BUND BULLETIN, HKND, OREGON, THUIWDAV, JULY 20, 1020. 9 f PAGE Jl v .i ' DEATH REPORT IS I'KJNICICICItH ON LOGGING Tlt,IN HKI-3 AUTO DISAPPEAR, AM) RUMOR OK FATAL ACCIDENT IH STARTED. "Thoro M no foiniilatloii for tlio report of my death," William llanr, Hliovllii-lllxon camp tlinokeupor, an Domicilii ovur tlio tulnplioiio to J. II. Mtilstur, lugging stipiirlutoiidoiit, oil Sunday, uflor unsuccessful attempts hail boon niiidd to locate liner's body ituil tlio auto In which ho was mild to liavn ilrlvttn over n hliitt whllo on his way In to Hond from tlio Htiuvllii-Illx-oii picnic yesterday afternoon. Thin inornliiK reports worn nt III curroiil to tlio effect that llatir and ono of IiIh companions had boon killed. Tlio rumor started whun tho ma ctilnu, In which llanr wan racing tho incoming picnic train, suddenly dls nppoarod from tho view of passoiigors on tho truln. It wan immediately taken for granted that tlio hppUIhk car had gone ovor tho grndo, and It wiih not until after Carl A, Johnson and Mr. Mulslor of Tho Hhovllu-Illx-on Company had conductud u fruit less search for tho wruckvil car that It wait learned that Ilaor had merely turned down a side road, COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Jury llHt II. 1! Loop, P. Dahl Jan. Ilroon, C F V Noolnaglo, Win. Almrnnlhy, F J. Wllkoy, August Nl nou, J. S, luulit II 0 Fnrrls. Hoy I Ion nl in a n, Julius Jnnnett, J A, (.'huso, C F. Whltmoro. Thou. K. Go ing, Louis Dooner, (1 W. Jones, doorgo I'addock, F, II. Ilutman, T. J. Murphy, J. J. Clapp. J F Arnold, Robert I.lnton, Joseph .oil, I'. S, Dancer. It. A. Puelt. A. II Hicks, M H. Milliard. F, A. Heard, T, W. Trip let!. K. A Nelson. It. O. Rolgol, It. L, Thurston, P. II. Johimon, J. E. Myers, (loo. Hell. W. L. O'Donnoll. It. J. McCann, A. Ilarryman, J. II. Fryroar. C. W. Muma. N. II. (lllhort, Chan. Hinlth. (loo. Ilalnoy. J. J. Cun nlniclinni. B. B. Varco. T. II. Koloy. II. J. Ovorturf, J. A. Deomor, Elmor Wurnstnff. W. H. Fullorlon, J. A. Molvon, II. C. Doty. L. K Shepherd, 11. M.Hmlth. B. A Kntlinr. B. P. Joch, J. B. Kulllvan, Frank Inubult. Irn B. Wlmor, Henry llowlns, A. I.. Bnye, P. A. KrlckHun, B. A. Hmlth. It. U. Flick Inger, O. II, Caldwell. J. I). Davidson. M. P. Cashmnii, It. II. Lcdbottor, W. II. Stanls, Geo, Erlckson, U. I.. Mooro, 0 u y Dunning. Frank O'Laughlln, J. Ilyun. J. T. Park. Au gust llullborg. Ilert Torkolson. Frank Lomay, B, J. Wright. J. W. Dennis. W. I). Ilratt, Dennis McColo, J, O. Williams. Alex Duvnl, I.. F Orroll, I,, B. WahlHlrom. I. C. Mnrlon, F. V Swisher. Karl Dunn. J. I). Howmun, II. C. Kline, S Chrlstnphorsou, II. Ilnlgorson, It II I.ovun, B II Adam. Van M. Morse, I.. L Fox, C. V Sllvls, lion AIhup, B. P. Hrosttirhous, S. A Hlnktiley. " Honson, Prentiss Van TiiMHol, A. B Sluvona. (leo It. Bar clay. M (' ('onion. Chester Holllns lionil, C A. Carroll. M. M. Foster, I.oulH Elllngson, F. N. Ahhe, II. C. Colvor. 0. W. Hantloll. C. (1. Twuut, O. K. Olson. J. J. Klein, II. L. Tono. Alhort Mohlor. Koliorl Llak. N. P. Smith, B C, Metcalf, L. II. Ilalrd, W. It. (lurking. A II. Davenport. Barl Itnnton, (' II. Hatch, J. W. Shrunk, (1. II. Slack, Clem llrown, C. J. Lov orett, Fred Atkinson, (1. II. Ehlors, J. A. Fohs. TIioh. Aune. 0 F. Cyrus, I), T. Carmody, I). A. BlaiiKhtor. II A. Miller. A. 8. Holmes, F. II. May. Blmor Warnstaff, It, M. Iloavor. (leo. I), (lovo, A.J, (lonnason, N I). Wood, J. W. I'Hlior, W. P, Downline, P. Podorson, J. II. Cochran. Geo. M. Htokoo, B. M. Hwalloy. J. N. Maston, li I Twlil !' 11. KilirliiBtnii. Ktiitilev J. Plorco, M. Ilalley, Jr., II, I). Dav- ih, o. li. scniiiu, v. h. rruico, w. u. !.oavllt, K. A. Wimp. O O. Kin. Ilert M. MoekM, Chan. Slpchon, Q. N. Ilolior. Robert Smith. John Dillon. C. M. Iledflold, W. II. Crawford, Austin G. Harbor, A. J. Hartor. J. 13. Han hull, Ram Wollil, O. W. Halos, Olo Hanson, C. U Gist, W. N. Young, W. II. Ilulilo, W. N. Hoy, W. B. Vnn Al ton, It. A. Puott, Frank IIoruo, T. W. Marshnll. H. A. Graham, O. II. ArmstronK', H. Pock, 8. 