WEEKLY EDITION THE BEND BULLETIN. '- 'J - VOI. XVIII IIICNI), DKHOIIUTJCH COUNTY, OREGON, . TIIL'JtHDAV, AUGl'HT 5, l2l. No. a i. ii HANLEY FAVORS EAST AND WEST TRAVEL ROUTES W. K. KING IS IN BEND WITH "BIG BILL" HEADED FOR BURNS iforney County IUiirlmmn Intercut ed In UiillInK OrrKon lly Im proving IIoiiIn King to I'rno tiro Lmv In WnihliiHinti, l. V. "Big lllll" lluuloy of Ilurnii, loud log ranchman anil mitlumilly known figure, mill Will It. KIiik. until ro cuntly chief counsel for Uiu Unltud Ktutcrt reclamation survlco, pnascd through Bond Wednesday on tliitlr wny to Burns. Ilnnloy In roturnliiK from n tour of thu ntuto, hiivlug crossed tliu tuotitit ttltiH to Kugouo ami returned by tlio uortliorn route, bo Iiir, according to Mr. King, "Urn only man who makes Mint circuit who la not runulnfc for offlco nml does not desire offlco." King, who resigned Juno 1C from tlm reclamation service, la on hla wny to tho Ilnnloy rnnch for a mention, On IiIh rot urn ho will proceed to Washington, 1). C, to open law of flcoi thorn. apoclnllilng In roclnma tlon cnnoR nml cooperating with tho government In this work, ho stated thin morning. Not hnvliiR vlalled Ho rid aluco 1911, nt which tlmo ha won n Justice of tho nupromo court of Oregon, Mr. King win onthualnatlc In hla mont tlon of tho ndvnncoa which havo bcon made In Hand nml In Contrnl Oregon. Characteristically Interested In Irrl gatlnn, ho prophesied tlint when tho full possibilities of thla district woro developed, "tourlatH will opuii tholr oyoa whon thoy aoo It." "Big lllll" In convinced tliitt tho movement of population It to turn nwny from tho city, nml that follow' Iiir tho election ttili full, Rrrml ad vances In tho next few yoara nro to ho mndo In tho country, "For thin reason I mn Intoroatcd In tho Improvement of tho twist nml wost roads In Oregon," rtnld Mr. Ilnnloy. "Not tlint tho othor roads nro not Important, hul Ihla country was hullt from oust to wont, and Oregon itiunl ho connoctod up from oast to weal If lior Industries nro to ho successful. Tho poopla weal of tho mountnlim tliliiR of thorn na u linrrlnr. It would do n lot of thorn Rood to coma up lioro nnd Rot aun liurnod. Kor thla reason I nm Kind td hco that tho McKonzIo Paw road la bclriR Improved." Ilnnloy nnd lClnR loft on tho Bingo thla mornlnR for Ilurna BOX SOCIAL FRIDAY AT BAPTIST CHURCH An old-tlmo box .social will bo hold nt tho Ilaptlat church Frlduy ulgbt, August .0, for tho purpose of rulaliiR mouoy to dofrny tho ox ponaoH of u doleguto to tho atnto 11. Y. P. U. convontlon Hhortly to bo hold nt ufiidatouo Park, Portland, Kvoryono la cordially Invltod, Tho Indloa aro to como with woll filled boxos, which will bo nuctlonod oft to tho hlgheat blddera. Unmarried lftdloa nro to put n red roao on tholr bnukotB to dlatlngulab thorn from tho Vfhlto roao ndornltiK tho baaketa of tho mnrrlod ludloa. Sisters Will Open a Standard High School This Fall Tho town of Hlatora will hnvo n Htnmlnrd high Hchool thlfl V yoar, It In auuouucod by County 4 miportntoudont TbompHon, who returned from thoro Monday. Work la boliiR bogun to ro- ! V uiodol tho building, ami now equlpinont Iwih boon ordorod. 4 b A piinclpnl bus not boon uoloctod but Hovcrnl flrat-clnHa men hnvG nppllod, ao that, Hlatora will uu- doublodly ltuvo n ntroug high 4 fr bcliool. Paul Irvlno, Hodmond prlncl- pnl, loturnod to Hond with Mr. ThompHon, nnd In In tho olty to- day, Boy Thought Lost Arrives in Bend; Went To Spokane Twonly-four bourn of huh penso caused by tho non-nppour- unco of lior aon Kilwln, ached u I ml to arrlvo In lloml from Ha- lorn Haturdiiy moruliiR, woro ended on Hunday for Mrs. Fred Flab of thla city, whon bo ' roachod Bond nftor complotliiR a Journoy aovornl hundrod mlloa