k BKNI) BULLETIN, ItKrtl), ORKGOrl, THURSDAY, AUOUHT 12, 102O. PAGE 7 FINISH PAPER RAILROAD SUIT CONSTRUCTION MAY BE BEGUN SOON ltnnd Fiojeelrd From Htt)ton Bend Hiin Loiik Fight In Cir cuit Court lltiimlMK Hlnro Mnyj Interest Adjudicated to Litigation ovor tho I'ortlnnd & Southeastern railway, tlio pnpcr rond projected limt summer to run from Htnyton to Hum), win ended In Port land on Saturday, according to now report In I'ortlnnd nowspnpcr. Tho OroKonlan ruport Ih n follow; "Flnnl paper In tho doclslon or Circuit Judge Morrow In tho cno of II, H. Huson against tho I'ortlnnd & Houlhnnnturn railway nnd other wcro lgnod liy tho Judge yesterday, ondlm; case notoworthy for It length nud tho mas of evldenca pro duced hy both Hide. Tho Rtilt win brought to ndjudlcnta tho interests of person Interested In whnt wn known ns a 'pnpcr mllrond," pro poned to run from Bnlom to Htnyton, through Mlnto pas to llond. "JtidKo Morrow decided thnt tho interest Nhould ho divided nnd In cued an order nf tho court thnt thu company mIiuII Incur no further obli gation without nn order from tho court for thoui, "Tho settlement of tho lltlgntlon la ftald to open up tho wny for nctlvo work on tho construction of tho mll rond, which will rcuch n largo un touched timber district. It In stated thnt eastern financier nra Interest fd In tho project nnd nro ready to supply tho necessary cnpltnl. "Tho cniio opened Mny 4 year nnd continued until week, with dully nnd often sessions." of thin Shrine nightly The Moth and the Flume. A nnluriillxl wovri thnt many In sect will Hy toward n Hume for the rnmp reiiMin that n plant sevk thu light. Ilut tin Unlit munt be liili-ncc to produce n marked roult. Townrd n feeble clan the Insert movif-leln-urely, but In the ran of n conevn trntrd IlKht travel with great mj Idlty to Hi death. The Tbouphts of Youth." Little PoIitw wn uulttly eating her lunch otto day when nil of n sud den aim wild : "Motlicr. If I died now, would I get to heaving In time for dinner!" 3i IH MM MM 114 Central Oregon Garage REDMOND, OREOON Exclusive Agenfs for Northwest Auto Co. for Deschutes, Crook nnd Jefferson Counties Selling Marmon-Cole, Reo and Dort Cars Bethlehem, Indiana and Duplex Trucks Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-16 First, National Bank Bldg. Tol. Gil (Dr, Cos Korrotr OHlet.) II. 11. DAnnori(J Chu. W. Kriklne DeArmond & Erskinc hAWVMttH O'Knno Building, Bond, Orogon II. 0, M L LI B Attornoyat-Ijw United State Commissioner First National Hank Dulldlng BOND, ORWQON DR. A. LESSING PIIYBIOIAN AND BUROEON Bond 1'roBB Bldg. ' BMND, ORROON Phones: Offlco Rod 41; Rob. 123 Read the Bulletin Classified Ads SHERIFF BACK WITH DANIELS HOIIEHTH Itiri'UltNH Wl'lll MAN CHARGED WITH LARCENY IJV iiaileei hearing ih Hirr for NEXT .MONDAY. Sheriff H. K. Robert returned Innt week with C. A, DkuIoIh, wanted on n chnrKo of Inrcony hy hnllco. Dan iel wn arrnignod In Justice court thl mornliiK und nuked for time to secure counsel. Tho hcnrlng wn net for .Monday, August 0. Tho chargo against Daniel wn filed by O. A. Olnou of tho Centrnl Oregon gnrngo, who complained that tho do foudnnt had unlawfully removed n car botiKht from him on contract from Deschutes countw and tho itato of OrcKon. Daniel wa hold In Santa Mnrln, Cal on July 24, on Information nent out by tho local police. Ho offered to mako good and fought extradition, but linn been bronchi back for trial. DANIELS CASE IS CONTINUED HEARING IK HirT FOU MONDAY, august m, on defendants MOTION IH ATTiailTINO TO MAKi: SETTLEMENT. Tho JiiHtlco court coin of C, A Dauleln, who I chnrgod with larceny by bailee, ha been UKalti continued ono work on motion of tho de fendant, which wa allowed by tho court on tho connent of District At torney Mnoro. Daulol I bolng rep renented by Attorney W. I'. Myorn, who gave a his rennon for again postponing tho hearing wan that ho fludn It necessary to go to Portland nnd that tho district uttorney In called to (.nkevlow. Daniel I doing all In hi power to nettle tho civil end of hi dif ficulties with hi creditor, say Mr. Myers, but thin ha nothing to do with tho criminal charge. Ho ha been unnbln to mnko tho bond, and In still being held by tho county of ficer. Put It In Tim Bulletin. MO I'hono Black 1291 I,KK A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect O'Kano Building BEND ... ORKQON BMaaBraaiaiaaiiBiBiaiBanaasBsaaaaaaMaaiiaiaaaaMBiMMBaaaBswaHaHijk 0, P, NIBWONQRIt, Bend, Ore. DNDKItTAKKU Licensed Kmbalmer, Fuieral Director, Phono Red 421. Lady AMt. DR. R. D. BTOWBLL NaprapAthlo l'hyslclaa Ovor Logon Kurnlturo Co. Wall Street