8. Taylor. A. li. Flomlnit, BRbort Dyer. W. 8. Groor. W. F. Fryroar, W. 11. David Hon, Frod Schmidt, M. K-. Hopor, W. P. alft, F. A. 8honquoBt, M. Doty, O. 0. Honklo, A. J. Fuller, W. P. ItobbliiB, F. M. I.owls, Prtnco Stantn. J. D. Wimp. J. J. Wilt, G. W. Hob Hon, 10. V. Ward. lto It romomberod: That a regu lar term of tho County Court of Ilea nhutoH County, In tho Stato of Oro gon, waa boeun and hold nt tho Court Hoiiho In Ilond, In said County, on WodnoHdny, tho day of 1920, fluid day being tho day fixed by law for tho holding of n torm of tho Coun ty Court In Bald County, whou woro proHout Hon, W. D, HarnoH, County Judge; 0. II. Millar, County Commla nlonor; Seth Stookoy, County Coiin mlHBlonor; J. II. Hauor, County Clork; 8, H. Hoborta, Shorlff. Whoroupou thu following procood liiga woro had, to-wlt: , IN TUB MATTER OF SALARIES OF COUNTY OFFICERS AND DEPUTIES'. TIiIh matter now comoa on to bo hoard and, It nnnoarlug to tho Court that tho Balary of tho following of rlcors la flxod by law, to-wlt: Shorlff, County Judgo, 8uperlitond,orit of UNFOUNDED Schools, Assessor, Trousuror, Counly Clorli. Ordered, That tlio Clork lio. nnil liu hereby Ih, directed to Issue IiIm warrants monthly In payment of said Miliar Ion In accordance with the law applicable thereto, Ordered, That tho Hillary ofAitfiiMt A, Aiidornou ho, and tho samo Ih, heioby fixed at IIGO per mouth, and (ho (Murk In liiNlructod to Imhiio IiIh warrant In payment thereof In tho hiiiiio maiiuor and at Hiiioh of IsbuIiu; salary warrantH, Ordered, That tho salary of Huzol Manloii be, and tho saiiiu Is horeby, fixed at JIIT, per month for servlnm In tho tax cotlector'H office, and tho clerk Ih directed to Ihhiio IiIh war unit lu payment. Ordered, That tho Clerk Imhiio his warrantH lu payment of thu following and running thence In a southwester siiiiih for tho euro of county Indigents, ly direction through unci across sec to.wit; IIoiih 31, 20, 2D, 30 and 31 In Town- llattle Huntington $IO:f)oshlp T south, Kongo 13 east, W, M Mis, M, II, Howo .. .. . ... 10.00 Ordered further, That tho Clerk Ihhiio IiIh warrant lu thu tin in of 2C per mouth to It, W. Huudershott, as County Health Officer Ordered further, That tho County Clerk Ihhiio his warrant to Hugh O'Kano for f 12.50 each month us rent for tho County Surveyor's office. Ordered further, That tho clerk Imhiio his warrant In tho sum of $170 per month to the Deschutes In voHlmuul company for rent of tho court house and Jail. IN TUB MATTER OF THE LOWER IIKIDGB COUNTY KOAD: At this time Is presented a peti tion by tho freeholders of I.owor Ilrldge Road District, as follows, to wn. PETITION' To tho Honorable Counly Court of DoMchutoi County: We, the undersigned, freeholders Koad District, do most humbly pet I w r I I, I C..7 i J f wnereas uiero nas iieen a sum oi ir.000 allowed out of tho bond Issue voted by the people at the recent election In Deschutes County, other wise known as tho f 1 25,000 Ihhiio for road purposes. Now, therefore, wo ask your hon orable board to call for bids for con struction of what Is known us the Lower Hrldge-Terrebonno Road for which tho abovo sum of 15000 bus been allowed. Wo suggest that your honorablo board direct County Iloadmaster Mr May to locato said road and recom mend that said road follow tho pres ent route as practical and that no largo or unnecessary amount bo ex pended graveling said rond In order that thu surfacing of said road by gravel or cinders bo completed, If posslblo out of tlio above mentioned sum of $5000. S. E. West, A. 8. Holmes, Gus E. Stadlg. It. 8. Towne. T. J. Qulgloy, Fred Walter. Jako Hook, C. F. Hob kins. A. J. Fuller. John A. Scott. It. II Chapman. It. L. Kiddle, Frank V. Chapman, Jessie F. Scott. IN THE MATTER OF THE PETI TION OF MRS. GEORGE JAMES FOR RELIEF: This matter comes on to bo hoard on tho application of Mrs. George James for temporary relief, and It appearing to tho Court that the ap plication should bo allowed, it Is thcroforo Ordored, That tho Clerk Issuo his warrant payable to Mrs. George James lu tho sum of $25 nnd that such payments bo made for January, February and March. 