The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 22, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    MOB 4
The Bend Bulletin
(Weekly Edition)
' , iPubtlshcd By
Established 1802.
An independent newspaper ntnndlng
for tbo Rquoro deal, elenn business,
clonn politics nml the best Inlorests
of Bond nnd Central Oregon.
One year. 2.00
Glx nio'ntliB 1.00
Three months 60
rr i
THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1920.
Tho tlnio hna como to call nt
tcntlon to tho meaning to tho peo
plo of this section of tho present
activity ot tho North Unit Irrigation
district In connection with tho Don
ham Falls reservoir plan. Unless
immediate action is taken Deschutes
county stands to sco one ot its
greatest potential nssots taken from
it It tho plans ot the North Unit
aro carried through our futuro is
Kone. Timber will mean good busi
ness for many years but agricultur
ally wo shall have reached our peak.
Thcro will' bo nothing to look for
ward to.
Shortly stated, the plan of tho
North Unit is to proceed on its own
account to build the Denham Falls
reservoir and then to carry all tho
water stored thero through Des
chutes and Into Jefferson county
for exclusive use on the lands ot
that district. Nothing Is to bo left
for tho extension of tho Tumalo
project, for tbo North canal unit
or tho old Benham Falls segrega
tion, all, except for a portion ot
tho last named, In Deschutes coun
ty, and alt tributary to Dcnd and
Tbo original plan for tho irriga
tion ot this valley, as outlined in
tho Deschutes project survey, called
for tho reclamation of all these
units from tho impounded waters
at Denham Falls. Until tho North
Unit began on its present program
it was tho general supposition that
all would lio included in such plans
as wore raaije. Now our Jefferson
county friends have started out for
themselves alone. They plan to
eat tho apple, coro and all. They
expect to take all tho water stored
at Hcnha1m Falls and to leavo none
for any other district.
Will Dend and Tumalo and Red
mond stand by and do nothing?
Now that tho appropriations com
mlttco Is well on its way into other
sections, certain features ot Its visit
hero may bo mentioned to show
something of how tho spirit of Dend
la rccognlzod nnd what Is duo to
"Nick" Slnnott for persuading, tho
commlttco to como this way.
As Its Itinerary was originally
planned, tho party was to go out to
Mcdford from Crater lake and then
up tho valley to Portland. Mr. Sln
nott wanted tho party to como
through his district and proposed
that this bo dono, but was mot with
tbo argument that thero was no
menus of transportation from Crater
lake to Doml. This was no nrgu
mont to "Nick," however. Ho know
Bend nnd what it would do if called
on, and so ho answered nt ouco that
tho Dend Commercial club would
send cars to tho lako for tho party.
Then It appeared that transportation
from Klamath Falls might have to
bo arranged, and "Nick" Bald llend
would go to that city, although Just
why nothing was planned for tho
Klamath Falls peoplo to do seemed
somewhat odd. Tho coufldenco wns
not misplaced. Dcnd camo through,
as Mr. Slnnott know It would, and
when tho commlttco left hero It was
greatly pleased with tho attention It
had received.
A good part of tho credit for tho
route taken by tho commlttco in
crossing Oregon can also be given to
Director Davis ot tho reclamation
service. Mr. Davis had long been
anxious to see the Deschutes country
nnd his word, added to Mr. Slnnott's,
gave us the pleasure of tho visit.
Wo believe that coming develop
ments will provo that the attention
shown Mr. Davis. and tho commlttco
was moro than Justified.
nou'spapor editor from tho north
west states gathered at Spokane nnd
from thero mndo n thi'eo-dny trip
over tho extensive section In Eastern
Washington which it Is hoped soino
day jo bring under Irrigation. These
men were shown In tho Yakima, val
ley what Irrigation had dono and in
other localities what was hoped for.
They woro entertained by tho com
mercial bodies of tho various Iowiih
thoy visited. Every opportunity was
given them to tnmtllartzo themselves
with tho facts,
What tho pooplo ot tho Spokane
country sought by this entertainment
nnd excursion was, ot course, to got
their story across to thoso who could
help them rcallxo tholr desires by cre
ating tho necessary favorable pub
licity, that is, tho newspapers. That
thoy have dono no is shown by tho
examination ot tho newspapers refer
red to above.