longer than ho had Intondod to tnko. Ho bad gone all tho way to Hpokunn bnforo realizing that ho wua boaduil In tho wrong direction. Tho youngatetr waa dozlnR on roactiliiR Fnllbrldgo, and tho conductor confusing lilm with tho cblldrou of n woman who waa traveling to Hpoknno, fullod to roiiao tho boy and In atruct him to chmiRO for lloml. Hovornl houra lutor tho over- sight wna discovered, Passengers on tho train torn- porarlly adopted tho boy, who roportod tho tlmo of hla youiiR life wbllo rldliiR to Hpoknno nnd buck na a Ruoat of tho railroad. Ho broiiRbt with him tho ad- drosses of all hla now frlonda, who had nuked him to wrlto thorn of hla anfo roturn to hla homo. BEND PLEASES GEORGE R. WOOD CHANGES FOR BETTER NOTED HERE Ilrml of LVntrMl Oregon AmkIU'i Comra from Mniinrhnetn to (it I'lnit llnnil Infonnntlon On Iocnl Cumlltlntu. On hla nocoiid trip to lloml In thrco ycara, (IcorRO It. Wood, proaldont of tho Central Oregon Aaaoclntea, notea n marked chnngo for tho better, not only In tho development of tho bual nean and Induatrlnl aoctlon of vtho city, but. nlao In tho outlying rest deutlnl districts, ho atntcd on Hatur dny. Mr. Wood, nccompnnlnd by hla two aoua, Ituaaell and lllchmond, mid by hla dnughtorln-1nw, Mra. lllch mond Woixl, enmu till tho wny from New Ilodford, Mnaa., to gel a first hand Idea of condltlona hero, nnd flnda thorn very much to hla liking. Tho boldluga of tho Central Ore gon Aaaoclntea nro largely thoao of tho Iiond Park Co., In the east end of town, nnd tho program of devel opment which Mr. Wood bollovcs will bo moat offoctlvo la tho building nnd anlo of modornto alzed, well con structed houses na rapidly na tho do main! for additional dwellings In Hond wnrranta. "Wo hnvo already stnrtod n numbor of now homos nnd our development will keep pneo with Ilond's nonalng nooda," ho unld. IDAHO OFFICER HERE FOR MAN HHKUIFF HPUAflUK, OF TWIN FALL8, IDAHO, HKTUKNH C. I. PKTKItMAN, WANTED FOIl KM IIK7ZLKMKNT. Sheriff A. N, Spraguo, of Twin Falls, Idaho, arrived IrT lloml Tuos duy with extradition papers to take C. L. Poterman, wantod In that city on a charge- of ombezzlomoiit, bnck to Idaho. Thla ends tho case us fnr tiH tho local authorities nro concerned. Tho nuto truck which Petorninn Ib onld to hnvo 'unlawfully taken out of Idaho la being held Wo, Rpraguo will return with Potormnn on Momluy morning's train. CLEMENS BUILDS MILL AT TUMALO 0, L, Clemens of Hond, has boon building u sawmill nonr tho west and of tho Tumitlo projoct, nbout 12 mlloH from Hond. Tho mill will out nbout 15,000 foot of lumbor a day. It will bo rondy to bogln opor- ntlng some time next wook, BEND LEGION MEN RETURN ERSKINE IS NATIONAL DELEGATE CONVENTION SUCCESS Loral DHi'Kiitr Nominal'; Two Kum-ful Hluln Offlrcra; Park Initoii, Forincrly of Kend, la Clmplnln. Charles W. Krnklno, Karl II. Houston mid Victor II. Agren, delegate.-, from Percy A. Btovena Post of tho Amorlcnu Legion, to the ncc ond annual convontlon of tho de partment of Oregon nt Astoria last weok, returned Tuesday, speak ing very enthusiastically of tho re suits of tho convention and t ho part played by tho lloml post. Tho election of Major Gilbert who wna one of only eight chaplain ma Jors In tho A. K. F na department commander has united tho various sectional factions which threatened to disturb tho harmony of tho or ganlzatlon. Tho legion wont on record as being opposed to entering Into partisan politics, renowlng ltn resolution to work at all times for tho good of ox-sorvlco men nnd the wholo community. ChnrloB W. Ersklno took a vory active part In tho affairs of the con vention, being first on the execu tive comtnlttco and tho working com mittee of tho convention, and later appointed on tho rules