The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 29, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    PAOK n
- H. V. Morrill of llrothom In npoml
ln Urn ilny l lll.
1.', W. HorntUotlo of Hpolcnno ar
rived In Hoiitl HiIh inoriiliiK.
0. A. Wurnor of IJI6 Wurnor Co. Ih
In Portland on IxihIiionh thin wk.
DuiiiiIn I). Hunt of Hlstora In upend
lug llio day In Huiul on himlnrnn.
MIhii Audrey ,McCumi of tti IIo
4:ir OnniKo Co la vIhIUiik her moth
er In Hpokniiu.
II, J. Power of tlio J. 0. I'onnoy
Co. Iiiih purchnnml tlui ruwldonco of
W. II. Martin In Wlostorln.
f It. B, McCluro hart returned to
Bond from Tho l)nll, whoro ho han
liuuii taltlnK cam of liuulnoim inatlcrit
J. T. llnrdy, trnviillius freight and
piitiHtOiKer agent for tho H. I'. & H.,
In on oiio of hln official visits to
Mr. and Mrs. II. Rclngold and
daughter, lllova, who liavo benn visit
ing tliolr iton, Harry, of tho (loldon
Rulo iiluro, havo loft for tliolr homo
lu Cortland.
Minn Laura Zlcglor of tho Morton
Drug Co. Ih nt hnrjinnut In Wlilto
Halmon, Wash , to vlalt hor piironta.
Him will also visit In Portland bvforu
returning to Ilond.
X A. M. Prlnglo and I. 0. Mcl'hor
Mou roturncd thla morning from a
trip to Portland. Whllo lu that city
Mr. PrliiKlo purchased furnlturo for
Ilia now Downing building on Ilond
(lull Rolngold, lirothor of Harry
ItultiRold, and Jcromo H. Mann ar
Jived lu Ilond thin inornliiR and loft
(IiIh aftoruodn for tlin IIIr Illvor ran
Kor ntntlun to spend tho romolnder
of tho wcok campltiR.
Mrn Charli'ii Carroll of Longmnut,
Col , and T I.. Hcott of Miami, ArU ,
will ho hero to attond tho fuuvrat of
II. I.. Thiimton, who died at his homo
noar Doachutea hint Katurday morn
InR after an IIIiiohh of several
month. Tho funeral will ho hold
Thuraday afternoon at o'clock ut
tho NIxwotiRor undortakliiR parlor,
Iter. H. C, Hnrtrunft, pastor of tho
Pri'dhytorlnn church, offlclatliiK, '
I.. M. Fokh, leaves tonight for Bpo
knno, but will return by Suturday.
Mm. Charles Ilrown of thin city In
HpotidliiR hor vacation In Portland.
Mm. William P. llolmont U upend
ItiK n fow day In Portland visiting
Mr. and Mre, Fred Boohm left Inut
rcht for Portland, to bo roiio for a
fow day.
Mrn. Rolllo Sumner wont to Iled -
mond lant nlRht to vlnlt her father.
C I). nrown.
Mr. and Mm. Kmll Pearl aro camp
InR thin wcok noar tho IIIr Hlvcr
ranger ntntlon,
Fred Flnh wan called to I.on Aiirc
ten lant night hy tho norloun lllnem
of hln mothor.
N. F. Hoed, Iliirun hUHlnern man,
j; formorly n ronldonl of lloud, wan lu
tho city lant night.
A. I,. French, formerly a clothing
merchant of Ilond, Iiiih moved from
lAixInRton to St. Mary'n, Ky.
F. 0, Colo, district commercial iu
porlntondont for tho. Wontern Union,
In on ono of hln regular luMpootlon
trlpn from Seattle.
Mm, H. M. Sandcm In homo from
Portland, whoro Mho han boon a pa
tient nt tho (lood Samaritan hospital
for the laftt four weokn.
Colonol W. II. nrooka, Civil war
votoran, arrived In Ilond last night
Iq vlnlt Hovorol weokn with hln
dnughter, Mm, 0. K. Nlcholn.
