The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 05, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Copyright, by Doublcday, Rage and Ca
Bcgardlesa of party affiliations tlio
press, tlio country, hurled nt tlio Whlto
Houpc llio verdict outrage I
Tlie president was not without his
excuses. Proof of J. Pierce Lnmont'a
guilt under the criminal section of the
Sherman law Iny In n secret memo
randum whereby tho restraint of the
powder trade wna maintained. This
memorandum hnd been dtctnted by
Lntnont to his stenographer.. Imogen
Leonard, and by her transcribed and
malted unsigned to tho smaller, fear
ridden manufacturers of powder.
Wherefore Miss Leonard could give
testimony that would convict J. Pierce
Latnont land a trust mugnnto behind
tho bora.
Unfortunately. Miss Leonard's vaca
tion, comprehending a sea trip nt the
expenso of her employers, was so
timed owing to a leak In the United
States attorney's otllce that she wna
beyond the threc-mllo limit before the
secret service knew It. Nothing re
mained, therefore, but to engngo the
co-opemtlon of some foreign power In
the enterprise of detaining the vitally
Important witness and effecting ber
return home to the witness-box.
Italy'a tight with tho Powder trust
dovetailed Into this scheme. Miss
Leonard was to be detained by the
Italian authorities and pumped, but
with the American nmhaswidor stand
ing by. ready to offer a refuge and
snfo return homo!
On the part of the administration at
Washington It was Machiavellian, on
Italy'a part,- tho execution of Amer
ica's "third degree," At best It
wouldn't look well In print at worst
It would defcut the president's party
at tho next election. Wisely, tbe
White louse kept silent. But tho
American ambassador to Italy bo
Etlrred himself.
Less Uian -twelve hours after tba
storm broke tn the United States.
Imogen Leonard, under tbe courteous
escort of his excellency John Blsuier.
started for Home to rejoin ber mother.
Out of the horde of Americans wbo
have Invaded Europe, three are re
membered: General Grant. Colonel
Roosevelt and Pitcher Lnrkln. Each
made his Impress, but of these Impre
sloulsls ttnrney Lnrkln contributed by
far the most color, fie said when be
got hack to the Giant-killers' ball park
that he might forget his trip abroad,
but he didn't think Europe would I
Nn plea, nucre the globe-running
baseball players landed, was the one
place where Barney devoted himself
strictly and whole-heartedly to sight
seeing. Accompanied by Ernest Stead
man, his guide. rtiHtodlnn. and friend,
he fared forth, with the best Intentions
to behold every treasure (hat the city
and Its environs advertised. But he
was first conducted to the Neapolitan
oQuarlum nnd never left It. Here
"Damon anil Plscatorlus" were enrap
tured with the curious murine won
ders of the Mediterranean cuttle flsh.
crested blubbers. Impossible-looking
crabs, crayfish, and pipefish, the elec
tric rays, which Barney, after experi
encing a (.hock, pronounced, "live
wires, all right I"
Above all, the eccentric twlrler was
delighted with the octopus I At home
Barney hnd reeu pictures of It In tbe
papers, usuiilly luhclcd "Standard Oil,"
or "Sugnr," or -Steel." but In a for
clgn land he saw It la the original
mother of (he trusts I fie bud to be
dragged a way to tho train.
At Borne he announced thnl he was
tired o7 '"look In' round." But some
ono told hlrj of the Catacombs cel
lars whero the early Christians were
laid on tho Mielf. He apparently be
came fascinated with the subter
ranean phenomenon, and devoured all
of the literature he could find ou the
subject The reasou he gave for visit
ing the Pantheon was that "twenty
eight wagon loads of the heat bones"
had been carried there from the Cata
combs and plnntcd beneath the altar.