Now, this Is not written merely to
show that nowspnpors nro useful an
u means of getting facts disseminat
ed. Wo bava another less selfish
purpose, which is to point out that
Central Oregon might well follow tho
Spokane example and, by getting In
representatives of some of tho moro
Important stnto newspapers, and
showing them tho work that Is
planned for tho Deschutes project,
secure their nid In getting what Is
It that could bo dono wo might
somo day find tho lead editorial l.i
tho Oregonlan covering Central Ore
gon Instead of, as in yosterday's pa
per, devoted to tho irrigation needi
ot Central Washington.
An tho leading mnvlo center Los
Angeles In entitled to a little earth
quako now nnd thou.
U'h a mighty good tlmo now to
bo getting in your wood tor next
"(las Is scarce again but tho walk
ing remains very good and plenty of
It. :
That gravel on Wall
Just what was hcodod.
street in
Fifteen Years Ago.
. Although tho original plan for the
irrigation ot tho Deschutes valley
contemplated the reclamation of four
units, as pointed out hero yesterday,
tho present scheme of tho North
Unit is to appropriate all the sur
plus flow stored In tbo Denham Falls
reservoir and use it exclusively in
Jefferson county. Tho danger to
this section in such a uso of the
waters of the Deschutes is that none
of our reclaimable land can there
after bo nerved. It is a present and
very real danger and unless we take
stops for self protection our future
will bo gone. V
Tho reasons behind the North Unit
plan to tako all the Denham Falls
wntfcr aro several. In the first place
the district now figures a higher
duty of water for its irrigation needs
than was considered necessary by
tho reclamation authorities who pre
pared tho report on the Deschutes
project. Then, by tho present plans,
huge seepage losses are expected in
getting tho water down into Jeffer
son county, while another reason is
found In the general shortage of
water record i nthe past few years.
Just how much' weight is to bo
given to tho first and third reasons
In the distribution of the water re
mains to be seen. It would seem
strange, however, if the district
could arbitrarily determine Its own
water duty and on its own decision
be allowed all the storage water. It
would bo equally strange if the water
records were read wholly with ref
orenco 'to its situation and needs
Tho second reason, that all the
water is needed In order to deliver
Sooner or later tho directors of
tho North Unit Irrigation district
will make somo public statement,
wo assumo, attempting to Justify
tholr plans for appropriating all tho
surplus flow of tho Deschutes for
tho cxcluslvo benefit of their lands.
Presumably their argument will bo
based on their great need of water
to insure crops on tho dry farms ot
Jefferson county, nnd something
will be said of the fact that thoy
aro In position to proceed with tho
project, whllo there may bo various
delays necessary to Insure tho in
clusion ot any of tho other units.
The preceding Is, of course, based
wholly on supposition. Possibly tho
directors will franklyay that they
have found, as their plaiiB pro
gressed, that they needed all tho
water and so thoy have started out
to grab while tho grabbing is good.
It Is now, they may urge, a free-for-all
scramble and thoy want all tho
advantages thoy can get.
This argument, or any ot like
nature, tho North Unit mon may
bo able to Justify in their own
minds, but how, wo wonder, can
they square any such attltudo with
tho cooperative sentiment that has
ruled hitherto.
Early last year, when conditions
seemed to be working toward a
fight between tho different units
tho Dend Commercial club coun
selled against antagonism and urged
cooperation. North Unit directors
Joined In the cooperative campaign
and the club set Itself heartily at
work to obtain an examination of
the reservoir, site. Wo shall not
attempt to allot shares of credit for
securing the reservoir examination
but no ono will deny that tho club
did much to sccuro It. Tho club
has also dono other things on be
half of the whole Deschutes project
as a wholo, the latest being In con
nection with tlio recent vinlt ot tho
Appropriations commlttco.
If wo aro not mistaken no other
community had any opportunity to
share in this visit until tho Dend
committee Invited cooperation for
tho purpose ot securing an exami
nation of tho wholo Deschutes
project. Jefferson county might
havo been loft out ot the program
entirely had thero been any dis
position hero to treat tho possi
bility of Deschutes project irriga
tion on any other basis than that
of community cooperation. Tho
Jefferson county committee accepted
When in conversation recently
with ono of tho leading churchmen
of Eastern Oregon, ho said: "Do
you know that ono ot tho most im
portant things for peoplo to learn is
tho necessity of frequently washing
their hands? Tho fact ought to bu
Impressed on them regularly."
Now, wo do not Intend to start to
day and hercaftor to harp on tho sub
ject. Dut wo do think It proper and
desirable- to call attention to tho
words of our friend and to make a
few remarks on this homely subject
Our hands nro about the busiest
parts ot us. They are always active.
