot.
Tho wwtorn or cnscnr.o slope of
tho DvhcIiuIoh valloy appears, by
virtue of Hn rotatlvoly stoop nlopo,
to bo especially favorablo to lava
! Central Oregon Garage
Exclusive Agents for Northwest Auto Co. for
Deschutes, Crook nnd Jefferson Counties
Marmon-Cole, Reo and Dort
Cars Bethlehem, Indiana and
Duplex Trucks
Business and Professional Cards
Rooms 13-10 First National
Dank Uldg. Tol. Gil
(Dr. Co Yotmn Offlc.)
II. It. DeAfmon.1 Cha. W. EVln.
DeArmond & Erskinc
j, a w v k ii h
O'Knno IlulldlnK, Dond, Orogon
H. 0. M h L I 8
Cnltcd Stutos Oommlnnlonor
Flrnt Natlounl Ilnuk Uiilldlni
MUNI). oiucnoN
llond ProHa UldR.
bhnd. onnaoN
Plionon: OIllco Hort 41; Ron. 123
Read the Bulletin
Classified Ads
tiinnol duvolopmoiit; but tho old,
woalhurod anil inoro or lonn rottoit
condition of tlio tmiialt In unfnvor
atilo to tunnel proiiorvatlou, Tliun
tho IMIiion lco Cavo In otitorod by
an artlllnlal nliaft nun tc In highly
oxldlxod and docomponod tumult.
And tlio glum iiprliiKii no clinntc
torlHtla of thin well watered wost
oru nlopo (nctipo, It In hollovod, from
eollapniiil liiuuoln In woathered and
rotten biiHiilt. Thin Ih, probably,
the hunt explanation of tho out
flown of water to which wo owo
Kail rlvo'r, Hprlng river and Metolltin
river, mid, pnHnlhly, noma of tho
dozen or more other nprlugn named
or Indicated on tho map, Of fairly
frequent occurrence, iiIho, aro longl
ttidlual depreHHlonn of the nurfnco
niiKKontlvn of tho collapno of lava
tunnolH, Assuming that Spring river
and Fall river do repreiiout col
lapMod tunnolH, tho quontlou nrlsos
an to whether or not the ttmuoln
aro choked beyond tho voutn of tho
nprltiKH, Although doflnlto data on
which to bano an aniiwor aro luck
ing, more or Iohn comploto clogging
of tho tiinnnln nppoiirn monl prob
able Hut however thin may ho, wo
can not doubt that tho tuuneln,
either cloned or opou, do oxtond
obliquely downward beneath tho
rcnorvolr area to tho ax In of the
valley, where, pusHlbly, thoy aro
united, filuco they aro rofornblo
to one and tho nnmo groat outflow
of hanalt, and nro, thun, onnentlnlly
coutemponiiiooiin, their union, orfg
Itinlly If not now, nppoarn to bo n
snfo coiiclunlon. Recognizing tho
wentern an far older, many thou
naiidn of yearn older, than tho east
ern bnnnlt of tho Donchuten vnlloy,
tlio aniumptlou In not warranted
that tho wonteru tunneln nro or
ever were confluent with tho nnnlorn
and relatively modem tiinnol. Wo
miiNt nuniimo, rather, that after tho
wonteru basalt had nwopt well acronn
tho valley crowding tho rlvor bo
foro It and Isolating tho Ilcnliam
Palln rhyollto rldr.o, which thun bo
rnmo n ntoptoc, tho onntorn How of
bnmilt overlapped tho wontorn and
crowded tho rlvor back townrd It
original location: but with both
river channel and tunnel at n higher
elevation. Another consideration
unfavorable to the coincidence of
tho eantern and woHtoru tunneln In
that while tho normal trond In
northwesterly for tho former It In
northenntorly for tho latter. Tho
two nyntemn thun tond to crosn nt
largo niiglcn, an well an nt different
level, and colucldonca In hopelonn.
Hut thoy clenrly ngren In thin; They
all underlie tho floor of tho pro
poned llenhnm Kails rcnorvolr,
Itecent Volcanic I'liennmenn
Tlio term recent In hero lined In
a geologic, and not In n human,
neuno. Any geologic, and enpeclally
Phono Black 1X91
8-4 O'Knno Bntldlnn;
0, P. NIBWONQBR. Bond, Ore.
Llceaied Kinbnlrucr, Vaaeral
Phono Rod iih Lady Aaat.
