The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 22, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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y I I - i .
Thn Htaniliiril Oil company Iiiih
boon nwiurod byTJtnli niul Wyoming
refineries supplying It thai from now
on sufficient gasoline mitl kerosene
to moot tlio full demand will bo pro-
vldod, conttiiKuiil on uninterrupted
transportation conditions find mi
ixlouiito supply of tank cum, W. II.
Hpook, local manager, declared to
An to tlui nitvaiico of i cents n Kal
Ion on gasoline, bringing tlui dealers'
price on motor (no! to 37 contH, mid
. a 5' cunt boont on kuroNonu, Mr.
Hpock declared Hint It Ih primarily
dim to shortage In California. "Thu
Portland Hold for gasoline mid koro
itniio Ih normally supplied from Call
fornla, but tliu itcuto shortage In that
nladi linn inaito It Impossible to sup
' ply from that point," hu wild. "Con
noquniitly, Htandard Oil ntiitlonn oust
of the Cascades aro now hnlni; sup
plied with gasoline mid kerosene
purchased hy thu rompany from re
rliiorlonjn Wyoming and Utah, mid
thn now prices In uffnct nru Imnod
on tho higher com of tlio productn.
An far an Mr. Hpock known, tho
advanco In quotation will hu perma
nent, ho Maid.
Many Felines Find t'ontnnt Kmploy
inrnt as Itnhhlt Hunter on John
non Itanrli In Tiimnln Koctlon.
If It wnrcn't for tho cats on tho
Aaron Johnson ranch In thu Tiimnlo
section, rabbits would mako It Im
possible to work tho ploco with any
profit, U tho declaration of Mr.
Johnnon, whllo visiting In tho city
rocnntly. Tnhhy mid Tom tuny ho
hard on lilrd llfo, hut thoy nro oron
tnoro rough In tholr troatmont of
tho blacklalls, mid It in no uncom
mon night to nen a cat dragging In
tho body of a big Jack rabbit nearly
twlco hln nlio, Mr. Johnnon ayn.
Between SU mid 30 follnon find
conntant employment nn rabbit
hunters on tho JohiiMnn much.
KAKtrrn Cnritil Land Co. Incorpor
ated by Harry (hint mid Mr.
noil Mm. J, A, HuM.
J, A. Eanion hint wuok innilo nn
nnuncomout of tho organlintlon of a
now realty rompany In Ilond. Incor
poration papom for which nro now
bolut: drawn, to bu under tho man
ligament of Harry Oant of thin city.
Mr, (lant and Mr. and Mrs, Hastes
' ttto tho Incorporate, tho valuo of
rapltal ntnek lining not nt $5000, Thn
Eastern Cnncadu Land company In
tho iinmo chosen for tho now com
pany, which will havo Itn offlcon In
tho nnmo nulto on Oregon now occu
pied by Mr. Hastes.
In furthering tho Incorporation,
Mr. Eanton In turning ovor hln num
oroun real estate agencies to tho now
company, which will In addition han
dlo nn Independent buying mid Bull
ing btiHlncnn, Mr, Knntcs retains un
der hln own pornnunl ninnngomont
nnd control hln liiRiirnnco mid loan
II. II. l'omcroy mil Also Tako Up
Matter of XJno of Control Ilulld-
ing with District Hcliool Hoard
To comploto tho Invontlgatlon of
tho dlnantroiiB Ilond stroot flro
oarllor In tho month, II, II. l'om
croy, chlof doptity ututo flro marshal,
arrived In Ilond on Monday and
will ho horo through TuoBdny. Dur-
tng hln utay In Ilond, ho will look
Into tho matter of tho posHlhlo ubo
of tho old Control uchool building
tontatlvnly propoiod by tho dlroc
tora of District No. 1.
Had Many Sleeping Places,
alio nvcnigo man probably nlcopn In
100 bods or no during n long llfo
tlmo. A volornn eommerclnl traveler
whoso homo In In Now York, enn nf
ford to smile nt this record, for, he
aayH. "I caleulnte (hat 1 have nlept In
nt least 8,000 beds during my forty
odd yearn on tho rond, nnd I have
ulopt well In thorn nil."