committee. Ersklno wns also elected a delegato to tho national convention at Cleve land, receiving tho third highest number of votes of tho 29 candi dates from tho Control Oregon dis trict. Tho Hem! post hnd the honor of nominating two of tho state officers who woro unanimously elected, Ad jutant Hvoni nnd Chaplain Georgo II. Parkinson, formerly of Hond and chaplain of tho post hero. GIRLS TO GIVE PAGEANT SOON PLAYOIKU'ND DKIWKTMKYI OF V. M. 0. A. WILL ItEVKAL SUM MKU WOBK IN SPKCTACLi: "HEAItT OF THE WOKLD." Tho playground department of tho Y, M. 0. A., under tho direction of Miss Ella Daws, will reach Its culmi nation for tho summer In a pegeant to bo glvon August 21, In which 75 girls of tho dopnrtment will tuko part, Tho spcctaclo will bo given on tbo Rold school lawn. Iloth tho small nnd tho oldor girls will bo seen. A special orchestra under tho di rection of Mr .Graham of tho Shev-lln-Hlxon band, and Mr. Ashley For roBt, will assist In tho production. Tho pageant Is a story, entitled "Hoart of tho World," and -Is told In dnnco, pantomlmo and spoaklng. Unusually olaborato costumes will ,bo a fonturo of the pageunt. Tho chlldron aro already hnrd at work, and will bo well drilled bo foro tho data of tho program. Miss Dews Ii" being assisted by Miss Eu uico Catlow, who Is majoring In phyBlcul education nt Whitman col logo. LARGE SNAKE KILLED BY AUTO IN ROAD Olio of tho lurgost nnnkes ever aeon in tills vicinity wna klllod by Honry Hyrud on Sunday. Tho annko was lying In tbo rotul Jind Mr. llyrud's auto run over it. llecnuse of its un usunl slzo Mr. Hyrud brought tho roptllo In to Hand nnd la now trying to loarn what vnrloty It Is, Tho Bunko wns 44 Inches long. NEW FOHEST CLKHK W, D, Collotto, forostrr clork, Is tho latest addition to tho local for estry offlco, arriving tho' first of tho weok, WITH HONORS BEP'SSUMMER TOURIST TRADE AT ITS HEIGHT if t ,.. H T HOTELS CROWDED AND MANY CAMPING ALL ARE ENTHUSIASTIC Onirnl Oregon (cta (lootl Ailvcr tiling Through Letlera nml CnriN of Viu-nllonerrif Con tliiueN Tbroiigh August. Tourist trade through Dcnd Is at Its height with indications that it will continue strong throughout August and the early part of Soptember. Tho gasollno shortago has Its effect in lowering tho number, but on tho othor hand It causes somo of thoso who do como to stay longer and get bettor acquainted with Hcnd and locality . Tho number of tourists who regis tered at tho hotels Inst week Is es timated at 180. Thcro Is no way of computing tho number who passed through who nro camping on tho roads, but romomberlng that many people prefer to travel that way, It is certain that tho total number of tourists who visited Dend during the week wm well over 200. Most of these people are coming from California and other western states nt present. Tourists from tho east will probably bo numerous later In tho month. Ten or twelvo cars pull up beforo local hotels every ev ening, frith anavcragooffourpeoplo. Registration at all of tho hotels reaches .capacity almost every night, and as (hero aro few salesmen on tho road at present, It is safo to pre sume that a largo percentage aro tourists, Not a day passes but several parties visit tho" mills nnd other Industries hero. Leaving out of consideration the amount of money spent in Hond by these tourists, which is consldern bio. tho advertising valuo of our tourist trado is Ill-Finable. A significant fact' In regard to tho tourist traffic is tbo appreciation with which thoy regard Dend and tho surrounding territory, and tho en thusiasm with which they writo to their f rlonds in tho cast .and else where, of the sconlc wonders nnd ol the wondorful possibilities of this district. Thla Is not a mere surmise. not less than