PAflR a nKND nUI.IiRTIN, HRNl), ORKQON, THUIWDAY, .1UIY 22, 1020. ttiuu:::!:nit:i:i!:m:i!::::n::::ui:nn:i::ttt:u::::::!i::ni:::ti::tttt:iui:t!:iut::i:::itmi:ti::i:t::it:i:i:ttttitt:ti!iiiit: What's Doing In The Country i:n::::::::n:::K:::n::t:::::::nnin::nt:!::::n::ni;:::::::::::::t:::::!::::::::::::!xt::::n:i!:::!!!:!!:!t:::!t:::::i::!i:i PARTY FOR CHILDREN AT PLEASANT RIDGE TLEASANT ItlDGE, July 20. Mrs. H. H. Johnson entertained tho children of the neighborhood nt n party Saturday afternoon In honor of hor daughter Leota's 14th birth day. Tho afternoon was spent In games after which n lunch consl8ting of lomonndo, sandwiches and cako was served by tho hoBtess. P. 11. Boughman started haying tho mlddlo of tho week. Mrs. O. E. Anderson wont to Turn nlo Wednesday evening to do some trading. Jim Wlnnlnghnm has been doing some work for A. M, Fotty. Mr. Peterson, of Auburn, Wash., called on his brother, Wnldemnr, Pe torson, at tho Anderson homo Fri day morning. A. M. Petty went to Portland Thursday on a short business trip. He will roturn tho first of tho week. Mr.and Mrs. O. E. Anderson at tended tho show In Bend Saturday night. R. H. Bayloy of Tumalo, was as sisting Antono Ahlstrom with his hay one day last week. Mr. Rcnno went to Bend Saturday night to spend Sunday with his fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Hutchlns and baby wero Redmond visitors Satur day night. J, W. Caboen Is out from Redmond to help put up tho hay on his ranch. Anton Ahlstrom and Miss Hilma Kelson wore shopplug in Bend Sat urday. C. M. Redfleld of Deschutes, was n caller at tho Alfred Pederson home Sunday afternoon. Hans Mikkelsen went to Bend Thursday with a dressed pig which ho sold to the Denver Market. Mr. Ronno who Is working for A. M. Potty, wont to Bend Wednesday night to attend to some business. He returned on Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Olo Hanson and baby, and son Hans, of Deschutes, wero callers at tho MIkkclson homo Wednesday afternoon. Fred Seeling and brother, Harry, camo out from Bend Sunday morning to visit in this neighborhood. Alfred MIkkclson and Oswold Po dersen wero in Redmond Saturday. Mrs. O. E. Andreson, accompanied by Miss Martha Sum, was shopping in Bend on Tuesday. Antono Ahlstrom was a business visitor In Tumalo Wednesday. Glen Roberts is working for Earl Wood during haying. Mr.and Mrs. A. M. Petty made a business trip to Redmond Wednes day. Mr.and Mrs. Alfred Pederson en tertained tho following guests at n chicken dinner Sunday: Mr. and Violet school Spaugh at tn Tumalo Myrtlo and tended Sunday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Branuoti called nt tho a. W. Snyder homo Wednes day afternoon. Ilesslo Snyder spent Sunday and Monday night with hor sister, Mrs. V, L. McManmon. Mrs. Davo Mlrkels was a caller at tho Snyder homo Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Spaugh and faumlly. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Spaugh and Wllbor Spaugh wero guests nt tho Howell homo Sunday Tlto8o from this who wero shopping In Bend Booster Day wero: C. M. Phelps and family, Durwnrd Howell, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Spaugh, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. McMan mon and Mrs. 0. W. Snyder. Bcrnlco Hubbard called nt tho Snyder homo Saturday evening. R. H. Bayley was working In tho l.t !... 