Whether at work or at play, they are
constantly in uso. They nrc always
handling or moving or picking up
something nnd, with equal frequency,
touching somo exposed part of tho
body, rubbing an cyo, scratching an
car, carrying food or candy or tobac
co in somo form to tho mouth. Every
ono of these actions has tho
possibility of danger, for whatever
wo touch has been touchod before by
scores of hands, or been blown over
by dust, or been tiro resting place of
To nvold such danger, ou friend
pointed out, we should continually
be washing our hands.
Think about It and you will come
to agree with him.
(From tho columns of Tho Hullo
tin ot July 21, 1008).
Landlord O'Kano oponed up his
now hotel last Monday morning and
hud n profitable run of luminous
from tho start. Tho hotel contains
23 guest rooms,
According to tho reports of tho
recorder nnd treasurer uibmlttod at
tho council meeting Wednesday
night, tho city has a balance of
J1.H9.27 on hand. From saloon
licenses alono It received $2400.
The D. I. & P. Co. will bo ready
to apply for potent to H0.000 arTes
of its segregated lauds about the mid
dle of next mouth. That will be nil
ot tho original Drako segregation,
and also tho GG.000 acres additional
ot tho Oregon Irrigation Co. north
ot Ilond.
President H. D. Tumoy, of tho D.
I. & P. Co., arrived In Rend last Sat
urday afternoon with a party of
Ohio friends. Theso Included Gov
ernor Myron T. Hcrrlck, of Clove-
land. Tho party Is now in tho vi
cinity of tho W. P. Vnndorvert "ranch
hunting nnd fishing.
A. C. Lucas Wednesday morning
superseded Dan It. Smith nt tho
Pilot Dutto Inn.
Tho school bonrd this week fixed
Clork Wlesfs bond nt 17.000.
Miss Janet Coleman, of Chicago,
arrived in Ilond Thursday evening,
nnd will spond the remainder of tho
summer visiting her sitter, Miss
Mary E. Coleman.
After Supper-
What ?
Mont of yolir lime In utnrtKitKod to work, meals, and nleep, lljit
tho hours after nuppor aro yours, and your wholo future tlopoiidn
ou how you spend thorn. You can fritter (hum away ou prolltlonn
pleasure, or you can mnko theso houin bring you position, mutiny,
power, real miccohh In life
Thorn's a big Job waiting for you In your proMout work, or any
lino you ehooHO. (Jut ready for Itl You can do It without losing n
inluuto from work, or u wink of sloop, without hurrying a single
meal, and with plenty of time left for recreation, You can do It
In ono Itbtir utter supper oaah night, right at homo, through tho
International Correspondence Schools
Hundreds of thounamlii have proved It. Tho doiilgnor of tho
Packard "Twin-Six" nnd huudredn of other KiigliinniM climbed to
i'.ucuchh through I, C. H. help. Tim builder of (ho great liiiltnblo
llulldliiK, nnd litiiidrodM of Architects and Coutraatorn won tholr
way to the top through I. C, H. iiporo-tlmit study, Many of thin
country's foremont Advertising and Solon Muungorn prepared for
their present positions In iipare houm under I, S. Iimtrucllon.
For 28 yearn men In offlcen, stores, shop, fuutorlen, mines, rail
roads, In tho Army and Navy In every line of technical mid com
morelul work have been winning promotion iipd lucreaned
salorlen through the I. C, H, Over 100,000 men nro getting ready
right now In tho I. U." S. way for tho bigger John ahead.
Your Chance Is Here
No mutter where you live, the I, C, S. will come to you. No
matter what your handicaps, or how small your moans, we havo
a plan to meet your clrcumstuiiccn. No matter how limited your
previous education, the simply written, wonderfully tllunlriited I. (3.
S. textbooks moke It onny to learn, No matter what career you may
choose, hoiiio one of the 280 I.C.H. Courses will miroly suit your needs.
Make Your Start Now!