More Than Ten Million Dippings Made
by Employees of the Depart
ment of Agriculture,
In tho work of eradicating sheep
scabies from tint United Httiton cm
pioycen of tho United Htales depart
ment of agriculture miiihi morn tlmn
22 million inspections and supervised
moru than tun million dippings dur
ing tho ant llNrnl year. Tho work
was conducted In cooperation with
state olllclalH, No cam1 of nheep
HcnhloH aro now known to exist In
Montana or North Dakota, In addi
tion to numerotin other states wheto
tho disease had previously lieen i-rndl-cated,
In Idaho n spread of tin If i-
Dipping Sheep for Scablei.
fectlon during tho previous year ban
born brought under control. Sheep
ncahliin la a disease that hati been
prevalent chlelly In tho western part
of tho United Htntoa.
It Rcmalni to Do Determined What
Are Most Common and Best
Paying Propositions.
Tho keeping of cottlo nnd of nwlnc
appear to be almost inseparable opera
tlons. This fact Is being brought out
In tho roturnn of tho "Heller Siren
Hettor Utock" crunado of tho agrlcul
turnl colleges, tho United Stolen de
partment of agriculture nnd co-operat
lag ngenclen. This gcnernl practice
has long been known, but much tnoro
(letlnlto Information Is being gathered.
nnd tho purposo In to extend It to audi
nn extent as to determine the relation
ships among nil meat nnlmnln.
If ocnrly every mart who kevpn cat
tle alio keeps hogs, nnd If nearly every
mnn who keeps hogs nlso keepn cottlo,
tho Inevitable conclusion Is that the
combination pnyn, especially when
purebred slrea nro used. Hut It re
malun to bo determined what aro the
most common and the best-paying pro
portions Tho nnmo thing nppllen nlso
to coinlilnntlonn of cnttlo nnd nheep, or
awlno nnd nheep, or cnttlo nnd nheep
nnd nwlno. Ono benefit of tho work
will bo Hint It will enalilo tho mnn of
Binnll pernonnl experlenco to uvnll
hluiKolf of tho wldo oxperlenco of a
great number of men In working out
tho combinations of meat animals that
ho will carry on hln farm.
As Silage Becomes Better Known
Feeders Will Better Appreclato
Its Feeding Value.
Thcro Is no doubt hut thnt ntlngo In
nn economical feed In tho beef-cnttlo
ration nnd nn Itn vnluo become better
known feedcrn will better appreciate
Itn merlin. In nplto of tho fact that It
la nn unbalanced feed Itself, It can bo
fed with ono of tho highly couccn
truteM feeds, such ns oil meal or cot
tonseed meal, nnd makes a ration
which In mircly hard to beat In fatten
ing cnttlo.
Machine Through Which Lamb Will
Obtain Qualities to Enable It
to Top Market.
Whnt Is riono for the lamb In not so
Important nn tlio enro nnd liberal feed
Inff of tho owe. Tho owo must bo re
garded on tho mochlno through which
tho lamb will obtain tho qualities that
will enable It to top tho markets.
Live Stock
c?k3 Notes
It Is very ossentlnl that owes should
bo properly fed.
A self-feeder can ho used to excel
lent advuntogo for fattening hogs nnd
netlor llvo stock aids tho breeder
both lu direct returns and by giving
a locality a favoroblo reputation.
In tho cold months many farmers
foil to glvo tho stock enough salt Suit
Is a vital part of each animal's ration.
v . Vi,
Ilo It Hnmemborod, That a regu
lar lorm of thu County Court of
Monrlititon County, In tho ntnto of
Oregon, wan begun and hold at tho
Court Mouse In Ilond, In said coun-
Ity, on Wednesday, tho 7th day of
January, iuzo, said day being tho
day llxed by law for tho holding of
n term of tho County Court In mild
county, when woro present: Hon W.
I). Ilarncn, County Judge, c II. Mil
ler, County Commissioner; Hoth
Htookoy, County Commissioner,' J.
II. Ilaner, County Clerk; 8. K.
Itohortn, Sheriff,
Whereupon the following pro
cocdlngH woro had, to-wlt:
In tho matter of claims presented
for payment Thin matter now
corncit on for consideration, when
after duo consideration It wan or
dered (hat all claims bo mid tho
same nro hereby allowed an entered
In tho Claim Docket or thin Court
on pages 101, 10G and ICO, mid tho
Clerk In Instructed to Issue warrants
In payment thereof.