Nnprnimllitc I'liynlcln
Oror Logan Furnlturo Co,
Wall Btreot lloura 9 to 6
Phono Red 4H3
Pormiiuontly Located In Bond
with Now Uqulpniont
Prlvnto Otllco In Thoraon'a
Jowolry Storo
Dr, Tumor will bo In Prlno
vlllo ovory llrnt nnd third Fri
day; In Mndrns oyory socoud
and fourth Friday, nud In Rod
mond ovory flrnt and third
Thursday ot each month.
cf Yours for Real Tobacco "
says the Good Judge
Men arc ftcttlng away
RIGHT CUT Is a short
nny volcanic, hnpponliiR within tho
hint 0,000 yearn, may fairly ho do
ncrllioil on rocont, and within tho
lant 1,000 yearn an vory recent AI
UioukIi tho contrary Imprcnnlon vory
Konornlly provnlln, It In doulitful If
any noteworthy rooIorIc occurronco
of nu Igncoun or volcanic nntiiro ban
como to pann In tho hint 1000 yearn
In tho Cnncndo roKlon of Central
OroKon; and wo can not bo nuro of
nny mich linpponlnR within tho lant
C,000 yoarn. Anyhow, wo will now
oxtond tho term ecologically rocont
to cover tho formation of all tho
unorodod couch and flown of tho
upper DcnchutcH valloy; and mako
tho clannincntlou onny by regarding
tho groat banalt platoau Including
tho rolntlvoly old flow of tho went
nlopo and tho relatively now flow of
tho cant nlopo an geologically an
cient (Mlocouo and Pllocono), and
tho conen dotting tho nurfnco of tho
nlatonu and tho flown making a
patchwork of Itn nurfnco on geo
logically modern (Quaternary and
Mini)' Coup round.
Within 40 mllcn nouth of Bond no
fawer than 1C0 conen hnvo been
mapped ranging" In elovntlon, ap
proximately, from 300 to 3000 fcot
nhovo tho nurfnco of tho plateau. It
In, of course, probnbta that nomo of
theno conen nro rhyollto ntoptoca and
hencn older than tho surrounding
hnnnlt plntoaii, but n largo majority,
nuroly, aro of basaltic composition
elthor cinder conen or nggnsgaten of
cludorn, dunt nnd lapllll, and newer
than tho plateau on which they
ntund. Tho flown, representing tho
moro pnnly nnd fluid part or tho
ojucted tnntcrlul, appear to havo bcn
much lonn completely mapped than
tho conen, nnd nro nhown, In mnny or
n majority ot Instances, without an
noclutcd conen. Adding tho headless
flown to tho lint of cones would In
crease tho number of vontn nt leant
to ICO. On tho western nlopo tho
vontn aro distributed nomowhat uni
formly, averaging ono to ovory ten
nqunro miles, whllo on tho eantern
nlopo thoro aro very fow vents north
of tho Nowborry crntor, and thpy nro
thickly grouped over a wldo xono
nouth nnd Routhonst of tho crater, tho
two slopes thus averaging nearly
equal, area for area.
It Hoemn Impossible on elthor
nlopo, to dlncovor nny sort of regu
larity or order In tho distribution of
tho vontn. It might bo supposed
that from tho groat flssuro ot tho
Cuscndo crost springs a norlcH ot par
allel obllquo fissures on which tho
vontB nro located. That Is, no doubt,
tho prlnclplo or koynoto of tho ills
trlbutlon, but minus tho main part
of tho regularity. Ono vory striking
fonturo of tho distribution of tho
vouts Is their fownens In tho vicinity
ot tho river, cspoclnlly it wo keep to
tho main lino ot tho rlvor.whlch Is
tho r-ast Deschutes, or so-called Lit
tle rlvor. Tho West Deschutes Is
cnllcd.nlso , tho Big rlvor, simply bo
cniiBO t drains tho hum III Cnscado
slopo nnd, houco oxcols in volumo of
water, though not In length, breadth
or dopth ot vnlloy. Followlng.thon,
this moro direct nnd nmplo drnlnago
lino, wo find not ono basaltic vont
within two tulles ot tho river nnd,
within CO miles south ot Bond, only
flvo vontn within four mtlos ot tho
rlvor, theso flvo Including Pilot
butto nnd Lnvn hutto, tho latter in
tho latltiulo ot Bonhnm falls. Within
40 miles south ot Bonhnm falls,
vouts, although within two to four
miles on tho west, aro much moro
distant on tho cast, ospoclully Bouth
of Dittos butto, whoro tho nron prac
tically froo from vouts oxpntulB rap
Idly from a hrondth ot six miles to
25 miles. What part, If nny, tho
rlvor may hnvo plnyod in tho deter
mination ot this broad oxpauso treo
from volcnnlo vouts wo enn only con
jocturo. But It Is cortninly nn Inter
esting and significant tact that tho
proposod rosorvolr Hob wholly within
this nron. Assuming, as wo must,
that ovory volcnnlo vont is located
on a profound fracturo travorBlng
from the blft chew Idea.