When everything lion been mode easy for you - -when one hour n
day spent with the I.C.H, in the quiet of your own homu will bring
you a bigger huccohs, moro
comforts, moro pleasures, all
that Ruccesn means can you
afford to let another single
priceless hour of nporn time
go to waste? Mnko your
start right now! This In all
International Correspondence Schools
llox 10 to, Rcrnnlon, Pn,
I KiiUln, wit limit ilillnllnK nir, ftow I fan
iuj) If jr fur lh imIUii, ur In tlia aulijwt,
lfnf which I mam x.
stun rigui uowi ins in an i , . , , , , ,ii,tvt,Tiutun
wo ask? Without cost, with- " " "' K' ,7. IwUT,',.,
out obligating yourself In Ji'AVh K". ' lilfM, "
provo how wo can help you. wik iioiVkkkkpkr
nny way, put It up to use to
Just mark and mall this
w. i wonmiKAD,
11)1 llroadnny, Portland, (lie.
Mxhanlral Knalntar j,....nJT,Ui
Mechanical h.llwar Acc.antanl
Hhlp lli.fl.m.n ItKAKHC MANAKKH
I (.. Kmlnt ll'r,-,wfui U.
' CIVII. KNfllNRRII HMiu KNillJail
i ?.,"'!:" na ":"" CIVII. HKHVICK
llln. .Mn.r .ntr. ln,,B,r M, a
mauanarjr r.nginttr
t'anlraclar ar HalMtr
Ate hllrclural Drflann
I Cancrrta HalMar
I I'lamhint and lltallni
Aa.taia.aalU Oparatlnf
I'aallfr Kaltlnc
Aula lUpaltlnc
ami No. ..
Contests Conducted to Improve Meth
ods Used In Production and Caro
of Llvo Stock.
(Prepartd by tho Unit States Drjart
merit of Agriculture.)
It Is almost nn Important to bo nblo
to Judgu an animal accurately as it
la to ralno one successfully. If n per
son does- not know what constitutes
food polntn In an animal, ho In obliged
to rely on nomeono else'n Judgment in
both buying nnd selling. That In ono
reason why boys nnd girls In the clubn
Hiipervlned by (he department of agri
culture nnd the state a grl cult urn I col
leges nro being trained In stork Judg
ing. At tho county, mate, and Inter
stnto falw, live stock Judging con
tests nro conducted nml demonstra
tions given by club member to Ititer-
be n beef Mi-vr or nn unprofitable cmV,
or n heifer that tleen not promise to
bo n good producer nnd would not
bring n good prlco for beef nn the
marker;. Very little veal In killed on
Would It not bo n good plan to
start something again on that
muffler business? For a tl;nfl hint '
year things wero fairly qulot but,
nlowly tho nuto d rivers havfe begun
to let themselves go and now the
nulsanco In almost an bad an It
over has been. It can bo atopped.
No ono over Htipponed that any
member of tbo Hohenzollern family
would dlo by nhootlng. Now If tho
rest of tho family would follow
Joachim's example
as much as 40 per cent of It on tho
North Unit, may be Justified econom- tho invitation to cooperato, por
lcnlly, but we doubt JL, Sixty .jper n,"tct' Bend peoplo to undortako
we toubLIL,, fllxty.vper
lpW J aWWSfWaV SBSJl,WlTISTBaTfSal SaV WFBa'W'Ww 1 1
awrwTge to bcwtterTa
bolter to reclaim tho lands nearer
the head gates to which water could
bo dollvored without such loss. And
yet the North Unit directors calmly
pan to lose moro than half tho
wator in order to get delivery on tho
lands of tholr district.
Will tho peoplo Interested In tho
reclamation of Deschutes county
lauds permit this?
"The department of agriculturo has
Jua Issued a bulletin on fall sown
oats. Tho, wild ones iieed no bulle
tining They aro sowed all t ho year
round. ' I
the Job of planning tho program, of
bringing tho committee hero and of
showing tho reservoir sito that at
tho very time thoy wero planning
to tako for themselves alono.
All this looks liko letting us help
pull up tho bin and when tho crest
Is In sight casting us off. .
What kind of cooporatlon Is this?
"Man Hangs Solf When' Razor
Falls,." says a nowsprfper head lino,
Often, In our many yearn of shav
ing, wo havo folt tho samo way.
The darn thing never will work
Jr- Aa f 'Y
BVw t -M&aAraATarararararararararararara
.y- v --aj ajajaajaaaaaaaaaaaajaajajaaj
8ome of the Club Boys Who Aro
Learning to Judge Stock and Do It
est tho public nnd Improve tho meth
ods used In tho production and enro
of llvo stock,
At tho Missouri stnto fair hoys' and
girls' club teams Judged both beef and
dairy cattle. In putting on tho demon-
ftfrntlmiu nnMt inntiiluii lin.l 1,lu nnr.