When lie mudo his excursion to the
Roman Catacombs be look Ernest
Steadmau with him. Apparently ho
wandered through the gullerlea ab
sorbed In what he saw, But there
was malice aforethought In his wan
derings. 11 -j succeeded In losing bis
keeper I
Homo remembers to this dny what
ensued. The alcoholic eruption ended
shortly nftcr midnight. Barney Lar
kin, n dirty sweater draped togawlse
nbout bis powerful shoulders, his head
bare save for a wreath filched from
tho tomb of Raphael, paraded up and
down tho middle of the I'lnzzl dl Spag
na, pausing only to cool his brow In
Bernini's nautical fountain, and pro
claimed himself Caesar I At his heels
shullled tho riffraff, tdgrng, and bob
tall of modem Home shouting: "Kvlv
vu J'Araer-l-cn-nol" It required six
Itomnn policemen, re-enforced by a
pair of Carablnlerl, to complete his
arrest. The next day he pltcTicd one
of the mont effective games of bis
cureless career,.
This game was staged In tho Villa
Borghese, where Homo annually on
gages In tho battle of (lowers. It
was a rare occasion, honored by tho
king of Italy and his suite, all In bril
liant uniform especially tho repre
sentative of the cavalry arm who wore
n long cope of Alice blue. Tho diplo
matic corps contributed quantities of
gold lace to render tho spectacle even
more splendid It really transcended
the posters with which the late
Phlneas Barnum was wont to com
memorate the performances of his cir
cus before "the crowned heads of Eu
rope." Barney I-nrkln said It bent
pitching on ladles' day with the presi
dent of tho United States looking on
"bent It nil hollow."
Trls Ford was tn the king's loge,
seated next to Victor Emnuuel III, to
explain the gnme to his majesty. In
tho adjoining box was the American
ambassador. Ills excellency John Bis
mer had with him Mrs. Leonard and
her daughter, Imogen Leonard. lie
had Insisted that they bo his guests,
and as James Wlnton Shuto offered
no objection Indeed, offered no con
flicting Invitation the ladles had ac
cepted. Basebnll history repents Itself. The
Giant-killers went to bat In the last
half of the ninth Inning with the score
2 to 1 against them. On the first ball
pitched. Bynn singled and the king
nodded approvingly nt Trls Ford, who
was trying to sit unmoved In his chair.
The OInnt-kltlcrs then fooled their op
ponents rated ar the world's cham
pions who figured that Olds, the next
man up. would bunt. Instead of that,
the signal was given for tlie hit and
run. and Byan sprinted for second
base nt tbe same tlnio Olds was
swinging at a fast ball Expecting a
bunt, the first baseman was almost
toppled over by the "gross cutter" and
Juggled It long enough to let tho bat
ter get to first and Ryan to second.
A moment later the pair pulled off
the double steal. There was a man on
third, a mau on second, and nobody
out I
John Blgmcr leaned Into tbe adjoin
ing box and wnlspercd to Trls Ford:
"Exactly the situation In the last gamo
of the world series!"
"One big difference." corrected the
mnnngcr of the Giant-killers, "there
ain't the same lad at bat. Watch!"
The man who canto to bat In tlie
rrlil hnd a fnmlllar bearing. He car
ried himself like a figure known to
this recital. But his face was cither
unknown or strangely transformed.
Tlie sporting writers at home could
have explained this: Those prehistoric
capK worn by the Giant-killers I Long
hnd the homely headgear been con
demned as something which dated
known on "rounJern," but Trls Ferd
hack to the time whpn baseball wat
wouldn'l change. To al(pr the design
might bring had luck I Now the man
at hat was glad that there had tu-eu no
change. Not a soul not een hers
would recognize hhn!
He slil fled around restlessly at the
plate. "Hardest man to pitch to In
the league!" he was called.
"One hall."
"One strike!" he hnd let It go by.
He moved about, swung his bat.
rained bis shoulders to let out a kink
In his muscles, and, quickly but unoa
tenlniloiiHly, pulled down the visor
of bis cap.
