The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 19, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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rAGK fl
Kcrnmi ami 'liiiiiiiriiinii Aro Him
IM'iliil; I'ollro 'llilnlc Thnt Tliey
Hlolo Cnr I'roin Hlwnldo
Hotel To Mnkn ('cfutvtiy
Two unidentified inon, believed to
bo 1'orcy Kortitin of Sennldo iiml Fred
'.liuiiioriiiiin of Portland, not upon
Mnx Mllllii In hln room In tho
WrlKlit hotel aliotit E o'clock Inst
Thursday, HtrlkliiK him ituvurul
times on tlm head with mi Iron
toil, mill Minn, nftor fnlllwt to Hot
his iiioni!)', calmly walked out
through tint loliliy of tlm hotol ami
escaped. Several persons saw tho
two inun. ono of whom hint loft IiIh
tint hohlntl In tlm scufflo with Mlllln,
walk aronml tho corner of Shuoy'n
ritoro, anil It In bollnvott limy cut
hack throtiKh tho rillnn of Fox's gnr
nK'i hiilhllnif.
A nuw Maxwell car IiuIoiirIiik to
tho llurscholl brothers, nmplnyod hy
Tho Hhovllii'lllxoii Company, and
k ittnylni: nt tho Illvonildo hotol, wan
tntiwod from In front of tho latter
placo at nildiilKht. It In bolluvod to
havo bi'cii taken hy tho inon who com
inlttod tho nsnntilt In tho Wright.
Mlllln, who catno horo throo days
ago from Portland, told tho pollco
ho had first met tho two mun on tho
road to HIiOYlln-lllxon Camp No. 2,
whim ho wns roImk out and thoy
woro returning.' Thursday they mot
him In town and, tolling him that
thoy woro broke and had not onion
for ovr n day, thoy horrowod $2
from him, promising to pay him back
noxt tlmo thoy rami) from camp.
A lltttn hctforo 8 o'clock Thursdny
tho two inon mot Mlllln Just an ho
wan nhoiit to enter hln room, which
In on tho farthest hallway east on (ho
second floor of tho hotol and romoto
from tho lohhy. Thoy ougnged him
In conversation and Mlllln wan on
tlroly unsuspicious until ono of thorn
4h hit him ovor tho bond from hohlnd
with tho Iron rod. which la about 10
Inchon lorn; and half an Inch thick
and bout mi oltbor and, a wicked
looking tool. Tho blow failed to
ntun him mid a strugglo omuod which
wrecked tho furnlturo of tho room.
Mlllln watt hit with tho rod novornl
tliiion In tho inoloo. Tho men ran
away after fulling to got hln pocket-
book, ntid sovornl men who had honril
tlm scuffling and Mlllln'rt calln for
help en mo to hln aid after tho inon
had dlnappoared.
AltboiiRh badly bruised about tho
head, Mlllln wnn ulilti to walk up to
Dr. Illnom'fl offlco to have hln woundn
Although tlm crlmo wan committed
nt about 8 o'clock, It In thoiiRlit hard
ly ponnlhlo that tho mail could havo
mado tho ovoiiIiir train, ns Chief
Carton wan nt'llfo dopot, and would
havo hood nny suspicious looklnR
man, particularly ono without n hat.
Konrch wan bogtnt Immediately by
tho pollco and n numbor of doputlon
who woro preuHod Into sorvlco, hut
no further trnco wan found, A
bloodhound boloiiKluK to Mr. I'otor
hoii was put on tho trail, but ho lost
i tho Bcont after following It back to
tj (Iroonwood nvonuu noar tho black
umlth Nhop. A thoroiiRh sonrch wan
mndo of tho railroad yards by Night
Oflcor Carpoutor, Wnnlon TompkliiH
of rondloton nnd Loo Stovona, an
It wnn thought that tho inon
might ho Intending to catch tho
nlKht frelRht. Notlco wiih tolophonod
to Fnllbrldgo and other plncoa In
cuho tho inon might havo mndo tho
Chief Carlon nnd Onmo Warden
MoDniiuld, who wnH pressed Into
sorvlco, Honrchod tho town nnd loolcod
nut for enra going out. Eight men
worked on tho cuho up to midnight
nnd tho pollco woro on tho lookout
during tho night, but no trace wob
round until tho loss of tho cnr was
reportod thin morning.
