The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 29, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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The Bend Bulletin
(Weekly Elltlia)
Published By
Established 1002.
. -"
An Independent newspnpor standing
Xor tho square ileal, clean business,
cloan politics and tho best Interests
of Rend and Central Oregon.
Ono year ..' ........k.?-.00
Blx months 52
Three months..'........ ........ s
THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1920.
Wholly nsldo from tho question of"
whether the old high school building
was unsafo for school purposes, Its
coming elimination from our school
system raises some Interesting ques
tions ofilnnnce that tho voters and
officers of the district ought to pon
der carefully before deciding on tho
terms of another bond Issue.
The bonds for the construction of
tho building were Issued In 1906.
Tho Issue was for 6500, and boro
interest nt 5 per cent, or $325 a
year. In the 14 years that havo
elapsed M550 has been paid In In
terest. Tho bonds aro duo In 192S
and no part of tho $6500 has yet
been paid. Before another month
haH passed tho building will havo
ceased to exist, so far as tho district
is concerned, but Interest will still
bo running, and all thero will bo loft
of tho Investment will bo tho debt
and tho few hundred dollars salvtra
which may possibly bo received for
the building.
This Is not written In criticism of
tho school board that planned and
erected tho building, nor of tho de
cision of the present board to dis
poso of It. We do criticise, however,
tho method of financing and paying
for school buildings ond other public
Improvements, of which this Is an ex
ample. The practice of bonding, and
then doferring for many years tho
creation of a sinking fund with
which to retire the bonds, means al
most and sometimes actually
doubling the cost of tho improve
ment. In the case of this school
building the Investment will run well
over $11,000.
It is undoubtedly necessary fre
quently to vote bonds for school
buildings, but whenever bonds arc
voted proper business management,
as well as fair treatment of future
taxpayers, demands that a sinking
fund should' be immediately created
and added to yearly. This should
bo the dictate ,pf ecenomy, as well,
and In order to alleviate a tax situa
tion that will becoming on tho city
in a few years '.unless something is
done, wo earnestly recommend that
in tho coming city budget an nmple
amount be provided for sinking fund
purposes. Fortunately, the school
district haa already made such pro
vision in its own budget for next
Tho recent decision of the Ore
gon supreme court reversing Judge
Skipworth of Douglas county In the
enso relating to the location of the
Pnclflc highway through tho town of
Riddle, seems to be littlo more than
a legislative act, broadening the pow
ers of tho commission. "Judicial
legislation" Is the name given that
Bort of decision by the law books,
which, for the moat part, disapprove
0( fga- .epjjwi . -eB-aai JM.aTBy !flflflflHViaBW
f "The saving of money usually means
the saving of a man. It means cutting
off indulgences and avoiding vicious
habits." --0. S. Marden.
Come in tomorrow and start your
Savings Account at
becauso it Is not tho function of tho
courts to mako laws.
Nevertheless, tho result reached
In this Douglas county caRo soent
desirable if tho highway commission
Is to bo permitted to perform Its
duties with tho Interests of tho
wholo state, and not of any particu
lar section, uppermost. Tho legist
latlvo net that started tho stnto on
its present road program provided
for highways In overy section, leg
islative Influence undoubtedly had
much to do with certain locations,
which wore mndo, not with referonco
to tho tacts on tho ground, but only
as certain towns were affected thnt
Is, tho only consideration was tho
When tho commission took chnrgo
and had timo to go Into details It
found changes and additions desir
able In this way It haa added to
' tho program In this county tho road
I from Sisters to Redmond, not provid
ed in tho highway act. Ueforo this
decision It might havo been posslblo
for some disgruntled tax payor to
enjoin tho expenditure of money on
this road, although thero can bo no
doubt that It properly fits Into a pro
gram for this county. Tho decision
removes any such possibility. It gives
the commission practically a freo
hand and, so long as Its members nre
men to bo depended on, as they now
nro, permits them to uso their best
discretion In tho development of a
state road system. This is as It
should be.
