The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 22, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Mm. 0. W. ItoynoIdH, of (Jiituwuy,
was In tlm city hint nlKlit.
14 M. I I'ltmaii, of 1'ulnloy, In
transacting IjiihIiichm In limit! today.
v II. I). IliMOii In enjoying u VlHlt
from III brother, who cnino In laitt
night front llnllliiKhiiin. WuhIi.
MIm Olllu lloyd, of Ht. I'aul,
In In Ilund visiting hur cousin, Mm.
H. V. Union, at IBH Cmigreim
Mlitw Fay l)oyarmoinl, of tho Wnr
31 . imr Co.. has rotumod to Iloml aftor
it two wooks' vIhII wltli hur parents
at Kaluni.
I)r. 13. II. NorrlM linn returned to
Iloml front a trip to Oregon City,
whom ho visited with his father
N ovor tho wook viul.
J , Mix Aiiint Kldor. formerly n rosl
limit of thin miction', loft last night
for hur homo In southern Cnllforiiln
aftor spending a ilny horo looulnic
up (ho tltlu of mnno of hur Irri
gated InnilH near Iloml.
. I'at Hollly, of Antulopo, who him
boon transacting business In Iloml
for mivoral days, suffered nn nonto
attack of appendicitis taut night. Hu
wi(h rushed to tho hoHpltal ami an
oporatlon porformod thin morning.
Tho nown has hooit rurolvoil In
Iloml of tho hlrlli to Mr. and MM.
I. H. KrnticlN. nl Drain, Ore., on
July IS, of nn eight nml one-half
t pound hoy. lloth Mr. nml Mm.
Francis wore formerly Instructor
In tho Iloml IiIkIi school.
Mr. and Mm. Khnron Mooro, of
Ilromorton, Wash., who hnvn hron
vInHIiik In Hcnd with Mm. Mooru'ii
mothor, Mm. Ungorsmaii, will luuvu
hy niito tomorrow for Idaho to
spend tho romnliidor of tholr vacii
tlon before returning to tholr homo.
Pat Ilnrry, Kllvor Lake sheepman,
Is In Iloml today.
Paul Ilosmur ruturnod to Ilund
thin morning front n trip to I'orf
Innd. Mr. and Mm. Scott Heeler, of
Tort Hock, nro visiting friends In
F. M. Cleaves, of Crescent, U
spending n fow dnyH In Iloml look
Iiik nftor business Interests In this
MuntlioM of tho Clvlo Improve
ment league will moot nt 2:30
o'clock tomorrow nftornoou . nt
Kntlior'n hull.
Mondny ,
Hhorlff H. 13. Koborts has ro
ttirnod from Portland whoro hu tin
dorwout u minor operation.
I.loyd Kolloy Hlartod last night
for Sail Francisco, whoro hu will
pond lilt two weeks' vacation.
I.oo A. Thonius Iiiih ruturnod to
Pond after n wouk hpunt In Port
land attending to business mutter.
Mm. V. A. Forbes returned thli
mornliiK from n vacation trip to
Alaska. Kho wai accompanied from
.Portland hy hor son, Vornoii.
Mm. A. M. I.nndfaro ha pur
chased n four room Iioiino on Jof-
Watch The
Baby's Summer
A Scientific Diet will con
tribute to keeping the
hjiby well.
forHon Plnco, nnur Delaware,
through tho Jlronkn-Hcaiilon Lumber
Co., from ()oori;o I. IloiiNton.
Charles A. Drown, president of
tho Iloml Wntor, Light & Powur
Co., accompatilod hy T. II. Foley,
general manager, loft yesterday for
Kugeiio, koIiik hy way of tho Mo
Konlo I'asii,
MrH. It, M. I.ovoo, of Crano, ar
rived iioro yoHtorday, and accnm
piiulod hy hor Hlstor, Mm. Dortha
Dawson, loft for Kvorolt, WuhIi.,
whoro thoy woro callod hy tho seri
ous IIIiiohh of tholr fathor.
Charles 13. Calvin, of Kpokano,
for (I vo yoarx superintendent of tho
Idoal Laundry of JJpokiimi, ami for
seven yuan Hiiporlntoiidout and
manager of tho Hotol Kpokano
laundry, arrlvod In Ilund during tho
w-ok unil to accopt tho suporln
tendency of tho Ilund Ktoum Laundry
A. II. McCarty of Durmt Ih npoml
Iiik tho day In llond.
