The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 05, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    FAGH n
(wnnniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii iimimmmnmimtt;
nmvnm IM'' 'ninfws '"i
Hffrvr- r
, Ttw vm'riA nmmwifmfrmimmyi
I'lill M. Pobmin of lloiliuond In In
Bond on IminIiuinh lodiiy.
L, W. Trickily, Hocroluiy of tho Y.
M, 0. A.. Iiiih Imiiiii 111 ami confined
to IiIm homo for Novurnl itnyn.
Hilimrliitoinltint H, W. .Monro of
tlio city mcIiooIh Ih In I'orlliiinl this
wiMik lo Mouuro tiiucliurit for tlio com
lug torin,
Ton men wont up yeHlonluy to
work on tlio flroiiion'H culiln lit Kilt
T.uko. Tlmy nxpoct to liuvu tlio Job
flnlshi'd by cold wimthur.
Minn Iliuol Manning linn rn
turiH'il from n nionth'H vacation In
Kcntllo unit tlio Hound district, Klio
roportn it vury onjoynblo liollilny.
A iiiurrliico llcontio was Issued Hut
'unlay to Albort Kullu nml Gladys
Ktllth Edwards, both of Bond. Thoy
worn siinrrlud nt G o'clock by Judgo
Myron A. Hymoim loft yesterday
by iiuto for Buntllo. Ho will return
with tlio muinbom of hl family who
luivo brou visiting In tlio Pugut
Houml coctlon .
A parly connlnt Iiik of Mm, Ellis,
Mrn. Brady, Miss Down, Ml km Ha bin,
and Mlmi .Manny cllmbod Hatcbvlor
Hullo Sunday, going to Lout Lake In
Mr. Kllln' car.
l.iiHt I.alio whs n popular rnsurt
Hiiuday .iiiuny carH froom llond initk
liig It tliulr iloHllnalloii, A party of
moo, II. H, Hamilton, Hugh llaydun,
Floyd Lamping mid Arnold Jolumon
cllmbvd Itatcholor.
Mtm. A. M. Wilson, of Lobanon,
Oregon, mother of K. 1). Ollson, mid
Mr. Murk Bugbeo, Mr. OIIhoii'ii
cousin, with IiIh wlfo, from Porndnlo,
California, arrived last night for a
visit of Novernl week with tins Oil
sou family.
C .0. Boward, of tlio Kllto Htudlo,
loft this morning for Crater Luko to
obtain (iconic vlown. Ho was accom
panied by J C. Cranston, of Hpokano,
who Iiiih been Installing box factory
machinery hero, nnd who Ih return-
t .
r.hililvnn'fl Rrown Cimvaa Scuff or Shoes. Re-
If duced to--...- 98c, $1.19 and $1.-I9
m Child's Mule Skin Scuffer Shoes. Reduced
M to $1.98, -$2.19 and $2.39
$ Child's Brown Calf Scuffer Oxfords. Reduced
m to $1.98, $2.29 and $2.49
All White Canvas Shoes, Oxfords
and Pumps have been reduced.
Wnmcn's Rnnrrnlow Anrons. made of nercale.
and our regular $1.79 value. Special $1.39
. Men's Knit Unions. A short line to close. Per
suit $1.19
Girls' Nainsook Unions, made with bloomer
wtX , i. .!... r...-...i n-
f Knee; an sizes z 10 is. apeemi u
m -
1 Boys' Knit Unions, sizes G to 12, at 69c
& Boys' Nainsook Unions, ftizes G to 12, at 69c
$ Dress Voiles; -lO inches wide; beautiful pat-
M terns. Reduced to 69c and 98c
t Ladies' Slipover Sweaters; an excellent selec-
j tion in values up to $9.90. Special $7.90
3 Ladies' Gingham House Dress; our $4.00 num-
& berj especially priced at $3.35
t .
M Camisoles; pink wash satin; all sizes; a real
.' bargain at $1.49
Jf Utopia Dress Ginghams; an excellent cloth
M at, per yard 39c
M Boys' Muslin Night Shirts at $1.75
Men's Muslin Night Shirts at $1.89
Women's Nainsook Night Gowns at !.$1.98
M GWNainsook Night Gowns at 59c, 75c, 85c
Girls' Musliii Drawers; all sizes 39c
Many Small Lots of Summer Mer
chandise to Close at Greatly Re
duced Prices.
" Qiulity " " MeicUndiie At Populti Price
at Half Price!
22 Ladies' Suits (A KBSopi5SB8ul")i 8 Ladies' and Misses' Coats, 3 1 Ladies' Silk,
Georgette, Wool Dresses. Our Fall Stock will soon be here and we must make
room. Nothing reserved none charged none on approval alterations extra.