They find more satisfac
tion in a little of the Real
Tobacco Chew tiian they
ever got from a blft chew
of the ordinary kind.
Costs you less, too the
full, rich tobacco taste
lasts so much longer.
Any man who uses tlio
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put up in two styles
- cut tobacco
a long fine-cut tobacco
tho ontiro thickness of tho great Co
lumbia basalt and many thousands of
fcot In thlckncHH of tho subjacent
formations, wo mny well feel grate
ful that tho broad nyncllnal axial
xono between tho canlward-dlpplng
older buna It on tho west and tho
woslward-dlpplng newer basalt on tho
oast docn not appear to bo broken
by olthcr tho eastern or tho western
yinnurt-n Not LIim-m of Wntkncnn.
Another way of regarding tho mat
ter In to nupposo that tho fissures of
tho western basalt do not extend nn
far cast an tho river, nor thoso of
tho eantern basalt nn far west nn tho
rivor. Tho western slopo presents a
continuous, wldo xono of vents and,
wo must suppose, correlating fis
sures, but all tho vents and related
fissures of tho eastern slopo must, correlated with tho gi
gantic Nowborry crater, tho "nphoro
ot Influonco" of which extends out
ward for 10 to 15 miles In all direc
Taking It for granted that tho
vents havo their origin in profound
fissures does not, however, mean that
theso fissures must still bo regarded
as lines of weakness, nor. necessar
ily, as n menace to tho tightness of
tho reservoir should they traverse Its
floor, for wo aro warranted In sup
posing that fissures sufficiently pro- ",,i t nmiri r i nni'nn nmenn an" ",ed w'tn tl, Clerk of the Coun
found to develop volcanic vents iSW,?. SKa.0-?,'. ' i 0--. 0-
would bo filled with tho molten lava
and converted, Ity slow cooling, Into
wnter-tlght dikes. Ot course tho
caso would be radically different If
dynamic cracking nnd rifting should
follow tho formation of tho dikes and
tho frcozlng of tho lavn In tho
Kivn Butto Cono and Flow.
Tho relations of this most recent
of nil tho volcanic eruptions of tho
region to tho proposed Benham falls
dam nnd reservoir nro so close and
vital as to demnnd its separato de
scription nnd discussion. From tho
western base of n normal cono ot cin
ders and lapllll nbout COO feet high,
with a summit crater about 1C0 feet
deep, there has flowed away n volumo
of liquid nnd pasty lava sufficient to
cover nn area of at least 10 square
miles to n dopth ot SO to 100 or
moro feet. Tho courso of tho lava
flood was flrnt northwesterly about
two miles, with a breadth of ono
mile, to nud across tho Deschutes
rlvor, and thou northerly, down tho
valley for four miles, with a broadth
of two to three miles. Tho surtaco
and steep mnrglns of this flood of
lava nro Indescribably rough nnd
trnvollug ncross it Is necessarily slow
and painful.
Tho oruption nppenrs to havo bcon
accompanied by but little wind, slnco
tho surfaco of tho flow Is practically
frco from dust nnd hence, also from
vegetation, with tho exception of an
occasional plno treo ono to sovoral
to a squnro mllo. Tho dusty slopes
ot tho cono aro, naturally, moro hos
pltablo to vogctatlon than tho baro
surfaco ot tho flow, and tho north
enstorly aspect supporta a scattering
growth ot pines.
Tho lnvn Is throughout so black,
hard nnd shining, so fresh nnd so
freo from vlsiblo woatherlng or nltor
ntlon of nny kind that tho first Ini-
Brooks- Scanlon Lumber
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Building Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish
COMPLETE STOCK oi Standard Size.
Local Salos Agout, MILLER LUMBER CO.
pression Is ono of groat roconcy of
eruption, nnd fow nro disponed to es
timate tho ago ot tho eruption at
mora than n contury or two, nnd
many would placo tho tlmo of tho ox
trunlon of tho lavn at Icsn than a
century In tho pant, but for tho fact
that wo havo no human record nnd
tho tontltnony of man Is wholly want
ing. IllvT Tell Country's Ak'.