Officers havo boon uotlflod nt Tho
Dallofl, Vancouvor, I'ortlnnd nnd oth
er plucoH to bo on tho lookout for
tho men. Chief Cnrlou bollovon that
It they do not abandon tho car It will
bo u Hlmplo matter to catch thorn.
Tho car wau n now Mnxwoll, llconso
inimobr 88481 and aorlnl numbor
312023, 1022,
Ho It romomborml, Tlml at a regu
lar torm of tho County Court of Dos
chiiton County, In tho Htnto of Oro
Kon, wnn begun and held at tho court
house In llond, In mild county on
Wodnosdny, tho 7th day of April,
1(120, said day being tho day fixed
by law for tho holding of a term of
the County Court In unlit County,
when woro printout Hon. II. W, Huw
yor, County Judge: (' II. Miller,
County CninnilHHlonor; Holh Htookoy,
County Coimiilnnlniior; J. II. Honor,
County Clerk; H. 10. Ilohertn, Hhnrlff.
Whereupon tho following proceed
Ingn were hnd, to-wlt:
Now, on thin 7th day of April,
1920, thin matter comen on to ho
heard upon tho question of the loca
tion of tho I.owor llrldgo and Terrn
lioniio road, nt which tlmo J. W.
Ilownril, Jr., of Lower llrldgo, nnd
W. K. Mncltey of Terrebonne, ro
ijiinstlng tho court to determine tho
route to ho followed, the mild J. V.
Howard, Jr., appearing In behalf of
tho nouth lino, so-called, and W. F.
Mackoy appearing In bohnlf of tho
north lino.
AM.. linn flu If llin plnllllB tirnMnlll-
ed, mid tho court now being advised
In tho promises, now onlom tuo ioi
lowlng order, to-wlt:
Ordered, That tho two roadn from
Lower llrldgo to Terrebonne, locally
known nn tho north lino nnd Routli
Hue. bo nurvoyed, and that remainder
of tho fund appropriated for tho
Lower llrldge-Terrebonno road bo
used to repair tho nouth road from
tho top of tho hill to tho junction of
the two roadn, nnd thnt cooperative
doiintloiin bo ncreptod for tho repair
of tho north road eant of the Junction
Ordered, That Arch J. Tourtollotto
of Portland be employed to furnish
the county with n comploto audit of
tho fliinncen of tho county from Jan
uary Int, 1919. to dnto
Thin mattor comen on to bo heard,
nod tho court, not being advised In
tho pro in I kcii. It In
Ordered, Tiint mini mntior nc "
the name In lioreby. continued,
in tub matti:ii of thk-dallbb-
Now, on thin 7th day of April.
1 920, comen tho Stnto Hoard of
Highway Cotnmlnnlonorn and piftl
tlonn Iho Court for an additional
onnement of right of way across tho
Kdwln J. ItoKoro property, and tho
Court, not being properly advised In
the mnttor, thoreforo It In
Ordered. That mild matter bo, and
the name In hereby, roforrcd to Rob
ert II. Could. County Surveyor.
Ordered by tho Court, That Itobcrt
II. Could bo. nnd ho heroby In, em
ployed nn County Bnglnoor. and thnt
hln pay bo fixed nt $12.00 per day
for tho tlmo ho In nctunlly employed
by tho County Court on highway en
gineering. Itrooliitlnn Tor Itiutil.
Ill tho County Court of tho Btnto
of Oregon, for tho County of Doa-
chuto. . ..... .
In tho mnttor of tho establishment
of W. W. arlnstead road.
ti it rn.iininiinrnil. Thnt nt n torm
of tho County Court of Deschutes
County, Btnto of OreRon, begun nnd
hold nt tho court houso In Bond,
Oregon, In said County on Wednes
day, tho 7th day of April. 1920, nnd
from dny to dny thorenfter during
Iho continuance of suid term, thcro
bolng present: Hon. It. W Sawyer.
County Judgo; Hon. C. II. Miller,
ri.iiniv Pmmiilmilnnflr: Hon. both
Btookoy, County Commissioner; J. H.
