WEEKLY EDITION V - r ; THE BEND BULLETIN. Vfr VOL. .Will iiKM), I)i:hohuti:h cowry, ouicgon, tiu'imd.u, aioiht ia, ioao. So. at. J , WANTEDITORSv TO PICK BEND FOR 1921 MEET INVITATION WILL EXTENDED BE '.CHANCE DEEMED GOOD Coiiiiiirrclnl Club Will TnUn Caret of Ilnlortitlmiiciit of NiwNiiiMr Men -ItrlgHtloii ('oiiiiiilllfc Favor Cooperation on llw Project. Delegates from Bond nowspitpors whos uttutul thu annual convention of (ha Orrnou IMItorlul association In Astoria Friday, Saturday and Sunday, will extend an Invitation to the URitnclittlou lo hold Its next roar ly mooting In lloml." Im Iibm licon clo dded. Action on tho (nMtluu was takoti nt (ho wotikly session of tho llontl Commercial club tit tlio Pilot llutto Inn Wednesday, after II. W. Sawyer Minted tlml thoro In im oxcol- lout clianco of securing tho convott tlon for thin city. On tho motion of It. H. Hamilton, tho club wont on rocord nu agreeing to tnka caro of thu entertainment of tho visiting tiuwspnpo'r tnon should Hond hn picked un tho next -convention city. Discussion on tho quoittlaii was lirluf, featuring tho desirable stato wldo publicity which Ilond would Rain If tho nnnuul mooting Im bold hero. Am h mombcr of tho apodal Irrlga tlon committee nppolntod recently, Mr, Hamilton roportnd on tho moot Ini: bold last Friday la Redmond with roprenentntlvcs of tho Hodmond Commercial club, Mr. Hamilton Mated that tho Joint comtnlttoo had agreed that tho bout policy to pur huo would bo that of cooperation In MocurtnK a fair apportionment of wn tor Cor tho various units of tho Des chutes project. Ho aald that tho Tuinnlo district Is contemplating ox tensions, and that organization of tho Went unit In coiiHldurod probnblo. O. ), I. Control Hamper. Action on tho North Canal unit Im liamporod by tho fact that thin part of tho project Im ititl undor C. O. I. control, hu reported. ' Tho comtnlttoo had planned to nond representatives to Portland to moot with United BtnteM Director Davln of tho reclamation norvlco, to rtnk hi racommondatlon for govern ment construction of tho Ilanham FallM project, wbon Mr. Davln at tend tho Amorlcan Inntltuto of En Klnoors In Portland this week. A tologram rocolrod In Hodmond this morning from John It. LowIm, former Htato engineer, and phoned to Mr, Hamilton, suggested that no action of tho kind bo taken until engineer ing reports on tho North and West unltB aro In. This advlco will be fol lowod, MICKIE SAYS ik, (.. MKU, OMCt m K VmvUC "V ou twRt ora ow "u couw mums fost oow uemtis u ) ) P.Vtft BOt N OCNCRM.LM WM ( AOE T SURMWC 60VXIV0VN'"T.V. J i m OwM AoytfaVSb-' Mtinpk State and County Census Figures A re Announced (11 UnIM J'ri-M lTit Html llull.tln) WAHIIINUTON, D. C Aug 5. Tlio population of tho Htato of Oregon whh announced by thu coiihiih bunuiu (hit morn lilt; an 783,280, an Incrnano In (ho last tlecndu of 110,520, or 10. 4 per cont. Tho population of Dcschutos county was nnnouiicdd nt tho samo tlmo nt 0022. An tho county watt formed nluco tho last connun wan taken, no com paction can ho mndo, "" lloud, with n population of CtlC, announced several weeks ago, has morn than half tho to tal of tho county V PAVING BONDS ARE ARRANGED MAYOIt, CITV ATTOItM.V AND PA VINO MA.V .MKT YIMTKUDAY TO PUIII'AltK FOR lHHl'ANCK OK papi:h io covnit Tin: work. Muyor Knstes, City A'ttornoy C 8. Ilunsou and C. S, Heed of tho Will Ito Construction Co. mot yesterday arternoon to arrange for tho Issuanco of bonds undor thu Bancroft act to pay for the paving of Ilcnd'n Htrcols. Tho city attorney said that ho would advlso Mr. Heed lo hnvo tho bonds Issued by IiIm own attorneys, or by ono of tho bonding specialist firms In Portland. How aver, Mr. Ilenson said that, If Mr. Heed preferred, he would proceed to Ret out the bonds himself. Bonding Is thu work of specialists, but Mr. Ilonson has been successful hereto fore In- bonding I)echutM county projects. Mr. Hoed seeutod to agree with this view. Tho council Tuesday arranged for tho filing of n declaration of In tention, In accordanco with tho peti tions circulated asking for pavliiR with Wllllto, to procood with tho con tract with Mr. Hood and tho bonding of tho city to nay for tho pavlnR, resorvhiK tho right to malco labora lory tests of tho Wllllto