It Is not enough thnt tho people I
of this country Interested In Its agri
cultural future tako steps to prevent
tho exclusive appropriation of tho
waters ot tno uescmues oy mo 4oru forcos Frunconbout tt 10 mln
Unit Irrigation district. That would, utej, 8upp,y
be merely n dog-ln-the-manger nttl- ,.Tho govc"rnincnt sponl $117,000.
tudo and wholly out of keeping with 000 on gn9 bm Ml n gnR,0 AmCf.
tho policy of cooperation which has can.mmlo Ra8 8,l0 w Mrcd by tho
ueen nuncrcu 10 in m.s couni)
to tho present. We must stop tho
rapo of the river that is now planned
aifd, at tho sa,mo time, work out
some idea that will Insuro equal and
proper treatment, according to tho
iutcrests Involved, to all.
Tho North Unit is going ahead
now to grab everything and some
will Bay that tho other units ought
to combine nnd try to grab every
thing away from it. That would bo
a great mistake. In spite of Its sel
fish attitude thero is still tho need
and tho oportunlty for cooperation
In some general plan.
In many ways tho North Unit Is
In tho most favorablo legal position
to proceed with th5 project. Its
lands aro all privately owned, Its
district: organization Is perfected and
its bonds voted. These facts give
its excuse for hastening forward and
leaving its former associates In co
operation In the lurch. In the loosely
organized cooperative activity of tho
past year the North Unit has been
the only party drrectly Interested un
til the Tumalodlstrlct was formed. Its
Interest entitles it to a continued
share in tho cooperative effort and J
cooperation will be as badly needed
hereafter as It was a year ago, If the
whole project is not to get Into-n
wilderness of agitation and contro
versy that will keep outsldo Invest
ment and Federal old away.
Of course, If the North Unit Is to
fight for Its selfiHhly conceived plan
thero will bo nothing to do but fight
against it. On the other hand, if It
will see that to proceed on tho pros-'
tint selfish lines means Injury to the
wholo project nnd delay In securing
results, It will abandon tho program J
nnd renew the cooperative activity,
At tho convention, of tho, Cattlo
and Ilorno Breeders' association In
Burns Inst spring V. It. Hedrlck of
Salt Lako City slated "Some of tho
Reasons for Federal Taxes." Ills
speech In now published In tho pro
ceedings of tho convention, Just Is
sued. Whilo explaining taxes, it
BPoms to .us to furnish n good many
reasons for a chnugo in tho national
mlmlniHtrntton nn koou as possible.
Some of Mr. Hodrlck's reasons aro as
"Tho government spont, from
1917 to 1920, $36,818,000,000.
"Tho total appropriations from
17S9 to 1917 wore only $10,000,
000,000. From 1917 to 1920, tho govern
ment collected In taxes $13,099,000,
000 and borrowed $24,000,000.
"Tho government spont $150,000.
000 building port terminals at
Charleston, Norfolk and other places
from which not a slnglo ship sailed
during tho war.
"Tho government spent $20,000,
000 building a tormina! up tho river
from Charleston, which ships could
not reach becauso tho river was too
shallow to float them.
"Tho government spent $120,000,
000 building nltrnto plants, but did
not produco n pound of nltrnto for
uso In tho war.
"Tho govornmont spont $160,000,
000 building powder plants, uono of
which produced a pound of powdor
used In tho war.
"Tho govornmont spont $100,000,
000 on tanks, but tho first American
tank reached Europe after tho arm
istice. "Tho government spont $1,000,-
000,000 on shells, but only 17,000
Amorlcan.mado ,, rouchctl our
Americnn rorcc3 j,i Franco.
"Tho government spont $178,000,-
000 on guns, but only 72 American
mado guns reached our forces rft tho
"Tho government spent $7,000,
000 on 11 naval training camp In Vir
ginia, after tho armistice was signed.
"Tho government spont $70,000.
000 on a powder plant at Nltro, W.
Va., and sold It for $8,000,000.
"Tho govornmont spent $100,000,-
000 for a nltrato plant nt Mussel
Shoals, Ala., and congress has been
asked for additional appropriations
to mako this plant capable of pro
ducing fertilizers."