Hnner. Clork: S. K HobertB, Shor
Iff, Tho following, nmoiiR othor
proccedlngn, wero had, to-wlt:
Thin bolng n rogulnr torm of tho
above entitled court, nnd nt which
tlmo tho court In nllowod, by resolu
tion, to locate, establish, alter, wldon.
strnlghton or change tho direction of
any rond; and, It nppenrlng to tho
Court that a public necessity oxlstn,
tho Court does hereby declnro Itn In
tention to locate, lay out nnd estab
lish n road 00 ft. In width In this
county, described ns follows:
lloglnnlng nt tho northeast cor
ner of Bectlon 12, Township 20 South
of Itnngo 1G Knst of tho Wlllnmotto
Morldlnn; thonco by tho iiiohI fons
Ihlo routo substniitlnlly nn follows:
South ono mllo, west ono-hnlf mile,
south ono-hnlf mllo nnd ending nt i
point southwesterly of tho contor of
Soctlon 13, Township 20, South of
Kongo 1C, oast of tho Wlllnmotto
Meridian, nuch point bolng on tho
border of tho forost rosorvo.
And It Is furthor ordorod, Thnt
II. n rmmlv Ttmnl MnKtnr. CntllltV Slir-
voyor, or duly qualified doputy, shall
glvo notlco of this resolution by post
ini. trim rntilnu tlmrenf. cortlflod to
by tho Clork of thin Court, ns fol
lows: uno upon tuo ouuaiiu uuuru
of this Court and ono nt throo public
places In tho vicinity of tho nbovo
doscrlbed proposod rond, to bo lo
cated, laid out and established, for
a porlod of 30 duyH provloim to a
honrlng by thin Court, notifying nil
pornoiiH concerned thnt said resolu
tion will bo coiiBldored nud pnssod
upon by this Court nt Its regular
mooting Juno 2nd, 1920, nnd that
Court Bhnll hnvo power, In Its discre
tion, for good nnd sufficient ren
boiib, to ovorrulo or deny nny objoc
tloim or romoiiBtrnncoa which shall
bo proBontcd or filed ngaliiHt tho
an mo.
Dated nt Pond, DoHcltutos County,
Orogon, this 7th dny of April. 1920.
County Judgo.
County Commtsstonor.
0. II. MILLWlt,
County CommlsBlonor.
lte.soliirlon for lond.
In tho County Court of tho Stnto
of Oregon, for tho County of Dos-chutoiJ.
In tho mattor of tho cntabllshmont
of Die DcHchutbH-Northwent Hoad
No. 0.
He It romombored, Thnt nt a torm
of tho County Court of Deschutes
County, Btnto of Oregon, lieginl ami
hold nt tho court houso In llond, Oro
gon, In wii Id County, on Wednesday,
tho 7th' day or April, 1920, and from
day to day thereafter during tho cou-
tluiinnco of mild term, thoro bolng
proHont Hon, It. W. Sawyer, County
Judge; Hon. C. H. Miller, County
Commissioner; Hon. Both Btookoy,
County Couimlimlonor; J. IL Haney,
Clerk; B, K, lloberts, Sheriff.
Tho following, nmong othor pro
cooflltign wan had, to-wlt:
Thin being u regular torm of tho
ubovo entiled court and nt which
tlmo tho court In allowed, by resolu
tion, to locate, establish, niter, wldon,
strnlghten or chungo tho direction of
any rond; and It nppenrlng to tho
court that a public necessity oxlstn,
Iho court iIooh hereby declnro Itn In
tnutlon to locnto, lay out nnd estab
lish a road 00 ft In width In this
county, described an follows:
Commencing at n point locnted at
tho contor or Section 17, T. 10 8.,
It. 12 B W. M nt n stono mnrked
"It" In tho center or tho J. W. Ilrown
county rond; thonco 9K0 ft. south
along u traveled rond; thonco on u
GO curve to the right, with nn unglo
or 8G, 30 mill, for a distance or 1G0
ft.; thonco B 82' 32 mln. W. for 1C0
ft.; henco on u GO curve to tho loft
with on nnglo of 17 2G mln. for
81.0 ft: thonco B. 3G 07 mln. W.
for 790.1 ft; thonco B. 30 40 mln.
W. ror 799,1 ft; thonco on a 9G
curvo to tho left for un nnglo or 89
id mln. ror u distance or 94.1 U.l
thonco B. G9 00 mln. ror 402,7 ft.;
nuld course lust numed being across
tho Deschutes river; thonco N. GG
37 mln. B. lor 1 CIO ft., more or lesn,
to un Intersection with tho D. I).
Bwnlley rond, snld point of Intersec
tion being tho terminus or this road.