1920. IN THE MATTER OF THE PETI TION OF 8. R. HOOIN ET AL FOR COUNTY ROAD: This mattor now comes on to bo heard upon tho petition of S. It. (login and others for tho establish ing of a county road In Section 33, Tp. 11 south, Rango 11 cast, and it appearing to tho satisfaction of tho ' Court that tho proposed ronu ih noi ,u public necessity, It Is ordered that said petition bo, and tho same is horeby, .denied. IN THE MATTER OF CLAIMS PRE SENTED FOR PAYMENT: This matter comes on for tho con sideration of bills for Bervlcos ren dered the County, and It appearing that tho claims presonted nro u pro por charge against tho County, Ordered, That claims No. I to 110 as numbered lu tho claim dockot of the County Court bo, and tho hiiiiio arq hereby, allowed, and tho Cleric la directed to Issuo warrants In pay munt. In tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon for tho County of Des chutes. Order Nunc Pro Tunc IN THE MATTER OF ESTABLISH ING A CERTAIN ROAD COM MONLY KNOWN AS "THE DALLES-CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY": Ho It Rcmomhorod, That at a reg ular torm of tho County Court of Doschutos County, Oregon, boguu and hold nt tho County Court Houbo In Hond, In Doschutos County, Oro gon, on tho 7 lb day of Januury, 1920, for tho transaction of County buslnosH, and from day to duy thorn aftor during thu continuance of said torm, thoro woro yrc-sont: Hon. W. D. Hamas. County Judgo, presiding, Hon. C. II. Mlllor, County CninmlB slonor; Hon. Soth Stookoy, County Commlsslonor; S. E. Roberts, shorlff; J, II. Hunor, clork. Tho following, among other pro codlings, woro had, to-wlt: WhorouB, At n rogular torm of tho County Court of Doschutos County, Oregon, begun and hold at tho Coun ty court house lu Hond, lu Hald Couu ty and Stato. on tho 5th day of No vombor, 1919, that bolng n regular day provided by law for tho Hitting of Bald County Court for tho transac tion of County bUHluoss, thu said court of resolution thou nnd thoro luiido declaration of Its Intention to ostabllHh nnd locato n rond In Dos chutes County botweon tho city of Hond and tho south lino of Jefferson County, Oregon, tho sumo to bo n part of what la known ua "Tho Dallea-Californlu Highway," nnd nioro particularly described ub follows: of .Velutes (-0001 oZS "'"' '"ct ,,'s M f,"h ?L dents of 1 Id'lstHc i ' II ' ' November, 1919. and tho rnln liUierwl's", known,,as',,K,lr bridge! ul Hwreof spread upon Its record., It.if.,1 IllMlrlnl ill. itin.l l.llnililv tinll.iallU Comiuunclng nt a iiolut on tho lino botwoon Deschutes anil Jefferson counties approximately 1000 foot mitt of tlio Nil corner of Section 1, 'Township II south, Itimgo 13 cunt. W. M thence running In a general southerly direction through and nurosH KectloiiH 3, I, 10, 28, .13 and 31, In Township II south, Kongo 13 oast, W, M., to a point on tho lino marking tho north corporate limits of tho city of Redmond, 80.5 feet west of the southeast corner of tho NBV. of tho HBU of said Section In Township in south, Itaiieo 13 east, W, M and commencing on tho lino which inarkH the south corporate llm-j i... .. .i i.i .1... .. ft... i ., ,. in ui inn niuii un in iiijuiiii.iiu " v point CO fcot west from tho north quarter corner of Suction 21, Town ship la south, Itange 13 oast, w. M-, and uie hb'i or wcuon jo, town ship la tioutii, urango iz east, w. m., and sections 1, II, II, 15, 1G, 28, 33 and 32 In Township 10 south, Kutigo 12 east, W. M., and sections 5, 8, 17, 20, 28 and 29 lu Township 17 south, Katigo 12 oast, W. M to tho lino which marks tho north corpor uto limits