W, D. DitfiKOtt, Iludmond attor
ney, In In tho city today on local
Jou llozull, forinorly of Ilund, Is
In tlm city from Kpokano. Ho may
locato horu ai;iiln, ho IntlmntoH.
Mr. and MrH. C, II, Hoxliuri; of
this city nro tho proud paruulH of u
iilnc-pouud hahy hoy, horn July 10.
OcorKU ICanoff of tho Central Oru
Kou IrrlKatlon company was In tho
city today from hondo.untOM nl Den
chutoit. Mm. II. IC. Draokii and lion,
ThomiiH, nccompaiitod hy Mm.
DrookH mothor, Mm. M. K. Dowiih,
roturnod thin mornlnK front Kunttlo.
Mr. and Mm. William Iloiit, Jr.,
nud chlldrou, frloudit of Mr. and
Mm. 1 Domuiit, nro horo on u
motor trip from tholr homo In Kan
Mntva, Oil.
Dr. K. II. NorrU leaven thlx ovo
nliiK for OruKou City, where hu will
attend to hunlneiiH matturn and visit
IiIn fnthor. Hu will ho hack In Dead
early In tho wuok
Dr, W. (I. MnunltiK leaven thin
ovonlng for Portland whoro ho will
nt (cud tho RonnloiiH of "tho OruRott
Htnto Dontnl nmioclatlon and taku
pout craduntu work.
Ed McCarthy, formorly with Tho
Bhovlln-IIIxon Company, In huyliiK
otilMho Whllo Owl Mhop lit Ilia O'Dou
iieir hulhlltiK from Myron Symons
and will poMuiially opera to tho cm
tabllvhmont. t
Dr. 13. K. Orny loaves Iloml to
ulKhl. plaunliiR to ho away until
ahout AiiRtiHt 1. DurliiK hht aliBonco
ho Intondu to put In tho hotter part
o'f hid tlmo doing Krndunto work In
.IiiiIku and Mm. J. A. Kantc. ttc
coiupHUlod hy MIhh Mary Ilunu, loft
thU mornliiK for Newport, hy auto,
Thoy wore travelling hy way of
tho .Ramlam pami, ami on tholr re
turn Intended to mop off nt Bulom
for tho Klkft' Htatu convontloti.
13. V. Kiiykunall. of Olyinpla.
WuhIi., chairman of tho puhllc ttcrv-
Ico coinmlHMlon of tho utato of
WaHhliiRton, Ih In llond looking
nftor proporty Intoreatu. Mr. Kuy
komlall Is prenlilent .of tho Ken
wood Promotion company and la In
toroHtod In ranch proporty oust of
Mlso Dorn Sly of Ln Pino U vis
iting frlcndH in Llond nnd shopping
In tho city today.
13, L. Clark of Ln Pino was n busi
ness visitor in llond last night und
loft this morning for IiIh homo.
J. Z. Stnnshorry, 8. P. & 8. rond
inastor, Is in llond today on ono of
Jils regular trips of Inspection ovor
tho lino.
D. I). Noonchostor of Roaring
Kor, W. Vn., was In llond yoHtorday
on IiIh way to Lnkuvluw to visit his
Dr. II. N, Mooro will ho out of tho
city during tho noxt wook. Ho ox
poets to attund a dontnl convention
In l'ortland,
N. 0, Jncobsoitt supervisor of tho
Deschutes National forout, 16ft laBt
night for Portland on official busi
ness nt district hoadqunrtora,
0. II, Leonard, mayor of Ilurna, nc
companlod by hla son, J. D. Loounrd,
was in llond this morning on his way
homo nftor a trip to Portland.
J, A. Smith of MUllcnn valloy took
Inst night's train for Portland, whoro
ho was callod to look nftor his bust
noBB Interests in that city.
J, O, Huffman mado a flying trip
to llond Wudnosdny to nttoml to
Homo lodge- business, Hu roturuud
to his homo at Prlnovlllo yostordny,
A. 13, Potorson of Mubton, Wash.,
Is transacting business in Bond and
near SIstora this wook. Mr. Potor
son was formorly a resident of tho
Clovordnlo miction, whoro ho wnn on
cmtod In farmltiK.
Word Iiiih huon roculvod horo of
tho doatli In Jlukor of Mm. Mlnnlo L.
Jlorhert, wlfo of Hhorlff Ooorno Hor
hort of linker county, and Mlntor of
Krod N, Wallnco of Tumalo. Apo
pluxy wiih tho caiiHO of death.