compound, and to break tho contract If It wus not found as represented. OLD PLACER STREAM FOUND WORKED OUT Ilenil Prospector Return' from the HI ream Where ('baric Mwnlley Washed firnwl Utl Years Aro Twenty-six years ago, Charloa flwnlloy, then a resldont of Prlnevlllo, prospoctod In tho country near tho headwaters of tho Umpqua, found placor gold of oxcoedlnc rlchnoss, and, aftor panning gravel for n short tlmb, ruturnod to his homo whon his partner left him. Tuesday, accom panied by his brother-in-law, K. O. Landlnghom or this city, Dallard Olio nnd Orvlllo Roonoy, Mr. Swal ley roturnod a second tlmo from an expedition to tho pjacor doposltt This tlmo, however, only traces ot gold woro found, tho stream having been apparently thoroughly exploited since bin visit, more Jhan a quartor ot a century ago. Tho party sot out lato In July, travollng on horses and carrying pro visions to last tor a throo wooks' stay. Thoy had no difficulty In finding tho place wboro Mr. Swulloy lind pnnnod gold In tho 00's, but failed to find gravol with n pay stronk, or to locato tho mother lode, Mr. LnuUlngham reported this morn Ing, Ho Is confident, howover, that hlghgrado oro can be found not far from, tho old placor works and is planning to mnko another trip, In, with preparations for n longtay. 6FFICERS ELECTED FOR ASSOCIATION Formation ot tho Pilot llutto Com otory association was offocted Mon day by tho election ot offlcors. Of ficers oloctod aro: Mrs. Ralph Spou cor, president j Mrs. Franklin Toom oy, vlco prosldenti Mrs. A. F. Larson, ildi t secretary, nd C, P. Nlswonger, treasurer. Si INTEREST MANY WATEK DUTY VARIES IN COUNTY lo of Sulphur for Alfalfa, Nulphnte of I'o(atlt In Potato Culture, i'x- plained lly KxpcrtK In Tour of Handle - Yields Iitm'tiu-d. Intorest, greator than In any prev ious year, In tho solution of farming problems in Deschutes county was shown Tuesday on County Held day, whon tho results of tests made on various farms throughout tho county wcro oxplalnod to farmers of tho stir rounding localities. Tho effect of water and fertilizer In tho production of alfalfa, potatoos and clover fea tured thu demonstration, Hundreds hoard the reports on-tho work con ducted ttt tho experiment stations and listened to tho explanations giv en by Professors W. L. Powers nnd James T. Jardlno ot tho Oregon Ag ricultural college. County Agricultur ist D. L. Jamison and John Tuck of Hodmond, In charge of oxporlmont station work In tho county for tho college At ouo stop no lesi than SO fanners gathered to hear the sum mary ot tho season's work as out lined by tho oxports. In tho raising of such forage crops as clover and alfalfa tlio use of sul phur, already accepted by many Des chutos county farmers, was strongly recommended, and sulphato of potash was found to bo tho best fertilizer for uso In connection with potato cul ture, increasing tho yield per aero as high as P0 bushels, and having Its uffoct on tho tuber rather than on tho part of thu plant abovo ground. Growing of clover as n means of re vitalizing wornout soils Is now bolng tried out. Water Duty Ynrlt. Starting from Ilond, tho party mak ing tho tour stoppod first at tho R. A. Orlffin ranch. Approximately 23 Inchos ot wator will bo used this sea son, and tho alfalfa1 yield per ncro, from last year's figures, was 3.4 tons. At tho J. A. Melvln ranch, sul phate ot potash has been used In po tato culturo for tho last four years, and has effected an Increase running from 45 to 90 bushels bo aero. Ono hundred and sixty pounds ot Biilphato to tho aero has boon found to bo tho best soil reonforcomont. Goorgo Erickson, In the Grange soil district, reported 28 inches as the Inaxlmum nnd 19 Inches as tho minimum amount of wator used so for this season and that 32 inches hod boon used last yoar. Tho 1919 alfalfa yield on his farm was 4.7 tons por aero. On tho K. II. Williams placo at Powell llutto, from 20 to 30 inchos ot wator had bcon found necessary on a 40-acro alfalfa tract this year. In 1919 tho tmnio tract produced 3.5 tons to tho acre. Plan Irrigation School. Land on tho C. A. Stevens ranch, near Hodmond, had been treated last, yoar for tho first tlmo with sulphur and producod 3.3 tons por ncro on tho first cutting. On tho Hurtha