Six years ago It was possible to get
to Broken Top only by a long, hard
walk. To mako tho round trip' In
one day was an Impossibil
ity, unless ono started early,
hurried in, nnd at onco started back
on tho return Jouruey. Lack of n
good road, or even a road of any
sort, mndo inaccesslblo ono of tho
most beautiful spots any city or town
could have tho fortuno to bo near,
Then tho forest service completed a
new road, mado it posslblo to get
over tho grades, and opened up to
tho automobllo a wonderful play
ground section. Last year probably
more people visited Broken Top than
in all the years preceding and every
ono of them came back enthusiastic
'over what ho had soon. To bo-ublo
to drlvo In a fow hours to tho foot
of n mountain whero wild flowers
grow In nbundnnco, whoro rugged
cliffs roused curiosity and extended
panoramas dolightcd tho eyo was a
rocrontlvu oxperlonco that could not.
bo valued.
Now tho forest sorvlco ban ropoat
ed. lly tho now road, which has Just
reached Lost lako, tho mountain Is
mado accessible from nnnthnr side,
and, us tho road goes on, moro now
country will bo opened up. DovU'h
lake, Sparks lako, Elk lako will bo
placed on a direct tiuto road from
Bond. In two or throo bourn wn can
got Into thovheart of tho mountains.
Tho climb up Bachulor can bo begun
from tho road nn It passoB nt tho
vory bnso of tho ascent,
Tho county has vory properly co
operated In paying for tho road, but
to tho forest service Ih duo, all tho
credit for tho conception of tho Idea
nnd Its execution in a moHt economi
cal and efficient mnnner. Whilo
Ulliy ii lU" nui'iin unit ill" mini in
remarkably fine shape: It In on good
lines nnd easy gradus. Another season
will soo It ono of tho bust roads In
tho forest and more used than nny
other. Bend Is lucky In Its local
forest office.
In tho meantime, It may bo noted,
tho survey of tho Skyline highway Is
under, way and tho road now under
construction will bo ono of Its feed
ers. Isn't It about tlmo for tho Com
mercial club to glvo so hid recogni
tion to tho project that, last year, It
burled In committee? ,
According to tho Times-Herald,
tho lending nowspnpor of Burns, rab
bits aro ngnfh becoming thick In
JInrney county, so thick "Hint far
mors Uneaten to quit trying to raise
crops unless something is done to
glvo them relief." Tho county agent
suggests poisoning, but this Is not of
fectlvo In the summer months, when
greon feed la available, and, tms tho
Times-Herald, tho proposition of n
bounty Is being discussed all over
the county and. It placed on tho bal
lot, will carry by a big majority.
Ono would suppose that Harney
county's latest experience iu Jack
rabbit bounties would have been
enough to prevent any such sugges
tion from bolng mado seriously, but
apparently this is not tho caso. In
1914, If wo romombor correctly, tho
county voted n bounty and in tho
succeeding yeurs paid out thousands
of dollars on rabbits. Wo do not
know how tho bounty law came to
an cud, but apparoutly It did, and
it now seems plain thnt It could
havo dono very Uttlo good, else It
would not bo necessary to bo con
sidering again so soon how to get
rid of rabbits.
Undoubtedly, ono reason for the
rccont rapid Increase of the Jack rab
bit has been tho high prlco of furs.
Coyote skins havo become really val
uable and havo been eagerly sought
for. With tho decrcaso In tho num
bor of coyotes there hns been an In
crease In tho number of rabbits, and
it pecurs to us that better results
might bo secured In Hnrney by pro
tecting tho coyote for a tlmo. They
would bo less expensively obtained
Another good way Is suggested by
nn ndvcrtlsemont fippoarfngjn tho
snmo paper, in which a rancher offers
pay for all robbltH kllledjqn his
place within tho next 30 days. If
his crop Is worth anything, ho will
save It. This Is hotter than holding
Indignation meetings In tho grocery
store or planning tho easy graft of a
I.. .. .a Itl.t i li MAHll Im 1,1
Thtr-Redmond Spokesman reports
n statement from G-uy K. Dobson to
tho effect that Tho Bulletin la "not
fully advised" concerning tho plans
of the North unit to tako all tho sur
plus flow of tho Deschutes for irri
gation In JufforHou county, ir Air.