Perhaps tho most cogent argument
for tho ronnldcrablo antiquity of
Lavn butto nnd Itn Inva Is afforded
by tho fact that tho lavn, having
crowded tho river out of Itn bed and
over tho rhyollto rldgo, tho river has
nlnco cut a gorgo approximately CO
deep In tho mnsslvo rhyollto. An
numlng 20 feet of weathered and
moro or less decayed and eanlly erod
ed rhyollto, we munt recognize that
cutting a notch 30 feet deep In tho
solid, unwenthorcd rhyollto was a
largo task for n river of clear water
entirely unnrmed by sand or graTol
or other cutting material. Of this
condition wo arc assured by tho fact
that the river is deep nnd itn current
sluggish for a considerable distance
nbovo tho falls. Beyond a doubt, tho
tlmo slnco tho lava turned tho river
over tho rhyollto rldgo and brought
Bonham falls Into oxlstcnco must bo
reckoned In thousands ot years, and
C00O years docs not appear an ex
treme or unresonablo estimate.
(To Bo Continued.)
Tumalo, Ore Aug. 1G, 1920.
At tho solicitation of a largo num
ber of farmers of Deschutes county,'
I announce myself as an Independent
candidate for tho position of county
Judge. Watch for my "platform."
(Not Con! Land.)
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Offlco at Lakovlew, Oregon,
August 11, 1320.
Notlco Is hereby given tnni ic.
stead Entry No. 010423 for lots 5-6,1;. .'(.T ,",7' " "'
vpi cu'l' qpu vni'i! Section minisirauon oi saia estate,
f Tonhln n, q T Ilnnce 10 E ! Will. tlmt lh J,,dR0 of the abov
6. Township 21 S.,Uange 10 t.., Win- ... r . . .
c, ,,,
nmette Meridian, has filed notlco ot
Intention to make final three-year
;.-, . ..lll. -l-l . ,K lun.t
T -- i...iiJV .fn, v r PinriT ' day nl ,h0 courl room ,n Bond,
"""f&iPcwhuie. County, Oregon, ns tho
u. a. kuiiiuiiniuuvi, " uuh.uv, w.-
mmiHiunur. " .,.. .. . -
gon, ,on tno S6iii oay ot sepiemuer. account and of tho -,. of M,d
i -i. n. tt-inoi.fl. estate, and all persons interested
Claimant names as ' nefc-' aro cited to appear at said tlmo
?!rl "vVnoL'n.and place and show cause, if any.
W. Case, all of Laplno. Oregon;
Frank Foster of Powell Butte. Ore
2C-29c Register.
In tho County Court of the State
of Oregon, for tho County ot Des
chutes. In tho matter or the estate of F.
M. Wright, deceased.
To E. M. Wilson. Edgar Wright,
Homer Wright. Etta Gustavls, Carrie
Bottis. Nelllo Nugent, Mlnnlo Brad
way, Lida Doud Young. Esther Doud,
Leland Doud, Flora Stewart, Clara
Wright, Arthur II. Moo, Rev. Verne
Thompson, tho known heirs at law of
F. M. Wright, deceased, and to all
tho unknown heirs ot suid decedent,
greeting. ,
You are hereby cited and required
to appear In the County Court of tho
tho Stnto of Orogon, for tho County
of Deschutes, nt tho court room
thereof. In the city of Bond. In said
S"?i21vS? tt o'ill.h'
OV)HVUIUUI 'v ,.w- ... ,,-
nftornoon of said day, then and thoro
to show cnuso why an ordor should
not bo granted to tho administrator
ot said estate to soil so much ot tho
hereinafter descrlbod real estato of
said decedent as shall be necessary
to pay tho debts outstanding nnd tho
expenses or administration, to-wti:
Tho NWU of tho SWU of Section
35, in Township 17 South, Range
12 East of tho Willamette Meridian,
In Doschutes Count). Orogon, to
gothor with a 24-acro water right
appurtenant thoroto.
Witness, tho Hon. Robert W. Saw
yer, Judgo of tho County Court ot
tho Stnto of Oregon, for tho County
of Doschutes, with the son! of said
court affixed this 12th day of Au
gust, 1920.
Attest: J. H. HANER,
25-280 County Clork.
The Owl Pharmacy
017JJ7.) 18008.