of tho city of Ilcnd, In Des chutes County nt a point approxi mately 300 feet west of tho SBVi corner of tho NEV4 f tho NEW ' Section 29, In Township 17 Bouth, rango 12 east. W. M said road to bo CO feel wide throughout Its entire length, and to follow, and corre spond substaiillaly to, tho Biirvey of the said "Tho Dalles-California High way,' as now surveyed, staked nnd marked out between tho points above mentioned by tho engineers employed by the State Highway Commission. An. whereas. Tho said resolution of this Court was enacted, ordered Whereas, tho said minutes of said c,lllrt ""', " MW rosolutloii havo i.ri,infnn imon n.l..r,..l in writ- not heretofore been reduced to writ ing by tho Court lu order to preserve a permanent record of wimn, now, therefore, ft Is hereby ordered by this court as follows: It Is hereby ordered, That tho fore going resolution and minutes of tins Court, as miido and entered on tlio said 5th day of November. 1919. nnd upon which notices of tho Court's in tent Ion to establish said road by reso lution havo been duly posted, accord ing to law, I hereby declare this to bo tho resolution nnd minutes of this court as tnudo o ntho said 5th day of November. 1919. Dated at Hond, Deschutes County, Oregon, this 7th day of January, 1920. W. D. HARNES. County Judgo. C. II. MILLER. County Com. SETH STOOKEY, County Com. ORDER In tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon for tho County of Des chutes. In tho matter of County warrant No. C4880 for S3370.05, drawn In favor of Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., dated January 10. 1920: Ho It romomberod, That n regular torm of tho County Court of Des chutes County, Oregon, begun and hold nt tho County Court Houso, in Hond. Deschutes County, Oregon, on tho 4th day of Fobruary. 1920, lor tho transaction or County business, nnd from dny to tiny theronfter dur ing tho contlnuanco of said term, thero being prosont: Hon. W. D. Harnes. County Judge: Hon. C. II Miller, County Commissioner; Hon. Seth Stookoy, County Commlsslonor: J. II. Hnner, County Clerk; . S. K. Roberts. Shorlff. The following, nmong other pro ceedings wero hud, to-wlt: Whereas, Pursuant to an ordrr of this Court previously mado and en tered, county wnrrant No. CI SO for $3370.05 was Issued by J. II. Hnner, County Clork of Deschutes County, on January 10th, 1920, and made payable to tho Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co., in payment (or n urin mm nlr compressor, nnd Wlieroas. Thoro was an error In tho amount of said wnrrant and tho said amount lu which tho samo was drawn for was wrong nnd not tho amount which was Intondod to ho In sorted In said warrant; now, thoro fore. It Is ordered. That Doschutos County warrant No. 6480, drawn In favor of tho Chicago Pnoumatls Tool Co. for $3370.05, on January 10, 1920. bo, and tho samo Is hereby can celled, nnd tho samo is hereby or dored not pnld. Dated nt Ilcnd, Deschutes Vounty. Oregon, this 1th day of Juuuary, 1920. W. D. nARNES, County Judgo. C. II. MILLER, County Com. SETH STOOKEY, County Com. IN THE MATTER OF THE CARL N EHRET COUNTY ROAD: And now comes II. A. Kendall, S. II. Doty nnd others, petitioning tho Court for an ordor designating said rond n market road, and tor an ap propriation of $8800 for tho improve ment of snld road, whereupon it wiih Ordored, That Commissioner C. II. Miller Investigate such mattor and roport his findings to tho Court. IN THE MATTER OF THE FISH HATCHERY ROAD: At this tlmo coined T. A. McCann and Robert Mooro, petitioning that Hald road bo designated ti market road, when It was ordered that said matter bo continued for tho prosont, Court waa thon continued to Jan uury 22, 1920. C. II. MILLER, Commissioner. Court rocouvoned January 22, 1920, pursuant to ndjournmont, thoro bolng prosont: W. D. Rurnoa, County Judgo; O. II. Mlllor, County Commissioner; Soth Stookoy, County CommlsBlonor. In tho mattor of Tho Dalles-Cull-tornln Highway: Ordered, That R, II, Gould, coun ty surveyor, It II, Ilnyloy and A. II Horn ho, nnd they are, appointed tho board of viewers for said 'road, and that said board meet at the point of beginning of said road at tho city limits of Hond at ten o'clock a. tn. January 31st, 1920. lie It remembored, That nt torm of tho County Court of DeschutoH County, In the Stato of Oregon, was begun and held at tho Court Houso n Hond, In said County, on Tuesday, tho 17th day of Fobruary,.! 