O. F. McFaddon la In Ilond from
Portland, ropalrlng tho tiro prens for
tho Cont-Oro Motor Co. Ho oxpoctn
to havo It In oporntlon within tho
nrxt two daya,
It. 0. Smith, United States naval
recruiting offlcor, him roiio to Port
land to report at tho main recruit
ing Htntlon In that city. Ho oxpoctn
to roturn Thurnday morning.
- Clntido Mannholmor, for yoaro n
partner In tho Mannholmor IlroH.
utoro, Ib In Ilond for a fow days from
San FranclBcn, whoro ho In In IiubN
iiohh. Ho Ih visiting hln brother,
N. II. Ollbort hns purchased tho
' doublo bungalow located on tho cor
ner of Jofforson and Dolnwaro from
II, J. Overturf for a coiifljdoratlon of
$G000. Mr, Ollbort will occupy only
ono npnrtmont, tho other botng rent
ed by Karl Wright.
Mr. and Mrs, P. I), JolniBon nnd
children will loavo tomorrow by auto
for Sllvorton, whoro thoy will visit
for a uhort tlino with relatives.
From thoro thoy will go on to tho
boaoh to Bpond tho romnlndor of the
aiimmor. It 1r posalblo that (hoy
may not roturn to Ilond, Mr. Johnson
II. C Kchaofor and C, 0, Moffatt
of I'rluovlllo woro wook end visitors
in tho city,
15, P. Mahaffoy Iiiih returned to
Ilond from Kalom, whoro ho attond
vd tho Htnlo i:il(n' ronvoiitlon.
Mr. and MrH, Junius Mayno of
Portland nrrlvud Hattirday for a vImII
of Kovorul weeks with Mr. Maynu'ri
A, J. Wlloy, oiiRtneor for tho pro
poned North unit dovolopmont of tho
Ilonham KiiIIh project, wan In Ilond
Saturday night, loavlnx yoatordny
for hln homo In Ilolito.
Khorlff H. i:. Roberts loft yoator
day for Kliiiniifh Fulls by auto. From
there ho will procood south by train
and will return with C. A. Daniels,
urruMcd lu California on a chnrgn of
larceny by halloo, aliened to havo
boon committed lu thin city,
V. L, Clark and H. Donnhuo woro
amoiiR La Pluu vlnltors In tho city
hint nlRht.
Mrn. Wlllard Wirt, of Prlno
vlllo, In a giioat of Mr, and Mm,
W. J, Sprout lu thin city.
Mrn, O, A. Thornou, who han boon
nltondliiK Hiimmor normal In Port
laud, In oxpoctod to return to Ilond
Charlon Nelson of thin city, who
recently underwent nn operation at
tho Good Samaritan honpltul In Port
land, In rapidly recovering accord
lug to nown rocolvod from hln sur
geon. Friday
P. L. Shaw of Bistort In npondlnR
tho day In Ilond on 3iuhIui-hh
T. 0. Ohlomoyer of H77 Wont
Third a trout han -.old hln homo to II.
M. Hortou and will loavo for Van
couver tho first of AiiRunt.
Minn Kmmii and Minn Nottlo Chaso.
Iimtructorn ut tho Unh entity of Ore
Kon, are riioMh at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrn. T. II. Foley, In thin city.
Tho ladjoa of tho Prcnbytorlan
church will hold a public lawn no
dal at tho J. I., (lalther renldonco,
H2 Ilawihurno nvonuo, tojnorrow
afternoon and ovenliiR.
Allen Wllcoxen In lu tho city to
day from Elk Lnko. Mr. Wllcoxen
han Initallcd a uiimbor of boatn for
angler at tho lake, and noxt year
plann to Mart a resort under u cov
er anient penult.
Me m hern of tho Community Cloar-
Ini; Houho leaguu will moot at 8
'cock tonlRht In tho county court
roomn. Discussion of tho coinmla-
,on form of KaVorinnont U oxpec;tod
h0 tnl ,, lho ,:rt.ntor part of tho
Mr and Mm. Gun Ilahn of Seattle
arrived In Ilond Tucnday night and
will ipund an extended vacation with
Mm. llahn'n nUtor. Mrn. W. P. Far
taln, at her renldenco, HI 2 Hill
ntreet. Mr. Hahn han chargo of the
largont automobllo painting ontab
llnhmcnt In Seattle. "Tho ganollno
nhortago In creating a aerloun Hltua
tlou In tho automobllo indimtry In
Heatlle," nald Mr. Hahn, "particular
ly In the (mod car biiMlnenn."