Dobson has nny Information, on this
subject which has not been disclosed
now is tho tlmo for him to glvo It
Tho Industrial committee of the
Portland Press club hnB sont out a
news Item under a Bend duto lino
announcing resumption of opera
tions by the Booth-Kelly Lumbor Co.
Of courso this Is a valloy company
but it Is proper enough to havo tho
nows como from Bond, tho lumber
centor of tho state.
Kx-Prosldent Tnft Is another
prominent American who put on a
front porch campaign. His camo af
ter, rather thun heforo, tho presi
dency, liowevor, Local moil who
havo no thought for tho presldoncy
nro urged to try tho gymnasium for
tho samo result.
Tho Grants Pass slogan Is, "It's
tho Climate Wo supposo this will
not bo given as a reason for tho de
crease In population, shown by the
recent census roturns.
Whistling hna bean forbidden by
tho American offlcor In chnrgo of
Guam, Next thing ho'll put a ban
on smiles, and then thoro will bo a
"Til" Tuylor wan ono of tho host
ahoriff8 in the state of Oregon, act-
New Wagon Sheets
A now list of now lmiimlns Just available! And wo urge that you
not confUHO nrtloleM offorod lioin with "salvago" or goods condemned
as unlit for sorvlco. Kvmy lU'in offered Is In thoroughly serviceable
ctitulltloii niul bo guaranteed. Many articles aro now!
Ntw Vton Hhelt
Army Wmnn Cmer tl It. Indira l
U (I. 8 Indir. uf heave Oovrrniiwnt 10
uunro nlivn ilmli ilurk a heavy .
rominerdal wlill ilink. Coituitet. with ni
nn rnila niul Mf. Vtr them for Wmihj
rlliert. u thtm t irlr liny, Kralii niul
niadilnrry fti'in mini lull in un i'ir
trip, fMlcn It in ll lle i'f r r !
you W. mi nul.i tent llw Jmmn
mrnl $l,00 ruchl mir rlf II8.IJ il
llirrnl tu your itMInn,
New full rliimt tiwV tMt with hrn J
ttmtvril tyifl lnhl 40 miihI enrli. Nr
ml rft. IJI.&O riirh.
Ktnuln MtCtflUn Huddle m uil by V.
8. Cavftlryt iiunrnnUerl In rvlrW ton.
illtlon. 119.50 mch.
Ntw Mm Kill
Trying l'nit n.l I'lut of aluminum t U-!
fur cmtrr ami Hoy HcuuUi nil new. 0&e
roiniUtr, -ttll,
CnUen ffomethlnir vry llor Keoul ml
rmnixr MmuM hv. V, K. Army vlr
Unlit On trend. 4Se each, iNwlimlil.
KhVI llreecher The venulne Army KhM
llreeehnt n uunntlty lit il.H0 fair,
Otriei 0p All nl every one ier
feet. Ue eneli, Htlftlil.
UnbienVuM Mlrrert. inrniuilm: 3xB
Inches, ruth In rei flue fr hunter or
fkouU. Ue efli, xtrW.
Ilarrxk Uf for rlnthlnit or Uumlry I
I'lrmll.l. IU Un. tie eneli. tlit.
(!Ue Knit Jerey Kliive every lr
new ml Iwrfeet. Site l'lr, ttM.
Heney llelti All new. Ideal for ooitv
men and Hoy tWout. 41a each, il'l.l,
itiiMir nv posT.ori'ici: .monkv oiidkk, KXI'RIXH
moxiiv (inn:u, i:.fii.i(ii: u (uhiiii.h'h ciiiick
You run no risk -overythliig guaranteed exactly as ntpn'seiiteil Hatlit
faction or your money back, Order at ouco the supply won I last ioiik
Federal Distributing Co.
Ivo nnd fonrless It will go hard
with his murdorers, when they aro
Congratulations to thu Bend Klks
on their success In 8alem, Bend
I'eoplo Owo Klks n lot for tho
publicity they aro getting for the
It is reported thnt Undo Ham In
tends to bear tho moat market. Tho
rest of us havo been bearing with It
for somo time.