920, si Id day being thu day fixed by law for tho holding of a term or tho County Courty in said County, whon wero prosont Hon. W. I), Harnes, County Judge; V 11 Mlllor, County Commis sioner, Hoth Stookoy, County Com missioner, J. II. Hnner, County Clork. Whereupon the following proceed ings wero had, to-wlt: In the County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, for tho County of Des chutes. In tho mattor of delinquent taxes for certain portions of Oregon Trunk addition to tho City of Redmond, Oregon. Filed Jan. 17, 1920. Now on this day this matter com ing on before tho Court In regular sosslou at tho City of Hond, Des chutes County, Oregon, Mux A. Cun ning, of Redmond, Oregon, appearing before the court as attornoy for self and also as attorney for Lucllo Red mond, of Redmond, Oregon, they be ing tho respective owners of tho lands hereinafter described, and It appearing to tho Court from tho rec ords of tho clork of this court that tho following described property, to with: Blocks one (1) to sixteen (10), Inclusive; blocks eighteen (18) to twenty (20), inclusive; Pino street and Juniper street from tho cast lino of Deschutes avenue to west lino of Oregon Trunk Railway right of way and from cast lino of Oregon Trunk railway right of way to cast lino of southwest quarter of Houthwcst quor or of Section ton (10), township fif teen (15), South, Rango Thirteen (13). East of thv Willamette Mer idian; Alder street from cast lino of Deschutes nvenuo to west lino of Oregon Trunk Railway right of way and from east lino of Redmond nve nuo to said east lino of snld south west quarter of tho southwest quar ter of said Section ten (10): Clino nvenuo nnd Vnndervert nvenuc from tho north line of snld southwest quarter of tho southwest quarter of said Section ton (10) to tho north lino of A street; and Redmnod ave nuo from tho north lino of said southwest quarter of tho southwest quarter of said section ten (10) to the north lino or Aider street; diocks twenty-ono (2f) to forty-threo (43), Inclusive; east half of block forty four (11): blocks forty-flvo (45) to fifty-nine, Incluslvo; I) street, C street and D street from tho east lino of Oregon Trunk Railway right of way to tho west lino of Forrest nvc rtue: F street from n lino one hun dred feet enst of nnd parallel to the east lino of First street to tho west lino of Forrest avenue; Cllno avenue. Vondervort avonuo nnd Redmond nvenuo from tho south lino of A street to tho north lino of E street; Tetherow avonuo from tho south line nt r. uirfi't in tho north line of E street; Tetherow nvenuo, Cllno nve nuo, Vnnvervcrt nvenuo nnd Red mond nvonuo from tho south lino of E etrcet to tho south lino of tho west hnlf of tho northwest quarter of Section fifteen (15), Township fir leon (15 South. Rango thirteen (13) cast of tho Willamette Meridian, has been by ordinances passed by tho Pnmmnit poimrll nf the CltV Of Red- tnontl, Oregon, In proper form, duly v.i en tml. which mi Id ordinances havo been duly approved by the Court andl fllod for record In the office of thol Clerk of tho County of Doschutos nnd Stato of Oregon on tlio unto nereoi, i nnd said Max A. Cunning this day appearing before this Court nnd ro quostlng n reduction of tho tnxea lev led and nsBPBsvtl against tho premises abovo described, nnd It appearing to tho court that such taxes nro lu nr rears for sovornl years, tho same be ing nssessed against said property as city lota and blocks; that ?nld prop erty nas never oeon seuica mum ur Improved to uny extent nnd that said I ....... ..a l ....li.nl.t,, ttw n tttlrnAfin liru.iunj is tuiuuuiu i, I....,.