1,1. !. I.,- --...I. mi...u ' iiiutnaiuiiii nui uu uin i until inure day Henry Goss, of Portland and Carl Marlon, of Tumalo, aro working for G. W. Snyder during haying. Ethel Gerking wns a business caller nt tho Bayloy ranch Thursday. HONOR IS PAID TO NORWEGIAN MANY FltlKNlW OP OI,H DRAGS VOW), VICTIM OP HAITHOAY'S ACCIDENT, CROWD CHURCH POR SERVICES ON SUNDAY. L. L. STAFFORD PAYS $10 FINE FOR ATTACK DRIVE HORSES OVER the Mckenzie pass CLOVERDAL.E. July 1. Dan Winkle, of Sisters who has been rid ing and gathering horses around hero left Thursday via the McKcnrlo Pass for Etigcno with with a small bunch. Miss Allio Smith and Miss Pny Miller wero Sunday evening guests nt tho Skelton homo. Miss LaDona Cyrus was n Sisters' visitor last week. John Dennis nnd wife, of Sisters, wero business callers in our com munity Inst week. Mrs. Hodson nnd daughters were guests of Mrs. Harold Kllno Sunday afternoon. Miss Anna Doty nnd Prof. Irvino. of Redmond, wero calling on old friends hero Inst Thursday. Mr. Melvin Cyrus, of Culver, spont several days hero Inst week with his uncle. G. P. Cyrus. II. R. Klein delivered a hog to tho butcher In Bend Saturday. Mr. Paul Matthews and Mr. Clydo Fry. of Portland, Oregon, were visi tors horo Sunday. They expect to work In the hay fields for a fow weeks before returning to tho city. W. F. Arnold, wife and daughter spent tho week end in the mountains with Mrs. Aruold's sister and fam ily. Edmund Healy of Culver, motored over and spont Sundny and Monday with his uncle- Mr. Thomas Arnold. W. T. Harrison and son, Thomas, and Mr. Burr Black were In Bend Friends who crowded tho Scandinavian-Lutheran church to Its ut most capacity Sunday" afternoon attended tho funeral of Olo Dracs- nolghborhood!vol,i( i0MK (l rosldont of Bend, who was killed Saturday nt the Brooks Scnnlon mill, when tho descent of a heavy weight, used In connection with tho cut-off saw, virtually de capitated htm. Tho services wore conducted by Rev. Fredrlk A. T. Cornellusson, pastor of the church, and by Rev. II. C. Hartrnnft, of tho Presbyterian church. More than 30 cars escnrteu tno body to Pilot Butto cemetery whoro Interment was made. Mr. Dragsvold was born In Sogn, Norway, on Decombor 10, 1SB0, coming from a family of high stand ing In that country. Tho name, It Is stntcd by friends, menus "a battle Held," and refers to tho estate on which ho wns born. Before coming to Bond, ho was employed In tho mines in Butto, Mont. As far as Is known, his relatives are nil residents of Norway, but In his adopted homo thoso who claimed mm as a friend woro numerous. Admit Altering Pacini Contours of William Clemon Court Htupomls Jail Sentcneo in Davidson Case. cnicKen araner """" 'VynvE",ui Sunday to attend tho funeral of their Mrs. II. T. M kkelson. Alfred . MI"M ol(1 frond who WQ8 kllIcd ,n tho ,, Anton Ahlstrom. Miss Hllms : Nelson lBOj ",, nml wlfo wero ,n wawuraw riuu uuu .,. """. Bend Saturday evening. JlUiJJ CUVlUtb WORKER IS INJURED AT McKINLEY MILL PINEHURST, July 20. Red Hop rcr wa3 a caller at the C. II. Spaugh home Sunday. William Root was injured at tho McKlnley mill Friday night. Ho was taken to the Bend hospital for treat ment. John Bollman and family called at tho Jones home Sunday. Mr.and Mrs. F. L. McManmon and Bessie Snyder were-callers at tho Brannen homo Monday. T. A. Brannen and G. W. Snyder wero Bend visitors Monday. Lloyd Root who has been visiting with his parents at Applegate, Ore., for the past several months, re turned to this neighborhood Satur day. Carl, Floyd and Sidney Mnrlon were business callers at tho Snyder homo Thursday. Mr.and Mrs. G. G, Gerking and Bcrnlco Hubbard were shopping in Bend Wednesday. C. M. Phelps and family were din ner guests at the T. A, Brannen homo Sunday. HAYING IS STARTED ON ALFALFA FARMS L. I,. Stafford, chnrgod with bnt 'tortng the faco of William Clumqus, n roomer lit tho O. O, I. Building on Franklin, pleaded guilty In police court last woek and paid n flito of $10. Tuesday ovonlug when tho af fair took place, ' Stafford had en