V. 8. Lnnd Offlco at Tho Dallos,
Oregon, August 6, 1020.
Notlco In horoby glvon that Wil
liam A, Oolden of Bond, Orogon,
who, on Juno 23, 1917, mndo homo
stead entry No. 01(1737, nnd on Jan.
11, 1920, mado nddltlonnl homenlond
ontry No. 018003, for NEVi SW,
N,4 8B4, 8K4 8E4, Hoc. 20: 8
8WVJ, 8cc. 21; NWU, N SW4,
Section 28, nnd NE14. Section 29.
Township 19 South, Rango 14 Enst,
Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed notlco
of Intention to rnnko three-year
proof, to establish claim to tho land
nbovo described, noforo If. C. Ellin,
United States Lnnd Commissioner,
Bond, Orogon, on tho Cth day ot Oc
tober, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Howard F. Dyer of Mlllican, Oregon;
Denzll C. Dyer, of Bond, Oregon; R.
A. Kllpatrlck, of Bond, Oregon;
Archlo Pepin, of Mlllican, Oregon.
24-28p Register.
In tho County Court of the Stato
pf Oregon for the Connty of Des
chutes. In tho matter of tho estate ot Olo
O. Dragsvold, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given that on
Tuesday, tho 14th day of Sopt., 1920.
at tho County Court Room, In tho
city of Bend, Deschutes County, Ore
gon, at tho hour of 2 p. m. of said
day, tho following matter wilt bo
heard and considered, to-wit:
The petition of Julius Pcdersen for
tho probata of those certain Instru
ments In writing purporting to con
stitute tho last will and testament of
said Olo O. Dragsvold, deceased, for
tho granting of letters testamentary
therefor to said petitioner nnd for
tho taking ot any testimony therein
that may havo a bearing upon said
alleged last wfll and testament and
the disposal of tho estate of said de
ceased in accordance with his wishes.
Dated nt Bend, Oregon, August 7,
County Judge.
In tho County Court of tho Stato
of Oregon, for Deschutes County.
In tho mater of tho estate of Olo
Olson, deceased:
Notlco Is hereby given that Theo
dore Aune, administrator of tho es
tate of Olo Olson, deceased, has mado
account of his ad-
abovo cn-
,i,i.i r....- i -- i- a ..
".",- "?2.ri. " . '" "",
, .., ',";;,"':" ", ' ,.X
' "tiUt. IUO Ul
, d , . hGarIn ,,, fnnl
wny said account should not bo nl-
lowed, and said estate closed and
Dated this Cth day ot Augusn.
Administrator ot tho cstato of Olo
Olson, deceased.
Attorneys for Administrator.
(Not Coal Lund.)
Department of tho Interior, U. S.
Land Offlco at Lakcviow, Oregon,
July 12, 1920.
Notlco Is hereby given that Corn
Leland ot Laplno, Orcgou, who, on
July 26, 1917, mado Homestead En
try No. 010383, for SWU NWU.
NWU SWU, E& SWU, Section 2,
Township 23, South Range 9 East,.
Willamette Meridian, nns filed notlco
of lntentlon t0 inako'r,Dal tnrco-y0ar
Proof, to establish claim to tho land
abovo described, before E. L. Clark,
U. 8. Commissioner, at La Pine, Oro
gon, on tho 21st day of August, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Kato Zieralf, R. E. Eaton, B. C.
Scott, Maude Eaton, all of Lapine,
21-2Gc Rcgistor.
(Not Coal Lund.)
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Land Offlco nt Lakcviow, Oregon,
July 12, 1920.
Notlco is hereby glvon that Her
man A. Rose, ot Laplno, Oregon,
who, on April 28, 1916, made Homo
stend Entry No. 09227, for W NH
11, Soctlon 15; Wtf SBU. Section
10, Township 23 South, Rnngo 0
East, Wllliamctto Morldlan, hns tiled
notlco of intoutlon to make tint!
threo-year proof, to establish claim
to tho laud abovo described, before H.
L. Clark, U. S. Commissioner, ft
Lapluo, Oregon, on tho 20th day ot
August, 1920.
Claimant names as witnesses: R.
E. Eaton, Fred Mnhn, II. A. Rose,
W. G. Fordham, all of Laplno, Ore
goit. JAS. F. BURGESS,
21-2CC Register.
Brand Directory
HG Brand
John Helfrich,
0-4 p - Brothers, Ore.
Right side; right ear crop.
wattle right hind leg.
L. TONB, Sisters, Or.