- other than as farm lands; that said taxes lovled and assessed against said promises, according to tho records of tho offlco of tno snerui oi una I County, nro excessive. I it Is hereby ordered, nnd the sheriff of this county ns tax collector Is hereby directed to accopt and ro celvo ns taxes in full. In llou of thoso now nssessed nnd lovled nnd nssessed ngnlnst said premBies and which re main unpaid, n tnx calculated nnd computed on n busts of fifty dollars per ncro valuation for all land nbove doscribed subject to Irrigation ac cording to tho records of tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company of Des chutes, Oregon, with tho mileage ns lovlod nnd assessed In tho respective years tn which n tnx Is duo on snld promises, tho tnx for ench yonr to bo computed separately nnd tho amount duo for such yonr to bo computed sepnrntoly nnd tho amount duo for diich yenr to bo named upon tho number of acres of tho above des scribed trnct, subject to Irrlgntlon, for which no tnx hns been paid lu such year, nnd It Is further ordored thnt no interest or penalty shall bo required to bo paid on Bald delin quent tnx. provided, however, thnt this ordor Bltnll bo of no forco or of fecl In enso the ownors of said prem ises shall fall, nogloct or rofuso to make payment of tho nuwunts com puted to bo duo tlieroou within ton days from tho date tho Sheriff of this County shall havo comploted tho computation of Bitch tax nnd notified tho owners of tho nmounts duo. Dated this 17th day of Fobruary, 1920. W. D. HARNES, County Judgo. C. H. MILLER. SETH STOOKEY, CommlBlaonors, In' tho mattor of claims prosonted for paymont: Ordored,-Thnt clnltns No. Ill to 215, incluslvo, ns tho sumo nppear upon tho claim dockot of this court, bo nnd tho samo nro horeby allowed, aud tho Clork Is instructed to issuo his warrants In paymont thorcof. In tho matter of (otophone rentals: Ordored hy tho Court, That tho County Clork be, and ho Is horohy, directed to Insuo n warrant monthly to tho Pacific Telephone & Tele graph Company In tho sum of $23.75 for runt on tho telephones In tho Court house, as follows, to-wlt: Sheriff . .... $3.75 County Clerk 3,75 County Assossor 3.25 Supt. of Schools 3.25 Judge, Circuit Court.. 3.25 County Treasurer... . 3.25 County Judgo 3.25 In the matter of an appropriation for tho Homo Servlco Division of tho American Red Cross: Now comes beforo tho Court tho Chairman of tho Financial Commit tee of tho Homo Servlco Section of tho American Red Cross Society, nnd petitions tho Court for an appropria tion ror tno maintaining or a re volving fund for civilian relief, nnd sayn: That tho Red Cross organiza tion maintains tho Homo Servlco Sec tion for tho relief of tho men, their families, and relatives of tho mon who served In tho army and navy during tho Inst war; that thero ex ists a great necessity for n civilian relief fund for tho sorvlco of families not entitled to relief from tho Amor Icnn Red Cross Society, nnd It np ponrlng to tho Court thnt tho County should participate In the joining of tho two classes of cases, it Is there foro Ordered, Thnt thoro be. nnd horeby Is, appropriated from tho general fund tho sun, of $110.00 for the con tribution of thu County to tho Homo Servlco Section of tho American Red Cross for Deschutes County and that tho County Clerk bo, nnd ho Is hore by, directed to Issuo his warrant for ton dollars monthly from February 1st, 1920, to December 31st, 1920, to Anna M. Forbes, Secretary, in payment for such appropriation. In tho niatterr of an appropriation for tho Oregon Agricultural College: This matter comes on to bo heard upon the natter of an appropriation