deavored to vscuro demons' arrest, tho police say. Ed Davidson drew 10 dnys In Jail when ho pleaded guilty to Htrlktug his employer, Prank Miller, cement contractor, us tho sequel to an argu ment over tliu prupor consistency of concrete. Tho soutenco was suspend ed whim It developed that thero woro no witnesses. Miller denied thnt ho had maligned Davldsou'H ancestors preceding tho attack. Another caso scheduled for hear ing was that against Pete Peterson for Interfering with n dog catcher. Tho official In question, tho com plaining witness In tho case, not In tho city, nnd tho hearing was postponed. UNABLE TO WALK FOR SIX MONTHS Hair For tho Bald. A French surgeon of the I'nMrur Instltvto claims to have discovered n process by which ho can graft hatr to the scalp nnd so make the bends of the Ijnld to bloisom like the Seven Sutherland Slaters, He drclnre thai ho has already positively nnd perma nently cured six bachelors of hnlilncn through n sllcht curglral operation which Is p-inless and leaves no III effects. The Modern Mrs. Malaprop, A WnchliiKtmi newspaper corre spondent tells of n Mrs. Mnlnprop who onco'nmu-ed the capital ur mis. taken, she went around c poo. pie to sIkiv n "red robin" (i, . 'Hng n round robin) ; spoke of her trip through tho "Valley of Gelh'fiimne" when she meant the Voscmlle; and tld, "I've been In the mmintnlns. nml, do you know, I Jumped from rock to rock Jimt like a shamrock I" From the Outlook. (InliiK Klujiterii Pound nml ('nil l)(i Own Housework Slum Tnlilui! TiiiiImc. "For six mouths before I hognii taking Tnnlna I had rheumatism so had I wasn't able to walk without someone helping mo or without holding onto n chnlr, but now I am doing my liousownrk for the first Hum In years and havo gained olghteen pounds In weight," said Mrs, Miunlo (Jnrloa, 500 Holmes Street, Kuttsnn City Mo, "It was three years ago that I be gan to suffer with rheumatism. I got so had off I had to give up my I housework and finally I became helpless. My joints wero Htirr nml swollen nnd pained mo every tlmu I moved. I hnd pains all over my body, especially In my bnek, nml sometimes I was In such ugony I thought I would go distracted. 1 nlsn suffered badly from constipation and ntton had severe headaches, and at times I would get so dltxy I had to Ho down or sit down to keep from falling. My stomnch hecamo badly upset nnd at times what little I did eat made me ho nnuscatcd I could not retain It, My heart would palpi- i t it t it tnrrllilv nml I full un rlitibml nn Was) ,.,.., (I..I.1 ..,.. ,, i., i i... i ,,, nun iihii, iiviunn tliu uiivhi , ,11111 it, gasp for breath, I lost weight until I wont down to nun hundred and ton pounds, and finally I got so had off I couldn't walk without help.. "After I began taking Tnplao words can't express how happy I was when tho pains begun to ease up,, and I felt n calm coming over mo Hint I had not felt In years, Ily tho Minn I hnd finished my second bottle I wns nbln to walk and now I havo taken up my housework again. The swelling and stiffness havo left my Joints nnd I hardly know what It Is to Iinve evon so much as nn ncho ICE SHORTAGE FELT IN BEND AMMONIA POIt ItKPIUMKRATINO PtUtPOHICH HAIIDIiV OBTAIN , ABM: HMAWi HUI'I'IjY POUND fc AND IH NOW ON WAV. When Svallow Fly Low. It Is n slim of rnln when swallows fly low. When the atmosphere gets surcharged with mnlMurc nil Insects mnke for shelter nml come to earth. As the swallow hawks for Insects on the wing It nnlfrolly tiles Ion- In search of Its prey- REPORT OP THE CONDITION OP THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT IIEND, IN THE STATE OP OREGON, AT THE CLOSE OF I IPS IN ESS ON JUNE lit), WM. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts SS71.