Harold Hoby waH lu lloud from
Culver lunt night.
0. W. Marlon In spending a fow
duyn In tho city from hln homo nt
Silver Lako.
MIhh Mary Coy, of Portland, In
tho guest of hor slater, Mrs. Ken
neth U. Sawyor.
Mm. John Molltor Ih confined to
hor homo on Highland boulevard an
tho result of u recent fall,
Supervisor N. 0, Jacobson, of tho
Deschutes National forest, roturnod
to Ilond thin morning from an of
ficial trip to Portland,
MIbh Holoit M. Poloy, doputy lu
tho office of tho county clerk, han
roturnod from a vacation spout at
hor homo In Vaneouvor, Wash,
Dr. J. Ii. Klso, prominent surgeon
of Portland, waa lu lloud yesterday
visiting with Dr. Charlca F, Illoom,
of this city, on hid way to Crater
Mrs. T. 0. JennlngH and daughter,
Mury, loft litHt night for tliolr homo
In Los Augoloa nftor visiting at tho
homo of Mr. and Mm, Oscar Carlson
tu this city.
Work has startod cleaning out
tho stono building belonging to Lon
L. Fox, on Ilond Btroot, which was
gutted by flro in the recont con
flagration, and It la expected that
tho Cont-Oro Motor Co, will ho lo
cated on tho ground Iloor of tho
building within tho next 10 days.
Permanent reconstruction will not
lntorforo with tho occupancy of tho
first floor by tho formor tenants, It
is stated.
No Necessity for Flocks Decomlno
Nuisance to Neighbors If Reason
able Cars Is Taken.
Objection In frefiienlly raised to the
keeping of poultry In toiwm and cities
bcciiusH of lho odor whlh may result
uud nlxo bocauno of roosters crowing,
particularly In the early morning. In
some ciisch ey regulations Imvt- been
formulated to prevent or to control
poultry keeping, Where there aro ell)
regulations It In necessary to Dud out
their provisions and to conform to
them. Hut there Ih no necessity for
the poultry flock to become a nuisance
to neighbors, says the United States
department of agriculture. If the drop
plug hoards are cleaned dally' mid
the houses nnd yards are kept lu a
reasonably clean condition there will
be no annoying odors.
The mule bird need not bo a mils
niue. Unless It Is Intended to hiitrh
chickens from the Hock It Is utinrce
xnry to keep a male bird, federal i)iil
try specialists point out. Tho fuel
that there Is no male In the flock will
lme absolutely no effect on the num
ber of eggs laid by the hens. If It
Is desired to male the hens and to
hatch chicks the male bird should be
sold or eaten iih soon as the hatching
season Is ocr. This Is desirable not
only (o 'llmlnate noise but also to
save the feed that would he eaten by
the male, nnd for the reason that the
eggs produced after the male Is dts
aW 1 aLfl
i JH
lti JJbW kaTBEtlBBB
pkMmKJmmg HI
Ml? rMKm
Mtmbsr of Qlrls' Club Feeding Her
Mrd of will be Infertile. Since these
fXgi cannot be hatehiil they keep
much better than fertile eggs nnd
cinisetjiiiMitly nre superior for prwer'
lug or for market.
'Hie dock iiuiNt bo kept confined;
otherwise the hens will stray Into
neighbors' jards and gardens, where
they may caute damnge and, almost
surely, III feeling.
Why Have
Tired Feet?
NATURE shapes our
feet forwulkinjj and
standind provides the
LBr -Blm&. H LrLf bsS Br' " ' jn
IV JfSsKBBpdCBK H BaB4Bw9 iX Bb I CullA - fc JM
m lTwBgaTBBt BW jBBBtHBBBriBp - fcS. I OvL d JMt
M jKKflEflvBBO ABfl BaBBBBVB vflB&SBEwSSJBah Vs fltn ilBBH
Ml Bones ih Bones mMmmmmW f& ffm
Nt footed faaH E!uMor t bbbbbbbbbbWK) J
iiwet IfMBI l 5o If MBMBMbJElj Jk
necessary flexibility and strength. If your feet tire easily
it is not because Nature has failed, but becnusr ou have
crippled and weakened your feet by forcinf IK n into
shoes of unnatural shape.