Iloard ranch, in tho Tumalo soctlon, oper ated by J. W. Ovltt, from 5,5 to C tons por ncro is oxpectod this year as tho result ot UBlng 33 Inches ot wator and tho application of 100 pounds ot sulphur to each acre ot alfalfa land in 1918. . At tho close ot tho demonstrations It waa announced that n county ir rigation school will bov hold toward tho close df tho season. Thoso starting tho trip Xrom Hond Included H. A. Ward, Fred N. Wal lace, W. L. Powers, James T. Jar dlno, A. Whlsuant, Harry aunt, Douglas Mullarky, J. H. Roberts, Frank Wallace R. U. FlIcklitgor.A. J, Gonuason, J, A. Melvln, D, L. Jam ison, M. G, Coo, Goorgo Erickson, F. II, Hottman, Gus E. Stadlg, J. M, Orlffin, J, Alton Thompson and John Tuck. At Hodmond the party was Joined by N, A, Burdlck, Guy E, Dobson, W. D, Daggett, C. F, Hob kins and Dordou Deck, FARMPROBLEM GOING TO THY DRIVING 'EM DOUBLE COUNTYREPORT BY TREASURER SHOWSBALANCE The semi-annual report ot the County Treasurer, Clydo M. McKay, tor tho period from January 1 to Juno 30, 1920, is out, showing a balance ot 1151,805.58 in tho county treasury ns against J3C.0IS.83 at tho closo of 1919. Tho total amount handled by tho county during tho past six months was 4 88,087.73, ot which $234, 271.47 was received as taxes, and 1128,105,88 from tho salo ot road bonds, tho remainder from miscel laneous sources. Part ot the total Just montioned was money morely transferred from ouo fund to another tho total receipts being 381,251.S4. Total disbursements reached $205,495.09, tho principal avenuos bolng payments to district clerks for tho maintenance ot county schools, $90,603.3G, and warants redcomed, $79,007.48. Collections from tho motor vohlclo tax wero $5,483,53, applied to tho road fund. $1,072.22 was received from tho state highway fund. Balances on hand In tho principal funds on Juno 30 wero: General fund, $10,092.88; road fund, $1, 631 94; City of Bend, $39.88; spec ial school district, $1,1S9.37; gen eral school fund, $14,734.05; state school fund, $1,179.44; school dis trict bond Interest, $974.00; library fund, $818,20; school district 30 (Bend) sinking fund, $472.75; road bond fund, $7-3,745.40; county libra ry. $1,013.49; special road funds, $4,342.80; The Dalles-California highway, $15,068.42; motor vohlclo fund, $4,35G.03. PRINGLE CATCHES MANY LARGE FISH Saturday and Sunday on Diamond lako, A. M, Prlnglo caught 19 trout, all of thorn, ho says, weighing over 15 pounds, the finest string ot trout over brought Into Bond, according to tholr captor. Ho says, howover, that fishing 13 difficult on Diamond lake, as thoro is only ono boat, and that In condition. poor SURVEYS ROAD IN NATIONAL FOREST William Sproat of tho forost sorV Ico Is making a survoy for a now road to bo built from Lost lake to Crtor Crook cabin, Ho will also lay out a course for a road from Lost lako to Soda Springs, and make ejt' mates tor the bulldlug ot the roads. Bird Carries Long Messages In Tube From Forest Camp fr Tho practical uso ot homing pigeons for coramunlcatldn pur- poses Is seen In the messages -3 brought to tho local forest ot- fico by two pigeons this morn- Ing from tbo upper end ot Crcs- cent lake, a dlstanco ot 56 miles. Tho birds woro released at S o'clock this morning and 4 reached Bend beforo noon. Ono ot tho birds brought a messago from J. L. Peterson, with information In regard to progress on tho Roberta Calm well, which is down 485 feet. Tho othr bird had three messages, printed by hand In fino characters on thin papor, and was carrying a message ot over 800 vords. BURGLAR IS ROUTED IN EARLY MORNING Prowler Beats Hasty Retreat From Drake Road Home, When Owner, Armed With Indian Relic, Pursues Armed with a huge stone pestle, a relic ot early Indian days, John Cunningham put to flight a burglar who entered his homo on Drake road early Tuesday morning. As far as Mr. Cunningham could ascertain, the marauder was routed beforo ho had opportunity to appropriate any ot tho family possessions. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham were wakened about 2 o'clock by the Bound ot somn tailing objoct, and Mr. Cunningham immediately seized the stono pestlo and started for the room in tho front ot the houso from which tlio sound bad apparently originated. As ho approached, thd front door slammed, and ho hoard tho sound ot retreating stops. Tho prowlor had gained access to tho. houso through tho cellar, and had picked tho lock in tho door loading from tho collar to the flrst floor, Mr. Cunningham bolleves. MOOSE PICNIC TO BE JOYFUL TIME Public Invited To Attend ' Oood Tlmo On Tumalo Island, On Sunday, Augu.st US. Watch Saturday's papor for the program of tho Mooso picnic Sunday, August 15, on Tumalo island, to which tho genoral public Is invited There will be sports and games ot all kluds, eats sorvod on tho grounds and other attractions, Transporta-1 tlon can bo arranged for those with mir rtftva i f ran an tin hi a nlaa " WMV, VMM tVUOUUMWta (MtV) OWNERSDECIDE FOR IMMEDIATE STREET PAVING UNANIMOUSLY FAVOR HARD SURFACING PETITIONS PRESENTED -f Two Hundred Taxpacrn At Ae Journcd Council Meeting De clare For Permanent Im provement; DLhcum Offer f Two hundred taxpayers of Bond, prcsont at tho adjourned council meeting In tho circuit court rooms Monday night, went on record, with out a dissenting vote, as favoring the Immediate hard surfacing of tho downtown streets and certain of tho residence streets ot Bend. Petitions with signatures repre senting over halt ot the. frontage on the downtown streets, nnd larger percentages on several residence streets, wcro read and filed with the council, all of them calling for some approved typo of paving except oho, which specified Wllllto paving. Because tho present a.gitation for paving is identified with the offer made by President C. S. Reed of the Western Williate Construction Co.r tho meeting was opened by the read ing by tho city recorder of the offer made by Mr, Reed, and telegrams and letters received from various cities throughout tho nation whero Wllllto has been used In paving, all of them very favorable to tho compound. Telegrams from Los Angeles, Niagara Falls, Weathertord, Texas. Kingston, N. Y Denver, Sacramento and other places were very free la endorsing WlUlto. I'etition-. Presented. Following this the petitions circu lated yesterday among property own era wero read, calling for paving oa the following streots: Congress street from Riverside to Broadway. Franklin from Broadway to Bond. Wall from Vermont place to Idaho, Bond from Greenwood to Georgia, Greenwood from the west approach ot the bridge to 125 feet east ot Di vision. Oregon from the alley cast ot Wall to Lava road, Minnesota from Wall to Lava road. This petitloa was signed by oyer 50 per cent ot tho abutting property owners. Other petitions for paving la other parts ot the city wero read, after which tho mayor called tor ex pressions ot opinion from tho tax payers present. Expression was slow to como, but unmlstakoably In favor ot immedlato paving whon It did come. The topic most discussed was whether tho two inches of asphalt specified in Mr. Reed's offer would be sufficient to hold up the traffic and prove satisfactory. Hugh O'Kane, tho first speaker, said he was willing to take a chaB.es If It meant paving right away. A. S. Benson was in favor of get ting export opinion as to the relatlva merits of different hard surface. D. T. Carmody and W. L. O'Doaaelt were both enthusiastically In favor ot paving, the latter saying he wooll llko to see Wall street- paved to Tumalo. C. S. Hudson was In favor ot still more Investigation, while L. B. Balrd was satisfied with tho five-year guar auteo ottered by tho Wllllto com pany. E. M. Thompson, L. L. Fox and J. P. Koyos all saw tho need ot paving; W. C; Blrdsall and A. Whlsuant both spoko strongly for tho Wllllto offer, bellovlng It tho best Bond oyer would have an op portunity to accept. II, J. Ovorturf agreed with preced ing speakers that tho streets aro m disgrace, but thought tho matter should be loft to tho council and the city engineer. Mr Vlnal, spoaklag as-an engineer, said ho believed the Wllllto offer and guaranteo wore un usually good. D. E. Hunter thought tho council und city engineer should decide the typo of paving used. T, E. tFoley satd he waa ready tor paving 'Iwo yeafS?no4 . 'fcVotUnanlmoui. p RtvV8avvySr,.-whon calledwi, sugaiedhha't'thQ question of whetU or Jthiurorty owners wanted, pav InlVulitfW disposed of by taklag a (Coatinued oa Page 4.) 4