Instantly the runner on thin! edged
off the bag, more and more, uud the
moment the pitcher lifted hts arm
and liegnn to wind up he dashed for
the plain. There wua a gasp, for It
seemed that the man was rushing In
to certain destruction. But the agile
youth at bat reached out and deftly
tapped tho ball! It rolled with exas
perating slowness toward tbe pitcher,
who was hurrjing to field It.
Up went a shouL Tlie tying run
was scored for the Giant-killers I And
like unleashed lightning the batsman
was making tracks for first base.
At tho same time, rounding third
nnd never pausing for an Instant, the
bnse runner who had been on second
was coming borne. Of course be was
crazy I Tho pitcher would look up,
see him halfway to the plato, toxs the
bull to tbe catcher, and the foolish
base runner would bo an easy out.
But tho pitcher was rattled. Al
ready the score had been tied He
must make sure of one putout. So.
hlluilly, he wheeled nnd threw the ball
lo first bnte. The man who had bunt
ed was out by Inches. But another
runner hnd flashed over the plalel
The Giant-killers hud won! When
It una explained to him, the Itlug con
gratulated Trls Ford. The next thing
John Blsmcr got tho manager's ear:
"That proves It proves you hnvo
the best team. With (he king of sec
ond bnsemen in the gume you would
have won tiie world's championship
In a grotto of the Borghese gar
dens they mi't right nfier the gume.
With Ids imUorin lliera "Was lio mTs
taking his profession, L!o was n ball
player. And she hnd wild sho didn't
euro for baseball! Courageously, but
not with much confidence, ho hnd sub
milted to tho test. Sho should look
upon him In Ids true setting In tho
pustlmo he loved. If ho was to lono
out In tho Important Gamo, as ho had
coiuo to think of mating, ho would be
seen playing for all lie was worth. And
ho had so played had never played
better tn his brilliant botvIco ou tho
"Vou know now I'm n ball player,"
ho said
"And you know I'm n tciiou,"
she returned.
"Mighty glad you'ro not n swell," he
told her.
"And I'm glad your side won," sho
told him.
Then n look of sadness swept over
her. Ills heart utmost atood still. Was
AT Y. M. C. A.
Then a Look of Sadness Swept Over
It tho end of tho Important" Gume
and defeat!
"But I'm so sorry very sorry that
you didn't hit tho ball," she assured
"When?" Ho was confused
"That last time with two of your
own men on bases, nervous to get
where they started from!" She was
very earnest. "1 knew you wanted to
send the horrid little ball way out
far out so It couldn't be throwa bark
till the two men were through run
ning. Aud you tried tried so hard,
you denr boy. I was so disappointed
for your sake that you couldn't
knock It square but Jukt It on
tbe ground ns-l did when I first tried
to play golf. If It's any comfort to
you, I'm henrtrlck over III"
He stared at her. wondering If pos
sibly alio could be making fun of him.
Then, noting the heartfelt pity In ber
Irish blue eyes, be sold, for Uio first
time: "Imogen!"
And for tho first tlmo she answered:
"Win I"
What eventuated was not lost upon
Trls Ford, who came that nay, with
Mrs. Leoiierd In charge, at the right
or tho wrong moment To the sur
prised matron, Trls Ford observed:
"Say that young fellow was al
ways the best In tho country at pull
ing the piny."
"U'hut play?" anxiously Inquired tho
mother of Imogen.
"Why the double squeeze!"
At n mooting held for tho purpose
at tho Y. M. C. A, lust night n swim
ming club, llond'H first, was formed
among tho men who nro members of
tho "Y." Tho object of tho club will
bo to promoto tho Intercut of aquatic
sporta In Bond nnd to loach swim
mliig nnd llfo saving. It will nlso
conduct games, competitions and ox
hlhltlons, under tho Jurisdiction of
tho physical committee of tlio Y, M.