In tho matter of the fish hatchery
road -At thin time T. A. McCntin
and It I). Moore appeared before
tho court requesting tho Improve
ment of tho road to the Stato Klsh
Hatchery mid Shovllu Park, where
upon the Couit announced Itn In
tention to properly Improvo such
In tho matter of tho Kirk Whlted
road After considering tho peti
tion or (Jeorgo I.arkeo and others
for tho Improvement of such road,
It wan ordered that Commissioner
Miller mako Investigation, mid re
port to tho Court on to the condi
tions. In tho County Court of tho Stato
of Oregon, for the County of Des
cbutes In the matter of establish
ing a Public Library in Deschutes
County Resolution:
Do It Ilemouibored. That a regu
lar term or tho County Court of
Deschutes County, Oregon, sitting
for tho transaction of county busi
ness, begun and held nt tho Court
House In tho City of Ilond. Des
chutes County, on Wednesday, tho
7th day of January. 1020. (horo Ic
ing present: Hon. W. I). Ilarncn,
County Judge, presiding: Hon. C.
11 Miller, County Commissioner;
Hon. Seth Stookoy, County Com
missioner; J. II. Honor, County
Clork; 8. K. Itohortn, Shorlff.
Among other business transacted,
tho following resolution wan and in
hereby unnulmnunly adopted:
Hesolvcd, That there bo, nnd
there Is hereby established in Des
chutes County, Oregon, n public li
brary, pursuant to, under, mid In
accordance with tho provisions of
Chnptor 3C7 of tho General I.awn
of Oregon, for tho year 1919, to bo
known an Tho Public Library of
Deschutes County, Oregon.
Dated at Ilcnil, Deschutes County,
Oregon, thin 7th day of January,
A, D. 1920.
County Judgo.
County Commissioner.
County Commissioner.
Now, Thoroforo, In vlow of tho
foregoing It'osoltitlon, nnd in ac
cordance with tho provisions of said
Chnptor 3C7 of tho General Lawn
of Oregon for tho year 1919, nnd
tho authority thoroln vested in mo,
I, W. I). Ilarncn, County Judgo of
Deschutes County, Oregon, hereby
appoint tho following llvo persons,
residents of Deschutes County. Ore
gon, ns tho Public Library Hoard
of tho mild Tho Publlo Library of
Deschutes Countv. Orncnn. tn linlil
thntr ritttttfWtlvA nfflena fnr tint ,mr
lodn of time not opposite tholr
names, nnd until tholr successors
nro nppolntcd, to-wlt:
Mm. J, M. Iiwrenco, of Ilond,
Oregon, to hold office for ono year,
from January 1st, 1920, to January
1st, 1921.
George A. Pnddock, of Ilond, Oro
gon, to hold office for two yearn,
from January 1st, 1920, to January
Int. 1922.
Krod X. Wollaco. of Ttimalo. Oro-
gon, to hold 6fflco for thrco years,
from January 1st, 1920, to Jnuuary
1st 1923,
It. W. Sawyer, of llend. Orocon.
to hold office for four years, from
January lnt, 1920, to January 1st.
Mrs. Max Cunning, of Redmond.
Oregon, to hold offlco for four
years from Jnuuary 1, 1924.
Dnted at Ilond, Deschutes County.
Oregon, thin 7th day of January,
Uo It Romemborcd. That we. O.
H. Miller mid Seth Stookoy. County
commissioners, or Deschutes County
Oregon, exorcising tho authority
vented In tin by Chnptor 357 of tho
General Laws of Oregon, for tho
year iviv, uoreiiy couurm tlio up-
pointmont of tho above named por
noun as' constituting tho Public Li
brary Hoard of Tho Public Library
of Deschutes County, Oregon, for
tho terms of offlco specified after
tholr ronpoctlvo names.
Dated at Ilond, Deschutes County,
Orogon, thin 7th day of January,
County Commissioner.
County Commissioner.
Iu tho mnttor of tho Official
County Pnpor Ordored that tho
Ilond Iltillotln, a wookly uowNpapor
printed nnd published lu Ilond, and
duly quallllod thorofor, bo and tho
Hnmo Is Iioroby designated tho of
ficial nowHpnpor for tho County, nt
tho roles proscrlhod by law.
In tho Mnttor of tho Petition of
S, It. IIokIu, ot ul for Ilond Or
dored thnt Bald petition ho and tho
uomo Is horoby donlod for thn rea
son that tho proposod road Is not
a publlo nocosHlty.
Court wuh than adjourned to
January 8th, 1920.
