The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 19, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Inn liinl night
Hurry JlolliKold
for Portland.
UunmoI Luwroiico loft liuit night
Id iinend his vacation lit Housldo.
)3, 1', .Inch In leaving liy atiti)
IoiiIkIiI oh it IiiihIiiuhh (rip to Port
land, . Minn Kurali Milltlnuif, of I'ortlituit,
Ik vInHIiik with liur sister, Mm.
Nohind (llllnut, of tliln city.
J. A. Hiultli mill fuiully, of Hullo,
Mont., nru visiting at tint homo of
'Mr. nnil Mrn, Frank lnaliiilt.
City ICnulnnor Hubert II. (loulil
'returned this morning from Port
land whom ho has hoon taking euro
of oltlclnl IiiihIiionm mutters.
; Letters from David Kolly to liln
friends In HiIh city ntuto thut hhi
Ijniilth In much Improved. Mr,
gKitlly wont to Portland rocontly for
It. J. Nowland, engineer In
Tfliargo of state hlghwuy work In
Deschutes nnil Jefferson counties,
was In llonil today from houtlquur
tnrn In llodmond.
II. V. (lard, or thn North Unit
Irrigation illHtrlcl, wits In llond thin
morning on his way to thn survey
camp established at llio llonhnm
Falls rinrvolr ll.
II, W. Wolmoro, secretary-tress-
uror of Tho Hhcvlln-HUon Compuuy,
nrrlvml In llond this mornliiK, anil
will nnniiil thn next throw or four
doys In mid mmr llond.
Thn homo dunartinont of tho
MothodlMt church will kIvo an-Ice
cronni nodal on tho east nldo of thn
Itohl hoIiooI lawn on thn evening of
Auk. SI. All a ro Invllod.
A porch party will ho hold hy tho
lady members of tho Kmblom club
at thn clubhouse at 3 o'clock to
morrow aftiiruoon. All ladles of tho
cluh urn urged to attnud.
Forest Hunorvlsor II. I. Plumb
mid Deputy Kuporvlsor W. O. llarrl
man left thin morning on n trip to
Quartz llultn whom tho forest sorv
len artesian woll la being drlllod.
I. II. Porrlno, of Twin Knlln.
Idaho, and J. A. Dulton, of Salt
Lako City, nrrlvrd In Hond this
morning mid will spend several days
fishing In tho lukos of Coiitral Oro
gon. Mrn. floorgit Krlckson will enter
tain thn members of tho Ladles Aid
society of tho Hcaudlnavlttii-Lutheran
church at hor homo In thn Orniiito
Hall district at 7:30 o'ejock tomor
row nlKht.
Jack Herbert anil K. P. Mahaffoy
arw leaving hy no thin aflomoon
for Vancouver. Wash., whom thoy
will atlonil tho state Elks' conven
tion. Thoy will go hy way of tho
McKonslo pant.
Tho ladle of tho Moonohoarl
Legion will hold lodgo at Bather's
hall, Thurmlay evening, Auk. 19.
All momhorH aro roquostod to ho
present. Tho sosslon will bo opon
to tho Moosn at 9:30 o'clock.
W, 0. Thompson ban bought tho
j, I), DavhUon houiio on Aubroy
Itoad at n consideration of i 3,500,
and will movo Into IiIh now homo
tomorrow. Tho transaction wan
haudlod by tho Contrul OroKon
Hoalty Co.
II. F. Wlcknor, of tho contracting
firm which will mirfaco that part
of Tho Dulles-California highway
lying hotweon llnnil and tho Jeffer
son county lino, wiib In Hond today
nflor going ovor tho road which In
to bo gravollod. Preliminary Work
l rapidly lining disposed of, and tho
necessary machinery In now on tho
ground ready to bogln oporatlonB,
Mr. Wlcknor Males.
Tho Womon'H Prut-clvo division
will placo bcIiooI glrU, who wish to
work for their room and hoard, In
Hiilinblo homos. Women desiring
uunii i.nln iiimly to Womon'H Protoc
tlvo illvlHlon. Hoom 10, Hond Prow
bulldlnit. Phono hui.
(ho Liiillon' Aid of tho (Jriuigo Hall
dliitrlct will glvu an Ico crnaiii nodal
at tho Iioiihii In -tho ovoiilm; at 8
o'clock, Everybody Invited,
Firioon thouRiiud eastern brook
(rout woro titkon Kuiiday to Lout
lal(o from tho stiilo hutchory horn,
Only ono or tho flHh died on tho trip,
which coiiNtltuloH a record,
F. C, Liimphour mid O. H. Hmllh
of Hmitfi Cms, Cal arrived In Ho lid
(hln morning and may locate In (hln
section. Mr. Lumphour In a farmer
and Mr. Hmllh Ihti railroad coiiduc-
Mr. and Mrn, Walter D. Fax, who
luivo been visiting In Hond at tho
homo of It, II, Fox, started thin
mornliiK ror then- homo In New York.