Give Nature a cbsnoe to remedy your tnitUke. Put ynvr fret lata
Rducators they let the (eet tfrow as they should. Cod o ts end
how ond-tooklni( (hey are. For your protection rrmtmi -saleis the
shoe it braoded UUUCATOR on the sole, it ii not an Udueator.
Made for Men, Women and Children
For Educator Shoes
Little Insects Suck Olood of Hen and
Seriously Aifeet Her Ability
to Lay Ego.
If lho best results are lo he expect
ed from the poultry flork, the build"
lugs must not be allowed lo become
overrun with miles, Ml lew are more
troublesome and more harmful than
lice. They do not live upon lho birds
like the lice, hut during lho day hide
In the cracks and crevices of the roosts
and walls of the house, and at night
they como out and get tiion the fowls
They suck the hen's blood, nnd If at
lowed to become plenllfnl-ras tliej
certainly will If not destroyed will
seriously effect her health and conse
quently her ability lo lay eggs.
Mites may be eradicated by a few
thorough applications of kerosene or
some of the coal-tur products which
aro sold for this purpose, or crude
petroleum, to the Interior of the poul
try house.
The commercial cnnl-lar products
are more cxpcnslw but retain their
killing power longer, and they may be
cheapened by reducing with nii'eqtial
part of kerosene. Crude petroleum
will spray better If thinned -with one
part of kerosene to four parts of the
crude 'oil, according to poultry spe
cialists of the United States depart
ment of agriculture, Moth tho crude
Open Front House Is Beet for Summer
It ( Easy to Keep Clean.
petroleum and the coal tar products
often contain foreign particles, so
should be strained before attempting
to spray. One mut ho sure that tho
spray reaches all of the cracks and
crevices, giving eviiA-hil attention to
tho roosts, dronplngioards, and neits,
and the trentment should be repeated
two or three times at Intervals of a
week or 10 days.
Firmer Should Make It a Rule to
Keep No More Animals That)
He Can Feed Well.
Mako it a golden rule to keep no
more stock on the farm than you have
enough feed to supply liberally. Sell
off the others, even though It seems
a Mcriflcv. For there Is no sacrlflco
equal to that which comes from
stunted live stock.
Bulletin "WASTT AD8" flrtn; Ite
aults Trr Them.
Dull cl UcJ
lilcalar lor
At Populw Prke
Fabrics Are Different
There is a satisfaction in choosing from these
generous assortments of new patterns in
woolens that can be absolutely depended upon
There is a satisfaction in knowing that the
piece of goods you select will be an expression
of your individual preference. There is satis
faction in the realization that the style of the
Suit will be above criticism when tailored ex
pressly for you by
Ed V. Price & Co.
May we have the pleasure of showing you the
new patterns at the prices you have in mind?
Our values are sure to make a hit. Suits to
measure at
$44.00 to $106.75
New Silks for Fafl!
Just unpacked
Satins, Charmeuse, Messalines in all the new
Fall shades, priced at
$2.75-$2.95-$3.25-$3.35 ,'; $4.95 yd.
40 inch Chiffon Velvet at, yard $10.95
Extra Heavy GeorgetteCrepes at, yard....$2.95
36 inch Wash Satins, white and flesh, priced, at
per yard $2.95 and $3.15
Head to Foot Outfitters
Film Show Treatment of Flock at
Culllno Time In Fall and on to
Selling of Lamb.
A motion picture film dealing with
eheep on the farm has recently been
completed by the film laboratories of
tho United States department of agri
culture In co-opemtlon with the bu
rvau of nnlmnl Industry. The film la
now a tillable for use by county
ngenta, county or state sheop-brecd-ers'
association, agricultural colleges,
und other department or co-opcrotUe
workers or agencies.