--Just received by express Georgette
nnd Crepe de Chine, nil sizes, 30 to ii at
tm: to his homo by way or Klamath
Charles H. Whltmore, cnulneor
of, tho stato highway commission in
cbnrRo of market roads, passed
through Ilcnd this morning on bis
rot urn to Salem After a trip Into tho
southern counties. Mr. Whltmoro
will return soon to begin placing
road signs on tho stato highway in
this section .
T. II. Foley, accompanied by Mrs.
Foloy and Mrs. J. J. Clapp, made a
trip (o MncKJcnsle Bridge yostorday
with Misses Umma and Nettle Chase
who hata been visiting at tho Foloy
homo for the past 10 days. Tho
Misses Chase woro mot nt this point
and tnkun to their homo in Eugcna
by friends from thoro.
MUh Jaao C. Allon. of Portland,
ndvlsary nurso of tho stato board of
health, and Miss Graca Harrington,
dlroctor of tho department of nurs
ing of tho. Red Cross ,of Scattlo, ar
rived this morning from Klamath
Falls. Whllo In tho city today thoy
havo mot members of tho Uond Hcd
Cross oxecutivo committee nnd ad
visod concorulng tho loctil public
D. Q. McPherson Is in Redmond
on business today.
P. II. Johnson and family aro
visltitiK relatives in tho valloy.
Miss Dora Elliott, of Olympla, Is
visiting hor slstor, Mrs. Qono Ack
loy. Ray Aloxandor, of Portland, is
visiting his brother, John II. Alox
andor. Miss Montello Harvoy of tho First
National Ilnnk, has Just loft for hor
T. A. McCann and J. A. Molstor
aro In spokano attending tho lum
bormon's convention.
Mrs. F. M. CJaBpar loft today for
Silver Lake, whoro sho will visit
with friends for tho next two wooks.
Joromo Mann, agent of tho Now
York Llfo Insuranco Co., wont to
PrlnovUlo this morning on business.
Mrs. M. O. Holt, of Soattlo, who
has boon visiting hor mothor, Mrs.
.T. E. Trottor, rotumod homo yos-
Wilson Qoorgo, local musician,
roturnod to Uond this morning aftor
attending tho Elks convention In
Miss Gladys Sathor nnd John
Sathor uro loavlng today for Port
land by auto, Thoy oxpect to stay
fni- n limit n Wfink.
Tho Presbyterian Ladles' Guild
will moot at tho homo of Mrs. J. u.
Dakor, 142 Hawthorne Avo., at 2:30
o'clock Wednesday.
Miss Dlrdlo Morgan, of tho First
National Uank, has returned from a
two weeks' vacation spent at Meto
lius with tho Hclslng family.
W. F. Uochm, of McGlll and
Erskino, Drug Co., took his wlfo and
son William, to Redmond last night
for a .visit with her parents.
M. A. Llnck, merchant of Goblo,
Oro.. nurchascd tho resldcnco prop
erty on tho corner of First and
Rorero streets from Eugene Ack-
Dr. E. E. Gray returned yester
day rooming from Portland, whoro
ho has been attending tho conven
tion of tho Oregon Stato Dental
J. L. Van Huffel, of tho Cent.-
Oro. Motor Co., returned this morn
InK from Portland, whoro ho pur
chased $3,000 worth of shop equip
ment for repairing Ford cars.
A number of Sisters peoplo aro
in Rend today, among them Mr.
nnd Mrs. Ellis Edglngton, Mr. Carl
Woods, Mr. Jess Wilt, Mol Harring
ton, John Donnls and Mr. Rniley.
Miss Viola Johnson nnd her mar
ried slstor, formerly of Prlnovllle,
now of San Joso, Col., spent tho
weok end visiting tho Whltsott fam
ily In Dond. Thoy loft Monday to
visit relatives on a ranch near
Company, has returned from a trip
to East Lake with W. C. Jacobsen
of tho forest office. He pronounced
tho soda spring water reat, arrtl
was well pleased with tho trip.
Tho Central Oregon Associates
today 'announced tho sale of two
modern bungalows In Bend Park,
ono four room bungalow with base
ment, double corner on South Third
Street, to Joseph W- Colletto of, tho
Forestry Service, and ono Ave room
bungalow on South Third Street
and Vino Lane to Hurry T. Rowe
of the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. A. McCann will
return Friday from their trip to
Spokane, where they are attending
tho lumbermen's convention.
Hugh Hoyden is loavlng tomor
row for n month's vacation on tho
County Commissioner Soth Stook
ov is in town today to nttend tho reg
ular monthly mooting of tho county
Mrs. C. A. Warner departed last
night for a sovoral weeks' trip to
Chntflold, Minn., whoro sho will
visit relatives.
Mr. nnd Mre. Richard Doran, Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. W. Nixon, and Mr.
and Mrs. O. C. Honklo aro leaving
Thursday for n month's trip to
Yollowstono Park.