for agricultural or farm demonstra tion work in Deschutes County for 1920, said appropriation to be mado to the stato for tho uso of the State Agricultural College, nnd it appear ing to the Court that such appropri ation Is required by tho provisions of Chapter 110 of tho Laws of Oregon for 1913, It is therefore Ordered, That thero bo, and here by is, appropriated from tho general fund tho sum of $2200.00 for tho use of the Stato Agricultural College for uf-rlculturnl or farm demonstra- 1 tlon work for 1920. and the Clerk is directed to Issue his warrant Immedi ately for the sum of eleven hundred dollars, payable to tho Oregon Agri cultural College, and that on tno first day of November, 1920, said County Clerk Issuo his warrant ror eleven hundred dollars in payment in full for such purposes. Tho Court then adjourned to meet February 25th, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. in. The Court reconvened February BUTTER FAT! Same price for Butter Fat f. o. b. Bend as is paid f. o. b. Portland. Central Oregon Farmers Creamery THE CONCRETE S-I-L-0 PERMANENT AS PYRAMIDS When you erect a Silo, j'ou want a Silo that will stand the test of wind, rain, snow, frost and sun. In the Hollow Concrete Silo Block you obtain this feature, and besides a concrete block is absolutely fire-proof. Will not warp when empty. No guy lines necessary. Eventually Concrete Why Not Now? For specifications, write to Concrete Pipe Co. BEND, OREGON Makers of Culvert Pipe, Water Pipe, Irrigation Pipe, Building Blocks, Hollow Silo Blocks Well Curbing. IbnsstJssusasEsmausasKBaBia 25thi 1920, nl 10 o'clock in tho fore noon, pursuant to ndjournmont, Alt members bolng prosont. In tho mntlor of the orror In nudlt lng claim: Ordored, That warrant No. 0073, In favor of W. II. Crawford, bo, nnd tho samo Is hcroby, caucollnd, nnd tho Clork Is Instructed to notify tho County Treasurer to Hint offect. In tho mattor of tho potltlon ot F. P. Rnwsou et al for tho designa tion of market road: Comos now F. P. Rnwson and oth ers nnd prosont tho following potl tlon, to-wlt: Redmond, Oro., Fob. 25, 1920. To tho Hon. Hoard County Commis sioners, Hond, Oro : We, tho undersigned, owning land, or residing on land northwest of Red mond, tributary to whnt Is known as tho Kirk Whlted and Honson Canyon Road, respectfully ask tho considera tion of tho County Court, when con sidering tho establishment of a per manent market road, to glvo thia road a most thorough Investigation boforo definitely deciding to estab lish n road olsowhore. Wo bollove, by coming west from Redmond on what Is known an Dr. Hosch street, crossing tho old rlvor bed nnd continuing west from tho James McGuffio Placo, past tho Pratt place to tho Intersection of tho Kirk Whlted road; thonco going north to tho Itenncgar homestead: then connecting with a road on tho ridge botweon Benson Canyon and tho Deschutes river. Said road to connect with the old Tothorow Aoad. near tho east line of Sec. 36, In T. 14, 8. R. 12 E. Wo bollove, by establishing a road as described above as a markot road, that it will serve n greater number of acroage than any other road that may bo considered, bosides connect ing with ono of tho oldest established highways In the stnto: that it will also furnish an auxiliary feeder for the Sisters-Redmond Highway, and will servo a largo area that la now without proper roads. Respectfully submitted, F. P. RAWSON. ODIN FALLS LAND CO.. Hy F, P. Kawson. Bcc'r. CLARA L. BROUOIITON. Hy F. P. Rawson, Mgr. J. E. TETHEROW. D. FRANK. W. S. GREER. O. W. REELS. K. E. REELS. ' W. A. BROWN. O. W. KIDDER. A. C. CURTIS. ' J. P. SMITH. I V. O. SMITH. A. R. DAVENPORT. C. WM. MUMA. Whereupon it was ordered br the Court that such mattor be taken un der advisement until proper Investi gation be made with roferenco there to. Tho Court then adjourned for the term. W. D. BARNES. Judge. -C. H. MILLER. Commissioner. 3t