-I72.20 11 "-"or "u Mri, "r "i Other bonds securities etc.: making hay last week. It waB tho, ,, ,,,.' ,,. V. ,.. Total loanB 871,41 Foreign bills of exchnngo or drafts sold with indorsement of this bank, not shown under Item d abovo (see Item 5Gd) Overdrafts, unsecured U. H. Government securities owned: U. S. Bonds deposited to socuro circulation (par value) 12,500.00 Pledged to secure postal savings doposlts (par valuo) 11,500,00 Pledged as collateral for state or other deposits or bills payablo - 1 1,300.00 Owned and unpledged 121,450,00 War savlugs certificates and thrift stamps ac tually owned . a 287.-I7 Total U. S. Government securities $871,172.20 10.9C5.31 190,037. 47 first to bo cut here this season. Mr. Horsell and Mertschiug nro al so making hay. The sound of tho tractor with Its hay cutting attachment is heard early and late on the Coovcrt ranch. J. N. nnd M. L. Crow went to Bend Tuesday bringing out a new stacker and buck rakes. M. L. Crow and his mother and sister, Evelyn, mndo a trip to tho High Desert last week, the ladles re turning In the car, whllo Molvln brought back a team to use in har vest., Tho swimming pool at Mr. Jaynes, is a very popular resort for tho young people these warm days. Mrs, Horsell is proving this sum mer that good gardens can be raised in Alfalfa. Bulletin "WAKT ADS" Bring Re sults Try Them. Put it In Tho Bulletin. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF The Central Oregon Bank BEND, OREGON . AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS t ;i-l JUNE 30TH, 1920. . " RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $453,943,99 Bonds nnd Warrants 75,004.91 Furniture and Fixtures 3,800.00 Cash and Exchange 109,091.00 Other Resources 1,000.00 Total .-. $043,440.50 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus 15,000.00 Undivided Profits 4,235.44 DoposltH 579,205.12 Bills Payablo 20,000.00 Total $043,4 40.50 2,524.70 Bonds (othor than U, S. bonds) plodged to so curo postal savings deposits ... Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks), owned nnd unpledged 51,737.39 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent, of subscription) . Value of banking houso, owned and unincum bered 23,044.30 Equity In banking houso Furnlturo and fixtures ........... Real estate owned other than banking house Lawful reserve with Federal Reservo Bank Cash In vault and not amounts duo from national banks Net amounts duo from banks, bankers and trust " companies other than Included in Hums 12, 13 or 14 , Exchangos for clearing houso Total of Items 13, 14, 15, 10, and 17.. 250,034.92 Checks on hanks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and othor cash Items Redemption fund with -U. 8. Treasurer nnd duo from U. S. Treasurer 54,202,15 1,500.00 23,044.30 7,235.01 7,701,39 80,108.07 235,500.74 10,129.43 4,404.75 6,57.9.94 025.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Surplus fund , .. Undivided profits $ 44,887.29 Less current expenses, Interest, and taxos paid.. 35,808.67 Circulating notes outstanding " Net amounts duo to banks, bankers nnd trust companies in tho Unltod States and for- ' elgn countries (othor than included in .,; Items 29 or 30) ' Certified checks outstanding , Cashlor's checks on own hank outstanding ., Total of Items 31, 32 and 33 $ 17,'IO.G.IC Demand DrposltH (other than bank deposits) -Jn subject to Iteservu (doposlts payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to chock , Stato, county, or other municipal doposlts so- . cured by plodgo of assets of this bank .. Total of demand doposlts (othor than bank doposlts) subject to Rcsorvo, Items 34, 35, 30, 37, 38 and 39 957,310.12 Time Deposits