Mr, Fox In special iikoiiI ror tho
Delaware & IIuiIhoii railway.
Norman JiicoIihoii, until recent
ly bead of tho lorest sorvlco hero, re
turned today from n trip to Diamond
lake with II, McDonald, Ilu roporl
ed a riro covorliiK about 1C0 ncreu
near Davit lake.
Hberirr H. 15, Roberts IIiIm morning
received n card from Clydo McKay,
mailed from Livingston, Mont. Ho
Mated they had to leave the Nlxonn
behind on the road, and that ho wan
having n "great time on thn trip.
It. W. NIcIioIhoii or tho engineers
at tho lirooks-Hcnnlon Lumber Co
mill ban Konn on a two wook'n vaca
tion to Ocarhnrt, He cxpoctn to vIh-
It at Independence mid Monument.
Ho will a I no Mop at Tho DalleN, Hoyd
mid Dufiir before returning.
or fllato highway work In Donohuton
and Joffornon conntloH, wan in llond
Yentorday afternoon on bulilnoni
from heaihiuartern In Iledmoml,
Tho Kov. W. II, WllllamH, paHtor
or (ho ChrlMlan church for tho laM.
two yearn, ban rocontly roHlgnod IiIh
ponltlon with tho Ilrookii-Hcanlou
company to go to hln ranch near
Dr. K. It. Norrln, who HiiMalned n
dlHlpcntod knee nearly threo weekn
ago wbllo flxhlng on the Motollun,
wan able to bo on tho ntroot today
for tho flrnt tlrno hIiico tho accident.
Ho In an yet iiuablo (o uho tho Injured
II, W. Harvey will leave early In
tho week to locate in tho Wlllametto
valley, the cbango being nccenBltated
by tho condition of bin wlfo'n hoaltli.
Mr. Harvey ban not yet fully decided
an to what city ho will noloct as his
now homo.
Minn Margaret Hchroeder, who linn
boon vlnltlng her parentn In Califor
nia for nevoral months, returned to
Horn! thin morning and has accepted
a position in (he accounting depart
ment of tho First National bank.
Miss Viola Johnson or Prlnovlllo,
her sister, Mrs. Thomas, or Ban Jose,
Cal and Mrn. Gray or Prlnovlllo
woro in llond Thursday. Mrs. Thom
as wan on hor way back to California,
wbllo tho other members or tho par
ty and Mrs. II. h. Wbltsetl or Ilend
went to tho Johnnon ranch near La
Pino for a short May.
grocory nnd confectionery storo of
O, M. Ilotwo located at Arizona nnd
Mrs. J. C, Hinlth who has boon in
Now York city for several weeks on
a buying trip, In expected to roturn
to Ilend Halurdny,
N. II. Clllbort of tho Ollbcrl Furni
ture company returned from Port
land this morning, where bo has
boon attending Iluyors' week,
A, W. liontrager and daughter,
Helen, who have been spending tho
last two weeks visiting Mr. Ilon
tragor's son In liolso, returned homo
C. H. Heed, prcnldont or tho Wost
orn Wllllto Construction company,
who has been hero ror sovernl weeks
Inspecting tho paving his company
Is doing at The Hbovlln-Hlxon Com
pany's yard, loft Hond last night on
his return to California.
Constance Knickerbocker spout
the week-end with hor family at Sis
ters. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. ICrJcknon leavo
tomorrow lor Portland to mako thplr
homn there.
Arthur Hall or The Hhovlln-lllxon
Company returned this morning from
a trip to Portland.
Charles Hoyd and P. A. Krlckson
roturned this morning from Portland,
whom thoy have been attending Iluy
ern' week,
J. 8. Htrasburgcr returned the
morning alter spending yentorday In
Portland, tho occasion being his
father's 88th birthday.
Mrs. (leorgo It. Htaploton or Den
ver arrived In Ilend this morning to
spend a lew wcoVh with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kastes.