Ono thought will help tho whole
country to bear tho hot days of sum
mer It's a dry heat.
fifteen Years Ago
(From tho columns of Tho Bulletin
of July 28. 190S )
Messrs. Turney nnd Johnston, with
their party of Ohio friends, left Bond
last Bundny to drlvo over tho moun
tains t !ebanon, Instead of going
out by way of Shaiilko. (Jovernor
Ilorrick, being n Gould railroad man
and iho D. & I. P. mnlng much Inter
(We're speaking of the weather) It's a real art
to LOOK cool and BE cool. Here's a new
garment that helps. The name of it is
Eiffel Made Union Suit
of extreme lightweight nainsooks and mull, ,but
tonless and comfortable, has ribbon shoulder
straps, priced at $2.98 and $3.48
Make the Children's Feet Comfortable
111 fitting Stockings are bad for- the health as
well as for the comfort of the children. That's
why we recommend
Armor Plate Hosiery
Get the children some of these warranted Stock
ings today and see what it means to them in
genuine foot comfort.
Fine Ribbed Cotton Hose, in black, white and
brown, all sizes 38c, 48c and 53c
Half Sox in a variety 6f colors, in sizes 5 to
8Vi, per pair , . 38c
OS 2Wb effete
I'avetninrnt IUrne
The lnvy V. H. Army Wlirel llrr,
(rulUr nil Imnie ty rimiiileU with'
drlitlr. full lenuth Hm.. leather rolUi.
Imlnea, lenthrr Irnir. hirrehlnil, etr. rh
rw leather lone rot the (Jovernmrlit
IM.M) wllhout latxir nr trlinmlnv. Nolhlnw
lxllrr for farm viork, heavy haiillnic or en.
rial ii". All In liiemlhl romlltlunl 184 Vd
rt (or twu ahlinal. frrlalit l'll to your
rallroail tatloii,
Army Tup Tent
Shelter Tent 4 x frt. rnniirllnn two
rrmilatlon hellrr halve 1 Mil KUaranteeil
free from hole Hue for Hoy Hrouta cr
ltay tint. IMft rarh ilellvervil hy imrrcl
l.arie Army Tent
1 1 lie Army Tent feel wl.le. t feet
lonu, II feet hUh, wlUi S feet wal I rmwU
of lt.4.otinre itoullo flllMt i1uk the l-t
the II. 8. Government eouhl iroiiro. hvery
tent romiilete with l'le. hol. line, el.
Pre from hole and tear. Claw XX Tent
1M.VI1. r'relwht lal.l In your railroad !'
tlon t'lai AA Tent am a.
aboie. hut uneil le. I will render am rv.
Irn a new tent, I4I.V&, Krelllit lM to
your railroad tatlun.
New llUnVfU
U. H. C M I. I. ItUnWt N. Holtn.
,11,1 new (Iray Wil IllanVjt, verln
tt t US Inehmi all new t never uel. Ht
ra.le nitrhel under Kmrrnenry Art.
Ill l J earh, ix'toakl.
hhU er tlllve i Army llUnael
Kveryon know what they are) all wool
all new, IJ.V4 each, -l'l-t.
New r'ull Umth I'anl
Men Tnuer. full lenrth. of all wiml
Olive Dial wof.te.lfS eirellelilly tailor n I
every ralr new and ruacanteel jierircl.
te.ia. iuM.
. .. ,. , - -
ested In getting a railroad to this lo
cality, tho trip Is by many supposed
to bo very significant.
Both teachers of tho Bond school
! wero reelected for tho coming year at
a mooting of tho school board hold
last night.
Bund now has an organised flrn
department, with H. C. Culdwoll an
Tho Bend water system Is prac
tically complete. I'rlvato establish
ments nro being connected up and
there Is no more hauling water from
tho river.
Ii. I). Wlcst will begin harvesting
his crop of ryo and oats tho first of
"next week.
M, O. Coo went out to tho Bay!
ranch last Haturday for a short out
ing, Tho Bond Water, Light & Bower
Co. hns Just completed tho construc
tion of an 18124-foot power houso.
Dick Vandovcrl wus In Bond Tues
day from his ranch near I'owoll
Mr, and Mrs. C. B, Allen and
daughter, Kthul, arrived Iu Bond yes
terday from their ranch on tho Dos
chutus, on tholr way across tho
J. P. Tnggnrt of Holland was In
tho city this week.