Court was ro-convonod January
8th, 1920, oil momborn bolug proa-out,
In tho County Court of tho filoto
of Oregon for tho County of Dcb
chuten; In the Matter of establishing a
Public Library lu Deschutes County:
llo It llemomborod, Thnt o regu
lar term of the County Court of
DoiichutoM County, Oregon, sitting
for the trannnctlon of County hunl
nesn, begun mid held nt the Court
Ilotino In thu City of Hand, Doh
chuton County, Oregon, on Wednes
day, tho 7lh day or January, 1920,
nnd from day to day thereafter dur
ing tho conllmimico of said term,
tlio roiiowiiig presonn being pronont:
Hon, W, D. llarncs, County Judgo;
Hon, C, H. Miller. County Com
mlnnloner Hon Soth Htookoy, Coun
ty Commissioner; J. H. Hmier,
county uiorK.
Among other business transacted,
tho following resolution wan and in
Iioroby mado nnd unanimously
Whoroun, A Resolution won mndo
nnd ontored by thin Court on tho
7th dny or January, 1920, establish
ing a puijiic iiurary In Deschutes
County, Oregon, mid thin Court ban
hereto levied a county tax or ono-
hair a mill in support thoreof, nnd,
Whoroan, Tho City or Hond, Oro
gon, lias passed an ordlnnnco pro
viding for a tax or one-half a mill
on nil taxable property within tho
city limits or Head for the support
ot mild County Library, nnd has by
ordinance transferred over to Den-
chutes County, all books, fixtures
and property belonging to tho Pub
lic Llornry Heretofore located in,
maintained, In or owned by tho City
of Hond, an and to bo the property
of tho Public Library of Deschutes
County, Oregon, now, therefore, it
Is horoby
Considered. Ordered nnd Ad
judged, That lu consideration of
tho City of llend, Oregon, having
transferred mid turned over to Den
chutes County, all books, fixtures,
and property horotoforo tho prop
erty or the Public Library main
tained, located in or owned by tho
City ot llend and tho provlnlonn or
tho City ot llend by Its sajd ordi
nance providing for a tax ot ono
hair n mill on nil tnxnble property
within tho City limits or llend, In
addition to tho County Tax tor tho
support ot such County Library,
tho County Court ot Deschutes
County, Oregon, docn hereby rcnolvo
and It In hereby ordered, that no
long an tho said City of Hond, Oro
gon, raises a tax each year of one
half a mill on all taxablo property
within tho City limits of Hond for
tho support or Hold Public Library
or Deschutes County, Orogon, n
County Tax shall bo lovlcd nnd col
lected each year ot ono-hair of a
mill on all taxablo property within
Deschuten County, Oregon, unlcsn
rcntrlcted by law to a less amount
for tho support of tho said Public
Library of Deschuten County, Oro
gon. Dated nt Ilond. Deschutes County,
Oregon, thin 8th dny of Janunry,
1920, sold dny being tho second day
of tho regulnr term of said County
Court, begun and hold in Deschutes
County, Oregon, nn mentioned above,
nnd n dny to which tho meeting of
said Court wan duly nnd regulnrly
County Judgo.
County Commissioner.
County Commissioner.
In tho Mnttor ot tho Petition ot
W. II. Daggott, ct nl.. for tho desig
nation of a Market Hond:
Now In presented tho petition of
W. U. Daggott, nnd others for a
Market Hond, on follows, to-wlt:
To tho Honorablo County Court
of Deschutes County, Orogon
We, tho undersigned, citizens ot
Deschutes County, Stnto ot Orogon,
and taxpayers In said County and
State, residing nt Redmond, in Bald
County nnd Stnto, petition your
honorablo body to deslgnato tho
rond hereinafter described as a
market road, nnd roqucal thin Court
to net nsldo tho sum ot Eight Thou
sand Eight Hundred nnd Eighty
(JS.SSO.OO) Dollars to bo used lu
building mid completing nnid rond.
Tho said road being described as
tlegliinlng nt tho Southwest cor
ner of Section 17. In Township 1 1,
South Rnngo 13 East ot tho Willa
mette Meridian, in said County ot
Deschutes, Stnto of Orogon, thonco
running two miles South to tho
southwest, corner ot Section 29, in
Township 14, South Rnngo 13, East,
thonco East ono-half nillo thenco
South 1 mile to center ot Section
32, thenco following tho irrigation
canal In a southonstorly direction to
tho south lino about 20 rods east
ot the southwest corner ot Section
5 In Township 16 South. Rnngo 13,
East, thonco East on Section Lino
to Southeast corner of Section 5 tn
Township 15, South, Rango 13 East,
thenco South ono nillo to tho South
east cornor ot Section S Township
15 South, Rango 13 East, thonco
East about 20 rods, thonco south
about SO rods, thenco oast to tho
City limits of Redmond, County or
Deschutes, Stnto ot Orogon.