Hours to t I'hoio Rod 482 DR. TURNER 13YE SPECIALIST Pormnnontly Located In Bond with Now Equipment Prlvato Offlco ln Thoruou's Jowolry Storo Dr. Tumor will ho In Prlno vlllo ovory first and third Fri day; in Mndraa ovory second and fourth Friday, and in Red mond ovory first and third Thursday of each month. It sure will 8 ay RIGHT CUT Is a short W-B CUT is SWIMMING CLUB INTEREST HIGH Tho second regular meeting of tho Y. M. C. A. Hwlmmlnc club showed an Increnso In membership, 30 being tha total number now Rlgncd up. In tho main event of tho evening, tho 40-yard handicap race, Todd, tho scratch man, took first placo, al though beaten by Blrdsall In tho first heat. Rlrdsall took second placo and Davidson third, Tho tlmo wn 24 second. FARM ANIMALS ATTENTION TO SICK ANIMALS Inability of Laymen to Recognize Ail ments Often Results In Lots of Valuable Stock. (Prrpsred by the United BUtes Dprt merit of Agriculture.) The tendency of laymen to cngnge In tho diagnosis nnd treiittnent of disease of live stock Is In n great many Instnnce resulting u losses of nnlmal through Inability to properly recognize ailment In tlmo to apply needed treatment, or through applying remedies not Indicated In tho specific cases. Thl I particularly dangerou In the handling of Infection und con tagious diseases where not only tho original herd la at stuko but where, Flank Injection Proper Handling of Hog Cholera Treatment Is Abio lutoly Essential to tho Checking of the Disease. through tho sprend of Infection, other nulmnls tuny become exposed nud In fected. In tho work of controlling hog cholera, for lustnnco, perhaps the greatest htndranco has hoon the ten. deney of farmers to Attempt the diagnosis nnd treatment of their own herds, or else to call In an untrained layman, who frequently docs not recognize tho disease- or advises tho wiong proccduro In thu handling of tho outbreak. According tp experts It Is not nlwnys nn ensy mutter to recognize nog cholera, ns symptoms uro sometimes obscure. Other ail ments of swine, such ns pneumonia, worms nnd tuberculosis, at certain stnges of development, sc mow lint re semble hog cholcrn. Accordingly, training nnd experience nro required to distinguish between these nnd hog cholorn, Tho practicing voterinnrlun should acqutro all posslhlo knowledge per taining to control nnd suppression of hog cholera, Oi lain uinuy comollca- laKHaaaaau aaaaaaaaaaaaaWSIfaT 2jMjt.iVg Lfti SaaaawWi BBHblBBBaBBaLr lBBBK.'S BBkBaaaaDB9WPBaaa. .jaaaaaaaaml i.TV BBBBBVaBBBBBBBBW . 1 Tv. bvx BBBBaaaaflHBjal Tickle You" the Good Judge To And how lonft tho full rich taste of tho Real Tobacco Chew lastsv That's why It really saves you money to use tills class of tobacco instead of the ordinary kinds. Any man who uses tho Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles - cut tobacco a long fine-cut tobacco tlon associated with tho dlrcnsc have created a multiplicity of opinion nmong those who clnlin to understand tho various nllment of swine, nnd even within tho veterinary profession hnsty Judgment linn In omn rases led to 1omi which could have been avoid ed through n careful consideration of facts, proper diagnosis nnd treatment. Thl should emphasize the necessity for tho study of enses, Including the history, environments and circum stance Involved In nn outbreak, be fore attempting to decide on the cause of trouble. Then come tho physical examination of the animals. Look for nbnormnl nctlon, breathing, gnlt, npiMjtlle, digestion and other func tions. Hvxx, take the nnlmnl's tem perature with. a good, reliable ther mometer. Even then positive diag nosis 1 not always possible until a post-mortem examination has been made, which mentis nn cxnmlnntlon of tho various orgnns nnd parts of the body lifter death. It Is evident that all swlne-produc-Ing localities should have someone nvnllnblo whose services, based on training and experience, arc reliable In detecting and prescribing for dis eases of live stock. And farmers should rcnllie generally that they can not nfTord to Jeopnrdlre their herds by attempting to administer treatment which require a certain amount of technical application. It Is better to call a quiilllled veterinarian than to run tlio risk of losing valuable ani mals, to say nothing nf the possibili ties of causing a widespread epizootic outbreak of a destructive animal disease. ROOST WILL DESTROY MITES Plan Outlined for Completely Clear Infl Poultry House of All Thirsty Blood-Suckera. One successful way to rid poultry houses of mites Is to use a roosting polo that will harbor them during tho day, so that