The til t ii Is In three sections and
four reels. About -5 minutes Is re
quired for the showing of the whole
The subject treated In the first nnd
second reel Is n year with the Hock on
tho farm, beginning In tho fnll nt tho
tlmo that tho ewe flock hhouhl be
culled prior to breeding, and carrying
It on through until tho lntnbs arc sold.
Koch seaonnl practice Is brought out
mill educational points are featured.
Tho third reel deals with tho co-opern-tiro
marketing of wool and lambs, and
tho fourth reel with tho slaughtering
of a mutton shrep, dressing the cur
cass, nnd then cutting It up for meat
Put It to Trie UuUetto.
What's Doing in
the Country.
DESCHUTES. July 29. U A.
Hrandenburg and family mndo a
short business trip to Deschutes Mon
day nftornoou.
Mrs. Qoorgo ICnnoff and John A.
Knnnff nccomnunied QeorKO Kanoff
and J. M. Short on a trip Tuesday to
tho company a ueaugates norm 01
v. R. Stanley nnd narty. consisting
of Miss Lottlo Hatfield, Miss Loulso
Hatfield, Miss Nemo urimn nnu r.
8. Stanley, Jr., returned Mondny
from a motor trip through Southern
Josso Stoarus, 0. M. 'Rodfiold and
P, S. Stanley attended court in Bond
Glen Cox was n business visitor In
Bond. Tuesday.
C. M. Redfield and W. P. Van Al
len callod on C. P. Bockor Sunday
evening.. , ...
iin.x, TiriniMiiA nhlnnlnt? clerk for
J tho union station It .Portland, errlrod
for the Entire Family!
In Deschutes Tuesday to rlslt P. A.
.Miss Luclle Riches of SaJem, Ore,
Is visiting at tho home of her aunt.
Mrs. A. B. Matthews.
Tho community was saddened by
tho news of tho death of n. L. Thurs
ton, Saturday morning. ( )Io passed
away after an Illness 'of seYeral
Mrs. W. A. Matthews and children,
formrely of Redmond, arc! staying at
the A. B. Matthews horde this week.(
W A. Matthews Is en route to Can
ada with two carloads of stock and.
furniture. Tho family will follow
later. .
Mr. and Mrs. V A.' Cochran and
children returned last week from tho
Wlllnmette valley. They aro now
en route to Alberta, Canada by auto,
whero they expect to settle.
Miss Luclle Riches of Salem, Mlsa
Lois Smith of North Bend and Miss
Leono Matthews. Harold Glen and
Ralph McKay wont for a picnic to tho
fish hatchery Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Georco Elder and
family were visitors at the A. B. Mat
thews homo Sunday ovclllng.
Jamea Matthews wag a business
visitor to Redmond Wednesday.
CLOVERDALE. July 39. Mr. and
Mrs. W. P. Slmer of Bend wero
guests at tho R. O. Andrus- homo
Ed Short of Sisters han bought tho
Sisters-Redmond stage, lino and is
using his truck for carrying the mail.
He is also well equipped for handling
freight for the surrounding country.
Misses Alethea and .Juanlta Hod
son aro enjoying many pleasant
rides on thoir new pony which tholr
father recently purchased for them
from Mr. Rolling.
It Is reported that Mr, Roiling and
fnmily expect to leavo 'fpr valley
points soon. J
Mr. nnd Mrs. EarftPpdtke of Mo
tolius havo moved into the Harvey
J. Harris place
.Mrs. Harold Kllno, entertained n
fow of her frlonds Friday evening In
honor of Mr. Kline's birthday. De
licious ico cream and cako wero
sorved by tho hostess.
J. B. Hodson and family wero in
Bond Saturday evening.
Barney O'Donnoil of Bond was n,
business visitor lu this1 vicinity last
H. R. Kllno nnd fnmily woro in
Bend Saturday evening'., '
R. O. Andrus dolivered a load of
mutton In Bend Tuesday,
W. P. Arnold, wife an4 daughter,
vrpro callers nt tho G. Pf?yiua homo
Friday evening. L
Walter Lautz is visiting at tho II.
Kllgoro ranch and renewing old ac
quaintances. .
Mr. Htlleary and son, Harold, wer.a
business visitors in Bend Tuesday. .
Mra, W, T. 'Harrison JYitad 6,
mother, Mrs. Black Monday.