And It In furthor ordered, Thnt tho
County llond Master. County Survey
or, or duly qualified doputy, slinll
glvo notice of thin resolution by post
ing true coplen thereof, certified to
by tho Clerk or thm Court, nn fol
lows: Ono upon tho bulletin board
or thin court nnd ono at throo public
plncon In tho vicinity or tho nbovo
described proposed road, to ho locat
ed, laid out and established, for a
period or 30 dnyn previous to it henr
Ing by thin court, notifying all per
nous concerned that snld resolution
will bo considered nnd passed upon
hy thin court at tho regular torm or
thin court on Juno 2, 1920, and that
tho court slinll havo power, In Itn dis
cretion, ror good and sufficient rea
sons, to ovorrulo and deny any ob-
Joctlnns or romonstrnnccs which shall
bop resented or filed ngalnsl tho
Dntod nt llond, Doschutcn County,
Oregon, this 7th dny of April. 1920.
County Judgo.
County Commissioner.
County Commissioner.
Devolution for llond.
In tho County Court of tho Btnto
of Oregon, for tho County of Dos
chutcn. In tho matter of tho establishment
or tho Central Oregon Highway.
Ho It roinombcred, That at a torm
or tho County Court or Deschutes
County, Stnto or Oregon, begun and
hold nt tho court houso In llond, Oro
gon, In snld county on Wednesday,
tho 7th day or April, 1920, nud from
dny to day thereafter during tho con
tltiunnco of sutd torm, thero being
present Hon. It. W. Sawyer, County
Judgo: Hon. C. II. Miller, County
Commissioner; Hon. Beth. Btookoy,
County Commissioner: J. II. Hauer,
Clerk; B. B. lloberts, Shorlff.
Tho following, nmong othor pro
ceedings, wnn had, to-wlt:
Thin being a regular term of tho
nbovo ontltlod court, and nt which
tlmo tho court Is nllowcd, by resolu
tion, to locato, establish, alter, widen,
straighten or change tho direction or
nny road; and, It nppenrlng to tho
court that a public necessity exists,
tho court docH hereby doclaro Its In
tention to locnto, lay out and estab
lish it road 00 ft. In width In this
county, doscrlbed ns follows:
A strip or Innd CO root wldo, bolng
30 root on each nldo of tho confer
lino of tho highway ns now staked.
Commencing at a point on tho inter
section of Greenwood avonuo nnd
18th Btreot, running thonco southeast
along Pilot Hutto boulovnrd to 14th
Btreot; thonco In nn easterly direc
tion through soctlons 33, 34, 35 nnd
30, township 17 south, ruugo 12
oast, W. M., to n point on the east
lino or Township 17 8 R. 12 B ap
proximately 2381 foot north of tho
soctlon corner common to soctlons
30 nnd 1 of Township 17 S It. 12
B., W. M.: thonco In n southeasterly
direction through Bortlona 31 nnd 32,
T. 17 S., It. 13 B., W. M., to n point
on tho south lino of tho T. 17 S.,
which point Is approximately 2G40
foot wost of tho section cornor com
mon to soctlonB 32 nud 33 of T. 17
S U. 13 B W. M.; thonco In n
southeasterly direction through soc
tlon G. 4. 3, 10, U, 14, 13, 24, 25
and 36 to it point on tho oast lino of
Sec. 30, T. 18 8., It. 13 K., W. M.,
which point is approximately G2G
root south from tho soctlon corner
which in common to soctlons 26 nud
30, T. 18 8., H. 13 B W. M nnd
soctloiiH 30 nnd 31, T. 18 S It. 14
B., W. M.; thonco continuing in a
gonoral southeasterly direction
through soctloiia 31 nud 32, T. 18 B
R. 14 R., W. M to n point on tho
south lino of snld township, which
point Is npproxlmutoly 280 ft. oust
of tho soctlon corner which Is com
mon to soctlons 31 and 32 of T. IS
S R. 14 H W. M., nud sections 5
and C of T. 19 8., R 14 K., W. M.
thonco continuing In n southeasterly
direction through sections G, 4, 0, 10,
11, 14, 23, 24 nnd 20 of T. 19 8., R.
1 1 B W, M., to n point on tho oast
lino of T. 17 8., R. 12 B said point
bolng approximately 2040 root south
or tho soctlon cornor which is com
mon to soctlons 24 and 26 of T, 19 8..
R, 14 B; thonco continuing in a
gonoral southoustorly direction
through soctlons 30, 31 nud 32 of T.
19 S R. 16 H W. M.. to a point on
tho south lino of snld T. 19 S R.