John It. Lalonretto and Harrlnon
Allot), Portland nttornoyM, who nro
nnsoclatod with Do Armoud & 13m
kliio of HiIh city In ruproHontliif; tho
HultloM of tho C. 0. I. dlNtrlct, luft
for Portland hint night nftor Hpund
Ini; tho early part of tho wook In
oonforrliiK horo In ro;ard to IrrlKa
tlon lllllttOM,
Word wiim roculvod horo today that
MIhh KIhIo Olnkln, formerly ntono;
rnphur for Do Armond (c I'rMklno
of HiIh city, haii undergone a itorloun
oporatlon at tho Kacrcd Heart -4iuh-pltal
at Mudford, Until Wedncmlay
hor condition wiih comildorod critical,
hut now, unleiM compllciitlonH not In,
hIiu Ih holluved to ho out of danger.
JamoN Clifford will loavo thin eve
ning for HciihIiIo to Join IiIh wlfo at
tho hoach rcHort. Tholr plann do
not contemplate a return to llond,
Mr. Clifford miyH, hut thoy nro unde
cided n m to what city thoy will locato
In noxt. Mr. Clifford linn ho en n
readout of Ileud hIiico 1910, with tho
exception of two yeiiM npunt In tho
navy. Ho Iiiih hecu In tho employ
of Tho Khovlln-Hlxon Company.
Fred Hhlntaffcr arrived In llond
IiihI night front La Pino.
Ward Coble, formorly In tho mov
ing picture buHlneiui In Ilund, l hero
for a few dayn visit.
K. H. Walto, couimlKHlon man of
North Portland, formerly with tho
Central Oregon bank of thin city, is
In llond on u hrlof lniHlnosH trip.
O. K. MuHt returned to llond yos
torduy front n trip to Ln Pino nnd
vicinity. Ho reports that crop pros
poctH In that Hoctlon aro excellent.
Allen Monuhan of Washington, D.
C brother of C. J. Monnhan of HiIh
city, Iiiih arrived In Hcnd to tnko a
position In the offlco of Tho Shevlln
Hlxoit Company.
Mr. and Mm. Ilalph Snow nro
spending tho dny In llond, hnvlng
driven In front .Crescent yesterday
ovunlng. Mr. Snow, who Is ranger
lit tho Croscont district, was In
chnrgo of tho flro fighting activities
of IhkI wcok, when lightning struck
in a dozon different places In tho
southern end of tho Deschutes for
est. Not Gentle Enough.
On dny whllo oiUitIiik it stivet enr
I met n hoy friend of mine, nlso get
ting on. Thinking lie would ! polite
enough to pay my fnrc. I walked In
ami look n sent. A fow moments Inter
the conductor tapped mo on tho shoul
der and said: "Miss, you nro no ex
ccpflon." Kxchnnce.
Nowadays, with tho voguo for shartor skirts, bonji
tiful hoslory is ossontlnl. Logically associated
with lino apparel Is Uurllngtou Newtashlonod
Hoslory bocuuso of tho ologanco of its toxturo.
and hocnuso of Its pormnuout shapolluoss. It (Its
comfortably nnd snugly without a seam, n knot
or n wrlnklo. It has staunch relntorcoments at
tho foot, heel and too.
Fine Mercerized Lisle, shown in 8 colors 89c
Silk, a popular number carried in 8 colors $1.59
Silk, a very good silk hose, in black, white, grey
and brown $2.50
When Its Fine Hosiery
Wc Strive to Please
Ouilitv " Meichindiie At Popul Price
Animal Should De Hiuidled In Such
Wy as Dest to Further Welfare
of the Community.
Many diseases of mnn nnd domestic
anlinnls nro curried hy dogs. Kvery
body, of course, knows that tho dog
Is rciponslblo for rubles, hut It Is
not tn gctiiTiilly known that tho dog
Is cuunlly responsible for other fntnl
diseases. Among them may bo men
tioned hydatid and gld In man nnd
stock, tni'W(inn In man nnd especial
ly In children, tonguo worm In mnn
nnd stock, "measles" In sheep, cystl
cercosls of Ihu liver In stock. Borne
of pnrnslten depend so absolute
ly on dogs as carriers that thoy would
heconiu extinct If dogs were not avail
able as hosts. Dogs probably play n
part, nlso, In tho spread of diseases
due to fungi, such ns ringworm nnd
fnvus, and they certainly play n part
In tho spread of diseases tbut may be
rnrrled by (lens nud ticks.
The Culled Ktutes department of
agriculture, whilu recognizing the dog
ns n useful domestic unhnnl. Insists
There Are Three Kinds of Dogs
The Ownerless Dog, the Other Per
son's Dog and Your Own Dog.