Said matter was taken under ad
vlsomont for tho present.
County Judgo.
County Commissioner.
County Commissioner.
In tho mnttor ot tho appointment
ot tho judges mid clerks ot election
tor tho year 1920: Now this matter
comes on to bo hoard us required by
law, and tho coma having duly con
sidered tho mnttor, hereby appoints
tho following persons to servo us
Judges and clorks ot election, tor thn
precincts following, to-wlt:
No. 1, Hond J. D. Davidson,
chairman: Frank N, Gilbort, Judge;
J. P. Arnold, clork; Ashley Forest,
Clork; O. V, Silvls Clork.
No. 3, nond P. N, Van Mntro,
Chnlrninn; S. It, Hogln. Judgo: Ar-
vllla Murphy, clork; Cora A. llrostor
houtio, clork; Harriot L. Murphy,
No. 3, nond II. E, Hakor, chair
man; T. J. Snndorn, Judgo; H. D.
(Hlson, clerk; K. B. Sawyer, clork;
V. C. Klsh, clork.
No. 4, Ilond II. O. Knrrln, chair
man; O, C, Ifoiiklo, Judgo; J. II. An
derson, clerk; Mrn. II. 0. Knrrln,
clork; Ollvo E. McKay, clork.
No, C, Hond C J. Leverott, chnlr
tnnn; Mrn, H. E, Roberts, Judge; Cnr
rlo Rest, clerk; Ilortha H. Horgan,
clork; O, C. Morgan, clork.
No. 0, Hond-r-Chan, Hlpchon, chnlr-
mnn; II. H. Gonney, Judge; P Nelson,
clerk; Clnudo A. Johnnon, clerk; Ed
ward Johnson, clerk,
No. 1, La Pino W. a.Fordham,
chairman; Karl A, Hlatt, Judge; W.
E. Recnloy, clork; James K. Johnnon,
clork; H, W. Henley, clork.
No. 8, llend W, P. Vnndovort,
chairman; Claude C, Vandevert,
Judgo; John Atklnnon, clork; Krcd
A. Shonqucst, clork; Annlo M, Hhon-
riuent, clork.
No. 9, West Sldo Jonlo Gumport,
chairman; Graco Pnttlson, Judgo;
Stella M, Andrews, clerk; Mnudo L.
Grlder, clerk; Wlnnlo Hnrtloy, clerk
No. 10, Hutte Ed. Senator, chair
man; E. T. Gerrlnh, Judgo; L. L.
Keep, clerk; Melvln Glllett, clerk;
J. II. Ilucknor, clork.
No. 11, Tumnlo It. O. Sammonn,
chairman; K. V. Hwlnher, Judgo; C.
P. Decker, clerk; C. II. Hatch, clerk;
Hnrry McOuiro, clerk.
No. 12, Plnlnvlcw It. J. Skclton,
chnlrninn; W. F. Kryrear, Judgo;
Jnmen H. Elklnn, clerk; II. A. Scog-
gln, clork; P. Vnn Tnssel, clerk.
No. 13, 8lntcrs E. M. Harrington,
chairman; C. L. Gist, Judgo; II K.
Allen, clork; J. II. Stcdhnm, clerk;
Ellin H. Edglngton, clork.
No. 14. Lower Bridge A. S. Hol
mes, chairman; Tom A. Vedder,
Judgo; E. It. 8. Towno, clork; J.
Groskruger, clerk; A. H. Chapman,
No. 1G, Tcrrcbonno Evcrott
Pnrr, chairman; Geo. II. MucGregor,
judgo: Alma M. McClay, clerk;
clerk; Ocorgo P. Elliott, clerk;
Eunlco Gates, clerk.
No. 1C, Redmond Goo. J.
Sedgwick, chairman; Win. Leavott,
Judge: Arthur Tift, clerk; John
liarr, clerk; W. I. Smith, clerk.
No. 17, Tetherow Krcd A. nice,
chairman; Inane Mnrtln, Judge;
Mabel M. Kendall, clerk; Graco H.
Morse, clerk; W. N. Brown, clerk.