Q. A. Parkins of tho Brooks-
Scanlon oftico is in Spokano attend
ing tho lumbermen's convention.
Miss Cathorluo Bond of this city
Is seriously 111.
E. B. Buchwnltor, proprietor of
tho Orphoum theater nt Susnnvlllo.
Cal., with his wlfo and daughtor,
nro visiting with R. M. Buchwnltor,
proprlotor of tho Sport Store.
Wornlch Wuldron, formerly soc-rotary-treasuror
of tho Twohy Bros.
Company, now In tho paints oils
buslnoss in Tho. Dalles, is camping
on tho Motollus, and was In Bond
this morning.
G. 8,' Rood, presldont of tho WHN
lto Paving Company, which Is doing
tho paving for Tho Shovlln-Hlxon
Albert Poole of La Pine Is spend
ing the day in Bend attending to
business matters.
Mrs. W. O. Harrlman has gone to
Holsson, N. D., to visit her sister,
Mrs. W. J. O'Dea.
George J. Burl, Union Pacific trav
eling auditor, Is In Bend today, go
ing over tho O.-W. books here.
Irvln S. C"bb, noted writer and
humorist, will arrive in Bend Sep
tember 2, It was announced hero
Harry Call, orgnnlicr for tho In
ternational Tlmberworkers' union, la
In Bend today to nttend a meeting
called;by,tho union for tonight. Mr.
Call formerly made his headquarters
in Bend.
Charles W. Ersklne, past comman
der, of tho American Legion pot
hero, left last night for Astoria,
whoro ho will represent tho Bend
post as ono of its delegation at tho
stnte convention of cx-servico men.
On at trip having as Its object tho
location of portions of Tho Dalles
California highway, Charles II. Whlt
moro of Salem, in charge of market
roads, and II. B. Grondahl of Port
land arrived in Bond this morning
and aro spending the day in this lo
cality. Mr, and Mrs. George Marcus aro
hero from their former homo lu Alas
ka and may locato in or near Bend.
After seeing tho farming country
tributary to Bond, Mr. Marcus be
lieves that too llttlo information re
garding agricultural possibilities in
Central Oregon Is soiU out from hero,
Hugh Watson, formerly with tho
Ploneor garage, has accepted a posi
tion as sales manager for tho Ceut
Oro Motor Co.
Friday-' " v
Miss Josophlne Burgees of Plalu
view Is spending tho'day In Bond,
Mrs. J. H. Melstcr and Mrs. Agnea
Sheridan aro spending the day In
Miss Dora Sly and LomcIUc Golden
of La Pine were visitors In tho city
last night.
Miss Almee Barry, for several
weeks a guest at tho J. II. Melster
home, left last night for Portland.
Earl Houston nnd Vic Agren hao
left for Astoria ns delegates from
Percy A. Stevens post to tho
convention of the American Legion.
Ellis Edglngton, Sisters stockman,
was in Bend today transacting busi
ness at the office of the forest super
visor. J. J. Craig of the state gamo serv
ice arrived hero this morning to
work with District Gnme Warden II.
O. M. Whlttlngton nnd daughter,
who havo been visiting In Now York,
are expected to start on their re
turn trip to Bend soon.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hclfrich of
Boise aro returning to their homo by
wnv nt hum nftnr vlsltlni; here with.
M,. nnA Mm Tnrlf ArnAlil
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. r.ettibono left
last night for St. Paul, where they
wero called suddenly by 'tho sorloua
Illness of Mr. Pettibono'a mother.
Reports by tho state board of med
ical examiners Include Dr. Albort
Leasing of Bend among ,ttioso who
passed tho last Oregon examinations.
A Michigan picnic, to be attended
only by former residents ct that
state, will bo given this evening on
the lawn at the Charles Bishop homo
In Highland addition.
O: L:rBabcock, superintendent of
the Vam Springs reservation, was
In Bond yesterday to confer with For
est supervisor N. G. JScobsou in re
gard to cooperative tiro lookout
Dr. Earl Wisecarvor of Klamath
Falls was In Bond yotiterday, a guest
of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Arnold. Ho
loft today to spend tho Tomalnder of
the week at Odell Julio, and from
there will roturn to his home.
Miss Mary McClonucn, who has
boon visiting In Be.nd nt tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sawyer, loft lust
night for Seattlo, whero sho will re
main for tho uoxt two weeks before
returning to hor homo In Massachus
etts. Ralph C. Johnson, principal of
tho Bend high school during tho
last two yoaro, arrived in Bond this
morning to wind up property mat
ters in Bond, and to put tho high
school records in shapo for the be
ginning of work this fall.-Mr.
Johnson jwlll' havo' chargo ohlgh
School journalistic coufseaMn sifiltle
during the 1920-21 year.