16 E,, W, M which point. Is npproxl
mutoly 3020 fool oast of tho section
corner which Is common to sections
3 lnnd 32, T. 19 8., It. 1G K W, M.,
snmo being tho end of tho present
And it In furthor ordered, Thnt tho
County Rood Master, County Survey
or, or duly qualified doputy, shall
glvo notice of this rosoliitlon by post
ing Irtio copies thereof, certified to
uy tlio Clerk of thin court, nn follows:
Ono upon tho bulletin board of thin
court, nnd ono at throo public pl'uccn
In tho vMnlly of tho ubovo described
rond to bn located, laid out nnd es
tablished, for n porlod or 30 dnyn
previous to a hearing by thin court,
notifying nil persons concerned that
snld resolution will bo considered nnd
passed Uon by this court nt tho rog
ulnr term of thin court on Juno 2,
1020, and that tho court shall hnvo
powor, In Its discretion, ror good nnd
sufficient reasons, to ovorrulo or de
ny any objection! or remonstrances
which shall bo presented or riled
ngnlnst tho iinmo.
Dntod nt Hond, Deschutes County,
Oregon, thin 7th day or April. 1920.
!t-'M)liillon for Rond.
In the County Court of tho Btato
of Orpgon, for tho County or Des
In tho mnttor or tho establishment
of tho Tiimalu hntcchcry road.
Ho It romombored. Thnt at a term
ol tho County Court of Deschutes
County, Btato of Oregon, begun nnd
hold tit tho court houso In Hond,
Orogon, In said county, on Wednes
day, the 7th day of April, 1920, nnd
frdm day to dny thereafter during tho
contlnunnco or nnld torm, thcro bo
lng present Don R. W. Sawyer,
County Judgo; Hon. C. II. Miller,
County Commissioner; Hon. Beth
Btookey, County Commissioner; J.
II. Hnner, Clerk; 8. E. Roberts, Shcr
Ift. Tho following, among other pro-cecdlngi-,
was had, to-wlt:
This being a regular term or tho
nbovo entitled court, and at which
tlmo tho court Is allowed, by resolu
tion, to locnto, establish, alter, wid
en, straighten or change tho direc
tion or any rond; nnd. It appearing
to tho court that a public necessity
oxlsts, the court docs heroby declare
Itn Intention to locato. lay out and
ostabllsu a road in this county, de
scribed nn follows:
A strip or lnnd GO ft. wide, being
30 feet on each side or tho center
lino an now nurvoyed and described
In general as follows:
ncglnnlng nt tho SB corner or tho
NKU or tho NWU or Section 31,
T. 17 8 R 12 B W. M., snmo bo
Ing nt tho Intersection or Newport
nvonuc. In tho city or Hond, Oregon,
with tho western boundary of said
corporate city of Rend; thenco run
ning in n general northwesterly di
rection through Section 31, T. 17 S.,
R. 12 B W. M., and r-ctlons 3C, 2G,
20 nnd 23 ol T. 17 S It. 11 B., W.
M., to a point on tin west sldo ot
Tumalo creek near tho stato fish
And It In further ordered, That tbo
County Road Master, County Sur
veyor or duly qualified doputy, shall
glvo notlco of this resolution by post
ing truo copies thereof, certified to
by tho Clork of this court, as fol
lows: Ono upon tho bulletin board
of thin court and ono at throe public
places in tho vicinity or tho nbovo
described proposed road to bo locat
ed, laid out nnd established, tor a
porlod or 30 days previous to a hear
ing by this court, notifying all per
sons concerned that said resolution
will bo considered and passed upon
by this court at tho term or this court
on Juno 2, 1920, nnd that tho court
shall hnvo power. In Its discretion,
ror good nud sufficient reasons, to
ovorrulo or dony nny objections or
remonstrances which shall bo pre
sented or filed against tho Bame.
Dntod nt Hond, Deschutes County,
Oregon, this 7th day ot April. 1920.
County Judgo.
County Commissioner.
County Commissioner.
Ord- red by tho court, Thnt claims
No. 282 to G20. inclusivo, ns tho
snmo aro entered upon tho claim
docket of this court at pages 176 to
178, inclusivo, bo, nnd tho sniuo aro
hereby, audited and nllowcd, nnd tho
Clork Is Instructed to Issuo his war
rants in payment thereof.
Whereupon tho court wns ad
journed to meet nt 10 o'clock n. m.,
April 9th, 1920.
Court reconvened April 9th, 1920,
nt 10 o'clock n. m., pursuant to ad
journment, nil members bolng pres
ent, and thou adjourned to April
10th, 1920, nt 10 o'clock in tho foro
noon. Court was reconvened April 10th,!