Hint en re tnun he tnken to minimize
the danger of diseases' spread by them.
In n general way, say the specialists
of the department, there nre three
kinds of dogs the ownerless dog, the
other person's dog, nnd your own dog.
Tho stray dog which recognizes no
owner, they say, does not fit Into the
modern scheinu of civilization nnd
must be eliminated. A dog that Is
allowed by the owner to unndr nt
large will have Htibstantlally the same
habits of life, the same sort of food,
and bo practically as dangerous iik the
ownerless dog. You have the right
to Insist, they point out, that such
dogs keep off your premises.
Your own dog should be handled
In such n way ns best to further the
welfare of the dog nnd the community.
He should he kept In restraint and
riot allotted tho full freedom of the
house or mcd of the outside premises.
He should not hu allowed to be fami
liar with people, and especially with
children. The ilfig should be kept
free from external parasites by fre
quent baths nml. If necessary, othar
appropriate uifiisurei, nnd should be
freed from Internal parasites by suit
ah1ciaeasures nnd kept free by ade
quate" attention to his food. He should
only be nlluwed to leave tho yard or
the kernels In company with sonic
person, nud where er conditions call
for It shiiufcHio fcepj InTeash. When
We Have Just Received A
Beautiful Line of New
Fall Skirts
Including Plaids, Tricotines, Serges
Plain Models and Accordion
Pleated priced within the reach of
the most moderate purse
$6.75 to $23.75
Ladies' New Neckwear Just in. New Venese
Tab Collars, Lace Vestees, Organdie Collars,
priced from 65c to $2.50
RufTlings In net and organdie; very popular
for trimming; at, yard 30c, 65c, 69c and 75c
Ladies' New Brown Calf Brogue Oxfordsj just
received, at, per pair : $11.25
Odd lots of Men's Starch Band Shirts, formerly
priced at $2.00, $2.25, $2.50; Special at $1.69
away from home the dog should be
muzzled with a reliable metal muzzle,
not with a xtrnp muzzle that would
be cruel to the dog If tight enough
to bo effective, and which Is usually
so loose as merely to give a? fole
sense of fccurlty, since It penults
the dog to bite.
Feeding, Breeding and Care Are Big
Factors In Production cf Ani
mals of Quality.
The three fundamentals In live-stock
production ure feedlnc, breeding und
care, with a stron? emphasis on feed
ing, becauso pood feeding builds the
frame work, produces good show ani
mals and makes good records.
Sheep and Cattle Should Be Kept
Away From Stagnant Pool on
Account of Diteaee Germs.
Standing water should never be al
lowed to remain where sheep nnd cut
tle cun get free access to It, ns It
always has some kind of disease breed
lug genus In It, nnd results in the
loss of stock occasionally.
Put It In Tho Itulletln.
The day Fat nnd you found tho big tramp dog' (tho ono that yon
though ho understood nil noout k. auu J""""",',., ... vou vood
Km tho house Fat says. "Do you 'sposo yer othwr f y?,jg5
Sim?" And just about then i you heri W y '"gj aJr&0An'ch
ehould say not; don't u touring that nitwr cry , and oven
nearer this bousol' DLUNK and a W0 d p lookotl nt you.
tho dog's oara dropped, and 1 ,ou ookod at u anu proml80a Ma
And then bognn tho P ea lor the dog. JBue.rl "arn all tho monoy to
that you'd never lo ; him in the .house and you o earn Q
ottho house ftndBayoWm ft BcrubMat. ;'i ? ,
Inrgc Quantity of Samples Taken
for Analysis After K.xamlivntlon at
.Sheep Mountain nnd Ntinkfng I.ako
n. R. Snowden, nitrate expert,
sent hero as representative ot
wealthy New Vork Interests In in
veAtlgato deposits in Central Ore
gon, left on Monday for his head
quarters in California, shipping
more than half n ton of samples
tnken from Sheep Mountain and
Stinking Lake, tho two chief hold
ings of tho Oregon N'ltrato Co.
The report which he flies aftor
analysis ot tho samples taken will
he a determining factor, it is un
derstood, in deciding whether or
not eastern capital will bo nvallablo
for tho. development of tho com
pany's holdings.
Alfalfa receives Its name from nn
old Arab word which moans In Eng
lish "the best kind of fodder." The
plant looks something like clover and
crows very rapidly. In fact It grows
o quickly that three or four crops
nn be harvested during the Rummer.
..' ':.r-.