It can be soaked with hot water to destroy them. The roost shown provides a placo on tho under side where they may hide. It consists of a lath held under the roost wltb small nails to make tho hiding place Inviting for them. You simply lift tho roost from the holders, slightly loosen the pieces of lath, nnd pour boiling water between tlio lath and tho roosts. This will kill alt vcrroht nnd destroy any eggs that may bo there. The roosts will quickly dry If tho water is hot In this way a poultry house can be completely cleared of nil blood-suckers A Hiding Place Is Provided for Ver mln In Thl Poultry Roost to Catch Them During tho Day. on tho plnce. Tho Iron ends nro cold er than tho wood, nnd tho vermin will not crawl over them. Mites do not attack fowl In the day time, nud It lo dlfllcult to discover their nrese.nc.0,, - Body llco remain on tho ii i i ... .. "KT'p, "' Ik, Id, A fttturc -SN4tU: lljli l(- LSlKillroun'criunV hotev- Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Stndrd Sii. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Salos Agont, MILLER LUMBER CO. TANLAC Part ofMcKenzie Road Is Open; Be Ready in 15 Days Tho bureau of public roads 4 In charge of McKenzto Pass -S- construction report that sec- 4 V tlon of tho road are opened J- to traffic immediately after completion, Tho old road Is used only where tho newgrade 4- In Impassable because of con- structlon work. The new pro- Ject will be complete and opened In 15 days, according to a telegram received here late Frldny. fowl nil the time, and they mny be ex terminated In the following wny: Hang the fowl head downward In n bnrrel nnd rub n small nmount of Jlouride of soda well Into the feathers for hnlf the length of the fowl. This I a harm less ponder nnd it can be used on chick n wellz-fleorge W. Smith. In Popular Science Monthly. 1 i Compete With Pyramids. Tho only competition of the pyra mids, kiijs the A'l'cnobtle Blue Book, Is the famous rn!nt-J rocks near Marl copn, Cul. TheM? roks are what re main of the magnificent old Sun Wor ship temple where thousands of In dians guthered ncli jear. The rocks were discovered by eaily Spanish ex plorers In tlio seventeenth century, nnd it Is believed thnt the group wn nine or eleven dozen centuries old when the American Indians first saw It LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Call notice for Lower Brldgc-Ter-rcbonne road fund warrants. Notice is hereby given that all war rants drawn on the Lower Bridge Terrebonne road fund are hereby called for payment. CLYDE M. McKAY, 24c Treasurer Deschutes County. NOTICE Call for Registered County road fund warrants. Notlco la hereby given that all warrants registered and drawn on the road fund from No. 1194 to 1237, In clusive, are hereby called for pay ment on August Cth, 1920, and are payable at the County Treasurer's of fice. Bend, Oregon. Interest stops on and after above date. CLYDE M. McKAY. 24c Treasurer Deschutes County. NOTICE OP HEARING In tho County Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Des chutes. In tho matter of the estate of Ole O. Dragsvold, deceased. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 14th day of Sept., 1920, at the County Court Room, In the city pf Bend, Deschutes County. Ore gon, at the hour of 2 p. m. of said day, tho following matter will be heard and considered, to-wit: The petition of Julius Pedersen for the probate of those certain instru ments In writing purporting to con stitute tho lust will and testament of said Olo O. Dragsvold, deceased, for tho granting of letters testamentary therefor to said petitioner and for tho taking of any testimony therein that may havo a bearing upon said niieKeo msi u inwiuvui tho dlsnosnl of the estate of said de- ana ceased In accordance with his wishes. Dated nt Bend, Oregon, August 7, 1920. ROBERT W. SAWYER. 24-2Sc County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT In tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Deschutes County. Iu tho mater of the estnto of Ole Olson, deceased: Notice Is hereby given that Theo dora Auno, administrator of the es tate of Olo Olson, deceased, hns made and filed with tho Clerk of the Coun ty clork of Deschutes County. Oro gon, his final account of his ad ministration of said estato, nnd that tho Judge of tho above en titled Court has set tho 3rd day of Soptomher. 