1920, nt 10 o'clock n. m nil mem
bers bolng prosent.
Ordorod by tho court, That the
County Clork bo, and ho Is horoby,
Instructed to lssuo n warrant in tho
sum of $30,000, payable to tho Stato
Treaauror of tho Stnto of Oregon
from tho special rond fund, and to
transmit tho saino to tho Secretory
or Stnto.
At this tlmo como C. E. McCuno
nud J. M, Agnow, requesting tho
court to nppoltu a County Fair Hoard
nud recommending certain persons
thorofor. Tho mattor was thou con
lit tho County Court ot the Stnto of
Oregon, ror tho County or Doschutes.
To tho Sccrotnry or Stnto or tho
Stato ot Oregon, Salom, Oregon:
This Is to certify that, pursuant to
tho provisions of Chapter 110, Gon
oral Laws ot Orogon, 1913, tho
County Court ot Deschutes County,
Stnto ot Oregon, by appropriate or
der duly mndo and ontered upon tho
Journal of tho procoodlngs of snld
court on tho 10th day of April, 1920,
.ti.i .......i.i.. nn,t n......i..i.. ,1... ...i
it, ,iirriu'; nun I'l'iM uii imiu tilt; mini
of twonty-twa hundred dollars
(12200)) for uno In and about agri
cultural or farm demonstration nnd
floid work In nnld County or Dcn
chuton, Btnto or Oregon, during tho
year 1920, to bo oxponded an provid
ed in nnld Chapter 110, Gonoral
Lawn or Oicgon, 1913, subject to tho
supervision or tho Btato Agricultural
College or tho Stnto or Oregon.
After Supper-
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Make Your Start Now!
When everything ban been mado easy for you when ono hour a
day spent with tho I.C.S. In tho quiet of your own homo will bring
you a bigger success, moro
comforts, moro plcanuros, ail
that success means can you
nfford to let nnotbor slnglo
priceless hour ot npnro tlmo
go to "waste? Mnko your
start right now! This is all
wo ask: Without cost, with
out obligating yourself In
provo how wo can help you.
any way, put it up to uso to
Just mark and mall this
101 Broadway, Porltand, Ore.
Same price for Butter Fat f. o. b. Bend
ns is paid f. o. b. Portland.
Central Oregon Farmers Creamery
When you erect a Silo, you want a Silo that will
stand the test of wind, rain, snow, frost and sua.
In the Hollow Concrete Silo Block you obtain this
feature, and besides a concrete block is absolutely
fire-proof. Will not warp when empty. No guy
lines necessary.
Eventually Concrete
Why Not Now?
Kor specifications, write to
Concrete Pipe Co.
Makers of Culvert Pipe, Water Pipe, Irrigation
Pipe, Building Blocks, Hollow Silo Blocks
Well Curbing.
,ffgB,g!E--mrM,,....m.l.l...HW.l,lCT ,,. ...
In witness whereof wo have horo--tinto
sot our hnndn nnd caused tho
seal or tho County Court ot Doschutca
County, Stnto of Orogon, to bo here
unto nfflxod thin 10th day or April,
(Sent or tho County Court)
County Judge.
County Commissioner.
County Commissioner.
What ?
-tkah knrr uuum-
Inleniational Correspondence Scte-tk
Box 1C10, Scranton, Pa.
Explain, without cbllrmtlnir m, how I can
quallfr for th position, or In Um iul)ect,
before which I mark X.
f-Urirlril EnrlnMrlnr lADVERTISING
.,....- . i.l.i.. . t... WlnUw Trlmr
b.nw.c kiinimi a .
RallrMd Trala
TtUgtiph Enilnr
Ttltphon Wrlc
Mrthtnkil Enflnrr
Mttlunlral I)rfUmn
(lnr. and Trptot
Railway Accvaataat
Ship DrafUmn
Caa Entln. OtratlDr c,nlBwut Law
RaUwar Hall Clark
Aatataaalla OparaUaa;
Paallrr Kalalnc
Aata Rapalrtaff
Sjrrrlnea-ul Mapping
Ulna Fararaan ar Edit.
Btatlanarr Enilntr
Cantractar ar IlalMtr
Architectural DrfUa-n
Cantrtta IlalMtr
I'lnmblnr and Ilcatlar
Kama ...........w
Occupation .........................'
and No...,
cay stat.