fifty post cards, pic tures of tho Inn, tho mills, nnd sconlc vlowa taken nenr hero, aro mailed from tho Pilot Butto Inn ovory day. Thoso cards do not go to nearby towns, but to tho cast and south, whero numbers of peoplo nro learning of Central Oregon nnd of Dend. NEW PHYSICAL MAN FOR Y. ft MYItON L. CAltlt, FOHMEHLY A STAll COLLEGE ATHLETE, COMES HEPTEMDEIl 1 AS PHYSICAL DIItECTOIt. Tho Bond Y. M. C. A. has secured a first class physical director for tho coming wlntor in tho person of Myron L. Carr, a former star all round athleto of tho University of Montana, Ho is now doing Amorl caulzation work In Tacomn. IIo will take' up tho duties of director at tho Y. about-Soptombor 1. FIRST MATCH OF THE TOURNAMENT OVER The, first match of tho girls' tennis tournament wns played on tho Pilot Ilutto courts Tuesday evening, Louise Iunbnit winning from Frances Hey burn, G-0, G-7, 0-4. As tho score in dicates, tho match was exceedingly close, and, considering that both of tho contestants are comparatively novices, it was woll played. Two matches will bo played off today. Scores will bo announced dally in The Hullotln. Lumber Industry Conditions Here Best In District 4- Labor conditions in tho timbor industry In Hond nro tho best V anywhere In tho whlto pino dls- trlct, wan tho statement mado by Hnrry Wood, vlco prosldent t of tbo International Union of Tlmberworkors, nt tho mass V meeting hold Hunday in tho Hippodrome. About two hundred people. fr chiefly members of tho union, V wero present at tho meting. Or- Ranlzer Harry Call warned that there Is danger of losing the eight hour day, and Philip Hoi- 4- den stated that a fight on this S issue la now on in the Columbia river district. All three speakers made n plea for Increased mem- bcrahln hero. '!-4'"5' HARD SURFACE ROAD DESIRED COMMERCIAL CLUB TO PROTEST GRAVEL Paving In Bend anil Airplane Plan DLicnsHcd By IltMlnrs Men; Eastern Speaker Praises Bend. Tho Bend Commercial club will endeavor to pcrauado tho state highway commisison to put down a hard surfaco on the north lino of Tho Dalles-California highway, Instead of tho gravel surface for -which a con tract recently was lot, according to a decision reached at tho weekly lunch con hold at tho Pilot Butto Inn yos terday. Tho matter of changing tho type of surfacing was presented to tho club bv W. C. Blrdsall: Mr. BIrdsall said that II. F. WIckner, who has tho con tract for tho graveling, agreed that tho road would not stand up, and, he nsscrted, tho only solution wns a hard surface. Mr. BIrdsall then read n lottor from -C. S. Repel of tho WII1 Ite Co., offering to placo two inches of Wllllto on tho road for f 1.B0, with a five-year guarantee. For 25 cents additional, Mr. Reed offered to pre paro tho sub-grade for surfacing. After a short discussion, during which Floyd Dement offered to share tho expense of paving n city block for demonstration purposes, and Carl A. Johnson suggested nn automobllo assessment for street paving pur poses, the club voted to appoint a comrnltteo to tako tho matter up. Georgo E. Love, temporary man ager of tho local airplane company, then dlscussod tho company's ,tlana and asked for local support toward securing a landing field. In closing tho mooting, President Wood called on Georgo E. Wood of Now Bedford, Mass., n member of tbo Control Oregon Associates, tho .company which Is building a numbor of houses bore. In tho course of a humorous talk, Mr. Wood compll mented tbo club on 4ts interest In lo cal development affairs and propho sled a greatly Increased growth for Bond in the coming 10 yeurs. "You have a wonderful climate horo," said Mr. Wood, comparing it with that of his home state, "and the oth er necessary resources of citizenship nnd