Tho Salt Lako man chosen to hood tlculnr ...... fft ... Tho .,, of .u
tho now third party considers it an tw introduced ono member, "who
gave tho history nnd characteristics
rtt " .
..Sitf:r M
raw" .
m& v & ' wY JVP
Jam a .am
Most Farmers Duy Ocef From Village
Dutchen Who Operate Wagon In
tho form for homo use. Much of tho
Iwf bought by fanners In bought In
tho summer from village butcher who
operate meat wngonn or rum In (he
country. On the nvemgo farm thero
nro no facilities for keeping fresh
meat during warm weather.
(Ihr Unllml I'f.MtoTh. IUn.1 llulMIn)
WASHINGTON, 1). C, July 17.
Population figures fur 1020 for
Croak county, Oregon, show n do
croano of 5891, or C3.2 per cunt front
tho total In 1910, Tho present pop
ulation In 3123.
Tho largo decreann In accounted
for by tho foci that tho county ban
twlco been subdivided since 1910,
first losing what In now Jefferson
county, and later that part. which be
came Deschutes county.
New Zealand.
Discovery of lliu Ulnnd of .NVtv Zea
land In attributed to Tits limn In 10M'.'.
but cxptorntlon did not tako plnco tin
Ill the tlmo of Cnpt. Jntuei Conk, 1W
years Inter, wlillo colonization wns
delayed until 20 years before the Amer
ican Civil rnr. Colonlznttoii resem
bled the settlement of tbo Amer
ican colonics In that settlenirntn wero
made In hnlf n ilnzon nlsria lntiml (if
being promoted from n central bnse,
1 srcordlng to tho usual British method.
honor. Ho is welcomo tVSill tho
How a little attention to tho busi
ness of getting peoplo tq absorb tho
facts connected with a community
problem will produce results Is woll
illustrated by examination of tho
news and editorial columns of tho
Portland newspapers of tbo past fow
, ,Last weok, on tho Invitation of tho
upoKano Chamber of
honor ho can find In tho position.
Recalling somo of Gormnny's do
ings In the French coal districts, wo
cannot arouse much sympathy for
her present plight.
Tho Oregon Journal says Cox will
open In tho West, Tho democratic
hopo is that If Cox wins thoy will
open everywhere.
Tho investigation of the Japaneso
question in California ought to bring
results that will nffoct tho Oregon
situation ns woll.
School and'collcgo advertisements
aro boglunlng to appear. Untimely
suggestion ot tho futuro to tho
school child.
of an ideal beef animal ami the samo
for one of dairy type. Another mem
ber compared dairy nnd beef cnttlo by
using nn animal exhibited nt tho fair
to iHuHiruib ids polntn. The captain
then scored u beer steer, using a lurgo
score card that could bo read by every
one In the audience. I'ach point wns
discussed nnd the rating of tho good
and poor features of tho animal wero
pointed out nnd scored.
At tho interstato fair, nt Sioux City,
In., tho Nebraska live stock Judging
team won first honors In competition
with teams from North Dakota, South
Dakota, Missouri and Iowa.
Commerco.lcup, .
Governor Cox calls his homo
"Trail's Eud." Does tho nnmo havo
any prophecy of tho Novomher re
sult? '
: i
Sir Thomas Llpton has had his
first sip of victory. Tho question
now is whethor ho will get tho wholo
Unprofitable Cow or Holfer That Does
Not Promise to Be Good Pro
ducer May Do Killed.
The farmer buyn moro beef thnn ho
takes from tho farm. Only about 10
per cent of meat furnlHhed by tho av
erage form Ik beef. In tho NortJi and
West tho average consumption of beef
per fuuilly Is nearly 800 pounds und
in tho South It Is less than 100 pounds.
Tho beef animal killed for homo
uso, suggest specialists of the United
States department jf oirrjculjure, may
Sturdily Tailored to Give Plenty
of Stylish Wear.
. t
Middy Blouses of such well known makes as
Bob Evans Marine Togs. Not only good fitting
and well made of finest materials, but Tub Easy
Togs have a dressy smartness that looks quality
through and through. And they are good
friends with Soap and Water. In all sizes, 36
to 44, at .-..$2.50, up to H25
Smaller sizes for little folks from 6 to' 14 years
"White Middy Skirts, in pretty pleated models,
all sizes, at $2.25 to $3.75
- J- ... '.iAmr