No. 18, Cllno Falls John T. Park,
chairman; II. A. Holmholtz, judgo;
Ilcsslo L. Rood, clerk; J. W. Wright,
clork; Zona Tuck, clork.
No. 19, Deschutes W. "E. Von
Alton, chairman; Olaf E.-Anderson,
Judge: W. P. Girt, clerk; M. M.
Whlttomorc, clork; Chas. Llvcsley,
No. 20. Alfalfa Albert L. Shults.
chairman; Victoria Shultn, judgo;
Grant Dean, clerk; Howard L. Bur
right, clork: W. II. Pointer, clerk.
No. 21, Grange P. J. Pedornon,
chairman; C. W. Hooch, Judgo;
Kred Hcttman, clerk: L. J. Seeber
ger, clerk; Geo. M. Erickson, clerk.
No. 22, Mllllcan Ell Spencer,
chairman; Augusta Evans, judgo;
Floyd VanCleve, clork; J. M. Smith,
clerk; Mary C. Keller, clerk.
No. 23, Brothers Elmer L. King,
Same price for Butter Fat f. o. b. Bend
as is paid f. o. b. Portland.
Central Oregon Farmers Creamery
When you erect a Silo, you want a Silo that will
stand the test of wind, rain, snow, frost and sun.
In the Hollow Concrete Silo Block you obtain this
feature, and besides a concrete block is absolutely
fire-proof. Will not warp when empty. No guy
lines necessary.
Why Not
For specifications, write to
Concrete Pipe Co.
Makers of Culvert Pipe, Water Pipe, Irrigation
Pipe, Building Blocks, Hollow Silo Blocks
Well Curbing.
chairman; P. If. Coffoy, Judgo; 0,
W. Morrill, clork; 8. E, Lochrlo,
clerk; K. G. Gutflolnch, clork.
No. 24, Hampton O. U. llnrmnn,
chnlrninn; Dnvld Cody, Judgo; J.
W. OwHloy, clerk; J. H. Huff mnn,
clerk; Mrn. C. B. Hnrmnn, clork.
In tho Mnttor of tho Jury List
for 1920.
Thin mnttor comes tor tho se
lecting of names of qualified citi
zens and tnxpnyorn to norvo ns
grand and petit Jurors for tho Clr-
1 cult Court for 1919, tho following
names iiolng selected, to-wlt:
R. II. Loop, Jnn. Brcon, Wm.
Abornnthy, August Nelson, II. G.
Forrls, Jullun Jnnnolt, C. F. Whit
moro Louis Dooner, Goo. Pnddock,
T. J. Murphy, J. F, Arnold, Josoph
Zoll, It. A. Puott, M. S. Dullard,
T. W. Trlplott.
Many Reasons for Insomnia.
Whenever sleep becomes coy and
must be wooed It In a sign that some
thing hns gone nmlsn nnd must be
remedied. To obtain sleep then be
comes u search for a complex mental,
emotional or physical thorn la the
side. Loss of nlcep may be due to
some physical thorn such nn an over
burdened intcstlno or stomach, an
nbneenned tooth root, thickened ton
ill, o skin Irritated or cold, or an In
fection la soma hidden, walled-off area
of tho anatomy. Equally as often
some unconscious memory of flnnnclal
reverses or difficulties, domestic com
plications or some other work ban
ishes sleep.
"Mapping" the Air.
The greatest discovery yet made In
exploring tho nlr is thnt the atmos
phere consists of two layers, the low
er extending from nen level up to 10,
000 meters, In which there In n steady
fall of temperature with elevation.
This Is called the troposphere. Above
thin thcro is no foil, and up to 20,000
meters a slight rise. The upper layer
Is known as the wratosphcru. It Is
actually possible today for on airplane
to rise from the ground to the bottom
of tho stratosphere, say about nix
miles. In one hour. If we want to ex
plore somewhat higher, say 20 miles,
we Install light Instruments on a
sounding balloon.
Still Hope,
netty was talking lUi ber mother
about her little brother, and her moth
er said: "Betty, Isn't It funny, Stuart
and daddy have blue eyes, while yoa
and I have green eyes?" Betty, think
ing deeply, Anally said: "Never mind,
mol'ier, ours will get ripe some time."
S hl Keep It Dark!
At a recent bar examination s candi
date defined law as follows: "Law It
tho means by which we acquire legal
possession of property belonging to
another." Boston Transcript
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