Thn Itamboulllet II modern' asuocl-
ntlon held a picnic yenturday at tho
Helslng ranch on tho Metollus. About
CO members were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baylor ro
turned this morning from a row
days visit to Portland. Wbllo thoro
ho bought u largo fountain for tho
C. A. llaydon nnd A. F. Larson
drove to Portland yesterday, leaving
Ilend at 0 o'clock n. m., and reach
ing Portland at I o'clock In tho af
ternoon. They will drlvo buck to
night. F. J. Itlchards of Tho Dalles
Chronicle mechanical doparlmont ar
rived In Hond this morning and will
spend tho next 10 days fishing nt
Crano Prairie, Odell and Croncont
K. L. Payne, mnnaeer of tho llond
storo of thn Trl-Htnto Terminal Co.,
has tendered IiIh resignation from
(hat position, to tako ofofct at once.
Payno established tho throe Btorca In
Ilend In 1917, and ban bold tho man
agership since that tlino. It Is un
derstood that ho contemplated leav
ing last Juno, at tho namo time that
C. D. Drown resigned as muuiigor of
tho Redmond storo, Mr. Payne docs
not contemplate louvlsx llond,
Ilalph T. Cooper wont to Hood
Illvcr this week to spend tho rost
or tho summer.
William Kproat, or tho forest
service, who has been surveying
roads in tho Lost lake district, has
roturned to Ilend.
Mrs. C. A. Woelflon, of Lowlston,
Idaho, accompanied by her daugh
ter, Irene, arrived last night lor a
visit with her son, Fred A. Woolflen.
Dell Darnes and Harold Wallaco,
tho H-yearold boys who ran away
from their homes in Puyallup,
Wash., and wcro picked up In Ilend
Tuesday, were started on tho ro
turn trip last night by Chief Carlon.
J. M. Griffin of Tumalo was In
Ilend this afternoon on business.
Frank It. Prlnco has returned from
a month's vacation, spent at Cannon
'K, Pearl ol tho Ooldon Itulo and
Mrs. Pearl bavo gono to Portland to
attend Iluyors' week.
M. II. Morton will return Monday
night from Portland, whore ho Is at
tending Iluyors' week.
C. P, Niswongor and family nnd K.
I). Gllson nnd family havo gono to
Spring river for an outing.
Mrs. Mlunlo llcavia of Seattlo Is
visiting In llond at tho homo or hor
daughter, Mrs. F. W. Fowlor.
Mrs. Frank Mchl has purchased tho
County Superintendent or Schools
J, Alton Thompson in busy working
out thn details of tho county Insti
tute, whch will bo held in llond Sep
tember 1 to 3. Among tho speak
ers expected Is Professor John Al
mack of thn extension department or
tho University or Oregon, who will
deliver sovernl addresses or a nature
which will Intcrcnto citizens of Ilend
as well as teachers.
Tho schools will not open until
Tuesday, September 7, but ull ol tho
teachers will bo bore ror the Insti
tute. Principal K. J. Crozlcr is ex
pected to nrrlvo hero Monday, to get
In touch with conditions nnd plan
tho yenr's work before school opens.
Tho responso to tho call for places
for tho tcachors to room has been
very gratifying, says Superintendent
Mooro, but more offers nro desired.
In plnco ol tho superintendent's of
rico finding places ror out of town
girls to work whllo attending school,
tho work will bo handled by tho
Womnn's Protective league, under
tho personal supervision or Mrs.
Tho teaching vacancies havo not
all bcon filled, but acceptances are
coming In from thoso already elect
ed. There aro three yet to be
Of Inst years' rorco of teachers,
over CO per cent will not return this
year, so that with the added num
ber a large share of this year's staff
will be newcomers. Superintendent
Mooro was nblo to glvo the plans of
most of thoso who taught last year
and will not return.
Miss Marker, Miss Rudolph and
Miss Khorbcs aro going to Honolulu
to teach In a government school.
Mlnnlo Thompson Is also going to
Honolulu. Wa'gm
Antono Fosson Htnrted this morn
ing on a trip to Dottvor.
JdlsH Cnthorlno Mutiny Is spondlng
tho wook-uml on tho Vnndovert
Mrs, Ilyborg nnd son, Nolson, leavo
for Ban Francisco tho first of Sep
tember In n family car.
Jack Horton, grazing oxamlnor for
tho DeuchutoH National forest, Is In
Lnkovlow on official business.
Miss Mario St. Clair lo Sunday
morning ror Portland to spond nov
oral wookH with rolutlvoH and riiondH.
P. 11. JohiiHon nnd rmlly havo ro
tiirnod to llond nrtor an oxtondod
vfHlt In WUIamotto valley mid bottch
Tho Roboknh lodgo will hold n Hpo
clal mooting Friday night nt Suthor's
hall for tho purposo of Initiating
Hovoral now candidates.