1920. at tho hour of 2 o'clock iu tho afternoon oi saiu day, nt tho court room In Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, ns tho tlmo nnd plnco of hearing said final FOR SALE DY The Owl Pharmacy "OLE AGENTS account and of tho sottllng of said estate, and all person Interested arc cited to appear at snld tlmo nnd placo and show causo, If any, why said account should not bo al lowed, and said estate closed and settled Dated thl Cth day of Augusn, 1920. THEODORE AIJNE. Administrator of the estate of Olo Olson, deceased. DE ARMOND h ERHKINE, Attornoys for Administrator. 24-28c-Gt NOTICE FOR PUIlMfJATIO.V (Not Conl Lnnd.) Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land Offlco at Lakcvlcw, Oregon, July 12, 1920. Notlco is hereby glvon that Cora Leland of Laplne, Oregon, who, on July 26, 1917, made Homestead En try No. 010383, for 8W4 NWU, NW 8WU, E4 SV, Section 2, Township 23, South Rnngo 9 East,, Willamette Meridian, na filed notlco of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, before E. L. Clark, U. S. Commissioner, at Ln Pino, Ore gon, on tho 21st day of August, 1920. Claimant names n witnesses: Kate Zleralf, R. E. Eaton, B, C. Scott, Maude Eaton, nil of Laplno, Oregon. JAS. V. BUROESS, 21-2Cc Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Not Coal Land.) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lakevlew, Oregon. July 12, 1920. Notlco Is hereby given that Her man A. Rose, of Laplne, Oregon, who, on April 28, 1916, made Home stead Entry No. 09227, for W NB '4, Section 15; W SEtf. Section 10, Township 23 South, Rango 0 East, Willlamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make flml three-year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before E. L. Clark, U. S. Commissioner, nt Laplne, Oregon, on tho 20th day of August, ,1920. Claimant names as witnsios: R. .. taion,, t reu .Mahn, II. A. Rosa W. O Fordham, all of Laplne, Ore- gon JAS. F. BUROESS. Register. 21-25c 8U3LMONH A. J. Harter, plaintiff, vs. Fannv E. Ramsay Flamant, Bell West anil Thomas West, her husband; ifnin West andMclvln West, her husband; iceai uamsay uouixey and John God frey, her husband: Margaret Ramsay Beebe and George Beebo, her hus band: Walter Ramsay; Bernlce Blsa and Abner Diss, her husband; Hazel Ramsay; W. D. Barnes, as adminis trator of tho estate of Alfred F. Ram say, deceased (sometimes known aa A. F. Ramsay); the unknown heira of deceased, and also all other per sons or parties unknown claiming; any right, title, estate, lien or inter est In tho real estate described In tho complaint herein, defendants. To Fanny E. Ramsay Flamant; Bell West and Thomas West, her husband; Bernlce Diss and Abner Biss, her husband, and tho unknown heirs of above named Alfred P. nam. say, deceased, and also all other per sons or panics unxnown claiming any right, title, estate, lion or Inter est In the real estate described in tho complaint herein, .defendants: Iu the name of tho State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled case and causo on or before the 19th day of August, 1920, which Is moro than six weeks after the 8th day of July, 1920, tho date of the first pub lication of this summons, nnd if you fall so to appear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiff Will ap ply to tho court for tho rellof prayed for In tho complaint, to-wlf For tui in mu cumpiuiui, lo-wii" ror a decree and Judgment m-ninut thn ; defendants, and each and all of thorn, tor mo sum or s&uo.oo, with interout thereon from February 1. 1913. at me mie oi soven per com per an num; for tho further sum of $100.00 attorney's fees, and tho further sum of $130.00 for taxes paid and for costs and disbursements of this suit, und for a further decreo torecloslug; said mortgage described in plaintiff's complaint and the sale of tho proper ty therein described as the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 24. Township 1G south, rango 11 east, of tlfo Willamette meridian, and that tho defendants bo forover barred from setting up any right, title, interest or lien in nnd to suid real property, and for such other and iiiriner rotter ns to tho court may appear just and equitable. Servico of this summons Is mndo upon you by publication thereof in Tho Bond Bullotln for six consecu tive weeks under and by virtue of nn order made and entered on the 7th day of July, 1920, by tho Hon. T. E J. Duffy, Judge of the nbovo entitled court. Tho date of tho first publication of this summons is tho 8th day of July. 1920, and tho date of the Inst publi cation thereof is tho 12th day of Au gust, 1920. E. O. STADTER, Attorney for Plaintiff. First National Bunk Building, Bond, Oregon. 19-24o Brand Directory H""G Brand John Helfrieh, 0-tp Brothers, Ore. AKlgn Right side; right ear crop- wattle right hind leg. L. TONB, Bisters, Or. AdY.ioBt;