A. C.
Officers elected nt Inst night's
meeting are Ray Trlckoy, president;
Homer Epersou, vlco president i E. F,
L. Coruulluttson, secretary-treasurer!
Charles Rohm uud John Logan, com
mitteemen. Tho tlmo of mooting wuh placed
nt 7:30 ouch Saturday ovoulug. Tho
first meeting will bo tonight, with u
20 -yard, freo-stylo nialdou handicap
raco, diving competition nnd awlm
m I iig practice
Tho club extends an Invitation to
nit men members of tho "Y" who nro
over 1G to Join. This applies tn
both swimmers and non-HwIuuuurs,
who wish to learn. A chargo of CO
cents per season was decided upon by
tho members, lo bo used in purchas
ing trophies for tho prlzo winners.
Vf, rfnlh, fifrJonalM-ii'nnt lnil ll'lllf Tht Ue
who luwt it u'f (In moil fun mil ( life, t'juu
fifiuibiu, tflnluu, iiiiJ nil ii'.ifff "timid" arc Mort
tnjouiiblt U'irii tuii irnir Hit (itinoui
Nino Write City Superintendent
Asking; For Positions Prlncl-
pnMilp HUH Vacant.
On tho resignation Friday of
Goorgo Stokoo as night officer, W.
T. Carpenter, formerly of McMlnn
vlllo, wbh appointed to that posi
tion by Mayor J. A. Eastes. Car
ponter takes office at once. Tho
now membor of tho police forco
served during tho war in tho marlno
corps, and a year ago was em
ployed In this city by Tho Shovliu
Hlxon Company.
Applications for teaching posi
tions In tho Bond schools aro con
tinuing to pour In, but nut of nlno
received on last night's mall by
City Superintendent S. W. Mooro,
only ono Is qualified under tho rules
agreed to by tho district directors
Mr. Mooro states, Tho ono appli
cant who meets tho requirements Is
Miss Hazel Hazloton, formerly a
teacher hero.
Mr. Mooro also reported receiving
tho resignation of Miss Nora Maclay,
a teacher In tho Junior high school
last year.
Tho probtom of selecting a high
school principal for tho coming
year is ns yet unsolved, hut the
suporintondont has two men In view
who may bo qualified for tho work.
Bathing Suits
The construction ol these suit
permits perfect freedom of action
nd speed. They make It possible to
attempt the fests of the Hawaiian
boys, who aqua-plane so wonder
fully and swim without suits ot
any kind.
Jantzen Bathing Suits are built
along the natural, graceful lines of
the body, The elaitlc Jantzen
stitch makes them tit perfectly and
permanently. They never sag, they
never bind they do not hold water
between the body and the suit.
They make swimming easy, speedy
and joyous,
Those people who look so well In
their bathing milts who look per
fectly at home in and near tho
water eight chances out of ten
arc wearing "Jautzcusl"
You'll find "lantzcns" at the cood
.stores of your city.
1 1 !
Half of flUO,(N)0 Capital Stock Is
Huhitrrlbcd Ln Grande Com
pany Has 9VX0.
Incorporation papers for tho Bond
Aircraft corporation were malted to
day to Salom, II. II. Do Armond, at
torney for tho nuw organization, an
nounced today. II, J, Ovurturf, W.
C, Blrdsall nnd William Pattlson nro
tho Incorporators, nnd CO por cont of
tho capital stock of 20,000 is paid
In. Of this amount, $5000 Is sub
scribed by tho Ln Grauiln Aircraft
company. A chain of companies,
either planned, or already organized,'
will provide tor aerial transportation
botween Spokane, Portland, Thoj
Dalles, Bond nnd Lu Grande. j
George Love arrived hero Mon
day from Portland to take churgo of
preparations for starting flying from
Vornon M, Hnrpham, superinten
dent of tho Ochoco national forest
nt Prlnnvlllo, wna married lo Miss
Esther M, Stephens of that city July
2S, They wilt bo at homo In Prlno
vllle after August 1.
Actions That Couilt
Let us, If wu must have great ac
tions, make our own so, AH action Is
of Infinite elasticity, and tin? least ad
mits of being Inflated with celestial
air until It eclipses the sun and (he
moon. Emrsnn,
TO RECEIVE 5,2.11.90
ApiKirtloiuuent of Interest From Ir
reducible School Fund Is Com
pleted By Stnto Treasurer.