subject to Koervo (payablo nftor r 30 days, or subject to 30 days or moro notice, nnd postal savings): Certificates of deposit (othor than for money bor rowed) T Stato, county, or other municipal dnposltsHo- cured by pledge of assets of this bank Postal savings doposlts Othor tlmo doposlts Items 40, 41, 42 and 43 409,572.30 $1,615,020.30 $ 25,000,00 25,000.00 9,078.72 12,500,00 2,410.03 10,791.38 3,927.75 939,310.12 18,000,00 70,810.48 35,260,35 10,430,32 353,003,21 TOTAL $1,515,020,30 Stato or Orogon, County of Deschutes, ss: I, L. G. McRoynolds, Cashier of tho abovo-nnmod bank, do Holomnly swear that tho abovo statement is truo to tho best of my knowledgo and belief. L. G. McREYNOLDB, Cashlor. Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo this 15th day of July, 1920. L. M. FOS8, Notary Public. My commission oxplros Juno 7th, 1924. CORRECT Attest: E. A. BATHER. II. G. ELLIS, C. S. HUDSON, Directors. A sudden shortage of ammonia has developed on tho coast and In tho mlddlo western ntnton, and n lack of len Is noted In Bend ns n result. After scouring tho country In nit endeavor to secure n Hiipplyr for the local len factory, tho Mend Water, Light & Power Co. tins hueit nblo to locate only 200 pounds of tho rotrlKuratliig material, half be ing In Seattle, and half in Kr. Louis. 7 Thin Is now on tho way to Bond, but Is not expected to bo iivnllablo for Ico muiiiifuoluru here until tho middle of tho week. Until that tlmu It will ho iiocom iwiry to cut Ico deliveries to DO per cent. ARREST IS MADE ON SEATTLE COMPLAINT i can oat Just anything I want. My digestion is perfect and I never suffer any bad offocts at nil. My- constipation had been entirely re lieved nnd I nm freo from headaches and dizziness. My sleep Is sound and refreshing nnd I now weigh one hundred and twenty-eight pounds anil my health Is belter than It has been for four years." Tanlnc Is sold In Bend by tho Owl Drug Co., In Sisters by George F Altkcn. nnd In Bend by tho llortnn Drug Co. After Studying the Sparrow, We spend iimlili-rnlile tlmo cibsorv Ing tho English pnrrous nnd study Ing their character nnd have nbout reached the conclusion thnt, even If thnt well meaning but inlgulilod Brit Ish cousin hud had sruse enough not to bring them over, they would have sot here somehow unywny. phlo State Jnurnnl. William MorrlHon, wanted In Seat tle on a charge of grand larceny, Wts arrested In Bend yesterday by Chief of Police Nixon. The delnlls of the charge urn not given. Mor rison denies any knowledgo of circumstances which could havo prompted tho charge, and declares that ho will fight extradition. Chief Nixon wired to Seattle yesterday after making tho arrest, mid was advised to hold his prisoner for further Instructions. Signs of Consumption. Whnl are tho early symptoms? Thn patient tuny have neither coiikIi nor expectoration. Ho feels tired In tho Afternoon, and wnkrs tired In Hut innrnlng. Ills appetite Is poor, nnd he begins to lo Height or to stop k'mwtrik'. He Is easily vxhnustcdnflcr exorcise. Anyone who notices tliosn ytnptoms In hlumrlf should consult n doctor. In any family, rich or Jwt. In which one member is known tohnvn consumption, sll the others should b examined by specialists. Sell your poultry through Bulletin rlnnlflrl iid. Public Auction ! (Administrator's Sale) ONE MILE SOUTH OF FREMONT Sat, July 24, 1920 commencing at 10:00 a. m. I will sell to the highest bidder jot cash all of the personal property of the H. A. Chapman estate. About 50 Head of Cattle Fat Steers, Fresh Cows and Younger Stock 10 Head Horses and Colts Wagons, Harness-and Farm Machinery and many other articles too numerous to mention Free Lunch at Noon J. B. FOX, Administrator v M