'.MrH. Loo HIovoiib, who has boon
visiting at hor formor homo In Los
AnirolOB. Ih oxpoctod to roturn to
llond tomorrow night.
'Next Saturduy ovonlng, August 21
Ray Armstrong of Tumalo Is In
town today,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan loft for
Portland last night.
Miss Mary Atkinson of Stlllwator,
Okla., Is a guost of Miss Ilornlca
Morgan of this cltyT
Loroy Chase arid Vlncont Ilucknor,
both local boys, havo rocontly on-
listed In tho United StatoB marluos.
Clydo M. McKay nnd family and
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. A. W. Nixon woro
In Idaho Falls early in tho week,
according to word received from that
O, T. Mnnu of Portland, oxport
watchmakor, hns arrived In llond to
tako a position with tho Lnrsou Jew
elry Co. Mr. Mmm was a flyer dur
ing tho war.
IT. 13. Morgan of Thormopolls,
Wyo Is visiting In Hond at tho homo
of his fathor, T. II. Morgan. Ho Is
mauagor of tho oloctrlo povor,com
pany In Thormopolls.
II, S. Royco Is In Portland, pur
chasing nutomobllon for tho llond
trado, Ho will roturn oarly in tho
wook with n Hudson Spoodstor, an
Easox nnd two Maxwolls,
It, P, Nowlnnd, onglnoor In chargo
Your Fall Sewing
Materials Can Be
Supplied gtfrjg Store
$ Here you will find the most complete
stocks that greater selection at
prices you know are right.
Gingham Utopia, 27 inches wide; America's
standard popular priced gingham; per yard..39c
Percales Sicilly, 36 inches wide; unequalled for
the price; per yard 45c
Galatcas3-Manhattan, 30 inch cloth; the best
there is; per yard 69c
Outings 27 nch width; fa'ney stripes and
checks ; per yard 39c
While Outings In three grades; priced at, per
yard 45c, 50c and' 55c
The Notion Section Is At Your Service
Buttons, Tapes, Braids, Beltings, Threads, Pins, g$
XNeeuies m iacc every niing nuuuuu ur uie uujuu
The New Fall Coats
Are Ready
Compare the values we offer with
those found elsewhere
Pile Fabric Coats Short, Three-fourth and Full
lengths $33.50 to $62.50
Fabric Coats $19.50 to $95.00
New Sweaters, Angora Scarfs and
Slip-Ons, just arrived.
Angora Scarfs $4.95 to $8.50
Sweaters $3.75 to $19.50
Knitted Tarns $1.75 to $3.50
New Silks
Taffets, Messalines, Charmeuse, Lining Satins,
"Wash Satins, Georgette Crepes, Velvets have ar
rived. Silks are 33 1-3 to 50 per cent below last
Spring prices owing to the heavy decline in the
new silk market. Our prices are based on the
lowest market quotations.
Complete Lines of Fall Munsing
are on our shelves awaiting your inspection.
Also Blankets, Comforters
Comfort Batts and Pillows
It pays to Stop and Shop at
Fall Gingham Week, August 23 to 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Miss
McCorklo will teach In Seattle. Miss
McClay will register nt tho Univer
sity of Oregon.
Miss Scribner, music and art di
rector, has accepted a more remuner
ativo position in Arizona.
Miss Hanson Is working in a bank
In Corrallls.
Miss Ryan will tench In Portland,
as will Miss Olson and Miss Damon.
Miss Pruehs will attend University
of Colorado,
Four or tho teachers have mar
ried: Miss Cane, Miss Cheney, Miss
Ferris and Miss Reavls, who married
F, W. Fowlor of Bond.
9100 Rcwnrd, $160.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly
influenced by constitutional condi
tions. It therefore requires consti
tutional treatment. HALL'S CA
TARRH MEDICINE 13 taken intor
nally and acts through the blood on
tho mucous surfaces or the system.
stroys the foundation of tho dlseaso,
gives tho patlont strength by improv
ing tho general health and nsslsts
nature in doing Its work; $100 for
any caso of catarrh that HALL'S CA
TARRH MEDICINE falls to cure.
Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free
F. J. Choney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Put It la Tbe Bulletin.
Its Economy to Shop at
Booster Day Special!
To get a good House Broom for
49c is a real bargain
but we have many bargains almost as good. This
week we have "Drummer's Samples" in
Some of the boxes are slightly damaged, but the
paper is First Class Linen and Linen Bond, priced
about 00$) below the regular retail price