Mrs. Frank Kelly, ago 36, died
following an operation Inst Friday
night at tho St. Charlen hospital.
She leaves a husband and four chil
dren living in Bend. Her mothor
will arrlvo in Bend tomorrow from
Newburg to attend tho funeral, and
other relatives from Gaston, Ore
gon. Tho Kelly family havo lived
in Bond about a year, living former
ly at Powell Butto aud Clovordalo.
A water heater, placed too closo to
tho wall, is believed to havo been
responsible for a small flro which
started at tho T, A, McCauu homo in
Bend early last Saturduy, Tho vol
unteer flro department answered tho
alarm, which was turned In a 4
o'clock, but found that Mr. McCaun
and Carl A. Johnson, armed with n
hand fire extinguisher and a garden
hose, had already extinguished tho
blaze, Tho damage will reach ap
proximately flOO,
Deschutes county's shnro of tho
1910 per capita statu, apportionment
of 2.02 for each child of school ngo
In Oregon, will bo $5241.90. Tho
chlldrou In tho county number 2G9C.
Word has bcon recoivod from Salem
that Stato Treasurer O, P, Hoff has
Just apportioned tho $432,267.88 ac
crued Interest from tho stuto's Irro
duclblo school fund.
A summary of tho apportionment
shows n total of 213,991 chlldron of
school ago within tho stato under tho
last census, as against a total ot 209,
013 a year ugo. Tho school fund
now totuls $6,656,97-1. 48, Including
loans, certificates of sale uud cash on
Porcy A, Cupper, stato engineer,
Is conducting n series nt water
mooting In Clovordalv, Sisters and
Plalnvlow, preliminary to tho or-'
gaulzatlon of an Irrigation district !
by tho ranchers In thoso suctions.
We ililr n nlrlndy to
minus Bond nnd adjoining
tnnt nnd couiiiiiinlllr selling,
our cxti'tiftlip Hue of rlmlro
rooi'hiithrn am! oilier shrub
hrry, hlindi tree, etr for
Inline iiriiMiiii'iiliilloii.. Ktperi
cure iiiiiirtfiuy. Ciiuipli'ltt
Mippllrt for iln Mork furiiMt
t'd. I'leaontil work and re
miiiii'nttlw to a good can-va.i-r.
For full particular, nddtv',
Hulrx lli'pai'liui'iil,
OriMico, Oregon,
It. h. Polk & Co. to FurnMi Hie
Numerals For Bend Houses
An Directory Is Mudc.
R. L, Polk & Co., who aro pre
paring to got out a now city direc
tory ot Bond, started work Mon
day to comploto tho Iiouho numbering
HyHtum as outlined by tho city ougi
iicor according to city ordinance 87,
Thp directory pooplo havo offered
to supply uumbora for tho housoa
at cost, 3G centH each.
City officials havo agreed to co
oporute with tho directory company,
and nro preparing to onforco tho
ordlnanco which calls for n nuinhor
ou each houno. Tho luw provides
for 100 numbors for each block
whero possible, with tho odd num
bors on tho south aud east bI(Ioh
of all Btroota, with ono odd and
one ovon number for each ton foot
of dlstanco,
Tho work of supplying numbors
will bogln Monday,
BucKHECiiT FlneShott
are prktd $8,jo lo fif
A QUIET elegance, a rich simplicity, a colorful
harmony conspicuously beautiful arc the
k. fine points of our No. 438. Mahogany calf
with invisible eyelets, and modeling that shows the
latest refinements in style. And on the sole is our trade
mark BucKiincHT -a symbol that distinguishes shoes
that wear as well as they look.
Tell ui when your dealer doe in V show them
( and we will endeavor to have you supplied.
MANUfACTUBSaS 5iutlh4u,lyffu san ntANCISCO