power that will build a largo city." POTATO QUALITY IN COUNTY GOOD "Well Known Grower Says Netted Gems Will Average Better Than Year Ako. Although tho acreage of potatoes In Central Oregon may not be as heavy ns former years, tho quality of Netted Gems this year will bo far above the last year's crop, according to J, A, IMelvIn, a well known pota to grower, residing east ot Bend. The potatoes of this year's crop nro set ting closer to the surface, according to Mr. Molvln, nn Indication of a bet ter quality ot potatoes. Last year tho potatoes averago two to six In n hill, whllo this year, says tho vet eran spud culturlst, the potatoes av erage f,rom four to twelve lu a hill. INDIANS FINED FORVIOLATION OF GAME LAWS KILLED DEER OUT SEASON OF GAME WARDEN ACTIVE Wild Peter nml Voun Bob t Warm Spring ncvtrratlon Ilead Guilty; Warden-. Ifitvo Strange Experience. , Harking back to tho Instincts of their forefathers, Wild Peter and Young Boise. Warm Springs Indiana, disregarded the gamo laws of tho state and apparently havo been en gaging In a flourishing trado la deerskins, according to District I Game Warden H. McDonald and J. J. Craig of the Btato game aerrico headquarters, who Is assisting tho district chief in running down law violators in tho Central Oregon country. Both Peter and Botia pleaded guilty to the charge of kill ing deer out of season and each pall a fine of $25. "Injun" Moody, .al leged to be Included In tho buck skin business, Is expected to plea! early In tho week, bis squaw havhajg vouched for his appearance Mr. McDonald. Mr. Craig and R. M. Buchwalter of Bend returned to Bead last night from the Ochoco Nations! forest, where the Indians were ap prehended near the Beaver ranger station. Mr. McDonald reported finding an other Indian camping ground whero abundant evidence in the form ot venison refuse, hoofs and scraps ot hide Indicated that a wholesale slaughter of deer, regardless of sax or season, had been carried on. Itcdsklns Confess Wrong. Reports of law violations by scat tered bands of Warm Springs Indiana have been coming in recently and Thursday morning tho two game of ficials started by uuto to the Ochoco forest. Arriving at tho camp near tho Beaver station, they surprised five squaws, one of whom Was in dustriously engaged In chewing fresh deerskins, an early step In the In dian process of tanning. Deer feet and several sacks of hair wero also found In tho tepee. Dodging under a wordy barrage ot Chinook and broken English,-launched by tho squaws, tho officials se cured the evidence, tbon sat dowa and waited until tho two braves re turned from their work. They pro fessed entire Ignorance ot Efnglish, and an interpreter was pressed lato service, wringing from them a con fession, and an agreement to plead guilty to tho charge on tho following: day. When the conference had end ed, tho aborigines showed a better knowledge of current Anglo-Saxon than ot tholr natlvo tongue. On their return to Bond tho offi cials demolished a fish trap, found IX miles south ot this city, on tho Dea chutes. No arrests wore made In connection with the latter Incident. MOOSE WILL GIVE PICNIC AUGUST 15 Tho Loyal Order ot Moose will give a big public picnic Sunday, Aug.- 15, on Tumalo Island. Tho picnic will bo featured by sports and games, and musical entortala ment. LOGGING ENGINEER IN FROM PORTLAND Bruce Hoffman, a logging engi neer from tho Portland forestry of fice is hero to crulso somo govern ment timber adjoining tho Shovlln Hlxon nnd Brooks-Scnnlon holdings. Marine Veteran Opens Recruiting Office In Bend -V John E. Barrios, sergoant in the Cth Marines, with a record of 19 months overseas,, hajt openod a recruiting offloeftB f the O'Donnell building, "HIBKy ; XtX